How to add a donation in a VK group. Use design templates. Examples of good cover design

Now you will learn how to properly create and organize a group or community of any charitable foundation In contact with.

In this article I will describe my vision of what the charity community should be like. We will go from simple to complex. I am writing this material for beginners who have never previously been involved in the development of VKontakte communities.

Why should NPOs create a VKontakte community?

Let's first figure out whether NPOs are worth spending resources on supporting the VKontakte community? I identified five reasons:

  1. Community means more trust in NPOs
    Well, global companies can’t be wrong when they spend resources on running social networks. Community is a key element in building brand trust. Everything works here: the number of participants, likes, reposts and comments.
  2. Community is an advertisement on VKontakte
    Currently, according to the rules of the social network, you cannot place advertisements on behalf of personal page. Start a community to post paid advertising, increasing the influence of NPOs.
  3. Community is proof of popularity
    When your appliances break down, you'll probably prefer to go to a repair shop that a friend/relative recommended. This is the so-called first circle of trust.

    When a person is ready to become a donor for the first time, he also needs “recommendations”. Every comment, like and repost is proof. They will trust you, and this is the basis for receiving regular donations.

  4. Community is being where the donors are.
    If you compare the site and the community as a means of disseminating information, the community is far ahead. In 2017, VKontakte did everything to prevent donors from leaving the social network. VKontakte is the Internet.

    Here donors communicate, laugh, read the news. Any resonant material from your NGO can easily be “transferred to another.” Why create unnecessary difficulties in communicating with your audience by creating a website where, as a rule, you won’t even leave a message without registering?

    One click and all your friends know that you helped the animal shelter. Will an NGO refuse free advertising, the effectiveness of which is even higher than many paid methods?

If you delve into the advantages of a community, it becomes obvious that there is no need to spend the resources of an NGO on developing a website, but it is more profitable to achieve success in running a community. Then take on everything else.

Make the most of it

Next, I will analyze each element of the community in detail. Everyone, because the community only works when everything is configured, and not just any part. Good text Without registration, no one will notice. And without the ability to make a donation, people simply will not be able to transfer money in a way convenient for themselves.

NPO community design

How to properly set up a community for an NPO

Set aside a day to put the community in order according to the instructions. I try to make recommendations as universal as possible, regardless of the purpose of the NPO’s existence.

What type of community to choose for an NPO

When creating a community, VKontakte will ask you to select the type of future community. Without going into details, select the “Group” type.

In the “Name” field, enter the name of your non-profit organization + the essence of its activity/motto. Here are live examples:

  1. "site" charity marketing
  2. "Rusfond" we help to help
  3. "Our Children" charitable foundation

The fact is that the name of the community is almost the only element that will definitely receive views from the audience. Even if a person glimpses a post in his news feed, most likely, it is the name that will be fully assimilated. We use the opportunity to consolidate the brand.

What topic to choose for the NGO community

In the “Select a topic” field, you need to select the answer that best suits your activity. The spread there is small. This setting affects what interests VKontakte determines for your subscribers.

If you indicate here something like “Cleaning Services” or “Training Courses” for an experiment, then VKontakte may show your materials to people who are not at all interested in them, and this will reduce the site’s trust in the community.

VKontakte is designed in such a way that if you subscribe to the cooking community, you will see more information exactly on this topic. Like attracts like.

Most likely, the following settings will suit you:

Provided that there is no option more suitable for your activity.

How to register a charitable NPO community

At first I thought of describing everything possible options design, but then I realized that there was no special meaning in this. Charity in Russia is not developed enough for the vast majority of NGOs to notice the difference between different schemes designing your community.

Therefore, we will not bother our heads with the many available options, but will devote time to working on one scheme.

Cover of the charitable NPO community

When you enter a community from your phone or computer, the first thing your eye will catch on is the group cover. This is also the largest design element that fits on the screen without scrolling the page.

Don't take this cover as an example good design. I attached it so that everyone understands where the cover is.

It is this element that will receive maximum attention from any visitor to the community. Don't try to make an amazing design. It so happens that the face of charity in Russia is represented by not very high-quality design.

Examples of bad cover design

"Children are Waiting" Foundation. It is clear what they are doing, but there is no trust. A dubious idea with a striped baby. The design looks like it was ripped out of a repair manual for a VAZ 2110 car. The selected fonts do not look skillful.

The same thing, but better. It is clear who is being helped, but the brand is missing. I would like to add the foundation's logo. This design merges with other funds that use the same approach, and these are positioning problems.

Here's another example bad cover consisting only of a photograph.

On the cover of the “Gift of Life” foundation there is some clever information about the current charity event. You look, and it’s not clear how to help. There are too many details in the design, and this only makes it harder to convey the meaning. And too small a font will not be readable if a person enters the community from a phone.

It is not clear what kind of fund it is and what the money is donated to. Nice try, but this cover needs some work. In addition, someone made a mistake and compressed the image vertically, so it turned out flattened, which does not add credibility to the fund.

In this example, it seems that the text needs to be made more useful. It is not clear what the fund is promoting. Exhibition? Masterpiece album? Charitable fundraiser to save art?

The text blends into the background and it doesn't look good.

Examples of good cover design

They are good if only because they do not contain the mistakes of other funds. There is nothing special to comment on; a different approach is immediately felt.

Everything is good here, except for the missing foundation logo. It’s clear why, it’s clear how much you want to trust.

It will be clear to the donor who he will help and which fund will organize everything. The background photo corresponds to the theme of the event.

There is nothing superfluous. The design matches the promotion. There is a domain and logo of the foundation (albeit too small). A hashtag is used that increases the brand's reach.

This example is good because it is atypical, while maintaining clarity. A rare example of the interweaving of topics and methods of collecting donations.

It’s also good with the design and logo, but it lacks an actual charity event. No reason to subscribe.

It’s impossible to do anything bad with such examples. Now for good result It is enough to ensure that the conditions of this list are met:

  1. On the cover is a current charity fundraiser.
  2. The design corresponds to the theme of the activity
  3. The test is easy to read and relevant to the topic of the fund or stock.
  4. The foundation's logo is visible and integrated into the design
  5. There is a reason to subscribe to the community
  6. All of the above is relevant when viewing from a phone.

The community cover is the community's clothing by which they are greeted. Nowadays, charity in Russia is gaining momentum, which means that most people will be getting acquainted with foundations for the first time.

Why does the NGO community need subscribers?

A subscriber to a charity is very important for four reasons:

  1. Posts in the subscriber's feed are shown for free
    Once you subscribe, a person will regularly receive content from you. There is no need to pay for each point of contact, as if an NPO advertises on television.
  2. There is an opportunity to build long-term relationships
    If you write posts that are interesting to your audience, then a person who has subscribed once can become a regular donor. In the long run, this saves the charity a lot of money and makes its economy stable.
  3. You can receive feedback
    Loyal subscribers will create social proof activities of the fund. The more comments and likes, the easier it will be for new donors to donate for the first time.
  4. A strong community is being formed
    Such a VKontakte group has much more value. Subscribers become donors, then volunteers. People bring people, and the fund will grow stronger and develop due to its main resource - people.

Everything I wrote above affects the cost of each subscriber.

What should the community avatar be?

For me, the most important quality of an avatar is recognition. Ideally, the avatar should have an adapted logo of the charity organization. But for most logos this is not relevant.

Examples of bad avatars

As a rule, there are two problems: either nothing is visible, or part of the logo is completely cut off.

The text is completely invisible.

The same.

There are too many small objects that turn into mush.

Examples of good avatars

They are good because you can see them + sometimes have a strong visual image. Let's look:

A clearly visible panda. This is a memorable image.

A famous person on an avatar clearly positions the brand and immediately causes “addiction”. People remember faces easily and quickly.

The Life Line Foundation has a unique logo, which, due to its shape, stands out among others.

The same thing with the avatar of the “Help Needed” foundation.

The Sunflower Foundation is my favorite when it comes to community avatars. A final positive example from the Dedmorozim Foundation.

Please adapt your logo to fit your profile picture.

What to write in community status

  1. Provide a link to the fund's reporting
  2. Provide a link to the foundation's website
  3. Telephone hotline
  4. Contact email or telegram
  5. Foundation slogan or appeal
  6. Name of current charity event

Use design templates

If a foundation or NGO does not have the opportunity to hire a specialist designer, then best idea will be clearance.

By using a template, you will achieve an above average level of quality, but may be slightly similar to other funds that use the same templates. In my opinion, competition is not yet so intense that funds interfere with each other.

NGO community content

Why do you need a welcome post?

If the community has few subscribers and low activity (comments, reposts, etc.), then it makes sense to write a “welcome post.”

This is a post that is pinned at the very beginning and remains hanging there in order to quickly cover the questions of all newcomers to the community.

Any person is not comfortable in a new place, so our task is to create a “road map” for donors.

In most cases for charitable NPO The structure of the welcome post will be like this:

  1. Greetings
  2. The key task that the NPO is addressing is
  3. What kind of content will be in the community?
  4. Current in this moment Charity Event
  5. Link to fund reporting
  6. Hint on what to do next

You must attach a picture to the text. It would be great if the design complements the community cover, but it is not necessary.

The picture should contain text welcoming all visitors to the community.

Let's move on to examples. Here's a welcome post from the world of commerce:

Here is an example of a post without a picture, but the structure is the same.

The operating procedure will be as follows:

  1. Write the text of the post using the template
  2. Add a picture on the topic
  3. Pin the post to the beginning of the feed
  4. Welcome post is ready

When to change your welcome post

The welcome post changes as the giving community evolves. It is changed in two cases:

  1. When the fund switches off active advertising, and an influx of new visitors is not expected at the moment.
  2. When the number of people who visit the community regularly and without advertising reaches the required NPO mark.

At this point, the welcome post is replaced with a post that details the current charity event.

Why are goods needed in the community?

If everything is clear with the cover and welcome post, then the products are more flexible in management. At the right approach a block with products may receive slightly fewer views than the main page. But there are more interesting scenarios.

Charity fair
Very often, shelters and foundations organize charity auctions. In this case, you need to place the best lots on the main page of the community. People place bets in the comments.

Current charity events
If a foundation collects donations for more than one purpose at a time, then it is better to describe these same goals as goods. Urgent goals are best placed on home page, so they will get maximum views.

We will continue this article a little later. Please wait.

Imagine a website where you can do everything: communicate, find out news and gain new knowledge, watch movies and listen to music, play strategies and puzzles, book tickets, buy equipment, sign up for a manicure, get advice from specialists. Without even moving to the next browser tab, you can easily do many other things that we do every day online and offline.

You might think that such a site can replace the entire Internet. And you'll be right. VKontakte has already determined for itself that this will be more practical and safer for users. And, of course, it is more convenient for businesses and the whole variety of communities represented on it.

Probably, many of you have already noticed in some VKontakte groups there are buttons inviting you to leave a request, fill out a form, or buy a ticket. By officially launching iFrame applications in groups, VKontakte integrates the functionality of e-commerce sites on its platform and takes a big step towards ceasing to be just a social network. It is obvious that selling through groups is not only a new convenient opportunity for users and a promising solution from a commercial point of view for businesses represented on the social network. Globally, this is VKontakte’s strategy to retain its audience even longer, to deprive them of the need to leave their contacts and money on third-party sites.

7 facts about community apps:

  1. Among Russian social networks, the VKontakte website was the first to introduce an application platform. A month earlier, a marketplace for online shopping appeared on Facebook.
  2. To date, VKontakte has officially authorized 8 applications for communities.
  3. Only one can be installed in a group at a time. This means that if at some point the administrator realizes that it is more important for him to conduct a survey than to announce an event, he will need to temporarily remove the GIGZ application and replace it with “Questions”. When returning to previous application all data inside it remains unchanged, but the display of buttons and snippets will have to be adjusted again through “Settings”.
  4. Everyone can develop for their community own application. Of course, to do this you need to understand something about programming.
  5. At the end of November, a 24-hour VKontakte hackathon was held in St. Petersburg, dedicated to the development of applications for communities. The winners were the creators of three applications: a chat for communities, an interactive registration for events and an application for recording at a car service center.
  6. Thanks to cross-platform functionality (a page is created for each application on, applications are available not only on the desktop version of VKontakte, but also work fully functionally on mobile version site and in mobile applications for iOS, Android and Windows Phone.
  7. There are several settings that are common to all applications:
  • There are three visibility options: applications can be available only to administrators, only to community members, or to everyone who opens the group page.
  • The text of the snippet (the button that appears if you provide a link to the application) must be selected from those proposed.
  • You can use free text to specify the name of the application itself, as well as the button that will encourage users to go to it.

By the way, using community statistics, you can analyze how this or that text on a button affects transitions to the application. Test different variants to see which one works better. Of course, you should pay attention to the fact that during the period under review, community attendance should be approximately the same.

Guide to Authorized Community Apps

We've put together a guide to authorized community apps. In it, we systematized the capabilities of each of the 8 applications available today in terms of benefits for owners and audiences, and gave examples of businesses and non-profit groups that would benefit from these applications.

You can download the manual in PDF format.

8 authorized applications. Short review

1. Vacancies

Allows employers to post any number of vacancies and process resumes from applicants directly on VKontakte. It is especially convenient for companies with large staffs of line personnel - chains of stores and restaurants, large production facilities. (To differentiate the brand and the HR brand, large companies and holdings usually create separate communities for employees, e.g. “Working in Adidas brand stores” And "Working at AmRest" ).

It’s convenient that companies can immediately evaluate “ moral character", background, professional and personal interests of the candidate by going to his personal page. It’s convenient that they have the opportunity to receive profiles of young candidates, because not all of them have acquired a resume on Head Hunter by the age of 20.

Community managers can set up notifications about new resumes, automatically publish vacancies created in the application on the group wall, and print out profiles they like.

The main feature that applicants will appreciate is This automatic filling summary from the relevant fields of your personal VKontakte page. The data can be supplemented and changed.

2.YCLIENTS - online booking

The CRM system, well known to many service sector enterprises, has now appeared on VKontakte. Clients of beauty salons, medical centers, car service centers and other businesses that serve clients on a scheduled basis can choose a convenient time for their visit on their own, and business owners receive another tool to increase sales. As a result, the record is “stacked” with a minimum number of windows, customers are not lost, the involvement of community subscribers increases, and the conversion from subscribers to sales increases.

3. TimePad tickets

The application completely duplicates the event page on the TimePad service. To announce an event or sell tickets, you first need to create an event page on the website, then enter a link to it into the application - all data will be loaded automatically. Can be used both in groups themselves and in community meetings.

The application is free, but you need to take into account that TimePad takes a commission for the sale of tickets, in addition, you will need to conclude an agreement with the service.

4. GIGZ - Events Poster

“Poster” can be used both in the groups themselves and in community meetings.

The following three applications belong to the developer Happy Santa. Presented from simple to complex.

5. Questionnaires

The application allows you to create questionnaires with questions various types, as well as multi-step voting. A questionnaire can become both an audience research tool and a client brief or form feedback- the purpose depends on your tasks.

The functionality of the statistics block will help you study the audience from the right angle, and setting up notifications about the completion of the questionnaire for administrators and users will make the work comfortable for both parties. In terms of capabilities, questionnaires are almost identical to Google Forms.

It will be useful not only for business communities, but also for any others.

6. Tests

An excellent opportunity to provide a cross-section of the knowledge of your group’s audience without redirecting them to an external site. In addition, tests can be used to organize various kinds of quizzes, for example, on knowledge of facts from the life of an idol in the fan community.

There are several types of questions available here, in addition, administrators can decide at what stage the user will know the correct answers and whether he will know them at all. To automate the calculation of results, you can assign points to each question.

Disadvantages of the application: it is impossible to collect data in the context of an individual respondent. Statistics on answers are presented in aggregate form based on the results of all test passes.

7. Applications

A real mini-CRM for VKontakte can become great tool to convert social network users into customers.

Tip from Checkboxes:

The application conveniently solves the problems of managers processing incoming requests: depending on the stage of work with the client, you can assign statuses to requests, leave comments for each request for colleagues and yourself, so as not to forget anything :) Important advantage: With potential clients You can communicate on behalf of the community through messages, thus communicating with them in an environment familiar to them.

Tip from Checkboxes:

To ensure that contact with a potential customer is as fast as possible, make sure that administrators receive automatic notifications about new applications, and so that clients have peace of mind - set up automatic message that the application has been accepted.

8. Donations

The latest app from Happy Santa, developed by popular demand from communities.

“Donations” will help organize fundraising through Yandex.Money, Qiwi Wallet, PayPal and Cloudpayments.

By the way, Happy Santa soon promises to release another solution that we think is very useful - the VKontakte Moderator application for community administrators. It will instantly inform community managers about new activities in groups, which means replies to comments on walls and topics will not take long to arrive :)

We will talk about the capabilities of this and other applications that are currently being finalized and tested in one of our next reviews.

P.S. Let's follow the development of VKontakte applications together. Everything new is well-forgotten old, because you and I remember widgets.

I wonder if iFrame apps will catch on this time?

In 2017, it is quite natural to collect money for some needs. So, for example, when a person plays and streams, they can donate a certain amount of money to him, that is, give him a free gift cash. This system also works on VKontakte. After creating a public page, you can install a donation widget.

Many communities spend time and money creating and posting content that you like, so why can’t you install a button: “donate a little for development and further prosperity.”

As you understand, in today's episode I will tell you how to add donations in a VK group.

How to add donations in a VK group

On a note! You can donate to wallets such as Yandex. Money, PayPal and QIWI. Legal entities can use – Cloudpayments.


1. Open your group and go to the “Community Management” section. The tab is located under the avatar in context menu Action buttons.

2. Now click on “Applications”, right, bottom. Find the “Donation” application and click on the “Add” button.

3. All that remains is to set up donations:

  • Change the name of the icon if you are confused by the word “Donate”;
  • Who are you hosting this widget for? If you want more possible money, then leave “All users”;
  • Select the name of the snippet, these are buttons that link to the application;
  • Enter the name of the application, then click “Save”;

4. Go up a little higher and click on the link “Go to settings in the application”. After you click on it, a new window will appear in which you will need to enter everything you need:

  • First fill out the text block: it is visible to all users who have access to donations;
  • After this, select and configure the wallet to which donations will be sent: Yandex.Money (wallet number), QIWI (phone number), PayPal (name and e-mail), Cloudpayments (for legal entities);
  • Also don't forget to install the distribution widget;
  • Click "Save";

How users see the donation widget in the VKontakte group

Go to your group and under the avatar panel you will see a “Donate” button, click on it.

I think that charitable organizations, parents of sick children, etc. can easily establish themselves on VKontakte. Social network, is definitely constantly evolving and will only flourish in the future.