What is the latest version of android. Review of the latest versions of Android OS

Google never stops updating its system. Starting with Android 3.1, the interval between updates is 6 months, which is quite long considering the scope of the updates themselves, because with each new version they don’t show us anything drastic. Android 5.0 rather became an exception and a necessity due to the sharp breakthrough in the market regarding the software component. In total, about 40 updates have already been released. In this article we will present only the most popular of them, but it’s up to you to choose the best.

Android 2.2 Froyo

It was this version that attracted the most consumers at the time, it was with 2.2 that a noticeable growth in the consumer base began, and it was “two dot two” that received that same dot function Wi-Fi access. Meanwhile, the system began to work noticeably faster: the guys worked specifically on optimization.

Android 2.3 Gingerbread

The most popular version of the entire existence of Android. Android's growth peaked right around the time of gingerbread. The main changes were: the interface was updated - it’s like the difference between 4.4 and 5.0 - energy efficiency was improved, the keyboard was changed and much more.

Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich

Completely redesigned Android interface received starting with 3.0, which was intended only for tablets, but soon it received support for all devices and acquired the number “four”. In fact, 4.0 was the most innovative version, which by that time did not work very smoothly, had a large number of bugs, but even this did not frighten buyers.

Android 4.1-4.3 Jelly Bean

These versions became subsequent work on 4.0. During this period, Google fixed bugs, optimized the system, and added useful features. After all, you need to understand that the interface does not play the most important role. About 20 percent of users are still on Android version 4.2.x, just like me. We also note the debut in version 4.1.1. Key Feature 4.2 now supports profiles. The keyboard, which could now be swiped, was not left out either.

Android 4.4 KitKat

Main changes: active Google Assistant Now. Your task is to say only the already popular phrase “Okay Google.” There was also support for the ART mode, which today has completely replaced Dalvik. For unsophisticated users, the main change will be new launcher Google Start, as well as transforming the theme to white instead of blue. Android 4.4 today is the most popular version Android, which is installed on 41% of devices, just think about these numbers. This is a definite success if you look at previous “records”.

Android 5.0 Lollipop

And finally, the freshest and most interesting Android version, "lollipop", received completely updated interface, which uses " Material Design"as the main driving force behind all elements, be it animations or button shadows. 5.0 works in ART mode according to the standard, you will not be able to switch to Dalvik. Among the innovations, we also note Project Volta, which will significantly increase the operating time of your smartphone.

Now it's your turn! Below, select the best version of Android in your opinion.

There are a lot of gadgets on store shelves different versions Android OS: 4.4 KitKat, 5.0 Lolipop, 6.0 Marshmallow, etc. Therefore, when choosing a new device, the question arises: which version of Android is better. To determine the optimal and reliable system, let's look at the Android versions used. We will also find out the main advantages and disadvantages of each assembly.

Classification and features of Android versions

Google releases a new version of the Android OS every year. And since some smartphone manufacturers are in no hurry to update, and some devices are not updated at all, users use more than 10 versions Android platforms. For convenience, assemblies are divided into three categories:

  1. Legacy: 4.4 KitKat and below.
  2. Current: 5.0 and 5.1 Lolipop, 6.0 Marshmallow.
  3. New: 7.0 and 7.1 Nougat.

A reasonable question arises: which Android is better?

Outdated versions

The firmware is installed on discontinued devices. Not officially supported: not received system updates and security patches. Some applications with Google Play do not work, or are not optimized, or are loaded on android base not lower than 4.4. Which can be explained by the reluctance of developers to support old builds of the Android system.


  1. The system is debugged and works stably on the most popular devices with weak hardware.
  2. Stable work in popular Google programs Play.


  1. System updates are not supported.
  2. There are open vulnerabilities and security holes.
  3. Some applications are not available for download from Google Play, or do not work correctly.
  4. There may be conflicts with the operation of some wearable devices.

Current versions of Android

Used in current and discontinued devices. Includes some improvements, innovations and improvements. Security system signatures have also been updated and found vulnerabilities have been closed. Devices running Android 5.0, 5.1 and 6.0 work correctly with wearable gadgets. Applications on Google Play are optimized, with a minimum of unsupported programs for downloading.


  1. Security signatures have been updated to protect your device.
  2. New functions and capabilities have been introduced.
  3. Correct operation of wearable devices starting from android 5.0. Further support has also been announced.
  4. Most applications are optimized to run smoothly on Lolipop and Marshmallow.
  5. Merging is available in version 6.0 of Marshmallow microSD cards with the device's internal memory.
  6. The OS puts less load on the RAM.


  1. More hardware resources are required, which is why older devices do not work stably.

New versions

They will appear on future devices, as well as as an update on current and some discontinued ones. The version offers new features, capabilities and security updates. Recently discovered vulnerabilities have also been fixed. Secured correct work with wearable devices. However, at first, applications may not work correctly due to insufficient optimization.


  1. Recently discovered security holes have been closed.
  2. New features have been added and old features have been improved.
  3. Correct work with wearable devices.
  4. Memory cards are used to store application caches.


  1. Due to lack of optimization, applications may malfunction at first.
  2. Unstable operation of devices with weak or outdated hardware.


So which Android is better? Considering all of the above, we believe that devices based on Android 7.0 and 7.1 Nougat are better, since this version of the OS has a number of advantages. At the same time, at first you will have to put up with insufficient optimization of applications, which will pay off in the future. It is also optimal to choose a device with 6.0 Marshmallow, since a transition to the next version is likely. In addition, do not forget that what newer system, the higher the requirements for hardware resources. Therefore, a smartphone or tablet with outdated or weak hardware is new version Android doesn't work as efficiently.

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Smartphones and tablets are becoming more sophisticated and powerful, and operating system developers are trying to keep up. An example of this is that the latest version of Android is significantly different from its predecessors. What is this difference and are the latest developments any good?


This is a version of Android that is more informative than the previous ones. Notifications have been improved and are accessible from the lock screen and from any running app by swiping down from the top of the screen.

Messages can be viewed from the lock screen, and replies to them can also be accessed from there. Incoming calls are not closed open source software, a kind of widget will simply appear at the top of the screen, which you can ignore or answer the call. By setting up notifications, you can hide information about various events from others. You can also configure the ring tone type from various applications and simply from different users.

The changes also affected the battery:

  • all devices based on Android 5.0 have increased battery life (an average of 1.5 hours);
  • during charging, the screen displays the time until the end of the process;
  • information about the cost of applications became available.

Regarding security, the owner of a smartphone can encrypt his data to avoid problems if the device is lost or stolen. This also includes the ability to use one device with multiple accounts - logging in under different accounts makes it possible for friends or loved ones not to share their information with each other. In addition, you can use guest mode or touch screen, in which the other user will only have access to the main set of applications, without personal files.

Media changes:

  1. Possibility of voice search in YouTube and Google Play.
  2. The device can be installed as a gamepad when connected to a TV.
  3. Videos and photos from the gadget can be broadcast to the TV.

Advantages and disadvantages

In addition to the already mentioned advantages of this version, you can also specify an improved mode for people with poor vision with increased contrast and display adjustment, as well as accelerated activation devices with the ability full-fledged work with him.

The disadvantages are the following:

  • more powerful applications and increased demands on the gadget drain it faster;
  • some users find the interface quite confusing;
  • this version is still incompatible with quite big amount software

Android 6.0 "Marshmallow"



There are no special differences from the previous version, but it is worth mentioning the existing features:

  • the function of unlocking the screen using a fingerprint has appeared;
  • direct support for 2 SIM cards;
  • dosage of battery energy for work background processes;
  • access to applications and personal files is even better controlled;
  • the ability to work with a “smart” home;
  • multi-window mode;
  • an additional application for payments has appeared;
  • with help USB cable you can charge another mobile device;
  • Several new animations have appeared.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages are:

  • the ability to customize the gadget for yourself;
  • You can download any file to your smartphone, regardless of whether it can be opened;
  • battery consumption reduction function;
  • search by application;
  • talking to the gadget has become much easier, now you can call voice assistant You don't have to run the Google prompt.

There is one downside - the version cannot be installed on budget devices, and in general the list of smartphones and tablets based on Android 6.0 is quite limited.

Android 7.0/7.1 "Nougat"



This is the latest version of Android 2016, which is an even more improved Marshmallow. Here are its features:

  • incoming calls can be filtered by phone number;
  • The system for working with previous running applications has been improved;
  • night mode has also been improved;
  • notifications from one program can be combined into one;
  • Battery saving occurs not only in standby mode;
  • a “picture-in-picture” mode appeared;
  • 72 new animations with emotions have been added; virtual reality is now supported by hardware.

Advantages and disadvantages

In addition to those mentioned above, you can add:

  • improving the quality of 3D images;
  • adding special shortcuts to the desktop that contain information about a preset action, i.e. with one click you can send a message to a specific subscriber from your contact list;
  • The icons of standard applications have been visually redesigned.

The downside is that this version cannot yet be installed on any device except Samsung Galaxy S7/S7 edge.


Select from latest versions Android is small, because... Marshmallow and Nougat are designed for specific brands and models of phones. Lollipop, despite all the complaints, is a very good development and the inability to support some applications does not at all prevent you from fully enjoying working with it.

The first version of the Android operating system was born in 2009. At that time it was very simple, which is typical for any software product. Over time, it began to acquire functionality, becoming a full-fledged operating system for mobile devices. Let's see what the latest version of Android is and how it differs from its predecessors.

At the time of writing, the latest version is the Android 8.0 Oreo operating system.

Android 1 "Apple Pie"

Already from the first version, the operating system began to receive names associated with sweets. Moreover, the first letters of the version names are sorted alphabetically, starting with the Latin A. Android 1.0 is a stable release in September 2008, which went to the masses. It’s unlikely that anyone remembers the appearance of this operating system, since the prevalence of the first devices was small. By the way, at the time of release there was already an application store - then it was called Android Market.

In subsequent intermediate versions, various innovations began to appear - support for widgets, A2DP support, publishing videos and photos, animation when switching between windows, voice search, sign language. There has also been a modernization software for working with the camera and gallery of images and videos.

Main the dignity of Android 1 "Apple Pie" was that it received all the basic functionality - it was modernized within one year. As a result, Android devices began to look more like pocket computer than just phones. The downside was that the first version was slow and lacked flash support.

Android 2.0 "Eclair"

The new version of Android with the tasty name “Eclair”, released in October 2009, received hardware acceleration, a search function for text and multimedia messages, live wallpaper support, new maps and calendar. Flash support now available fast access to contacts, tettering (distributing Internet via Wi-Fi), automatic update, voice dialing via Bluetooth, support Adobe Flash 10.2, clipboard, support for sensors and sensors, support for multiple cameras.

At the same time, the developers updated the interface and introduced support for multiple cameras.. In intermediate versions they introduced additional functions related to increasing screen resolution, multi-touch support, and increasing productivity. Work was also carried out to eliminate errors in various modules and applications. A fair number of users have seen smartphones and tablets running Android 2.0 and intermediate versions.

The most widespread are the intermediate versions of Android 2.2 and Android 2.3 - devices on these versions were produced even in 2014. IN currently- This is enough old version Android.

The advantage of Android 2.0 and its intermediate versions is a noticeable acceleration of work. It also became possible to manufacture devices with high resolution screen (up to 720p). The disadvantage of the system was that it was not very convenient user interface. There was also no support for keyboards, mice and other input devices.

Android 3.0 "Honeycomb"

This version of Android was born in February 2011, but was rarely seen on mobile devices because it was released in the same year next version. Android 3.0 received improved performance and the ability to resize widgets. There is also support multi-core processors, which became more and more numerous. An additional advantage steel support for full hardware acceleration, as well as long-awaited support for external mice, keyboards and other input devices.

The advantages of Android 3.0 include improved support for tablet PCs and increased operating speed. The developers also made many minor fixes that improved system stability. Disadvantages – poor multitasking, lack of protection of user data, uninformative notification panel, slow work on devices with a small amount RAM, lack of multi-user mode, low camera functionality.

Android 4.0 "Ice Cream Sandwich"

Version Android 4.0 appeared in September 2011. Its intermediate versions were released until June 2014. During all this time, the operating system has received a huge number of changes. Appeared here:

  • Improved spell checking;
  • Traffic control;
  • Data encryption;
  • High-performance and functional camera;
  • Autonomous voice input;
  • Smooth interface animation “without jumps”;
  • Service Google Now;
  • Well-thought-out notification panel;
  • Supports multiple user profiles;
  • Miracast technology;
  • Supports connecting input devices via Bluetooth;
  • Voice assistant “OK Google”;
  • Large set of emoticons;
  • Advanced synchronization with cloud services;
  • Chromecast technology;
  • Pedometer support;
  • Android remote control;
  • NFC support.

There are so many changes and additions in Android 4.0 and in intermediate versions that they can be stretched over several pages. We have identified only the most important points. Thanks to them, Android devices have become full-fledged assistants modern man.

Advantages of Android 4.0 and more later versions– extended work with external devices, rich functionality, improved user experience, high performance, reduced power consumption and much more. Disadvantages - slow operation on devices with a small amount of RAM, not very high stability.

Despite some shortcomings, devices running Android 4.x have become widespread - this operating system has received almost all the functionality necessary for smart smartphones and tablets.

Android 5.0 "Lollipop"

Previous versions of Android were not particularly energy efficient. The problem was resolved in Android 5.0 "Lollipop". This operating system works well on devices with little memory and saves battery power. The developers also managed to increase the stability of the system and make it more convenient. In version 5.1 appears basic support two SIM cards - in devices with previous versions The OS was implemented by manufacturers.

Advantages of the system – significant increase stability, built-in VPN service, HD Voice support. Disadvantages: lack of control over applications and the data they use.

Android 6.0 "Marshmallow"

The Android 6.0 “Marshmallow” operating system appeared in May 2015. She is endowed increased productivity, advanced energy saving, application control, built-in support for fingerprint scanners and many new small features that make the “axis” more convenient and functional. There is also support payment system Android Pay.

Android 7.0 "Nougat"

The operating system was released in 2016. She can work in multi-window mode, there is a call filtering function on board, grouping of notifications from one application has been implemented, full support virtual reality, added new emoji icons, improved data encryption, improved application performance in background. Based on this OS, versions 7.1, 7.1.1 and 7.1.2 were released.

Android 8.0 "Oreo"

This operating system appeared in August 2017. It incorporates many innovations - separate notifications in applications, windowed mode, limiting background processes, dynamically changing image icons, auto-filling fields in applications. So far, Android 8.0 Oreo is available on a limited number of devices.

Tablets for modern people are becoming irreplaceable devices. , but most use it for work and communication in social networks. Almost all electronic devices Android system is used. Probably each of us noticed that versions operating system are updated regularly. And here's the version Android is better suitability for the user's work is an issue that requires more detailed consideration. Everyone wants to have the optimal and most reliable system on their tablet.
All versions of Android that were released starting with the number two are different stable work. For a long time they were used in the most modern electronic devices, collecting positive reviews users. Today manufacturers still use this operating system. But apps that are released regularly various manufacturers, these outdated versions unable to pull. Of course, this fact will upset everyone who recently purchased their mobile device.

Which Android is better is the cause of controversy among many users

Distinctive characteristics of the different versions

To understand which version of Android is better, you need to analyze how they differ from each other. At the very beginning, all electronic devices featured a system with a 1.6 number set. The revolution in ergonomics was noticeable when the world saw an improved version of Android, which started with a “two”. The management system has become...

Special attention It's worth paying attention to version 2.3, it was adapted for high resolution screen. Many bugs and crashes have been fixed. The creators did not lose sight of this and offered it to users. For a long time it was best version for mobile devices. However, progress does not stand still, especially when it comes to high speed technologies. Mobile devices Every year they are reborn and evolve, they become more powerful and efficient. Therefore, in the question of which Android is better, it is important to pay attention to the relevance, since it should not lag behind in its performance.

Android released the third version, which was flashed to many modern devices. Large manufacturers electronic technology respect Android company, so the improved OS made everyone happy. noted that pages began to turn more smoothly, the player also became more convenient and understandable. Menu and screen keyboard was improved, becoming more mobile. Such famous tablets as the Samsung GT-P6800 were released on this basis Galaxy Tab 7.7 and Samsung Galaxy Tab 8.9 P7310 16Gb. If we compare the second and third Androids, it is unlikely that anyone will have any doubts which one is better to choose for everyday use.

Version four: tangible changes

Today a new fourth modification of Android has appeared. Only a few people use it, but you can immediately determine what changes followed:

  • A single interface has been released that is typical for tablets and mobile phones
  • Better interaction with additional devices
  • Improved voice perception
  • Some things have been improved.

Video on how to update Android on a tablet:

If you are still wondering which version of Android is better, we recommend choosing the third one. The second is outdated and many applications refuse to work on its basis, and the fourth, in turn, needs some improvements, plus it will not be affordable for many residents of our country. Hence the love for the “troika”, which is widely used in available models. Leading manufacturers various devices also prefer Android system with the number 3. In any case, the best version of Android is the one that is convenient for you to work with.

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