Selection of low-frequency queries for direct messages. Training in Yandex.Direct: selection of words for contextual advertising. Main factors for selecting keywords for contextual advertising

Key phrases are words or phrases that determine who your ad will be shown to.

On Yandex search, ads are shown for queries that entirely contain the key phrases you specify. When displayed on networks, the system automatically selects ads whose key phrases coincide with the topic of the site or the interests of the user.

Work principles

Key phrases work differently in search and online.

  • On search
  • On networks

The key phrase determines for which queries an ad from the group can be shown on Yandex search and on YAN search sites.

For example, if you specified the phrase tours to mars, then your ads can be shown based on queries tours to mars, last minute tours to mars, inexpensive tours to mars, buy tours to mars etc., but will not be shown on requests tours to the moon or Is there life on Mars.

When displaying, the system takes into account all forms of a word within one part of speech, including singular and plural forms. For example, according to the phrase travel mars an ad can be shown if a user asks: travel mars or travelMars.

Ads can be shown for queries that contain synonyms for your keyword phrase. For example, by keyword inexpensive tours ad can be shown upon request cheap tours.

The key phrase determines the theme of the sites and the interests of the user, in accordance with which the ad can be shown on networks. For example, an advertisement for the sale of tours to Mars could be shown on a page about travel or to a user who is interested in flights to Mars.

How to add keywords

Key phrases can be added separated by commas when creating or editing an ad in the field New keywords. Only letters, numbers, the “-” operator and other Direct operators are allowed. Letter case and word order are not important.

The length of the key phrase cannot be more than 4096 characters (including negative words, spaces and Direct operators). The number of phrases per group is no more than 200. The number of words for one key phrase is no more than 7.

Adding or changing a key phrase occurs within 3 hours. To add keywords for an individual ad, create a new group.

If key phrases overlap (one contains another), then negative keywords are automatically added to them. In this case, keywords no longer compete when choosing an ad to display.

Repeated words in a keyword phrase are combined. For example, instead of the phrase Baden Baden only the word will remain Baden. Ad impressions will be shown as requested Baden Baden, or simply upon request Baden.

Functional parts of speech and pronouns, as well as any words that do not carry additional meaning (stop words), are automatically excluded from the user's request when selecting ads for display. For example, when a user requests how and when to travel to mars Ads containing the keyword will be selected for display travel mars. How, And, When, on will in this case be stop words.

Remember that stop words are respected in all languages. For example, if the keyword is given IT services, ads will be shown for non-target queries stylist services or legal services , because itV English language - this is a pronoun. To ensure that the stop word is not excluded from the query, you need to fix it using the “+” operator.


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Correct selection keywords Yandex.Direct is the key to successful and profitable advertising that brings high-quality traffic and, as a result, profit. How to choose the right “keys”? What are “minus phrases”? And what is the difference between manual word selection and automatic selection? We'll tell you in the article.

How contextual advertising keywords are grouped

A keyword (phrase) is a query by which the system finds the necessary data and displays it in the results..

Key phrases allow you to briefly describe the activities of the page and bring target customers to the site who will definitely be interested in the advertised objects. All words are grouped according to three criteria:

  • frequency;
  • temperature
  • number of words.

Each of them affects the quality and quantity of traffic, as well as success advertising campaign.


Each search query corresponds to a certain frequency, for example, the key “Dog food” has an indicator of 328,951 views per month. This means that 328,951 users entered this query into the system and were looking for something with this phrase. There are also keys with fewer impressions, down to one.

Thus, requests can be divided into three groups according to the number of impressions:

  • low frequency – from 1 to 500;
  • mid-frequency – from 501 to 2000;
  • high-frequency – from 2001.

As for traffic, the indicators vary depending on the frequency:

  • high-frequency – a large amount of low-quality traffic;
  • mid-frequency – optimal quantity traffic good quality. (It is the middle requests that most Yandex.Direct advertisers use);
  • low frequency – low amount of traffic of the highest quality.


However, you should not judge the value of a key based solely on the number of requests. There is another factor that indicates the likelihood of a purchase - “temperature”.

Hot keys. These are words that indicate a high probability of purchase. Such requests are accompanied by selling prefixes: “price”, “order”, “buy”, etc.

For example, take our query “dog food”. It will become hot in the following combinations:

  • cheap dog food;
  • dog food price;
  • buy dog ​​food.

Why does the likelihood of buying food increase? It’s simple: by clicking on such a request, a person has already set a goal - to buy a product, which means that when he gets to an advertisement with the appropriate key, he will be able to find what he is looking for.

Warm keys. These are some indicator words that check potential client, find out details about him and his preferences . For example:

  • dog food in St. Petersburg;
  • where to buy premium dog food;
  • how much does dog food cost?

Here the person has not yet decided whether to buy food for him or not. However, he is interested, which means that advertising with a similar key will help guide the user and turn ordinary interest into a purchase.

The selection of keywords for Yandex.Direct is mainly based on warm queries that provide the advertiser with useful traffic.

Cold keys. Simple phrases without target prefixes. These are queries with a low probability of purchase and may not seem worthwhile to use. But that's not true. The fact is that such keys have the most high frequency, which means they attract large quantity users who see advertising and go to the site.

  • dog food;
  • Shepherd food;
  • premium dog food.

Word count

  • basic queries (a phrase of two words that clearly explain the essence of the advertisement);
  • nested queries ( basic keys, supplemented with clarifying words).

Let's assume that you are selling smartphones, in which case the following queries will be considered basic:

  • buy a smartphone;
  • smartphone Voronezh;
  • new phone, etc.

Nested queries:

  • smartphone buy cheap online store;
  • smartphone at a discount Voronezh;
  • iPhone X with delivery in Moscow, etc.

Selection of words for contextual advertising

This is a painstaking procedure that requires maximum concentration on detail. One missed request can ruin the entire advertising campaign, but, on the contrary, careful development will allow you to achieve your goals.

Process Features:

  1. Search queries must reflect the subject of the ad.
  2. The case of letters and the order in which words are written in the key do not matter.
  3. General maximum amount characters in the request cannot exceed 4096 characters.
  4. Particular attention should be paid to synonyms by which the client can search for the required product (For example: food - treat - food, etc.)

Finally, we come to the most interesting part of the article - the description of the selection of words for Yandex.Direct. Conventionally, the process can be divided into manual and automatic. Let's look at each of them.

Manual selection of words Yandex.Direct

Selection options search queries without the use of special programs have two undeniable advantages. The first is efficiency, and the second is that you don’t have to pay for the selection process itself. Of course, you will need to spend an invaluable resource - time, but the result is worth it.

We'll tell you how to get to about 100 as quickly as possible. key phrases for Yandex.Direct using a table. We used Excel.

Algorithm of actions:

Attention! The location should only be provided if the business requires it. For example, a regional online store or delivery service.

Now you have ready-made diagram, combining words in which you will get the initial mass of queries.

Another manual method finding words for advertising - working on basic phrases in the keyword selection service for Yandex.Direct. This is the most common and reliable option that will allow you to receive high-quality traffic.

Algorithm for working in Wordstat:

  1. Go to the website and enter the base key in the selection line.

First of all, you will need a set of keys that best characterizes the essence of the advertisement. For example, the key “dog food” is basic, based on it we will consider the work process.

2. You will see a list of queries that users use in conjunction with the given key. Your task is to choose the phrases that are most suitable in meaning and quality.

We have highlighted the best requests, in our opinion, that will bring profit to the store.

3. Next, you can click on any selected key and a list of “hot” phrases that can be used in advertising will open in front of you. The action must be performed for each, in your opinion, high-quality key.

We clicked on the key “buy dog ​​food” and received the following list:

This type of selection of key queries requires a significant amount of time, and when developing queries, it is important to rely on the characteristics of the business and customer needs.

Automatic word selection

For those who want to save time, and maybe even nerves, we have developed special programs– parsers that allow you to quickly and easily special effort pick up best keys for an advertising campaign.

The way all services work is to automatically process the basic phrase. Your task is to specify the required request and set the settings; the rest of the process takes place without user participation.

Most popular program for selecting keys is KeyCollector. This is a paid parser, but its functions ensure the selection of the highest quality key phrases, which you only need to select from the list of proposed ones and include in the advertising text.

Important! If key queries intersect in the selection, you need to add negative words to them. What it is? Let's look further.

Selection of negative phrases Yandex.Direct

Negative wordsThese are words that allow you to refine your search and show ads only to target consumers.

To describe the term more clearly, let's give an example:
You are launching an advertising campaign for an online store selling luxury floor tiles. Yours the target audience- These are wealthy people who are planning or are in the process of renovation. Their need is to buy high-quality, exclusive tiles. They are not interested in the market option that their neighbor has. Your advertising campaign is built on the phrase “buy tiles.” And if you don’t use negative keywords, then your ad will be seen based on the following keywords: buy cheap tiles; inexpensive tiles; chocolate bar; third grade tiles. etc.

From this example, there are several benefits of negative keywords:

  • reduction of non-target transitions. You will pay for each transition, and if you forget to create a list of stop words, you will have to pay for useless transitions that do not generate income;
  • increase in click-through rate. This will result in a lower cost per click.

This is why it is important not to forget about safe words. Let's look at a few simple options.

Using Wordstat

Who is suitable for excluding words using Wordstat:

  • for those who have a lot of free time manual search and entering stop words;
  • for those who launch just one advertising campaign.

If the selection of negative keywords is necessary for several keywords at once, the process of working in Wordstat may be delayed.


This quick way selection of negative keywords, which is done in Direct itself. The big advantage of the method is that you don’t have to look for safe words yourself and decline them in your mind. The system automatically calculates morphology and provides full list negative phrases.
To get started, you need to create an ad in Direct, then the system itself will offer to refine your search.

You can use the refinement function not only after creating an ad, but also in the “Budget Forecast” section. This is possible if you know at least an approximate set of stop words.In this case, you can more accurately calculate your budget and save on advertising.

For the campaign

Stop words for a campaign should take into account all ad groups and cut off untargeted clicks on the ad.

If you are creating a campaign for ceramic mugs, you should exclude metal, wood and clay ones. Even if they are presented in the catalog of your IM.

You can add negative keywords before presenting your ad to users.

In order to study stop words, go to the “Unified list of negative phrases” section.

For a group

This set of phrases will allow you to exclude untargeted clicks for each specific ad.

You can add stop words in the “Group Settings” section.

Or in the group editing functionality, if stop words were not added before the launch of the advertising campaign.

For the key query

The big advantage of Yandex.Direct is that you can specify the key itself; this function is not available, for example, in Google.

We talked about how to choose the right words for advertising and found out why stop phrases are needed. We hope that the information presented will help you create an effective advertising campaign and receive maximum profit after the first advertisement.

To be as broad as possible, you need to use keyword parsers. General principle work is like this: making lists basic queries, from which we will collect other requests; select the region we need; We enter the necessary queries and by pressing a button we begin collecting keywords. Further using quick filter we delete key phrases containing . After this, we will find out the frequency of all ready-made key phrases for the area we have chosen. We export the data to Excel, sort the phrases into low-frequency and high-frequency ones. Next, we begin to work on creating ads for the selected keywords.

Watch the video on correct selection Yandex Direct keywords

The most popular and in a convenient way selection of keywords for Yandex Direct is a service from Yandex itself called “Wordstat” at . In this article we will consider in detail its main functions and capabilities, and also use an example to show the collection process itself. semantic core. You can also watch our video below.

Let's start working with Wordstat by selecting the region or regions for which further promotion is planned. For example, let's take the most popular ones - Moscow and Moscow Region.

We see that people searched for everything with our phrase in total 91,367 times in one month. To find out how many people entered the exact request “Yandex Direct”, let’s put it in quotation marks.

We learn that it was administered about 40 thousand times. Let's return to the previous window to select keywords. We have work ahead of us in several stages:

Stages of creating a semantic core for Yandex Direct

1. Collect the search phrases found.

2. Find additional mask queries from the right column. These are similar relevant queries ours, but having a different component. For example, our request “Yandex Direct” and the request from the right column “Yandex Advertising” are both suitable for compiling a semantic core, but they differ from each other and belong to different masks. The form of the word is not taken into account: “ ” and “ ” are the same search phrase, although the meaning may be different.

3. Save the masks in a separate file.

4. Using ready-made masks, we collect queries that Wordstat shows.

5. Filter requests.

Let's give another example. Let's say we have an online store selling all types of furniture. Enter the word “furniture” into Wordstat.

In the right column you can select masks such as: kitchen, sofa, closet, and so on.

However, when we enter the same word "closet" we see great amount search phrases. In this case, it is necessary to segment the mask into subsections to avoid collecting unnecessary non-target phrases. For the theme “Wardrobe”, masks for further collection of phrases can be the phrases “Buy a wardrobe”, “Wardrobe” and so on.

Once the masks are selected, we move on to the fourth step - collecting search phrases. It is not possible to do this manually (especially with a large semantic core), so we will turn to a third-party service for help. In our case, this will be a program from the site. Go to the “Seo software” section, and then select the second program in the list (it is free, unlike the first). Download and run on your computer.

Working with the Yandex Direct keyword parser

1. Open the program and go to the “Create project” tab.

2. Select the required regions below to collect indicators and search phrases (as in Wordstat). We also indicate exactly your region, as shown in the photo below.

3. On the right there is a menu “Manage groups”. We use them to enter our previously collected masks. We enter the first “Yandex Direct”. Next we have two similar phrases “set up direct” and “set up direct”: logically they are the same thing, however, despite the common root, the form of the words is different. Therefore, they are 2 different masks and you need to collect search phrases for each of them separately. Let’s add the “advertising direct” mask to our program and start collecting phrases.

4. Go to the settings section. Next, go to Yandex Direct. We indicate the login and password for the unused Yandex Direct account using a colon. This is mandatory, since he may eventually be banned due to being too large quantities requests from our program. If you don't have extra account- create. Click the “Save changes” button.

5. Now directly collect search phrases using masks. Select “batch word collection” as shown in the image below.
In the window that opens, select “distribute into groups.” Let's add all the masks and subgroups (if you have them). It looks like this:

To prevent phrases from intersecting, leave a checkmark at the top for “Do not add a phrase if it is already in any other groups.” And click “Start collection”. It is worth considering that when collecting a large number of phrases, the program can work for hours, and sometimes tens of hours. At this time, you can prepare your pages for future advertising. If you have a small or medium semantic core, most likely one hour will be enough. Once the search phrases are collected, it's time to start next step— filtering keywords from non-target queries.

The next step in selecting queries deserves special attention, as it contains quite a few nuances. We will describe filtering results in the next article and in the corresponding video.

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For each service/product we select phrases in the service:

In most cases, we collect keywords from 30 impressions per month. We enter target phrases into a file for further use in the Republic of Kazakhstan, from non-target ones - we are preparing a list of negative keywords.

When selecting key phrases, we take into account the region in which our ads will be broadcast.

Otherwise, phrases with zero impressions will be added and unnecessary work will be done.

Phrases for each product/service have been selected, but full coverage of the audience has not yet been completed.

1. Synonyms

Example: “website development” and “website creation”.

2. Commonly misspelled words
“subwoofer for a car” can be requested: “subbuffer”, “sambuffer”.

3. Slang/professionalism/abbreviations

  • "telephone" - "mobile phone"
  • in plumbing, the “sleeve nut” is “American”
  • "car" - "auto".

You have a competitor who offers similar products, add phrases to the RK indicating the name of the competitor or its products.

One note: we indicate our company or product name in the title and text of the advertisements, otherwise you will be held liable for using someone else’s trademark.

The service has an additional column:

Here we see similar user requests. Let's check to see if there's anything else that hasn't been used as keywords yet.

We advise you to periodically check the completeness of the semantic core. During the collection process, you might have missed something, your list of products or services has expanded, or new user requests have appeared that need to be added to the advertising campaign.

Useful tips when working

1. Using the operator or | and the grouping operator () to speed up the process of creating a list of keywords.

For example, you can process all synonyms for website development at once with the following construction: (development|creation) (sites|landing pages).

Those. no need to enter requests separately: website development, landing page development, website creation, landing page creation. We simply prepare a template according to which the system itself will substitute all variants of words and group them.

2. Wordstat supports negative keywords if you insert them right away basic list disadvantages, you can cut off a lot of unnecessary requests. Example: (development|creation) (sites|landing pages) -free -with your own hands -independently

You can use ready-made standard list negative keywords that are suitable for almost any advertising campaign. Eg - .

3. Using the operators +, !, ""

  • Operator “+„. Takes into account prepositions and conjunctions in statistics when selecting phrases. Without adding of this operator search system ignores them
  • Operator “!” We receive impressions only for a given word form
  • Operator "" (quotes). Using the operator, the service displays impressions only for a given word or phrase, taking into account all its word forms.

4. Installing the browser extension: Yandex Wordstat Assistant.

This widget will speed up the process of collecting keywords.

In this article, we looked at one of the ways to select keywords. Collecting phrases can be done using the tool, as well as using special software: Key Collector, etc.