Using the Internet, compile an electronic dictionary of the most important terms. Some funny and interesting Internet terms. What is Rich media

Due to numerous requests from readers of this blog, I am publishing a dictionary of computer terms and jargon. Since everything flows and changes, and what I managed to find on the Internet is already hopelessly outdated and sour... I decided to sculpt a new one here modern dictionary computer terms with all the ensuing consequences... Gaming slang has not yet been included in this dictionary, since our children swear too much in computer clubs, and the dictionary will turn out to be mixed with profanity. If any of you would like to add something, please leave a comment in the comments as always. I will be very grateful to the authors' assistants. Let's make together the most complete and modern Dictionary computer terms!

So let's get started...

Abuse— complaint about the site Also used: abuse, abuse. ActiveX— A software component that can be embedded into a web page to provide additional functionality, such as image animation, spreadsheet calculations, etc. Also used: Active-X AGP- a type of specialized bus (connector) for video cards with a built-in graphics accelerator, which is already considered obsolete and is practically not used. Also used: AGP, Ay-dzhi-pi, AzhP, Ey-dzhi-piha. AFAIK or afaik(rare) - Abbreviation for "As Far As I Know" (English). Translated as “as far as I know.” It is mainly used for online communication (forums, chats, etc.). AFAIR or afair(rare) - An abbreviation of the English “As Far As I Remember.” Translated as “as far as I remember.” It is used mainly when communicating on the Internet. aka or aka- Abbreviation for Also Known As. Pointer to a person's nickname, "Chris Kaspersky" aka"Myshchh." Anti-aliasing- Since digital images are basically a matrix of dots, the rows of this matrix, if not drawn strictly horizontally or vertically, draw uneven, jagged lines on the object (this effect is also called stairstepping). The most common method to combat this effect is to fill the pixels in the jagged area with a color that is a mixture of the line color and the background color. The edges of the line are thus softened and it appears cleaner and less jagged. Also used: Antialiasing, antialiasing Doorway- a site optimized for a specific search query, in gross violation of the rules established by search engines. Often a site has no meaning, made for search robots and not for people. Also used: Dorway, Dor. DMOZ- is currently one of the most authoritative website directories. Also used: DMZ. IHHO or INHO(rarely) - “in his humble opinion.” In the case when they speak for someone, in the opinion of a stranger, maybe someone who is nearby. From English "In his humble opinion." IMHO or IMHO, imha- in my humble opinion. Abbreviation for “in my humble opinion” INHO or INHO(rarely) - in an immodest opinion. From English "In Not Humble Opinion". PPC— (PPK) model of relationship with the advertiser, in which the advertiser pays for the specific fact that the user follows a link on the site. Abbreviation from English. "pay-per-click" - "pay per click" ROFL or ROFL- an expression that characterizes something funny. For example, “ROFL, this guy doesn’t know how to play at all!” RTFM or RTFM(rarely) - referring the reader or questioner to the documentation. From English “Read The Following (Fucking) Manual” - “read this (fucking) manual” SERP— search engine results page. Is an abbreviation for “Search Engine Result Page”. Also used: sickle. Ava- cm. Avatar Avatar - A picture or photograph (static or animated) that the user chooses as his “face”. Mainly used in blog forums and in social networks in the Internet. Also used: Ava, avatar, avatar, Avik, avchik, userpic. Avatar- cm. Avatar Avatar- cm. Avatar Avik- cm. Avatar Avchik- cm. Avatar Auto glitch or Outglitch- a disparaging name for the Microsoft Outlook email client program. Also used: onion(rarely). AGP - cm. AGP Adult or Adult, Adult— The subject of discussion belongs to the “18+” category, for example, erotica or pornography. From English adult - adult. Admin, Administrator— A specialist responsible for the design, installation, configuration, control, management and maintenance of networks (for example, local ones in your office or educational institution), computer systems, etc., or the owner, founder of an Internet site participating in its creation and development. Also used: sysadmin, adminsis. Adobe- the abbreviated name of Adobe Systems - one of the leaders in the development of programs in the field of creation and processing graphic information and desktop publishing systems. The most popular products are Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Acrobat Reader. Also used: Adobe, Adobe AccountPersonal section a member of a forum, email service, blog or social network. Also used: account, profile, ac. Accelerator(obsolete) - from English. Accelerator, Accelerator. A type of video adapter that was once developed by 3DFX (called Voodoo) and contained its own processor to improve the performance of the computer's standard video card. Today this term is practically not used, since each video card has its own built-in accelerator. Unlim or Unlimited— No limit on the amount of information downloaded from the Internet for the user. Also used: Unlim. Antivirus— a program for identifying and destroying malicious software. Antivir - cm. Antivirus Antivirus - cm . Antivirus APWS(rarely) - Abbreviation for “Why do you ask?” Upgrade— (from the English Upgrade) Updating the computer hardware, which consists of replacing or adding a new component or updating a program that has new functionality. In case of updating a licensed program, only part of the cost is paid for the new version. Update(from English Update) - As a rule, a free update (modification) of a licensed program. The program version number remains the same, but the release date changes. Bugs found in the updated versions are corrected. Upload(from the English Upload) - Copying (downloading) a file from the user’s computer to a server on the Internet. Applet- (from English Applet). Small program, an application in Java (for example, there are the following applets: calendar, imitation of reflection in water, and many others). On the Internet you can find ready-made applets on special collection sites of various web programs. Arbuzer- cm. Browser. Asechka or Asya— Internet pager (program for instant messaging). This can be either ICQ or any other analogue, for example QIP. Also used: ICQ, Aunt Asya(rarely). Attach- Attached file. Most often this means a file attached to an e-mail message. For example, you can say “in the letter I attached(a) photographs”, or “look at the photos in attache«. Author- Author. The word initially appeared in the slang of the so-called “bastards” as one of the words of the “Bobruisk language” (see, for example,, and only after that it began to be used by many other Internet users. Babit - cm. Ban, Ban. Bug(from the English Bug - beetle) - An error in the program leading to its incorrect operation or crash. Catch bugs- means to find and correct errors in the program. Also used: glitch, bug Bynet- Belarusian or Belarusian-language part of the Internet (bynet, Ban- a ban on any actions. For example, ban user on the forum prohibits him from writing (and sometimes reading) messages; ban site in the search engine prohibits the site from participating in the search. Also used: Bath. Ban, Ban— Introduce a ban for the user to perform any actions (write new messages, view them, etc.). Also used: Babit. Banner, Banner- (from the English Banner - banner) A static or dynamic image on a web page, usually of an advertising nature. Contains a hyperlink to the advertised page. Baht— Postal The program bat! bash— Applied in relation to the quotation book, or in relation to the Runet quotation book Also used: Bor, Bashorg Bashorg - cm. bash Boron - cm. Bash. Accordion- An old, bearded story or topic. Typically not true. The expression is used mainly by Internet users. Also used: Murzilka. BB code— Special reserved character sequences used in forums and other public scripts to format text (bold, italics, etc.). They appeared and are used due to the fact that, for security reasons, all html tags in incoming messages on most forums are filtered (removed). bb codes- these are the same html tags, only they contain the symbols " Back- see Backlink Backlink- backlink. Most often used in relation to external links to a site. Also used: Back. Binary(file), or binaryBinary file. Information written in the binary number system. Binaries also called executable program files. (with extension .exe, .com). Bk— Online role-playing game “fight club”. Also used: TOombats. Vomit, Vobla— vBullitin forum script, written in server language php programming. The official website of the script is Official Russian website - Also used: Bun. BMP(obsolete) - Abbreviation for "Without the Slightest Clue." Means "I don't know." Board- the name comes from the English board (literally - “board”). In the context of the Internet, it is most often used in relation to forums. Less often - to message boards. Has origins as a synonym for the abbreviation BBC(obsolete) - electronic board advertisements, the predecessor of the Internet site. From the English BBS (English bulletin board system). Also used: BBC, BBC, BBC, BBC. Browser, Browser - Program for viewing web pages. Also used: Action(rarely). Action(rarely) - see Browser Varese— Software, multimedia and any other content illegally distributed on the Internet. Vareznik- a site distributing content that violates copyright. Web1) Internet. Abbreviation for English World Wide Web - World Wide Web. Also used: No, Internet, Tyrnet 2) The abbreviated name of the famous antivirus Dr. WEB Also used: Weber, Weber, Drweb. Vector- (from English Vector) or Vector graphics- this is when the image is presented in the form of straight line segments, vectors. Difference vector image is easy scalability while maintaining all proportions. Vika— Wikipedia (free encyclopedia). Found at Also used: Pedivicia. Windows— A derogatory name for the operating system of the family Microsoft Windows Also used: Take out, Windows, Windows, Vents, Mastday(from English Must die - “Must die!”) Vinduzyatnik- operating room fan Microsoft systems Windows or Windows user in free software circles. Hansa- website Gesta- Guest book. A script that allows site visitors to leave their comments and suggestions about it. The name comes from a distorted transcription of the English name Guest Book. Also used: Gostevukha. Govnosayt, GS— 1) a site that has no meaning 2) Doorway 3) A website made by an unprofessional webmaster or designer that has serious flaws and errors. 4) A site on which there is a clear excess of advertising. GPPKS(outdated rare) - Ready to Subscribe Under Every Word. Thunderbird- rss client Mozilla ThunderBird. Named after the name, ThunderBird can literally be translated as "Thunderbird". Gogol - cm. Google Google— Google search engine. Also used: Google, Google, Google, Google, Google, Gogol Google - cm. Google Google - cm. Google Google - cm. Google Google - cm. Google Google - cm. Google Google- Search for any information on the Internet using the Google search engine. Design- Design. Typically applied to the design of a specific website. In the Concept “(Web) design as a whole” it is used quite rarely. Also used: Diz Diz— see Design Dialup— Outdated technology of slow dial-up modem connection over a telephone line. Also used: dialup, daylap, daylapa, daylapu. Diarrhea— blogging service DTKZ- an abbreviation for “For Those Who Know.” DTKP- an abbreviation for “For Those Who Understand.” ECHR- an abbreviation for “If You Understand What I Mean.” Burn- Say something absurd or make a powerful joke. That is, the expression “burn” is equivalent in meaning to the phrase “well, you give it.” The word first appeared in the lexicon of the so-called “bastards”, and then spread throughout the Internet. Fat face— the main page of the site, which has good indicators TiC And PR LJ- Livejournal. Applies either to the service itself ( or to a specific blog on this service. Synonyms: jojo, zhizha. Zmylo- Gmail email service from Google. Synonyms: beetle. Buzz— make an entry on LiveJournal (your blog on the service). Used in two opposite meanings: 1. write something topical that will receive a lot of comments from other users
2. write about something that is not interesting or boring to others. Example: “Maybe stop buzzing about how you ate and went to the toilet? I'm tired of it! Trapper - cm . Antivirus ZZY- the equivalent of the abbreviation P. P. S. (in the form of PPS or PPS:, from the Latin Post Post Scriptum, “after after the signature”) - postscript. The appearance of the letter combination is caused by the relationship between the English and Russian keyboard layouts. Sometimes when printing, people forget to switch the layout, and instead of “PPS”, “PPS:” they type “ZZY”, “ZZYZH”, respectively. Synonyms: zzyzh. PS- the equivalent of the abbreviation P. S. (in the form PS or PS:, from the Latin Post Scriptum, “after the signature”) - postscript. The appearance of the letter combination is caused by the relationship between the English and Russian keyboard layouts. Sometimes when typing, people forget to switch the layout, and instead of “PS”, “PS:” they type “ZY”, “ZYZH”, respectively. Synonyms: zizh. Ignore— a label applied by a participant in a chat (multi-user or instant messaging program) to another participant, in which the system ignores messages from the second to the first. Or simply ignoring messages. From English ignore - ignore. Internet- Internet. Synonyms: no, network, raccoon. Irka— online communication system IRC (Internet Relay Chat). Donkey- see donkey Donkey— Microsoft Internet browser Internet Explorer. Named so, presumably, in honor of Eeyore from the book “Winnie the Pooh and All-All-All,” since the abbreviated name of the browser is IE, and also because of the dislike of many users for this browser. Synonyms: donkey, Donkey IE. Other meaning:
Donkey— peer-to-peer network eDonkey2k. From English donkey - donkey. Kaznet- Kazakhstani or Kazakh-language part of the Internet (kaznet, Capsit— writing messages in uppercase is highly discouraged in chats unless absolutely necessary. The term comes from the name of the "Caps Lock" button, which allows you to write in uppercase without pressing the "Shift" key. Captcha— A picture for human recognition of the characters depicted on them. Used as protection against automatic registrations and spam bots. Contact— Social network VKontakte Also used: VKontakte Content— Text content of the site (for example, articles). Conf.- conference, forum, sometimes used as configuration (of a program). Red-Eyed— A disparaging nickname referring to ardent fans of the Linux operating system and free software in general. Cthulhu- an octopus-like monster from the works of Howard Lovecraft. Satanic underwater god. A very popular character on the Internet. Ku— greeting (most often used in chats or forums). Taken from the movie “Kin-dza-dza!” ku - "Re", typed in Russian keyboard mode - from “Response” - answer (English). When replying to an email, the subject line is set to “Re: subject of the previous email.” If the user does not use this substitution, he can write this expression manually. He may forget to switch the layout (or deliberately not switch :)), and it will turn out “Ku”. Can also mean "Respect" cookies- a small piece of service information placed by the web server on the user’s computer. Used to save data specific to given user and used by the web server for various purposes. Synonyms: cookies. Cabapees- see kbps Kbps— kilobits per second (to indicate the speed of a network connection or the bitrate of a multimedia file). From English kbps - kilobits per second. Synonyms: kbps. Lamer— Beginner, naive and carefree computer user who does not think about security. Also used: Kettle. Eraser— Internet service Lemming - cm. Shkolota Link- Link. The name comes from the English Link (literally - “link”). Synonyms: link. Fox- Mozilla FireFox Internet browser, which is descended from the Mozilla browser, which in turn comes from the Netscape Navigator (NN) browser. Official website - Named after the name itself (Fox - fox (English)). Synonyms: fox, firefox, fox. Leecher- a useless participant in the file-sharing network who only downloads without giving anything in return. Or a distribution participant who downloads pieces of files and distributes them to other leechers (participants), having downloaded the entire file becomes a seeder (distributor). From English "leech" - leech. Logoffize— log out of the system, having previously been logged into it. From English “log off” - exit. Lol- the personification of loud laughter. As a rule, it is used to express a compliment to the interlocutor’s sense of humor. Often used in disputes as an expression of disrespect for the opponent’s arguments. To enhance the effect, the middle letter “o” is often multiplied, for example “loooooooooooool”. lol is an abbreviation for “Laugh out loud”. Lol- a designation of ridicule or laughter caused by the absurdity of someone’s actions. From English lol - “Laugh out loud.” Synonyms: lolka. Lor- website The expression is formed as an abbreviation of the site address. MB- short for "maybe". It is mainly used in chats and computer games. Mail— address Email(E-mail box). Synonyms: soap, emelya, soap, soap dish. Finely soft— A disparaging name referring to Microsoft Corporation and its employees, formed by free translation Microsoft words(from Greek Micro - small, small and English Soft - soft). Also used: Melkosoft, Bill's office Murzilka- see Accordion Soap— send a message by e-mail Synonyms: lather. Soap- see email
Mail— email address (E-mail box). Synonyms: mail, emya, e-mail, soap box. Necropost— a post in a forum topic that has long been inactive and abandoned. No- see internet
Internet- Internet. Synonyms: internet, network, raccoon. Nickname- see Nick
Nick- nickname, pseudonym. Most often used on the Internet. Synonyms: nickname. Overquoting— excessive quoting in a response to a message in an echo conference or on a forum. Neg. English "over quoting" OINC- short for “Unfollow and Don’t Read.” Most often used when communicating on the Internet. Online— the subscriber’s state is “online”, or communication “in real time” (icq, irc). From English "on-line" - "on the line" Donkey- Internet browser Microsoft Internet Explorer. Named so, presumably, in honor of Eeyore from the book “Winnie the Pooh and All-All-All,” since the abbreviated name of the browser is IE, and also because of the dislike of many users for this browser. Synonyms: donkey, donkey IE. Donkey— peer-to-peer network eDonkey2k. From English donkey - donkey. Synonyms: donkey, lose hair. Get rid of the network- see donkey Log out— log out of the system. Offline— the subscriber’s state is “offline”, or communication “after reading” (e-mail, echo conferences, news groups, forums, mailings). Recently, it has acquired a new meaning - meeting participants of a forum, conference, etc. live. Synonyms: offline, offline. Offline- see offline
offline - the state of the subscriber “offline”, or communication “after reading” (e-mail, echo conferences, news groups, forums, mailings). Recently, it has acquired a new meaning - meeting participants of a forum, conference, etc. live. Synonyms: offline, off. Offtopic— Mainly used in relation to topics and posts on forums. Means the message “Off topic”. That is, the author deliberately violates the object (topic) of discussion. Most often this is not welcome. Synonyms: Offtopic, offtopic, offtopic. Ochepyatka- the word typo, misspelled, which symbolizes the meaning of the typo. Paga- Internet page. From English "page" - "page". Stick— PayPal payment system. Pedivicia- see Vika Ping- Use ping command to check the functionality of the remote server. PMSM— An abbreviation for “In my opinion?” Modest Opinion”, an analogue of the expression “IMHO”. Search engine- a search engine that searches the Internet. For example, Yandex or Google. Synonyms: searcher, bloodhound, dog. Half shaft- OS/2 operating system from IBM (Now almost forgotten and not supported) Also used: Axis, In half Fast— a message in an electronic conference, forum or blog. Post— write a message in an electronic conference, forum or blog. Pohape- see php
Synonyms: pkhp, pohape, puff-puff. PPKS- “I subscribe to every word.” Prank- a prank, a joke, usually stupid and evil. Most often they mean jokes on the phone. The expression comes from the English. "prank". Preview— a picture reduced several times for easy preview. The expression comes from the English. “Preview” - “preview”. Synonyms: preview. Hello- short for "Hello." Used when communicating on the Internet. Also used: Priva, hey Daroff Attribution- a corruption of the word "signature". Puzomerka- a disparaging name for various counters and ratings of sites on the Internet. PHP— server-side interpreted scripting programming language PHP. Synonyms: pohape, pohape, puff-puff. puff-puff- see php Frame- Russian search engine Rambler ( Rapida— file sharing service Rapidshare ( or Turnip— Reputation or ranking level on certain sites with social elements, such as torrent trackers Turnips- (short for Repositories) - Source sites for downloading and updating free programs in the Linux operating system, as well as other open source operating systems. Subject- topic or subject of conversation. Also a topic on a forum or a subject of a letter. From English "subject" - "topic" Net- see Internet NWOT— short for “Sorry for being offtopic.” Sider- a user of a file-sharing network who has a file ready for distribution. Usually he initiates the distribution. Slu- short for “listen.” Used when communicating on the Internet. THX- short for "thank you." Used when communicating on the Internet. Smile- A combination of various punctuation marks or letters that denotes a mood by external similarity. For example, a smile: a colon, a minus sign, and a closing parenthesis. — 🙂 Also used: Smiley. Smiley- see Smile Spam— unsolicited advertising messages. Spammer- person sending Spam. Spam- send out Spam. Srach- a heated and emotional dispute on the Internet, usually on a forum. Most often, the subject of the dispute is directly related to national issues. The concept has subspecies: Gogisrach— between Russians and immigrants from the Caucasus; Przekosrach- between Russians and Poles; Bulbosrach- between Russians and Belarusians. Khokhlosrach— between Russians and Ukrainians. Twink- second, third, fourth and further accounts on the forum, used in case of blocking of the main account, as well as for the purpose of hiding one’s identity Aunt Asya- see Asya TK- short for "You're cool" Topic- Subject. Most often used in relation to topics on forums. Troll- provocateur on the Internet. Although the concept is most often applied on the Internet, it is sometimes also applied to provocateurs offline. Troll- provoke. Most often used in relation to Internet provocateurs. Trolling— carrying out provocations on the Internet. Tyndex(rarely) - see Yasha You are tube- see YouTube Tyshlang- see YouTube Tube- see YouTube Uanet- Ukrainian or Ukrainian-language part of the Internet (uanet, File dump- a network server with resources open to the public, on which anything can be saved. FAK— Russian pronunciation of the word (English FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions), answers to frequently asked questions. Fake- fake, falsification. Typically used on the Internet in relation to any information, images or videos. Flame- uninformative messages or long, fruitless disputes. Applies to discussions on the Internet. Flood— Lots of messages on the forum, chat or other public place, making no sense. Respectively Flood— write a large number of identical or almost identical messages. Fox- see Fox Forward- see Forward Forward— forward a letter from one e-mail box to another. Also used: F to ward. Forum member— active and permanent participant of the forum. Hamster- see Houmpaga Houmpaga— Home page is someone’s personal website on the Internet. Also used: hamster. Shkolota- pupils). Used in a disrespectful context in hacker jargon, as a synonym for stupid, underdeveloped and self-confident youth. Besides Lemmings And Hamsters- called naive users of social networks, mainly from among Schoolchildren. Also used: Lemmings, Hamsters, Pioneers. Userpic- see Avatar YouTube— Internet service Also used: you are tube, tube, hose. Yaha- see Yahoo Yahoo— Yahoo search engine ( Also used: yaha. Yasha- Russian search engine Yandex ( Also used: Tyndeks(rarely).

We have long had an idea to create a dictionary of Internet terms. Today we brought it to life.

In the dictionary itself, we tried to talk about complex things in simple words. We hope that our dictionary will be useful to users of our blog and that everyone will find the answer to the eternal question - What's happened …?🙂 Now let’s move on to the dictionary itself.

Blog is a website whose content is mainly regularly added news (posts), as well as images, videos, etc. It is believed that the term blog itself was coined by Travis Petler, who formed it from two words: we B And LOG. The term Web means the worldwide network www, and log means a log (for example, a logbook on a ship). Our blog is an online journal of several authors, which consists of entries in reverse chronological order.

Blogger- a person who runs a blog.

Blogosphere– the collection of all blogs on the Internet.

Website (web site, site, web-site, website, Internet site, World Wide Web site, www site)- this is a place on the Internet that has its own address (URL), consists of web pages and, of course, has its owner, which are perceived as a single whole. There is no strict definition of a site - for example, some sections of large websites may be perceived and even defined by their owners as separate sites. Our blog is also a website:ad:

Web browser– a special program for viewing web resources (websites). Examples of browsers are Internet Explorer, Opera, Mozilla Firefox.

Domain (domain, domain name, domain name) – a unique name that identifies (defines) a site on the Internet. Domain names always consist of two or more parts, separated by dots, for example, The domain is associated with the server's IP address. Any server can have multiple domain names, but a domain name can only point to one server.

Internet– a worldwide system of voluntarily interconnected computer networks.

Internet wallet ( online wallet) – a place on the Internet where your money (savings, earnings and savings) will be stored. With the help of an electronic wallet, you will not only be able to perform the above actions, but also issue electronic invoices, pay bills from stores or other places where electronic money is accepted.

Click– Clicking on a text link or advertising banner (mouse click).

contextual advertising– display of advertising (banners, text advertising blocks, etc.) on various sites on the Internet (search engines, catalogs, portals). Typically, advertising materials are tied to certain keywords and phrases.

Content— information content of web pages: texts, photographs, seen, etc.

Protocol- a set of rules that all companies adhere to to ensure the compatibility of the hardware and software they produce. For example, these rules must ensure that the machine Microsoft, running TCP/IP, will be able to communicate with Apple, also running TCP/IP.

Referral(from English referral - reference) - a person who registers in the sponsor’s service (affiliate program) using your link (called a “referral link”). When you attract another user to your sponsor, your sponsor pays you a certain percentage of that user’s income.
This will not affect the earnings of the attracted person in any way. This person becomes a new participant in the affiliate program, attracted by you.

Server- a special computer (or equipment) on which server software runs.

Surfing- just traveling across the Internet from site to site.

TIC— thematic citation index (citations come from the word quotation, i.e. they quote the content itself and/or the site address).

File sharing– a service that provides the user with a place to store his files, as well as round-the-clock access to them via the Internet.

Photomontage— making a photograph from two or more photographs. Widely used in the production of posters, advertisements, political cartoons, etc.

Photobank– a photo repository that acts as an intermediary between the authors of images and their buyers. Takes on the task of finding buyers and accepting payments, which makes life very easy for photographers and illustrators.

Hosting- the place on the server where your website will be physically located, in other words, this is a computer that is available to Internet users 24 hours a day.

User- computer user.

Email- Your e-mail address. E-mail differs from the name of the site in that it does not contain the letters www, but there is an @ icon.

DNS- abbreviation, stands for - Domain Name System or " Domain Name System" DNS links domain names (for example:, etc.) with digital addresses (IP addresses). Users use these domain names to work and search on the Internet. DNS is used to organize data on the network.

Flash (Flash Player, Flash technologies)— technologies for creating interactive web animation. It acts as an additional and free module for the browser (plugin), developed by Macromedia, which makes it possible to view pages and their elements in Flash format. This format allows you to display vector graphics(which easily scales to any size), play sound, etc. Websites made using Flash graphics look very beautiful, but they are poorly indexed by search engines.

FTP- stands for File Transfer Protocol translated from English - file transfer protocol. Using this protocol it is possible to connect to FTP servers, view the contents of directories and download files from or to the server.

HTML- abbreviation, stands for HyperText Markup Language - “hypertext markup language” is a standard markup language for documents in World Wide Web. All web pages are created using HTML. HTML language“recognized” by the browser and displayed as a document, in a form convenient for humans. In simple words- this is a language whose commands you “make clear” to the browser in what form it is necessary to display text or certain objects on your monitor screen.

HTTP- abbreviation, stands for HyperText Transfer Protocol - “hypertext transfer protocol hypertext transfer protocol" It allows your web browser to communicate with web servers. Communication involves sending requests and receiving responses. The responses contain the requested data - pictures, documents, executable files, etc. It is with the help of this protocol that you can view web pages.

IP (IP, ip or IP address)– abbreviation for Internet Protocol Address, that is, a unique identifier (number) that determines the location of a computer connected to the Internet. An IP address is a 32-bit binary number, but for convenience it is represented by four decimal numbers. The form of the IP address is written as four decimal numbers, from 0 to 255. This is what the approximate IP address of your computer on the Internet looks like. Usually, regular user receives dynamic IP address, although it is possible to get a static one, this is very rare and usually requires an additional fee.

ICQ– in common people it’s just ICQ. A popular Internet program for quick messaging on the Internet. The abbreviation ICQ is based on the auditory sound of the program name “ I seek you" - in translation " I'm looking for you”.

PR (PageRank)— two letters PR are deciphered as follows: Page Rank(translated from English - page rank) and only applies to Google.

TCP/IP protocol is an abbreviation of the term Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) is a pre-agreed standard used for data exchange between two computer nodes on a network), and it does not matter what platform these computers are on and what the network is between them. The protocol itself was developed by order of the US Department of Defense for communication and network integration. Currently the standard data transfer protocol in global network Internet.

WMR, WMZ— types of electronic money in the Webmoney system ( . WMZ is an analogue of the American dollar, WMR is an analogue of the ruble. Over time, our dictionary will be replenished with new Internet terms.

p.s. If any other term causes difficulties for you, write it in the comments, we will try to explain it :), and perhaps we will devote an entire article to this.

A brief dictionary of computer terms.

The computer has long evolved from a high-tech device into a personal machine. There are almost no non-computer related industries left in the world. To keep up with the modern world, you must understand the computer. Without knowing computer terms and concepts, you will remain far from the technological world. Even when booking a movie seat, you need to know how to use Internet. At work and at home, everywhere you need the Internet. USB drives are in fashion today, not CD/DVD drives. Let's start with some basic computer terms and concepts.

Computer- this is a computing device capable of using programs, that is, sequences of given commands.

Program is a sequence of commands launched directly from the computer, with the support of the operating system.

operating system- This is software that interacts with the computer at the primary level. Serves as a user interface and allows you to allocate memory for necessary tasks and processes. A computer cannot function properly without an operating system.

Team- These are step-by-step instructions that allow the computer to perform the necessary actions.

CPU, also known as microprocessor. It represents the central part of the computer, its brain. Allows you to perform software tasks and allocates memory space to accept information entered directly from input devices.

Desktop- a place directly displayed on the monitor allows you to quickly access the necessary files and documents.

File is a logical block for storing information, which includes: text documents, music, audio, spreadsheets etc. Each file is saved with a unique name.

Folder is a one-stop place to organize files, topics, and projects on your computer. Similar files in a folder will be grouped together. A folder is like a bookshelf in a closet, if you think of files as books.

HDD- this is a device that allows you to store data on a computer, unlike random access memory, saves data even when turned off.

Hardware- a system that consists of a monitor, keyboard, mouse, system unit, printer, scanner, etc. Often also called as computer hardware. They come into direct contact when the computer starts.

Hyperlink- a program that allows you to move from one web page to another, most often marked as . If you hover your cursor over it, you will see that it has changed, which means that with a mouse click you can go to another site.

Internet- a worldwide network created for the purpose of exchanging data, information and opinions.

Monitor- computer screen, its display. Displays the program interface to the user. Allows you to interact with your computer using a keyboard and mouse.

Mouse- This external device input, allows the user to quickly and conveniently interact with files and programs.

Keyboard is a peripheral device for interacting with a computer by entering characters using keys. You can see the result of your input on the screen.

RAM- a device for storing temporary information; when closing programs, information is deleted from RAM. Memory capacity affects the number of programs you can run simultaneously.

Browser is an application that helps transform source the World Wide Web in a simple and user-friendly form. Simply put, a browser is used to surf the Internet. Microsoft Internet Explorer- the simplest and most famous example of a browser.

Periphery– peripheral input and output devices located outside the system unit. For example, peripherals are considered to be a printer, scanner, mouse, keyboard, game joysticks, etc. Some of the peripheral devices play a big role and without them it is impossible stable work computer.

Net- this is the connection of computers with each other for the exchange of information. Exist wired And wireless network. The best example of a network is the Internet.

Software are instructions for the computer to carry out a given task step by step. A computer cannot work without software.

This was a series of terms that allowed children to begin to understand the computer. Helping beginners master the computer. Computers have become an integral part of our lives, without which we will not be able to function normally in the modern, constantly changing world. Learning to use a computer is as important for a person as learning to read and write. Today people are increasingly dependent on software.

Meaning, meaning and interpretation of internet slang words. What does a word or term mean? Definitions and concepts.

Internet slang often becomes a puzzle even for experienced network users. We invite you to participate in the creation of a folk dictionary of Internet slang.

Ava– (Avatar) a small picture that the user chooses as his “face”. Used in social media networks, blogs, forums, etc.

Adult– (English adalt – adult) the object of discussion belongs to the “18+” category, for example, erotica or pornography.

Aka– a derivative of the English abbreviation of the expression “Also Known As”, which in translation means “also known as ...” Can be used when it is necessary to indicate the pseudonym or nickname of a specific user. For example, Lyudmila Milaya aka Cutie. Allows you to identify and link a network nickname to a specific person.

Unlim– (English unlimited) no restriction on the amount of information downloaded from the Internet for the user by the Internet provider.

Anonymous– an anonymous user who hides his name.

APWS- an abbreviation for “Why are you asking?”

Upgrade- or Up (English upgrade - improve) modernization, improvement, update.

Update- (update) improvement of systems or databases to the latest versions.

Appendicitis– this is not exactly what you thought. It’s just that users on the Internet call it “application”, from the English. the word "appendix". The program is designed to perform a specific task.

Watermelon– which translates as browser. A browser is software specifically written for viewing Web pages. Web documents, as well as for working with Web applications and their files. The first browser was created in 1990. It was called WorldWideWeb. This software is distributed free of charge. And at the moment it is an integral part of the World Wide Web.

Arbuzer– slang name for a browser or special program used to view pages of web resources. Used by users in the process of their informal communication on the Internet. The word has many synonyms, including slang ones.

Archiver is a special program for creating a convenient data storage model. In the Internet community, such a model is usually called an archive. The convenience of the model lies in the fact that data (files, folders) under certain conditions change properties, size and other characteristics responsible for the efficiency of information placement.

ICQ– ICQ program for exchanging text messages over the Internet. By the way, ICQ is consonant with the phrase I seek you, which means: I see you.

Attach– this is the common name for a file attached to something. At the same time, most often they mean a file that is attached to an email, although sometimes an attachment is called an attachment of any size to an email or letter. The attachment can also be sound file, video message, image.

Afair- a derivative word from the abbreviation of the English expression - “As Far As I Remember”, which translated into Russian means the expression “as far as I remember.” Afair is used mainly when communicating on social networks, in emails and messages, in situations where it is necessary to refer to an event or fact that has already taken place. The word AFAIR can also be synonymous with afair.

Author– translated from Internet slang means the author, the person who owns the copyright to a particular text. Initially, the word "afftar" was used exclusively in the slang of a group of people calling themselves "bastards." However, over time, it became a more common version of Internet slang, and today many other Internet users already use it. It is noteworthy that in the original context, “afftar” had somewhat ironic overtones.

Ban– (send to the bathhouse) ban the user from any actions. For example, banning a user on a forum prevents him from writing (and sometimes reading) messages; Banning a site in a search engine prohibits the site from participating in searches.

loaf– translated as “key” or “button” on a keyboard from English. "Button" IT people love this word; it is also found in games and chats. Example: “press the loaf” or press the key...

Bayan (or boyan)- an old, well-known, repeatedly published story. Anything can be a button accordion – a post, a comment, a topic. Usually, Internet users call a button accordion a bearded joke that the author tries to pass off as a fresh joke on forums, blogs or various social networks.

Bludge- a less common expression used to express sincere hatred and indignation.


  • CD
  • one of the disks of the disk package inside the hard drive
  • BLin-Linux distribution.

Board– the word comes from the foreign word board, which literally means board when translated from English into Russian. In the context of Internet slang, the word board is most often used when talking about forums, however, users can also call it virtual bulletin boards or classified sites.

Bulbosrach– a slang expression characterizing an emotional, loud virtual dispute on the Internet, often accompanied by obscene language, between Russian-speaking and Belarusian users. At the same time, as experience shows, most often the subject of the dispute is directly related to the solution of interethnic issues.

Varezniki- These are Web sites that contain links to pirated products. Very often these can be torrent links. You can make good money on these sites, which is why you can increasingly find them on the Internet. However, for placing advertisements on such sites from Google AdSense you can get banned.

Vistula- she's the same Windows Vista. This operating system received this name due to frequent errors, freezes, and software glitches. Operating room created Windows system Vista was developed by Microsoft and was intended for installation on personal computers. The operating system is available for both 32- and 64-bit processors.

Gesta– advanced Internet users call gesta guest book or directly a script that allows visitors to various resources to leave their comments, wishes and remarks on it. The word "gesta" comes from a deformed transcription of the English expression Guest Book, which literally means guest book.

Geek(eng. GeeK) – a computer genius, a person who spends a lot of time at the computer.

Glitch- error. Occurs infrequently and usually causes software to crash. This error may occur due to incorrect operation of the program's executing code. You can get rid of the glitch by following simple steps. For example: restart the program; in rare cases, intervention from third-party software may be necessary.

Gosha Google is the largest Internet search engine.

Go, go(from the English word go) - it means some action: let's go, let's go. This word came from gamers, it is often used in chats and games, it helps to save time on chatting. For example: Why did you go the other way? Go this way. Go to play GTA.

Grow hacking- high quality new approach in marketing. Designed to identify new growing trends in product promotion marketing. A test product is selected and a separate website is created for it with a new marketing program being tested. If successful, the method is applied to all product items. If it fails, it is simply not used in the future.

HS- shit site. A site created solely for making money and not bringing any benefit to society.

Google– look for something using the Google search engine.

Gulmen- a term used for:

  • Poor games created on the knee,
  • For poor and unstylish people.

Design– or diz, slang for design. As a rule, it is used in relation to the design of the interface and design of a specific Internet resource or site, while to define web design in general (as general term and concepts) the slang words “design” and “dis” are used very rarely.

Long post– a post containing a lot of information.

Donat is a person who buys game currency for real money. Donators can buy anything, even useless things in the game. The main thing is that you can pay with real money online or in the appropriate payment terminals. At a time when a simple player spends time and energy on leveling up his character, donations rejoice. This is why such people are not respected by ordinary players, since it is very difficult to play with them, they have a well-leveled character and have bought everything that can be bought in the game. For example: Rating, weapons, clothes, and so on.

Firewood– (English drivers) drivers, a computer program with which the operating system gains access to devices.

ECHR- another interesting word, an abbreviation that is probably used only by advanced Internet users, is used in chats and forums. It is translated as follows: “If you understand what I mean.”

Emelya– a modern slang designation for a mail or electronic mailbox address on the Internet, which can be located, for example, on, on jmail or on another mail agent belonging to a specific user. In turn, the expression “write to email” means to write to an electronic mailbox.

ERZH – The Jewish racial Jew, used in the sense of denouncing it, appeared as a result of fierce hatred of the unfortunate Jewish people.

The animal is killed– impossibility of switching on, or normal operation computer as a result of certain actions.

Mirror– from (English Mirror) translates as “copy”. The word has found its place on the Internet and is widely used by all Internet users. This word is deciphered as “ exact copy» site information or link, and the match can be 80%. Mirrors are used to provide access to inaccessible information, to protect data on servers from damage, and so on.

Toad– slang name for an open protocol intended for operational exchange information messages. Slang came to the Internet from the English language, where literally the word “jabber” means fast and slurred speech, chattering. Synonyms for “toad” are the following words: gill, jabber. Their meaning is identical.

Burn– in Internet slang, this word means a powerful joke or the statement of something absurd, something that cannot be. In other words, the expression “you’re burning” is equivalent to the expression “well, you give it up, this simply cannot happen.” It is noteworthy that for the first time this word appeared in the lexicon of the group of “bastards”, and after them (like many of their slang expressions) it began to be used by other Internet users.

LJ- livejournal. Applies either to the service itself (livejournal) or to a specific blog on this service.

Zmylo– according to Internet slang, this term refers to the email service from Google – Gmail. With its help, users can correspond and exchange messages with each other. A synonym and word identical in meaning is also the slang word zhmel (stands for Dzhmailovsky email).

Buzz– slang for creating entries in a live journal or on your blog. At the same time, it can be used in one of the opposite cases. In the first case, this is raising current topic, which caused heated discussion. In the second case, the creation of a message that does not carry any informational meaning.

Zzy- the slang equivalent of the short abbreviation PPS, arose from the Latin expression Post Post Scriptum, meaning after, after the signature, it is also called postscript. This choice of letters can be explained very simply - by the coincidence of the Russian and English keyboard layouts. When the user forgets to switch the language, instead of PPS he gets ZZY. The synonym for ZZY became ZZYZH.

IMHO– an abbreviation for in my humble opinion, which means “in my opinion”, also the Russians came up with the version “I have an opinion, you can’t argue with it”, meaning your own opinion about something. Most often used on forums in discussions.

Internet– (net) global worldwide network Internet.

Iskalka– slang designation for a search engine. Synonym for Search Engine. This is the name given to a search engine that searches the Internet for the information the user needs. Google search engine, Yandex search engine. At the same time, Internet users often argue about whose “search engine” is better and more powerful...

Donkey- aka “donkey” as Internet users call him Internet browser Explorer from Microsoft. This name was not attached to this browser by accident, due to its unstable operation and slow loading pages, some users disliked him and therefore began to call him “Donkey”, which means slow...

Captcha– slang designation for a picture with symbols (numbers, Latin or English letters) that need to be recognized. As a rule, captcha is used to protect against the possibility automatic registration on all kinds of resources on the Internet and to protect against robots that send spam.

Kat– slang designation for a text message formatting element in many blog systems, or special link, under which the creator can hide a large image or a long text phrase. Derived from the English word “cut”, which literally translates as a place for making a cut.

Kpbs– slang for kilobits per second, it is used to define and indicate the bitrate speed multimedia files or speed network connections. Kpbs comes from the abbreviated English abbreviation - kilobits per second, which denotes the value of kilobits per second.

Conf.– short for the word conference. A meeting of people to discuss something.

Rat– slang designation for a free ICQ client that has open source&RQ. However, back in 2003, it was decided to close this project, and all subsequent work on a similar program was suspended. Today, the slang expression is practically not used in this meaning.

Cookies– they are also cookies, a slang designation for a small fragment, usually of service information, which is placed by a web server on the computer device of the resource user. They are used to save data that identifies a given user of the resource, as well as data used by the web resource for various purposes.

PAH– delay in data transmission on the network due to poor communication quality. Lags are usually noticeable in online games.

Lajakat or falsecat - a slang designation for an element of text formatting in the live magazine system, or a link under which a long text expression or a large image is hidden. Derived from the English expression LJ-cut, in which the English word cut is a place to separate or cut.

Lamer- a nickname for a person who is incompetent in a particular area, but who carries out activities in it. Lamer in English sounds like a weakling, lamer is a nickname that people in computer science call those who are not good at it.

LOL– LOL. means literally: laughing out loud or lots of laughing. Translated into Russian: I laugh out loud (not offensive laughter).

Leecher- a slang designation for a useless participant who participates in a file-sharing network, downloads, but does not distribute anything in return. Also, a leecher can be a member of a file sharing network who downloads partial files and distributes them to other leechers. Derived from the English word leech, which translates as leech.

Fox– “fox” from English. Fox-fox is how users affectionately call the Mozilla Firefox browser, which originates from the Mozilla browser from the Mozilla Corporation. The browser is the third most popular in the world and the second most popular in Russia among PC browsers.

PM– Chanterelle, PM, personal messages.

LMB– click with the left mouse button.

Logoffize– slang designation of an action associated with exiting the current system, while the user must have been authorized in it before. Derived from the English expression “log off”, which is literally translated as a way out of something. Quite often used by Internet users.

Lytdybr– slang name for a diary. Such a strange set of letters is explained by the fact that if you start typing a diary on the Russian layout, but at the same time forget to switch English layout– you will get exactly this set of letters - “lytdybr”. The authorship of this word belongs to Roman Leibov. Sometimes used to describe habitual actions or observations of such actions.

man– from (the English word manual). This abbreviation stands for command in the Unix and Linux operating system, meaning an instruction manual.

MB– a slang abbreviation of an expression denoting the high probability of something. It is believed that it came from the expression “maybe”. As a rule, the expression MB is used when communicating in computer chats by Internet users or when participants in computer games communicate with each other.

MuzLim– a player (playlist) with a certain number of tracks, songs, etc., and Lim (limit)– a given certain amount of capacity, which does not make it possible to exceed this number.

Moder(Moderator) – a user of a site or forum responsible for maintaining order on the site (forum), preventing and stopping various discussions that contradict the rules of the site or forum (racist and chauvinistic statements, for example), blocking rule violators.

Murzilka- a slang expression denoting a story circulating on the Internet or a topic that is still hotly discussed by Internet users. A synonym for this word is another slang term “bayan”. As statistics show, “accordion” is used more often than “Murzilka”.

Mut– temporary or infinite blocking of chat or sound.

Soap– (English e-mail) email address.

Nick– nickname (English nickname) nickname, pseudonym. Most often used in games and chats.

Necropost– a slang designation for a post on a forum or in a specific topic for discussion, which has long been abandoned by users, and the discussion of which is no longer conducted by forum participants. Such posts are not deleted, but are saved, representing a kind of virtual archive or library.

Laptop– (from the English netebook – personal computer). The combined components of a personal computer into a convenient and compact size is called a laptop. The laptop has a light weight, battery-powered keyboard, touchpad“touchpad” and small size, which allows you to take it with you anywhere, to work, to a cafe, on the road.

Noob– (English newbie) a newcomer to any field: an inexperienced participant or user of network or online games, news groups, operating systems or the Internet in general.

Overquoting– a slang designation for enhanced quotation in responses to messages on forums or in an echo conference between users and participants in online communication. Derived from the English expression “over quoting”, which literally translates as excessive quoting.

OINC– a slang expression that literally means unsubscribe and don’t read. Presumably it came from shortening the expression and taking its first letters as a basis. As a rule, it is used in the process of communication between users on the Internet, when those, in the process of dialogue with each other, offer to unsubscribe from messages or news.

Donkey– slang name for the Internet browser Microsoft Internet Explorer. Presumably this word is used because the browser was named after the donkey named Eeyore from the famous children's book about Winnie the Pooh and his friends, since the first letters of its name create the abbreviation IE. Also, there is an opinion that users call this browser so because of its slow work and dislike for him.

Log out– a slang designation for an action associated with the exit of a registered user from a forum or website, or an action associated with exiting a system that requires mandatory registration when entering a website or forum. Indicates the completion of work or communication.

Offline– slang designation for the state when a registered user is not online. Also, the word is used to define communication by reading an email, forum message, or newsletter. It is noteworthy that recently, this slang term has acquired another meaning - a meeting of virtual interlocutors in real life.

Offsite– slang name for the official website of a company, group, community. As a rule, it serves as a virtual business card on the Internet, contains general information for users, as well as contacts where you can contact the resource administration to get answers to your questions.

Offtopic– slang designation of attitude towards posts or individual topics on forums, in the case when they are not related to the topic of discussion, and the author himself deliberately violates the object and topic for discussion. As a rule, such actions do not cause approval either from the discussion participants or from the admin, who can even delete such offtopic.

Offtopic– messages that are not related to the topic of the post.

Ochepyatka– slang name for a typo or typo, which symbolically means automatic error a man typing a text and in a hurry. Often, misspellings remain uncorrected, and some of them are even later used as slang for familiar terms.

Paga– slang name for a resource page on the Internet, a website page or a forum page. Presumably it arose from the English word “page”, which literally translates as page - the Russified version of this word is used by users. Used by Internet users in interpersonal communication on the Internet.

Ping– (English Ping) sometimes used Ping-Pong – special request(Ping) and response (Pong) TCP/IP protocol to determine the availability of the node. Also the operating system command that executes the command. Also, the time it takes for a request to get to the node and back, i.e. connection quality (not speed). The lower the ping, the more stable your connection. As the speed increases, the ping also drops, but the relationship is nonlinear. A good ping for the Internet is 30-50 ms. Tolerable ping for 3G is 100-200 ms, disgusting ping is 2000 ms. For playing online games and communicating via Skype, this parameter is much more important than the connection speed.

Ping- slang designation for an action when using the ping command, which is necessary to check the parameters and performance characteristics of a remote server. As a rule, this slang term is classified as special and professional, and is most often used by programmers, while ordinary users rarely use it in their slang.

Pioneer– a slang name that reflects an arrogant attitude towards young (or not very advanced) Internet users who write messages in conferences and forums, but at the same time have a very superficial understanding of the topic of the issue, posing as competent experts on the topic.

RMB– click right click mice.

PMSM– slang abbreviation for the expression “in my humble opinion.” Another slang abbreviation IMHO is considered an analogue of PMSM. As a rule, it is used by Internet users during their email correspondence and while communicating with each other on forums.

Podrysnik- another new word that translates as “bear rug.” This word appeared recently and has already taken root on the Internet. It is used in colloquial vocabulary among IT specialists and ordinary Internet users.

Search engine– slang name for a search engine that is used to search for information on the Internet. For example, Google or Yandex. Synonyms and slang words identical in meaning that would reflect the meaning of a search engine and its functions are the words bloodhound, iskalka, ps...

Fast- slang name for an electronic message exchanged between participants in an Internet conference, forum or blog. Accordingly, posting means exchanging such messages. If a post does not comply with the rules of conduct on the forum, it may be banned.

Pohape– slang name for server-side interpreted scripting language programming, the name of which literally sounds like PHP, hence the Russian version of the word. A synonym for pohape is also the abbreviation PHP.

Prank– slang name for a prank or joke. As a rule, they mean a telephone prank, although in the context of Internet communication on forums it can also be used. The expression itself comes from the English word prank. Users who specialize in such jokes are called prankers.

Preview– slang name for an image reduced several times. This reduction is carried out in order to make it more convenient to preview the image. The expression comes from the English word “Preview”, which literally translates as preview.

Puzomerka– a slang disparaging name for all kinds of visitor counters on a website or ratings of publications or Internet resources themselves. A synonym for belly meter (counter or rating) is also the slang word pipiskomerka. Typically used by resource administrators or programmers.

Przekosrach– a slang name for an emotional and loud empty argument on forums that takes place on the Internet between Russian users and Poles. As a rule, the subject of the dispute is closely related to national issues.

Frame is a slang name used by Internet users to refer to a Russian search engine called Rambler - It is most often used in the process of informal communication, by members of communities, forums and blogs.

Cancer– a term used in online games to refer to bad players. Unlike the concept of “noob”, it is not used as a term for “newbie-incompetent”, but as an indicator low level the skill of a player who lets the team down with his mistakes. Most often the term has an expressive connotation and is used as an insult.

Ragequit(English Ragequit - literally exit in rage) - a term used in online games and denoting driving another player (regardless of whether it is an ally or an enemy) in some way (insults, constant mockery, and most often repeated winnings from him in during the battle) to a state of rage and the subsequent exit of the ragequitter from the game.

Turnip- slang designation of reputation or rating level on some resources that differ in social elements. For example, on torrent trackers. The higher the rating, the more privileges the user has.

Rofl– a slang expression that characterizes something funny and positive. Shows a slightly ironic attitude towards a subject or object. It is used in the process of communication between Internet users to discuss something. For example, rofl, this game sucks.

Piano- at first glance, a familiar and understandable word. But, for advanced Internet users, “Royal” is nothing more than the name of the keyboard. So “Klavoy” is also the name of a keyboard in Internet jargon and will not surprise anyone.

Subject- slang designation of the subject of conversation or its main topic, sometimes this is what topics on forums or email topics are called. Derived from the English word “subject”, which literally translates as topic of discussion.

Satellite –(from English - satellite) an additional site created to promote the main site.

SDL- a site for people.

Selfie – photo of yourself.

Serch– the largest SEO forum on the Runet

Blue screen of death (Blue Screen of Death) is an error that causes blue screen with an error code. Appears to avoid computer failure. In BSoD you can see the error code, for example CRITICAL_OBJECT_TERMINATION and the name of the file that caused it - SPCMDCON.SYS.

Scam– a project that has stopped paying or is not paying. The term applies to both scams and bankrupt projects.

Sider– slang name for a file-sharing network user who has a file ready to be distributed to other users. As a rule, the same user is the initiator of distributing the file to other users of the file hosting service.

Lick– which, translated from Internet slang, means “completely copy.” This expression can often be found in chats and on the forum. For example, you can write this: why did you “copy” the text and the Internet link address? Why did you “lick” the text and the Internet link address?

Slu– a slang abbreviation derived from the verb “to listen”. As a rule, it is used by Internet users in the process of their electronic communication in order to attract attention to their message. Sometimes it is used as an alternative to circulation.

Smile– slang designation for a combination of different letters and punctuation marks that characterize and indicate mood by their external similarity. A synonym for smiley is another slang word - smiley. Its meaning is similar.

Spam– slang for actions related to sending spam. Accordingly, an Internet user who engages in this activity is called a spammer. There is a negative attitude towards spam and spammers. Often, people are banned for spam and access to resources is limited.

Stopizzot(100500) – means an incredibly large amount of something.

Twink– slang designation for the second, third, fourth and subsequent accounts on forums, which are used in case the main account is blocked. Twinks are often used to maintain anonymity in the communication process.

Tweet– an answer to any question (message, action), denoted as a review, response to this information.

Aunt Asya– slang name for an Internet program, an analogue of a pager program, created for instant messaging between users. Synonyms of this slang expression are the following expressions - Asya, asechka, aska.

Topic– slang designation for the topic of discussion. As a rule, they are used in relation to topics that are most relevant on the forum. Like many other slang expressions, it comes from an English word that literally means the topic of discussion or conversation. Synonym for subject.

Troll– slang name for Internet provocations and trolling. As a rule, trolling is carried out by trolls - people provocateurs on the Internet. However, recently there has been a tendency to use these expressions - trolling, troll, trolling - and offline.

Trolling– messages aimed at mockery, ridicule, and sometimes humiliation of the interlocutor. As a rule, they are not based on anything, are stupid and cannot be comprehended logically.

Tyndex– slang term for the Russian Internet search engine called Yandex. The following slang words have become synonyms of Tyndex - Yasha, Huyandex, Nihuyandex. Typically, these terms are used in informal communication between users on the Internet.

Tube– this word is synonymous with the world famous video hosting YouTube. The YouTube company was founded in 2005, and already in November 2006, YouTube was bought by the global Internet industry giant Google. The very first video on YouTube lasted 18 seconds. Every day, thousands of videos are uploaded to YouTube and it is watched and loved by more than one billion users.

File dump- a slang name for a network server along with resources that are open to public access to users, where the latter can save any information - photos, videos, text documents.

Fake– slang for falsification or counterfeiting. It is often used on the Internet in relation to information, video or photographic materials, the reliability of which can be doubted. A synonym and similar word in meaning is “duck”.

Feature– (English feature) is practically a synonym for the word “feature”. Except that a feature means some kind of feature, consider a function. There is a mouse with or without a wheel, a mouse with a wheel is a feature. Or a USB hard drive is also a great feature. By nature, programmers use a similar term both in their programs, to highlight a function in the program, and in reality.

Flame- a verbal skirmish, often having nothing to do with the topic of the post.

Flame– leave uninformative information messages or take part in long, fruitless disputes. Most often used in relation to users who behave in a similar way when communicating on the Internet.

Flood- slang designation for actions aimed at writing a large number of identical or literally identical messages on forums, blogs and other Internet resources. As a rule, users are blocked for flooding, as this is considered a violation of the rules of conduct.

Flood– messages that do not carry any semantic meaning. Frequently repeated messages of the same type.

Fox- translated from English - fox. The slang name for an Internet browser that comes from the Mozilla browser is Mozilla FireFox. It is noteworthy that the Mozilla browser itself originated from the Netskype Navigator browser (abbreviated as NN). Used in the process of communication between users.

Forward– a slang name for actions aimed at forwarding an email from one mailbox to another mailbox. Synonyms of the word are the following slang term - forward. Used by users during informal communication.

Forum member– slang designation active participant forum, which has passed the official registration procedure, adheres to the rules of the resource, takes an active part in the life of the forum, and participates in discussions. For non-compliance with the rules, a forum participant may lose his status.

Hack- Internet jargon, used very often by gamers, IT specialists, and hackers. Synonyms: break, hack. Which in translation means: Hack - hack, get unauthorized access to other people's information. Example: Managing a server, website, social page, documents, bank accounts.

HZ– what does the expression “who knows” mean in translation? It is often used by users on the Internet as an answer to a question for which you don’t know the answer. For example: “How to do this?”, the answer is “H3” or “I don’t know.”

Holivar– uncompromising confrontation, a dispute between parties with opposing points of view.

Hamster– slang name for a home page, or someone’s personal website on the Internet. A synonym for hamster is another slang expression - homepug. Its meaning is similar to that of the slang "hamster". Used in the process of informal communication between users.

FAQ– abbreviation for FAQ. See F.A.Q.

Kettle– which is translated from Internet jargon inexperienced user who does not have basic skills in programming and computer software. This word is considered an insult and has nothing to do with a person's mental abilities.

Cheater– (from the English Cheater - which translates as a swindler, swindler). Basically, these Internet users know and use cheat codes or programs, with the help of which they gain superiority over other Internet users. By deception, they bypass the security of the application or game and get full control over what is happening. Cheaters can: increase their rating, increase game currency, and so on...

Shkolota or schoolchildren - a slang name for underdeveloped, stupid and self-confident representatives of the younger generation of Internet users. Typically used in a negative and disrespectful context by more experienced and older users. This may also be the name given to newcomers on forums.

Shop is a Photoshop graphics editor created and developed by Adobe Systems. This program offers hundreds of tools and even more graphics processing functions. Today, it is the most powerful graphic editor and is used professionally by all designers and artists who work with graphics and photo editing. The latest one is currently available a new version Photoshop 12, which includes even more tools and effects for working with graphics and photos.

User– (English User) user.

Userpic– a slang designation for a picture that each user can choose as an identification picture in the process of communicating with other users on the Internet. As a rule, userpics are necessary for communication on forums or Internet blogs. Synonyms of userpic are the following slang words - avatar, ava.

Yabloko– this is often the name given to users who use computers and other multimedia devices Apple. This name comes from the company logo; the logo itself is “apple”, as well as the name of the company translated from English “Apple”.

Yaha– slang name for the Yahoo search engine, email address whose website is located at this address - Often, users in the process of communicating with each other call the Yahoo search engine with another slang expression - Yahoo. Its meaning is identical to the first.

Yasha- the largest search engine on the Runet Yandex.

Afair– (English: As Far As I Remember) as far as I remember.

BBS is an abbreviation for (the English word be back soon) and has the following translation: “I’ll be back soon.” This abbreviation is often found in game chats, where most of the time is spent on the game, and not on communicating in the chat itself.

BTW– (English: By The Way) by the way. The user remembered something and wants to express it by entering this abbreviation, meaning “by the way.” For example: “BTW, what is your Internet speed?”

Etc.– “etc.”, “etc.”, and “other.” The English put “etc.” after the lists.

F.A.Q., aka FAQ, aka FAC(eng. Frequently Asked Questions) - Frequently asked questions. Typically, this section contains the most common user questions and the correct answers to them. This is the most convenient form of providing structured information about a product/product. A fairly close analogue offline is found in the instructions under the heading “ Possible faults and methods for eliminating them."

HF– (abbreviation of English have fun) is translated into Russian as “fun game”, used mainly in game chats and forums, Americans use this slang more.

GG– from (the English word good game), widely used in game chats and translated as “gratitude” for a good game. Most often, the losing player thanks the winner.

IMHO– (English: In My Humble Opinion – in my humble opinion) Basically, such a concept is inserted at the end of your message, as a result of uncertainty in your own rightness/thoughts/information. The “scum” of the Internet understand it in their own way IMHO (I have an opinion you can’t argue with).

LMD– (English: lamers must die) This is what ardent haters of lamers usually write.

LOL– (eng. lots of laughing) I laugh loudly. This abbreviation is used when emoticons can no longer convey your emotions.

OMG– from (English oh, my God). Translated as “oh my God” or “oh Lord.” Most often used in chats and forums and expresses a person’s surprise or irritation towards something.

RTFM– (English: Read the Fucking (in a softer version - Fine) Manuals) - literally translated: read this damn manual (operation manual, instructions), or Read a good/correct manual. In a literary translation, it could be replaced by a well-known saying from army-technical everyday life: “Learn your materiel!” The term often appears in response to questions that are deep enough to be answered in a nutshell and yet are sufficiently well described in well-known manuals or instructions.

Schreenshot(Russian: Screenshot, screenshot) – current screenshot of the monitor screen. The easiest way is to press the PrintScreenSysRq key, or PrtScr for short, and then paste it into any graphic editor, such as Paint.

TC– (English topic starter) topic starter, topic creator, message thread on the forum.

Voodoo programming- this is a person who writes a program without a clear understanding of the programming language, while the program most often may not work correctly, or, on the contrary, it may work perfectly, but the programmer cannot explain how he wrote the code.

W8- a seemingly incomprehensible abbreviation for simple user Internet, and the advanced of course knows that the English word “Wait”, which is briefly written as (W8) translates as “wait”.

WTF– (English: what the fuck) what the hell is this?

If you know an interesting Internet word or phrase, add it and its definition in the comments. We kindly ask you not to copy definitions from other sites - such messages will be deleted.

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Hello! Dear friends, can you imagine your life without modern technology? I think not, and it is especially difficult to imagine the absence of a computer. The computer has taken a very important position in all areas of activity. That is, over the past decades, the computer has become a way to spend interesting leisure time, as well as an integral part in many areas of work: engineering, medicine, etc.

Many programs and computer “innovations” are developed abroad and distributed throughout the world. It happens that the program does not have Russian, but you will probably find English in the list of languages ​​when installing. So there is a need to know a basic dictionary of computer terms in English. In addition, many of the programs have a certain number of identical terms, which greatly simplifies the task of studying them, since they are found in almost all programs. Thus, it will not be difficult to remember their translation and meaning over time.

For example, in any program you will encounter

  • open- open
  • file- file
  • error- error, etc.

In addition to the fact that many will find knowledge of computer terms useful in their work, others will also find it useful in non-professional work, for example, to install a program on a computer. Almost always during installation you will come across words such as:

  • next- Further
  • cancel- cancel
  • to close all other applications- close all applications
  • accept- accept

English computer terms Mastering a dictionary of computer terminology will improve your computer literacy. Those who use a computer for an impressive period of time mistakenly consider themselves “advanced” users. In fact, encountering any English term often becomes an insurmountable obstacle.

Another argument for you to learn a dictionary of English computer terms is the fact that many of them are borrowed from Russian. It is well known that the computer has become one of the reasons for the intensive use of Anglicisms in the Russian language over the last half century. For example, the word " feast" comes from the English words " peer”, which translated means “accomplice” and has acquired a new meaning: a client participating in distribution in programs such as torrent.

Computer and global Internet system

As was said a little above, the computer and the Internet have become the reasons for the emergence of Anglicisms in the Russian language; they are changing the Russian vocabulary with amazing speed. You are right in thinking that there is nothing wrong with this. However, imagine that you hear the following dialogue on the street:

I changed mine yesterday Avik, Jolie poured himself. And I set myself aku Best

  • Avik (from the English “avatar”) - means a picture that serves as a “face” on forums and blogs
  • aka (from the expression “also known as”, translated “also known as”) - means nickname, that is, the name by which a network user is known

Okay, I'll keep you posted. What are you?

What is your opinion? Does this sound Russian? Of course not. All this resembles some kind of strange, ridiculous slang. Why did it happen? Yes, because many, due to ignorance of translation into Russian, began to distort English words, adding only Russian endings.

That is why today’s topic is relevant, since studying the information below will help you not speak the fictitious half-Russian-half-English language. You will be able to maintain a purely Russian language, and if necessary, you will not be confused by the program in English.

Dictionary of English computer terms

For greater convenience, we will divide computer terms into specific topics. Each topic includes a small glossary of terms that you may encounter in a given situation.

Computer and its components

Computer - computer
Laptop - laptop
Monitor - monitor
Flash drive - flash drive
Disk - disk
Projector - projector
Scanner - scanner
Printer - printer
Keyboard - keyboard
Key - key
Mouse - mouse
Mousepad - mouse pad
Power strip - extension cord
Floppy disk drive- disk drive
Motherboard - motherboard
Hard disk - hard drive
Random access memory - RAM
Modem - modem

Audio and video player


Internet - Internet
Link - link
Hard link - direct link
Home page - home page
Hyperlink - hyperlink
History - history
Internet address - Internet address
Join - connection
Net - network
E-mail - e-mail
Spam - spam
Off line - off line
Port - port
Server - server
Traffic - traffic
Trojan horse - Trojan
User - user
Web page - web page
Web site - website
Weblog - blog
Forum - forum
Browser - browser
Log in - input
World-Wide Web - World Wide Web

The program and its installation on the computer

Program - program
Programming - programming
Data processing - data processing
Main program - main program
Processing program
Testing - testing
Recovery program - recovery program
Install - install
Instruction - instructions
Demo version - demo version
Freeware - free software
Algorithm - algorithm
Menu bar - menu bar
Prompt - hint
Exit - exit
Uninstall - uninstall
Update - update

Working with text data

Printer - printer, printing device
Listing - printout
Text - text
File store - file storage
Cipher - cipher
Copy - copy
Insert - insert
Delete - delete, exclude
Symbol - symbol
Gap - space
Cell - cell
A scrollbar - scroll bar
Label - label
Colon - colon
comma - comma
Quotation marks - quotes
Bracket - bracket
Semicolon - semicolon
Line - string
Font - font
Font size/ style/ weight - font size/ style/ boldness
Erasing - erasing
Copy protect - copy protection
Word processing - text processing

Common computer terms

This is not the entire dictionary of English terms you will encounter if you have a computer with Internet access, but these are the most common terms. You can download a more extensive dictionary of terms in English with translation