Download the application to remove system applications. Removing pre-installed applications on Android

Manufacturers of smartphones based on the Android operating system often sin by integrating many of their own applications into the firmware. Most of these applications are completely user-friendly, but they cannot be deleted because they are considered system applications.

Faced with such a situation, users ask a completely logical question. Namely, how to remove system applications on Android. If you are also interested in this issue, then we offer you two solutions at once.

But first, a couple of important notes. Firstly, in order to remove system applications, you must. Without ROOT rights nothing will work. And secondly, deleting system applications can lead to various errors and unstable operation of the Android device. To minimize the risk of such problems, never delete applications with an icon for the Android operating system or the Play Market store.

If you have ROOT rights and you don’t know how to remove system applications, then the easiest way for you is Root Uninstaller. This application can be downloaded from Google Play and can be used to remove any applications you don’t need. In addition to simply uninstalling applications, Root Uninstaller can also freeze applications, hide applications, and create backup copies and use them to restore deleted applications.

Manual removal of system applications on Android.

If for some reason you do not want to use the Root Uninstaller application, then you can remove system applications on your Android smartphone manually. To do this, you will need a file manager that can work with ROOT rights, as well as some free time.

In this article we will demonstrate how this is done using the example of a file manager. In order for this file manager to work normally with ROOT rights, you need to configure it a little. Launch ES Explorer and swipe from the left edge of the screen to open the side menu. In the side menu we need to enable the “ROOT Explorer” function.

After enabling this function, a request will appear on the screen to grant ROOT rights to the application. Click "Ok" to confirm. Next, you need to click on “ROOT Explorer” again in the side menu and hold your finger until a window with additional settings appears. Here you need to select “Connect as R/W”.

Then select the “RW” option for all folders and close the window by clicking on the “Ok” button.

Now the ES Explorer file manager is configured, and we can proceed directly to uninstalling system applications. To do this, open the /system/app folder in the internal memory of the Android device. In this folder we need to find the APK files of the system applications that we want to delete. Select these APK files and click on the “Delete” button. We also do the same with ODEX files of uninstalled applications.

If you have Android 5.0, then in the /system/app folder each application will be located in its own separate folder. In this case, simply select folders with unnecessary system applications and click on the “Delete” button.

After deleting the APK and ODEX files in the /system/app folder, you need to remove the updates. To do this, go to the /data/app folder, again find the APK files of system applications you do not need and delete them.

As in the previous case, if you have Android 5.0, then the /system/app folder will contain not just APK files, but folders. Select the application folders and click on the “Delete” button.

The last step in is deleting databases and cache files. To do this, go to the /data/data folder and delete the application folders there that belong to the system applications to be deleted.

This completes the process of manually removing system applications on Android. Reboot your device for the changes to take effect.

The number of companies producing Android devices is constantly increasing. A couple of years ago, no one had heard of such manufacturers as Xiaomi or Leco. And today they are beginning to compete with such giants as Samsung and Lenovo. There is also competition in developing applications for their devices so that users can take advantage of all the capabilities of their devices. That is why when you buy a new phone or tablet, it turns out to be almost completely filled with different programs, they are also called system or stock. Whether they are needed or just taking up free space is up to you to decide. But if you still decide to get rid of unnecessary programs, and at the same time clean it to speed up work, then we will tell you how to remove pre-installed applications on Android.

What applications can be deleted?

There is no single list of programs that can be safely removed without harming the system, so everyone must determine for themselves which of them are not needed. We offer a list of basic programs and those elements, the removal of which will not harm the operation of the Android device, for example, Google maps.

List of programs:

  • Voice search or dialing;
  • Help and support from the manufacturer;
  • Standard email client or browser (Internet);
  • Unused video, audio players;
  • Unnecessary Google services (Maps, Gmail, Gtalk, etc.);
  • All kinds of games, books, etc.

Under no circumstances should you randomly delete applications or files you don’t like, this can lead to a crash of the entire system! Any application is a file with the extension apk. It is this file that should be deleted. If available, you also need to delete files with the .odex extension. Then this procedure can be considered completed correctly.

This is what the program system file itself looks like:

Here is a list of possible system applications to remove:

  • AccuweatherWidget.apk - weather informer;
  • AnalogClock.apk - analog clock widget;
  • BlueSea.apk, Aurora.apk, etc. – all types of live wallpapers;
  • ChatON_MARKET.apk - chat from Samsung;
  • Encrypt.apk - memory card encryption;
  • Geniewidget.apk – news widget;
  • GooglePartnerSetup.apk is another Google social program;
  • Kobo.apk – magazines;
  • Layar-samsung.apk - augmented reality browser;
  • MobilePrint.apk - remote printing of documents;
  • PlusOne.apk is another social service from Google;
  • SamsungWidget* - different types of widgets from developers from Samsung;
  • VideoEditor.apk - video editor;
  • Voice*.apk – programs for working with voice;
  • Zinio.apk – Internet magazines.

How to remove unnecessary pre-installed applications?

Removing standard programs without root rights, that is, manually, is carried out in the usual way. Choose "settings", Further "applications". We activate the required one and click delete.

There's nothing complicated here. Difficulties usually arise when deletion is not possible, or an error occurs when performing the operation. Then you need to use special programs or simply disable it (see our video for more details).

  1. We use ES conductor.

We have already written about where to download and how to use it. Within the framework of this material, we will talk specifically about deletion on Android.

After launching Explorer, scroll to the right or click at the top of the window, depending on the version, to open the menu. In it you need to find and activate the “Root Explorer” to obtain rights to remove pre-installed programs. It is usually located in the “tools” section.

Now you can move on to the removal procedure itself. On the Android system, pre-installed applications are located on the internal memory in the “system/app” folder. Select the required file by touch and click delete.

Some of them additionally download their updated version to the “data/app” folder. We recommend checking there for the presence of the program to be removed.

A faster way is to uninstall the files from the “system” menu section. It is located in the initial menu, “APPS” tab.

  1. We use CCleaner.

We have already published instructions for installation and operation. To remove pre-installed programs, run cleaner and enter the main menu. We are interested in the “system” tab. Let's select it.

The window that opens will display a list of all programs available for removal. You don't have to search for exactly where the applications are located. Removal is carried out automatically, literally in a couple of clicks (before deleting, the cleaner will ask). And then, it will reboot your device to shut down correctly.

  1. We remove pre-installed programs using titanium backup.

In this video, we offer you visual instructions on another way to remove system applications on Android.

Let us note once again that if you are not sure about the purpose of a particular program, it is better not to delete it. We hope that this material was useful to you. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments. We will try to help.

Not long ago I started writing a series of articles answering fairly simple questions related to Android that nevertheless arise in the minds of beginners. And here is one of these questions - how to remove applications from your Android device? There are several ways to remove it, I will write about each of them.

Uninstalling Android Apps Using Application Manager

We go to the dispatcher using the following path:
Menu - Settings - Applications
We select the required application and click on it - an application management window appears, in which you can, among other things, remove the Android program (delete Android applications) from your device.

The disadvantage of this method of deleting applications is that the list also shows pre-installed applications, which cannot be deleted this way. But for an unpretentious user who wants to remove an Android program he has installed or delete Android applications, this method is ideal.

Removing Android programs using special programs

How to remove applications for Android using special programs? And where can I download them? Such programs should make the process of removing applications as easy as possible. You can always search for Google Play, for example, "Uninstall" and get dozens of applications that allow you to uninstall other applications on your Android device with one click.

Uninstalling Android programs using file managers

Absolutely any decent file manager should have a tool that allows you to remove applications. It is accessible from the menu: a list of installed programs is displayed, uninstallation occurs with one tap.

Uninstalling Android applications using Google Play

If you installed applications using Google Play, they are stored in the “My Applications” tab and are deleted from there. Just find it and go in - the “Delete” button will be available. If you have installed many applications, just use the search.

Removing Android system programs

To remove Android system applications, you will need root user rights and access to the /system folder. If you have the above, use the program. All installed programs are stored in the /system/app folder. In order to remove a program, you need to find its apk file and simply delete it.
Be careful, we highly do not recommend doing this!

In this practical guide, I will tell you how to delete an application on Android in various ways. This can be done without damaging the OS. You will also learn how to remove system (standard) and hidden applications. How to uninstall them from internal memory or SD card.

The best programs for uninstallation

Video instruction:

Why remove applications from Android?

  • The phone slows down and responds slowly to user actions. As a result, working with the phone is inconvenient and access to important functions is slower.
  • on a mobile device. This does not always happen because of the small amount of RAM, but because unnecessary applications are installed on the phone. Because of this, side and unnecessary functions run in the background.
  • By deleting unnecessary applications, you will focus on the most useful ones (of the remaining ones) and will not be distracted by unnecessary ones.
  • Some developers introduce advertising into their products - a popup screen is displayed on the phone screen or lockscreen (lock screen), which cannot be gotten rid of in any way except by uninstalling the “culprit”.

Reference. Uninstallation – removal of a mobile application (or computer program) from the operating system and from the storage device.

How to remove unnecessary apps from your phone

Through the standard Application Manager

You can find a section with a list of installed programs on Android at: Settings - Applications.

Standard Android Application Manager Toolkit

In the “Applications” section you can find out how much space a particular application takes up and where it is installed – in the internal memory or on the SD card. The bottom of the screen shows how much phone memory is free and occupied. By clicking on the line with the name, you will find out the cache size and data consumption in the OS.

Applications installed by the user can be stopped (that is, unloaded from memory), deleted, or (which is useful if you need to free up phone memory).

In the SD Memory Card tab – a list of applications installed on the phone’s SD card.

In the Running section - useful information about how long a particular program has been running and how much RAM is consumed. Thus, if an application is wasting resources, it can and should be removed.

It should be noted that the standard Android tools are not suitable for mass removal of Android applications, although they are useful for single removal of a particular package.

Uninstalling applications using CCleaner

CCleaner is a simple but effective utility for uninstalling applications on Android. An intuitive interface allows you to remove everything unnecessary in a few clicks: applications and cache (sometimes occupying hundreds of megabytes), apk installers and temporary files, and other “garbage”. The full version of the application is free, but contains advertising.

Sequence of steps to remove applications using CCleaner:

  1. and install the utility
  2. Through the main menu, go to the “Application Management” section.
  3. Installed, system and disabled applications are distributed among the tabs. Select the desired section.
  4. By clicking on the line with the application, information is available: name, program and cache size, installation date, version, etc.
  5. Select the items and click on the Trash icon to remove programs from Android.
  6. Click “Delete” again and confirm the operation.

Uninstalling applications using CCleaner for Android

Through CCleaner, you can remove applications in batches, and not individually, as the standard manager offers.

CCleaner is suitable for regularly cleaning Android and uninstalling applications from your phone. It is not possible to remove standard Android applications (such as Google Drive, Gmail) in CCleaner - neither with root access nor without it.

Clean Master – removal of standard and custom applications

Clean Master is another program for comprehensively cleaning your phone from garbage: temporary files, duplicates and remaining data that one or another application was “too lazy” to clean up. Clean Master does not specialize in uninstalling programs, but it does include a module called Application Manager.

A batch mode for uninstalling applications on your phone is available here. You can also manage apk packages and move apps from your memory card. This will help redistribute space and clear the phone's internal memory.

Removing Android system applications is not available in Clean Master; you can only uninstall user programs - those you installed yourself.

Removing system applications using System App Remover Pro

Removing Android system applications will help speed up the OS. However, it only makes sense to undertake this if you clearly know what can be deleted. To do this you will need root rights and System App Remover.

Remove unnecessary applications from your phone

Through the System Applications section, you can remove things that regular managers do not allow you to do. However, we advise you to follow the uninstaller’s recommendations and deactivate only applications that are marked “Can be removed.” Otherwise, you can disable the Android OS or cause system errors.

To remove Android system components:

  1. In the System App Remover menu, go to the "System Applications" section;
  2. In the list, tick the items to be deleted;
  3. Click the "Delete" button.

By the way, this method will help to remove uninstallable applications hidden in the standard Android manager, available. As an example, spyware.

Advice. If your goal is to free up space in your phone's memory, we strongly advise against deleting system applications. It’s better to buy a large memory card and install all applications on it.

System App Remover requires payment for its full-featured work in the pro version (the free version displays advertising at the bottom of the window). A symbolic $1.88 gives you access to the following features:

  • Management of system and user applications;
  • Moving any installed application to an SD memory card or internal phone memory;
  • Use as ;
  • Allows you to remove Android system applications;
  • Batch uninstallation mode: you can select only the necessary applications with checkboxes and remove them in a few clicks.
  • Flexible management of standard and custom applications: sorting, filtering by name, package name and path, searching for applications, etc.

What applications can be safely removed on Android

Let's note applications that make sense to remove in order to improve the performance of the mobile device.

  1. Uninstall social network clients. In particular, the Facebook/Messenger app consumes a lot of memory on Android, and you're constantly distracted by notifications.
  2. Feel free to remove unnecessary user programs - those that you installed yourself via Google Play or by downloading an apk file from an unverified source.
  3. Uninstall antiviruses. It would seem a controversial decision, but if you are confident in the security of your mobile device or you do not have a particular need for constant protection, remove the antivirus.
  4. You can remove optimizers and cleaners. Programs like CleanMaster and DU Battery Saver are useful on an occasional basis. Over time, they begin to get boring and hang like a dead weight in the Android RAM.
  5. Games are not only the main time killers: they take up a significant amount of megabytes in the memory of a mobile device.

Final tip: install only necessary applications on your phone

Keep only the apps you need on your phone. Try alternatives, experiment, but always control what is installed.

If you install any program, be sure to test it and make a conclusion: keep the program or remove it. On the one hand, this approach requires time and patience, on the other hand, it saves your nerves. A phone loaded with dozens of applications will not work as quickly as after purchase.

Answers to readers' questions

I can’t update apps on my phone, they say there’s not enough memory. But I deleted some of them, except the standard ones, and still I can’t download or install anything. There are very few programs on the phone, and it is impossible to do anything. What should I do, why can’t I install applications on my phone?

Answer. The first tip is to buy a high-capacity SD card. This is the easiest and fastest way to solve the problem with missing memory on your phone. There is no need to delete applications and constantly clear memory in order to “carve out” space in the internal storage.

We also advise you to carefully read the guide on how to remove applications on Android. Perhaps you need not only an Android application manager, but something more flexible, like the uninstaller from the developer Jumobile (see above). It will allow you to remove even hidden applications on your phone, as well as Chinese or system ones.

The phone (Sony Xperia M4 Aqua) receives notifications that the memory on the phone is low. I decided to transfer some applications to the SD card and leave them only in the internal memory. A little time passed and notifications began to arrive again, there was no more space on the SD card and I decided to clear it out of my mind, forgetting that I had once transferred applications there, and now the icons of these applications are lit on my screen, but I can’t go into them , and on top of these icons the SD card icon is lit. And most importantly, I can’t download the programs again and I can’t delete the application from my phone.

Answer. All applications transferred to the SD card (or even deleted user applications) can be easily returned - just go to Google Play and use the search to find this or that program for Android, then click on the Install button.

You can transfer applications to an SD card as follows:

  1. Go to Settings - Applications (Application Manager).
  2. Go to SD Card or USB Drive Section
  3. Find in the list the application that you want to transfer to the SD card
  4. Confirm action

By the way, it is impossible to remove unnecessary or transfer Android system applications in this way; this will require third-party programs such as Jumobile.

I installed a memory card on my smartphone, I want to download the application. It does not install, it says: remove applications, there is not enough memory. The phone's memory is full. How to remove unnecessary applications from Android?

Answer. If you wish, you can remove unnecessary applications using CCleaner, CleanMaster or the application manager from Jumobile. These same utilities, by the way, will allow you to clear up free space by deleting cache, temporary files and other unnecessary data on your phone.

If the system memory is full of applications, it is better to transfer them to an SD card (I wrote about how to do this above in the text).

I uninstalled some program on my phone. The message “Safe Mode” appeared on the screen (in the lower left corner). Some applications are no longer visible. I downloaded the Undelete recovery program, but I can’t log in, but this program is installed in the Play Store. What kind of program could it be that is causing problems after uninstalling it?

Answer. You may have uninstalled the system application on Android, or the installed program conflicts with the phone. Rebooting the device helps exit safe mode. If after rebooting you still enter this mode, try turning off the phone and turning it on using the power and volume down buttons held down at the same time.

Tip: do not delete system or user applications on Android without knowing their purpose. Deleting it can lead to serious consequences: at best, you will have to reflash the phone.