How to promote a group so that there are active participants. How to promote a VKontakte group yourself

Hello everyone, friends! In this article I want to talk about the creation and promotion of a VKontakte group.

Promoting a group is a pretty big topic. To fully disclose it, you will have to stretch the material into three separate articles:

  • The first one, which you are reading now, will contain basic principles and tips, I would even say that this article will be one big introduction.
  • In the second, specific methods and examples of promotion.
  • In the third, I will list programs and services that make work easier or automate it.

So, I announced the plan. Now let's get to the article itself.

Promoting a group on VKontakte independently and step by step

As I promised above, I'll give you the basics first. That is, I’ll tell you where a beginner should start, who doesn’t even have a created group yet.

So what you need to do:

  1. Create a community. Choose the type depending on your goals;
  2. Name the group. The name itself should be descriptive and preferably contain keywords, although sometimes you can come up with something cool and then work for the brand;
  3. Add a description – a text telling about the community and containing keywords, the volume must be at least 500 characters;
  4. Place an alluring or intriguing picture on your avatar, which should correspond to the theme of your group;
  5. After all this, go to “Community Management” and select the settings you need.

You probably noticed that I advised using keywords both in the title and in the description. And all because SEO promotion of VKontakte groups will help your community get to the TOP of search engines. If this happens, you will receive many more subscribers with much less effort.

As for the design, here are some recommendations:

  • Find a really high-quality image yourself or order one of the designs especially for you. It won't cost that much, but it will have quite an impact on the group. You remember that people are used to greeting people based on their clothes?
  • You can also create a user-friendly menu for better navigation. Large groups will need this. A group store that has a fairly large assortment. Agree, buttons like: information about products, about the store, about delivery, about returns, and the like, in this case will be very convenient for users.
  • Don't forget to add to your contact list those people who are ready to provide user support. A timely response to a participant's question is very important.

And now I will tell you a few simple principles for successfully promoting the VKontakte community. It is the same as on YouTube, about the promotion of which I wrote in.

If you want a large, permanent audience, then give people quality content:

  • Really useful material for the audience;
  • Really interesting notes;
  • Carbon memes and the like.

If there are a lot of good posts in the group, then there will be a lot of reposts. And the more reposts, the more subscribers, it’s as simple as that.

But here’s the question: Where can you get such material so that people like it and make more reposts? There are two options here:

  • The first is to be an expert yourself, work closely on your topic and know what the audience likes;
  • The second is the purchase of material on special exchanges, which we will talk about in the following articles;

Know that bringing people into a community is not as difficult as keeping them there. Therefore, high-quality content is exactly what is very, very necessary and what is most valued today. There are, of course, other ways, for example, competitions on VK to promote groups and public pages.

However, there are some problems here. For example, you first need to figure out what to play so that people want to receive it. Then you need to purchase prizes, and this requires financial investment. Plus, you need to take into account the costs of sending prizes for honor and other little things.

By the way, you won’t hold competitions every week, because there simply isn’t enough money for that (unless, of course, you’re the son of a millionaire). And if you don’t constantly maintain the interest of the audience, it will disperse. The option of deception also does not work, since you can be easily exposed.

You can learn more about possible competitions that have a positive impact on the dynamics of community growth in this article: [coming soon].

Ways to promote a group on Vkontakte - simple steps

Now you will learn about what you can and even need to do literally immediately after creating a public page or group:

  • You need to tell your friends about the community. This can be done either using a special button or using personal messages. Just don’t write the same text to everyone, otherwise you will be banned. Be creative.
  • You should also add the group address to your personal page, perhaps even to the status.
  • If you have a website, blog or any other resource, put a link to the community there so that anyone can go and have a look.

As you can see , Maintaining groups on Vkontakte is simple and at the same time difficult. If you do not understand what I mean, then I will explain.

  • Simple means that everything that needs to be done is clear and understandable, there are no hidden secrets in this matter.
  • And difficult means that you need to spend a lot of time and effort. For example, regularly publish fresh and, most importantly, interesting posts.

However, it is also important to understand that successfully promoting VKontakte groups for free is more than possible, if you have the desire, time, self-discipline and the ability to create interesting material. If you have all this, then promoting a group on VK with your own hands will be hard work for you, which will pay off later.

Second stage of promotion

Let's be honest, at this rate, at best, we will be able to recruit 1-2 thousand people in a few years. After all, there will be very few friends and acquaintances.

Social networks are a real phenomenon that has exploded the Internet and has become a significant part of the lives of many people. Without a high-quality representation of your personality online, it is very difficult to achieve success in your career, especially if your job requires you to work with people. Many people say that if a person is not on a social network, then he is not at all, and there is some truth in this.

VKontakte is, if not “our everything,” then at least joy and pride. The domestic social network is the largest in Europe and is highly rated in the rest of the world.

Constant improvements and work on bugs allow us to attract more and more new users, and VKontakte receives about 70 million people per day:

One of the most powerful tools on VKontakte are groups. More and more users prefer them over websites. Why this happens, how to competently use the capabilities of a social network and how to promote a group on VKontakte will be discussed in this article.

What is a group

The VKontakte group offers the following main features:

  • Create discussions. Depending on the rules established in the group, new topics can be proposed by members or the administrator.
  • Adding photos, audio and video. Such materials must correspond to the theme of the group ( or should not, if the administrator allows).
  • Messages on the "wall". Active discussions do not only develop in discussions. The reason could be someone's post, picture or video.

How to create a VKontakte group?

It takes very little time for you to have your own group. To begin, you should visit the “My settings” section and check the “My groups” checkbox so that it appears in the menu:

After this, the corresponding item appears in the menu:

Go ahead and click " Create a community»:

Enter the name, select the community type “Group" and create:

Now you can set the necessary settings and the group is ready:

The group owner has access to various management tools and statistics. Are there also elements with which basic promotion of groups is carried out?

Why are groups needed?

People can have a wide variety of ideas when creating their own thematic community. You can try to make money or just lead a group “for the soul”. Let's consider the main goals of creating a VKontakte group.

  • To gather “kindred spirits”. No one has yet canceled the feeling of boredom and despondency, so it is useful to have a company of like-minded people on hand. If you couldn’t find them in real life, then it’s worth trying in virtual life;
  • For online display of real group unit. A class at school, a team at work, a club of oil rig owners - they would all benefit from being connected to a social network. This will give you more opportunities, and in general will make life much easier;
  • Content generation. This point already implies mercantile interests. Instead of using expensive ( or cheap but of poor quality) with the services of copywriters, you can simply create a new discussion in which group members will express many interesting thoughts;
  • Group as an alternative to the site. For the owner of a thematic community, the possibilities in this regard are practically unlimited. If you want to create a news portal - no problem, you need an online store - no problem: products and descriptions for them can be placed in photo albums and the “hottest” items can be displayed on the wall.

Inconveniences can only arise when advertising, but even in this case there is a fairly wide range of possibilities.

  • Targeted ads. This type of advertising consists of small banners placed on social network pages. Ads are offered only to the group of users determined by the advertiser;
  • Posts in communities. VKontakte invites advertisers to place their ads in groups suitable for the topic;
  • Interaction through applications. VKontakte has a huge number of games and tests. Within these applications, you can place an offer to follow a link to an external resource;
  • Selling mercilessly. If the group has an impressive number of participants and has development prospects, then you are guaranteed a long line of buyers;
  • Help your project. This section should be given special attention.

Project development using groups

Promotion of a group in VKontakte can only act as part of the work on your own resource. Opening offices on social networks is an important part of promotion. Let's consider the main advantages of this approach.

  • Good source of traffic. It is worth noting that in this case we can talk specifically about the target audience. After all, only interested people will agree to join a group that matches the theme of your site;
  • Opportunity to find out the opinions of visitors. Of course, research can be carried out directly on the pages of the site, but this is not always appropriate. The format of the VKontakte group allows you to harmoniously conduct surveys of participants, thus obtaining valuable information:

  • A good addition to the functionality of the site. If the main resource does not offer to buy anything, then the VKontakte group can take on this task. In this regard, the thematic community is limited only by the imagination of the owner;
  • You can promote not a specific site, but a specific topic. Sometimes users do not visit the pages of a resource not because it is bad, but because the site is not popular enough. A group on a social network will help fix this;
  • A good opportunity to find employees. If you feel that you can no longer cope with a rapidly growing project and need help, then a thematic group is a good source of potential employees;
  • Obtaining statistical information about participants. It is important to understand who is interested in your topic, because it may turn out that one target audience was planned, but it turned out to be completely different.

Promotion of the VKontakte group

Before opening a representative office on your VKontakte website, you need to think about how to promote the group. After all, without an impressive number of participants, a thematic community will be ineffective.

First of all, you should think about optimization. To correctly complete this stage, you must follow some recommendations.

  • Use keywords in the group name. The ship is sailing as it is called, and users will find your community based on specific queries. In order to make the right choice, you need to analyze your subject area and formulate the most suitable name;
  • Write your description correctly. By analogy with the Description tag, it is worth using direct and indirect occurrences of keywords. Search engines must receive the necessary data to display in the top, and visitors must quickly understand what we are talking about;
  • Ensure unique content. This point is important for both search robots and people. Nobody wants to read again what they have already seen somewhere, and a joke told a second time is no longer a joke. Search engines “spit” on plagiarists and “demand” to meet the standards of uniqueness.

It is also worth remembering that the group must be active throughout the day. That is, if you have a certain amount of information, then you need to distribute it evenly in order to achieve multiple visits.

It is also worth stimulating all sorts of activities within the group: adding new discussions, polls, events. The more movement the better.

The main goal of promoting a group is to attract new people. Let's consider the main ways to solve this problem.

  • Invite people yourself. Brothers, sisters, aunts and uncles will gladly (or not) support a relative, and friends will not stand aside either. Once these niches have been exhausted, you can start looking for complete strangers who might be interested in your project. It is worth noting separately that 16-year-old Katya Glamurova is unlikely to join the group “ All about compressors”, so it is necessary to filter possible participants. Unfortunately, the daily number of invitations is limited (no more than 40);
  • Search for similar communities. Your potential members have already been snapped up by other groups, but nothing prevents a VKontakte user from joining you, so cooperation between thematic communities is a mutually beneficial activity. The main thing when choosing is the relevance of the topic and a fairly high quality of the group (regular updates, less advertising, constant increase in participants);
  • Long live spam. A popular community with open comments is just some kind of market where everyone shouts: “ oh, what a delicious group, I could eat it myself!" This irritates many visitors, but some are overcome with curiosity. In addition, you can write personal messages asking to join the thematic community, but their number is again limited. It is worth noting that spam in a blatant and undisguised form will certainly lead to a ban, and no one wants that. To avoid this outcome, you should constantly change the text of invitations. Increasing the number of group members using spam is a method that requires a significant amount of time, so you need to carefully weigh everything before resorting to it;
  • Use other websites and social networks to attract participants. VKontakte is not the only social network in which you should be represented. If a group is an element of website promotion, then all “branches” of your information resource should be connected to each other and advertise each other. You can also place links on other sites, but this is most likely a paid pleasure;
  • Use software. It is worth stopping at this point and explaining it in more detail.

Programs for promoting VKontakte groups

Software assistance in promoting a group can be very diverse. Let's look at some of the opportunities that robots open up for us:

  • Find materials on a given topic. You should not steal content, but if you have no imagination, then a program such as Grabber VkDog will help in a dishonest case:

  • Attract new participants. Programs can automatically send invitations. As an example - Viking Inviter:

Greetings, dear blog visitors. Dmitry Smirnov, the author of the blog, is in touch with you as always, and in this article I want to tell you about how to promote a group from scratch, respectively, on the Vkontakte social network.

How to promote a VKontakte group from scratch? There are about 100,000 communities on VKontakte. And this number is increasing every day. However, among such a huge number of groups and publics, only a few communities reach a large number of people subscribed to them. Often the community creator's enthusiasm ends with only a few hundred audience. In most cases, this occurs due to lack of competence in promotion methods. Now we will look at the main ways to promote VKontakte communities.
1. Half the success of promoting a group or public will depend on high-quality and interesting content. But VKontakte is full of what people are interested in. There are a huge number of large groups with wise sayings, recipes, jokes, and everything else. Therefore, it will be difficult to promote 1001 groups related to these topics. You need to start with the idea of ​​interesting, useful and as unique content as possible that people will want to watch and repost.
What then can be said about commercial groups, since no one is interested in reposting advertisements? Here, the success of the content will depend on lucrative offers. It would still be wise to alternate commercial posts with useful information about goods and services related to your business. This may also include surveys and competitions. It is necessary to constantly work to improve the quality of content.
2. The next step is to attract the group's initial audience. Even if these subscribers are not your target audience, you still need them. Most people, before subscribing to a community, pay attention to the number of users who have already joined it. And if this audience size is small, then most likely the person simply will not want to join it. Therefore, it is important to create at least the appearance as soon as possible that the community is interesting to people and that it was not created yesterday. To do this, you need to attract at least 3,000 subscribers to the group. This can be done in several ways:
For example, you can use subscriber boosting services;
There are also special groups on VKontakte that are intended for exchanging subscriptions to communities;
If you use paid methods, you can buy subscribers on special sites.
All these methods will attract bots and fakes to your group, which are only necessary for quantity. Of course, they will not increase the group’s activity, much less buy anything from you. But to create the appearance that the community is interested, these methods will do. It is important to note that these methods should not be abused, as they can lead to blocking of the group, and why is a dead group needed at all?
3. After the previous steps, you can begin promoting the group to your target audience. It all depends on your budget or amount of free time. If there is neither one nor the other, then there is no point in starting. Promoting a group to tens or even hundreds of thousands of subscribers is difficult. If you have both money and time, or at least some of these, then you will succeed. If you use funds for promotion, then the following steps are for you:
The whitest and most transparent way of promotion is targeted advertising on the VKontakte website itself. The targeting filter here is quite narrow and this allows you to more carefully select your target audience. You can pay directly for subscribers, or if you are confident in your content, then for views or clicks. This method is really effective, but it is recommended to use it if you have a sufficient budget, since it is the most expensive, because the cost per subscriber here can reach 10 - 15 rubles.
Another way to promote a group for money is to order advertising in other communities with similar topics or the same target audience. There are several ways to advertise your community here. For example, you can order a post or repost from your group. You can buy a place in the “links” section and place your group there. In addition, in the products section you can advertise your products, and at the same time your group.
Another way of promotion is competitions. Sometimes this brings good results. The scope of the competition and its interest always depends on the value and attractiveness of the prize. But since most people now promote their communities through competitions, and often deceive their subscribers, this method is not always effective.
Among the free promotions, one can highlight the promotion of the group through fake accounts. To do this, several accounts are created and through them people who are the target audience are added as friends. After that, they are invited to the community. But it’s worth noting that this method only works if you have a group, not a public one. You should also not abuse it too much, since this method is prohibited by the VKontakte rules.

Now you know how to promote a group from scratch easily and simply!

How to promote a community (group, public) on VKontakte so that it does not get blocked? What are the permitted methods? How can and how not to promote a group and gain subscribers?

At the beginning of promotion, your community should already have some content (posts, discussion topics, photos or videos) that will interest potential members or subscribers and they will want to stay.

Make sure that your community is in the VKontakte search (search bar at the top of the site). If at least a week or more has passed since the community was created, it has initial materials and a number of people have joined it, search for it by name or keywords, city (if specified). The community should be in search results. If it's not there, then people won't be able to find it this way. See instructions:

How is it allowed to promote and promote a VKontakte group?

Only for non-profit communities (not related to business, trade, earnings, “partnership”):

Communities of any subject, including commercial(for example, trading), you can promote it like this:

  • Post interesting content that people share with others.
  • Negotiate with other communities and exchange links to each other.
  • Negotiate with other communities about placing advertisements in them for money - directly or through advertising exchange VKontakte.
  • Advertising a group on VK for money through is the fastest and most legal way of promotion. Targeted advertising allows you to display an ad only to a specific audience - by gender, age, city, only members of a certain group, etc.
  • Post it on the website of the company or organization.
  • Conduct competitions with valuable prizes (read carefully competition rules).

Then it all depends on how interesting the community is and how much people need it. If it is in demand, people themselves will share posts from it with friends and thus promote it. If no one needs it, is not interesting, or simply contains materials copied from somewhere, then nothing will help him.

How is it forbidden to promote a group?

The VK rules and the help section clearly state: you cannot send private messages to people or leave comments anywhere advertising the community. This is called “spam” and can be blocked for this. And they block. And it doesn’t matter at all how many people complain about you - one or many. One complaint is enough, and this will be a signal that you and your group need to be checked. Remember that attracting people to the group in this way is prohibited.

The owner of a VKontakte group can secure a permanent income with proper promotion of the group. To monetize a public page or community, use the following methods:

  • place links on the right side of the panel to other communities.
  • publish paid posts containing advertising.

Act as an intermediary in organizing certain events. Use VKontakte's built-in tools to attract users' attention to real events through advertising in groups.

Place publications as the logo of a group of a brand.

Participate in the sale of products. For each user who clicks on an advertising link and makes a purchase, you receive a percentage of the total cost.

The effectiveness of the previously mentioned methods depends on the number of users who have joined. Users can be attracted to a group in different ways; they can be free or paid. Do not neglect the careful design of the group; work out the community menu in VK, navigation should be simple and clear, the page should attract the attention of visitors. An “obliquely” created group only pushes away potential visitors.

How to independently promote a community on VK without investments, only with time?

The VK community is similar to a standard web resource; promoting it will require financial costs and special skills and knowledge. If you are just starting to work in the field of SocialMediaMarketing (SMM), you first need to master free methods. Independent promotion of the VK community will require not only knowledge, but also patience and time.

Now let's talk about the target audience. To interest users and achieve maximum efficiency when selling goods and services, promotion must be targeted at a specific category of users. These could be, for example, gun collectors, dog breeders, people over 40. Don’t chase the number of subscribers, quality should come first.

Otherwise, numerous participants will turn into useless ballast, of no interest to advertisers.

The first and simplest option is inviting friends, sending personal messages. The search must be configured in such a way that letters go to all potentially interested people. The “Tell Friends” button significantly speeds up the process. An advertisement for the group with your comments will appear on the wall of your subscribers and friends.

How to select groups to advertise?

Contact the administrators of other communities, agree to publish for free or indicate your link on the right side of the advertising panel. You should not contact popular groups with numerous subscribers; the administrators of such communities will not agree to do something for free; their services will cost a tidy sum. Contacts with small but active communities with from 1000 to 5000 subscribers will be effective. The administrator can show sincere interest in the topic of your group and help in its promotion for free.

This question requires a creative approach, because it is quite problematic to promote a community on VK on your own and for free. An entertaining competition for users could be an example of such creativity, and in order to take part in it, those interested will need to join your community. Using a profile with a huge number of friends, you can advertise a promotion.

A successfully conducted competition, as practice shows, can attract hundreds, or even thousands of new users.

Promotion automation

Third-party software products, such as VKinventer, VKBot, FvCheat, can significantly speed up the processes described above. They will help automate numerous options in the VK community.

The use of such scripts adds a certain amount of risk, because administrators carefully monitor this type of activity and apply a permanent ban without any hesitation.

Links from forums

Try to arouse the interest of visitors to third-party resources. Does your community have a focused topic? Update it regularly so that the link on any forum is not intrusive, this is an excellent opportunity to expand the number of subscribers.

Group SEO optimization

The VKontakte group is similar to standard sites, so SEO optimization is applicable to it. First of all, optimize the text content of your group for the search results of the social network. This applies not only to the title or description, but also to the music; the names of the songs will lead many users from the search.

VKontakte communities are indexed by search engines like regular sites; users can be attracted using Yandex or Google. If you know how a search service works, then you can independently promote the VK community without investment, simply and effectively. Take this work seriously.

How to prepare a semantic core

The semantic core of your group is formed at the first stage. Take advantage of low- and mid-frequency queries, with their help it is easier to compete. You should not ignore the geographical location of key queries. Use keywords only in the description or title, but in regularly published posts. Keywords are analogous to the description and title tags.

For example, you sell goods for children in Penza. Use the main frequency query for promotion in Google and Yandex results, also in the list of communities, in the group name. Use the second most frequent request in the description, add it to the status. Thus, you will simultaneously get to the TOP of search results for both the site and the group.

VKontakte has a high level of trust in search engine databases, which greatly simplifies SEO promotion of the community. Link promotion works in a similar way. Place relevant links on third-party resources; they will increase the position of your group in search results, so the VK community can be promoted much more productively.

Paid methods for SEO promotion of VKontakte groups

If you are a happy owner of a budget, then promoting a community on VKontakte can be much faster and easier. Free options, including organizing competitions and advertising in public pages, if you spend a certain amount of money on them, will bring more significant results.

Buying a Community

The easiest option to get a group with a huge number of subscribers is to buy it ready-made. It will take several thousand rubles to purchase an average group with 10 thousand subscribers. Do not forget that if you change the topic of the community, many users will become uninterested in the group and will leave the group.

Group promotion through targeted advertising

Looking for easy ways? VK provides a special opportunity - for money, the community can be promoted automatically. All VK visitors will see advertisements below the left navigation panel; they will change after each page update. The group will be promoted every time you go to the management menu using the “Advertise group” link.

Precise orientation is an undeniable advantage of this method of promotion. Advertising settings allow you to apply restrictions; it will be shown to a specific audience of visitors.

The following factors are used to configure the filter:

  • age;
  • place of residence;
  • interests;
  • education;
  • Family status;
  • additional options.

How to prepare an advertising campaign to promote the VKontakte community?

Open the settings window, load the advertisement, enter information about the target group of visitors (age, gender, place of residence) and payment method. You can pay for a certain frequency of impressions or for each click on an advertisement. This method has a serious drawback - the high cost set by the VKontakte administration. It has thousands of clients at its disposal who want to pay for this service.

Acquiring users on other resources

Let's talk about third-party services that sell subscribers. Specialized resources such as VKtarget are especially in demand; in a few clicks they provide a serious influx of subscribers. Don't forget that this area of ​​activity is oversaturated with scammers. They fill groups with bots, which is why your community can be banned for cheating.

Copywriting or freelancing exchanges are a great alternative. Here you can place a micro task, for example, repost, like, join a group, add as a friend. This method of advertising allows you not only to buy subscribers from an intermediary, but to pay each user. This is a more reliable way.

Put the knowledge you have gained into practice and subscribe to my blog updates. Optimize the group competently, and you will find yourself in the TOP of search engine results, not inferior to the site.

Promotion of a group on VKontakte on the website

We are publishing a detailed guide with screenshots about the process on our website:

  1. Go to the main page
  2. We quickly register as an advertiser
  3. Adding a new task in your personal account
  4. Select the “VKontakte” tab - indicate the link to the page or community
  5. We specify additional settings so as not to fall under a ban and/or other sanctions of the social network
  6. All is ready!

We remind you that the promotion of the VKontakte group on the website is carried out exclusively at the expense of real users. No “dogs” or mass unsubscribes! And also a guarantee of natural user behavior in a community or group.

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