Affiliate programs for business for legal entities in sra networks. Affiliate programs for clothing stores. Earning money with cash investments

In this article I want to show you how to properly organize earnings on the Internet through affiliate programs. And I’ll give you my “secret” list of 63 best affiliate programs. So that you can immediately apply your new knowledge and earn your first money today.

And first, let me show you with my own example whether it is really possible to earn income on the Internet from affiliate programs.

How much can you really earn from affiliate programs?

I’ll tell you straight out how it is - affiliate programs are not the most profitable way to make money on the Internet. In order to receive some kind of sane income (say 30-50 thousand rubles a month), you need to try very hard.

On the other hand, this is one of the most simple ways earnings. You don’t have to make your own products or provide any services. All you need to be able to do is drive traffic to landing pages partners.

For example, I never set myself the goal of making money from affiliate programs. However, there are some affiliate links scattered throughout this site where you are now. I arranged them without any system and very sloppily. But nevertheless, they bring me some additional income.

I even recorded a video for you in which I log into my affiliate account and show how much money “drips” to me per month.

Video - my earnings on the Internet through affiliate programs

Approximate figures for earnings on affiliate programs look like this. 80% of people earn almost nothing at all (except for one-time random income of 50-100 rubles). Approximately 15% earn around 2-5 thousand rubles per month. And only 5% of all people employed in the affiliate business have monthly earnings of several tens of thousands of rubles.

And there are, of course, a few who make hundreds of thousands a month - for example, on CPA affiliate programs (I will give links to them below in the article).

In any case, you shouldn’t count on huge earnings from the very beginning. First you need to try your hand and test several affiliate programs from the list that I give below. And then you will decide whether you should engage in this type of Internet business or whether it is better to choose.

And it’s best to test affiliate programs (and yourself) without making large investments. Otherwise, the money may run out much earlier than you get the result. And this is how I would do it if I decided today to start making money from affiliate programs from scratch.

A recipe for making money on affiliate programs without a website and almost without investments

I already wrote about this in an article (will open in a new tab). In my opinion, this is the most The best way promoting affiliate programs without a website and practically free of charge.

You see, the thing is, the product that you are advertising is the same product as everyone else. And it is sold according to exactly the same laws as all other products. And the main law of sales is this: buy from someone they trust.

That is, if you take a product and start offering it to your acquaintances and friends, they will buy it because they trust you (or they will not buy it because they don’t trust you). The entire network business is built on this.

But many budding Internet entrepreneurs think that they can take a product and simply offer it to everyone on the Internet. And then they wonder why they don’t have sales. Why should someone give their money just because you recommend it?

Accordingly, the largest incomes always come from those people who have a wide audience that trusts them. These are the owners of well-promoted sites or large subscription databases (and often these are the same people).

And here you have two options if you want to earn a lot from affiliate programs. The first option is to create a promoted resource yourself and through it gather around yourself a large number of people who trust you. But it's a long journey, and you won't achieve it overnight.

The second option is to use some of the influence and authority of those who already have it. And this is exactly what can be done literally in one evening.

How to use someone else's authority to advertise an affiliate program

Almost all owners of large and well-promoted sites make money from advertising. They hang it at their place advertising blocks Yandex Direct and Google Adsense. But the income from such advertising is always very low. Therefore, they also attract direct advertisers in every possible way.

And you, too, can easily advertise your affiliate product on such a site. Moreover, such advertising costs surprisingly little. The normal rate is 50-100 rubles. per day of display of your ad (and this is also on sites with high traffic of 10 - 20 thousand unique visitors per day).

That is, your action plan is something like this:

  1. Choose a partner program to your liking from the list below;
  2. Find a well-promoted website on the topic of your affiliate product;
  3. You hang your banner on this site for 50 rubles.

Another tip is to try to “hang yourself” on the day when the blog author publishes a new article. will come to her maximum amount The most valuable audience for us is the regular readers of this site. They are the ones who trust the site author (and his “recommendations”) the most. And they will be the first to notice changes on their favorite website - your new banner.

In addition, authors often send out a newsletter to their database notifying them that a new article has appeared on the site. And it attracts great amount“fiery” traffic - the author’s subscribers. Accordingly, for your 50 rubles you will receive maximum attention.

Why don't site owners do this themselves?

Recently, one reader asked me a very correct question— why don’t the owners of such sites themselves advertise profitable affiliate programs? Why do they need our measly 50 rubles, although they can earn thousands?

The answer here is very simple. Most owners of promoted websites do not understand affiliate programs at all. Yes, they are too lazy to understand them - who sells how, who pays how much, whether commissions are paid in good faith, and so on and so forth.

It’s much easier for them to immediately take money from you for advertising, and then at least the grass won’t grow. This is what we use.

And now, in fact, my “secret” list of the 63 best affiliate programs for making money on the Internet, which I once compiled for myself. In fact, there are even more affiliate programs here. Because in some points there are several links.

63 best affiliate programs for making money on the Internet

Affiliates for information businessmen

In the article, I already told you where it is better to look for affiliate programs and how not to run into scammers. And here is the actual list that I could recommend (with your permission, I will not put active links, so as not to clutter the article):

  1. Project ready-made solutions Vitaly Timofeeva,, Commission: 450 rub. from sale
  2. Alexey Vinograd,, Commission: 8970 rub. from sale
  3. Affiliate program of Ilya Tsibalist,, Commission: 500 rub. from sale
  4. Project Business Reality by Igor Zuevich,, Commission: 500 rub. from sale
  5. Information products of Dmitry Zverev,, Commission: 315 rub. from sale
  6. Partner program Dyrza Alexandra,, Commission: 270 rub. from sale
  7. Invest Consulting,, Commission: 7975 rub. from sale
  8. Affiliate program of Konstantin Artemyev,, Commission: 400 rub. from sale
  9. Affiliate of Andrey Ber,, Commission: 428 rub. from sale
  10. Alexandra Khoroshilova’s store,, Commission: 783 rub. from sale
  11. Affiliate of Alexander Aristarov,, Commission: 3000 rub. from sale
  12. Anton Protsenko,, Commission: 186 rub. from sale
  13. School online training"Netology" Commission 20-38%. Many different online courses on learning to work remotely. In this online school, many people can get great knowledge in order to find some kind of job for themselves in various companies... You can learn to be a designer, layout designer, sales manager, VKontakte, Facebook promotion manager, etc.
  14. Affiliate program of Natalia Odegova The commissions are not small. Very good feedback. Many training courses for obtaining a profession: copywriting, social network manager VKontakte, Facebook, Odnoklassniki, traffic specialist, etc.
  15. Affiliate program of the Yulia Volkodav school of copywriting: Good training, reviews.
  16. Affiliate program Training Center DreamWork Professional There is a good training for Internet project manager. A profession in demand today. Commissions from 30 to 100%.
  17. Zeus online business school - many different courses on doing business with China, courses on creating beautiful landing page(one-page sites), courses on time management, monetization of the YouTube channel, etc.
  18. Affiliate program of the legendary Eshko school - - many different training courses to study foreign languages and not only.
  19. Affiliate program of the mega-promoted school LinguaLeo
  20. The affiliate program of the web design school of Alexey Zakharenko, is very good courses and web design training in general.
  21. Affiliate program of Zinaida Lukyanova, cool training courses on Photoshop and more.
  22. Affiliate program of Igor Lokhman and Alexander Borisov - High-quality video for a blog in an hour - Mega powerful course on creating high-quality videos not only for a blog, but for yourself in general.
  23. Affiliate program of the YouTube Master course
  24. Affiliate program of Alex Yanovsky
  25. Affiliate program of Alexander Kurteev -
  26. Affiliate program of Andrey Bernatsky
  27. Affiliate program of the publishing house Info-DVD I would only recommend courses on trading and forex from these guys (if I ever got the idea to recommend something on this topic =)
  28. Affiliate program of Sergei Solyansky and Alexander Borisov “How to make money by creating banners”

Affiliates of Internet services

If you don’t want to associate with information businessmen, you can try advertising online services. A big advantage of such programs is recurring payments. That is, the service pays you commissions every time the user deposits subscription fee(usually every month).

  1. Affiliate program of Andrey Serebryakov and Alexander Borisov - a script for monetizing sites using BannerBro banners -
  2. Affiliate program for payment acceptance script on the website Order Master 2 and
  3. Affiliate program of the service for accepting payments and organizing an affiliate program
  4. Affiliate program of the Getresponse mailing service
  5. Mchost hosting affiliate program
  6. Fast VPS hosting affiliate program
  7. Affiliate program of services for freelancers,,
  8. Affiliate program of services:,,,
  9. Affiliate program for link purchasing services:,,
  10. Affiliate link of the service
  11. Affiliate program for webinar services:,
  12. Website accessibility check service:
  13. Services for checking website positions in search engines:,
  14. Affiliate program of the checktrust service:
  15. Affiliate program of the service
  16. Affiliate program of Maxim Pastukhov
  17. Affiliate program of payment systems,
  18. Affiliate program of the webmoney exchange and withdrawal service
  19. Affiliate program of teaser networks:,,
  20. Affiliate program for purchasing proxy servers for the KeyCollector program
  21. Affiliate CPA program networks,, and other CPA networks. There are a lot of them.
  22. Affiliate program of the service
  23. Online consultant affiliate program for the site,,,
  24. affiliate program online accounting My business
  25. Affiliate program
  26. Megaplan affiliate program
  27. Affiliate program Member Luxe -
  28. Affiliate program for counting the number of characters in the text of competitors
  29. Affiliate program of the script “Magint for subscribers”
  30. Affiliate program of the course " Backup according to the method of Evgeny Popov"
  31. Link management system script Redirector:
  32. Service for closing pirated distributions of courses and trainings -
  33. Affiliate program of the Rotaban service –
  34. Affiliate program of the service for advertising in social networks

This review will be devoted to affiliate programs for businesses focused on legal entities, which offer CPA networks and individual solutions.

In the future, I intend to supplement this post with reviews of affiliate programs to make it as informative as possible.

A variety of proposals regarding legal and accounting issues, training webinars and the like. These are all things that can be useful and increase the efficiency of work processes.

Most of the solutions presented here are in CPA networks, since this is the most logical and quick way attracting webmasters who are ready to attract this kind of traffic.

Partnership programs for business Unified State Register of Legal Entities and COPYTRUST

These two solutions are of the greatest interest, since they are thematic for almost all business-related resources. Both of them are available only in one advertising system MIXMARKET (DOES NOT WORK)

Unified State Register of Legal Entities – full access to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities of the Russian Federation is provided.

You can get 24/7:

1. Extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs.
2. Access to the database of enterprises, entrepreneurs, and various balance sheets.
3. Databases on legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.

Webmasters can make money on websites in two ways:

40 rubles – for each paid service;
240 rubles – for paying for a 1-day subscription to all paid services.

COPYTRUST – affiliate program working in the field of digital property and is suitable for all forms of business operating on the Internet who require:

Digital signature,
Electronic notary services,
Protect intellectual property and copyrights,
Register digital documents,
Confirm the authenticity of documents and their safety.

Webmasters can choose one of two formats for earning money through an affiliate program:

30% of all payments in the service,
10% of all payments and 40 rubles for registering users in the service.

Public Procurement Automation Partnership Program

The only affiliate program for legal entities with an offer to automate public procurement Persis – Advad (I DO NOT RECOMMEND! On the black list since 12/20/2017)

It's great for making money mailing lists, since such traffic is allowed for this offer.

The registration fee is 43 rubles.

The Persis service is focused on providing assistance in public procurement, allowing you to automate processes while controlling all stages.

Bank loans for business

Money topics are always relevant when monetizing traffic on the Internet; a financial affiliate program that works with business loans is LEADS .

This is the main profile system in the RuNet for this topic; offers in it are constantly rotated. Conditions change daily, so I recommend bookmarking it to always have up-to-date information.

On this moment there are 4 offers based on our request in

Tax and accounting reporting

The service for maintaining and submitting accounting and tax reporting, Kontur Elba, will be extremely useful to all entrepreneurs, especially those working under the Unified System of Internal Revenue and the simplified tax system.

The platform provides maximum necessary and useful services:

For ease of use and permanent access implemented mobile app for all types of devices.

Anna Sudak

# Business on affiliate programs

Earnings without investment

How to make money online through affiliate programs today? Step-by-step instruction working with partners.

Article navigation

  • What is an affiliate program and how to make money from it
  • Types of cooperation with affiliate programs
  • Who can earn money from affiliate programs
  • Earnings without investment
  • Step-by-step guide to start making money
  • Earning money with cash investments
  • How to make money from affiliate programs on your website
  • Earning money from affiliate programs without your own website
  • How much can you earn from affiliate programs?
  • Training to make money on affiliate programs
  • 9 rules for choosing your dream project

Do you know what unites all people on the planet? Love of money. Where is a lot of money today? Of course, on the Internet.

This will sound crazy, but every day, when you go online, you are literally trampling on a huge pile of money. Do you want them? Then check out one of the most profitable ways earnings.

Ready? Go!

What is an affiliate program and how to make money from it

The best and most popular earnings without investment on the Internet in 2019 - these are affiliate programs. One of the forms of advertising activity of services providing goods or services. It is used to increase sales. For each person you refer, the service pays a percentage of the sale (and not only, but more on that later). And also provides necessary tools to attract: banners, unique links, advertising texts.

Of course, it won’t be possible without investments. We decided to do it fast start in World Wide Web? Be prepared to spend time, effort, and sometimes personal finance(A little).

Without going into details, the affiliate generates cash flow from the links. And it looks like this: registration => assignment unique link=> distribution => payment of dividends. As you can see, there is no magic here. You brought a lead and earned a reward. Be sure to read the article to the end, because in it you will find step by step guide to start in this niche. Well, we continue...

Types of cooperation with affiliate programs

Affiliate programs are divided into 4 types:

  • Type 1. Pay per click. The lowest paid type. You place a banner or link on your own online platform, the visitor clicks on it and goes to the service whose services you are advertising. This is what you get paid for. Not much, 1-3 cents per click.
    And all because a person, having switched to third party resource, just get to know him or leave forever. Why then is this method of promotion needed at all? A reasonable question. But it gives results. Traffic to the online resource is increasing, and there are prospects of finding buyers with deep wallets.
  • Type 2. Payment for impressions. This affiliate the income will be fine those who have a cool, well-promoted resource with high traffic. You place an ad of a certain size on it and you get a percentage for those who viewed the ad. Usually they pay up to $5 for 1000 views.
  • Type 3. Payment for actions. Here the income is higher. The reward is paid when the lead you attract takes some action. He will download something, register somewhere, watch something. How more difficult action, the higher the deductions. Making money from videos is very popular.
  • Type 4. Payment for sales. The most profitable and hardest way to get rich. Because you need to not only attract, but also force a person to buy something. There are also advantages: such clients bring up to 40% of profits. Moreover, once the lead you bring is assigned to you forever. He buys - you get a percentage.

Is it possible to earn more than 3,000 rubles a day by promoting an affiliate program? free methods? Quite. But you'll have to plow. Which method is better? Hard to tell. Each of them has both advantages and disadvantages. Owners of large resources approach the issue comprehensively. That is, four methods are used at once. Therefore, their income is always high and stable.

Who can earn money from affiliate programs

Eliminate from your life the belief that only webmasters can make money here. This is wrong. A niche can become an airfield for take-off for both professionals and beginners taking their first steps in mastering the Internet.

Of course, if you have a web project or blog, things will be easier. But you can do without them by simply posting promotional materials in the signature of a letter or forum, on social network pages or in thematic communities. The main thing is not to spam. Otherwise, instead of deductions, you will be banned.

Earnings without investment

It's very easy to get started. Choose a resource, register and start distributing information about the product. Nothing complicated, right? Now let's take a closer look at how to do this.

Step-by-step guide to start making money

So we get to the main thing (well... almost), namely, “testing the waters.” We took the Logaster company as an example. Here we will clearly show you the principles of the affiliate program. As practice shows, it is similar everywhere. So when choosing an affiliate program for yourself, you will know exactly what needs to be done first.

Go to Logaster

Step 1. Select and register. So, the first thing you and I do is choose a product or service. Next we go through registration. We are already on the Logaster page. A standard form opens in front of you. Fill it out, read the rules (MANDATORY!), and check the “I Accept” box.

Step 2. Open email box. After you have filled out the form, the system will generate a password for you to log in. Personal Area. Now you need to go to Mailbox, open the letter, copy the data.

Step 3. Enter. Copied from email We enter the data in the appropriate fields on Logaster. Most affiliate programs at this step will ask you to choose one of the products/ trade offers for advancement. There is no need for this in Logaster, since the service provides only one service.

Step 5. Make a choice. The website contains two types of referral links: for ru (Russian version of the site) and for com (English version). To get the Russian language, select in the banners section “RU Logaster Campaign” with the banner type “Text. Link" and click "Apply".

Step 6. Get the code and paste it into an article or post on a social network.

Step 7. Track statistics. Keep track of your score in the “Reports” section.

Earning money with cash investments

As mentioned above, you can generate money both without investments (you have to spend more effort and time) and with investments. But even if you plan to “pour” free funds into advertising, you shouldn’t relax.

How to make money from affiliate programs on your website

This is a powerful activity and it brings real money. Constantly. But only if you stick to a few simple rules, namely:

  1. In pursuit of big earnings always remember about your visitors and constantly pamper them with cool and useful content, pleasant surprises and gifts.
  2. Place advertisements relevant to the theme of your online project. Well, whatever one may say, a glowing picture of a sex shop on a page with children's products will be at least inappropriate.

Earning money from affiliate programs without your own website

So, it’s clear how to “make money” in this topic, having your own platform. What to do if it is not there? Of course, also earn money. And we'll tell you how. But before that, remember two golden rules. They will relieve frustration and save kilometers of your nerves.

  • Before you run to look for buyers for the service, BE SURE to read the rules of its use.
  • Check that the partner's authentication method is consistent and transparent. After all, no one needs misunderstandings. Is it true?

And now... Meet the TOP 5 ways to attract leads without your own portal.

  1. Social media. Social networks have long become widespread trading platforms. How can you start promoting your product there? Here are some ways. Place the information directly on your page as a recommendation. Alternatively, create a fictional character and sell products through him. Or open groups, communities, hangouts where you can share information about the product. Invite your friends there and ask them to make maximum repost. Believe me better promotion, how word of mouth haven't figured it out yet.
  2. Away posts. You prepare a post (eyeliner), insert it into it unique code and post it on someone else’s blog, group, forum, community. But remember, no spam. And the placement sites must correspond to the theme of what you are advertising.
  3. Comments. One thing is clear, you need to write something in someone’s group, blog, etc. BUT! Don’t rush to advertise and shout that you will give something cosmic. This hasn't worked for a long time and, to be honest, it's annoying. What should I do? Go to the thematic forum, read the topic, comments of other users. Leave an expert opinion on a particular issue and say that you have a solution to the problem. Leave your contacts and note that you will answer anyone who is interested. Of course, the work is painstaking, but the game is worth the candle. Also with articles in blogs, groups, communities.
  4. Paid advertising. An effective but expensive method. Especially if you are a beginner and don’t know anything about how to set up ads. Even after reading free stuff, there is a risk of “draining” savings into nowhere. Therefore, before you start advertising a product/service, it is better to consult with a specialist.
  5. Free press release. Many (very many) online publications are looking for talented authors who will write articles for them. And if it’s also free, it’s just space. Take advantage of the opportunity. Write the text, insert a recommendation for the product and post it on cool multimedia portal. Better text make it optimized for SEO. It should also be easy, useful and interesting for the reader.

At first glance, all this seems complicated, right? But with practice, you will get the hang of it, reach a decent level of income and proudly say: “I make money without a website” and laugh loudly at those who are sure that to work on the Internet you need to be a cool webmaster with an expensive web resource, which is used daily 100,000 unique visitors come in.

How much can you earn from affiliate programs?

Income here depends on several factors. Let's figure out which ones.

  • Features of the program. You need to understand what we are selling, to whom and how much. After all, without getting to know the target audience of a product or service, you are unlikely to be able to find the key to the client’s heart.
  • Traffic. The bigger, the better. Of course, depending on the type of service you choose. In the case of sales, everything is a little different. There you need to win not by the quantity of clients, but by their quality.
  • Percentage of deductions. There is no need to “pounce” on large deductions, since some projects are not profitable at all.

So how much can you earn on affiliate programs per month? Income here is unlimited. Depends on you, your activity and, of course, the conditions of the project itself. How to choose the best? More on this a little later, but for now...

Training to make money on affiliate programs

Even without special knowledge, you can start in this niche today. But will this give results? If you decide to master this type of activity on your own, be prepared to study and work hard.

But courses are an option that will save your time, since most often they provide working, systematized information that can help you quickly get your first money on the Internet. But, of course, it's up to you to decide.

9 rules for choosing your dream project

Alas, no one has the gift of foresight that reveals the secrets of future income, but there are some observations that can increase your capital today.

  • Uniqueness. Choose something non-trivial and fresh. What will arouse interest and imagination. Then you will be able to attract more people, and the competition will be much lower.
  • Free cheese in a mousetrap. Don’t be fooled by freebies, much less advertise them. This will not lead to anything good.
  • Follow the proven path. Training sessions and master classes have always been of great interest. It's interesting, spectacular and expensive. Especially if foreigners teach.
  • Duration. Give preference to programs aimed at long-term business relationships (“Offer-partner”).
  • Single theme. Look for projects that correspond to the theme of the resource on which promotion is planned.
  • The percentage is important. Look at the percentage. It should be higher than your investment (costs of paid advertising).
  • Let's give the best. To attract a client and make him spend money, offer him the most comfortable conditions for cooperation. For example, free shipping straight into your hands. Or e-book as a gift with the purchased course.
  • Regularity of deductions. Reward for your online wallet or the card must arrive at least once a week. If the service offers other conditions, think carefully about whether it’s worth contacting it at all?

Coming up with an idea for your business isn't easy, but sometimes you don't have to come up with something new to succeed. You can use already implemented ideas for the basis and own efforts modernize them to stand out among competitors. Well, to increase your chances of success, choose good area for your business.

Affiliate business on the Internet brings huge profits experienced users. Its essence is extremely simple, you need to become a partner of one of major projects and actively attract customers. For each transaction with an invited client, the company will pay a reward, and there are a huge number of such companies in the network.

How to build an affiliate business?

When you start looking for a service to collaborate with, be sure to visit affiliate program aggregators. These systems offer many different offers. For example, you can use and connect to some gaming offer:

As you can see, for the fact that the player you attracted logs into the game, you already receive 50 rubles. And when the player spends 2 hours in the game, you will be additionally credited with 200 rubles. In a similar way, you can search for people for other purposes, for example, buying anti-smoking magnets:

For each confirmed order, the partner receives a reward and you can see it in the image. There are really a lot of such offers in affiliate program networks and you can attract clients to online lending services, online stores, website promotion systems, and portals with gambling and so on.

How to attract a lot of people to affiliate programs?

To do this, you will definitely need to create your own platform. Decide for yourself which platform is best to create; below are the best options:

Without a doubt, the promoted site is the best option for affiliate business. For this type of income you don’t need a complex service, start a simple blog and fill it as much as possible big amount interesting articles. Even beginners can create blogs in one day without any special skills, using the WordPress engine.

On each affiliate aggregator, you can add a community from social networks as a source of traffic. Perhaps this option is more suitable for you, since it is easier to implement for a group than to create a website. But you need to understand that promoting a community requires a huge investment of time and money (on advertising).

3. YouTube channel.

This option is not suitable for everyone, but the competition here is much lower than in in social networks or in the area of ​​websites. Don't think that everything interesting topics for channels are already occupied, you can become a YouTube star, even with a couple of original videos. And monetizing your channel through affiliate programs is quite profitable, because you can add video advertising to your videos.

4. Traffic arbitrage.

The only way you won't have to wait long. The bottom line is to use advertising services. You connect to the offer, receive links to invite people and add them to advertising on one of the advertising networks (YAN, Google AdWords). Will need to invest a certain amount, so that your advertising is shown on other people's sites, but when customers start coming through it, you will return all the money through affiliate rewards.

Some people may say that it is better to open your own business and not attract clients to other businessmen. This may be a better option, but it is much more difficult to implement. As for profit, you can make good money from an affiliate business on the Internet:

The amounts are serious, but to attract people, these webmasters use well-promoted resources with huge traffic. Can you achieve the same success? Certainly!

The most important thing is not to forget that any platform has a thematic connection and, based on this, you need to select offers. For example, if the target audience- these are minor users, then there is no point in advertising smoking magnets; it is better to advertise online games.

I have long been planning to write an article on the topic of making money on affiliate programs. And now, after several months of experiments and several thousand rubles spent, the article is ready.

What you will learn from this article:

  1. Business model and a little theory
  2. Working (currently) case for making money on affiliate programs
  3. The whole truth about this type of earnings or what bloggers are silent about
  4. My useful tips

Business model

A few words about how it all works.

You buy at advertising network traffic and redirect it through your affiliate link to the affiliate site. If one of your visitors makes a purchase on the site or required action(leave your email, register on the site, download the game), then you will receive a reward. This business model is also called CPA (cost per action).

People who earn money in this way are called arbitrageurs. Essentially, they buy traffic cheaply in one place and sell it expensively in another.

What is traffic?

Traffic is the flow of visitors going to the affiliate site from different sources. For example, from advertising banners or teasers.

Where can you buy traffic?

What is an affiliate program?

Where to find affiliate programs?

Affiliate programs are respectively collected from affiliate aggregators or affiliate networks. Affiliate networks bring together advertisers (business owners who offer CPA offers) and people who want to make money from it (website owners or you as traffic arbitrageurs)

Now that we have understood the theory, we can begin to practice. I have prepared for you a completely working guide that will help you start making money on traffic arbitrage and understand how it all works. Just follow everything as written in the instructions.

Working case on working with an affiliate program

To work, we will need the Admitad affiliate network and the Popunder advertising network.

1 On home page Click on the cross at the top right and add a platform. The platform is your advertising network where you will buy traffic.

2 Fill in the fields as in the picture (you can change the lower text):
  • Go to the Programs menu > Program catalog.
  • Filter by category Browser games
  • Find the Battlestar Galactica RU affiliate program and click the More details button.

As you can see, the affiliate is ready to pay us 0.65 euros for registering a new player in their game.

4 On next page Click the submit application button.

  • At the top, select our Pop-under advertising platform.
  • We agree with the rules.
  • Write what kind of experienced affiliate marketer you are and what quality traffic you have.
  • And click the connect button.
  • We repeat the same thing, only for the VKontakte site.

Why connect two sites to one affiliate program?

Most affiliate programs treat traffic from social networks well (unless of course this type traffic is not prohibited) and they immediately allow you to work. And unpromoted advertising networks are treated with suspicion and may not connect you.

Therefore, in case of failure to connect Pop-under, we will have VKontakte, through which we will send traffic from Pop-under. I checked, no one checks where the traffic to the affiliate comes from (at least this affiliate definitely doesn’t check).

We have submitted applications for connection, now you can relax and wait a few days for the affiliate to connect you.

So, we were connected to the offer and now we have access to advertising materials and affiliate links.

5 I have already selected the most suitable banners, all you have to do is follow the instructions:

  • Filter them by size and type
  • Click on the banner and click the download button

As I said, we will use the PopUnder advertising network for this.

  • Adding the company name
  • Advertising link from Admitad
  • Select ad type Slider
  • Payment will be for transitions
  • And add our affiliate program advertising banners

In the Geography section, select all countries that are allowed by the affiliate program. They can be viewed in Admitad under the terms of the affiliate program.

In the Browsers section, select Basic Browsers. Game for computers and mobile browsers we don't need it.

In the Schedule item, set from 0 o'clock to 12-00. I’ll tell you why up to 12 below.

Set the minimum price - 1000 rubles. for 1000 transitions. That is, 1 rub. for the transition.

Once everything is filled out, click the button – Add and run.

The company will go for moderation. It usually takes a few minutes.

As soon as the company passes moderation, you can top up your balance. It is best to top up your balance through WebMoney; they have the lowest commission of 0.8%.

I usually top up with 300 rubles. This is enough to check the offer for conversion.

As soon as the account is replenished, impressions of your ads and clicks on advertisements will immediately begin. You can sit back and watch your money melt away before your eyes (just kidding). I have tested this scheme and you will not go into a minus.

Now I'll show you financial results for this offer.

As you can see, eCPC (earnings from one click) is 1.61 rubles. - this means that I earn 61 kopecks from each click on my advertising. And according to the idea, with 1000 rubles invested in advertising, I should earn 610 rubles (but not everything is so simple :))

Confirmed 433.13 rubles are registrations verified by the offer and I can already withdraw this money. By the way, the PopUnder platform has not yet been connected to me and I earned this money through the VKontakte platform (although I was getting traffic from PopUnder). As you can see, everything was successfully confirmed and was transferred to PayPal by me. I had about 7 euros left from other experiments, and in the end I withdrew 11.94 to myself on PayPal.

Open 1461.83 - this will still be checked, but I think there will be no problems.

Total earned: 1895 rub.

Now let's see how much was spent on advertising in PopUnder:

Total: Earned 1895 – Spent 1569 = Net profit 326 rubles.

You should have more to say! And you are absolutely right.

But there is one thing. Let's see how many transitions I paid for in the advertising network - 1676, and how many transitions Admitad counted - 1183. In total, 493 transitions were simply not counted.

What caused this to happen?

First. Advertising networks aim to count as many conversions as possible and earn as much as possible from you, while affiliate networks aim to count as few visitors as possible and pay you less compensation.

Let's imagine that someone clicked on your advertising banner, the advertising network deducted 1 ruble from you, but the user’s Internet was disconnected or the site took a long time to load and he did not reach the game site, that’s it, you lost 1 ruble.

Another variant. The user’s IP in the advertising network was determined to be from the Russian Federation and he was shown your ad and he clicked on it, but in the affiliate network the user’s IP was determined to be from another country (prohibited by this offer) and you again lost money.

In general, you will lose 10-15 percent of traffic in any case.

The second reason.

You must always be very careful. Always check advertising links to ensure they are working and carefully read the terms and conditions of the offer.

The rules of this affiliate program stated “The affiliate program has a limited daily budget!” This means that if an offer has exhausted its budget (for example, 100 registrations per day), then affiliate links no longer work and all your traffic goes into emptiness.

As you can see, everything is simple, I bought it there, sold it here and made money. But don’t rush to rejoice, below I will talk about what sellers of various information courses and bloggers who make money from referrals are silent about.

The whole truth about making money on affiliate programs

I'll start with this picture:

This is my referral statistics on Admitad. I have 411 referrals, of which only 2 are active, but they don’t earn anything.

Making money on arbitrage is very difficult. Almost everyone wastes their advertising budgets and abandons this business.

Have you ever wondered why affiliate programs don’t directly advertise themselves? Why were these CPAs and affiliate networks invented?

It’s simple, in order to make traffic a plus you need to have a good understanding of various types advertising traffic and have extensive experience working with advertising networks. The online store or the game creators do not understand this, so they are ready to pay professionals using the CPA scheme.

Arbitration is always testing, optimization and searching for cheap and high-quality traffic.

Look how much money I lost to find at least one offer with income.

  1. I bought traffic on Teasermedia and transferred it to Elonleads.

Cream for beard growth. 300 rubles lost. earned 0 rub.

Browser game "Path of Lords". 500 rubles lost. – 1 registration, earned $0.45

It turns out that I sent them 381 people, and they counted me 205 of which 5 times, I probably went in myself to check the functionality of the link. Spent 396 rubles, earned 48 rubles.

These are the examples that I remembered. There were also experiments with mobile affiliate programs and so on.

Without spending a few thousand, you won't start making money. How do you know, if you are a beginner, where is the traffic, what is the best place to send it, where are the most expensive offers and where are the honest affiliate networks?

This all comes with experience, and for this experience you will have to pay.

There is no point in buying information courses. Not a single arbitrator will burn working topic, he will use it to the last and will make money from it.

I talked about a working scheme only because it has a limited budget.

But if you are a beginner, this great way understand how everything works and not blow your budget to zero.

In affiliate networks there is such a thing as a hold. A hold is freezing your earned money from several days to a month. It is needed to check the quality of your traffic, in case you brought a bunch of schoolchildren from the axle boxes and they made a bunch of fake registrations. If this is the case, then you will not see your money, and your account may be blocked.

One more thing. Usually in affiliate networks there are levels of access to offers. The more an offer pays for a lead or sale, the more difficult for a beginner will connect to it. When connecting, you will be asked to talk about your experience and show screenshots of where you are getting traffic from. As you understand, all the best offers will not be available to beginners.

Even if you have found an excellent offer and are sending traffic to it with a good conversion rate, this does not mean that you can relax and do nothing. Very often, affiliate programs change their working conditions, stop their offers, change geotargeting, etc. All this needs to be constantly monitored.

As you can see, everything no longer looks as simple as at the beginning. If you still have a desire to work in this direction, I want to give you some advice based on my little experience.

  1. Allocate some money for experiments. I recommend starting with 3,000 rubles.
  2. Don’t take expensive offers where you need to sell something or fill out a form for the bank. Only professionals work in this area; for now it will be difficult for you to fight them.
  3. I recommend that you first choose offers with simple actions. Leave an email, register in a browser game, etc.
  4. Teasers are the cheapest, but also the lowest quality traffic; it is difficult to convert.
  5. Do not send money to an advertising network until you fully understand its functionality. There may be problems with affiliate links, ad formats, etc. When everything has been checked, top up your balance with a small amount.
  6. Your money will always be either in the advertising network or on hold in the affiliate network. Choose reliable sites.
  7. Is not passive income, you will have to work and monitor the situation all the time

I have compiled a list of proven affiliate and advertising networks for you:

Teaser networks. The cheapest traffic.

Banners, pop-ups and other formats. Traffic is better and more expensive.