Mark Internet resources that are social networks. Russian social networks

A couple of decades ago, the concept of a social network had a completely different meaning than it does now, and a wired telephone, against the backdrop of paper letters, telegrams and postcards, looked like a technical revolution. Now everything is different. Today the difference between modern forty-year-old parents and sixty-year-old grandparents on the one hand, and their children and grandchildren on the other, is greater than between the early Europeans and their ancestors three centuries later. Literally every year brings technological innovations that force humanity to change and move through life even faster. The wide and constant growth of their influence is evidence of this.

Modern social networks

Not so long ago, humanity became acquainted with social networks on the Internet. Technically, it is an interactive website, allowing it to be used by a large number of users. Such a site exists to create, reproduce and integrate social interactions on the World Wide Web. Users include both individuals and communities connected by common hobbies, representatives of small and medium-sized businesses, and large organizations. These groups also include thematic forums, especially specialized ones, which have been developing rapidly in recent years.

Typically, the site space makes it possible to indicate information about yourself (year of birth, general and higher educational institutions, favorite activities, etc.), by which the author’s account can be found by other participants. Social networks are divided into open and closed. One of the typical features of such services is the system of “friends” and “groups”.

The massive development of new Internet trends began in the mid-90s, when popular social projects appeared, first abroad, and then in Russia. But the official beginning of this rise is considered to be the beginning of the 21st century, when several popular social services appeared at once.

Nowadays, the latest social networks are very popular among modern users. The only problem is how to find a platform based on your interests, to choose a really interesting place for virtual communication. Sometimes the Internet makes it possible to replace live dialogue with electronic dialogue.

Microblogging service

Twitter is a new generation social network that has quickly become famous. It is a slightly unusual “social network” that makes it possible to send short text notifications and photographs. All data on the user's page is open for others to view.

  1. The speed of information exchange between subscribers is much faster than in other social networks.
  2. All published data is available to users who have their own Twitter account.
  3. You can write a so-called “tweet” in literally one click. This kind of speed is welcomed by users. No need to type posts for a long time.
  4. Being a member of this network is fashionable these days. Therefore, many people work with it, even when there is no real need.

To work with a social network, the user must first go through the registration process. It happens quickly. Just enter your phone number, email address, desired nickname and password. Then you can start writing posts. The text is allowed to be supplemented with pictures and photographs, videos and polls, links, hashtags, and so on.

Icebergs - organizer like a social network

Icebergs is a popular social network created in recent years. The site was developed by A. Prett. He chose the simplest path - he just brought together the possibilities of the Internet that many people use these days. Thus, a new social network called Icebergs emerged.

Here you can read books, publish posts, play games, create groups, chat, or simply watch videos and type messages. In fact, Icebergs is a huge organizer of all the user's images, notes, texts and other materials. But the author went further than anyone could have imagined - he brought everything together, combining it with a social network interface.

Bookish - a community for book lovers and writers

Other new social networks, such as, can also become very useful and necessary. The site is focused specifically on working with books. Here you can not only exchange opinions on different works or communicate with other book lovers, but also read and purchase goods. There is also a news feed where interviews with writers and publishers are published. Therefore, for a writer or poet, such a social network will also be interesting from a professional point of view. In it, authors will be able to work on promoting their works.

In addition, Bookish will introduce new authors and works from many genres. True, today there are not many registered users on this service. But the number of active pages is growing rapidly. There are especially many creative people on the social network.

Hey - analogue of Facebook

Hey.Im has become another social network of modern times. The network is designed to find like-minded people with similar interests. In Russia, the service is not yet very popular; Hey.Im more often replaces Facebook. The latter makes it possible to find a friend by his address, as well as look at his profile, where his interests, favorite films, music, and so on are indicated.

Experts say that Hey.Im will still become popular. The service is focused on finding friends and communicating. The design is minimalistic, many features that are usually found on social networks are missing here.

Ask fm - question and answer service

The social network is not quite a standard “social network”. This is a question and answer network that started seven years ago. The site was developed in Latvia. After registration, the participant uploads his profile. You can use either your real name or a pseudonym. On the social network, you can ask questions to other users and answer those that were asked to you. is connected to other social networks, which have contributed to the rapid spread of this site.

The service has become a very famous new social network in our country and in a number of other countries. The number of users has reached several tens of millions of people in a relatively short period of time. The popularity of the site is due to its focus, ease of management and the ability to easily find the information you need.

Family leaf - communication service for parents

The newest social network is aimed at users who are looking for an opportunity to get information and communicate on issues of family values ​​or raising children. In principle, the site can be considered specialized, with a pedagogical focus. In this regard, family leaf occupies an important direction, always arousing interest. Therefore, the growth in popularity of the social network in the near future is inevitable.

In Russia, this newest social network is not yet very well known; there are very few Russian-language pages; those interested can only be sent to register in English-language counterparts. Although positive changes in the development of the social network are obvious. It is clear that these topics are not alien to Russians. Many parents are interested in learning about methods of raising children and adolescents abroad. They will be happy, in turn, to share their experience.

Social image sharing network Pinterest

Not all social networks are focused only on personal pages. For example, Pinterest is a social network with specialized content. Pinterest (in the Russian version “Pinterest”) is a site that is often positioned as a social network where users have the opportunity to post photographs. The resource is designed in the form of a “corkboard”, on which it is possible to create sets of images and divide them by topic. Users can explore other users' boards and also work with a virtual button to post pictures. You can like boards or individual pictures posted by other users.

Authors working on this newest social network, Pinterest, are exposed to the great functionality of the site. The interface makes it possible to publish photographs, save them, sort them, and manage video files. The main tool is pointed buttons (pins), with which images can be attached to the electronic board. The latter are usually divided into different topics.

Fancy - a social network for collectors

Another newest social network is Fancy. Its additional function is a forum for collectors. Here you can talk with friends, post images of your collections, and also purchase something. You can simply search for the information you are interested in using a simple search system and a large number of filters. Fancy is a business website, a blog, a social network, and a photo album. But at present, this network is not popular outside the United States.

Other modern social networks

The newest social networks are quite diverse and are not limited to those discussed above. More and more interesting resources are constantly emerging. For example, Thumb. This social network has an important feature. The main purpose of the service is to convey reactions to the decisions of your friends. Therefore, Thumb is a tool that can help you discuss solutions to some problems with other users.

This network function is liked by users both in Western countries and in our country. Thumb is a great solution for people who like to comment and rate various events.

Popular social networks in Russia

In our country, services lag a little behind, but certain development is also visible. For example, in addition to those already noted above, a new social network, FactCloud, has appeared. In fact, this is a domestic analogue of the foreign Thumb. On the site you can communicate and also support friends, make decisions with them and find out the results of their actions.

Social Internet platforms appear very quickly and in large numbers, meeting the individual’s need for communication and socialization. The creators of web resources do not want to repeat themselves, and this does not make sense - no one will want to switch to analogue services, users will remain faithful to familiar social networks. Therefore, developers are constantly looking for something new: new features, new functions and new designs. And not just new, but radically different. This is the only way to interest users.

Of course, we shouldn’t forget about the list of social networks that have been popular for a long time. These are Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, and Facebook that are familiar to everyone. Numerous user groups communicate here regularly. Of course, these sites do not have as many functions that exist in the latest social networks, but, nevertheless, contact using these services is simple and convenient.

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube top the social media rankings worldwide, but users in Russia (and other post-Soviet countries such as Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine) often prefer regional replacements for these platforms.

And this difference in popularity can be of great importance to companies that use such sites for advertising, since it can completely change the marketing strategy (which is used in other parts of the world). In addition, social networks, the rating of which in Russian-speaking countries differs from the global one, can provide enormous opportunities for international communication. Currently, eight social networks are the most popular.

"In contact with"

VK (formerly known as VKontakte) is the most widespread social network in Russia these days, with more than 46.6 million visitors per month. Undoubtedly, this resource tops the ranking of social networks in the post-Soviet space.

There are many interesting opinions about this site, but it can best be described as a combination between Facebook and a data sharing service. Similar to Facebook, each user has a profile and can search and add other users as friends to see their status updates, new photos and videos.

Along with these traditional functions, users can also download audio and video files of any kind and share these resources with other people. This has previously come under scrutiny as it has at times crossed legal lines, but recent reports indicate that VK is now working with major record labels. This made it possible to launch a subscription service that allows you to legally share media files. This is why VKontakte has been leading the ranking of social networks in Russia for several years.


While VKontakte may be the most popular service among younger users (ages 18-35), OK (originally Odnoklassniki) is the more commonly preferred social network. This service has more than 31.5 million visitors per month, with a larger percentage (69%) being women. This platform, by the way, was the first in Russia and, one might say, gave rise to such a phenomenon as social networks. The ranking of sites in this category will always remain incomplete without mentioning it.

Like VK, OK allows users to create profiles, search for friends, and share status updates and images. The main purpose of creating the platform is to communicate with classmates and friends with whom users may have lost contact many years ago, so the search parameters are quite detailed.

Additionally, the site has a feature that provides information about who has visited your page (whether or not you are their friend). To view the profiles of other users, there is an anonymity feature for which you must pay (to enable “Invisibility Mode”).

"My world"

Perhaps the best generally accepted analogue of the Russian “My World” is Google+. Both of these services are extensions of an Internet email provider (in the case of “My World” - "My World" has struggled to find its own unique niche on a broader level, but the network's popularity is not that great. However, more than 16.6 million people use this service every month to share images, music and videos, as well as to play games and meet new friends, which is why it is included in the ranking of social networks. The My World online search strategy contains several parameters that are not available in other platforms.


Social networks, which have a high rating all over the world, have not bypassed the post-Soviet space. Even though Facebook is not the most popular site in Russia, its popularity has definitely begun to grow - it now receives more than 21.6 million Russian-speaking visitors per month. This is not surprising, since Facebook is constantly changing its platform to better meet the needs of users.

Analysts believe that one of the reasons why Facebook is becoming increasingly popular in Russia is business communication. According to some sources, more than 30% of business discussions in Russia take place on Facebook. Therefore, it will not be surprising if this platform tops the ranking over time


Livejournal is a blogging platform that has been around since 1999, but has not been used in much of the world since then. This trend is far from true in Russia, where more than 15.1 million users visit LiveJournal every month. This figure is more than half of the site's total traffic.


Twitter is another classic social media site that works well in Russia. While it doesn't get as many unique monthly visitors as the other services on this list (about 7.7 million monthly visitors), it does boast a following of every user. So while Twitter may not be a mainstay for most Russian social media users, those who choose to use it do so on a large scale.

Rutube and YouTube

Rutube is essentially Russia's answer to YouTube - a social media platform focused on video sharing for content of all types. Although the service hasn't reached the same reach as YouTube, it has collected a lot of content from a variety of users.

Rutube hosts both licensed content and user uploads. The vast majority of downloads are in Russian. This high percentage of Russian content makes the platform an incredibly valuable resource for those trying to learn the language.


The first social media platform on this list, Instagram, has become extremely popular in the past few years, and its popularity in Russia is no exception. Instagram is quickly moving up the rankings, and today has 12.3 million monthly users (of which 77% are young women).

This shift in popularity is largely due to the crossover between Instagram and other platforms where users can use great photo editing tools. This allows you to enhance and capture a photo and then post it on both Instagram and other popular social media sites.

While Instagram's core features continue to be easy to access and use, there are several options for tools and third-party apps that most users don't even know about. It is expected that this platform will soon top the popularity ratings of social networks in most countries.

Concluding this review, it is worth noting that the success of such unique social networks as VK and OK in Russia and neighboring countries may surprise those who are accustomed to Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, which have a complete monopoly in the world.

There are definitely a number of advantages to sites targeting a specific user base, whether geographically (as in these examples) or based on demographics (age of users).

Continuing the topic of social networks that I raised the other day (by the way, if you haven’t read the post about Russian social networks), I offer you a translation of the article “33 places to hang out in the era of social networks,” published on the blog. The article is an impressive list of foreign social networks and gives a good insight into this rapidly growing market. Over the past two years, the popularity of social networks has increased significantly. Everyone can find a network to their liking; there are networks for dogs, parents, book lovers and shopaholics. In my opinion, it is very useful and interesting to spend time on social networks. It is because of the growing interest in social media that I created this list. I think that it will be useful for those who, despite existing profiles on MySpace or Bebo, are ready to look for something new and interesting.

Please note that I did not include in the list services focused on social bookmarking, as well as systems “with a hint” of social networks (YouTube or Flickr). I have also divided the list into two categories - general and special. The list covers only those services that are available to a wide range of users (no closed beta by invitation).

MySpace is the largest social network in the world. It conquered the United States with tremendous speed; MySpace now has about 80 million users. In 2005, it was bought by Newscorp for $580 million. MySpace continues to develop rapidly and at the moment it is she who determines the development of social networks.

Bebo - unlike the Americanized MySpace, Bebo is designed for other English-speaking countries such as England, Australia and New Zealand. Bebo is very similar in functionality to MySpace. Initially, Bebo was created in order to communicate between friends, but subsequently the network has grown and currently has about 40 million users.
Recommended for: teenagers, young adults

Tagworld – founded in the fall of 2005. Direct competitor to MySpace. It stands out for its excellent implementation of Web 2.0 (tagging, AJAX). Tagworld also has a search engine for music and an IM client with video chat capabilities.
Recommended for: teenagers, young adults

Orkut is a product created by a Google programmer in his free time (You know, every Google programmer has the right to spend 20% of his working time on his own projects). Orkut began its development in the USA, but subsequently became widespread in Brazil (about 65% of users).
Recommended for: Brazilian youth.

AIM pages – The youngest social network among the most popular. This is AOL's attempt to supplant MySpace in the social networking market. It was believed that AIM Pages would be a real breakthrough, but it still has a long way to go.
Recommended for: teenagers, young adults

Hi5 has about 40 million users. You have to pay to participate in this social network. One of the distinctive features of the system is that you can download music from iTunes for money and add it to your profile. With a free account you can upload a whole gigabyte of photos. Hi5 has profiles for Kelly Clarkson, Jessica Simpson, and Tyra Banks.
Recommended for: teenagers, young adults

Panjea is a social network with an economy founded this year. Offers several ways to get paid for your creative work. There is a unique points system.
Recommended for: teenagers, young adults

Cyworld appeared in Korea and grew to phenomenal proportions. The daily income of this network is about $300,000. Cyworld is now gradually expanding to the US. The network has its own currency (acorns), and each user also has his own “minihompy” (profile). Users can decorate their "minihompy" and keep in touch with each other.
Recommended for: teenagers, young adults, Koreans

Tagged – intended mainly for teenagers. The main idea is to be tagged, create tagging teams and earn points in order to become the coolest tagging team. Tagging is slowly gaining popularity among teenagers in the United States, but is always secondary compared to MySpace.
Recommended for: teenagers

Popist is very similar to MySpace, both in interface and focus. Offers users a large number of open functions, such as the ability to integrate with other social networks.
Recommended for: teenagers

Friendster, one of the first networks launched as a “social experiment”, just recently acquired a “social networking” patent. The network has grown very quickly, but today it has completely fallen and currently occupies less than 1% of the social networking market.
Recommended for: teenagers

Tribe - NBC recently acquired this network. The main task of Tribe is not so much in dating and communication, but in uniting users’ own social networks. Provides the opportunity to create so-called “clans”, and is also very well localized due to these same clans.
Recommended for: teenagers

Facebook- a startup from Silicon Valley. Widely used among colleges and universities in most English-speaking countries. It is the second most popular network after MySpace in the United States. This network is not yet available in many countries, but is developing and growing steadily.

ConnectU is very similar to Facebook. Also designed for college and university students. ConnectU, unlike Facebook, covers a much smaller number of colleges and universities around the world.
Recommended for: College and university students

Yahoo! 360 – launched in early 2005, a Yahoo product that provides the ability to combine blogs and photo albums. Only for those over 18 years old - this significantly reduces the list of potential users.
Recommended: adults

PeopleAggregator is Marc Canter's attempt to carve out his niche in the social media space. Based on open standards and functionality. One of the distinctive features is that this is just a demo version of the software, which can be purchased later.
Recommended: adults

MommyBuzz – Launched just a couple of months ago, MommyBuzz is designed to allow moms to connect online, share and exchange thoughts and ideas with other moms. A wonderful place for such a target group.
Recommended: Moms

MuslimSpace - Created by a former computer engineering student at the American University of Sharjah, MuslimSpace lives up to its name - MySpace for Muslims. Today the site has about 15,000 users, and its goal is to be a cleaner and more secure site than MySpace and, of course, only for Muslims.
Recommended: Muslims

Stardoll – Would you like to dress up celebrities as paper dolls? Originally called Paperdoll Heaven, Stardoll does just that. With a strong social network at its core and almost a million users, Stardoll is gaining mega popularity in the world of children and teenagers in much the same way as Neopets did a few years ago.
Recommended for: children/teenagers

Imbee – There are so many sites for teenagers, but what about children? Imbee's goal is to provide a safe and secure social network for children. So now if your big brother is bragging about his MySpace profile and teasing that you can't get one, go to Imbee!
Recommended for: children

Dogster is a place where dogs (and their owners) can meet and socialize. On Dogster, each dog has its own web page. The subtitle reads: post dog photos, tell dog stories, make new dog friends!
Recommended for: dogs and their owners

Catster is practically the twin brother of the Dogster site, developed by the same people, Catster is Dogster for cats. Post photos of cats, tell cat stories, make new friends (cats)! Does anything else need to be explained?
Recommended for: cats and their owners

Fuzzster – Being somewhat of a combination of Dogster and Catster, Fuzzster is the place for your cats, dogs and other furry pets. Launched in early 2004, it has grown to become quite a large community of animal lovers.
Recommended for: furry animals and their owners

BookCrossing – In the real world, bookcrossing works like this: someone leaves a book in a public place for others to pick up and read, and then do the same. The goal of the BookCrossing site is to launch the same process in the virtual world.
Recommended: Book lovers

Boompa is a site for car enthusiasts, and there are certainly a lot of them on the Internet. The goal of the network is to become your online garage. Car enthusiasts can show off their cars here, find recommendations for improving them, meet other car enthusiasts, view videos and photos, and much more.
Recommended for: car enthusiasts

Spout is a database of over 250,000 movie titles, Spout is a social network for movie fans. Here you can find reviews and recommendations, meet other film fans. Spout is a good place to visit before you rent a movie.
Recommended: Film buffs

MOG is a startup from Silicon Valley, MOG's goal is to unite music lovers with the same interests. A very interesting way to meet new people, and here you can discover new musical trends that you didn’t know about before.
Recommended: for music lovers

Gusto. There are sites about cars, films, music, books, animals, but what about travel? Gusto is precisely a place that unites travelers based on their lifestyle (expressed in preferences). You can also find tons of travel information, recommendations, and reviews here. – combines a social network and shopping.'s goal is to provide a smart online shopping experience. A "cash back" system is used, where if one user helps another or vice versa, both users have the opportunity to receive CashBack. A fun way to shop.
Recommended for: lovers of (online) shopping

Yelp (from the makers of PayPal) - This site is much like Yub, designed to help shoppers make decisions by showing them reviews from other users. However, unlike Yub, Yelp is more focused on commercial activities and services rather than consumer-facing products. Currently only available in the US.
Recommended for: Any US resident (especially in big cities)

– according to surveys, the most popular business network, the purpose of LinkedIn is to unite colleagues and business partners and help find new ones. With nearly 5 million users, LinkedIn remains popular among business audiences.
Recommended for: mercenaries and businessmen

biddingBuddies – Often on auction sites like eBay you have to deal with a lot of people. BiddingBuddies can help you with this. This is the only social network exclusively for eBay users. Now, if you are participating in an auction, why not make friends with your opponents.
Recommended for: eBay users (buyers and sellers)

Faqqly – There are so many things you'd like to know about your friends, so why not ask them through Faqqly? Faqqly creates an FAQ (frequently asked questions) page for each user and allows friends to ask each other anything.
Recommended for: curious people - teenagers, young people

It is difficult to imagine the life of a modern person without virtual communication. Proof of this is the numerous social networks in which more than 60% of all Russians are registered. Chatting with friends, business negotiations, watching movies and much more has now become available on one site. In this article you will learn about the most popular social networks on the Runet and how to create your own account on them.

What is a social network?

A site on which you can create a personalized page is called a social network. The first online communication resource was created in 1995 in America under the name Classmates. It became the prototype of the future Russian-language Odnoklassniki website.

The real boom of social networks began in 2003, when the most popular services appeared - Facebook and MySpace. This phenomenon came to Russia several years later under the banner of the well-known VKontakte website. Since then, the number of users who have created their own accounts has only grown, increasingly displacing real communication.

Free social networks have helped bring human communication to a new level, which is supported by high technology. After all, ten years ago no one could have thought that the Internet would replace real meetings and phone calls.

However, everything is not as rosy as it might seem at first glance. By registering on social networks, most people are running away from the real world. After all, in virtual reality you can put on a mask, try on a new role and be bolder. Unfortunately, not everyone can afford this in everyday life. Just a few years after the advent of social networks, numerous cases of psychosomatic disorders were recorded among users.

In addition, the danger of communicating on the Internet lies in the dissemination of personal and contact information. After all, anyone can find all the information about another person and use it for their own selfish purposes. Therefore, before registering online and posting information about yourself, you should think about whether this is really necessary.

The most popular network on the Runet is VKontakte.

The most popular social network on the Runet was founded in 2006 by web developer Pavel Durov. However, for the first year, registration on the site was available only to students of the St. Petersburg State University after confirmation of real data. But after identification on the network, it became available to everyone. Every year VKontakte only becomes more popular, and today the number of daily visitors has exceeded 70 million.

In order to become a member of the largest portal in Europe, you need Internet access and a mobile phone. Registration is carried out on the official website "VKontakte". The social network offers you to fill out a short form containing personal and contact information, after which you need to confirm your actions with a one-time code from an SMS message. Previously, registration was available without entering a mobile phone number, but with the appearance of a huge number of fake pages, some restrictions were introduced by the VKontakte administration.

The social network opens up enormous opportunities for its participants. Immediately after registration, you can fill out your profile, upload photos and start searching for acquaintances, friends, relatives and work colleagues. Thanks to the site, you can always stay in touch with loved ones, listen to music, watch movies and just have a good time.

At the moment, VKontakte offers its members not only new developments among popular applications, but also internal currency. This will optimize the work of numerous online stores and help develop an economic culture within the project., or "My World"

This social network was created based on the search engine in 2007. At the moment, the resource is one of the three most popular sites for communication in the Russian-speaking segment. In 2014, the list of social networks was supplemented by the VKontakte resource, whose shares were sold by Pavel Durov.

The advantage of the portal, whose social network is available for registration to everyone, is its many convenient functions. For example, a global search engine, a question and answer service, weather, news, browser applications and much more. All this makes staying on the project as convenient as possible for work and entertainment. But the first place among all the portal’s services is occupied by “My World”.

The social network offers not only communication with friends, but also finding new acquaintances in communities, keeping abreast of world events and listening to your favorite music. Statistics show that the site is visited by more than 30 million users every day. The list of social networks is rightfully headed by After all, it was she who managed to gather the maximum number of users on one resource. - a social network for finding old friends

The Odnoklassniki social network also owes its appearance to the company, which created it based on the prototype of the American Classmates website of the same name. The project was launched in March 2006 and continues to operate successfully to this day.

The resources "VKontakte" and "My World" are very similar to the site The social network also allows you to chat with friends, share photos and read news feeds. In addition, the site has many applications with games that will help brighten up your leisure time and take a break from everyday worries.

However, the main difference is the contingent of OK users. The social network is aimed at finding old friends and acquaintances. Accordingly, finding an army colleague or a former colleague on the site will not be difficult. Statistics show that young people aged 14 to 30 prefer to use VKontakte, while the older generation spends time on the Odnoklassniki website. The network was originally created to search for those with whom a person once sat at the same desk or skipped classes a long time ago. Apparently, this is why an unspoken rule of age division has formed on the Internet. And if you cannot find any person on VKontakte, then use the search on the Odnoklassniki website. The network has a convenient filter that allows you to indicate age, place of residence and work, hobbies and much more.

Entertainment resource "Photostrana"

The entertaining social network "Photostrana" is more reminiscent of a dating site than a portal for finding friends and relatives. The project has about 50 million users, the vast majority of whom are residents of the CIS countries.

Many note that the design of the American resource Facebook became the basis for creating the interface of the Photo Country website. The social network is indeed similar to its Western counterpart, although it is not as popular among RuNet users.

Most of the features on the site are paid. For example, in order to maintain your profile on the service, you need to constantly send paid SMS messages, otherwise your rating will rapidly fall. The system also offers you the opportunity to have your own pets and install various applications for communication and entertainment.

It should be noted that the resources “VKontakte” or “Odnoklassniki” are absolutely free, unlike the “Photostrana” site. The social network has not gained much popularity among Internet users. According to the majority, it is nothing more than another pumping out of money.

Blogging platform from Yandex

Social media lists generally do not include blogs. Although it was the blog that was originally created for online communication and information exchange. The service is a product of the largest search engine Yandex, which occupies a leading position in the Russian Internet.

Anyone can start their own online diary, to which only users of the system will have access. Thus, only his registered friends can read the author’s posts and leave comments.

A blog-based social network has its advantages, since a personal page is more like a full-fledged website. In addition, some blogging platforms allow users to subsequently purchase domains containing their content. This is especially true for bloggers with thousands of subscribers.

Registration on "" is free. After a simple identification procedure in the system, all functions from Yandex, including the electronic mail service, become available to the user.

Share your opinion on "Otzovik"

This project is a large social network for consumers. We all buy certain products every day, but we don’t even think that our opinion can help someone. The founders of the Otzovik project offer this opportunity to everyone. In addition, the opinion of each user is paid. This unique system has made the site very popular among housewives and young mothers who strive not only to communicate, but also to earn money on the Internet.

Registration on Otzovik is free. Simply indicate your mailbox address and WebMoney wallet number. Reviews with a large number of photos and voluminous text pay the highest.

On the site you can also invite acquaintances and correspond with friends, post personal photos and learn a lot of new things about products, services, new movies and music. For activity, the system accrues an additional coefficient, which subsequently affects the amount of payments. On average, active participants can earn up to 5 thousand rubles monthly, of which more than half of the amount will be passive income from viewing reviews by other participants. Today, not a single social network pays its members for communication on the site, so Otzovik is rightfully considered a unique resource.

Free social network ""

Not the most popular site for communication on the Runet, as confirmed by the official lists of social networks. However, those users who are registered on find the resource very convenient and functional. Lots of extensions, setting up a personal account, a lot of music and communities for communication - here there is everything that a real social network should have.

"My Page", which is the main section on the site, has various templates, which allows you to change the interface. This function is currently not available on any other communication resource. For example, to change the VKonakte interface, you need to install a special browser plugin. And even after installation, the changes will be visible only to the user himself, while on “” all friends can see the page design. The social network also allows you to share your news with the world, post photos and exchange comments.

Unfortunately, due to the unpopularity of the site, not many people register on it and the chance of finding a friend or former classmate is very low. If the project developers start promoting it and popularizing it among Russian-speaking users, then has every chance of becoming a popular social network in the CIS countries. It is possible that in the future the project will be able to compete with such social networks as VKontakte or Moi Mir.

Blog LiveJournal

The blogging platform LiveJournal, or, as it is commonly called, “LJ” (“Live Journal”), appeared back in 1999. Back then, no one knew about social networks, and people expressed themselves online through personal blogs. At the moment, bloggers not only share their ideas with the world, but also make good money from it by placing contextual advertising, referral links and affiliate program offers on their pages.

On the LJ website you can publish your own posts, create communities, share useful information and read articles from other users. Moreover, registration on "LiveJouranl" is absolutely free. When requesting popular phrases, almost all Runet search engines return articles with “LJ” on the first pages of the search. It should be noted that ordinary social networks are not so adapted to key queries, and it is much more difficult to find any information on them.

However, the site’s rating dropped significantly after 2011, when the resource administration began blocking users for biased reasons. Over the course of several years, the accounts of famous journalists, politicians and social activists were closed. High requirements for censorship of content on LiveJournal have caused users to switch to other resources, where control of the material posted is not so strict. For example, “My World” is a social network in which everyone can express their point of view on a particular issue. In most cases, the site administration will not ban him for this.

Foreign social networks

The lists of Runet social networks are also supplemented by foreign resources, on which a huge number of Russians are registered. The most popular of them is Facebook. It was this site that was taken as the basis for the current VKontakte. Facebook is an international social network where users from all over the world communicate. Registration in the system is free, but activation of the phone number and confirmation of passport data is required.

The MySpace website does not have a Russian interface, like, for example, The social network is aimed exclusively at the English-speaking segment of users. Therefore, Twitter and Instagram are more popular among the Russian-speaking population. These resources allow you to post your photos and short posts online, which only your friends can see. The social network Instagram, for example, has gained enormous popularity thanks to filters that allow you to transform any image into colorful pictures. Registration on both sites is absolutely free and does not require user identification, as on “OK”.

The social network opens up many opportunities for Internet users. Now you can contact anyone via the Internet, and you don’t even need to know their phone number. Thanks to social networks, users open online stores and run their own businesses, find distant relatives and forgotten friends, make acquaintances and even start families. However, despite all the conveniences of high technology, we should not forget about real communication, which no computer program can replace.

It's no secret that social networks are visited by millions of Internet users every day. They communicate with each other, download, view videos, pictures, photos, etc. The lion's share of activity on the World Wide Web falls on these sites called social networks. But which one is the most popular and visited? Below is a list of the ten most popular social networks. networks in the world.


Vine is a service and mobile application that allows you to create and publish short videos no more than 6 seconds long. The service was founded in June 2012 by Dom Hofmann, Rus Yusupov and Colin Kroll. However, before its official launch, Vine was acquired by Twitter, Inc. for $30 million. Vine debuted as a free app on January 24, 2013 and was initially only available for iOS devices. However, it later became available for Android and Windows Phone. On April 9, 2013, the application became the most downloaded free application in the App Store. At the end of June, it already had 13 million users, and about 1 million new videos began appearing on the service every day. Vine has about 42,000,000 visitors every month.


In ninth place in the ranking of the most popular social networks. networks there is Flickr - a site for posting photos and videos, as well as viewing, discussing, rating and archiving them. Allows you to communicate and create thematic groups. The service was launched on February 10, 2004, and in March 2005 it was bought by the American company Yahoo! As of March 2013, Flickr had 87 million registered users and more than 3.5 million new images uploaded per day.

In contact with

VKontakte is a social network based in St. Petersburg and owned by Mail.Ru Group. The project was launched on October 10, 2006. The site is available in several languages, but it is especially popular among the Russian-speaking audience. Like other social networks, VKontakte allows its users to exchange messages, images, audio, video, create groups, public pages and events, and also play Flash games using a browser. As of January 2015, the site's audience is about 71 million people per day.


Instagram is a free application for sharing photos and short videos with the ability to distribute them through its service to other social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and Flickr. Instagram was created by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger and launched in October 2010 as a free mobile app. The service quickly gained popularity. As of April 2012, it had 100 million active users worldwide, and 300 million as of December 2014. In April 2012, Instagram was acquired by Facebook for approximately $1 billion.


The sixth place in the list of the most popular social networks in the world is occupied by Tumblr, a microblogging service that allows users to publish text messages, images, videos, links and audio recordings to their tumblr blog. The site was founded in 2007 by David Karp. May 18, 2013 Yahoo! acquired the service for $1.1 billion. As of 2015, there are about 220 million blogs registered on Tumblr.


Google+ is a social network developed and owned by Google Inc. The service was launched on June 28, 2011. And two weeks after its launch on July 14, 2011, Google announced that the Google+ social network has more than 10 million users. As of September 17, 2012, the site’s audience is 400 million users, and the active monthly audience has reached 135 million people.


LinkedIn is a social network designed for finding and establishing business contacts. It was founded in December 2002 by Reed Hoffman and launched on May 5, 2003. The site is available in 24 languages ​​and has over 380 million registered users representing 150 different business sectors from 200 countries. About half of the users are residents of the United States, 25 million are from Europe.


Third place in the list of the ten most popular social networks in the world is occupied by Pinterest - social. network, photo hosting, allowing users to add and share images. The site was founded by Ben Silberman, Paul Sayer and Evan Sharp in March 2010. As of February 2013, Pinterest has 48.7 million users worldwide.

Twitter - social a network and microblock service that allows users to create and exchange public short messages of up to 140 characters. Twitter was created in March 2006 by Jack Dorsey, Evan Williams, Biz Stone and launched in July 2006. The service quickly gained popularity around the world, with more than 100 million users posting approximately 340 million tweets per day in 2012. As of May 2015, Twitter has more than 500 million registered users, of which more than 302 million are active. As of 2012, the company employs more than 900 employees.


Facebook is the largest and most popular social network in the world and is available in more than 70 languages. Owned by Facebook, Inc., headquartered in Silicon Valley, California, USA. The site was launched on February 4, 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg and his Harvard University roommates and classmates Dustin Moskowitz, Eduardo Saverin and Chris Hughes. As of July 2014, Facebook's audience amounted to 1.32 billion users, and the average daily audience of social networks. The network has 968 million users (approximately every 7th person on the planet is registered on Facebook). The site is valued at approximately $100 billion, making Mark Zuckerberg, at 23, the youngest billionaire on the planet.

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