My mms messages mts. Mms mts personal account

As you know, the MTS operator offers its users many convenient services, and by logging into Personal Area in Irkutsk, Stavropol Territory, or any other region of Russia, many of these services can be connected. We want to understand those services that may well be useful to any ordinary subscriber of this operator.

"Service Guide" from MTS - detailed description

After logging into your personal account, many Internet users could discover the presence of such convenient service, like “Service Guide”, but not everyone delved into what it provides to subscribers and thought about whether they need it. But the fact is that many people really need this service, although they don’t even know about its existence.

Who is the service suitable for:

  • For those who love to travel;
  • For people who chronically suffer from topographical problems that cause them to get lost in any area;
  • For people who want to have information about all possible shops and establishments in the city.

As you understand, this is something like an excellent navigator that is able to inform the subscriber about any information that may be useful to him. That’s why the service was called “Guide”, because it can be compared with personal guide, ready to help at any time.

To activate the Service Guide service, you only need to dial *131*# on your mobile device, and then make a call.

By the way, this guide will help not only residents of Russian cities, because it great tool for travelers abroad. Here you will see:

  • Russia.
  • Germany.
  • China.
  • Finland.
  • Austria.

In addition, it would not be superfluous to state the fact that information bases This service systematically undergoes updating procedures, which allows the information to always be fresh and relevant. But this is precisely an important nuance for most travelers.

How much does the Service Guide service from MTS cost?

In order to subscribe to the Service Guide service, you will have to pay 5.09 rubles for a one-time submission of your request, or 33.5 rubles for using the service during the day. The service is available for most MTS tariffs, with the exception of the “Cool” tariff.

One of the main advantages of the service is that it can be used even by a subscriber who has an old cellular telephone. After all, these are the phones that many travelers use due to their battery life. They may not have WAP or GPRS, but the service is also available in text format.

MMS in your MTS personal account

IN modern world, when technology surrounds us everywhere, some once innovative things have begun to fade into the background. One of these things can be called MMS messages, which at one time were a real breakthrough. It is difficult to find a person who does not know what it is.

But, alas, today many do not even think about setting up their gadget to receive such messages. And when, out of nowhere, such a message suddenly arrives from a friend or relative, and you want to know what is stored in it, you have to look for a solution. Fortunately, the MTS company employs real experts in their field, who at one time took care of creating an MMS portal in your personal account.

It’s easy to remember his address - Upon receipt incoming message, you just need to go to the site where you will be required to enter data:

  1. Your phone number, or the phone number to which the MMS was sent.
  2. Static password (for regular users) or dynamic password(for unregistered users).
  3. If you have chosen a dynamic password, you need to wait until you receive it via SMS.
  4. Enter data from the message into the appropriate field.

Sometimes mobile phone users may encounter a situation where the device either does not support receiving MMS or there is a problem software glitch, and it doesn't open.

In this case, many are interested in how to watch MMS via a computer.

Viewing MMS via computer

Any multimedia message(MMC) can be viewed on a computer. To do this, you need to connect the device to your computer. All SMS and MMS messages are stored in memory mobile device, so you need to go to the “Messages” folder, copy and open the required SMS on your PC. You can also save the message to a memory card and open it on your computer.

If you haven't synced before mobile phone with a computer, you are unlikely to be able to view messages. To do this you need to install required application, which comes with the mobile phone. Also necessary drivers can be found on the Internet by entering the details of your device in a search engine. After you install the application, you need to connect your device to your computer using a USB cable and open the required message.

Mobile operator service

It is worth noting that all mobile operators offer the service of viewing MMS messages on their websites. If you cannot open the message on your phone, you will receive an SMS message with the location of your message. This way, you can view MMS via the Internet: by clicking on the link in the SMS message or in your personal account on the company’s website.


MTS provides its users with the opportunity to view MMS messages using their personal account. To do this, you need to go to the website and activate in the system. You can also use the MMS portal, which has advanced capabilities for viewing multimedia messages. But registration is required on the portal.


Provider cellular communication Megafon also allows you to view different types messages on your portal. To do this, you need to register in the system by following the link


The company's mobile portal is located at The user needs to enter his personal data, and he will have access to all messages that come to his phone number.


If you are a client of TELE2, then information about MMS messages is available on the website

Important! If you have received an MMS message, but you do not know who it is from, or you doubt its content, then you need to think carefully before opening it. Very often, attackers send MMS messages that may contain various viruses that can read your confidential information.

Through the MMS service, mobile users can exchange various multimedia files and large amounts of text. You can send these messages not only from your phone, but also from your computer via the Internet. In order to view the incoming MMS, subscribers of the MTS operator must first configure the service.


Set up MMS service on a smartphone with operating system Android. To do this, go to the phone menu and select the “Settings” section. Next, activate the item “ Wireless network", create an APN and install Internet access points. If you are using an operating room iOS system, then the APN access point settings are located in the “Basic” section, where you need to select “Network” and find the “ Cellular network data transmission". Specify the site login and password “mts”, and next to the proxy you must write “”. Click save and try to read the received MMS message.

Connect GPRS service before setting up MMS on regular mobile phones. To do this, you need to contact the MTS service showroom, use the Internet assistant on the mobile operator’s website, or call 111. Go to the MTS website

Go to the “Help and Maintenance” section, where select “Settings”. Enter your phone number and in a few seconds you will receive system message with settings. Click the save button on your phone. As a result, both GPRS and MMS will be configured simultaneously.

If you do not have access to the Internet, then dial 111 and listen to the answering machine instructions. Go to the “Services” section and first get the settings for GPRS, then dial this number again and save the MMS settings.

Check your phone's internet connection. Now you can go to the section " MMS messages", where select "Received". An unloaded message should appear there. Click on it. After a while, saving the MMS to your phone will begin. Don't interrupt this process, otherwise you will have to start all over again. The speed of opening a document depends on the speed of the Internet connection on your phone.

Setting up MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service - multimedia message) from the mobile operator MTS is considered a particularly important area of ​​interest for any more or less advanced users modern gadgets communications. Happens in life great amount unforeseen situations in which the ability to create and send such messages is simply necessary, and in some cases useful.

For example, you need to make any purchases, but you cannot be present. Now there is no need to be torn between your extremely important matters, you can simply send any of your friends to the store, and view your shopping options on the display of your gadget.

Also, as an option, send an original congratulatory picture of your own creation, in the case of problems that have arisen, you will not be able to be at the holiday. Availability MMC functions messages from MTS gives you unlimited possibilities: forward necessary photos documents to your employees, send your face to your loved one, send him his favorite composition. You can write about this for an unlimited amount of time, it’s just nice to send such messages dear people. But sometimes there are failures in shipments.

What to do?

The first thing you need to do is check it yourself MMS settings in your phone, in many cases they get lost, or are simply not turned on.

How to set up MMS through your MTS personal account?

As a rule, there are several ways to configure them. You choose which one is most convenient for you.

The most convenient is: it is very simple, fast and accessible to any Internet user. Your personal account allows you to manage any functions provided by your mobile operator, order personal settings For mobile internet and MMS.

You can make a call to short number 0876.

It is possible to send text SMS to number 1234 (toll-free). Your phone will receive a response with necessary settings, all you have to do is save them to your phone. If you send empty message- settings for the Internet and MMS will arrive. (You can clarify your request). If the word WAP is written in the sent message, then the response message that arrives on your mobile phone will contain settings for WAP-GPRS only. In addition to all of the above, there is the ability to send separate requests for MMS, Internet, CSD, inclusive.

The last way is to visit one of the nearest MTS offices, and with the help of employees, it is easy and simple to set up all the necessary and desired functions. You will definitely need any document that will confirm your identity (driver's license, passport).

As you have probably already seen, the setup is very easy, there are several ways to do it. All you have to do is choose only the most important and convenient method for you.

Probably, you have often encountered a problem when your phone does not receive MMS messages? This happens, first of all, due to a settings failure. When you or first time install a SIM card on new phone, or simply rearrange it, the settings that are responsible for receiving and sending MMS messages are not saved. When the SIM card is reinstalled, after a short period of time you receive a notification that the settings have been received. The subscriber just needs to confirm their installation. If for some reason such a notification was ignored or you automatically clicked the “Cancel” button, the settings will not be installed. Because of this, you will not be able to send MMS messages. You need to request the settings again.

How to reset MMS settings?

  • Send an SMS message to the free short number 1020 with the text 2;
  • Follow the link, where you can select your phone model in order to get the correct settings.

After the settings have been received and saved, you can check the functionality of the service. This can be done as follows: send an MMS message to the number 102226. This is absolutely free service, and if it is successful, then you will receive an MMS with a positive response.

But obtaining such settings is not always convenient or possible. And if they are not there, then not only will you not be able to send mms, but it will also not be possible to receive them. What to do in this case, when you urgently need to view an MMS message, but your phone does not accept it? Mobile operator MTS foresaw all emergency situations and did possible viewing mms not only through the phone, but also using a computer.

How to read mms via computer?

As we already said, if your phone doesn’t have special settings, you simply won’t be able to read the MMS message. You will receive an SMS message indicating that an mms has been received on your phone. There will also be information that you will be able to view this message on the website within three days. The text of the message indicates email address And special code, which you will need later.

So, as soon as you receive a notification, you can immediately see on your computer what they sent you. With the “My MMS” service from the mobile operator MTS, this has become quick and easy. To do this, you need to follow the link provided in the SMS message or log in through your Personal Account. Next you will see two fields, the filling of which is mandatory. The first is your phone number, and the second is the code that you received earlier in an SMS message. After entering the data correctly and clicking the “Next” button, you will automatically go to the “My MMS” option interface, where you can see the data that the sender sent you.

It is worth knowing that by viewing MMS messages via a computer through the mobile operator MTS, you automatically agree to the processing and collection of your personal data by third parties. This data may be used for marketing and research purposes.

If the MMS message sent to you has not been viewed within three days, then it will be automatically deleted.