The best news app for Android. Best News App for Android

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The cross-platform service displays news and other publications that cause maximum resonance among the experts you select. This service will help you stay up to date with important news, protecting you from useless information.

Opera VPN

ASAP Launcher

ASAP stands for As Soon As Possible and corresponds to the Russian phrase “as soon as possible.” That's exactly how it works new shell for Android called . It's beautifully designed, supports multiple themes, and is compatible with any third-party icon packs. The program is currently free, but has a number of premium features that can be unlocked with a small monetary contribution.


Sitting with your nose constantly buried in the smartphone screen is very harmful. And not only for the eyes, but even more so for the cervical spine. The HeadUp program uses a camera to track your posture and warn you about the need to change it.


The program allows you to create applications for the operating room Android systems based mobile versions various sites. This approach ensures full functionality is retained of this resource and at the same time adds several useful additional functions, including integration with the Android notification system.

Zoho Notebook

Zoho Notebook makes absolutely no secret of the fact that it claims to be the Evernote killer. Even after a superficial acquaintance with the application, it becomes clear that Zoho Notebook's ambitions are quite justified. The developers did a great job on the functionality and appearance of the program.

Our selection: News apps for Android

News. They surround us everywhere we go. Any person encounters news at least once a day, unless, of course, he leads an ascetic lifestyle. Newspapers, radio, television, the Internet (via computers), signs on the streets, and even rumors, and more recently mobile applications - all this is already a familiar element for us information age. And it goes without saying that the news is different, just as the people who read this news are different: some like politics, while others are interested in reading about high-tech achievements in science.

The point of all of the above is that modern man can no longer imagine his life without permanent access to this or that information, and it does not matter whether it is the director of a large corporation or an ordinary office employee. Nowadays, news has, for the most part, moved to the Internet, and for simple search information about the situation in the world, many news portals have released native applications for tablets and smartphones. We will look at some of them in this short review article.

News from Rambler

Application Rambler. News meets us in a simple and intuitive way clear interface. No overload, everything is clear and to the point. The main page displays the most actual news, so you don’t have to go further than the first page if you are only interested in short description situation in the world.

As for the menu, it contains news subsections, as well as several sub-items, such as:

  • Readers' choice. This section contains the most read news.
  • Best articles. No comments needed.
  • Photo reports. Here you will find, rather, not news, but visual reports from various events.
  • Video. This section contains not only news, but also advertising videos, as well as useful videos.
  • Bookmarks. News you've read can be bookmarked so you can return to it later.

Regarding animation: everything is at the proper level. Nothing slows down, the animation is smooth and without any frills. Screen rotation is automatic (with support for screen auto-rotation available). We think this is what a modern news app should look like.

News from RG (Russian Newspaper)

Many may think that the functionality of news applications is the same, and there is no point in describing them. In fact, this is not the case, and an example is the news application from Rossiyskaya Gazeta. Unlike Rambler news, the news application of Rossiyskaya Gazeta is structured somewhat differently. Firstly, news subsections are switched not in a pop-up menu, but by switching tabs. In addition to news and photos, the application from Rossiyskaya Gazeta contains several unique sub-items

  • Editions. This includes the WG itself, as well as the WG - Business and WG - Week.
  • Documentation. A unique and important component of the application from Rossiyskaya Gazeta. This category includes not only Comments, but also published documents, as well as changes that come into force.

The second point will be very useful for government officials and entrepreneurs.

Separately, we note that the news application from Rossiyskaya Gazeta has settings. You can customize the font size, and, more importantly, enable or disable image loading. The image automatically rotates to fit the screen position.

In addition, there is a function for saving materials, so you can read the news when you are not connected to the Internet.

News from RIA

The news application from RIA Novosti pleasantly surprised us with its functionality. In terms of navigation, news from RIA is similar to the Rambler application (i.e., selecting sub-items of interest in the pop-up menu).

  • Customization for yourself. In the application from RIA Novosti, you can customize not only the font, as well as turning images on and off, but also much more. Setting the language, the presence of selected sub-items in the main menu, setting the quality of video and images, as well as useful point « Black theme", which allows you to comfortably use the application in the dark.
  • Multimedia functionality. This paragraph also contains photos and videos present in other news applications, but there are also unique features. First of all, this is iconography, which is available only in the application from RIA Novosti. In addition, there are such items as cartoons and quizzes.

The news application from RIA, just like the application from Rambler, allows you to add the news you have read to your favorites. In addition, you can comment on the news through your account in social networks!

The application from RIA Novosti is a clear example of the fact that in one small program You can fit in some good functionality!

Application from [email protected]

The difference between the news program and others is immediately striking similar applications in the pop-up menu, namely, displaying the weather. By clicking on the widget, you can view the weather in detail for several days ahead. This is very the right approach, given that quick access to weather forecasts is just as important to many people as access to news. Like the applications described above, the news program from has several categories of news, as well as photos and videos.

Like the RIA application, the program allows you to comment on news from your account on social networks.

The news application from has its own unique functionality:

  • Search. You can search for news both by keywords and phrases.
  • Adjusting the font size and screen brightness on the news reading page.
  • Additional programs. At the bottom of the main menu you can see a list of applications from, which are easy to download and install with just one click on the program icon.
  • Write to the developer. You can send your requests and suggestions regarding the functions and performance of the news program to the application developers. Perhaps they will add the desired functionality in the future.
  • The news application from has settings, and some of them are very useful. For example, you can change the language, enable or disable photo uploading, customize the items displayed in the main menu, customize the widget for yourself, and disable advertising. In addition, you can log in through your account and comment on news without logging in through social media.


Each application matches the style news portal, on which it was created, and offers its own functionality. Some applications are similar to each other, some have unique functions, and yet, with the task at hand, namely, providing news, they cope one hundred percent.

We all read the news, follow events in one area or another. With mobile devices (be it a smartphone or tablet), this is easier and simpler than ever. However, this requires individual applications, providing access to all sites and aggregating their news flows in an easy-to-view and read form.

Today we will look at the five best and perhaps most popular applications for reading news.

Anews application

The largest Russian news aggregator - more than 400 (the largest catalog!) Russian-language media, blogs and social groups in one application (you can add your own). The desired article opens with one touch, navigation is extremely simple, and the editors always delight with a fresh selection of the most interesting materials. Available on iOS, Android and the web, and everything is synchronized.

Flipboard app

The world's best application for reading news - tens of millions of users, hundreds of thousands of magazines, unique design, the best "publishing houses" (Esquire, Rolling Stones, National Geographic), Russian section. Unfortunately, there are still a very limited number of Russian sources in it, so it is more suitable for monitoring foreign sites. On the other hand, you can actually watch the pages turn in it for hours.

Applifto app

A unique, narrowly focused news aggregator dedicated to mobile applications, devices and technologies (Apps4All is also represented there) from the company of the same name. All news is collected into a convenient feed, which, however, cannot be expanded on your own - all sites are “tightly” registered in the application. I am very pleased with the enthusiasm of the application developers, who are constantly updating and improving the application, making it even better.

Feedly app

Feedly is a news aggregator that once replaced Google Reader. "Feed is what are you needly" uses RSS to aggregate the content of sites and blogs, offering you materials in the area of ​​interest to you.

1board app

Social network aggregator from MobiGear. In the application you can read news from everyone at once Facebook accounts, Twitter, Foursquare and VKontakte in one common feed, as well as make entries from one application to all networks at once or to each one separately. In addition, 1board allows you to comment on posts from any social network and like the posts you like. With 1board, users can share messages with friends from one network to another - for example, from Facebook to Twitter, VKontakte and vice versa.


Eventful modern world literally forces you to understand all possible topics - you need to mandatory know about football and cars, understand complex political situations that have arisen between different countries, and understand exactly what events affect the unstable ruble exchange rate. Otherwise, you won’t be able to even maintain a regular conversation with colleagues over a cup of coffee. Previously, for such a variety of information, one had to turn to newspapers and unique thematic magazines. Now it’s much more logical to use news apps for Android.

Top 5 Best News Apps for Android

If it’s not very convenient to search for news on a one-time basis, and you can’t count the tabs in your browser on your fingers for a long time, then it’s time to look for a service that allows you to find materials from different independent sources in one place and at the same second put together the puzzle of world knowledge.

Flipboard is a beautiful and stylish virtual “magazine” that diligently collects information about everything in the world - the authors are happy to talk about unexpected trends in culture and society, remind you which sporting events you can’t miss this weekend, and at the same time offer to spend five minutes studying which some rare breakfast recipe. Each time the topics are raised completely different - you can easily understand the Oscar winners, learn everything about the iPhone and new Samsung, and then immediately switch to an obscure blog of a budget traveler fearlessly exploring the world.


The Anews news aggregator works according to a standard scheme for this genre - namely, it collects the most important, bold or controversial materials from authoritative sources in one place. The idea is not new at all - almost all services included in the list of the best news applications for Android suffer from similar “mechanics”. Why maintain a whole collection of journalists when it’s easier to use other people’s ideas, but with a mark of authorship.

The main feature of Anews is its individual approach to each reader. It is not at all necessary to set up a personal news profile, noting which topics are the most interesting, you just need to read those articles that are truly interesting. And it doesn’t matter which ones - about politics or sports, about technology or cooking. In less than a few days, the main menu will change radically - there will only be room for the most interesting, important and memorable from the point of view of user requests. And if you also want to leave comments, then even a list of recommended virtual friends will appear.


Applifto news magazine, thematically focused on news and events happening in the industry modern technologies. Notes are collected from different virtual publications and are added in a straightforward manner in the main menu. The developers offer reading about smartphones and tablets, social networks and science. New publications appear almost every hour - you can argue with local subscribers in the comments until you’re blue in the face about which one operating system It’s better where to order professional equipment, and why it’s worth at least once, but look at the E3-level gaming exhibition.

Applifto news app interface is modern - panel available quick access With several active buttons, a pop-up menu is opened by clicking. The downside is the abundance of all kinds of advertising and optimization problems that developers cannot solve. Crashes happen even on the most modern smartphones.

News Republic - Definitely the best news application for Android, presenting daily articles, notes and important information reports from 2500 verified and truly authoritative sources (RIA, Promdevelop, Russian Service, Kommersant, some electronic publications like and, newspapers AiF and Komsomolskaya Pravda). The main idea of ​​the news application is to cover the entire Earth from all accessible sides. That’s why the pages of News Republic talk about economics and technology, politics and weather.

The idea of ​​personalization in News Republic works great - frequently viewed topics become “favorites” and are then transferred to a separate tab in the main menu, where only the most important and useful items in the selected areas are collected. Notes about modern weapons or changing currency quotes will never be lost in “sport” - only football, biathlon, field hockey or diving.

BuzzFeed is one of the best news reading apps on Android

Educational and entertaining informational portal, produced exclusively on English language. And this is the main benefit of BuzzFeed (no, we are not talking about “independent” foreign publications that allow you to look at the situation in the world from a new angle, the situation is much simpler) - you can illustrative examples, and with the help of native speakers, finally, improve your pronunciation, understand the grammar and move from the status of “beginner” to “amateurs”, and from there it’s just a stone’s throw to “professionals”.

If we specify the capabilities of the portal, then BuzzFeed has the same excellent chances of becoming best app news for Android. An individual content selection system is available. Subscription is open for interesting topics and article notifications. Comments and likes are allowed. You can read and watch videos even offline. And you are allowed to add your own materials even without registration. The only negative is the presence of only one language, but even in such a limitation it is easy to find only useful advantages.

In one American film, the hero said that he could get any news - big or small, and if there was none, then he himself would go out into the street and bite the dog so that at least some would appear. There is no shortage of news today. If you don't want to miss anything interesting, then install it on your smartphone or tablet under Android control news client. Which one? Let's figure it out.


All clients for displaying news on your smartphones are divided into two types. The first ones use in their work own APIs, and all the rest are third-party.

  • News client InoReader is mobile app, which was released by the corresponding site. Of course, unlike the web version of this service, the application has somewhat limited functionality. But, it is quite enough to work on a mobile device. Moreover, everything else can be done using the web version itself
  • You can log in to InoReader using your login and password from own service or using your Google account. You can add tapes to the client by entering their entire address or by importing a tape from an external file
  • The main advantage of this client is the “download” of the entire news, and not just its announcement. That is, you can read it in its entirety, rather than clicking after the title and first paragraph on the browser download link. But there is also a minus. Pictures in news are displayed as attachments.
  • Each user can choose one of four client themes, font sizes and indent heights. You can add the news you like to your favorites, like it and add a tag
  • In the client for mobile device You cannot view which channels you are subscribed to. This can only be done through a browser. This client’s algorithms do a good job of sorting materials into tags and catalogs. In principle, nothing revolutionary. But the search for channel content in this application is its highlight
  • The user can customize the cache size and performance of this news client

InoReader adapts well to various screens smartphones, and for tablets there is special mode display.



Another client where everything was done to perfection. But, it all pales in comparison to the fact that you can only select tapes for reading from “approved” sources. In all other respects, this is the best client for reading comfort that is currently available.

IMPORTANT: But, you can bypass the restrictions by free service Feedly, into which you need to add the necessary feeds, and then connect it to Press. In addition, this client supports services such as Feed Wrangler, Feedbin, Fever, Tiny Tiny RSS and Stringer.

  • The main screen displays three sections: favorites, a list of read and unread articles. We must give credit to the developer of this application. Press has a fairly friendly interface, thanks to which you can get familiar with the application from the first minutes of using it. It is also worth noting the speed of this application. No lag when searching for the desired news or when viewing it
  • Reading news through this client is a pleasure. The design theme, made in soothing colors, does not distract. And if you are not comfortable with the fonts used, you can always replace them in the settings
  • The navigation in this application is well thought out. News is displayed as a list. You can mark the ones you read and add your favorites to your favorites. Thanks to the caching function in Press, you can read articles offline. It is very comfortable. You can receive news via home Wi-Fi network, and then study them on the way to work, school
  • Unfortunately, all the advantages of the Press news client are outweighed by one, but very significant drawback. You cannot subscribe to news feeds other than those presented in this application.


Another application that cannot be ignored in our review is Digg. Like many others, it is a client of a popular web service. The main screen of this application displays a list of favorites and popular news, as well as Digg and Top sections. The service’s algorithms are able to identify users’ interests and broadcast in the application those news that they find interesting. specific person. True, such algorithms only work among English-speaking users of this service.

You can add feeds through the list. You can also use special Digg selections. Find the one you are interested in news feed It is possible through a perfectly working search.

  • The Freedly service, after the “death” of Google Reader, has become the most popular resource of this kind. This is evidenced by the fact that about 5 million people have installed the application of this service on their devices. Furthermore, the core of this resource is used by about 100 other news applications
  • To log in, you can use your Feedly service login and password or single password from Google. You can add tapes through the “List of Collections” or using the button "Add Content". But there are no Russian-language sources among those presented in this application. Which naturally reduces his popularity points. Feedly also does not have text caching.
  • This application is quite nice, and what is very important, user-friendly interface. If you are not happy with something, you can always change it in the settings. I also need to say about the very convenient sorting of years and the ability to read channel previews even before subscribing to it

  • The FeedMe app uses Service API Feedly. But it presents the content in its own way. Some people may like it, but others may not. In that news client minimalistic interface, where the main thing is given to the content
  • You can add a feed to FeedMe through a website URL or by finding a feed in search. When adding, you can immediately specify a directory section. Which will then help to help organize your feeds for more easy access to them
  • Like all best clients,FeedMe supports caching. You can configure the download by time, period, number of records
  • The application interface is quite convenient. When you scroll through the list of news, they will be loaded automatically. You can manage the list not only by touching the screen, but also by using the volume keys. There are three themes to choose from appearance applications. If desired, you can open the news you like in a browser or add tags to it

  • This application was originally conceived as a client for the now-defunct Google Reader. But, strange as it may seem, it remained afloat after Good Corporation closed its advanced project. gReader managed to do this after Feedly and The Old Reader services were selected as content sources
  • But the most important thing is that this application can run on the kernel RSS Reader. Thanks to this, this application has the ability to add a channel by URL. But you can also import an OPML file with channels or find it using a convenient search.
  • In the gReader application, you can search for news via keywords and requests. If you don’t want to miss more than one article from your favorite channel, then go to the sources section, find your favorite site there and select it
  • For a comfortable reading experience, this application allows you to change fonts and apply other formatting features. The application is adapted for reading on smartphones and tablets. But, in fact, sometimes the pictures do not fit into the width of the screen
  • The gReader app can be downloaded from Play Market for free. But, a banner located at the bottom of the screen will tell you about this status of the application.

Overall an excellent news client that can be used both online and offline.


  • The News+ app was developed by the Noinnion team. That is, the same guys who developed gReader. But they cannot be compared. These are two, absolutely different applications. But, like the previous product, this news client supports offline reading, auto-sync, subscription management, customized reading for a specific user, and much more.
  • Initially, this client was developed for Google News. But today it also supports other services. Many of which can be connected to this client using plugins and extensions. They can be downloaded from the Play Market
  • News+ functionality is not very rich. But it is possible to add any channel you like to this news client. What makes this app valuable?


Another client that was initially positioned as a mobile application for Google Reader. And, after Google “killed” the RSS aggregator, this application was not updated. But, it works stably to this day. And the platforms Feedly and BazQux were chosen as the source of content.

The list of channels to which the user is subscribed is displayed on home screen applications. But the search bar is missing. There are also no search options. Which significantly reduces the functionality of this client. Although in reading mode, all the important tools are present. It is possible to activate synchronization, mark read articles, and sort them in a way that is convenient for the user.

JustReader has five design themes, the ability to customize fonts and other important features.


  • And in conclusion, we must say about a very popular social news client. Flipboard is available on all popular mobile and desktop platforms. It has been downloaded more than 100 million times on Play Market. But let's talk about the downsides right away. There is no option on Flipboard adding RSS and Atom channels
  • You can add sites to your account from the proposed list. You can also search for news by title, username or hashtag. Since Flipboard is positioned as social client, you can add your friends to it and track what they like
  • Unfortunately, for a Russian-speaking user, the catalog of sources in this application is quite modest. But, some popular portals are there. One of the advantages of Flipboard is the ability to synchronize with Pocket. What allows you to use an article you like in delayed reading mode?
  • You can “like” an article you like, comment on it, and send a link to your pages on social networks. There is the possibility of offline reading. From visual effects It is possible to change fonts

Video. The best free software applications for Android (Android), recommended for everyone!