How to promote Instagram: ways to independently promote an Instagram account. Who uses it

Do you want to know how to promote Instagram? Let your motives be driven by the desire to be in the center of attention or to become a wealthy young lady, thanks to the Internet - it doesn’t matter. The only important thing is to make your Instagram page popular for as soon as possible and absolutely free - you can. And even necessary.

In front of you step-by-step instruction about how to promote Instagram yourself.

Step 1: Create a profile

Almost all the “inhabitants” of the Internet are people who are happy to communicate with an interesting and real person. Your Instagram profile is your world, which needs to be made welcoming and friendly. If, of course, the number of subscribers is important to you.

Be sure to do 2 things:

  1. Fill in all the information about yourself. There is no need to hide anything if the page’s activities are aimed at attracting people. Fill out the fields in all the languages ​​you know. Then people from many countries will “come” to your page, and not just your compatriots.
  2. Put on a bright, intriguing avatar. For her, choose a photo of yourself that you think is unusual. Your goal is to attract people, to “lure” them to you, using photography.

If it’s important to you how to promote a store on Instagram, then do all of the above, but enter the information on behalf of the seller. Post photos of your products instead of your own.

Step 2: Create interesting content

The second step is to interest future subscribers. Instagram was created for photos, so put your successful shots on display.

I'll give you some advice:

  1. Decide on a niche. It will be great if chaos in the form of all kinds of photos does not reign on your account. Choose one topic that will attract like-minded people.

If you can’t decide, then proceed from the opposite. Decide what audience you want to address and post what is interesting to them. For example, men are crazy about beautiful girls, cars and weapons. Women are in awe of fashion news and animals.

  1. Create! To promote your Instagram page, use filters. Fortunately, Instagram provides them. The more creative your photos are, the more more subscribers.
  2. Post only high-quality photos. High quality and unique. Food has not attracted anyone for a long time. People like landscapes unusual places, intriguing actions, sense of humor and other impressive unusual features.
  3. Comment on your photos. Follow them and leave funny comments. After all, you must admit, it’s more fun this way.
  4. Use hash tags. This way your photos will be easy to find through search. Hash tags are photo designations (tags), separated by the # sign and without a space. Hash tags are placed under the photo and in the description. It is advisable to write them on English language. For example, the following hash tags: #happy, #sun, #beautiful, #russia, #photo, #love.

Step 3. Find friends

Do you know what SMM specialists are taught at the very beginning of their work? (These are people who attract other people into their business in order to earn money as a group, and not alone). They are taught to create a list potential partners. And this list consists of friends and relatives.

Whenever we need help from the “crowd,” we turn to the “audience.” The “hall” is usually the people closest to us, who, out of politeness and respect, will definitely not refuse help.

Here it is. Are you thinking about how to get promoted on Instagram? Call your friends! Fortunately, Instagram allows you to synchronize with friends from other social networks. The more friends you have there, the more first subscribers there will be.

Step 4. Get active

Even the Universe does not give anything for nothing. You need to want and take at least a step towards your dream. Therefore, do not sit and wait for people to start subscribing to your account, but be active yourself.

To promote yourself on Instagram, you need to like photos of other users, subscribe to especially interesting ones, and leave comments.

And do everything just to attract attention to your person. Within reason, of course.

Step 5. Advertise

You can put a link to your Instagram in the comments on various sites, if advertising on them is not prohibited.


You can promote your Instagram page using special programs and services. They are free, do not require an account password, and are easy to use.

Among them: AddMeFast, gainer, Instagrambot, Instaget,

These bots will help you quickly gain subscribers. But don't overdo it.

And finally, some good advice:

Add photos at least two or three times a day. Maximum – every 2-3 hours.

With such frequency, you will appear in the news feed of your subscribers, but you will not bother them.

I wish you successful promotion!

Anyone can promote an Instagram account independently and for free, but this will require preliminary preparation, a little imagination and a mountain of patience. You can easily and effortlessly get thousands of subscribers by paying money to a third-party specialist or SMM agency. True, they can expect you here too unpleasant surprises in addition to considerable expenses. if you have free time, the most the best option will figure it out on his own and become a pro in Instagram promotion.

Is your topic suitable?

Before you start promoting, you need to understand whether Instagram is suitable for your topic. Jurisprudence, accounting, medical services (except for plastic surgery) will be difficult to imagine in social network. Interesting photos and bright pictures, that’s what is expected of you, and if you are limited in the choice of visual content, difficulties will arise. Of course, there are craftsmen who can promote any topic, but this requires more professional approach and considerable funds for advertising.

The most popular topics on Instagram are beauty, fashion, clothing, sports, food, travel. If you have an online clothing store, your own culinary channel on Youtube or interesting life- don’t even think about it. Welcome to Instagram.

What will you get?

Today, Instagram is one of the most powerful platforms for promoting a business, brand, personality, or creating a thematic community for further income. However, it is worth considering some features that photo hosting users encounter:

You can create an account and register it according to all the rules in the web version of the service or through the desktop application. The application is available in Windows store, you can find it in latest versions operating system.

Everything seems clear, just need to clarify about the link. It can lead not only to the site, but also to any page on the Internet. Often account administrators add the address of their VKontakte or Odnoklassniki page, where the main activity takes place.

Step two. Publishing photos, videos and stories

  • photos;
  • photo galleries;
  • video;
  • stories.

All this is complemented by all sorts of filters, stickers and augmented photos. There is room to run. By using all the tools, you can stand out very well. Most stop at just pictures downloaded from the Internet.

How can I publish photos?

  1. The best option is a phone or tablet. Do high quality pictures on camera, add effects, come up with hashtags and let's go. You can also download pictures and videos to your smartphone and then publish them on Instagram.
  2. Third party services. If it is much more convenient to work through a computer, this is an option for you. Here are some services that allow you to work with Instagram accounts:

Register, attach your account (in you will still need to install their application on your phone) and start posting photos and videos. One caveat: start working with such services only if you have all the logins and passwords with which you can restore access to the page. Instagram does not like such sites and can easily reset the password if it suspects a hacking attempt.

You can also publish photos and videos from your computer without third party services read how to do this here:

Add hashtags to photos and videos

All searches for publications on Instagram are based on hashtags. Perhaps this is the only social network in which their importance is difficult to overestimate. Be sure to add.

How to choose hashtags:

  1. The easiest way is to log into Instagram from your computer. In the search bar, start typing words that you think might be popular. Next you will see how much this moment V Instagram search materials with a similar hashtag. This method is simple, but it is not the most effective.
  2. Using the service will reduce your search time and also allow you to find more hashtags you need.

Proper use of hashtags will increase the reach of your publications and at the same time attract interested audience, who will like and subscribe to the channel.

Cheat subscribers

Many will skip this point, because cheating is a risky business. The account may be blocked, and the administration is unlikely to make concessions to you and restore the page. However, if the promotion is successful, you will receive an excellent base that will help you in further promotion.

What cheating will give you:

  • for a small amount, make your account appear popular;
  • page guests will be more willing to subscribe to the channel;
  • mass following will work much more effectively.

Not a lot, but an excellent base at the initial stage. Here are some services where you can order followers on Instagram inexpensive.

If more is required fine tuning, you can buy subscribers through exchanges
. Here you can specify gender, number of subscribers, subscriptions, and more. The price will be more expensive, you have to pay extra for quality.

Mass liking, mass following and mass commenting

The idea is simple - you do good to others and some people do good to you in return. Like, subscribe to channels, communicate in the comments and your account will definitely be noticed, and those interested in the content or product will probably subscribe. It sounds simple, but in practice it turns out to be much more complicated, or rather dreary. In order to earn at least some feedback in this way, you will have to work hard.

To automate and thereby make it easier to put likes and increase subscriptions, you can turn to the help of services

Be careful, this automated method of promotion is also punishable on Instagram and your account may be blocked. The most reliable way is to do everything manually, but many people simply don’t have the time for this.

Also, at the initial stages, do not forget about hashtags for mutual likes, subscriptions and comments:

To receive subscriptions:

#follow #followme #follow4follow #followforfollow

To get likes:

#likes #likesforlikes #likes4likes #likesforfollow, #likes #likesmutually #like #likeme #like #likeslikes and others

For comments:

#comment #commentback #comments #commentforcomment #review #reviews #comment #comments #comments and others

Ordering advertising posts from bloggers

By the time you get to paid advertising you should already have a good start: 10-20 posts, Feedback(likes, comments) subscribers (more than subscriptions). When interested users come to visit you, they should see that you are popular and that they are part of a well-known community. Few people like to be first.


  • choose communities with similar topics;
  • experiment with promotional materials;
  • use bright and clear photographs;
  • add interesting and concise descriptions;
  • Don’t forget to put a link in the description to your Instagram account (others won’t work).

Targeted advertising

One of the main features of targeted advertising is that you can place an active link not only to your social network account, but also to any other page on the Internet.

What formats are available:

  • photo;
  • carousel;
  • video.
  • geographic targeting;
  • age targeting;
  • you can target ads only to women or only to men;
  • the ability to enable or disable advertising at any time;
  • audience coverage depends on your desires and budget size.

Despite the apparent advantages, setting up high-quality advertising is much more difficult than ordering it from a popular blogger. This format is for those who are ready to experiment, clearly set goals and know their audience.

Competitions and giveaways

A tempting format that the right approach can be a good help in promoting the page. Despite its promise, many refuse such promotion due to some difficulties:

  1. You need to come up with a competition or giveaway. Without a bright idea, it will be difficult to attract attention to the event. Typical pictures with the word “GIVEAWAY” work poorly and may simply not live up to expectations.
  2. We need a meaningful prize. It is very difficult to interest Instagram users in posting photos that are not related to them on their page. Therefore, the prize must be rare, original or expensive. And it's better all together.
  3. You need to follow the drawing, respond to comments, and at the end give a prize to the winner. It’s true, this prospect is simply scary for many.
  4. The competition needs promotion. Many organizations are launching large-scale advertising campaigns with banners on the streets, flyers in stores and online support. True, most often the organizers limit themselves to targeted advertising and ordering posts from bloggers.

If this doesn’t scare you, then feel free to start planning and implementing.

However, quite often you can find pages of experienced and talented photographers who take successful photographs of nature, architecture and other things. The number of subscribers depends on the quality of the profile content. Here the owners popular accounts There is an opportunity to make good money on Instagram. The amount of earnings will depend on the number of page views, that is, the question of how to promote an account on Instagram is more relevant than ever today.

Why Instagram?

In fact, you can make money on almost any social network. In this article we are looking specifically at Instagram, because... it is the most convenient for making money for the following reasons:

Another plus is that Instagram has its own application for various platforms, which means that users have the ability to view pages anytime and anywhere, no matter where they are. This is very convenient, given the modern rhythm of people's lives. Although, almost all social networks currently provide mobile versions sites.

For clarity and a better understanding of the benefits of Instagram for promotion, below is attached comparison table popularity of various social networks according to statistics from 2016

Rules for promoting an Instagram account

Even though Instagram was created for sharing photos, no one is prohibited from using their page for commercial purposes. However, to make money easy and enjoyable, you need to know certain restrictions, which exist in the rules of use of this social network. Failure to comply may result in a ban from administrators.

On social media The Instagram network is prohibited:

Violators of the above prohibitions will face the following:

  • Likes and the ability to subscribe to the page will be blocked.
  • Tags, hashtags and comments will be blocked.
  • The password is reset.
  • The account is completely blocked.
  • The profile is permanently deleted and cannot be restored.

It’s worth noting right away that artificially boosting subscribers is not only prohibited by the terms of use, but will still not bring success. It is very important that the profile has a live audience, since pages are viewed by people, not robots. It goes without saying that there will be no views, likes or comments from pages without an owner, and therefore no use.

You should start by asking yourself questions:

  • Why do I need to promote my account?
  • If to earn money, then how will I earn money?
  • Who is my client, audience?
  • What is my audience interested in?
  • What will help the client solve his pressing problems?

The next step is designing your Instagram page.

The first thing that catches the eye when a user visits your page is your photo, name or nickname and information about you. Think about what might make you personally subscribe to a particular profile. Most likely, your answer will be a photo and information.

The photograph must include you personally. This is your business card. If you have several profiles on different social networks. networks, and you want your client to be able to find you on other sites, then use the same photo everywhere. This will make it easier for your audience to remember you.

It is best to write your last name and first name in your native language, or rather in your language target audience. If your client is Russian, then write in Russian, there is no need to use the Latin alphabet, this will not give the page respectability, as many mistakenly believe. Additionally, your name may be misread and misremembered. Or some may be too lazy to read “in English”. Make your account experience as easy as possible for users.

Indicate the place where you are from. This will give your audience more confidence in you, especially your fellow countrymen.
Briefly, clearly, concisely describe the type of your activity and who you are, so that users, without wasting time, understand why they need to subscribe to your account and what useful things you can give them.

Publishing posts

Now let's talk about publishing content. Content is the main component of your profile. Basically, this is what the page is created for.

The content of your account is what attracts the user, makes him a client, and possibly a partner. To attract as many subscribers as possible to your target audience, maintain your own style, publish only original own works. This is your peculiarity, a zest that others do not have. This sets you apart from other similar users promoting their accounts.
Take the time to step into your audience's shoes. Imagine that your profile is a photo album. It should be interesting so that you won’t be ashamed to show it to others. This means that, first of all, viewing it should be interesting to you, as a guest of your own page.

Post new photos as often as possible. Do not neglect the description, express your own sincere thoughts in the comments. Do high quality photo. Be sure to respond to your followers who comment on your posts.

Among other things, it will be useful to create a content plan that outlines the interests of your audience and the relevance of the planned photos.

Attracting followers

  • Ways to attract new subscribers:
  • Hashtags.
  • Geolocation marks.
  • Likes for other users.

Many network users who use the Internet for sales are wondering: how to promote Instagram on your own and for free? First of all, let's define what an Instagram page is?

The account is open to access electronic page, similar to the one in Odnoklassniki or VKontakte, filled with your original photographs and posts, that is, signatures indicating certain events.

Each user profile contains a resource specified by the developer called “Active Link” and a resource that should be used to go to the recommended page. The latter type is usually not active. Field active link necessary to insert your address personal page on the Internet advertising a product or promoting a consumer service.

Features of free promotion

Not all novice bloggers know how to promote a brand themselves. In order to resolve this issue, you should read the step-by-step instructions, which outline the sequence of actions for free account promotion:

  • create a profile;
  • create a content plan;
  • publish the outline of the page content;
  • increase page ranking using promotion and advertising tools.

After registration and opening user file on the above social network, . What's the best way to do this?

Setting up your profile on Instagram

First, upload your own authentic photo and fill out the fields containing personal information. We write the last name and first name on native language. All these actions are done with the goal of becoming a memorable object in the eyes of network users, who may become your subscribers, and in the future - friends, and will want to purchase a product or service from you that meets their needs.

It is necessary to provide truthful information about yourself, since such a move increases the loyalty of compatriots to your person.

Watch the video: How to get 100,000 followers on Instagram

The first thing the user sees is your photo and a short story about yourself or the advertised product. It’s better to put a photo portrait on the page that is present in the profiles of other networks, and format your first and last name in the same way, so that it is easier for account visitors to find you on other external resources.

An important step will be to retain the attention of subscribers, thanks to comments under photos and answers to questions and posts from visitors. People, for the most part, are interested in your real life, and not in photo jokes, demotivators, or pictures created using Photoshop.

Don't count on fast promotion pages, especially if they promise to produce it for money, since in this case What is important is the quality of communication between visitors regarding products, and not the total number of people “hanging” on the site. In this case, there is a responsible person, or Instagram manager, who attracts the target audience to the site.

We are working on the content of the Instagram page

The second stage is creating a content plan, or page content.

Here you need to decide on the nature of the target audience, which requires answering the following questions:

  • Which product will most fully satisfy the buyer's needs?
  • What can the page owner give the visitor?
  • What subscriber needs should be covered?
  • What is the best way to design the product and present it to the consumer?

Based on the answers to the questions, a content plan is created and published. As mentioned above, genuine images of the advertised product or videos related to the coverage of the properties and functions of the product are published on the site.

A nuance to retain the attention of the target audience is self-disclosure to the limits of the permissible limit in the form of publishing personal thoughts, statements, quotes that are most suitable for the soul.

Thus, a “halo of trust” is created in the person, and then in the proposed product. The manufacturer guarantees the quality of the product, for this reason defective goods It is not recommended to offer!

Watch the video: 5 Myths and Misconceptions on Instagram

Promotion methods

The last step is to independently promote your profile. Advanced Users know how to promote a page.

We will use their methods to attract consumers, including:

1. Commenting on photos, especially indicating places to visit. Users will be able to find you by geolocation.

2. Subscribing to other people's pages. People will be interested to know who paid attention to them, and, based on a sense of curiosity, Instagram page owners will switch to your account.

3. Putting “likes” under the photo in other profiles. Out of gratitude, users will also give you hearts in response.

4. Mutual PR. Arrange with your friends on social networks to write a few positive feedback about your products in groups or on your page, and you, in turn, write favorable reviews about the donor’s page.

5. Setting hashtags (#). Social network visitors will find the required page by

6. Self-PR. Continue to link to the desired Instagram page on your other resources.

All these methods work flawlessly, and most importantly, they are available completely free of charge, both to the account owner and to the hired PR manager. The process of website promotion is labor-intensive, time-consuming and energy-intensive, but the result is worth the effort: once you pay an experienced employee, you will be guaranteed 100% sales of your products.

As you can see, if you already know that you are ready to invest time every day in order to promote Instagram yourself, then get ready to like the photos of other users, subscribe to especially interesting ones, and leave comments. And do everything to attract attention to your person and make your page popular. It's possible. It is better to act together and together with those people who already have experience and results. Come to our programs and earn more at the same time!

With you,
- Igor Zuevich.

If you can invest the next 5 minutes in self-education, then follow the link and read our next article:

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Hi all! You probably already have a page on social media. Instagram networks. Do you dream of becoming a popular blogger and having hundreds of thousands of subscribers, but don’t know how to achieve this? Take your time to contact specialized agencies and hire administrators. Today I will tell you how to promote Instagram yourself.

From this article you will learn:

Of course, popularity is not an end in itself. Everyone knows perfectly well what can be done. Not only show business stars receive income from their pages. Anyone can succeed in this. The main thing is to know a few secrets.

Greeted by clothes

It may sound trivial, but the first thing we pay attention to on Instagram is the photo. It should attract attention and stand out from the crowd. Unfortunately, not everyone has the skills of a professional photographer and is not ready to part with a round sum for the sake of a good camera

  • Design. Add inscriptions, decorative elements, and stickers to your photos. Accounts in the same style and color scheme are very popular.
  • Come up with your own trick, and promoting Instagram will not require much effort.

For example, one Canadian blogger runs Instagram from the face (or muzzle?) of her cat. She takes it with her on trips and photographs it against the backdrop of nature. Many believe that the profile of the cat (his name, by the way, is Sookie) is one of the most beautiful in the world.

I always feel a little sad if I come across gorgeous photos online without any captions or comments. It seems that the author spared the letters. Or he decided to keep where he captured such a magnificent view a secret to avoid competition. Am I not the only one? Don't be curmudgeons, write! Even if you don't know how!

It is clear to everyone that the text should be interesting, engaging, touch on pressing topics, and touch a nerve. I will cover other aspects of this issue:

  1. Literacy. Be sure to check the text for errors before publishing. Re-read several times, use text editor to check spelling. Grammatical errors, often found in the text, repel the reader.
  2. Write more simply. Long sentences with different turns of phrase only confuse the reader. The thought is lost, and the essence escapes.
  3. Follow the style. If you are writing a review of a newfangled gadget, then you should not use outdated words. Don't be afraid to use colloquial expressions. Be closer to the people.
  4. Write from the heart. What you think about, problems, experiences. Stories from life are more captivating than posts on abstract topics, divorced from reality.
  5. Use emojis and emoticons. They diversify and enliven the post and perfectly convey the author’s mood. They can also be used to structure text, inserted between paragraphs and at the end of a sentence instead of a period.


A hashtag is a special tag that reflects the essence, meaning of what is shown in the photograph. It is placed under the photo after the “#” sign without spaces. By clicking on a hashtag, you will see all photos with similar content. Moreover, first you will see publications that hit the top, and then latest photos. They collect a lot of likes and comments, and accordingly bring their owners new subscribers. Instagram promotion very much depends on the correct placement of hashtags.

Choose hashtags that are relevant to your photo. If you start entering a hashtag, the program will automatically offer you several options to choose from. To the right of them will be indicated the number of posts with the same tag. Choose the most popular and most relevant to the topic of your publication.

You can put hashtags not only in Russian, but also in English. This way you will at least double your audience. It would be wonderful to learn Chinese. Why? There are more than 1.3 billion Chinese people! Even Kim Kardashian cannot imagine such a number of subscribers.

IN currently Instagram allows you to put no more than 30 hashtags under one photo. So enter all thirty! This will maximize your chances of success. In addition, a hashtag subscription feature has recently appeared. By subscribing, the user will see best publications with the selected hashtag.


Don't forget to indicate the location of your photos. Geolocation is your second assistant after hashtags. It is relevant for both blogs and Instagram stores. Very often people look for objects near their home (hairdressers, shops, beauty salons). When planning a trip, I myself often look at the sights on Instagram, build routes, and evaluate the convenience of a particular hotel for staying with children.

Geolocation is detected automatically if the corresponding function is enabled on your device. You can set the location manually, however, it is better not to experiment with this. The fact is that the same system works with geotags as with hashtags. That is, it is wise to choose the most popular places to get to the top, because they will be the most clickable. There is no need to open America, literally!

personal information

Even during the registration process, you should think about how to do it on Instagram. No wonder they say, whatever you name the boat, that’s how it will float. In my previous article, I already wrote that there may be problems with the name, since the most interesting and attractive ones, as a rule, are already taken. Of course, you will need to use your imagination and ingenuity to come up with unique name for your profile.

Don't forget that Instagram has a search by title. If you are starting a page for a business, then instead of the username it would be appropriate to enter the type of product that you plan to distribute or the type of service. You can include in the name the city or area in which you will operate. For example, “parikmaherskaya_mitino”, “Produkti_na_dubrovke”.

If you weren't able to create an attractive login the first time, don't worry. You can change it easily. Just click the “Edit profile” button. But don't get carried away, changing your name frequently can confuse your followers.

Here you can enter personal information or information about your store. You can write whatever you deem necessary, but I would advise you to definitely indicate the following:

  1. First and last name in Russian (if you plan to work with a Russian-speaking audience). I don't like it when names are written in Latin letters. Firstly, a transliteration like Ivan Pupkin looks stupid. Secondly, it is not always possible to read your name correctly, since the English alphabet does not contain the letters ь, ы, е, й, ь, ъ, and you have to type them using combinations of other letters.
  2. Occupation, hobby. For example, blogger, traveler, mother on maternity leave, etc.
  3. Where are you from and where do you live? Please indicate your country or city. This way, your subscribers will know where to find you so they can throw rotten tomatoes at you. Joke. In fact, many are looking for fellow countrymen and willingly subscribe to them.
  4. Link to your website, blog, store on a third-party resource.
  5. Contact information. People most actively use Whats App and Viber now. Therefore, do not just write the phone number, but also mark it: “Whats App/Viber: +7 964 *** 55 55.” You can also specify Skype, e-mail, VKontakte id or another preferred method of communication.

Remember about emojis and transitions to new line! They will make your profile header more attractive. In general, pictures and emoticons are great for highlighting paragraphs.

Install beautiful avatar. This is still relevant. You can create your own logo that will become the business card of your store. It should be bright and recognizable. It’s not a sin to spend money on a designer or go to a professional photo shoot. In some cases, Instagram promotion requires sacrifices.

What? Where? When?

Decide on the content and draw up a rough action plan. You must understand when and what you will download. Regularity is important to attract and retain subscribers. Make it a rule to publish 1-2 posts a day. This optimal quantity. Posting a bunch of photos at once is ineffective. Photospam bores users and overloads the feed. Interesting shots need to be distributed over time and uploaded one at a time. Save your trump cards.

Rare publications are also bad. A minimum of 3 pieces per week is necessary in order to stir up the interest of the audience.

Think about who you are targeting and determine what hours to post. As practice shows, best time for posting - evening. The period from 17 to 22 hours is considered ideal for uploading new photos. At this time, the majority of people return home from work, go to public transport, stuck in traffic jams, resting after a hard day, which means he has a couple of free minutes at his disposal to leisurely and thoughtfully scroll through the feed.

Morning and lunch hours are also considered active. I know from myself that most often I grab my phone immediately after waking up. I'm deceiving myself and the alarm clock. It seems like I’ve already woken up, but I can lie in bed for another 5 minutes, pointing my finger at the screen and collecting my thoughts.

On weekends, as a rule, there is a decline in activity. People have a hectic time, go to clubs, cinemas and restaurants, in short, there is no time. As they say on Instagram: “It was so much fun that we didn’t take a single photo.” Or they did, but it’s better to post and discuss it in a calm atmosphere on Monday, while sitting at work.

Once you have at least a couple hundred followers, you can experiment with timing. You can track the peak of activity by likes. Who knows, maybe your readers will be night owls or homebodies, not at all tied to time.

Analyze your audience

Let's say you posted a new post and saw the first likes. What to do? Like back! Mutual likes and subscriptions quickly expand your circle of friends. However, don't overdo it. To avoid cheating instagram followers set limits on the number of likes, subscriptions, unsubscribes and comments. For new accounts - no more than 720 per day, for groups with more than 6 months of experience - no more than 1440 per day.

To prevent your efforts from being wasted, carefully analyze the pages you subscribe to. Look through the latest photos and stories, evaluate the user’s activity, think about whether he can become a potential buyer, and whether he will be interested in posts on your blog.

You should not subscribe to competitors' profiles. Ordinary human envy often does not allow one to be loyal and subscribe in return. So, if you post cats, it’s better to like an account with landscapes and avoid cat people.

Try to respond quickly to comments and comment on other people's posts. A like is taken for granted, and a comment expresses keen interest. Therefore, potential subscribers are more likely to respond to comments.

Popular bloggers who have already achieved some popularity use the following tricks to expand their audience:

  • SFS. You post a laudatory post on your page about one of your Instagram friends, and in response he publishes a note about you. His subscribers will know about you, and yours will know about him. And everyone is happy!
  • Competitions with prizes. Conducted by prior arrangement with several members of the Instagram community. You independently set the prize fund and the rules of the drawing, which will definitely include a subscription to all sponsors.

You can also include the following requirements:

  1. like and comment under the competition post,
  2. repost the post on your page,
  3. Tag 2-3 friends in the comment.

The winner receives a prize, and the organizers receive a bunch of likes and subscribers.

These tools must be used very carefully. The trend is that many netizens have become annoyed by such actions on the part of bloggers. A fool understands that this is just advertising.

Cheat subscribers

You will have to spend a lot of time online, keep your finger on the pulse, and learn to feel the audience in order to independently promote Instagram from scratch. Achieving popularity through hard work is a tedious and thankless task. And, of course, craftsmen have long come up with special programs for Instagram promotion. Of course, their use is completely legal, but it is not entirely fair to other users. Whether to use it or not is a personal matter for everyone.

The choice of programs and services on the Internet is simply huge. Please note that free apps ineffective. They quickly catch up with bots and are monitored by Instagram security service. For using programs to increase followers, your account may be blocked.

In order to get live subscribers, it is best to use paid services or hire an Instagram administrator who will provide comprehensive services for the management of your group.

  1. Here are some popular sites for mass following and mass liking: