Search for identical images on the Internet. Unique Tineye image search

Nowadays, finding a photo on the Internet using another photo is not at all a problem. Every day, Internet users enter a certain text query into the search bar of their browser. Based on this, the search engine produces a relevant result that responds to a person’s query. However, it is not necessary to search for information of interest using text. You can also search by photograph.

Sometimes searching by image is even more convenient. For example, you have a photograph of a household item that you need to buy, but you don’t have its name. Or, having a photograph of a public person, and at the same time not having any information about him, you need to get as much data about him as possible. Photo search on the Internet has recently become very popular among users. There are other reasons that force you to use such a search.

Find a photo on the Internet based on the model.

When working with electronic photo samples, you often need to find the same photo, only in a different size. The question arises: How can you find a photo on the Internet based on a sample? The answer is very simple. Modern search engines on the World Wide Web allow you to organize this type of search. It won't take much of the user's time. A few mouse clicks and you're done.

Google search engine offers its services on this issue. To use them, just open an Internet browser and go to the website of this search engine. Next, click on the inscription “Pictures” located in the upper right corner. After that, a camera image appears in the search bar, which you should also click on. After completing this action, the system will offer 2 search options: Either by providing a link where the image was originally found, or by uploading a file with the image. Having selected the desired method, the program displays the result on the screen. Thanks to the result obtained, a person boldly finds what he needs.

The Russian search engine Yandex There is also a similar service. Open your browser and log in to the Yandex page. In the left column, select “pictures”. In the search bar on the right there will be an icon like camera with magnifying glass. Click on it - two fields will appear: the left one with the inscription “Drag the picture here or select a file”, the right one with the inscription “Enter the address of the image”. As is clear from the names of the fields, you can drag a picture from the desktop or insert url, which is used to find the desired image. Next, results will appear, from which you can select a picture of the appropriate size and go to the site containing it.

Many people around the world use the World Wide Web every day. Communication on social networks and exchange of photographs are freely available. Sometimes we don’t even suspect that these pictures can be used by complete strangers. To prevent this from happening, you should resort to the help of electronic services - search engines. They are capable find a similar photo on the Internet one request and thereby determine which other sites your photo is on. One of the popular search engines is Yandex. When you get to this web application, you need to enter the topic of interest in the search bar and implement the search. During this action, you can set settings. So, it is possible to select the photo size or specify the exact number of pixels of the desired image. Yandex's search functions don't end there.

To narrow your search additionally you can select b:

  • Picture size
  • Date added
  • Is the image a desktop wallpaper?
  • : horizontal, vertical, equilateral
  • Type: demotivator, photograph, white background, human face
  • Predominant color
  • File extension: jpeg, gif or png
  • A site you should only search on

How to find an item from a photo on the Internet?

Searching for various items using photos on the Internet can be done not only using a computer. Many years ago, humanity came up with modern mobile gadgets - mobile phones, with a large number of functions (smartphones). Modern mobile devices run on operating systems. Nowadays, most often it is either iOS or Android. Actually, an application was developed for these systems Google Goggles. It recognizes the photographed image. To do this, you just need to download it from Google Play. To apply it, make it active in the phone settings photo search icon. After that, we point the camera at the object we want, take a photo of it, and the system automatically displays a response on the phone screen within a few seconds.

This is very convenient for finding the necessary data, especially for tourists. After all, with the help of this application you can determine what kind of attraction is in front of you. Get as much information as possible about it - links to articles about the monument or historical building, known historical facts and additional data. You just need to take out your mobile device, make a couple of movements with your fingers and find the desired item using a photo on the Internet. The application can also search for items in the online store. For example, you really liked the mug in the cafe, but you don’t know where you can buy one. Try using this program - launch the application and point the lens at the object. Google will find all the nearest stores, all prices and color options for this item.

How to find a website by photo?

Sometimes many of us are in site search, which you once saw, but can’t remember where. It would seem that you just need to enter its name in the search bar and that’s it. What if they forgot the name or never knew it at all? In this case, a photograph connected in some way with the desired web page will come to the rescue. How can you find a website based on a photo? Everything is as simple as shelling pears. The world famous search engine giant Google has implemented this function. While on the page, the photo image is dragged into the required search field. Moreover, you can transfer it from any page on the World Wide Web, from a graphic editor, from a computer desktop, or from a program open on it. As a result, the system will not only show detailed information about the image itself, but also on which pages it can be placed. Having looked through them, you can stumble upon exactly the one that was originally needed and thus

How to find a double from your photo?

Surely, some people are told about their similarities with famous people. At first they don’t believe it, they deny it. And then curiosity awakens in a person, and he decides to check whether this is really so. He begins to sort through photographs of celebrity portraits in search of his double, but in the end this may lead to nothing. Why complicate the process and manually try to find doubles using your own photo?

To satisfy your curiosity, it is enough to prepare a clear digital image - your portrait. Next, open the browser, go to, right-click on the inscription "Analogia free star estimator". Next, select a pre-prepared file in jpg format and upload it. Select the gender of the person, if the program did not automatically determine it. Then set the marker dots, thereby indicating to the program where the center of the right and left eyes are located in the portrait. As a result, we get several photographs of people with whom we are most likely to resemble. The program finds your double very quickly and quite accurately. Read more about this in our other article.

In conclusion of the article, we can say with confidence that finding a photo on the Internet from a photo is not such a problem. The only condition here is the popularity of the desired image and connection to the World Wide Web. If you are looking for data on a photo of a yard dog, then there is a high probability that the search will not be productive. Therefore, it is advisable to search for images of the most popular things in the world. For example, for consumer goods, monuments, architectural structures, or simply famous people.

In this article, we found out that searching for a photo on the Internet using another photo is possible using programs and applications from third-party developers. This type of search is in great demand in the modern world, because currently the image service is actively developing. Cameras are built into almost every mobile device, which gives a person a wider information use of his photographs, be it blogging on a website page or filling out his personal profile on multiple social networks.

Video about searching for photos by photo

Every novice Internet user asks the question: how to search by images? Let's look at a simple example. You found beautiful sneakers or any other product in an online store. Then you download its image to your computer desktop and send it to a friend so that he can evaluate your choice.

Let’s say a friend also liked the sneakers, but you can’t buy them right now - you’re waiting for your salary, which should be paid in a week.

Search by image on Google

On the long-awaited payday, you come home drunk in the evening, go to the search engine and then realize that you forgot which site you found this image on. Even after two hours of digging through history, you will not find the page where the treasured “Buy” button is located. What should we do now?

But don't despair! Go to Yandex and click “Search by images”. Now you can upload here the photo of sneakers that you downloaded to your desktop a week ago. And even if your wife or husband “carefully” cleaned it and deleted the photo, you will download it from correspondence with a friend.

How image search works and how it differs from regular search

How to properly search for a photo using a sample on the Internet? As a rule, the search engine cannot understand which photo it returned in the results. It focuses on the words that appear next to the picture located on the sites that the search engine found. As a last resort, he pays attention to the words written in the attributes (img tag). And since the search engine judges the image only by indirect signs, it remains a “black box” for it.
Therefore, if you give a request “ black BMW", then black " may appear Mercedes" and even " Porsche Cayenne"! Although such errors are corrected manually with the help of assessors who scan the results with their eyes, this only happens in the case of the most frequently entered queries.

The fact is that you will not be able to find a photo on the Internet based on the sample if it is a photo of poor quality. You will also not be able to find the original in high resolution or find a photo of a person about whom it will be said that this is such and such an artist, poet or great personality described on at least one Internet resource.

Finally, the photo may be one of a series (if we are talking about a photo report or photo shoot), and then you will want to find the rest of the images to understand the essence. How to do all this?

Let's look at another example. You saw a chest of drawers in the photo and wanted to know where and at what price such furniture is sold. If you enter your query in words, it will only complicate things. After all, you need to somehow upload the picture into a search engine, and the latter must understand what exactly is in the photo, and then provide answers to all your questions.

Literally until recently, a search engine could not perform such operations, but now it can. We'll tell you how to find a picture by picture using Yandex or Google. We especially note that Yandex learned to conduct such a search quite recently!
However, the very essence of the scheme of such a search is so intricate that many people are not interested in it. To simplify it completely, the picture is sort of broken into small fragments, or virtual words, and then the search follows the same pattern as in the case of a regular search. Roughly speaking, the search engine is looking for the same set of virtual words, and at the very top positions of the search there will be photos that are most similar to the image uploaded by the user.

How to search on Google by picture or image. Step by step guide

Now we will take a closer look at how to search by image on Google. To start this kind of search, click on the “Pictures” button. Next, click on the image of the camera, which is located in the right corner of the Google search (for more details, see the photo).

Now you have two options to upload the required photo or image to the search engine - this is by specifying the address (to do this, copy the address by right-clicking on the photo and clicking on the “copy image URL” button).

Second way– upload from your computer. In the photo you can see the URL of the image from the official Wikipedia website.

Search by photo, image on Google

Such a Google image search will give the following picture:

The search engine reports that in the photo - Albert Einstein in his youth. At the same time, he offers to look at the same image, only in a smaller or larger size. Finally, you have the opportunity to examine similar images and look at the web pages below them where the file is graphically located.

You can also enter clarifying words in Google search. Let me give you a simple example: You want to find out details about the fate of this person. To do this, enter the word “Biography”, which will take you to the pages where the search found the image you uploaded and where the biography of the person drawn in this picture is written.

In fact, there is also the third way to upload a photo or image to Google(except for specifying a graphic file and uploading from your own computer). This third method is suitable for Google Chrome browser users. While in the search engine of this browser, move your mouse to a picture or photograph on a page that interests you for certain reasons. For example, you want to find out whether your virtual friend posted a real photo, or whether it is a photograph of some actress or model. Now click on the “Find this image on Google” button as shown in the photo below.

This option will take you to the window of the long-familiar Google image search engine with all the information about your friend’s photo. As you can see, searching Google using images is quite simple and fast!

How to search in Yandex by picture or image. Step-by-step instruction

Yandex acquired such a tool quite recently. This innovative technology is called "Computer Vision" and additional code name "Siberia". In this case, as in Google, the picture seems to be divided into many virtual words (this includes image boundaries, areas of contrast changes, and much more).

Then a search occurs throughout the entire database of this particular set of virtual words in other photographs or pictures.
Only after this is the selection of those images in which the virtual words are in exactly the same order as in the original loaded picture. Searching by image in Yandex is as easy as searching in Google, and some nuances are almost identical. For example, in the right area of ​​photo search in Yandex there is a camera icon. It is on this that you need to click to download the image (see photo below).

If you have the URL of the required photo, paste it into the graphical search bar and simply click the “Find” button. To find out the URL of the image, right-click on the web page where the photo is located and select one of the context menu items - "Copy image address". If you use any other one, the name of the menu may change, but the essence remains the same.

To upload an image to the search from your computer desktop, click on the camera icon, as shown in the screenshot below.

Searching for an image by URL in Yandex

Now you will be redirected to the next page, which will look like this:

It is not difficult to understand that on this photograph depicts the great physicist of the twentieth century - Albert Einstein. However, Google is more clear, although this is a subjective opinion. We hope that Yandex developers will still work on this nuance. Photo search in Yandex allows you to sort found pictures by type of graphic file (in other words, by format).

We especially note that this browser keeps a history of all searches, and this also applies to image searches in Yandex. So if the need arises, just go to your history and view or delete images.

How to find a person by photo in Google or Yandex. Step by step guide

How to find a person by photo on the Internet? There is a special service for this, TinEye. First of all, you should go go to, where you will see the following picture (see screenshot).

As you can see, here, just like in Google, there are two options for uploading a photo of the person you are interested in - uploading from a computer or specifying a URL. After the photo is uploaded, a large list of images and photos will appear, under which the pages with the location of these photos are indicated.

Although searching for a person’s photo on the Internet using this service is more effective than using Yandex or Google, new photos do not appear in the TinEye database soon, so if your friend posted a new photo yesterday, the search may not yield any results at all. Another minus– lack of an option to search for similar images and photographs, that is, the server searches only by exact match.

If you know at least some information about the person you are looking for (for example, residential address, full name, age), you can use the search in the most popular social networks or dating sites:

  1. Kismia;
  3. Photo country.

This method is not only simple, but also quite effective.

On social networks there is even a special “Advanced Search”, where you can enter the date of birth, the university where the person you are looking for studied, city and country of residence, Skype and other data that you have (including age).


And, as always, brief summaries:

  1. You can search by images for any purpose: to find a person or find web pages with useful information about great personalities, etc.;
  2. The main difference between image search and regular search is that the picture is broken up into small fragments, or virtual words, and then the search follows the same pattern. Roughly speaking, the search engine is looking for the same set of virtual words, and at the very top positions of the search there will be photos that are most similar to the image uploaded by the user.
  3. You can search by photos of people or pictures using:
    • (Pictures);
    • Yandex (“Computer Vision”);
    • TinEye (
  4. There are two ways to upload a photo or image to an image search engine:– from your computer or via a URL. For Google Chrome, there is a third method - move your mouse to an image or photo on the page that interests you and click on the “Find this image in Google” button.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments.

Let's say you have some kind of image (drawing, picture, photograph), and you want to find the same (duplicate) or similar one on the Internet. This can be done using special tools from Google and Yandex search engines, the TinEye service, as well as the amazing PhotoTracker Lite browser extension, which combines all these methods. Let's look at each of them.

Search by photo in Google

  1. Provide a link to the image on the Internet
  2. Uploading a file from a computer

As a result, we get a complete list of similar pictures from the image that was chosen as a sample:

There is another good way that works in the Chrome browser. While on the page with the image you are interested in, move the mouse cursor to it, right-click and in the tooltip that opens, select “Find image (Google)”:

You will be immediately taken to the search results page!

Search by images in Yandex

With Yandex, everything is no less simple than with Google :) Follow the link and click the camera icon in the upper right corner:

Enter the address of the image on the Internet or upload it from your computer (you can simply drag it to a special area at the top of the browser window):

The search result looks like this:

You instantly have access to the following information:

  • What are the online dimensions of the image you uploaded as a sample for searching?
  • List of sites where it appears
  • Similar pictures (modified based on the original one or based on which the algorithm decided on their semantic similarity)

Many have probably already heard about the online service TinEye, which Russian-speaking users often call Tinai. It is developed by experts in the field of machine learning and object recognition. As a consequence of all this, Tinay is great not only for finding similar pictures and photographs, but their components.

TinEye's indexed image database contains more than 10 billion items, and is the largest in the entire Internet. “Everything can be found here” - this phrase perfectly characterizes the service.

There is another way to search in one click. By default, the “Show quick search icon” item is activated in the application settings. When you point at a photo or picture, a round green icon pops up, clicking on which starts a search for similar images - search results for Google, Yandex, Tinay and Bing will automatically open in new tabs.

The extension was created by our compatriot, whose hobbies are closely related to photography. He originally created this tool to quickly find his photos on other people's sites.

When you might need it

  • You are a photographer, you post your photos on the Internet and want to see on which sites they are used and where your copyrights may be violated.
  • You are a blogger or copywriter, write articles and want to choose an “unhackneyed” image for your material.
  • What if someone uses your photo from your VKontakte or Facebook profile as an avatar on a forum or a fake account on some social network? But this is more than possible!
  • You found a photo of an actor you know and want to remember his name.

In fact, there are a huge number of cases when searching by photo can be useful. You can give another example...

How to find the original of a given image

For example, you have some kind of photograph, perhaps cropped or photoshopped, and you want to find its original, or a version in better quality. How to do it? Conduct a search in Yandex and Google, as described above, or using PhotoTracker Lite and get a list of all images found. Next, follow the following:

  1. The original image is usually larger and of better quality than the altered copy resulting from cropping. Of course, you can set a picture to any size in Photoshop, but when you enlarge it relative to the original, artifacts will always be observed. They can be easily noticed even with a cursory visual inspection.
  2. Original photographs often have watermarks indicating the author of the photo (last name, website address, company name, etc.). Of course, anyone can add a watermark to absolutely any image, but in this case, you can look for a sample photo on the website or by the author’s last name, he probably posts his portfolio online somewhere.
  3. And finally, a very simple sign. If your sample photo is black and white (sepia, etc.), and you find the same, but full-color photo, then you obviously do not have the original. much more difficult than converting a color photo to black and white :)

When a person needs to find something on the Internet, he types the necessary keywords in the appropriate line of the search site. This way you can find both articles and images. However, the question often arises of how to find a photo from a photo.

For many, such a task may seem very strange, and just a few years ago it would have been completely impossible. However, today it is very easy to find an image using another existing one.

Why is photo search used?

This type of information discovery system has spread relatively recently. Previously, people had to use text descriptions and various criteria to find an image that more or less matched the query. Today, image search allows you to achieve different goals.

  • This can be very useful if you need to find out the name of an object or someone's name. For example, someone has a photograph of an item (musical instrument, household appliances), but needs to find out the brand, model and name. Using an image search, you can find many other images, under which not only the name can be indicated, but also a link to a site replete with detailed information about the desired object.
  • The same method will work if you want to find out the name of a celebrity. For example, by taking a screenshot from a film where an actor plays, you can use it to find other photographs of this person. This way you can find out the name and any other information.
  • Searching by photo is an excellent means of checking uniqueness. Now there are many resources that offer those who want to buy licensed, copyrighted images. If you then use them for searching, you can find out that they have been used before. Having evidence, you can achieve certain penalties in resource arbitration.
  • Finally, very often people are faced with a situation where they have a picture of inappropriate quality. For example, it may be small, blurry, or have large watermarks or signatures. A photo search will allow you to find all variations of this picture. and choose the most acceptable option from them.

There may be other reasons that will prompt a person to use a photo search. Regardless of its purpose, the process is almost always the same, with some slight variations.

How to find a photo from a photo?

Nowadays, the two most popular search sites are used for such searches - Google and Yandex. Many people prefer to use the first option as it finds much more information, however (especially with pictures) this can be a disadvantage.

As a rule, when using a photo search, a person is looking for something very specific. If he turns to the Google search engine, he risks getting a lot of objects that have very little relation to what was supposed to be found. Yes, with the help of Yandex you will be able to get a smaller number of results, but they are very likely to be exactly what should have been discovered.

So, it's worth looking at the process of finding photos in these two search engines. Their principle will be the same, and each site offers two options.

How to find a photo by photo on Google

  • First, you need to go directly to the site.
  • On the right, in the upper corner of the page, there is a Pictures button.
  • You can also use the direct link –
  • An image of the camera will appear in the central field - this is the button for searching by images.

  • Clicking on it will bring up a pop-up window. It contains two fields - the first one prompts you to specify a link, and the second one asks you to upload a file. Depending on where the image you want to search is located, any of these methods can be used.
  • If the picture is downloaded somewhere, then just open it in the browser, copy the link and paste it into the field. After this, you need to click on the “Search by image” button.
  • If the image is saved on your computer, you must select Upload file.
  • In the field that opens, you need to click on “Select file”, and after specifying the image, a search will occur.
  • Finally, the object for which the search process is to be carried out can be dragged onto the loading field.

In addition, Google automatically searches for similar images. Having opened a photo on the page of this site, to the right of it you can see a number of options, which can be either simply similar or analogues of the original photo, differing in size or something else.

How to search in Yandex?

In order to find various pictures, you again need to go to the search engine website itself. The button to go to the desired section is located above the line for entering queries, between the Translator and Video items. In addition, you can again use the direct link -

In the upper right corner of the window that opens there is the same camera icon with magnifying glass. This is what is needed in order to find a new picture.

How to find a photo from a photo in Yandex:

  • Clicking on the camera icon will cause two bars to appear at the top of the site.
  • The first allows you to work directly with the image, and the second is used for links.
  • If the picture you want to search for is on your computer, then the left side of the field is used. You can simply drag an image onto it by holding it with the left mouse button.
  • Loading is also done by clicking. A window will appear in which you will have to find the required image. After this, you need to click on “Open” and the search will begin.
  • If a photo is uploaded somewhere and has its own link, then it can be easily copied and placed on the right side of the field. Then all you have to do is click on the Find button.

Yandex does not immediately search for the same images - it issues similar queries. However, the site has a function “Other sizes and similar.” You can find it by opening a picture. The required item will be located on the right.

This method allows you to display a list of all available analogues of a photograph, and their dimensions will be immediately indicated. This way you can look through the available options and choose the one whose size and quality will suit you.

Other resources

You can also search for photos by photo on specialized sites. There are quite a few of them, and the choice is made based on personal preferences. For example, many people use the resource

This site has its own database with a huge number of images - there are more than five billion of them. It works exactly the same as search using Yandex and Google. You can upload, drag and drop the desired image, or add a link to it.

The main problem is that the resource is foreign, and therefore everything is written in English. Fortunately, the interface can be understood intuitively, especially with key functions. For example, a picture is uploaded using the “Upload Your Image” button on the left, or by adding a link to the “Enter Image Address” field.

Any of the above methods will allow you to quickly and easily find various images, given their sample.

Image search will help you find similar or identical images on the Internet. To search for similar images, online services are used that have large databases of indexed images.

To successfully search for an image on the Internet, it is necessary that a similar image has previously been uploaded to some site on the Internet. Therefore, if you, at a given moment in time, take a photo and try to find it, then with a high degree of probability the search results will not satisfy you. Of course, this does not apply to photographs of landmarks and other famous places.

Image search by image is present in the search engines Google, Yandex, and some online services. In this article, we'll look at image search when there is a sample image, rather than searching for images that match the search query entered into the search bar.

Let's see how you can find similar images on the Internet using Google image search, image search in Yandex, image search using the TinEye online service. Using these services, you can find similar photographs, pictures, images on the Internet.

Google image search

To search by image using the Google search engine, you need to go to Next, click on the camera image “Search by image.”

In the “Search by Image” window you will need to provide a link to the image, or upload a file from your computer.

In the first case, in the “Specify link” tab you need to enter the URL address of the image. You can get the address in this way: right-click on the image on the site, and in the context menu select the item: “Copy link to image”, “Copy URL of image” (the context menu items differ in different browsers, but I think the meaning of the action is clear) .

In the second case, you need to upload the image from your computer. Click the Upload File tab and then select an image from your computer.

In the third case, you can simply drag the image into the “Search by Image” window.

After adding an image, click on the “Search by Image” button.

Based on the search results, you will see the found image, other image size options (if there are other sizes), similar images, pages with matching images.

This way you will select the desired image option.

Search by image Yandex

Using Yandex technology, images that completely match the original picture, or similar images, will be found. Go to the page, and then click on the camera image.

The Yandex Images service will search for images on the Internet. As a result, you will see that you have found: the original picture, this picture in other sizes, similar pictures, sites where the picture is found.

Now you can select the appropriate image option for further use.

Search by images

The online service TinEye com has a very large database of images (millions of pictures on the Internet are indexed).

Log on to to search for an image.

In the “Upload or enter image URL” field, enter the address of the image on the Internet, or click on the button with the arrow located next to the search field to upload the image from your computer.

Conclusions of the article

To search by images on the Internet, you can use: the Google Images service in the Google search engine, the Yandex Images service in the Yandex search engine, the TinEye image search service. After uploading an image, or entering its URL from the Internet, search engines will show you all the images found that are similar to the original picture.