Android phone is very slow, what should I do? Phone cleaning and Hard Reset. Lack of RAM

Problems with your smartphone appear quite often. The most common problem is that the device freezes and slows down when opening files, going to another page, or generally pressing buttons. Such problems usually do not arise on a recently purchased device, but a well-worn smartphone simply begins to irritate with its slowness. Our article will tell you why your Android phone slows down and what to do in such cases.

If, after completing the updates, the phone begins to glitch and slow down, perhaps the proposed version does not fit well with already installed programs. The second option is that updates are initially less effective compared to an already installed OS. You can avoid such situations if you refuse the proposed updates or set a ban on their automatic downloading. In this case, you can independently select the necessary applications and additions to the system. Most users note that regular installation of updates will still not help to “bring up” the system to the latest versions, because the technical “stuffing” remains the same and the phone copes worse with the increased load.

What to do if the phone slows down and the android is very dull

There are no universal instructions for eliminating such problems. First of all, it is necessary to determine why the Android phone is slowing down, and also to exclude possible factory defects and system problems.

Sample action plan:

  • Scan the system for viruses and potentially dangerous software.
  • Determine which applications are taking up a lot of space, remove unused ones, clear the cache and see the amount of free memory.
  • If your phone has a lot of necessary applications, it is better to transfer them to a memory card or internal storage. This will free up a lot of space on the RAM, which will improve the performance of the gadget.
  • If the proposed actions are ineffective, it is better to completely clear the memory and reset the settings to factory settings. Of course, all acquired programs and applications will “fly away” with them, but the smartphone will be as fast as it was after purchase.

You should remember a simple rule: in order to prevent incorrect operation of the device, you must leave at least four free memory. This space is necessary for regular updates, as well as the normal flow of all processes.

How to fix problems

A simple but effective way to eliminate system freezes is to disable built-in functions that take up a lot of energy and memory of the device. An example would be voice typing of the Google search string. You can opt out of this feature (which is not used very often) in the application settings options. After the procedure, it is recommended to clear the cache and restart the phone.

How to clean your Android phone so it doesn't slow down

Cleaning the device usually occurs using an internal service, as well as downloaded applications. The most famous and popular among them is Clean Master, installed on PCs, laptops and other digital devices. There are also other programs that can be found on Google Play in paid and free versions.

Android tablet slows down: what to do

Why Android slows down on a tablet can be found out using the algorithm described above. It is necessary to scan the system, remove possible crashes and malware, clear the browser history cache, as well as unnecessary applications. If the tablet still glitches or freezes, the best option would be to reset the settings and return to the original version. If the device is already quite outdated, you should not dump large games or programs on it. You should also resolve the issue with the internal storage. A good CD card compatible with your gadget will help improve the situation. You can transfer some of the necessary system applications to it (not all support this function), and also automatically save new downloads. Of course, this is only a temporary solution to the problem, but for a certain period of time it will be enough.

A common problem - the Android phone slows down and does not have a universal solution. Be sure to conduct a complete audit of the gadget, remove all forgotten applications, and clear the cache. It is necessary to eliminate the risk of virus infection, free up as much memory as possible, and disable expensive built-in functions. Typically, after such procedures, the system becomes more responsive and responds better to commands.

Mobile phone owners often have to deal with various problems. Quite often we are asked, Why did my phone freeze? What should I do? Probably every user had to face this situation. If your phone starts to work incorrectly, contact our service center for help, we will definitely help you figure it out.

Why does my phone freeze?

The phone freezes in most cases, for the following reasons:

1. if phone frozen, this may indicate that the cell phone’s memory is full. In most cases, owners forget to remove all unnecessary information. Over time, it accumulates and leads to the fact that the mobile begins to function poorly. You can resume full-fledged work as follows: delete all unnecessary information so that at least 60% of the memory is free. Next you need to reset the settings. This should help;

2. Phone freezes when loading in case a software failure occurs. Often the cell phone turns on and after booting does not respond to any command. There are times when it begins to spontaneously reboot and freezes. You can resume full operation only after flashing the device. We do not recommend doing this at home, as in most cases it does not end in success. In this case, it is best to seek help from a specialist;

3. phone hangs when turned on or during operation as well as from mechanical impact on the device. Since a cell phone is a convenient device that is always at hand, it suffers from frequent bumps or falls. Then the reason lies in the hardware itself. It is possible to determine which part has failed only after a complete diagnosis.

What to do? Conclusion:

The question remains relevant - what to do if the phone hangs?

If, due to circumstances, you had to encounter problems with your mobile phone, do not be upset, just contact our service center for help. They will definitely help you here, because they know for sure if The phone is buggy, what should I do?? We do not recommend repairing the device yourself, as it will be much more difficult to resume operation. The sooner you contact our specialists for help, the cheaper the repair will cost. We employ only highly qualified craftsmen. We have a huge warehouse of original spare parts, which speeds up the repair process as much as possible.

Example from life:

The girl accidentally dropped her phone, after which it began to freeze constantly. This did not allow full use of the device. She contacted our service center for help. The technicians performed diagnostics and determined that the microcircuit had failed. We have made a replacement. Post-repair quality control showed that the mobile is fully functional. The girl received a guarantee for her entire cell phone.

At our service center:

- diagnostics are carried out completely free of charge. In most cases, it is carried out in front of the client and always on professional equipment;

We will issue a guarantee for the entire device for any repair, and not just for the replaced part;

After the repair we will definitely conduct a free quality control;

We offer permanent discounts on repairs;

All of our spare parts are original. We supply spare parts throughout Russia, and because of this, our repair prices are cheaper;

After the first repair, you will be issued a VIP client card with a 10%-40% discount.

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Even the most advanced smartphone, be it an iPhone or a powerful Android device, eventually begins to work not as fast as at the beginning. The reason for this is both operating system updates, which are becoming increasingly saturated with “gluttonous” capabilities, as well as various “garbage” and unnecessary functions that reduce the performance of the device.

If you have an iPhone

With the release of each new version of iOS, Apple smartphones released a couple of years ago begin to slow down more and more. You can, of course, refuse updates, but without this, the operation of some services will be impossible - for example, the Siri voice assistant.

Therefore, it is better to install the latest version of iOS and do a little optimization.

1. Free up memory space. In the "Settings - General - Statistics - Storage" section you will see a list of all installed applications, sorted by the amount of space they occupy. If there are a couple of gigabytes of free space, then there is no point in cleaning it. If there is not much space left, then delete programs that you have not used for a long time. Go to the photo gallery and delete unsuccessful pictures that you still don’t view - leave only the most necessary ones. The same goes for videos, which take up a lot of space.

2. Give up "pretty things." Go to the section "Settings - General - Universal Access - Reduce Motion" and activate this item. The animation will become simpler, some effects will disappear, but you will get rid of unpleasant image jerks when working on an old iPhone.

3. Turn off Spotlight search. This can be done in the "Settings - General - Spotlight Search" section. If desired, you can uncheck only selected checkboxes. By the way, in the adjacent sections you can disable Handoff (a function that allows you to start working on one device and continue on another), as well as Siri, if you do not use them.

4. Try rebooting. You can “clear your iPhone’s brain” by holding down the lock key and the round home button at the same time. As soon as the logo in the form of a bitten apple appears on the screen, you can let go.

If you have an Android smartphone

1. Free up memory. Delete old photos and videos, go to the "Storage" menu in the settings section and delete downloads and cache data. One boy cleared about a gigabyte of space in his smartphone’s memory in this way. By the way, you can also download a cleaner called AppMgr III.

2. Install a simple visual shell, which will work even on not the most powerful smartphone. For example, "Yandex.Shell" or "Google Start", which can be downloaded from the official Google Play store. Nova Launcher is also famous for its fast work.

3. Stop unnecessary applications. In the "Applications" menu of the settings section there is a tab called "Running". There you can find not only Google services or regular programs, but also, for example, games. Some Angry Birds or Fruit Ninja. Click on them, go to the menu that opens and click "Stop".

4. Remove widgets. Widgets installed on the desktop - for example, weather - are quite voracious consumers. Therefore, if the issue of comfort at work arises, then it is better to refuse them. As well as from “live wallpapers”, by the way. And to make the icons scroll even faster, instead of a beautiful picture, you can set a one-color picture. Preferably not very bright to reduce eye strain.

Surely all owners of Android devices notice that only immediately after purchase and first switching on, the smartphone or tablet worked quite quickly, but over time, Android began to slow down. Applications launch extremely slowly, you have to wait a very long time to open pages on the Internet, and in general, sometimes the gadget even freezes. What is the reason for this phenomenon? What can be done to restore performance or at least partially speed up the system? We will talk about this further.

Why is Android slow?

The main reasons for this behavior of this operating system, like any other, are usually considered to be excessive load on the RAM and processor.

It is usually caused by numerous calls from installed system and user applications running in the background, hidden from our eyes. Too large cache volumes, cluttering the drive with unnecessary user or residual files of deleted applets, as well as the impact of viruses (yes, those also exist in nature) can also have an impact.

This is why Android slows down. What to do in such a situation? There are several recommendations on this matter, and not all of them boil down to just cleaning out the above garbage. In some situations, even such measures do not help.

Options for improving performance

Among the techniques that allow, if not to restore performance completely, then at least to increase it, the most effective options include the following:

  • disabling unused services and processes;
  • clearing the system cache and application cache;
  • manual removal of unnecessary files and applets;
  • use of optimizers and boosters;
  • virus removal;
  • uninstallation of custom firmware;
  • reset to factory settings.

All these methods must be applied not one at a time, but in combination (if you want the system to really start “flying” again). However, in this situation, you should immediately pay attention to the fact that some Android applications included in the standard system package may be impossible to remove without special tools. Therefore, even with a complete reset, they will still work as if nothing had happened. Let's dwell on this separately. In the meantime, let’s talk about what measures you can take yourself without using third-party tools.

Disable unused services and processes

So, we have a situation where Android slows down. What to do in this case? First of all, you need to pay attention to the services and processes that are activated in the system by default (by the way, it is advisable to do this even after purchasing the device and turning it on for the first time).

In this case, first you should disable the NFC module and geolocation when using an Internet connection. NFC consumes quite a lot of system resources, and geolocation with frequent Internet use slows down opening pages and loading files.

The second is the very frequent use of Bluetooth and Wi-Fi wireless communication modules. Some users sometimes do not disable these modules at all, believing that this will not affect system performance in any way. Absolutely delusional! The fact is that they not only put a strain on system resources, but also drain the battery quite significantly, which, in turn, affects the performance of both the system and third-party applets that are launched.

In general, a weak battery, by and large, can also be called one of the reasons that Android is slow. How to fix the situation? Yes, just replace the battery with a more powerful one. This option, of course, can be considered one of the solutions, but it is assumed that the factory battery is designed specifically for a certain type of device. So you will have to act at your own peril and risk.

Manual cache clearing

However, Android's problems don't end there. Another stumbling block is the constant increase in cache (both system and application cache). To the great regret (and sometimes to the indignation) of most users, the system developers did not bother to include an automated cleaning tool in the operating system tools.

And, if the system cache can still be deleted using the settings menu, memory section and cache line, then the situation with applications is much worse.

You can delete the cache associated with system and user applets from the applications section in the settings menu by selecting each individual application. It is simply impossible to do this for all programs at the same time. A huge minus! But if the system does not provide for the installation of some kind of optimizer, at worst, you can limit yourself to this.

Sometimes Android applications installed by the user can slow down the system. Here it is worth paying attention to the fact that not all devices support transferring them from the internal storage to a removable memory card. In addition, many of them very often start in the background along with the system. Take the same Facebook, Viber, Messenger, news or weather informers, etc.

I think it’s already clear why Android slows down: there is a constant load on the RAM and processor, sometimes to such an extent that there are simply no resources left for system processes. Again, there is no way to exclude applets from startup in the system.

This situation can be corrected in two ways: either remove everything unnecessary or unused yourself, or use special programs for optimization (this will be discussed separately).

Removing unnecessary files

Overfilling the internal storage can also cause situations where Android slows down. What to do with installed programs or excessive files? As is already clear, get rid of everything that interferes with work.

The situation can also have two sides to the coin. If the main drive is too busy, installing something new from the same Play Market storage will be quite problematic. Even if there is, as they say, a lot of space, the system will think for quite a long time, not to mention the fact that if there is not enough space, it will generate an error.

But it is best to delete files and folders using at least some simple file manager, since similar actions using standard tools will take too much time and require considerable effort on the part of the user to find them.

The second point is related to the fact that many users are engaged, so to speak, in decorating the system, installing various kinds of launchers that replace its standard shell. As is already clear, they not only start with the system, but also consume the lion’s share of RAM, loading their own components into it. This leads to the simplest conclusion: do not install too many programs. It is better to limit yourself to only what is really needed. And you can change the interface only if you have sufficiently large amounts of RAM (at least at the level of 3-6 GB).

How to clean Android so it doesn’t slow down using optimizers?

Today you can find not even dozens, but hundreds of them in the same Play Market. And not all of them are equivalent to each other. Some are narrowly targeted cleaners, others can provide comprehensive services with garbage removal and system acceleration, others are designed to increase performance or vice versa - to save battery power, others, in addition to all available tools, also contain anti-virus modules, others can perform the most complete uninstallation of applets with the removal of remaining garbage, the sixth are able to manage startup, etc. But if you have root rights, many of them allow you to remove even system components.

Among the most famous and most popular applets, the following can be highlighted:

  • CCleaner;
  • Clean Master;
  • 360 Security;
  • Assistant Pro;
  • Smart Booster;
  • DU Speed ​​Booster;
  • AVG TuneUp;
  • Smart Booster;
  • Easy Uninstaller;
  • SCleaner;
  • All-in-one-Toolbox;
  • Root Booster, etc.

Removing custom firmware and resetting to factory settings

Finally, it is worth mentioning separately about situations when the user independently installs custom firmware. The point is that a mismatch between the firmware configuration also causes the problem that Android is slow. What to do in this case? Delete the firmware, or better yet not install it at all, otherwise the entire system will become unusable. However, removal is not such a simple matter.

The easiest way is to return Android to factory settings through the settings and the backup and restore section and select the master reset option.

In some cases, other methods can be used. For example, the factory settings of Android on Sony XPERIA smartphones in the form of initial firmware can be returned using the Sony PC Companion utility, which is installed on a computer or laptop. Models from other manufacturers have their own programs. In any case, it looks even better than a general reset directly on the device. Then you can definitely get a “clean” state of the gadget, as if you had just bought it.

Finally, if all this does not help, you will have to use the Hard reset function. But it is advisable to use such a technique only in the most extreme cases.

Brief conclusions

These are the main reasons why Android is slow. What to do, I think, has already become clear to many. To be honest, the best option is to use optimizers (preferably containing anti-virus modules), since manual configuration or cleaning requires too much time and effort, and resetting or restoring factory settings only leads to data loss.

Such problems are typical for any modern gadget, be it a tablet or a smartphone, regardless of manufacturer and price segment. What to do if your phone starts to freeze, what are the causes and how to avoid such troubles will be discussed in this blog.

The phone started to glitch (freeze)

The more complex the equipment, the more factors influence its proper functioning. Just 6-8 years ago, if a mobile phone froze for some reason, you could simply turn it on/off or, as a last resort, take out and put back the battery. With modern gadgets, everything is a little more complicated and such procedures do not always bring the desired result.

As with any other digital technology, the reasons for the phone freezing can be either hardware or software in nature, caused by software malfunctions. Falls, shocks, and other mechanical impacts can damage internal components, although there may be no external damage to the case. So don’t rely too much on solid aluminum cases and tempered impact-resistant glass. In the event of a serious fall, they are more likely to mask the problem than prevent it.

Of course, most often such problems arise due to software failures, which are much easier to fix than, for example, mechanical damage. In this case, the issue can be resolved by removing resource-intensive applications that cause excessive consumption of RAM and place an increased load on the processor. Sometimes it is enough to simply unload applications from memory using the task manager.

Phone freezes when turned on

If your phone freezes when you turn it on, the cause of such a nuisance may be a software failure of the operating system or a firmware failure caused by an incorrect shutdown due to the complete discharge of the device. Freezing may also occur due to the memory card. In this case, you need to remove the card from the slot and try to turn on the device without it. Long loading times may be the result of an incorrectly installed update.

Possible causes of malfunction

As mentioned above, such malfunctions can be both hardware and software in nature, but most often mobile phone owners encounter the following problems:

  • mechanical damage to the internal components of electronic boards caused by shocks and falls of the device;
  • incorrectly installed operating system updates, the use of third-party, malicious software and firmware failures;
  • launching resource-intensive applications that create a load on the processor and RAM;
  • short circuit due to moisture getting under the housing;
  • attempts to gain root access to the device.

Like any other equipment, a mobile phone requires careful treatment and compliance with operating rules. Experts recommend periodically clearing your memory of accumulated files and unused applications. For this purpose, special programs are provided that delete temporary files and also optimize system operation.

Installation of updates should be carried out exclusively from the manufacturer’s official website. The use of third-party resources is highly discouraged, since in this case there is a high probability of incompatibility between the software and your model. In addition, do not forget about the risk of infection by virus applications.

Modern smartphone models are equipped with fairly powerful, efficient processors and large amounts of RAM. However, mobile applications also do not stand still and, as they develop, they become more and more resource-demanding. Simultaneous use of several “heavy” applications can significantly reduce the performance and speed of the gadget.

It often happens that the phone starts to freeze after getting wet, especially in rainy or snowy weather. Water causes the contacts to close and the system eventually freezes. In this case, you should immediately turn off the power to the device and contact a trusted service center for help.

How to restore your phone if it's frozen

You can restore your phone using the task manager by removing the frozen application. If the entire system is frozen, a reboot is required. Most models reboot by holding down the power key. If rebooting doesn't help, the only way to get your phone working again if it's frozen is to remove the battery. It is more difficult for owners of devices made in a monolithic, non-separable case with a non-removable battery. Many people leave the gadget frozen until it is completely discharged, but there is another method (for devices running Android OS). Pressing the power button and volume rocker at the same time will access the boot menu.

Another effective method is a full reset, which allows you to restore the device to its original factory settings. Each specific model has its own method of resetting the settings, which can be found in the included instructions or on the manufacturer’s website.

What to do if your phone is frozen

It is highly not recommended to try to fix the problem yourself without having the proper experience and skills in repairing mobile devices. Unskilled intervention in the electronic or software filling can significantly aggravate the existing malfunction, which will subsequently lead to more expensive repairs, and in the worst case, the functionality of the device cannot be restored.

The best way out of this situation is to entrust the work to qualified specialists of the 24MASTER service center (Odessa). Experienced technicians will carry out comprehensive diagnostics, identify and eliminate the causes of the problem. Modern equipment and tools allow us to deal with any kind of malfunction in the shortest possible time. If you want your gadget to serve properly for many more years, trust real professionals.