Make an adaptation. Clutch adjustment and Easytronic adaptation using OP-COM (using the example of Opel Astra H). Separate template for mobile devices on the main domain

Greetings, casual visitors and regular readers of the blog site!

During the existence of this site, I changed the template several times and even created my own from scratch.
One of the main tasks when choosing a new template is the adaptive layout of the site for all screen resolutions.

Brief outline of the article:

In a previous article I already wrote about why it is needed. But how to achieve this very adaptability?

For this there is different ways. Some use javascript, some use something else. But I believe that the simplest and The right way is an adaptive using CSS.

How to make a responsive website layout

Firstly, if you started to make up adaptive design site, between tags paste the following code:

What a fool I was that I didn’t do this right away when I was trying to make an adaptive website layout!!!
The problem with mobile browsers is their scaling of website layout, even adaptive ones.

Imagine, I draw a design, then write down all the necessary styles and queries, check the site’s adaptability at different resolutions. Everything seems to be fine! But when I open my blog on my smartphone, I see that the site has simply shrunk. It did not adapt to the mobile device, but simply reduced the size of the font, pictures, etc.

How so? I began to double-check all the styles to see if I had written the classes correctly, and eventually got to the point where I checked the width of the browser window in px using javascript. I was shocked. When checking on a laptop, I got a result of 1024px, and I got about the same result when opening the site on a smartphone!

But this cannot be!

Turns out, if you do not write the code that I indicated above, mobile browser doesn't understand that the site is responsive and is simply trying to shrink the site page so that it fits into small screen mobile phone

Because of my stupidity and incompetence, I lost a lot of time. But now I remember it forever))).

Adaptive layout CSS media queries

To make it responsive using CSS, you need to use media queries.

How is that? Yes, very simple. IN CSS file you need to write queries like:

@media screen and (min-width: 1440px) and (max-width: 1599px)( )

This code means that styles enclosed between “( )” will work for screens with a minimum width of 1440px and a maximum of 1599px.

That is, those styles of site elements that must be adapted depending on screen resolution must be written separately for each possible screen width.

The most important screen resolutions for adaptive layout

  • 320px- Mobile devices (portrait orientation);
  • 480px- Mobile devices (landscape orientation);
  • 600px- Small tablets;
  • 768px- Tablets (portrait orientation);
  • 1024px- Tablets (landscape orientation)/Netbooks;
  • 1280 px or more- PC.

It is these resolutions that you need to focus on and pay special attention to when making adaptive layouts. These are the most common types of screen resolutions.

bootstrap responsive design

Very convenient to use for creating adaptive bootstrap layout. The convenience is that all styles for adapting blocks, buttons, tables, etc. are already registered in bootstpap. You just need to figure out which class to assign to which element.

To get started, download the latest version of bootstrap and connect it to your site. Please note that connecting styles and scripts to WordPress has its own characteristics.

The layout on Bootstrap is different in that the width of the block or screen is divided into 12 equal parts. And by assigning a certain class to a block, you can set the width of the block equal to the required number of parts.

For example, this design will allow you to allocate one wide block for content 8 parts wide and one narrow block for a sidebar 4 parts wide:

The width of the blocks will be calculated automatically depending on the width of the screen. And when viewed on a mobile device, these blocks will shift under each other.

You can also adjust the block's distance from the edge, again by required quantity parts. For example this design:

A block 10 parts wide will be created with a left indent of 1 part of the screen.

If you look at it, working with bootstrap makes the work very fast. Moreover, these styles definitely work correctly and there will be nothing crooked on the site.

In the future I plan to post several lessons on working with bootsrap. Therefore, I advise you not to miss this moment.

Checking website adaptability

But the question arises: how to check the website’s adaptability? Now you have written media queries in CSS, connected bootstrap and used the necessary classes. How can you check that the site adapts correctly at all screen resolutions?

Very accurate and most importantly free service, which deserves respect and gratitude from webmasters and layout designers who deal with adaptive website layout.

Well, how do you like the article? All clear? If not, write in the comments, we’ll figure it out together.

Yes, to make a responsive website design, you need to work hard. But these efforts will be rewarded with a favorable attitude towards your site from search engines, and most importantly, visitors to your site.

What from April 21st in search algorithm the factor of site friendliness for mobile devices will be included. Will this innovation affect the main Google results or just for results mobile search, will be seen later.

Do I need it?

The answer to this question can be found by checking how your site appears in the following Google testing services:

If you see a message like this, this article is for you:

Adaptive design

In what cases is it suitable?If you have a business card website, informational website, blog, one-page website, online store (with a simple structure, design and/or small assortment), service website or forum.

How to implement?

You can safely take one of the CSS frameworks (bootstrap, responsivegridsystem, Sceleton, etc.) and adapt the existing design. Or use CSS3 Media Queries.

For example, if you use bootstrap framework, then you will need, in short:

  1. register view-port;
  2. connect framework files;
  3. add bootstrap grid classes to your markup.

Or, in the style sheet, select several resolutions through media queries (CSS3 Media Queries) and set optimal sizes page elements, for example:

@media screen and (max-width: 1280 px) ( div .contentblock (width: 1200 px ;) )
@media screen and (max-width: 1140 px) ( div .contentblock (width: 1024 px ;) )
@media screen and (max-width: 992 px) ( div . contentblock (width: 970 px ;) )

Some elements that are relevant for monitors can, and sometimes will need to be hidden for mobile devices or instead of them, produce other, more compact ones.

pros this method: quick implementation for the listed types of sites.

Minuses: scripts and styles that are not used on mobile version, but are used on a desktop, will still be loaded and affect the loading time.

What will we get?

A site that will be accessible from all devices, the design will be recognizable on all these devices, only the elements will be shifted vertically. Some elements will not be displayed on mobile devices (and vice versa) or will be displayed in a more compact form.

And let's look at an example. The menu for devices with a screen larger than 768px looks like this:

And for screens smaller than 768px it looks like this (collapsed):

And so, when you click on the icon in the right corner (in expanded form):

Separate template for mobile devices on the main domain

In what cases is it suitable?For almost any information site, blog, forum, including online stores. For a business card, a separate template will be superfluous.

How to implement?

Needed php knowledge and a database of basic devices for identifying them and displaying the corresponding template. Those. you need to write a script that will determine the type of device and display the corresponding template for it.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the CMS. If your site is on WordPress, then you have already been taken care of, and you can get by with installing plugins to adapt sites for mobile devices.

Among them: WPTouch, WordPress Mobile Pack, WP Mobile Detector, etc. All these plugins have several themes and additional useful tips like collecting statistics on mobile users.

Also in the settings of these plugins, you can set which blocks will be displayed in the mobile version of the site and which will not. It is possible to add your logo, which helps users who access your site from a mobile device to identify your site.

Pros: In the case of plugins, this is a very fast and simple way of implementation, faster than adaptive layout. In case of creating a separate template for the site, it is possible to simplify the site design, reduce the number of active elements, i.e. to make the site “easier”.

Minuses: Not all CMS have such plugins, and they do not always work correctly. It happens that a site is displayed well on mobile devices, but at the same time the speed is no better, or even worse, than its full version. It is worth noting that sometimes there are bugs in identifying a mobile device, if it is some rare phone, in which case the full version of the site will be displayed on such a device.

What will we get?

The site for mobile devices will be available at the same address as the main site, only its template will differ significantly from the template of the main site; it will be significantly simplified, but still recognizable.

Let's look at an example of a site with installed plugin, which adapts it to mobile devices.

For example, this is what the site looks like on a PC:

And this is what the same site looks like on mobile:

Mobile version of the site on a subdomain

In what cases is it suitable? For online stores, catalogues, internet portals, social networks.

How to implement?

This option is similar to the previous one, and is also quite labor-intensive in terms of implementation. But for large online stores with a huge assortment, this is the only way out.

A little more about the implementation: a subdomain is created, it has the same engine as the main domain, but the same database is used for both sites (so that if any changes are made, they do not have to be added twice). When logging in from a mobile device, the user is redirected to a subdomain. The following options are usually used as a subdomain name:,,, etc.

Adaptive Shift Learning is a procedure designed for 6-speed automatic transmissions that performs a series of tests to allow the automatic transmission module (TCM) to learn individual clutch characteristics. Once the clutch characteristics are determined, the adaptive learning procedure transfers them to adaptation data cells, which the TCM uses to control the clutches during gear shifts. The diagnostic tool is used to initiate the adaptive learning procedure. This procedure should be performed after repairing the transmission.

Adaptive learning of transmission shift parameters must be carried out after performing one of the following repair operations. Failure to follow this procedure after one of the following repairs may result in deterioration technical characteristics transmission, as well as to the recording of DTCs.

Internal structural maintenance/gearbox overhaul
Valve block repair or replacement
Replacing the regulating solenoid valve
Update/Calibration software TCM module
Any kind Maintenance, associated with any problems with the quality of gear shifting, change the gearbox oil.

What happens in practice?
Adaptation is needed if you feel that the gearbox has begun to behave inappropriately (delay in gear shifting, shocks during shifting, etc.) Often when changing drivers, if the driving style is very different, from careful to very aggressive! If you frequently drive in traffic jams, adaptation is needed every 30 thousand.
And remember your gearboxes are very susceptible to overheating, monitor the oil temperature and quality, partial replacement every 30 thousand + adaptations will extend the life of your automatic transmission.

Automatic transmission adaptation reset

The most common way to reset automatic transmission adaptation is to next steps:

1. You need to start by warming up the engine to a “working” state. There is no need to take any action yet;

2. Then you need to turn off the engine for 5 seconds and start it again;

3. Wait until the engine speed reaches 2.5 thousand - 3 thousand. in a minute;

4. Turn off the engine again for 5 seconds and start the engine again;

5. While holding the brake, turn on each speed in turn;

6. Connect the dealer tester and do a reset;

7. Start a smooth movement;

8. Carefully, smoothly pick up speed to 40 km/h, after 1 minute slowly stop the car;

9. Turn off the engine, then start it;

10. Carefully, smoothly pick up speed to 80 km/h, after 1 minute slowly stop the car;

11. Turn off the engine, then start it;

12. Move with at different speeds 20 minutes (40 km/h, 80 km/h, driving on a straight road at the same speed)

13. Wipe (wash) any oil that has come out at the bottom of the gearbox;

14. Ride from 5 to 20 kilometers without particularly loading the engine;

15. See if oil is leaking from the gearbox seals and other places;

16. If necessary, raise the oil level to the lower hot level;

If you notice subtle twitching when you change (or turn on) the speed during the adaptation process, do not be alarmed, this is completely normal. Over time, the twitching should go away on its own. If this does not happen, then you should adapt the system using a computer (use a dealer scanner).

In this regard, it is worth remembering that:

1. After the reset procedure, the automatic transmission operates almost in “sports mode”, so at first you should be extra vigilant;

2. If you bought a car that has already been in use, be sure to reset it so that the automatic transmission adapts to your driving style;

3. This reset on the vast majority of machines it is possible to produce at least every day.

You can perform the above steps yourself, but if you doubt that you will reset the automatic transmission correctly, then contact specialists who, using professional equipment, will carry out this procedure efficiently and quickly.

The cost of adaptation, in our service station, automatic transmission, ROBOT will be from 900 to 1500 rubles

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Page creation date: 2017-06-30