Deleting a group in a contact. How to delete your own VKontakte group: step-by-step instructions

How to recover a deleted post on VK? This question is periodically asked not only by community administrators and editors, but also by some ordinary users of the social network. You can restore any post, but the complexity, speed and method of restoration will be radically different.

So, let's go in order.

1) The easiest way. This means restoring a just deleted post using the “Restore” button. The entry will immediately reappear on the VKontakte wall and can be edited. The only “but” is that this method can only help until the page is updated. If you leave the tab with a deleted post, this opportunity will disappear, as a result of which the entry can no longer be changed.

2) This method is not something unknown, so we don’t dwell on it. Next method It’s not particularly advertised, but it’s very useful. Not everyone knows how to restore entries after a page refresh. The fact is that when you delete posts from the wall, they are not immediately erased from the VKontakte server database, but are first only hidden from prying eyes. Thanks to this, users have another 5 hours of time to restore lost material.

To do this, you need to have certain data and carry out the process from the page from which the post was deleted.

We will need: id

We will need: communities;

deleted post;

– the account that happened to delete this post.To knowidcommunity is quite easy. To do this, you need to open any post on the wall by clicking on the time of its publication, and copy the numbers after the word “» wallTo know- this will be the address we need.To knowpost - these are the numbers in the post that come after


  1. But, because The required post has been deleted, its address will have to be calculated manually. If comments in the group are closed, then this will not be difficult, since all posts are in order. But if the commenting function is available to subscribers, then the algorithm of actions will be as follows:
  2. Open the previous post before the deleted one;
  3. Count how many comments were written under it before the deleted post was published; We will need: Add to
  4. of this post the number of comments and additionally +1;

If the solution doesn't work the first time, try again. Alternatively, you can go ahead and start trying out all the possible values ​​between the two posts that were published before and after the deleted one.

When the necessary data is received, all that remains is to enter it in the appropriate addition. To do this, you need to go to the page settings, open the section at the bottom left"Developers" and click on the tab"Documentation". Next, in the left side menu you need to click on the item"List of methods" , find a method among them« Wall » (wall) and click on it. Among the methods that open, select« Restore » , which allows you to restore a deleted post from a wall both in the community and on the user’s page.

You can go directly to this section via the Scroll the page that opens to the very bottom, where we see three fields for entering text.Owner_ To knowTo knowcommunities, insert yours;post_ To knowTo knowpost, insert yours;version– don’t change anything, leave it as it is and click “Run”. If everything is filled out correctly, the compiler will display the number “1” on the output screen, and the post we are interested in will be restored on the wall.

But remember that this method only works with posts that were deleted no more than 5 hours ago. After a day or more, it will no longer help.

3) If the first two methods cannot help, and the question “How to recover a deleted post on VK?” is still relevant, then there remains one more option. It can even be called an “ace in the hole”, since, with the correct presentation of information, it can help return deleted posts of any date.

So, the last option is... contacting VKontakte Support! You can leave your ticket at the link It must indicate in which group the post was deleted, why, when and by whom. A similar appeal can be made if one of the editors was hacked and all posts were deleted from the wall on his behalf. If necessary, the ticket can be edited within the next few hours after sending. Often, support agents are cooperative and, after a short investigation, restore all deleted content.

Now you know that it is possible to recover a deleted post, and there are several ways to do this. Therefore, if something happens, do not worry. Just follow the tips from this article and you will succeed.

Internet services for business.
A link to the material is required!

There are many communities on VKontakte on various topics. Many people create their own groups and try to promote them, but after some time they become unnecessary, for various reasons. Perhaps the VK group created was intended to promote a product or service, but the person stopped running his business, and people keep writing. Or the author simply lost interest in it. Then the creator faces the question: how to delete a group (community) on VKontakte (VK)?

You cannot completely delete a group yourself. But in order for it not to be active, it must be completely cleared, which in essence is its removal. And then the administration will complete the removal process.

Attention! You can only clear your group and only if you are the only administrator or creator.

How to delete a group (community) in Contact that I created - example

Instructions for deleting a group in Contact that I created:

In group management (My Groups - Management), select the group or public page that you want to delete.

We go to the selected group, under the avatar click “community management” and first of all change the type to “closed” or “private”.

If this is a public VKontakte page, then we transfer it to a group. To do this, also click “transfer to group” under the community picture.

We begin to clear the VK page of all information. Deleting posts on the wall.

After the wall has been cleaned, you need to remove the photo albums. On each album, a pencil icon (edit) appears in the upper right corner when you hover over it, click on it.

In the window that opens, you need to click “delete album”, after which it will disappear.

Photos from the VKontakte community wall can be deleted easily and quickly. To do this, click the “actions” button in the upper right corner, then “delete old”.

A window will open in which you need to write the number of photos and click “OK”.

After confirmation, the system will begin to delete all photos.

After the group has been cleared of all information, we proceed to removing participants. This is not as long as it seems at first glance; you can easily do it in 20–30 minutes and remove a couple of hundred subscribers. By clicking on “remove from community” you will gradually remove all participants.

If you are the creator of the group, then other administrators need to be demoted and then also removed from the community.

After cleaning, we check whether all information has been erased. Change the name to “Deleted” and leave the group.

This is how you will see your group for the last time. After you leave the page it will disappear.

Advice! If your group has several thousand people, you can sell it to competitors; the more subscribers, the higher the price.

Another way to delete a VKontakte community is to change the name of the group to “Please delete this group!” About a week later, the social administration. the network will notice your message and block the community.

Important! Do not post prohibited information (pornography, scenes of violence, etc.) to block the page, because your account (profile) will also be blocked.

Video: “How to delete a group, VKontakte (VK) community”

Someone is just creating a group on the VKontakte social network, and someone, at that very moment, comes to the conclusion that a community they created with their own hands is completely useless, and it needs to be deleted as quickly as possible. This is how the world works: the passage of time and changes in interests prompt a person to new actions. Even in the field of digital technology, the philosophy of life remains unchanged. And the Internet is no exception.

So, dear reader, if you belong to the second category of group owners on the VKontakte social network, that is, you want to consign into oblivion a product of social activity that you painstakingly created over days, months, and maybe even years, then these instructions are for you. We decided to delete the VKontakte group - so be it.

How to delete a large group?

Work undoubtedly ennobles a person, only if it is for the good. This means that if a community has, for example, 2 thousand participants, hundreds of photos, dozens of videos and many forum “threads”, getting rid of the created group on your own is not entirely advisable, although in principle it is possible.

Don't rush to roll up your sleeves! First, try contacting VKontakte technical support. Believe me, the administrators of the social network have much more opportunities than the average user. It would be fair to assume that in order to completely delete the community you organized, they would only need to press one button (figuratively speaking).

  1. Log in to your VKontakte account.
  2. Click on the “Help” section in the horizontal menu on the page.
  3. Under the inscription “Here you can report...”, enter in the field a request to delete your own group. State your will as briefly and clearly as possible. For example: “Please delete my group (+ link to it).”

If the VKontakte admins are favorable to you, that is, they respond to your request, the group will soon disappear. And you won’t need to rack your brains anymore about how to delete a VKontakte group - only memories will remain from it - that’s all.
Well, if your “prays” are not heard, use the method described below.

How to delete a VKontakte group yourself

Relying on one's own strength is a good trait. If you wanted, you created, if you wanted, you destroyed, if you can, of course. In other words, if you have a small community, you can remove it through your own efforts, without resorting to outside, much less otherworldly, help.

1.Go to your “In Contact” page, go to the group that you want to delete.

2. Before deleting a VKontakte group, you must remove all content from it: photo albums, documents, videos, links, discussions, etc.

Advice! Before deleting content, visually review it. Perhaps among the downloaded material there will be information that is valuable to you (photos, videos, text files, digital copies of pdf). It can be easily downloaded from the VK server using special programs, as well as browser applications (addons).

3. On the main page of the group in the right panel (under the avatar), go to the “Community Management” section.

4. Open the "Information" tab.

5. Disable content display on the community wall. Opposite each element (“Photos”, “Videos”, etc.) set the setting to “Disabled”.

6. In the “Group Type” column, enter “Private”.

8. In the same section (Community Management), go to the “Members” tab. And remove all participants (the “Remove from community” button opposite the avatar). If you had assistant administrators, click the “Managers” subsection, and in the same way relieve them of their duties - administering the group.

Attention! Under no circumstances remove yourself from the group at this stage, otherwise you will lose administrator rights and, accordingly, will not be able to remove it from the social network.

9. After the list of members has been cleared, check your settings again, and then remove yourself from the community. To do this, click in the function menu (right panel under the avatar) “Leave group”.

10. Go to your VKontakte page and open “My Groups”. If the deletion procedure was completed correctly, the community will not be in the list of groups. Also try to find the group through the internal search of the social network; the system should report that there is no such community.

That's it! Now your once beloved, and maybe not so beloved, group on the social network VKontakte has safely disappeared into oblivion.

Good luck and enjoy your surfing! Who knows, maybe after deleting this group, you will create a new one - even better than the previous one - more colorful and interesting.

What should I do if I have lost access to the page of the owner (creator) of the group? It was hacked, blocked, or access was lost for some other reason, and it cannot be restored. It also happens that, having gained access to the owner’s account, the attacker deletes all other administrators. How to restore rights and return access to group management?

Ways to restore access to a group

1. Restoring access to the owner’s page

First of all, if the group owner page belonged to you, but is now no longer accessible, consider all options for restoring it. The fastest way is to reset the password (or unfreeze if the page is frozen) via SMS to the linked phone number.

But even if this number is not there, two options remain - Two ways to restore VK access if the phone number is no longer there.

2. Transferring rights to one of the administrators or editors

If access to the owner’s page is lost forever, but there are other administrators and editors in the group, then on behalf of one of them you can write to the agents and ask to transfer the owner’s rights to yourself - How to create a request for VK support agents. The support service will investigate all the circumstances. If they are unable to contact the current owner within a certain time, and there are no other obstacles, the rights may be transferred (this does NOT mean that they will necessarily be transferred; each case is considered individually).

If a person quits

If the creator (owner, administrator) of the group no longer works for the organization, you need to find out whether his page is active. If so, then the easiest option is to negotiate with him so that he transfers the owner rights to one of the other administrators or editors of the group (if there are none, then he first needs to assign the group member as an administrator, and then transfer the rights). Transfer of rights is done through the menu item "Control" in the group, next “Participants → Leaders.” Please note that after the transfer of rights, the previous owner will have another 2 weeks during which he can return them to himself.

If the group owner’s page is not active (blocked, he has lost access or simply has not visited it for a long time), then you need to either contact support agents with a request to transfer rights to one of the remaining administrators (see above), or provide official documents ( see below).

3. Providing official documents from the organization

If the group is associated with an officially registered organization or business, you can provide the appropriate documents to transfer the owner’s rights to yourself (your current page). Make a request to agents to find out exactly what you need. Please be patient, the entire process may take two weeks or more.

What documents are needed to restore rights to the group? In one of the examples from open sources, the following list of what was requested by the VK administration was indicated:

  • An official request on the organization's letterhead with the stamp and signature of the director
  • Power of attorney in the name of an employee (VK user) with a list of powers
  • OGRN certificate
  • Trademark certificate (if any)
  • Placing a special confirmation code on one of the pages of the organization’s website

I left the community (group, public) in which I was an administrator. How to restore access?

If you are the owner (creator), then you can easily restore access to group management. Just re-enter it. This can be done at any time, and no one will stop you from doing so. Keep in mind that this must be the same user who is the owner. After all, if you created a group on behalf of one page, and now use another, then it no longer has anything to do with the owner of the group, even if the first and last names are the same.

If you are not the owner, but simply an administrator or editor, then you cannot regain your rights yourself, even if you accidentally left the group. First you need to rejoin the group, and then ask one of the current administrators to return your rights. Why is this done? This is such protection. An administrator who left a group can be forgotten, and if he were to suddenly return with full rights, he could do some bad things.

How to return a group if you have transferred the owner's rights?

After transferring ownership rights to another person, you have 2 weeks to change your mind and return the group to yourself. During this time, in the notification center (bell button) there is a notification “You have appointed so-and-so as the owner of the community...” and a link "Take back the community." Go to the full version of VK to find it. If more than 14 days have passed, then it is no longer possible to return the group in this way.

What should I do if materials have been removed from the group?

If an attacker hacked the page of one of the administrators and deleted content from the group (posts, photos, videos), then you need to create a request to support agents asking them to restore it (for example, see here at the end - How to recover a deleted VKontakte photo). The request must describe as accurately as possible what was removed and when.

Tips: how to ensure security and not lose access to the group

The owner is the creator of the community or one of its administrators to whom the creator has transferred his rights. This is a critical element of your community.

You cannot take the security of the owner’s page lightly; there is a risk of losing access to the group forever. The owner is the same administrator as others, but only from him other administrators cannot take away the rights to the group, and only he can transfer the owner rights to another administrator. In addition, only the owner can carry out some actions to manage the community - for example, transfer the group to public and back.

  • Take care of the owner's account. Its page should always be linked to a valid phone number. Follow all safety precautions.
  • Don’t do anything on behalf of the owner’s page that could get you blocked. Do not break the rules of VK: do not send spam, invitations to the group.
  • Even if you don't use the owner's page, you should receive all the messages that come in private and be able to respond to them. It is recommended to enable notifications of new messages by email or SMS. The fact is that if one of the other administrators tries to send an application with a request to transfer the owner’s rights to him, then the VK administration will contact the current owner to find out the circumstances of the case. And if they don't receive a response within two weeks, the owner's rights may be transferred to another person.
  • If the person who is the owner is no longer involved in managing the group, ask them to transfer ownership rights to you. This is done in group management, in the section “Participants → Leaders.”
  • If the group belongs to an organization, you need to double-check who is assigned as its owner. This should not be an employee who is unable to ensure the security of his account, and especially not a former employee who has already been fired.
  • Be careful when appointing administrators. These should be people you completely trust. If there are unnecessary people in the administrators, you need to remove them from there. And if a person will only publish materials or act as a moderator, there is no need to make him an administrator; It is enough to grant editor rights.

Correspondence with VKontakte support service

The real creator of the group:
The group I created, “Moscow Drama Theater named after. N.V. Gogol”() and was removed from leadership. Please restore all the information and restore me.

Support Agent #535:
The creator of the group removed you from your post as administrator. The creator is the one who created the group by clicking on the “Create Community” button. You can write to her, her page can be seen in the “Leaders” column.
VKontakte Help Desk.

The real creator of the group:
I created the group 3 years ago and I don’t understand how it all happened. Check how the group was conducted and by whom and reinstate me, please.

Support Agent #535:
It looks like you created some other group, because this one was definitely created by another person. Perhaps you developed this group, but, I repeat once again, this community was created by her, the one who removed you from your post of leader. If you still don’t believe it, try going to this group and finding the “Community Management” button. After being removed as an administrator, this button can only be seen by the creator and he can always regain control of the group. If you were the creator, you would not have such a problem as now.

The real creator of the group:
What nonsense! The group was created by me exactly three years ago. I am an actor at the Theater named after. Gogol. Now the director turns out to be the new secretary of the new director, who has been working at the theater for only a month - she cannot be the creator of the group.

Support Agent #535:
I'm sorry. Indeed, you were the creator of the group, but the rights were transferred to another person. Now I'm looking into this situation. I will write you the details as soon as I consult with my colleagues.

Support Agent #535
I found out the details. The director's new secretary, whom you mentioned, asked to transfer the rights to this group to her, arguing that you were not authorized to represent the theater, that you posted documents in the group that you did not have the right to post, and also voiced other reasons. Since she provided us with confirmation that she represents the theater, and since you work in the same theater and can discuss this with her, we transferred the rights to her. I would like to believe that you can resolve this issue with her.

The real creator of the group:
Is it clear, that is, the VKontakte administration can easily change the leadership of groups without the consent of their creators and based only on a request from a person from outside?

Answer from Tyrina (the new secretary of the new director of the Gogol Theater):
Good afternoon. I apologize that the change in group leadership happened so suddenly. This change is completely legitimate, since the group is the official group of the theater. Gogol, then only an authorized representative of the theater can operate it. I received a power of attorney from management to represent the interests of the group on the website