Interesting articles on interior design. Interior design: tips and ideas. Design and technology: audio-video solutions based on the search for new impressions and emotions

In the section of articles on design you will find publications of a predominantly theoretical nature, which in one way or another relate to the topic of design. For example, this could be some kind of excursion into the history of web design or a review note that discusses certain trends and styles of web design. In principle, these design articles can be used both for general development and for improving your skills - some notes contain practically tips and tricks. By the way, such articles for designers will be useful not only for beginners, but also for experienced professionals.

Web design is a direction where time does not stand still, there is constant development, new trends appear, styles and trends change, you need to not only follow this, but also be able to competently apply it in practice. The section of the article on web design will allow you to keep abreast of what is happening and expand your horizons.

Does it take only 50 milliseconds for a user to form an opinion about any website? Web developers and designers really have very little time to make a good impression on a person when visiting a resource. This is why the correct design of the main page + site header, which everyone sees first, is so important. Many web projects on the Internet are united by one common way of attracting the attention of the audience - the use of bright colorful designs, in particular the placement of a large background...

We recently posted a number of useful tips on creating effective registration forms on your website, and today we want to talk about the authorization/login block. Recently, quite a lot of annoying and too “abstruse” implementations of it have appeared on the Internet. It’s good when designers try to make unusual and beautiful login forms (see our selection), fitting them into the overall concept of a web project, but it’s a completely different matter when they go overboard with functionality. Sometimes it comes to the point...

Developers often lose sight of the fact that the footer for a website is one of its basic elements. It can provide more complete information about the company, and also performs various useful functions: it facilitates navigation, helps visitors to the web project navigate, and is useful for some commercial purposes. Earlier in the blog we looked at the development of the site header, and today we’ll talk about the footer. Here you need to competently approach the choice of control components that...

Design Mania has already had several publications with similar topics: in the article about color selection services for websites, in addition to inspiration resources, we looked at a couple of useful web tools; there was also a post reviewing palette generators and the like. However, without understanding the logic of how to make a color palette, all of them may turn out to be ineffective. Today we will try to fill this gap and clarify some theoretical points that are well described in this note. Those of you who have already used newfangled online generators are aware...

Typography is the style, arrangement and appearance of printed letters/texts on a page. Currently, it has already become an integral element of web design. You will find many interesting articles on the topic in the corresponding section of our blog, which has been updated with another publication today. Let’s look at the design trends that are relevant to this area, which emerged and took hold in 2018. The material would be a great addition to a post about web typography. The post is a translation of this note. The goal of any website is to attract...

On the Internet, we encounter the registration procedure as often as the authorization form on websites. You have to register: in all sorts of web services that help you find the information you need, free distributions of materials, online stores, social networks, etc. At such moments, the feeling of joy from an interesting find instantly disappears due to the need to fill out endless input fields (and sometimes completely unnecessary ones). As a rule, all this is inconvenient, takes a lot of time and looks too intrusive. Plus…

If you want to create a website, then the main rule to follow is not to overdo it. So-called minimalistic design has been helping web designers with this for several years now. By the way, he is now at the peak of his popularity. Today we will try to figure out what this style is and what its main advantages are. What is minimalist design? In general, this concept can be defined as the most concise style, characterized by simplicity and accuracy. Basic...

Immediately after publishing a post with the best examples of furniture websites, we came across an interesting English-language article on a similar topic. It contains a selection of tips and nuances for creating furniture websites with visual illustrations of typical solutions, as well as descriptions of mistakes that you definitely don’t want to repeat. Projects in this category have always been interesting to work with, since they are closely related to interior or architecture, and the products themselves, as a rule, have exquisite taste. Relying on the…

Last year's post about logo trends 2017 was well received by readers, so we decided to continue this “tradition” and consider the main trends in logo design 2018. Despite the fact that changes occur at lightning speed in the field of web design, some points from that article remained the same and “migrated” to the current year. Perhaps website design trends are more fleeting compared to the logo development niche, or it’s been a while since the publication of the previous note...

This beautiful and laconic style is one of the most popular at present. It is ideal for small apartments to visually increase the space.

Many people consider the minimalism style to be uncomfortable and cold, however, this is not so. In this article I will give many examples of both cozy and traditionally cold minimalist interiors.

Before talking about the classic style in the interior, you need to understand what exactly YOU mean by it?

The word “classic” is used by many to describe the Baroque, Empire, and Neoclassical styles... There are so many of them! Let's talk about everything in order.

The loft style is becoming increasingly popular these days, especially among creative people and young people.

To know for sure whether this style is right for your kitchen, you should look at the photo. And if you have already decided for sure, read the article about the features of loft design in the kitchen.

Japanese style in the interior is a rather laconic and clear style that adheres to fairly strict rules.

Unlike other interior styles, where improvisation and replacement of some elements with others is possible, the Japanese style will not become Japanese without observing this canonicity.

But this is also its simplicity: knowing the exact recipe for Japanese style, you can easily create the perfect Japanese interior.

This technology came to us from America, like many other advanced techniques. It is no secret that in the forties of the 20th century, when polymers were invented daily in large quantities in different parts of the world, America became a leader in the creation of equipment and technology for processing polymers. From there we got sprayed thermal insulation with polyurethane foam, composite materials, waterproofing with polymers and much more. While the USSR and European countries were fighting fascism, America was participating in the synthetic revolution. Therefore, what became new to us in the 21st century has become familiar and commonplace on the other hemisphere. And that is why we had to bring advanced technology along with equipment from the United States. We also brought the bath matrices, shower tray and most of the sinks from overseas. Therefore, the bath is spacious and roomy, as is the shower; the sinks are also designed for a large kitchen in the style of American classics. We tried to adapt the new products to Russian realities: they are more compact and elegant.

In design, as in many fields of activity, the desire for self-development plays an important role. There are no limits to perfection, but you can get closer to the ideal if you constantly become better. It is extremely important to get first-hand information from a person who has achieved a lot in this area, because the advice of professionals is based on practical experience.
We have selected the most useful sites, channels, blogs and communities that will help the designer gain invaluable experience and become better professionally.

Design blogs

Many designers write blogs in their spare time to share their views, which can be useful for both beginners and professionals. The best of them are included in our top.

Here you will find a video about web design, about the life and work of Marina herself. The videos will be of interest to designers and freelancers.

Video tutorials on web design and website creation. Very interesting and informative.

Channel about graphic design and vector graphics. Video lessons and tutorial on CorelDraw, Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop programs. Lessons on illustration, creating characters, icons and logos. Training in HTML, CSS and JavaScript.