DIY fabric postcards diagrams templates. How to make a postcard from fabric? Postcards made of fabric with small details, small roses, and an abundance of lace have a special charm. Pale fabrics and black and white photographs add a vintage feel to the product.

Hello, our dear readers!

Fabrics are being used more and more often in scrap work. A classic is a fabric cover for an album or notebook. What other applications could there be?

Word to Rita:

Hi all! Rita is with you -Ritta . Today I want to offer you two master classes on fabric cards. Fabric is a special material in scrapbooking, giving the work a lot of coziness, warmth and softness. And, of course, fabric cards always turn out to be especially sincere.

Today we will make two fabric cards - a soft one and a regular flat one.

Let's start with the soft one. The very first, most important and most time-consuming thing is to create the foundation. For this we need:
  • a piece of paper corresponding to the size of the future postcard (mine is 10x15 cm);
  • a piece of fleece or other filler. It should be either the same size as paper, or a little larger;
  • and a piece of fabric of the type and color that suits your idea. I took ordinary white cotton.

Note: if you take a light-colored fabric, keep in mind that the filler will show through. And if you don’t need this, then take white filler. My fabric is white and my fleece is pink, but the see-through will not bother me.

Step 1: Spread glue on the paper and apply it to the fleece. Cut off the excess. It was simple, then it gets more complicated.

Step 2: We iron the fabric well - we don’t need creases and wrinkles. Place the workpiece on the fabric, fleece side down. Now you need to beautifully form the corners. I think most of you have already made soft notebooks and album covers, and you know and know how to stretch fabric, there are many ways to do this, I’ll show you mine.
First, I drop a drop of glue onto the paper and bend the corners. When tensioning the fabric, you need to find the golden mean, otherwise if you pull too hard, the corners will turn out square, and if weakly, they will hang like a pillow))))) Ideally, there will be a gap of about 1 mm between the paper and the fabric.
Step 3: Now we glue the sides. Here you can no longer be afraid and stretch the fabric properly.
Step 4: Well, we glue the other two sides.
Step 5: This is the kind of preparation we got. I'll show you a closer corner.
Step 6: The most interesting part begins - composing the composition. Inspiration and any of your creative ideas, as well as assignments from your favorite challenge blogs, will help you here. And this is how I did it: I glued pieces of book sheets and a little crumpled craft.
Step 7: Now I randomly apply texture paste in some places through a stencil, and attach the fabric in the middle. The background of a plain white fabric allowed me to choose this bright cotton for the composition.

Step 8: I want to decorate the card with flowers, but I'm afraid they won't look good on such a colorful fabric, so I add more white cotton and paper pieces on top, like in the background.

Step 9: I select decorations that match the background palette. The photo does not show everything I used, but only the main ones.
Step 10: We assemble the composition by adding more small details - beads, stones, seed beads. Next we glue the opening cardstock base. The postcard is ready!

Now we will make a card with fabric as a background, but without soft filler. It's very simple)))

Now we need:
  • a piece of paper corresponding to the size of the future postcard (this time I have 9x16 cm);
  • a piece of fabric the same size as the paper (I took linen canvas and made a fringe around the edges.

  • Everything is easy, just glue the fabric onto the paper)))

    Now this fabric background needs to be decorated. Linen canvas is very suitable for eco-style work. Therefore, I select materials suitable for eco-style. I take a book sheet, craft paper, floral scrap paper and a piece of the same fabric.

    I arrange scraps of paper and stitch them around the perimeter with threads of two colors.

    Then I add a little texture and apply it randomly.

    I would like to make the background a little more voluminous. I sew the same scraps and a piece of canvas with folds

    The background palette is beige-yellow-orange. Therefore, the jewelry matches it, plus I take white, which is always appropriate.

    Many of us like to give our loved ones what we have made with the help of our imagination. This category also includes postcards that we make with our own hands.
    So, you decided to please your family, trying to get something similar at the end of the work.

    For this we will prepare white cardboard, fabric, soft yarn, lace, decorative buttons, glue, fabric paints, photos of those whom we want to please with our postcard.
    Let's start by placing two pieces of cardboard of the same size in front of us, this will be the base of our card, cut the fabric to this size and attach it to the cardboard. We will get this piece of cardboard covered with fabric.

    Next, using acrylic paints, draw a Christmas tree, the sun, and snow.

    Now we will knit two identical pink pieces from soft yarn. Their dimensions match the dimensions of our layout.

    Sew a piece of yarn and a piece of fabric together. Then we connect the two parts. This turns out to be the pink part.

    On the other side we sew yarn to cover the seams. We especially mark the place for the photo on the postcard.

    Now we decorate our card: we write wishes, glue buttons, you can add snowflakes and so on. It turns out quite nice.

    On the other hand, we decorate our card with a lace heart.

    We paste the photo. And now our wonderful winter card with wishes is ready. Its content may be different: it all depends on your tastes and the relationships you have with the people for whom this postcard is intended. Author Antonina

    Postcards made of fabric with small details, small roses, and an abundance of lace have a special charm. Pale fabrics and black and white photographs give the product a vintage feel.

    Postcards made of fabric are made using the collage technique. Fabrics, lace and accessories are used in beige shades. The fabrics are not cut with scissors, but torn off, and the resulting fringe is noticeable. There is also a lot of lace of various textures in the works; many cards contain tulle and gauze.

    Some cards are made in the shape of a small pillow with filling.

    To create a postcard, you need to prepare thick cardboard, a black and white photograph (can be cut out from a magazine or newspaper), a sheet, homespun fabric, canvas, burlap, various laces, pieces of an old curtain. Place the photo in the center of the cardboard and sew the fabrics one by one, creating a frame for the photo. Then sew on lace and decorate with buttons and beads.

    To create a fabric card, you can use prints, sew on fabric with a sewing machine, or use the fabric decoupage technique to glue pieces of old newspaper or sheet music. To make fabric or lace look aged, you can tint it with tea or coffee.

    @Home HAND-MADE

    Postcards made from fabric have an original look and cannot be compared with any others. Such masterpieces (there’s no other way to call them) are made from pieces of various fabrics, ribbons, lace, all kinds of artificial flowers and leaves, beads, buttons, and rhinestones. In other words, everything that can be sewn onto cardboard is perfect for decorating a fabric postcard. Naturally, creating such postcards is only possible for those who know how to sew, and they need to sew both on a sewing machine and by hand. This technique of execution is called collage: a lot of all sorts of not very necessary scraps and decorations are taken and assembled on a base into one finished picture.

    To make a postcard from fabric, you either need to be a great dreamer, or simply have in front of your eyes something like a template, according to which the postcard is created. There are not so many great dreamers in the world, and there are more than enough templates, so we will not “reinvent the wheel”, but will try to create a postcard that someone has already made.

    There is absolutely no need to worry that it will be a simple copy: you also need to be born a great copyist. We will just borrow the idea of ​​decoration, because everyone will have their own fabrics and their own decorations. You will see that in the end you will get a completely different postcard. So, let's start doing magic.

    Fabric card with embroidery

    Before you start embroidering a wonderful owl, you need to take cardboard and bend it in half. This way you will get the basis of the future postcard. Then take a piece of burlap-like fabric and paint it with paint. The fabric should not be cut to size, but should be torn so that a fringe appears on the edge.

    If you want to make the fabric multi-colored, then you need to take several shades of paint of the same color, and apply the paint to the fabric with a wet sponge. When the workpiece is dry, draw the outline of the bird and embroider it with multi-colored floss threads. The design can be anything: if you don’t like birds, embroider butterflies, animals, cars, or even a self-portrait.

    The next stage of our work will be sewing the burlap canvas to the cardboard base. It is better to sew on a sewing machine. If you want to make the design three-dimensional, then before stitching on a typewriter, place thin foam rubber between the cardboard and the fabric.

    Such a postcard can be made not double, classic, but single, which also looks good. To do this, you need to take a piece of cardboard smaller than the fabric.

    Glue the cardboard onto the burlap.

    Fold the edges of the fabric inward and glue them to the cardboard.

    This version of the postcard is suitable for those who do not know how to sew at all. If you want to mask the edges of the fabric from the inside out, you can glue another cardboard rectangle on top.

    Postcard with callas

    To make this card, you need to stock up on small artificial callas (flowers), a piece of smooth fabric and a piece of fleecy fabric. The base of the postcard, as usual, will be made of thick cardboard.

    The manufacturing technique remains the same. First, the cardboard is folded in half, then a piece of smooth fabric is sewn onto the front side, a piece of fleecy fabric is sewn on top, and then smooth fabric follows again. Now it’s the turn of the flowers, which we sew or glue onto the top layer of fabric. We secure the callas with strips of different fabrics. Everything is ready, just remember that the fabric should be torn, not cut.

    It's the same type of postcard, just designed a little differently:

    Postcards with knitted flowers look no less interesting. In this case, not artificial flowers are sewn onto the fabric, but self-knitted flowers.

    Postcard "Teddy Bear"

    Such a cute card requires a lot of perseverance and accuracy. Stocked up? Then go ahead!

    In addition to perseverance, we will need: a piece of canvas or burlap, a thin veil, a piece of napkin, beautiful braid, stickers for children's creativity. Let's start manufacturing.

    1. Sew a piece of canvas to the base cardboard.
    2. Sew a piece of organza or veil to the canvas.
    3. Sew the braid around the organza.
    4. Find a picture of a teddy bear, cut it out and paste it onto the veil (organza).
    5. Glue fluffy yarn along the outline of the bear.
    6. At the bottom of the card, glue or sew a tablecloth-napkin.
    7. Apply stickers.

    The postcard is ready!

    Postcards made in the same style:

    DIY ideas

    Here are ideas for other postcards. All of them are made according to the same rules that we have already mastered, and do not pose any difficulty.

    Now that you have learned how to create cards from fabric, you won’t have to regretfully throw away pieces of ribbons, scraps of lace and bright shreds, or rack your brains about what to give such an unusual gift to your mother, friend or work colleague.