How to reinstall the BIOS on a laptop. Preparing for installation. Flashing the motherboard BIOS: prerequisites

Today I want to talk to you about how to flash the BIOS on a computer motherboard. To be fair, it is worth noting that the question of flashing the BIOS does not arise very often, but believe me, sometimes this is the only way to restore a completely inoperable computer.

But let's remind ourselves a little, what is BIOS and what is its role in the operation of a computer? In order not to repeat myself twice, I recommend that you refer to the article "". It discusses these issues in some detail. Here we will simply limit ourselves to the following photo:

What do we see here? Chip "AMI" ( American Megatrends Incorporated) BIOS, which is removed from its seat - the “pad”. "Pillow" serves for additional protection chip and ensures more comfortable removal from the board.

By the way, it is better to remove the microcircuit using a special device called an “extractor”:

Let's talk a little more about in what cases it is necessary to reflash bios motherboard fees and what can this give us?

In general, on modern motherboards the process of flashing the BIOS boils down to the fact that the BIOS firmware image is written to the CMOS chip on the board. " CMOS" - the name of the technology itself, which is used to produce this microcircuit: « Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor» - complementary metal oxide semiconductor or " CMOS" CMOS, as a rule, is a flash memory in which microcode is written and where all settings are stored.

There are also situations when you need to reflash the BIOS motherboard may be necessary not because the computer is not working, but for another reason. For example: the board comes to the market with “raw” microcode (the manufacturer is in a hurry to release a new batch of products). As a result, difficulties arise with various integrated devices, or it turns out that the motherboard does not work with some models random access memory, sometimes in order to install a new CPU (processor), it is also necessary to update (reflash) the BIOS.

We have several options for flashing the BIOS. Reflash the BIOS from Windows, from DOS, or directly from the BIOS itself.

Attention! During the process of updating (flashing) the BIOS, be very careful and careful. If the data in the CMOS chip is damaged during the update process or is written incorrectly (the power supply is turned off), it will be possible to restore the BIOS only in service center by using special device- "programmer".

Although, if we consider everything possible options, then on some modern boards Install two BIOS chips at once. Such products are usually marked “ Dual BIOS" In this case, when unsuccessful firmware The BIOS will recover on its own. An error message and a request for recovery will appear on the screen. After confirmation of the restoration, the known working firmware will be copied from the second microcircuit.

WITH the necessary minimum We're done with theories. Now let's turn directly to the practical aspect of our topic today.

I will talk about how to reflash the motherboard bios yourself based on real example, which took place not so long ago in our IT department.

So, they brought us from remote office system unit. To the question "What happened?" We get the answer: “After turning on, something incomprehensible is written on the screen.” Okay, we are accustomed to such “meaningful” explanations :) Turn it on and see the following picture:

Here, don’t go to a fortune teller, there is a problem with the motherboard BIOS. In such cases, the computer “talks” about bios errors(and they can be different), tries to detect the drive (drive A), “asks” to boot from system floppy and press “Enter” in order to “upload” the new firmware.

Note: Do not confuse the situation when it “flew” BIOS firmware(the operating system does not start) and the case when we have a low battery of the CMOS chip.

In the second case, we can see approximately the following inscription when loading: “ cmos battery low" and in the lower left corner of the screen - a proposal to press the "F1" key to continue loading with the current parameters.

With a low battery, we simply have a situation where any settings we make in the bios will be reset to default settings after rebooting the computer, but the computer itself will boot and work properly (after pressing the “F1” key). Everything is simple here - we change the battery to three volts marked “ CR2032"near our microcircuit and forget about this incident for another 5-6 years. Such a battery can be bought at any store that sells batteries or electronic watches :)

Now, in order to reflash the BIOS, we will need a system floppy disk. You can create it either in Windows 98 (if you still have it at hand) :), in Windows XP in the disk formatting window (check the appropriate box) or download from our website a small program that contains it boot image. The principle here is this: unzip, run the program, insert a blank floppy disk into the drive and press the “Create” or “Write image to floppy” button. After the process is completed, you have a bootable floppy disk with Ms Dos :)

I foresee a tricky question: “And if there is no disk drive, what should I do?” :) Use its USB analogue. For example, like this:

By the way, that’s exactly what we did in our case! In order to flash the BIOS, we only need two files, which we must add to the files contained on boot diskette. This is the BIOS firmware image itself (usually it has the extension “bin”) and a flasher (a small program with the extension “exe”).

The flasher does the “filling” bin file new bios in cmos chip. Each microcode version has its own flasher (it is usually downloaded in the same archive with the firmware itself) or from the manufacturer’s website. For example, the latest version of the flash driver under DOS for Award Bios You can take .

So, having copied these two files to our system floppy disk, we must insert it into the drive and reboot. In case of a planned (not caused by a breakdown) flashing of the BIOS, it would be very appropriate to first save old version firmware. It will be of great use to us if something goes wrong and we have to “roll back” the system to its original state.

The backup window might look like this:

But in our situation, as you understand, flashing the BIOS was caused precisely by a breakdown and was a forced measure. So no matter what backup there was no talk at that moment. The task was to “revive” the computer itself. Motherboard " DFI NS35-TL"completely refused to start, displaying a "BIOS" error message and an invitation to insert system disk into drive "A".

Our task was to boot from the system floppy disk and launch our flasher program from it. After launching it, in the corresponding field of the window that appears (approximately the same as in the photo above), you must indicate the full name of the firmware file along with the extension. He can be the following type: ami8d10007.bin (depending on your downloaded image). After this, press the “Enter” key to confirm bios firmware.

This is exactly what we did in our case. After the message from a successful rewrite, we reboot the computer and see how the system successfully passes the POST test, initializes devices on the “IDE” channels and finally loads the operating system Windows systems XP! :)

But we already wanted to take this motherboard to a warehouse or use it for spare parts. It has been working flawlessly for two months now.

Question: How to flash motherboard bios occurs at regular intervals. Therefore, let's take a quick look at other options for flashing the bios.

On relatively old motherboards, this feature was implemented at the level of the bios itself. Here's what that option might look like:

Now the “Q-Flash” utility has become “fashionable”, which is integrated by the manufacturer into the BIOS itself and can be launched from there.

In this case, you yourself can indicate the device where the firmware is located (CD-Rom or USB drive- "flash drive"). The principle here is the same: select the “reflash BIOS” function in graphical interface, make a backup copy of your BIOS to a floppy disk (or disk), specify the new (pre-downloaded) firmware and press “Enter”. The procedure itself takes literally a few seconds (the main thing is not to do anything with the computer during this time and under no circumstances reboot it!).

Reflash the BIOS from under Windows yet easier. In this case, the bios itself and the flasher are “packed” into one file with the “exe” extension and all you have to do is run it directly in Windows. Here's what it might look like:

Click “Ok”, confirming your intention, you see a running bar (flashing indicator) and after a couple of seconds you have new BIOS. You can reboot, enter it and check whether its version has changed (its numerical designation is usually indicated in the upper right corner).

Another thing is that flashing the BIOS from under Windows has its own underwater rocks. For example: there was a case when, after updating the firmware in this way and rebooting the operating system, everything stopped working USB ports. I had to flash the BIOS again (with the same firmware), but in Dos mode(from floppy disk). After that everything worked fine! Be sure to keep this point in mind when you perform a similar procedure in Windows.

Now a few words about where to get new microcode for our needs? I advise, if possible, to always download it from the motherboard manufacturer's website (this is not a procedure that can be taken lightly). The firmware is usually located in the same section as the drivers for the motherboard and can be loaded from there.

Advice! Often manufacturers on their websites instead of the word “ Bios" write " Firmware" This is essentially the same thing. So, keep this in mind.

Remember, at the beginning of the article we mentioned that if the bios is flashed incorrectly, only “ Programmer"? Now is the time to dwell on this point in more detail.

A programmer is a device that is connected to the computer via standard ports(COM, LPT, USB) or can be implemented as a separate PCI or ISA expansion card.

Here, for example, is what a device of this class “USB Willem EPROM Programmer BIOS” looks like:

Such a programmer fits the one removed from our motherboard. BIOS chip, the device is connected to the computer and, using specific software, the BIOS is flashed (the updated microcode is written to it).

At the dawn of time, programmers were autonomous - they had a special keyboard. But with the spread of PCs, they were replaced by devices connected to them. The operation scheme looks like this: a special program (also called a programmer) transfers the firmware from the computer, and the programmer writes it into the chip’s memory. Using this device, flashing the BIOS is very easy! What am I telling you? We have told you in detail! :)

Important: after flashing, be sure to set the factory settings bios settings. I recently had a case where after updating the BIOS to Asus laptop K50L touchpad stopped working. Due to the routine, I forgot about it and then racked my brain for a long time, why doesn’t it work? Remembering that after the update I did not “reset” the BIOS to factory settings, I did this and after rebooting the touchpad worked! So - remember this moment!

If anyone needs it, we have a decoding of the BIOS sound codes (in included specialized program).

Review new technology UEFI, which replaced the traditional Bios, we carried out on our website.

In certain circumstances for normal startup and/or computer operation requires reinstalling the BIOS. Most often, this needs to be done when methods such as resetting settings no longer help.

To reinstall, you will need to download from the official website of the BIOS developer or the manufacturer of your motherboard the version that is installed on your this moment. The flashing procedure is similar to the update procedure, only here you will need to delete current version and install it again.

Step 1: Preparation

On at this stage you need to find out as much as possible more information about your system, download the required version and prepare the PC for flashing. To do this, you can use it as a third party software, so Windows features. For those who don't want to worry too much about this issue, it is recommended to use third-party software, since in this case, in addition to information about the system and BIOS, you will be able to receive a link to the official website of the developer, where you can download the current version.

The preparatory stage will be considered using the program as an example. This software is paid, but has test period. There is a Russian version, the program interface is also very friendly to ordinary users. Follow this guide:

If for some reason you cannot download anything in step 5, then most likely this version is no longer supported by the official developer. In this case, use the information from point 4.

Now all that remains is to prepare a flash drive or other media so that you can install the firmware from it. It is recommended to format it in advance, since extra files may damage the installation and, therefore, damage the computer. After formatting, unzip the entire contents of the archive that you downloaded earlier onto a USB flash drive. Be sure to check that there is a file with the extension ROM. File system the flash drive must be in the format FAT32.

Stage 2: Flashing

Now, without removing the flash drive, you need to proceed directly to flashing the BIOS.

It is worth remembering that depending on BIOS version, currently installed on the computer, the process may look slightly different. Sometimes, instead of a selection menu, a DOS terminal opens, where you will need to enter the following command:


Here, instead of the underscore, you need to write the name of the file on the flash drive with the extension BIO. Just for such a case, it is recommended to remember the names of the files that you transferred to the media.

Also, in rare cases, it is possible to perform the flashing procedure directly from Windows interface. But since this method is only suitable for certain motherboard manufacturers and is not particularly reliable, there is no point in considering it.

It is advisable to flash the BIOS only through the DOS interface or installation media, since this is the most safe way. We do not recommend downloading files from unverified sources - this is unsafe for your PC.

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Video tutorial on how to flash BIOS

Bios firmware | reflash reinstall BIOS

Today on the Internet there are many myths and legends that shroud the process firmware - flashing the BIOS on a computer.

Many users still wonder and are perplexed, so why update (reflash) BIOS ?

I already wrote more about this topic here - BIOS update

In short, for example, new processors are constantly being released that are no longer supported by old motherboards, and if not reflash bios, then the network card will not “see” this processor.

In addition, with each new version of BIOS firmware, errors are eliminated, support for new devices is added, and operation between devices on the computer is optimized.

Asus bios update instructions

So let's consider step by step process updates System BIOS ASUS boards. An excellent video tutorial, which is located below on the page, will help us with this.

Where to start first before you want to upgrade and reflash outdated version BIOS? The first step is to visit the website of the manufacturer of your motherboard.

In principle, the name of the motherboard is not decisive, since BIOS flashing process everyone has famous manufacturers motherboards are almost identical.

However, the names are only slightly different utilities for BIOS firmware, but the process itself remains very similar and unchanged.

How to update BIOS asus

In the video tutorial you will see how go to ASUS BIOS... how to find there the utility that we downloaded for new firmware BIOS, how to enter this special update utility.

Many people ask the question: how to update bios on laptop? yes, exactly the same as on desktop computer. No difference. Just on different models For laptops, the procedure for logging into bios is slightly different.

By the way, on the website, in the section computer tutorials, it has already been described in detail how to enter the BIOS and how not to get lost in the sections of this information input and output devices.

Download bios firmware

Where is better download bios updates? Everything is very simple.

If you have maternal ASUS board, then go to the website of the manufacturer Asus - their Russian-language resource in Russia

If the motherboard is from GIGABYTE TECHNOLOGY (Gigabyte), then download the BIOS update from the official website

Accordingly, if you need an update for bios Toshiba(Toshiba) - go straight to, and for those with ASER - go to the download center

But on the website - not a word about bios :))) there is a completely different topic there. Apparently, the owner of the domain does not want to deal with computer hardware :-)

How to find the required (latest) version of the BIOS update is shown in the video tutorial. Just don’t forget that it’s better to download the BIOS firmware directly from the browser itself (Opera, Mozilla, IE, that is, whatever you’re used to using).

No need download bios firmware some kind of download manager, like Download Master or ReGet Deluxe. They are of course good to download large files, in order to download files or archives in multiple streams.

But the BIOS firmware file weighs approximately 2MB, so these threads can only damage it.

We will flash the downloaded file into the BIOS memory chip.

Asus bios update

There are often heated debates about updating the BIOS. More precisely, these disputes are mainly due to the methods and methods of flashing the BIOS. Should I use it?

special utilities for flashing the BIOS? Is it possible to update the BIOS directly from the Windows operating system? Update BIOS from

Windows environment

undesirable! The Vinods operating system may freeze, glitch at this most inopportune moment, reboot and the BIOS will be flashed with an error!

The motherboard may fail and will have to be repaired or thrown away. But for many motherboards this is the same thing:-((( By the way, ASUS motherboards, immediately before flashing the BIOS, check this file for integrity, is it damaged? This is a very useful function, and not all motherboards have it (use it before updating) BIOS versions..

In general, use only the BIOS flashing method shown in the video tutorial to avoid an unsuccessful and tragic

errors when updating bios

The BIOS flashing procedure itself takes no more than two minutes.

BIOS recovery The operation of flashing the BIOS itself is quite risky, because if the BIOS is stitched into the chip incorrectly, then very disastrous consequences are possible. fails and needs to be restored. True, some motherboards provide a “rollback” to the previous working state, but unfortunately the number of such motherboards is small.

But ASUS motherboards have such technology - how can you restore the BIOS functionality.

That is, you can “roll back” or restore the previous version of the BIOS firmware.

The ASUS P7P55D Pro motherboard has such a recovery function. How to use it even before flashing the BIOS will be shown at the end of the video tutorial. So that you do not forget and take advantage of this opportunity during the BIOS update process. But if your board doesn't even support this function

, then don't worry too much. If you do everything as shown in the video tutorial, the update process will go without problems, like clockwork. I hope that you have already entered the BIOS before and have an idea about it appearance

and settings. There is not only a description of BIOS versions from well-known manufacturers, Phoenix Award,

as well as detailed descriptions and screenshots.

Bios flashing lesson So, even if the firmware file is copied with errors, then before the last stage

BIOS update ASUS P7P55D motherboard will check this file again and will not allow you to spoil your working BIOS :))))

update bios of asus motherboard

Format a flash drive or other drive and make sure there are no errors on it... all this is explained in detail and clearly shown in the video tutorial!

Don't forget to turn on the speakers on your computer
If you want to know all the secrets and technical wisdom

work on a computer, I recommend watching these lessons!

BIOS program

After watching a video tutorial about flashing the BIOS, you will probably have no doubts about the complexity of this procedure and the myths that surround the supposed complexity of bios firmware

Some people say that there is no need to update the BIOS... If released a new version BIOS firmware (and this can be found on the manufacturer’s website), which means it is advisable to install it to eliminate errors that were in previous version

firmware and to improve the interaction and operation of devices (the so-called “hardware”) of the computer. The BIOS can only be updated a certain number of times. In principle, this was true many years ago, back in the old versions of BIOS, which worked on the principle

Now, BIOS manufacturers have made sure that bios can be updated more than a hundred times... so that’s enough updating for our time :)))

Although there will not be as many versions of updates. Manufacturers generally make no more than ten versions bios program updates, then tech. support for this model is ending.

BIOS is a set of microprograms that connect existing hardware to the operating system. They are written into the chip and are actually “installed” by the manufacturing company. The user, in turn, can configure, update or reinstall the BIOS if an error occurs.

The type of BIOS varies depending on the motherboard and directly affects the performance of the computer. Therefore, if the motherboard was purchased at an authorized point of sale, all possibilities basic system I/O are described in the attached data sheet. To enter the BIOS, carefully look at the boot screens until the operating system logo appears. We are looking for hotkey, which will appear in a sentence like “Press<клавиша>to enter Setup.” This could be Enter, Del, F8, F12 or others. Click it and see blue screen with numerous tabs and settings. One of the most common BIOS functions that you need ordinary user – this is the priority of loading from devices. Most often it is used before Windows installation (or other OS) to access installation files on flash or CD\DVD media. In most types of BIOS, the tab you are looking for is called “Boot devices” and is located in the “Advanced” menu section BIOS Features " You can enter any submenu using Enter, and at the very bottom you can read what this or that tab does. In the aforementioned boot priority list, the device that is assigned the value “First” will be the first Boot Device
  • " Exit with the “Esc” button, remembering to select “Save and Exit Setup” to save the changes. In the sections of our BIOS we have the opportunity to: change
  • system date and time; configure parameters
  • hard drives
  • , read their description, track their condition and performance;
  • enable 16- or 32-bit data transfer mode via PCI bus;
  • find out summary data for the entire system (the “System Information” tab);
  • enable/disable SATA controller;
  • enable compatibility mode with older operating systems, such as Windows 95 and 98; write-protect discs;“overclock” components with
  • manual entry
  • parameters;
  • enable or disable the network adapter;
  • configure energy saving and PC power supply;
  • obtain data on the temperature and rotation speed of coolers;
  • configure the “Num Lock” key and the order in which system data is displayed before booting;
  • set administrator and user passwords;
  • update the BIOS from a disk, floppy disk or flash drive.
The user may need to update the BIOS to avoid an error, connect new equipment, or speed up performance. Latest version for your motherboard is released approximately once every six months and can contain important fixes or improvements. To update the BIOS, go to the manufacturer’s website, look for the “Update Center”, there is the “Motherboards” section, the model and series of the one in yours PC. We write the resulting file to a flash or CD drive that does not contain any other data. We reboot, go to the BIOS, to the “Tools” item, subsection for installing updates. The flash drive will be displayed there. Press “Enter”, we find ourselves in the firmware utility. We confirm the launch and wait for the program to do everything for us. It is important to know that when independently conducting Such a procedure will void the warranty on the motherboard and you will be responsible for all problems.

If during startup, before loading the OS, the computer emits sound signals- this is also the work of the BIOS. The program interrogated the devices and found a certain malfunction, which was encrypted in a specific “beeping” sound. Decryption codes vary depending on the BIOS type; you can find them in the instructions for the motherboard or on the Internet.

BIOS - comprehensive program, connecting and also powering computer components with operating system. And the rest of the work depends on the quality of its functioning. computer equipment. Therefore, even if other components are working properly, but the BIOS is not, the PC will not work correctly or will not boot at all. Reinstalling or updating the entire BIOS system will help save the situation; you just need to take certain actions.

The first thing you need is to find out what version of BIOS you had originally, as well as what model of motherboard you are using. There are several ways to do this. One of them is through the SETUP menu. By entering it by pressing Del buttons in the first minutes of booting the computer, look for the BIOS Version line. The combination of letters and numbers in this line will be the information you are looking for. The second way is to extract data from the information running on the screen before loading. To have time to remember the necessary elements, use the PauseBreak button. The third method is the most convenient. With the Start menu open, call command line by clicking “Run” and enter the command “msinfo32” there. In the window that opens, you can easily find everything you need. Next step– software preparation. If you don't have backup your BIOS, or you want to reinstall a more recent version, then go to the official website of the company to which your motherboard model belongs and download boot files from there BIOS files. They are usually supplied archived.

Unpack the archive and copy the resulting files to a pre-formatted USB flash drive. You can do this without the formatting step, but reinstalling this kind– the procedure is very scrupulous, the slightest failure threatens to render your computer completely unusable. A flash drive with traces of past recordings may well cause such a failure. You can copy new BIOS files to both a CD and a floppy disk, if you still use such rarities. Next, without removing the digital media with the update files, we reboot and open setup again. This software has many modifications, so it has very different interfaces. Your task is to find among the options TOOLS section , and in it there is an item responsible for updating the BIOS. For example, it may look like this - ASUS EZ Flash 2. You can find the name of such a utility specifically for your system in the user manual or on the Internet. Launch this option and go to the flashing program window. It contains the path to the data disk. Once you find it, run the installation files. The BIOS menu does not always contain a built-in update function from step 4. In this case, the reinstallation will have to be done using MS-DOS mode. How to create boot disk this mode, you can find out from additional instructions online. Having received such a disk, transfer the BIOS reinstallation files to it, and then start the computer, having first set the boot priority from the one you are using

Flashing the BIOS input/output system on your own, especially for the first time, is advisable only in extreme cases when there are no other outputs. Otherwise, it is better to entrust this to a specialist. But if you have already taken on this yourself, then remember - throughout the entire reinstallation process, your computer must be reliably supplied with power. With the slightest power surge, failure or interruption, the motherboard will inevitably be damaged and fail.