How to promote a group. How to promote a group on VK for money and for free. Methods for promoting a VKontakte group. By the way, if you are interested in a step-by-step algorithm for promotion on VKontakte from A to Z, you can purchase

To increase group members, there are many useful services; you can find out how to promote a VKontakte group for free. To understand how sites using the promotion service work, you should watch the video. So, let's start our rating: services for promoting a group on VKontakte and, for webmasters, promotion of sites and groups, you can find out how to promote a group for free.

Service by free promotion subscribers and likes in the public. The project operates on the principle of barter. By registering, you add your VKontakte account and join other people’s groups, like them. This earns you points that can be spent on promoting your community.

Dmitry has been using it for more than two years. He notes as advantages high speed work, big choice tasks to accumulate points and responsive administration.

He cites the disadvantages that there is a possibility of getting your work account blocked on VKontakte.


More than 500,000 users are registered on the site. With LikesRock you can attract live subscribers without cash investments to the group. To do this, you need to complete tasks to earn internal currency, which can be spent on promotion.

Maria runs a group dedicated to pets. Uses LikesRock for promotion.

Among the advantages she highlights:

  • attracting only living participants;
  • fast speed of progress;
  • convenient and intuitive interface.

Maria lists the disadvantages as:

  • limit on completing 200 tasks per day with free use LikesRock.


Young service for promotion. The principle of operation is a barter system.

To attract subscribers, you need to complete tasks from your accounts to earn money. The money you earn can be withdrawn or spent on increasing subscribers on your sites, or promoting VK online.

Alexander is the owner of the coffee shop. Uses as a service for promoting a coffee shop group on VKontakte. In two months, he managed to attract 5,000 live subscribers.

Among the advantages of use, Alexander highlights:

  1. User-friendly interface.
  2. A large selection of tasks to earn money.
  3. High speed.

Disadvantages he noted:

  1. Technical support takes a very long time to answer questions.


Using this service you don’t have to worry about the safety of your group. Roboliker has 3.6 million registered live users who can join your community.

Oleg is an SMM specialist. Engaged in public promotion. To attract participants, he uses the services of Roboliker.

He considers the advantages to be a small percentage of user write-offs and the absence of “dogs” ( deleted pages). Among the disadvantages of using Oleg notes that it is foreign
when system failures occur and funds are not awarded for completing projects.


Some of the most popular sites for... To attract new participants you need to complete buildings on the service and earn points.

The social networking site “Vkontakte” is the most visited in RuNet. With the help of the platform most popular among Russian-speaking users, people decide different tasks: from personal communication and finding friends to building a network of business contacts and finding employees, from self-expression and entertainment to business promotion and online trading.

This guide is dedicated to promoting the VKontakte business. In it you will find step by step plan: from creating a community or page to life hacks and tools for advanced users.

1. Start with planning

Determine the goal and objectives of the project’s activity on the VKontakte social network. Remember, a goal is a planned result. Tasks are steps that help achieve a goal.

Decide how you will interact with the audience, what information to offer potential and existing clients, what user problems you can solve. Ilya Rabchenok calls this the concept of community.

Be sure to record the planning results in a form convenient for you.

2. Determine the type of community you need

To promote your business on the VKontakte network, you can create a group or pub personal page. Use a group if you plan to encourage participants to publish posts on their own and start discussions. The group is an informal discussion platform with which you can find out the mood of the audience and manage the brand’s reputation.

Choose a public page if you plan to post official information, branded content and self-manage discussions. In most cases, a public page is more suitable for promoting a business.

To promote conferences, trainings, and webinars, use the “Event” community type.

3. Select the appropriate page type

Select suitable type and click "Create Page".

4. Create a page description

Public pages are indexed search engines. Therefore, publish an informative description that will help potential clients find the public site.

If necessary, select the Snapster room and set up export to Twitter.

5. Choose the best settings

In the “Sections” settings menu, check the boxes next to the options you want. In the Comments menu, enable or disable the commenting feature and, if necessary, enable a filter obscene language And keywords. In the “Links” block, refer to resources useful for the audience, and in the “Working with API” block, connect the API if necessary.

6. Form a group

We have an amazingly useful and detailed guide“Designing a VKontakte group”. Use it to select and implement a suitable community look and feel. After registration, you can continue promoting the group.

If in this moment you can't spare time appearance public, come back to it later. Don't forget that a visually appealing design helps the user form a positive first impression of a group or page. So don't put off working on your community design.

In the meantime, at a minimum, select and upload a suitable page avatar. Try to find or create unique image. It must meet the following requirements:

  • The avatar size is 200 by 500 pixels.
  • The thumbnail size is 200 by 200 pixels.
  • jpeg format, maximum quality, baseline (standard).
  • The image should attract the attention of users and encourage them to go to the page.
  • The semantic content of the avatar should correspond to the theme of the page.
  • The image must be of high quality.

Please note that when uploaded to the Vkontakte website, the quality of images decreases. To avoid this, use this life hack from the VKontakte support team:

  • Open the image in Photoshop.
  • Increase the size to 2560 by 2048.
  • Press combination Alt keys+ Shift + Ctrl + S. In the window that opens, set the maximum quality and convert the image to sRGB format.
  • Drag the image to the upload area rather than using the Upload button.

7. Tell your friends about the page

Use the Tell Friends feature to invite your followers to follow your page. Follow this recommendation when you publish several posts in a group or page.

8. Invite your friends to follow the page

Invite your friends to follow the page using personal messages(this tactic really works, it has been proven in practice). Also ask your followers to tell their friends about the page.

9. Specify the page URL in the contact information on your personal page

This will help attract followers who are interested in your personal profile.

10. Indicate your place of work in your personal profile

When you hover over the company name in the “Place of Work” section personal profile a preview of a group or page pops up. And in the “Career” section, a clickable public avatar is displayed.

To have a link to the company group appear in the “Place of Work” section, select the “Career” section in the settings of your personal page. In the “Place of work” item, use the drop-down menu to select the desired page.

11. Post interesting and useful content

Publishing useful and interesting content - key factor successful business promotion on the VKontakte network. Therefore it needs to be decrypted.

You will have to compete for views and subscriptions in the face of an abundance of content. For VKontakte users to pay attention to your publications, the information must be truly valuable.

The following ideas will help you offer customers truly valuable information:

  • Be sure to start with planning. Create a content plan in a form convenient for you. Plan for the long term. Our articles “SMM plan in 30 minutes” and “How to create an editorial plan for publications on social networks” will help.
  • When planning content, take into account the features of VKontakte and the preferences of the audience of this network. Look for information in our article “Working with content in different social networks”.
  • Even if you produce and sell very solid and ultra-serious products, learn to receive emotional response audience. This is a condition for survival in a content environment filled with memes. Read insanely helpful articles about emotional content and intellectualizing sexual desire.
  • Write specifically for the VKontakte audience. Publish unique information, and not reposts of materials from the blog. To format your publication, use the article editor.
  • Post videos with subtitles. They typically receive much more coverage than regular posts. We talked about how to make such a video for free in the following video:

12. Design your posts using wiki markup

This handy tool, with which you can beautifully format notes in groups and public pages. If you manage a group, to create a wiki page, just open materials in the section settings. After this, an “Edit” button will appear on the “Latest News” tab, which activates the note editor.

To create a post on public page, copy the following link into your browser:***&p=page_name. Replace the symbols *** with the public id, and instead of page_name, enter the name of the publication. On the page that opens, follow the “Fill with content” link.

The community ID can be found in the URL. If you changed Page URL for user-friendly information, go to the “Community Posts” section. Find the numbers in the link. This is the identifier.

13. Share stories with subscribers

24. Post ads in communities

25. Use retargeting

Using this tool, you can show ads to users who have visited your site. IN advertising office create a retargeting pixel. Paste it into the site page code. The system will add site visitors or individual sections to audiences.

Life hack: add a retargeting pixel to your website right now, even if you don’t yet plan to advertise your business on the VKontakte network. This does not affect resource efficiency or page loading speed. The system will add to the audience potential clients. You can show them ads in a month or a year.

26. Improve your targeting accuracy with Pepper

28. Post relevant videos

Please note that this paragraph describes a prohibited technique. A couple of years ago, with his help, my colleague and I increased the number of group members from several hundred to 5 thousand in a few weeks. You may use it at your own risk. Think about what kind of videos your representatives are interested in target audience. For example, subscribers to cooking groups watch television shows on related topics.

Users often search latest issues favorite TV programs on social networks. You can download pirated recordings from file sharing services or video hosting services and publish them on the Vkontakte page. Audience members will find the video they are interested in, watch it and subscribe to your page. This tactic brings in several dozen subscribers on the day the video is published.

Be sure to delete the video a few hours after publication. Firstly, it will protect you from problems associated with publishing other people's content. Secondly, within a few hours your competitors will also publish a popular video, so the flow of visitors and subscribers will stop.

29. Analyze statistical data

In the “Page Statistics” section, the public administrator has access to the “Attendance”, “Reach” and “Activity” tabs. In the Traffic tab, pay attention to viewership and unique visitor data.

Monitor the age characteristics of the audience and the geography of visits. Consider the types of devices your audience prefers.

You also need data on referral sources and subscribed/unsubscribed users. Data on the number of users who joined and left the group is available in the standard statistical report (see illustration below). And you will receive a list of names of people who joined and unsubscribed using "Deserter" applications.

Screencast where we show how to use the Deserter application:

The Reach tab will help you estimate how many users are viewing your posts. The “Activity” tab will help you analyze user behavior.

If you are not satisfied with standard statistical reports, use the free service SocialStats. It provides access to advanced audience data as well as user behavior analysis. Service "Group Comparison" will help compare community audiences. And the Repost Tree app will help you identify users who share your posts.

Additional useful services for collecting statistics and solving other problems are described in our article “Review of 35 services and applications for VKontakte administrators”.

30. Monitor community activity using the Moderator app

31. Advertise a page on your corporate website

32. Advertise the page in your newsletter

Mention the VKontakte page on mailing list. Also include a link to the public page in the email template.

33. Publish links to your pages and groups on social networks in the website header

The illustration shows what this looks like in practice.

34. Post a link to the page in your email signature

To change your signature in Gmail, use the Settings - Signature menu. In your mailbox, use the “Settings - name and signature” menu. IN postal service"Yandex" use the menu "Settings - Personal data, name and signature - Add signature".

35. Conduct surveys

Polls increase audience engagement. To create a poll, in the publish field, select the “Add - Poll” menu. Use anonymous surveys so that users are more willing to take part in them.

36. Add useful links to your page

37. Invite the audience to participate in discussions

Create several discussions whose topics interest your audience. Keep discussions going.

38. Publish a link to your VKontakte page on the cover of your YouTube channel

39. Give away prizes among subscribers

You will attract new subscribers if you give away prizes and gifts. Question price? From a cup with a logo to infinity. Use the application "Competition Manager" to effectively manage draws. Our guide “VKontakte Contests: How to Get the Necessary Results and Not Get Banned” will help you organize and conduct a competition.

40. Offer discounts to subscribers

You won't believe what people are willing to do for discounts. And everyone will agree to subscribe to the page for the sake of a discount.

Life hack: in the “Classics of Shaving” group, sellers and manufacturers of themed products can advertise for free. To do this, just provide a discount to community members. This is one of the incentives for users to join the group.

41. Allow subscribers to upload photos, publish their photos

This is another way to get user-generated content and stimulate discussion. The idea was perfectly implemented in the “Classics of Shaving” group. Community members upload photos of razors to the main album. Almost every photo receives a lot of likes and comments. The album is displayed on the community's main page. This is perhaps the most popular section in the group.

44. Ask your audience to share posts

You can limit yourself to a simple “repost is welcome,” justify the need to share the publication from a scientific point of view, or use other tactics.

45. Pay attention to the visual appeal of your posts

Hundreds of materials appear in your subscribers’ feeds every day. For people to read your post, it must attract attention. This problem is solved by bright interesting photos. Cats, light erotica, photoshopped images - all means are good in SMM.

46. ​​Use provocative headlines

The headline should sell the subscriber on viewing the article. So create killer headlines.

47. Advertise your page offline

Post the page title and URL on printing products, business cards, on souvenirs.

48. Steal content ideas from competitors

Use the Popsters service. With it you can determine best publications by the number of “likes”, reposts and comments in any VKontakte community.

49. Congratulate your subscribers on the holidays, publish holiday posts

Create a festive mood. An example in the illustration.


52. Pin the best posts

To pin a post, go to the post management menu and use the appropriate option.

53. Participate in discussions on other pages and groups

Your task is to draw attention to personal account, confirm your reputation as an expert in the chosen topic. This will attract subscribers to your personal page and public page.

In 2017, it became possible to comment on posts on behalf of the community. Use this tool carefully. People are more willing to communicate with other people rather than with accounts like “Stroyremrybles”.

If you want to comment on behalf of a page or group, use the drop-down menu in the comment form to select the desired account.

This increases the visibility of your posts. To determine the most popular hashtags, use the service

In the last article, I described the basics of promoting an online store on social networks, now I would like to delve into the subject and talk about how to independently promote a VKontakte group.

A unique promotion for owners of their own groups in VK!
Get 10% discount for the benefit of everyone who has a VKontakte group!

In fact, promoting a VKontakte group is not that difficult, much easier than promoting a website.

First, before promoting a group, you need to analyze the demographics of the intended audience.

Demographics of group subscribers

You need to understand exactly what people you are creating your group for. This will be needed when setting up targeted advertising, inviting people to a group, and when writing content.

The picture below shows the general demographics of the VKontakte audience.

The second nuance is the age of subscribers. You can notice that the younger generation is mostly in contact, while the older generation, for example, is in classmates. I'm not talking about all, but about the majority of users.

We independently promote the VKontakte group

Let's look at a few steps to self-promotion groups:

  1. Inviting your friends

    Your friends can be the first to leave comments, likes and reposts. In addition, it is very important that by the time you start promoting a VKontakte group, there should already be a certain number of people in it, because, as you know, people are very reluctant to join empty groups.

  2. Cheating with special services

    This is a very important section, without which it will be quite difficult at the initial stage, because people are much more willing to join a group if many people have already subscribed to it.

    It's no secret for a long time that there are many ways to gain subscribers to your group. They do this in two ways: by purchasing bots and using mutual exchange services.

    I don’t recommend the first method; these are absolutely dead users who will most likely lead to your group being banned.

    I will dwell on the second method in more detail. There are many services on the Internet where you can give a certain task to real people, for example, like, repost, or join a group.

    I've tried a lot various services and now I use Bosslike, there is a fairly small percentage of people who unsubscribe from it, since they punish for this, write off points and ban the account.

    You can pay for this task with real money, or with “points” that you can receive for completing the same tasks.

    Using the Bosslike service, you can quickly add a bunch of subscribers to your group and create the appearance of activity - likes, reposts, so that interested users who come to your group can see that the group is alive and popular with other people.

    These types of services are much more better buy bots, because, firstly, they are free, and secondly, the subscribers recruited in this way are absolutely real people who, just like you, promote their groups.

    It often happens that after cheating these people become active participants your group, write comments, like, repost. In general, at the initial stage I ADVISE EVERYONE

  3. Repost posts from your group to communities of similar topics

    Of course, not all groups provide the opportunity to leave posts on their wall, but I think it’s worth looking.

    Even if the group is limited, but yours is crazy interesting information, you can offer news in this group. Any adequate administrator will publish it.

    In addition, from my own experience I can say that it can be very effective to look for public pages and groups of similar topics with open photo albums. Find an attractive image, upload it to your album, and write text in the caption that will entice the reader to join your group.

    In most cases, such an image will be deleted after some time, but it may manage to attract a good number of users to your group.

  4. Mutual cooperation with thematic groups in contact.

    Everything is simple here, look for thematically similar groups and share each other’s posts on the wall, as well as links.

  5. Optimizing a group for VKontakte search.

    Compared to a regular site, the name of the group is page title, a group description is both description and keywords.

    It is important that the group name contains one exact occurrence key query, for example, “Wedding photographer St. Petersburg”.

    It should appear several times in the group description; in addition, it would be useful to list below the tags by which they can search for you.

    Also, don’t forget to change the group url from the incomprehensible club1682746 to a more relevant one.

    Remember that VKontakte groups and public pages are well indexed by search engines, so a properly optimized group can bring new users to your online store not only from the social network itself, but also from search engines.

    Another important factor influencing ranking (position in search results VKontakte) - the number of group members, so as I have already, in the first few days I highly recommend gaining free subscribers using Bosslike or similar services.

How to keep subscribers in a group

Content is the most important thing, what you need to independently promote a VKontakte group. The more interesting your content is, the more reposts you will get and the more people will learn about your VKontakte group, and the more existing subscribers you can retain.

Try to post interesting articles, based on your audience's interests. Try to find your own style, feature. If you can’t do it yourself, then you need to look for the most interesting articles on your topic in other places. There are many services for this.

The coolest service in my opinion this kind- this is SmmBox. This service itself finds the most popular posts and articles on your topic and, thanks to a smart calendar, can itself distribute the time and schedule for posting posts for greater efficiency. This service is paid, although quite cheap, but has a 14-day free period, in 14 days, with special diligence, you can fill a group with content for several months ahead and don't worry about constant search and posting.
You don’t even need to register in it - just click login on the right top corner main page and choose to exit via VKontakte (or through other social media) and start promoting your group.

It also has an extension for browsers with which you can post content from any site you are on to your VKontakte group in 1 click.

Conducting competitions

Everyone loves competitions, and this good way tell us about your group. Announce some interesting competition With prerequisite repost and join the group, it will attract a large number of of people.

There are many free services that will help you in this matter:
VKonkurs.rf is my favorite service for determining winners. The service receives a list of users who reposted the news (posts on the wall) and selects winners from them in random order. The result is presented in a very cute and convenient form, which you can immediately post to your VKontakte group.

Random App- the application helps to organize prize draws. The difference from other applications is that you can make a drawing among all users in the group;

Virus analyzer- find out who collected how many likes and reposts under any VKontakte message;

Group competitions- the application is used to check competitions for inviting friends to the community. For each participant, the number of his friends in the group is checked and a list is displayed in descending order of the number of friends who joined;

LikeChecker- the application is intended for administrators of groups holding competitions, with the help of which you can find out the number of likes in the group;

The application separates likes given by group members from outsiders (most likely fake ones).

Tracking unsubscribers

You can track users who have left the group and ask them why. The user is pleased that he and his opinion are important to you, and you will know what makes people leave your community.

There are also convenient ones for this free services, for example, the VKontakte application "

Promotion of the VKontakte group— this is a quick filling of a community or group with subscribers with minimal financial costs. Characterized by the use of gray and black promotion methods. Most popular in the initial stages of development of pages on a social network.

Since the beginning of its development, VKontakte has come a long way in the fight against spam promotion technologies within the service. Literally 7 years ago it was possible without special effort register dozens and hundreds of accounts; this did not even require a separate phone number. Making friends was also not difficult, and then there was a massive bombardment of public pages and other users with spam, which bore fruit in a matter of weeks.

In 2017, the situation has changed dramatically. Accounts can be blocked for just one spam link, and users themselves will be happy to check the “spam” box next to your comment or friend invitation. However, this does not mean at all that gray methods gone completely, they evolved, became much subtler and even more interesting. In a word, you won’t get bored when you start to figure it all out.

How to quickly promote a group on VK

No matter what methods you are going to promote the group, first you need:

  1. Create a group, not a public page
  2. Add an avatar
  3. Come up with a clear and memorable name
  4. Add description and status
  5. Create at least 10 posts

Ready! Your community does not look empty and will be clear to guests. Now you need to decide what strategy you are going to follow. Methods can be divided into free, shareware and paid. If you don't lie, free methods There is no promotion of the group; in any case, you will have to spend a lot of personal time, buy SIM cards or resort to promotion services.

To resolve the issues, let’s compare the advantages and disadvantages of promotion using gray technologies and promotion using white technologies.

Promotion Promotion
Subscriber price from 20 kopecks from 3 rub.
Content Typical (copied) Unique and interesting
Specialist On your own Experienced specialist
Regularity of publications From time to time Regularly
Probability of blocking High Very low

If you still think that promoting a group is right for you, move on.

Free promotion of VKontakte group

You may not need real investments, but you will have to spend your personal time. Let's start with step-by-step instructions:

  1. Since we created a group, we have the opportunity to invite 20 friends to it every day
  2. To make friends, we go to thematic communities on VK itself. We go to the group search, type “add as friend” and see a lot of publics we need
  3. Register additional accounts and repeat the above steps
  4. In the accounts themselves, we imitate active activity, repost from third-party public pages, write our thoughts, and also repost from our group. Everything should look as natural as possible so that robots don’t block pages
  5. We find public pages with similar topics and leave spam comments. We try to do everything naturally. We bypass large communities; they often have moderators working online who will not only delete your comment, but also block you

The last point is considered the most dangerous, so approach it with the utmost caution.

Despite the fact that this technique is considered free, you will have to spend many weeks repeating the same steps. Calculate how much an hour of your working time costs and you will get a picture of whether this approach to promoting a group is justified.

Paid group promotion

Most the best way To promote the VKontakte community is to allocate a small budget and use the services of promotion services. Most resources work according to this system:

  • you register in the system and top up your balance;
  • create a task to attract subscribers to the group;
  • real users join your community for points.

Such services have two disadvantages: many users become dogs that have to be cleaned, and if the approach is incorrect, the group can be blocked. Follow two rules:

  • the number of dogs can be 10% of total number subscribers;
  • do not gain more than 50 subscribers per day.

Here are some of the most successful promotion services

It’s worth highlighting freelance exchanges where you can order subscribers.

Such services offer more features, but the fees will be appropriate:

  • To add a task you will have to figure it out a little;
  • you can attract the audience you need (city, gender, age, number of friends);
  • price from 2 rubles;
  • the percentage of dogs is very low.

Lifehacks for cheating

  1. If you are building a group through invitations, but later expect to transfer it to the community, do this at the milestone of 9,000 subscribers, otherwise you risk attracting the attention of the administration.
  2. Combine promotion with purchasing advertising posts, this will reduce the percentage of the group getting banned, and will give you the opportunity to see whether the guests like your group.
  3. Combine promotion in services with promotion on exchanges. Exchanges make it possible to invent various models user behavior before they join your group. For example: “indicate in the task that performers go to the community not through a direct link, but through an advertising post.”
  4. If you managed to promote the group to 10,000, do not tempt fate and switch only to “white” methods of promotion.
  5. Write to separate document communities on topics friendly to you. At the stage of 2,000-3,000 subscribers, start establishing friendly connections with the administrators of these groups. Many groups are suitable for mutual PR, others will offer discounts on advertising.
  6. While you are working on cheating, learn the following things:
  • how to set up targeted advertising;
  • how to choose the right community for advertising;
  • how mutual PR works;
  • how to properly administer a public page;
  • how to conduct VKontakte competitions;
  • what's happened SEO optimization and how it can help promote the group;
  • how to add a VKontakte widget or social buttons to your website.

Common Misconceptions

1) If I gain a lot of subscribers, then soon real people will begin to be interested in my page.

Despite the fact that behind every recruited subscriber there is a real man, his behavior pattern is fundamentally different from regular user. He visits his account only to complete tasks, and his friends are the same bots. Only live subscribers will give you an impetus to organic growth.

2) Cheating is dangerous and will ultimately lead to the blocking of the group.

This is true, but only partly. Practice and observation show that cheating on VKontakte has become commonplace, it is used by both large communities (cheating behavioral factors and likes), and young groups. The main rule is “don’t overdo it.”

3) All fake subscribers are computer bots.

Yes, it is true that some services provide the opportunity to cheat such users, but the social network’s algorithms have negated the effectiveness of such services. In most cases, fake subscribers are real people, but their accounts are fakes that were created specifically for making money.

4) If I recruit enough people, advertisers will come to me.

You are interesting if your group is visited by real people who will bring sales to advertisers and help promote their resources. Before ordering posts, you will be asked for statistics and if it turns out that there are no unique visitors and no one will be interested in such a platform.

Promotion of a group on VK is not SEO optimization for robots, but the use of human “live” resources. Correct and consistent actions, knowledge of how to promote a group on VK will allow you to find a highly effective tool in a social network for promoting a business or brand, for popularizing ideas, creativity or a name, for making a profit from advertising. The main thing is to highlight what is important for yourself, choose the optimal one and not stop acting!

It is difficult to find a person now who does not know about social resource VK. Thousands of accounts are registered on the social network every day. VKontakte launched in 2006 and its popularity grew very rapidly and has not subsided to date. Millions of people visit their pages every day, VK life is in full swing.

And naturally, the large circulation of users could not help but attract enterprising people. Possibility of creating thematic groups on the resource allows you to promote goods and services and earn money. This is usually the main goal, but sometimes communities are created for the sake of interest, fun, as a hobby. So, if the user is serious, then he is faced with the question of how to promote a VK group.

To start promoting a VK group, you first need to create it and make it presentable by selecting good cover and avatar. The public should be filled with sections, links, pictures, reviews, contacts for communication.

So that the group can then attract interested audience, we need to deal with it - promote it. And communities are created based on interests and as a hobby, as a tool for selling goods and services, or as a promoter of ideas and creative endeavors. There are many tools for promoting VKontakte public pages: paid and free, effective and not very effective.

The main goals of promoting groups on VKontakte

The main goal is to promote yourself, and this can be done very effectively and with the following advantages:

  • advertise your product or activity for free;
  • constantly find potential clients and buyers;
  • quickly develop business;
  • increase the number of visitors to your site by redirecting users.

Also, promoting VKontakte groups allows you to popularize a brand, name, creative activity, etc. You can also sell advertising in the community. Publics with big amount visitors are used to repost other groups, or they contain links leading to online stores, for example. The size and activity of the audience works here, traffic is monetized.

Today, there are many techniques and methods to promote the VK group. There are “white” and “black” schemes, for money and for free.

In black

Another unclean way is to create a group with an interesting topic, where participants actively communicate, exchange information, and then artificially boost them by sending out invitations. The popularity of the community increases, and its owner takes and fills interesting feeds with advertising information.

This scares users away; due to complaints, the owner may be fined and the page blocked.

In white

If you take your VK page seriously, if you really need to promote your business, trademark etc., then it is unacceptable to use “black” methods. Although they may seem simpler and cheaper. It’s better to consider how to promote a VK group legally. The most popular methods are as follows.

  1. Decor home page groups: it should attract, stand out, interest.
  2. Manual sending of invitations, according to the number in accordance with VK rules, 40 for every 12-14 hour period. Not many people join the group based on them, but it all depends on the topic of the community and on how interested those invited may be in the material offered.
  3. Paid advertisements, prepared according to VK rules, they must fully comply with the requirements for groups.
  4. Link exchange with friendly and loyal communities. You will have to pay for this, or Quid pro quo, when groups have similar themes and advertise each other on their sites.
  5. Banners on the walls of other large public sites or on third-party sites. It will be necessary to negotiate with resource administrators on the location and cost of such advertising.
  6. Information on the walls of other groups or in the profiles of promoted pages. In this case, you need to show information rather than advertise. Otherwise, it will be spam, and the community that agreed to cooperate will ultimately suffer.
  7. Interaction with participants own group. Here you need to interest users: conduct competitions, voting, surveys. In this way, it is possible to increase the number of visitors, constantly attracting new ones.
  8. You can search for your audience manually. If you sell services or goods, offer them to interested parties.
  9. Websites and blogs outside of VK can also be used to promote groups. Place banners on them to transfer users to the community and back.
  10. Qualitative, interesting content to promote a VK group also works well. Announcements of posts and articles will be of interest to visitors, the main thing is that they correspond to the topic of the community.
  11. Hashtags – tags in the form of # make it easier to find posts on similar topics. They are inserted into texts on group walls to take visitors to the right place. It is important to correctly determine the key highlighted by the hashtag. For this purpose, there are systems for identifying popular queries.
  12. Promotion of a group in contact via Youtube. Interesting videos are created with redirection to the public.
  13. When using various bots that imitate human actions, help, advise, redirect, take orders, etc.
  14. You can also promote a group in contact using comments on forums, websites and portals with similar topics.

What is the best way to promote the VK group: independently or involve specialists

When creating a VK group, you need to think about the content. The material must be interesting, high-quality, thoughtful, and consistent with the topic of the page. How to promote a VKontakte group yourself? To do this, they gain subscribers, make reposts, increase comments and likes. A lot of time and work will have to be invested. Content for visitors and subscribers should be as interesting and useful as possible, so that they want to read and repost further.

But in order to quickly and effortlessly get a significant influx of subscribers, it is better to use the services special resources. Many of them work for free, and there is a system of useful mutual exchange. This means you need to like, repost, join groups, comment and get points by adding bonuses to your public.

Popular VK promotion services

Multifunctional, high-quality, well-optimized service, but does not like bots. Quickly adapts and reconfigures to VKontakte innovations. Among its advantages are the following advantages.

  1. Stability and speed. With it, in the first minutes the community will already have more subscribers.
  2. All tasks of participants are necessarily checked by moderators in order to block the actions of scammers, their accounts are deleted from the service instantly.
  3. The service has an excellent design, pleasant and understandable.
  4. All Bosslike users are real people with “live” and not fake accounts.
  5. If you create an account in Bosslike, you can act on all social networks, using earned points from one group for promotion in another.
  6. Good deductions. You can promote your VK group faster if you attract partners and also receive income from them, and this is half of what the service takes.
  7. The support service is excellent, always pays attention to any user and responds very quickly to questions and signals. The specialists in the system are highly qualified.


Respected, stable and popular service with high-quality beautiful design and high speed work, promotion on social networks is going very quickly. Promotion of a group on VK with its help is very fast.


  • reasonable prices;
  • settlements with clients in real money, easily withdrawn from the account;
  • convenient and intuitive interface;
  • high speed of wrapping.

But VkTarget also has disadvantages:

  • sometimes bots appear in the system from hacked pages, but this phenomenon is extremely rare;
  • Customer support doesn't answer questions very quickly.


Using the site, you can attract subscribers without investing money, but in exchange for return services. Users need to complete tasks to earn system currency in order to pay for the promotion of their public pages.

  • exclusively live participants;
  • high-speed promotion of the VK group;
  • beautiful, clear and convenient interface.

The disadvantage is that there is a limited number of tasks that can be completed according to the instructions, only 200 per day if you use the LikesRock service for free.


A service for promoting VKontakte public pages for those who have little time and money. The services are mostly free, but there is a category for money. It’s convenient to work with the site, but sometimes the resource slows down - this is a fight against bots.


High-quality promotion service, but not very fast. The prices are moderate, but there are a lot of bots among the users. And the interface is too modest.


Nowadays, social networks are great opportunities for users. You can communicate there, have an interesting and useful time. And also successfully develop your business, promote your name or brand, show your creativity, etc. For many, VK is the only place where they can show themselves or their products and services. You can also create groups of like-minded people on social networks based on interests and hobbies.

There is no special secret on how to promote a VK group. It is clear that you will have to work hard, be active, analyze a lot, test, spy on competitors and take some ideas on board, be creative. You need to immerse yourself in the field headlong, spend a lot of time, energy and effort.

There are plenty of arguments and materials for thought and action! Go for it! May good luck accompany you!