How to view a closed VKontakte group. Magic hole. Every woman has a large number of holes, like working holes VK

(the post attracted 10.5 thousand visitors), and today let me introduce you to a hole in the popular FSB database of a social network that unites millions of Russian users around the world - The hole is that you can see photos that are closed to “non-friends”. Isn't it a nice hole?!

Attention,For all manipulations with links, you need to register and log in. This was probably done for the safety of social network users. However, more about safety below.

When we view a user’s VKontakte profile, the address looks like this: idXXXXX, where XXXXX is the user’s digital ID.
For example, everyone knows that the user Pavel Durov, the creator of, lives under the number, and Alex Exler lives under the number.

If a VKontakte user decides to hide his profile from viewing by unauthorized persons (for example, only for friends), then his address looks like idXXXXX will automatically take on the form: search.php?id=XXXXX.

For example, user number 2 hid his profile. Make sure -

Thus, a VKontakte user’s profile can be viewed in two ways:

Using the second type of address, which with “search” (I’ll explain why below), I began to leaf through the profiles in order, starting with the 1st Durovsky, in search of hidden photo albums and found this one on the profile number:

And now this “search” is useful to us - just take it and change “search” to “photos” in the address bar of the browser:

and look at the photos!

You can send a link to any photo to other “unfriends” of user number 8. For example, this one:

But the most surprising thing is that the user with ID No. 8, whose photos we just looked at, deleted his account AT ALL!

I ask the stranger at number 8 not to be angry. Send all complaints to Durov.

Finishing this story, I can’t help but remember the wonderful illustration from Kurt Vonnegut’s preface to his novel Breakfast of Champions or Goodbye Black Monday:

This book is my fiftieth birthday gift to myself. I feel like I'm on the ridge of a roof, climbing up one of the slopes.

At fifty years old I am so programmed that I behave childishly; I disrespectfully talk about the American anthem, draw a Nazi flag, holes in the ass and all sorts of other things with a felt-tip pen. And to give an idea of ​​how mature an artist I am, I'm posting an illustration here - this hole:

I know quite a few children aged 9-10 years old who actively use this social network and I don’t like this hole at all.

The summary of all of the above is this:

Even if photo albums are closed from viewing by non-friends, they can be easily viewed using an address like:, where XXXXX is the digital ID of the VKontakte user.

Try, for example, user number 8. His VKontakte account has been deleted AT ALL.

On the VKontakte social network it is possible to create groups (see). They can be used for different purposes - uniting people by interests, promoting your business, etc. The developers gave the group administrator the opportunity to decide whether the published information will be available to all users or only to members. Depending on your desire, you can make an open or closed group (see). In the latter, all functionality will be available only to those subscribers who have subscribed to updates and were manually added to the list of participants by the community administrator (see). How can I view a closed VKontakte group??

This question worries many users. It is not always possible to undergo moderation to participate in a particular public (see). And information is desperately needed. Now we will try to figure out whether it is possible to somehow bypass the restrictions.

Is it possible to watch a closed group without joining?

If you try to view information that is published in a closed public, you will only see the general picture.

The following elements will be available to us:

  1. Information that this is a closed group
  2. Name
  3. Photo
  4. List of participants
  5. Administrator contacts (see)

How can we watch closed VKontakte groups? The simplest solution is to submit an application for membership and wait for its approval. To do this, click the “Submit Application” button.

After that, you need to wait until the group admin approves you. I would like to note right away that most public pages are interested in the number of their subscribers growing (see). Therefore, they try to approve incoming applications as quickly as possible.

You can even speed up this process - just write to the administrator. You will find a link to his page in the “Contacts” section.

We clearly discussed these points in the video lesson.

Thus, receiving restricted content is only available if you are registered on the social network (see) and gain access as a member.

View closed VKontakte page

Let's say you know the user id (see), and you are trying to access his page. As a result, you receive a message that access is limited (see).

How can we view user materials in this case?

There are two options here. If a user has restricted access for everyone, including his friends, then you will not be able to see his personal information.

It's another matter if the materials are available to friends. Here you must send him a request to add you as a friend. If he approves it, you will get access to the materials.

Is it possible to hack closed pages using services?

When trying to look for such services, we came across this project.

As a result, we got this result.

As you can see, nothing worked, and we did not see the materials. Conclusion - services offering to watch a closed group for free do not work!


If you really need materials that are published in closed communities, it is best to contact the administrator directly. Explain to him your interest and argue why you should be provided with the necessary information.

After all, when I publish content on VKontakte, 99% of people want other users to see it. Therefore, you will probably be approved for access, and you will get everything you need.

Every woman has a large number of holes, both frequently used and empty.
In addition, many people like to clog these holes with some kind of rubbish.

It seems like there is, say, a nose. They can't do anything but breathe.
But they put all sorts of balls and screws in there - no matter what - in childhood, honestly burned from dad in a box of tools.
In adolescence - earrings, which prevent a normal person from blowing his nose during illness; in a more mature one - some kind of stupid powder that destroys the brain and leads to dullness.

They plug their ears with all sorts of rubbish, like earplugs, so as not to hear snoring, instead of solving the problem with their own insomnia.
I'm not even talking about the mouth. It’s been going here since childhood too. First a tit, then a pacifier, then everything that comes to hand, starting with a champagne cork that accidentally rolled under the sofa, and ending with the right broken off arm from a chemically-treated Barbie doll from China. Older girls stuff lollipops into their mouths and practice sucking on bananas.
Then there are banana substitutes, identical to natural ones, in sizes eight and larger.

By the way, girls cope best with this mouth filler. Still, years of training are not in vain. Even at school, especially gifted people manage to stuff two bananas into their mouths at the same time, which has a detrimental effect on further mental and sexual development.
Well, it’s not for me to judge - I didn’t shove two bananas into my mouth, and I saw a penis only at a conscious age, but I am who I am, so looking like a prude would be stupid.

Well, so.... Continuing the conversation about women's holes, of course, I would like to mention no less interesting places. Not much is said about them out loud. They said, more precisely. Now they don’t really hide it.
Girls especially often try to stuff something there, preferably deeper. Well, if not girls, then boys, who are not indifferent to these holes. Just let them shove it in - and then they’ll push it in as long as they can.
When they get tired of being pushed in every day, they enthusiastically take on the holy of holies - the sacred back hole. According to the boys, the most interesting and pleasant things are hidden there. In the opinion of inexperienced girls, something unpleasant and uninteresting is hidden there, but this does not stop the boys.
What is actually hidden there - only anatomy teachers and doctors know best, but this is not for me.

In general, I’m not talking about anal sex here. If anyone had time to think.
With all these female holes everything is simple. There's always something to put in there. And even if it is not alive, does not twitch and does not spew out white nasty liquid, the girl will still be pleased. She always knows how and what to insert correctly into herself, even if she tells everyone around that she is clean not only physiologically, but also in her thoughts.

I could write this text long and sadly, feeling sorry for myself and my unsuccessful life. But today I’m in a more than cynical mood, so I won’t cry about my bitter fate.

I just want to tell you about the magic hole.
The one that every woman always tries to shut up, but not everyone succeeds.
And, unfortunately, this hole is not located between the legs, and it is impossible to insert a penis there, even if you really want to. And if it seems to someone that a twenty-centimeter penis a couple of times a week can help deliver an orgasm, then, I hasten to disappoint you, this is an illusion.
Filling the magic hole, this penis creates only a projection of the misfortunes of the IA donkey, and it enters and exits even more freely than a ball into an empty honey pot.
What kind of orgasm are we talking about here?

Every girl has this hole, even the one who carefully hides it. Even the one who spends all day doing nothing but filling all her other free holes with all kinds of objects.

For many of us, with an unfilled hole, it seems that love is an ephemeral concept in the modern world.
To many who have lost hope, it seems that we have only one place of emptiness.
And we all joyfully, hurrying and jumping, run to look for filler, like foam concrete. And we forget about only one important thing - that, just like when building houses, this vague crap with which we fill the cracks is not eternal.
And it could easily be picked out by some bored asshole. And then - again twenty-five - and we again run for a new package of foam concrete - and fill this gap again. But even for a new batch of funds there will be a new asshole. And so everything goes in a circle.

In fact, each of us vitally needs a product like shampoo and conditioner - two in one. We not only need a man’s penis, whatever it may be, we also want a piece of the soul, and a weighty piece that can finally be inserted into our most important hole.

This post was about love, yes. I’m saying this just in case, in case you haven’t noticed. And he also says that sex, even the most amazing one, will never replace hot hugs in the morning and cold heels in a warm bed before bed.
It will never replace morning coffee brewed by your loved one and a kiss on the nose after work. It will not replace a cold towel on a hot forehead during the flu period, or warm mittens into which you can put another hand.

It will not replace care and warm, sincere smiles.

Sex is just sex, and a casual lover once a month is not even a friend, it’s just a member necessary to maintain vitality - like an aspirin tablet during a hangover. It seems to make our life easier in very difficult moments, but it never makes us happier.