The smartphone slows down and gets hot. Programs for optimizing Android devices. What to do if your device gets hot and starts to freeze

Have you noticed that a fresh Android, right out of the box or after flashing it, just flies? But some time passes, and no trace remains of the former speed. The system interface becomes thoughtful, the launch of programs slows down, and even things that should not slow down in principle manage to slow down.

Why does this happen and how to deal with it? Let's figure it out.

Operating system and application updates

Each device goes on sale with the then current version of the operating system, which most fully matches the characteristics of this gadget. If the manufacturer released a system update for your smartphone or tablet after some time, then you will undoubtedly acquire new functions, but it is not a fact that the device will work as fast.

The same goes for some applications. Developers are constantly focusing on new devices and optimizing their programs for their capabilities. Therefore, some programs run slower after updates than before.

How to fix it?

You must make your own choice between functionality and speed. If you do not have a very powerful device, then it makes sense to abandon new versions of the OS and applications. Sometimes switching to alternative, “lightweight” firmware can give good results.

Background processes

Have you installed three dozen programs after purchasing your device and are not going to stop? Do you think that if an application is not active, then it does not consume system resources?

This is not entirely true. Many installed programs are automatically loaded when the system starts, consuming processor resources and occupying the memory of your device. Separately, we need to remember the various live wallpapers and desktop widgets, most of which do absolutely nothing useful.

How to fix it?

Disable live wallpapers, desktop widgets and other bells and whistles that you don’t really need. Look at the list of background applications and stop those that you don't need. Remove programs you don't use. For those users who feel empowered to dive even deeper into the secrets of Android background processes, we recommend the Autostarts program.

Lack of free space

The built-in storage devices of your gadget are designed in such a way that, when almost completely full, their performance can slow down significantly. This is due to the methods used to record information to the internal flash memory of the device. Therefore, for the device to operate quickly, it is very important that at least a quarter of the internal memory remains free.

Android is a popular system for tablets and phones of different models and manufacturers. Android has received approval and distribution in just a few years all over the world, and is taking huge steps forward without standing still. Every day more and more powerful models of tablets and phones appear, with parameters that would have been difficult to even imagine 7 years ago. Following the development of hardware, Android OS developers constantly have to develop and modify their operating system for various devices. This may be why we may encounter problems with system slowdowns and freezes on phones and weak tablets. Let's try to figure it out Why is your Android slow? and how to deal with the problem.

Pros of the Android operating system:

  • minimum hardware requirements for the device;
  • easy to use and learn by users;
  • many free applications and games;
  • Huge possibilities for personalizing and customizing the gadget interface;

This list can be continued for a long time, but we are more interested in the problem with braking and operation of the device. Once you have purchased the aircraft, it will fly fabulously and you will be happy for the first months of operation. But after 40-50 games and applications are installed on your device - a tablet, for example, if not more, you will feel the slow operation of the gadget. What is this connected with? Why did my Android tablet start to slow down? What to do and how to solve the problem.

We remove applications that slow down the device.

The first thing you need to do is go through all the installed games and programs, and find those that you have not even launched, or have already completed the game completely. All these applications just need to be removed from your device! They take up precious free space this time, and secondly, some applications may hang in the RAM of your device, thereby taking up extra megabytes of your RAM and loading the CPU processor. You can read more about the “ ” message in this review.

Disabling processes in the background.

The first thing you did was remove those programs that you no longer need. The most necessary and useful utilities remain, now let's optimize their work in the background. In simple terms, we need to disable processes in the system that slow down our Android tablet and that we do not use in our work. You can do this by going to your OS settings:

Settings - Applications - Running

This is how you can see how much memory is consumed by certain applications installed on your tablet or phone. We look through the list and disable unnecessary programs. Attention: We strongly recommend that inexperienced users disable Google services, because it may cause your device to freeze or slow down completely.

Widgets and launchers slow down Android no less.

A widget is a small program that displays information about the weather, time, settings, etc. on the main screen of your tablet or phone. All this looks beautiful, but if you clutter the entire screen with these gadgets, you will also experience freezing of the Android system. In addition, the battery of your device will be additionally discharged, so we also recommend disable all unnecessary widgets and launchers. Yes, these are the sacrifices you have to make in order to achieve the best performance of your Android.

As you can see from the screenshot, it consumed as much as 28 megabytes of memory, which is quite a lot for such an application. So if your Android has not yet started to slow down and freeze terribly, avoid all unnecessary widgets.

Android slows down while working

Another reason why your phone or tablet is slowing down may be weak hardware. What does it mean? This means that your tablet or phone is outdated, and the program or game that starts glitchy and slow cannot work with this configuration. It makes sense to look at the minimum requirements of the application, and if they are high, it’s time to purchase a more modern phone or tablet. We hope that the problem has been at least somehow solved for you, and we wish you less slowdowns!

Surely all owners of Android devices notice that only immediately after purchase and first switching on, the smartphone or tablet worked quite quickly, but over time, Android began to slow down. Applications launch extremely slowly, you have to wait a very long time to open pages on the Internet, and in general, sometimes the gadget even freezes. What is the reason for this phenomenon? What can be done to restore performance or at least partially speed up the system? We will talk about this further.

Why is Android slow?

The main reasons for this behavior of this operating system, like any other, are usually considered to be excessive load on the RAM and processor.

It is usually caused by numerous calls from installed system and user applications running in the background, hidden from our eyes. Too large cache volumes, cluttering the drive with unnecessary user or residual files of deleted applets, as well as the impact of viruses (yes, those also exist in nature) can also have an impact.

This is why Android slows down. What to do in such a situation? There are several recommendations on this matter, and not all of them boil down to just cleaning out the above garbage. In some situations, even such measures do not help.

Options for improving performance

Among the techniques that allow, if not to restore performance completely, then at least to increase it, the most effective options include the following:

  • disabling unused services and processes;
  • clearing the system cache and application cache;
  • manual removal of unnecessary files and applets;
  • use of optimizers and boosters;
  • virus removal;
  • uninstallation of custom firmware;
  • reset to factory settings.

All these methods must be applied not one at a time, but in combination (if you want the system to really start “flying” again). However, in this situation, you should immediately pay attention to the fact that some Android applications included in the standard system package may be impossible to remove without special tools. Therefore, even with a complete reset, they will still work as if nothing had happened. Let's dwell on this separately. In the meantime, let’s talk about what measures you can take yourself without using third-party tools.

Disable unused services and processes

So, we have a situation where Android slows down. What to do in this case? First of all, you need to pay attention to the services and processes that are activated in the system by default (by the way, it is advisable to do this even after purchasing the device and turning it on for the first time).

In this case, first you should disable the NFC module and geolocation when using an Internet connection. NFC consumes quite a lot of system resources, and geolocation with frequent Internet use slows down opening pages and loading files.

The second is the very frequent use of Bluetooth and Wi-Fi wireless communication modules. Some users sometimes do not disable these modules at all, believing that this will not affect system performance in any way. Absolutely delusional! The fact is that they not only put a strain on system resources, but also drain the battery quite significantly, which, in turn, affects the performance of both the system and third-party applets that are launched.

In general, a weak battery, by and large, can also be called one of the reasons that Android is slow. How to fix the situation? Yes, just replace the battery with a more powerful one. This option, of course, can be considered one of the solutions, but it is assumed that the factory battery is designed specifically for a certain type of device. So you will have to act at your own peril and risk.

Manual cache clearing

However, Android's problems don't end there. Another stumbling block is the constant increase in cache (both system and application cache). To the great regret (and sometimes to the indignation) of most users, the system developers did not bother to include an automated cleaning tool in the operating system tools.

And, if the system cache can still be deleted using the settings menu, memory section and cache line, then the situation with applications is much worse.

You can delete the cache associated with system and user applets from the applications section in the settings menu by selecting each individual application. It is simply impossible to do this for all programs at the same time. A huge minus! But if the system does not provide for the installation of some kind of optimizer, at worst, you can limit yourself to this.

Sometimes Android applications installed by the user can slow down the system. Here it is worth paying attention to the fact that not all devices support transferring them from the internal storage to a removable memory card. In addition, many of them very often start in the background along with the system. Take the same Facebook, Viber, Messenger, news or weather informers, etc.

I think it’s already clear why Android slows down: the RAM and processor are constantly being loaded, sometimes to such an extent that there are simply no resources left for system processes. Again, there is no means to exclude applets from startup in the system.

This situation can be corrected in two ways: either remove everything unnecessary or unused yourself, or use special programs for optimization (this will be discussed separately).

Removing unnecessary files

Overfilling the internal storage can also cause situations where Android slows down. What to do with installed programs or excessive files? As is already clear, get rid of everything that interferes with work.

The situation can also have two sides to the coin. If the main drive is too busy, installing something new from the same Play Market storage will be quite problematic. Even if there is, as they say, a lot of space, the system will think for quite a long time, not to mention the fact that if there is not enough space, it will generate an error.

But it is best to delete files and folders using at least some simple file manager, since similar actions using standard tools will take too much time and require considerable effort on the part of the user to find them.

The second point is related to the fact that many users are engaged, so to speak, in decorating the system, installing various kinds of launchers that replace its standard shell. As is already clear, they not only start with the system, but also consume the lion’s share of RAM, loading their own components into it. This leads to the simplest conclusion: do not install too many programs. It is better to limit yourself to only what is really needed. And you can change the interface only if you have sufficiently large amounts of RAM (at least at the level of 3-6 GB).

How to clean Android so it doesn’t slow down using optimizers?

Today you can find not even dozens, but hundreds of them in the same Play Market. And not all of them are equivalent to each other. Some are narrowly targeted cleaners, others can provide comprehensive services with garbage removal and system acceleration, others are designed to increase performance or vice versa - to save battery power, others, in addition to all available tools, also contain anti-virus modules, others can perform the most complete uninstallation of applets with the removal of remaining garbage, the sixth are able to manage startup, etc. But if you have root rights, many of them allow you to remove even system components.

Among the most famous and most popular applets, the following can be highlighted:

  • CCleaner;
  • Clean Master;
  • 360 Security;
  • Assistant Pro;
  • Smart Booster;
  • DU Speed ​​Booster;
  • AVG TuneUp;
  • Smart Booster;
  • Easy Uninstaller;
  • SCleaner;
  • All-in-one-Toolbox;
  • Root Booster, etc.

Removing custom firmware and resetting to factory settings

Finally, it is worth mentioning separately about situations when the user independently installs custom firmware. The point is that a mismatch between the firmware configuration also causes the problem that Android is slow. What to do in this case? Delete the firmware, or better yet not install it at all, otherwise the entire system will become unusable. However, removal is not such a simple matter.

The easiest way is to return Android to factory settings through the settings and the backup and restore section and select the master reset option.

In some cases, other methods can be used. For example, the factory settings of Android on Sony XPERIA smartphones in the form of initial firmware can be returned using the Sony PC Companion utility, which is installed on a computer or laptop. Models from other manufacturers have their own programs. In any case, it looks even better than a general reset directly on the device. Then you can definitely get a “clean” state of the gadget, as if you had just bought it.

Finally, if all this does not help, you will have to use the Hard reset function. But it is advisable to use such a technique only in the most extreme cases.

Brief conclusions

These are the main reasons why Android is slow. What to do, I think, has already become clear to many. To be honest, the best option is to use optimizers (preferably containing anti-virus modules), since manual configuration or cleaning requires too much time and effort, and resetting or restoring factory settings only leads to data loss.

Hello, dear readers! Surely many of you are owners of Android tablets. Such devices please with their performance after purchase, but over time, many users complain about the deterioration of this parameter.

If your Android tablet slows down, what should you do? How to restore the device to its former power?

Reasons for braking

There are only two options: the hardware has failed or a software failure has occurred. The latter happens more often, but first you need to rule out a hardware failure.

Hardware problems

Observe whether the device gets hot during prolonged use. If the answer is yes, then the processor or video card is overheating, which is why it freezes.

The only option for you is to give your tablet a rest after hard work.

It happens that it may turn off after loading some powerful program. In this case, it is recommended to take it to a service center for cleaning of the cooling systems.

An impact can cause braking. Impact damage can cause problems with the screen, which many regard as braking.

Neither the owners of Prestigio gadgets nor any other ones are insured against mechanical influences. In this case, you need to send the device to a service center for repair.

Connectable devices

Sometimes USB drives, keyboards, mice and modems cause problems with Android. This happens when the gadget is poorly assembled. Try disabling them and check the speed. It is also recommended to remove the memory card and SIM card.

If the performance improves, insert external devices one by one to identify which one is causing the glitches.

Software glitch

Despite the development of ever newer versions of the Android operating system, it has drawbacks. So what should you pay attention to? Let's find out!

OS update

Updates for the OS are constantly coming out. They fix detected bugs and glitches. If there is no automatic update, open the settings yourself and update the system.

Background applications

If the OS is updated and was fine before, the problem may be hidden in clogged memory. Go to settings, select “Applications”, then “Running” and disable those that you do not need.

This method allows you to clear the RAM, which is responsible for the stable operation of the gadget. If you notice improvements, you can forcefully remove unused programs. Pay special attention to RAM gobblers.

As you can see, a lack of memory can significantly affect the performance of the gadget. This applies to both powerful Asus tablets and all others.

To avoid this, you need to defragment it more often, scan the device for incorrectly installed or incompatible applications, or viruses.

Frequent installation and removal of applications and programs fragments files. As a result, the tablet starts to slow down during hard work.

Safe mode

If you can't remove apps, go to safe mode. It will only display system services. You need to hold down the power button and volume rocker until the corresponding menu appears.

Then confirm the operation, remove conflicting applications and simply reboot the gadget.

Service software

If the tablet is very slow, download service applications to scan the device and clear the memory of debris. There are many free utilities that will scan, clean and provide a report and recommendations, such as CleanMaster.

Also check your device for viruses. Any free antivirus program will help with this.


If all else fails, restore factory settings. In the settings we find the item “Backup and reset”, then “Reset settings”.

Item “Reset settings”

Attention! Restoring factory settings involves deleting personal information, personal settings, and installed applications without the possibility of recovery.

Therefore, first save the necessary information on another device.

If this measure did not help, perhaps the firmware itself is buggy. In this case, you will need to reflash the tablet.

Problems with Samsung tablets

All of the above measures can also be used if you have a Samsung Tab 2 or 3. But there are two types of factory reset: software and hardware.

The first one allows you to select deletion options. Information is deleted both from the internal memory and from the card.

A hard reset is performed through a special menu, after which contacts, SMS messages, games and applications may remain.

How to perform a soft reset:

  • enter the menu, find the “Settings” item;
  • “Accounts” or “Personal Information”;
  • “Restore and reset” or “Backup and reset”;
  • “Reset settings” or “Reset data”;
  • "Delete everything".

After this, your Samsung Tab 3 or 2 tablet will permanently delete all existing information and return the gadget to its factory state.

How to do a hard reset:

  • hold down the volume and power buttons or hold down the home screen, power and volume keys;
  • in the menu that appears, select the item “Wipedata/Factoryreset” (move through the items using the volume button);
  • then agree to the reset by clicking “Rebootnow”.

After this, the Samsung tablet will either reboot itself, resetting the settings, or the recovery menu will appear, where you must act on the above points.

Power deficit

Finally, I would like to mention the characteristics of Android tablets. Happy owners of such devices happily download and install many useful and not so useful utilities, without thinking about the power of their device.

Glitches can occur with a large number of programs that load automatically and run in the background. Utilities that require certain performance characteristics may also be the culprits. So, before downloading any software or game, carefully study the performance of your gadget.

In conclusion, I would like to note that the longer the device hangs, the faster it will fail. If you do not understand the intricacies listed above, it is better to contact a service center.

Don't forget to keep an eye on your tablets and share what you find on social media!

The Android operating system is the undisputed “king” of smartphones. According to the latest data from Kantar Media, Android continues to hold a huge market share with a solid lead over its competitors. Businesses and home users consider Android as the primary operating system for their devices.

Despite the success of this operating system, almost all of us sooner or later complain about the performance of our smartphone. Perhaps the battery doesn't last all day, or it's starting to run slowly, or its memory space is quickly filling up. Yes, perhaps we need to take a break and stop complaining about our smartphone, and try to understand the reasons: it would be nice to know that in most cases it is not the smartphones themselves that are to blame, and applications that are the main reasons for problems with the operation of smartphones.

Snapchat, Spotify...even Clean Master

You can check for yourself which applications are most detrimental to the performance of your device. Open menu Settings on your mobile device and look at the resource consumption of each application in the " Battery - Using the Battery", pay attention to the amount of RAM consumed by each application in the section Memory, or estimate the approximate amount of disk space consumed by each application in the section Internal Storage.

Keep in mind that there are some applications that will seriously affect the performance of your smartphone. These include, for example, social networking applications such as Snapchat, this rising “star” of the millennium, or dating service Tinder. It’s also worth mentioning the music streaming app. Spotify, instant messaging service Line or Amazon Shopping, which conveniently allows you to make purchases, as well as other well-known services that can slow down your smartphone.

Google Sheets spreadsheet application
, which many companies use to share and edit documents, is also among such applications. You might be surprised to know that Clean Master, which is designed to clean and optimize the performance of your smartphone, also consumes a lot of resources. Of course, other well-known applications that we can no longer live without consume huge amounts of battery or RAM, as is the case with Facebook, Instagram And Google Maps.

Some Tricks to Improve Productivity

There are some ways that can allow you to improve the speed of your Android smartphone. One of them is remove applications that you do not use, via menu Settings - Applications. You can also delete data that was downloaded by the application, or clear cache to speed up processes.