How to unsubscribe from mailing lists. How to unsubscribe from Mail mailings? Basic mailing services

It's just a nightmare! Two-thirds of the mailbox is filled with all sorts of things advertising mailing. This is despite the fact that I regularly “clean” my mail. I decided to spend more time one time and figure out how to unsubscribe from the Yandex mailing list once and for all!

I post all the information I found here. I think the results of my work will be useful to you too. Naturally, first of all we go to Yandex mail. On the main page on the left side, we have information about messages. Above the image of a paperclip indicating the selection of emails with attachments, we see a subtle “configure” inscription - circled in the next image.

Again, on the left side we have a menu of services offered. Here we need to select the “Mail Processing Rules” section.

By clicking on the corresponding tab, we see a menu on the monitor screen that allows us, if necessary, to blacklist all addresses from which you do not need mailing. In this case, letters will be sent to the trash immediately upon receipt, respectively, without cluttering your mail. Thus, if you do not want to receive information from different sites, or, for example, you do not want letters from classmates, add them to the blacklist. Now you don’t have to repeat my torment by spending hours in front of the monitor just to get rid of unnecessary letters.

In principle, similar methods for cleaning your mailbox from unnecessary mailings are available in Gmail, Mail, Rambler mail. The differences between them are not significant.

Let's look at another example of how to unsubscribe from mailing lists on First, go to your email. On the left side, the entry “set up folders” is barely visible, go there.

We offer automatic filtering of mailings and adding own settings filtration. Go to the “add filter” tab.

Now you need to fill in the fields so that the system does not allow you to enter Mailbox unnecessary mailings. In the specified field, mark “unnecessary e-mail”.

Then we put notes in the fields marked in the image. As you can see in the screenshot, these are the “permanently delete” and “apply to messages in folders” fields. Click “save” to save the settings that will protect your mail from mailing.

From the author

I never liked clicking on links, it seemed like a waste of time. But it was completely in vain. For example, by following this link: I realized how much time I spend at the computer completely wasted. It turns out that there are many ways to work much more productively behind a monitor. It is enough to organize work processes correctly, and the system will take over a significant part of the labor. Now here’s how to manage what has appeared free time, come up with it yourself.

Here is another link, the click on which pleasantly surprised me - letters are selling. Despite the fact that many call our century a century computer technology, for example, I really like to read. And not electronic, but completely ordinary books. So, on this site there is a very large selection of them. In addition, there are also gift editions that will be very nice to receive as a gift for a book lover like me. And the delivery offered by the site eliminates the need for lengthy shopping trips in search of your favorite book.

Today, my 9-year-old son Arseny created himself a Yandex account (for now for games, not for communication). He asked me only one question about login. Can your children do this? The long-awaited vacation began, Arseny went to his grandmother with good mood, because he successfully completed general education and music school. Yesterday I attended the final lesson in music school and even took a photo of it with my smartphone.

In custody

So, use my advice, clean out your mailbox, learn to save time when working with a computer, buy books, without leaving home. And I, in turn, will continue to travel through the pages World Wide Web and find important and useful information. You can follow my “discoveries” by subscribing to. Share a link to my article on social networks, perhaps it will be useful to one of your friends or acquaintances. .

- All! Today I start living in a new way!

- Yah? Have you quit drinking and smoking?
- What are you doing?...I have a brand new mailbox, nickname and ICQ number.

Hello, friends! The question of how to unsubscribe from all subscriptions is important for my readers and students. Why? Their inboxes are overloaded, making it difficult to work productively. This article will specifically discuss how to unsubscribe from Yandex and mailing lists.

Email overload

While working in the information business and teaching people, I came across the phenomenon of my students’ mailboxes being overloaded. Sometimes a person shows you his mail, but there are thousands open letters, not to mention the fact that the owner of the mail clearly did not intend to open and read them. Why is this situation happening? Every day we receive a large number of letters in our inbox offering some information products or earning systems.

Suppose we liked something, we enter our e-mail address, automatically follow the link, confirming our subscription, and receive the material we liked by email. Everything is fine. But we just wanted to get a specific article or book, and that’s all. And since we confirmed our subscription, a stream of letters from this author begins to arrive in our mailbox. And thus it accumulates great amount letters that we did not plan to receive at all. And when I asked the question why you don’t unsubscribe from this mailing list, since it doesn’t interest you, it turned out that many users simply do not know how to unsubscribe from mailing lists.

In this regard, let's look at specific situations for Yandex and Mail. Currently, these two postal services are very relevant and in demand. There was already an article on the blog “” of unscrupulous authors on Gmail, you can read this article.

How to unsubscribe from all Yandex email subscriptions

So, friends. There are two types of mailings - these are those that we ourselves subscribed to and simply forgot to unsubscribe from such mailings in time if we do not need it. In this case, everything is very simple. Each such mailing has an unsubscribe button.

Feel free to select the items you need and press the button Refuse. Everything is very simple and intelligent.

There is another reason for a “cluttered” mailbox. This is spam mailing. That is, you did not subscribe to the newsletter, but it continues to arrive endlessly and the “ Unsubscribe» is not included in such mailings. After all, the expectation is that a person will still buy or pay something for an unscrupulous idea make quick money in the Internet. In this case, what to do, how to unsubscribe from the Yandex mailing list.

In this case, we will have to blacklist the unscrupulous author.

To do this, go to the mailbox settings, gear button on the right top corner, and select Rules for processing letters in the settings panel.

A window for setting up rules will open, but we will be interested in the Black List.

We add the email address of the author we are tired of in the field and click the Add button. That's it, now you can breathe easy. This author will not bother you anymore. By the way, you can get rid of annoying fans or ill-wishers in the same way.

Thus, using clear and uncomplicated Yandex mailbox tools, you protect your mail space.

Now let's look at the features of how to unsubscribe from the mailing list. Why will we consider only features? Yes, just general scheme exactly the same as in Yandex mail.

In the case when we want to unsubscribe from a mailing list that we subscribed to by mistake or has become irrelevant for us, the algorithm is the same as what we considered for mail on Yandex. We go to our mail, go to the Inbox folder, open the letter from the newsletter or subscription that we want to delete, go to the end of the letter and click the link or button cancel subscription.

In the case when there is no such button, that is, there is no way to unsubscribe from the mailing list or from the annoying respondent, in the mailbox it is possible to set a filter for this email address.

Let's consider the operating algorithm. Go to the Inbox folder and mark the mail that you want to block. Then click the MORE button on the toolbar and select the CREATE FILTER command from the drop-down menu.

The system will take us to the page New filter.

We see in the upper right corner the mail that we marked. Next, press the “Delete forever” switch and don’t forget “ Save» this filter.

The mail on which we installed the filter has moved to this folder. If you suddenly change your mind and want to receive letters from this author again, you can disable this filter with one click.

So, friends, you now know how to unsubscribe from the mailing list.


I think, friends, you now know exactly how to protect yourself from spam or your own inattention, how to get rid of annoying and unnecessary letters, in a word, how to unsubscribe from Yandex and mailing lists.

Keep your mailboxes in order and promptly review unnecessary mailings and useless letters. Cluttered mail is just as harmful to success and health, to new ideas and to the flow of money as trash in the apartment and old things in the closet. Good luck, friends!

Best regards, Ivan Kunpan.

P.S. Articles were written on the blog about working with by gmail, if you wish, you can read them. The article “” will help you create and master this mail. And the article “” will show the features of work in this mail.

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Let's talk about a topic like mailings. In general, deciding how to unsubscribe from Mail mailings is not difficult. Sometimes situations arise when a person subscribes to all sorts of news and in the end the mailbox is simply bursting with large quantity various letters, so we have to fix this problem.

How to get rid of mailings?

So, what needs to be done to make unnecessary mailings finally disappear? First of all, you should determine which of the letters you want to save, and which your mail can do without.

After this, you can start cleaning and freeing your mail from all junk. Of course, if you don’t want to suffer for a long time, you can simply do it in the mail separate folder with the name “Newsletters” or any other. But not everyone does this, although, to be honest, it’s in vain. Once you have already decided what you need to keep and what not, you can move on to deciding how to unsubscribe from Mail mailings.

"Smartresponder" newsletters

So, it’s worth starting with a service called “Smartresponder” and others similar to it, since unsubscribing here is easy. To unsubscribe from unnecessary news, you should select a letter, click on it and find the link at the very bottom of the letter. It appears in almost every letter. Next, click on this link, and mail will take us to the required window.

After this, in the window that opens, you should select the item “Unsubscribe from the mailing list” or “Delete your mail from the author’s database” - and that’s it, such letters will no longer come to you. As you can see, everything is ridiculously simple.

How to unsubscribe from Subscribe?

There is another one on the Internet interesting service called Subscribe. Let's talk about how to unsubscribe from Mail mailings from this service.

To get rid of annoying mailings, you need to go to the service, enter your login information, that is, log in. After that, go to the “My mailings” section and click “Unsubscribe” next to those mailings that you no longer want to receive.

Everything here is also very easy, you just need to click once - and that’s it, you will also no longer receive emails. In general, in almost any case you can unsubscribe from mailings. Even if such a situation arises and you don’t know how to unsubscribe from mailing lists, if there is no “Unsubscribe” button, then there is still a way out. Here an antispam filter will come to the rescue, which will dump such letters into a separate folder, or they will not arrive at all.

How to unsubscribe from RSS feeds?

Now it’s worth talking about how to unsubscribe from Mail mailings from RSS service. Many people subscribe to articles that authors post on their blogs. Such subscriptions are made through an RSS feed. It happens that the author ceases to be interesting, and therefore you no longer need to send out his articles. To get rid of them, you need to open the announcement letter and find the link to English language- unsubscribe now. After this, you will be taken to the unsubscribe page. And again, everything can be solved very simply and in a couple of clicks. To help you - mail mail ru.

Unsubscribe by author

In this case, you can inform the author of the blog about your intention by contacting him by letter. Do not forget that communication must be correct and polite.

After writing a letter, you will stop getting on each other's nerves. Each of us understands that such a situation can happen to everyone. Although very often people communicate in a rude manner, there is no escape from this, you just don’t need to get into a fight.

As we can see, this is not such a terrible process. If you know how everything is done in practice, you can easily leave only the necessary information in your mail.

Instead of a conclusion

Always carefully choose which authors are worth following and which ones you shouldn't. Newsletters should only be useful, and not ones that offer to earn millions online in almost one day. I would like to say that in those offers that cost money, there are really good advice. In addition, you can quickly learn how to make money on the Internet, but again, you need to know what will be useful and what will not.

If all the above methods are not useful, then you can simply make a filter of unnecessary mail, and then the letters will stop coming.

Hello, thank you for visiting the pages! In the last topic, I told you why you need a subscriber base. If you missed it, you can read it. A base is undoubtedly needed, but a living base is needed.

Today, a lot of people subscribe to various mailing lists, and of course, it’s simply impossible to read all the letters, and there’s no reason to. As a result, the subscriber's mailbox is full of letters, and the author of the newsletter has many unnecessary readers.

If you don’t have your own database yet, but you are a subscriber, and more than one mailing list, I think you are familiar with this situation: You, as usual, open your email, and there.... A huge number of letters, just a huge flow of information falls on you, and which you don’t need at all.

Of course you NOT If you read all these letters, you will simply close the mail, or delete all the letters at once. And there could be a very interesting letter that you so need today and right now...

But because of the huge pile of garbage (and this is what your mail has turned into), you simply did not notice the letter that was important to you. And what is the way out? Of course, unsubscribe from unnecessary mailings. Most people subscribe to a huge number of mailing lists and start just drown there is a ton of information, my head is a complete mess, in the end nothing works out, there are no results, etc.

And I'm no exception here)). I, like many others, subscribed to many mailing lists, but my mail turned into a trash bin. And one day I just unfollowed everyone newsletters, I left only those whom I am really interested in reading.

You know, it became so easy right away, I receive information from people who are interesting to me, I have time to read all the messages that I need, it’s nice to open mail... Beauty)))

Why am I even writing all this here? The fact is that I noticed that many subscribers simply do not know how to unsubscribe from mailings. Many people don’t even realize that each subscriber has their own subscriber account on the mailing service.

I decided to make life easier for those who are also tired of endless letters and want to unsubscribe from annoying mailings right away. This way it will be good for both you and the author of the newsletter.

All you have to do is repeat everything. So, let's begin.

Click on the button: “Login”

A form will open where you need to indicate that you want to log in as a subscriber:

In the window that appears, write your e-mail and click: "Send data to my email"

Then you return to

Enter your email and password that you received by mail and you will be taken to your subscriber account.

In the subscriber's account, we need a tab; “My mailings”, click on it and they will open for you all mailings which you are subscribed to.

Many good email addresses have been lost because the spam becomes so overwhelming that it's easier to just close the account or not use it again. If you love your email address and all your friends from school know it, don't give up! While some people believe that opting out may simply be encouraging spammers, it may still be worth a try if you have Account, which you really want to "save".


    Remember, the key to clearing out your inbox is patience. We've all experienced this. It's very frustrating to search through 150 messages in your inbox just to find that one email you've been looking for. Junk email filters are better than ever, but so is junk mail. Next steps will help you “clean up” your overcrowded inbox once and for all. Don't be fooled - it won't happen overnight, but after a while, saving your old mailbox will become quick and easy.

    Sign in to your email.

    Highlight unwanted emails. Hold left button and move all your junk emails to the "Junk E-Mail" tab.

    Review junk mail. You've probably noticed trends (repetitions of information) in the "Sender" and "Subject" fields. Sometimes many spam items come from the same sponsor or company. Email that tends to repeat the subject line letter for letter is good example this type of email. It is important to note these trends for the next step.

    • Select 5-10 emails. You select these emails as the "target" emails for today's "unsubscribe" round. You can choose more emails if you have more time, or just 2-3 emails if you don't receive a lot of spam. Either way, your goal is to start solving the problem with junk mail rather than ignoring her and hoping she will “go away.”
  1. Remove everything else. Well, you can keep them if you want - but really, what are you going to use them for? It's easier to start with a clean folder each time you do the "unsubscribe" rounds.

    Unsubscribe. This step is important. People who send solicitation emails are required to follow the same rules as most telemarketers. This means that if you do not want to receive their messages, you must tell them so. Therefore, they are required to stop sending junk mail to you. Open one of your junk mail messages. Typically, opt-outs are located at the very bottom of the email, where most people never look. It is very rare that you will receive electronic message without the unsubscribe option attached at the bottom. There are two ways that most companies will ask you to unsubscribe:

    • E-Mail Removal Form - Click on the provided opt-out link in the unwanted email and a small page will appear asking for your email address. Just enter your email address in the field and click the "submit" or "unsubscribe me" button or whatever the button says. These forms will never ask for your name or any other personal information. If they do, you should not enter any information, close the window and move on to the next unwanted message. Many unsolicited emails come with two unsubscribe links - one for specific ad, and another for a large company - with the help of which you will probably unsubscribe from many advertisements.
    • "Reply" Removal - Some emails do not have an unsubscribe link, but instead ask you to unsubscribe by replying to the email with a word (like "unsubscribe") or phrases (like "no thanks") in the subject line ). Just follow the instructions. I have heard people say that responding to these requests confirms that your address is valid (opening the floodgates to additional spam), however, I have never received follow-up email or any other correspondence from any company that I unsubscribed from by doing so way.
  2. Wait. Most mailing list removal requests take 24-48 hours to process. Some are immediate, while some may take longer. I would suggest waiting for 3-5 days, and during that time simply delete all incoming junk mail as you normally would. This will protect you from accidentally unsubscribing from the same company twice. After using the "unsubscribe" tool provided in the email, there is no reason to keep it and you can delete it as usual.

    After two rounds of unsubscribe, you should notice a significant reduction in the amount of junk mail you receive.

    Unsubscribing from just one spam distributor can reduce your spam load by as much as four spam emails per day! That's almost 30 erroneous bits of garbage per week! Once you've gotten to the point where your email is manageable again, you can unsubscribe from the junk email you receive.

  3. If you continue to receive emails even after you have tried to unsubscribe from the service, you may be able to take additional action, such as reporting the email as "spam" to your email provider, or adding the sender or sender's domain to your "blocked" list ( "Blocked"). With a little time and patience on your part, your mailbox can be fixed.

    • Decide to stop ignoring the problem and start fixing it. Now simply unsubscribe from mailings as they arrive, and your inbox will be clean! If you are trying to get information from sites that require an email address, try entering[email protected]
    • or similar, and not your email address. By entering non-existent email addresses you do not need to register and forward. There are tools to help you give up unwanted emails . Such as (October 20, 2013 there was a message that the site "" is no longer active.) They will add a button to your mail client , which will search best method deleting unwanted email. Another tool is, which navigates through your inbox, provides you with a list of your subscriptions and allows you to check and unsubscribe. unwanted lists
    • If the name and company of the sender is available, you can obtain information about the company from the library. Send a note that they refused your request to end contacting you via email. Submit a library request while you are at this location. If you have tried this many times to unsubscribe and have had no luck, you can get the names of the executives of these companies by following IP information(sender tracking) or by using D&B at the library and sending them copies of the mailing opt-out information, which should include the sender's address.
    • Try to keep junk mail to a minimum by not giving your email address to anyone you don't know, trust, or use for commercial purposes (like your bank, business sites, etc.).
    • If you unsubscribe and mail continues to arrive, you may need to add the spam sender or domain to your blocked items list. This may not always work, however. See warnings below. Many spam senders will randomize the "From" section, so you can't block just one. (For example, you can get email, which really is spam - from Sk8tr92, and then the same letter from the same spam people who say it is from Sk8tr49)
    • When unsubscribing, the "Email Removal Form" is a very popular method for most organizers. I recommend that you copy the email address to your computer's clipboard (highlighting your entered email address by clicking right click mouse and selecting the "Copy" command), and when you come across one of these forms, right-click in the place that asks you for an email and click "Paste". This keeps you from entering your address over and over again.
    • Survey sites tend to generate a lot of junk mail. Although many people use surveys as a great source additional income for a part-time job, signing up for surveys, free gifts, free drawings, etc. often exposes your email address to tons of unsolicited mailings.
    • Most believe that there are many different unwanted messages The email may come from the same source. Once you begin to "unsubscribe" from these emails, you will notice that some of the pages you have unsubscribed look the same. For this reason, I recommend that you “deal with” your junk mail on a weekly basis. Select emails 5 or 6 times a week and repeat the process.