How to look for potential clients. Where to look for clients for a realtor. The most productive ways to find clients on the Internet

We released new book“Content Marketing on Social Media: How to Get into Your Subscribers’ Heads and Make Them Fall in Love with Your Brand.”


Benefits of Online Business

More and more representatives of traditional businesses are thinking about expanding client base through World Wide Web, as this will significantly increase their competitiveness and attract new potential buyers.

In addition, everyone understands that the future belongs to the Global Network - only mastodons buy telephone directories to find out the number of a particular organization. Only amateur tourists buy topographic maps to get to their destination. All the rest, who have stepped into the 21st century, successfully use online directories and specialized sites to obtain the necessary information.

But it’s one thing to start searching for customers via the Internet, and another thing to successfully attract them. How to find clients on the Internet? This will be the topic of today's article. Searching for customers on the Internet can be divided into 3 methods: if you have your own website, if you don’t have one, and the last one is combined.

How to get clients online using a website

Availability of your own resource, regardless of its form - business card, corporate portal, online store or landing page - greatly simplifies the task of finding potential customers. IN in this case All methods related to search engine optimization and attracting thematic traffic are used:

  • Competent content management and writing unique structured articles related to your activities will increase the impressions of your pages in search results and will increase traffic to the resource, which, in turn, will increase the likelihood of a sale.
  • This item does not incur large costs even if you purchase articles on copywriting exchanges, but after 2-3 months from the launch of the site it will begin to bear fruit in the form of unique visitors who can become customers. All this will happen, of course, if it is filled with correct, from an SEO point of view, content.
  • Using contextual and search advertising will bring visitors interested in the product to the site, and will also increase the portal’s search performance, since search engines love those who pay them money. If you do not have free funds, then you should refrain from such expenses - wait until your first sales or orders.
  • Correct internal optimization, compression of media files and heavy structures, removal of unnecessary and malicious code, extraneous links, as well as page linking that meets all the requirements will increase the loading speed of the resource, which will increase loyalty search engines and the influx of users.
  • Original and fresh interesting description meta title tags and description can increase click-through rates and traffic.

How to run a website

A few more tips on running a selling website and filling it out:

  • The main page should contain basic information and, in the first seconds of a visitor’s stay on it, give him an understanding of the main direction of the enterprise’s activities.
  • The header, in addition to the logo, must contain a phone number so that if the visitor decides to make a purchase or order, he can call at any time without bothering himself with searching for the contact page.
  • Open up the possibility for visitors to leave comments and reviews: it’s okay if there are complaints and criticism among them - this will only increase the loyalty of potential clients to you. After all, they will know that the reviews are not faked using special services, but written by living people.
  • Create clear structure menu and user-friendly navigation through the portal pages, which will help you find potential clients on the Internet.
  • Do not use bright flashy colors in your design, do not turn the company’s officialdom into a kaleidoscope of colors. It is advisable to order the development of a layout from a web designer.
  • Please also include contact information such as Email. Set the form feedback- large corporate customers will only communicate with you in this way.

Promoting a company on the Internet is the most cost-effective among effective options. After a few years the number of users Global network will leave the total number of viewers far behind television programs and radio listeners. Therefore, the importance of online promotion today will grow into a necessity tomorrow. Those who cannot adapt to the new realities will remain at the level of stall traders.

Attracting clients via the Internet. Where and how to look

  • Active discussion on thematic forums and websites will allow you to earn a rating and become an influential member with a high rating, which will further allow you to advertise your services within the limits permitted by the portal administration. This is one of the effective ways to solve the question: “How to find clients on the Internet for free.”
  • Advertise on partner sites.
  • Question-answer services are also quite significant resources from the point of view of users, the level of loyalty to which allows them to unobtrusively post their proposals for the provision of certain services without causing negativity from users. The best sites of this kind - “Mail Answers” ​​and “Yandex”.
  • SMM promotion in social networks, as a rule, implies the creation of a public page or page, recruitment of subscribers and continuous expansion of their number, as well as constant publication of interesting thematic information. Conducting various competitions, promotions and exhibiting a portfolio of completed work with, of course, the opportunity to do it in the specific conditions of your field.

It is very important to give a high-quality name to your group or page status in the absence of a public page from the point of view of search engine optimization. To do this, you need to use the Wordstat service from Yandex and look at the frequency search queries by keywords you are interested in.

Based on the popularity of certain forms of phrases, choose the most sonorous and frequently requested phrase. But that’s not all: in order for the audience of subscribers to grow and potential buyers to come, it is necessary to connect targeted advertising, which has proven itself quite well in social networks. SMM is a great method to find clients on the Internet.

  • Directory sites and catalogs bring good traffic from visitors interested in your services. In addition, many portals, such as Yandex.Maps, Google maps and 2gis will indicate your exact address and build a specific route to your point of sale or office.
  • Email distribution will allow you to inform existing or potential customers about promotions, innovations, tariff plans and discounts. The main thing is not to bombard them with meaningless and meaningless letters, otherwise there is a risk of being accepted as spam.
  • Creation affiliate program for referral leaders (persons who have the opportunity to influence the opinion of the public in matters of purchasing any services or joining any projects. As a rule, a referral leader is a well-known blogger or leader of an MLM structure), allowing people with leadership qualities to receive a reward for their recommendation your company.

The reward, as a rule, is a certain percentage of the sale made by a person who switched according to the instructions of the referral guide. Tracking is carried out using special referral links. This item should be one of the first to be included in the implementation, since it carries absolutely no initial costs, and the price of the product should be formed taking into account possible remunerations and commissions.

  • Start a discussion thread about your company or store on specialized resources with reviews. As a rule, they pay money for leaving reviews, so freelancers who live and earn money there will be forced to familiarize themselves with your service and leave their opinion about it, which again will increase brand awareness.
  • If you have a significant budget, do not neglect buying advertising from famous bloggers and reviewers - this method attracting visitors is very effective, but subject to familiarization with the main contingent of this blogger and its coincidence with your target audience.
  • Placing a portfolio on message boards will allow a considerable number of interested users to become familiar with the company’s services. Platforms such as Avito and Yula have multi-million daily traffic, and therefore help promote services and products in the shortest possible time. Yes, they are also well indexed, at least by Avito.
  • If you have a unique, rare product, you should start a channel on YouTube, where the subtleties and nuances of your product will be highlighted, as well as the benefits of cooperation or purchasing a service.

Connecting social networks

The easiest way to start is by creating an appropriate profile on social networks and maintaining a public page or group. Platforms such as Instagram and VKontakte are enough for this. In parallel with this, you should create and launch your own website, filling it with quality material. Link it to social network profiles so that there are reciprocal links and subsequent clicks on them.

As the project develops or time becomes available due to the hiring of assistants, other methods of attracting customers should be implemented, thereby increasing brand and logo recognition in the market. But remember that approximately 70% of the effort and allocated budget should go to search engine optimization And contextual advertising site - these are the methods that in the future should bring the bulk of visitors interested in the product.

Ignoring the rules of doing business on the Global Network will lead to a sad end to even the most daring and extraordinary undertakings. Even with a unique product or best service You may never get a single sale or a single order just because no one will know or hear about you.

On the contrary, following all or most of the points will definitely bring customers and buyers to you, but the efficiency of these methods will depend on the quality and competitiveness of the services you provide. You need to understand that none of the described methods will ensure a crazy rise in the rating of a company or store in the shortest possible time, provided that the product or service is mediocre.

Work on your virtual image, not forgetting about real situation business Grow in all areas. We hope our article was useful and we revealed the answer to the question: “How to look for clients on the Internet?”

Finding new clients can be not only challenging, but also frustrating. Any startup owner knows what it's like to waste time and effort trying to find clients. Every success is preceded by a series of possible failures.

But it is not necessary that it always be like this. We want to offer you several ways to find and interact with potential clients that you will find not only effective, but also easy to use. Promotion of goods and services – the most important part business and you need to do it regularly, however, you should enjoy it. Remember that if you yourself enjoy promoting your business, it will be easier for you to create a positive impression of yourself and your company when communicating with clients.

1. Teach them something new

You have several options depending on your capabilities: the best option will join forces with other professionals in your field and conduct various courses and trainings - there is nothing more effective than direct communication with potential clients. But you can also do a lot online: share useful knowledge on LinkedIn, post presentations on SlideShare, or write a blog, offering readers useful tips and lessons.

One of the many Wix workshops in New York

2. Donate your products at events

If you are promoting a specific product and want to attract an audience, the most effective way is to give out free samples and gifts during a major promotion.

Find an organization or event managers who would be interested in hosting a similar event or lecture. This will help them entertain the public, who will be happy to receive your products for free, and it will provide you with communication with your target audience in an informal setting, where people will not feel forced into buying and will be happy to try something new.

You can also provide your product at a significant discount for public events held by large companies. The immediate profit will be significantly less, but your logo and product will be seen by hundreds (if not thousands) of new potential customers.

3. Write a letter you want to read

If the letter does not contain useful or entertaining information, it will most likely be sent to spam. But if you can write something interesting or funny, it can serve as an impetus for making a purchase in your store or further disseminating the information you sent.

Take for example Wine Mine, a wine store in Oakland, California. This company created its website using a website builder. Their weekly newsletter contains a lot interesting information about new varieties of wines that have gone on sale, funny descriptions of upcoming tastings, as well as jokes and anecdotes on the topic. This type of email is exactly what users want to find in their inbox: short, informative, and most importantly, valuable content.

You can take advantage of these great ones that will help you create the most personalized letter possible.

Don't forget to add a subscription form to your Wix site

4. Be kind

According to research, every second large company in Russia has its own charitable budget and spends from 11 to 17% of its net profit on charity. This does not mean that philanthropic activities are reserved exclusively for the big players. Don't think that you need some crazy cash. You can be sure that any, even symbolic amount, multiplied by the number of new clients attracted by your social activities, will benefit any charitable organization.

Moreover, charitable activities will help your business create a positive image and build trust with customers. People highly value acts of kindness, so doing charity work will certainly endear you to potential clients. Not to mention the self-satisfaction and real pleasure that comes from doing a good deed.

How can a sales manager look for new clients? This question often arises for both beginners and experienced managers who are mastering new region or territory.

Portrait of a potential client

Before you start looking for clients, you need to create a portrait of interesting business partners. Assess the most promising industries, identify market leaders by region and country, study the market situation, and identify weaknesses. This preparatory work helps answer the following questions:

  • Who are the clients?
  • Where can a sales manager look for clients geographically?
  • What is the situation in the industry as a whole?
  • What is the client interested in?
  • How does he currently solve the problems whose solutions are supposed to be proposed?
  • Which companies are your competing suppliers?

Having collected all necessary information, you can create a portrait of a potential client who needs or may be interested in the product/service that the sales manager represents on the market.

Once the client profile has been determined, you can proceed directly to finding an answer to the question of how to look for clients for a sales manager.

The simplest method for understanding how to look for potential clients for a sales manager is to review the existing client base, study the history of interaction and successful sales, volumes and features of the offer. Based on this data, you can find companies similar in industry, volume and potential purchases, and contact them with an offer, based on successful experience completed projects. This makes it possible to conclude quick deals and growth of the customer base.

The second successful and in an effective way searching for new clients is to receive recommendations from existing clients with whom relationships have been established and communication has been built.

There are several ways to find clients for a sales manager using recommendations:

    A personal meeting. You can ask for recommendations and contacts of possible clients who need or might benefit from the proposed solution at a personal meeting with regular customers. People love to give advice and help, feeling like experts. At the right approach this method can be very effective.

    Phone call. By asking existing client about a preliminary call to those interested potential partner, with a high degree of probability you can count on a meeting and subsequent sale. A call from a recommender increases your credibility and becomes a good springboard for successful communication.

Visiting exhibitions and thematic events

An effective way to find clients is to attend industry exhibitions and thematic events. How to properly look for clients for a sales manager at exhibitions and public events? The goal may be to get to know the company, establish personal contact with employees of the organization of interest, arrange a personal meeting. It is very important to analyze the information received and work out possible “warm” contacts as soon as possible, without delay. You should write a letter confirming your acquaintance. In the letter, it is worth recalling the place of communication, perhaps citing the words of the interlocutor, clarifying intentions to continue acquaintance and emphasizing the possibilities of mutually beneficial cooperation.

Attending thematic events - good opportunity for networking. Meeting the right people, building communication, exchanging opinions is the path to sales. The ability to make the right impression, be open to dialogue, and demonstrate an expert position in the topic that the sales manager represents will come in handy here. You should avoid front-line sales, intrusiveness, and displays of neediness. Self-esteem coupled with the ability to communicate and good knowledge product is the key to successful commercial communication. It is important to be sincerely interested in the state of affairs of new acquaintances, to identify or formulate needs, and to ask the right questions.

Cold calls

A proven way to find new clients is to cold call companies of interest that fit the description of the client’s profile.

How can a sales manager find clients using cold calls? A cold calling algorithm might look like this:

  • find the person making the decision on the desired issue;
  • call;
  • clarify information, ask questions, obtain necessary data;
  • sell the opportunity and idea of ​​cooperation;
  • arrange a meeting;
  • prepare a preliminary commercial offer based on the data obtained during the telephone conversation.

Many companies have implemented agreed-upon telephone sales scripts. If the company's rules allow, then it is necessary to give calls the right emotional connotation, disposing the interlocutors to communication and partnership.

When working on cold calls, such qualities as punctuality, the ability to hear the interlocutor, and ask questions are important. It is necessary to clearly understand the purpose of the call: introduction, appointment, sending preliminary information by fax or e-mail.

Conversion of cold calls depends on the ability to overcome barriers, work with customer objections and speak the language of benefits. Competent speech, a pleasant voice, and a pace of communication that is convenient for the interlocutor will help build a dialogue and find a new client.

Searching for clients on the Internet

How can a sales manager look for clients on the Internet, how effective is it?

Searching for potential clients on the Internet can be done in several ways:

  • Active participation in specialized forums with posting information about the product/service and demonstrating an expert position.
  • Posting information about the company on social networks.
  • Using bulletin boards and thematic aggregators.

Social media

Using social networks to find clients is by far one of the most effective and reliable ways to find clients on the Internet. Depending on the specifics of the business and the target audience, a social network is selected. Let's consider target audience For example Facebook networks. Audience - youth (18-24) and average age group(24-45+), aimed at establishing business contacts and searching for information for self-development.

Here you can most often make acquaintances with new clients. An advanced search makes it possible to find people of interest. The fact that people indicate their place of work makes the task easier.

Many large companies create official pages, where you can get acquainted with the specifics of the company’s work, employees, problems and news. Social media— source of information for analysis, search the right people and establishing communications for further sales in a segment of interest to the business.

Forums and message boards

Studying and actively participating in specialized Internet forums helps you analyze the work of your competitors and add advantages that are truly important to your clients into your unique commercial offer. As a rule, on such resources, clients and suppliers share industry news, opinions about products and services, and discuss pressing issues. In addition to new acquaintances and necessary contacts, here you can actively promote your company, taking into account reviews of other suppliers, emphasizing the profitability of your offer and product/service.

There are paid and free bulletin boards on the Internet. They differ in territorial coverage and sectoral focus. By creating a small sales proposal with contact details, you can ensure passive lead generation without attracting additional funds. The sales manager can indicate his contact number and receive applications directly, ensuring that your plan is met.

In the business of providing movers and other personnel, there are 4 most effective ways to find clients

Let's look at each method in more detail.


There are also several ways here:

Firstly, publishing advertisements on sites like

Secondly, this is its own site. If you are seriously planning to start a business providing movers or personnel, then it is advisable to also have a website. It is not necessary to immediately create a complex Internet portal; a simple and neat one is enough to start with.

Moreover, modern technologies this is allowed. You can make a website in a couple of days, even without knowing how to do it, or with the help of specialists, for little money

And here important point. The website itself will not bring clients. They need to be brought to the site somehow. And one of the most effective ways is contextual advertising

Newsletter Email

The good old way . Probably everyone remembers the times when Mailbox somewhere on 5 or more spam letters could have arrived) But technology does not stand still, and all kinds of filters have reduced spam to nothing. Only sometimes do Nigerian letters arrive,

Today, targeted mailings are used to find clients. It's called direct mail

When I first started this business I didn't have a website. And I was looking for clients using email newsletters. The beauty of the business of providing movers and personnel is that even with the help of a simple letter you can get a client who will then give orders for several years. I found my first major client through mailing letters. It was a warehouse move, 4 people were hired and they worked for a whole month, 10 hours every day.

At email newsletter It is important to understand 2 points: careful selection of recipients, to whom to send and what text of letters to write. Because letters like, mover services, we are the best and everything for you, will be instantly deleted by the recipient. This requires skills and experience. How to write the correct text and how to select the right database for mailings.

Calling by phone

Also relatively cheap and effective method searching for clients. This method works in absolutely any city.

You can make calls yourself or hire other people for little money.

Careful selection of the number base and what to say when calling are also important here. Competently bypass secretaries and reach out to management or decision makers.

Guerrilla Marketing

Guerrilla marketing is a low-budget advertising method that allows you to promote your product or service and attract new customers without investing or almost no money. For example, print your own business cards and agree to leave them in places where your potential clients gather. During my practice, I tried many different similar methods, especially when I was just starting out. Some brought good result. The main thing is to use invention

Good day, my dears! I am glad to welcome you again to our Academy, where talents are born and developed.

But being talented and hungry is not very healthy, which is why finding clients online is vital for a copywriter.

Who else doesn’t know how and where to look for customers for selling texts? Maybe you haven't even thought about it at all?

Let's change the situation!

Explore new lesson in video or text format.

4 directions for finding new clients directly on the Internet

I know that many of you work on closed or open exchanges. And they don’t even think about looking for customers for articles directly.

Why do you think?

Some are afraid, others don’t know how to do it. And some people didn’t think about it at all. Therefore, today I invite you not only to think, but also to try something new. The point is to help you reach new level, do personal marketing.

I highlight 4 main directions, how and where a copywriter can find clients on the Internet.

  • Company websites

That is, websites of various enterprises. These can be absolutely any company: commercial, some web studio companies, content creation companies, that is, everything related to selling sites.

  • Information business websites

Here we include, first of all, landing pages where we can find the seller’s contact. And also separate websites of information businessmen, where they present themselves as trainers, coaches, psychologists.

  • Online stores

Also seller sites, only with small specific features, which you need to understand if you are going to look for clients for texts specifically among online stores.

  • Blogs

Many people now maintain blogs, including corporate and personal ones. This is one of the promising areas for finding permanent income and regular customers.

Now let’s take a step-by-step look at exactly how to look for clients on the Internet.

Step 1. Clarify keywords

For example, you want to find clients by topic " Organization of holidays».

Let's start by making a list keywords, which will help you find the customer directly.

Let's go to one of my favorites and convenient services. Whoever is more comfortable using keyword selection in Google - go ahead to Google :)

Let's start compiling this list from scratch. Our task is to find business card websites of companies that offer organization of holidays. They will become our key clients.


In Wordstat I entered the query “organization of holidays” and received huge list of words .

We cross out from this list phrases like “plan for organizing a holiday”, “business plan for organizing holidays”. That is, we leave only those queries that have the meaning we need.

This could be: “agency for organizing holidays”, “organizing children’s parties”, “organizing March 8 holidays”. Can be geographical: “organization of holidays in Moscow.”

We highlight the words that suit us. It is with them that we will try to find new promising customers.

Step 2: Checking Keywords

Searching for clients on the Internet is gaining momentum :) Let’s start checking keywords.

Let's take the first phrase.

It is advisable that this is not the phrase “organizing holidays.” Although you can work with it. But most often like this high frequency queries(that is, with big amount requests) the top contains companies that are unlikely to want to use your services. They usually pay a lot of money for promotion and they already have a whole staff of specialists.

Take specified phrases. For example, " organization of children's parties". They are more productive precisely from the point of view of finding regular customers for texts.

Step 3. Checking sites for lice

The fact is that not every site is suitable for us as clients.

Very often, sites from the top ten already pay someone for promotion. Even if it's low frequency queries, usually someone is already getting paid.

You and I are more interested in sites with 2-5 pages.

But before adding a site to your clients, make sure that this site is alive →

This can be done by news or by copyright sign. If there is a copyright sign of 2007, then the likelihood that this site was visited after 2007 is very small.

Study the text content of the site. If the date is last year, and half of the pages are not filled in, then there is a high probability that the resource has already been abandoned, although the domain is being renewed.

  • Pay attention to the amount of advertising

The more third party advertising not a website, the more likely it is that this is not a seller’s website, but a website created purely for advertising. The content there was made quickly somehow, and that’s all. And they forgot about this site. He brings advertising. Nobody will pay you for such a site.

Or the owner buys very cheap texts so that the site is constantly updated. So cheap that one article costs no more than 100-150 rubles. Draw conclusions.

  • Look for contacts

Sites with only a feedback form are not suitable for us. We need an email so we can contact the site owner directly.

  • Evaluate the site purely from a human point of view

How well is it made? Is the structure visible? Can anything be improved or rewritten?

Do this initial little analysis.

Step 4. Compiling a database of potential clients

The database must be maintained in the form of a table. The main columns are:

“Site name”, “Site address”, “Contact person”

These three columns are for primary information.

"Problems" and "Suggestions"

What is wrong with the site and what can you suggest to improve the situation. I recommend filling it out right away. You will really need the information for further work when you write letters to clients.

“Date of first letter” and “Date of repeated letter”

To indicate deadlines.

A repeat letter is needed if the client does not respond to your first letter within a week. If there is no response even after the second letter, then we consider that the contact did not take place.


This column is needed in order not to forget how your potential customer reacted.

Someone will ask you to write later. Someone says that texts will be needed very soon. You will need to work with these clients again in the future. That is, get them in touch again and try to get the order.

Step 5. Assessing the basis for starting work

Once you have processed 3-5 keywords from your list, you will have more than 100 potential customers .

Your base must be very large! This is not 10 clients. You must select at least 100.

There will be really a lot of work.

I understand that it is not so easy to directly search for clients online. But if you learn how to do this, if you collect this database, it will be just a treasure trove of information for you. And a treasure trove of possible profits. In the future, with this base you will be able to do a lot of interesting and useful things for your work.

Without this base everything further work meaningless . And if you select your customer base haphazardly, without following certain principles, then this database will be of no use either.

Be sure to immediately make notes on the site and provide additional columns if necessary.

And we still have one more important question →

What to write to the client so that he reacts?

It is very difficult to cover everything within one lesson. Therefore, I have additionally prepared for you. Use it for your health.

However, we can go on and on about finding clients on the Internet! It is also important not only to attract a customer, but also to retain him, especially when there is a misunderstanding between you. For example, when your customer decided to teach you because he believes that he knows more about writing texts.

Want even more detailed step-by-step instructions?

Then study "". But only if you really want to not only find and collect customers, but also process them correctly and receive orders.

Tell me, have you tried or not to look for clients directly on the Internet? What did you get out of it? Have you collected a database of how clients reacted? I will be glad to see your answers.

Find out why EVERY freelancer needs a personal brand