How to do polls in VKontakte. How to create a VKontakte poll in a group? How to make an anonymous survey in a VKontakte group

Polls or voting are a useful function in VK. If you want to increase traffic to your page or increase the activity of the community, then you need to use all possible means, including surveys. Social media users love polls and are usually willing to participate in them. This happens because subconsciously a person is always waiting for someone to ask his opinion. The survey increases the user's self-esteem by showing that their choice is important to the survey creator.

The second reason to periodically create polls on a page or in a group is purely visual. A page attracts more attention if it contains not only posts of the same type, but also a variety of surveys, and it is desirable that some of them include photos or videos. According to statistics, communities that periodically conduct surveys for the purpose of their development “live” much longer and attract a much larger audience.

Even if the topic of the survey is not too close to a person, it is quite possible that he will want to participate in the survey and express his opinion. But if you asked to write a message on this topic, the person would never do it. Therefore, a survey is the most effective way to increase activity on your page, and everyone should know how to do surveys on VK.

How to create a poll in VK - detailed technical instructions

If you want to find out how to make a poll in VK on a page or how to create a poll in VK in a group, you need to do the following:

How to create a poll in VK in a conversation?

In fact, the answer to the question of how to make a poll on VK in a conversation is also quite simple. It differs little from the answer to the question of how to make a poll on VK in a group. But first, we need to understand how to create a conversation in VK. To do this, we take a few simple steps:

How to conduct a survey in VK so that it attracts as many users as possible to your page?

If you just start adding any questions to your page, this, of course, will activate users, but not by much. For the survey to work you need to know some rules.

Also, in order for the survey to work, try to formulate the topic in an original way, choose interesting, unusual answer options, attach an illustration or audio recording that is pleasing to the eye. It is necessary that in the survey there is something for the eyes of your “electorate” to cling to, then the turnout will be large.

Don’t get carried away by the number of answer options and the length of the wording themselves. Such “overloaded” surveys look boring, and users lose the desire to read them.

Think about your target audience - age, lifestyle, interests of your subscribers and try to come up with a survey that will be most interesting and relevant to them.

Equally important is the style of speech that is used to create the topic and answer options. If modern youth slang is even welcome in a survey in a youth group, in other cases it is better to refuse it.

And most importantly, the topic and answers to the question should be interesting to you. Formal voting for the sake of voting will work much worse.

VKontakte polls allow you to find out the opinions of subscribers or friends on any issue. But how to create them? We will talk about this in our article.

One of the very interesting functions of VKontakte is the ability to create polls. It allows you to find out the opinions of your friends, group subscribers, and so on. If you don’t know how to create them yet, then our article will be useful to you.

If you want your survey to always be visible, but you add new entries, then pin it and then it will not roll down.

How to create a poll on the wall of your VKontakte page?

  • It's not at all difficult to do this. You need to find the field to create a post on the wall. Click on it and in the right corner click "More". In the drop-down list, click "Survey".
  • A form will open in which you need to write your question and add answer options. Especially the social network does not limit the number of options. If you check the box "Anonymous voting", then the people who took part in the survey will remain unknown.

  • When you fill out all the points, you can click on the button "Send" and the survey will immediately appear on the page.
  • As a rule, when you write a topic, it is also shown in the text of the post. This is not very beautiful and it would be worth removing the unnecessary inscription. To do this, at the top right of the post, click on the pencil icon. This is the edit button.

Remove everything unnecessary from the post and save the result.

How to create a poll on a VKontakte group page?

In VKontakte groups there are two places where you can add a survey - this is the wall and discussions. To add a poll to the wall, do the same as on the page, but it would be worth figuring out how to do this in the discussions.

  • So, first we choose "Add discussion"

  • In the window that appears, in the left line, look for the graph icon and select it. This is a survey
  • You will see additional fields where you can indicate the name and voting options.
  • After that, you need to click on the discussion itself. Go to tab "View topic" and at the top right select edit it

  • Here you need a point "Attach a survey"

How to create a VKontakte survey from an Android phone or iPhone?

Here, in principle, the process is no different, but we will still describe it in detail.

  • So, select the button on the wall "New Entry"
  • In the window that opens you will be asked to write your text and attach various additions
  • Attaching is carried out using a button in the form of a paper clip

  • Click on it and select from the proposed options "Survey"
  • After this, we also indicate the name of the survey topic and answer options. Don't forget to set up anonymity if necessary
  • Now click on the submit button and the survey will be published

As you can see, creating a poll is not at all difficult, so come up with a suitable topic and ask your friends and subscribers a question!

Video: How to make a survey on VK (Vkontakte)?

community members. Using this tool, you can find out the opinion of the target audience about the quality of published content and the topics that interest them most. Not everyone knows how to make a survey in a VK group, or not everyone understands their importance. The most important advantage is lost - you don’t know what your users like - articles, pictures or videos.

Also, surveys allow you to increase the number of sales. One example of the smart use of surveys is the backpack community.

Store administrators published photographs of their products. The main emphasis was placed on tourist backpacks for targeted advertising. People involved in active recreation were chosen as the target audience.

After several months of promotion, it was revealed that sales income barely covered advertising costs. To find out the reason for such a low conversion rate, a survey was created, the purpose of which was to find out which type of backpacks is more in demand among the target audience.

The following types of backpacks participated in it:

  • tourist
  • expeditionary
  • tactical
  • sports

All these types of goods were in stock in the online store. The survey lasted 2 weeks. New members also took an active part in it.

Based on this data, the community completely changed the direction of its content. Public posts began to be published with offers to buy expedition backpacks. The result was not long in coming; sales increased 3 times after just a month of changing the promotion strategy.

Creating VKontakte polls

How to make a poll in a VK group? To do this, go to your VK community. In the post creation section, click on the “More” button.

From the pop-up menu, select the “Poll” item.

This will open a template for you to create your survey.

Enter a topic name. As an example, let's ask the question of which operating system is the best.

Below are sections for creating answer options. Let's enter the OS names there: Windows, Linux, MacOS.

After this, the entry will appear on the wall of your VKontakte group.

  1. Show votes from only one country: Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, etc. This parameter depends on the geography of the people who took part in the vote.
  2. Sort people by age.
  3. Show voices of women and men only.

A small window with a code will open in front of you.

Paste it into any part of your site and voting will be available there too. All data will also be recorded in your group. This feature is very useful if you need to scale your voting and get more opinions from your target audience.

To create this type of publication from mobile devices you need:

  1. Log in to the mobile version of VK.
  2. Open your community.

In the post creation section, click on the paperclip icon, which is responsible for attaching additional files and functions to published posts.

In the new window, select “Poll”.

Start creating it by writing the title of the topic and answer options.

What type of voting to choose

As you may have already noticed, there are two types of voting: public and anonymous. To make the right choice in favor of one type or another, you need to consider each of them.

An anonymous survey is used when you need to find out the opinions of your participants on a topic. The main advantage of this type is that the number of participants in anonymous voting will be many times greater than in public voting, because not all people want to “shine” their accounts in surveys.

Possible problems with VKontakte surveys

Low number of votes

A very common problem. Only 2-3% of the total number of users take surveys.

The main reason for this problem is that people are not at all interested in answering any questions in the poll. To increase user engagement, you need to create truly interesting surveys for your target audience.

There is no point in talking to women about which model of spinning rod is best for winter fishing.

Create the feeling that the opinion of each participant is truly important, that something will depend on their choice.

You can create some kind of survey on each VKontakte wall, and all your subscribers will be able to willingly participate in it. This method can increase activity in a group or public.

It may very well be that a person has only recently started his own group and now wants to create a survey on some topic. It seems at first glance that there will be no problems here. In fact, to create a poll, you only need to use a couple of buttons, after which the discussion will be published.

In this article we will tell you how to properly design and post a survey in a group. This topic will be especially relevant for those who have opened their group for the first time and are not yet fully familiar with all the built-in functionality.

  • 2 How to create a survey correctly
  • 3 Video lecture on making money online
  • 4 How to add a poll to group discussions

There are only 2 main ways to publish a survey in a group. By the way, please note that you can add a survey both in your group and on someone else’s page in the community where you are a subscriber. So, you can create a poll or vote in a community either on your own VKontakte page, and then pin it to the menu, or you can create a poll in discussions, and only then add it to the group’s main page.

Let's take a closer look at each of the proposed methods. First, to start creating a survey, you need to go to your own group. Or go to a group that you are a subscriber to.

How to create a survey correctly

Every VKontakte user has an idea of ​​how to correctly post on a wall using the “Write a message” button. To create a poll in a VKontakte group, you need to click the “Attach” button in the right corner. Then you will need to select a “survey” from the list provided. A window will appear in front of you where you will need to fill out the survey object of interest. And below, variations of answers will be offered, as in the test task.

How to easily create a public page on VKontakte

To prevent users from knowing who chose which answer, you can check the “anonymous online voting” box. It is also possible to attach a photo to the vote. To do this, in the right corner of the post you need to select the “pin” item, and then select the desired photo from the list that opens. When all actions are completed, select the “Create survey” option.

After some time, a new online voting will appear on the community wall. Now all community members will be able to answer your question. But there are also disadvantages here.

As new posts appear on the wall, your survey may disappear from the top positions. To prevent this from happening, you simply need to pin it in the menu. After that, all group members will be able to see it in first place among all other posts on the wall. The poll will remain in first place until it is deleted by a community administrator.

To pin a survey to your wall, you need to click on its name, after which a new window will appear. Next, you need to click on the “pin” button under the entry. Now this survey will be visible to everyone at the very top of the group.

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And if the administrator has his own website, then such a vote can be placed right there. To do this, you need to select the “get code” option, and in the window that appears you will need to copy the HTML code, which you need to paste into your own website.

How to add a poll to group discussions

According to many admins, questionnaires should be added specifically to the discussion point. Here we will look at how to do this correctly.

The downside is that this poll will only be in discussions.

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Develop your VKontakte community wisely: Read the complete guide to making money on VKontakte

If the author wants his survey to immediately catch the eye, then it must be added to the main page. To carry out this action, you need to select the “main” sub-item in the questionnaire settings. The survey will now appear on the main page. Also, subscribers and page visitors have the opportunity to repost your survey to their page.

Social networks have a feature that helps you easily conduct various types of surveys. This article tells you how to create a vote in a VKontakte conversation, in a group, or just on your page. The algorithm is simple and only takes a few steps. With it, any vote will be placed in the place you need.

Why are such topics created? Some users value their opinion on a certain issue. Others just need attention. And still others want the assessment of the majority.

The social network VKontakte, along with others, are modernizing their services. And you can create a survey in a few clicks. To do this, go to your personal page on VK and place the cursor in the “What’s new with you” line. An entry field will open. Below this line there will be icons with a choice of actions: add video, audio, photo and the “more” tab. We will need exactly the last point. Clicking on it will open a pop-up window and a list of other options:

  • Document;
  • The note;
  • Map;
  • Graffiti;
  • Product;
  • Survey;
  • Timer.

If you want to remove any option, click on the cross at the end of the line. Video and audio, as well as photographs and drawings are added to the voting. At the bottom there is an option to check the “Anonymous voting” box - this is necessary so that participating users are not displayed.

Many more people will take the test if their choice remains a secret.

Then click “send”. The created survey will appear on your page.

To ensure that users see it in the first rows, pin the post. When creating a survey in a group, the algorithm remains the same. Follow the above instructions. But in conversations there is no such function.

The VKontakte administration does not consider it necessary to create this functionality. Because everything you need can be found out without a survey. You can also always copy the voting code and add it to your correspondence. Your interlocutors will follow the link and be able to answer your questions.