Print header on every page. Printing continuous lines in Excel. Printing row numbers and column letters

Microsoft programs are popular because they are convenient both for working with office documents and for personal purposes. Excel is a program that has a large number of different functions that allows you to work with large and massive tables, even on weak computers. In order to understand all the functionality, you need to spend a lot of time, so next we will talk about how it is possible to attach a header in Excel.

How to attach a header in Excel

This can be done either with the help of a special tool that will allow you to print it on each page, or with the help of another that allows you to secure the top line, and when scrolling, the line will be displayed constantly at the top. You can attach the leftmost column in the same way. How can this be done?

In Excel 2003/2007/2010

To attach a header in Excel 2003, 2007 or 2010, you need to follow a few simple steps:

In Excel 2013/2016

In Excel 2016, everything is done in a fairly similar way. Here are step-by-step instructions for pinning in the new Excel:

With this pinning, the row or column will always be visible, which is quite convenient when working with large tables, since scrolling them down in standard mode hides the header.

How do I attach a header to each page for printing?

In the case when you need to print such a line on each page, you need to do the following:

After these operations, when printing, the header will be displayed on each of the printed sheets; you can print the entire table.

Based on this, making pins in Excel is actually quite simple, for which you just need to remember the sequence and what operations need to be performed, and then working in Microsoft Excel will bring you nothing but pleasure.

Video: How to attach a header in Excel?

Let's learn attach the table header as a heading for printing(with fixed rows or columns) on each page in Excel.

How often have you scrolled down or to the right and lost sight of the title?
If you fix the table header using freezing areas, then when scrolling the Excel sheet, the header will indeed remain motionless and the problem is solved, but when printed it will still not be repeated on each page, which can lead to incorrect interpretation of the data (you can easily confuse the data due to incorrect designation).

And then, in order to understand which row or column of data is responsible for what, you will have to return to the beginning of the sheet, which is extremely inconvenient. Therefore, if the printed document takes up more than one page, then repeating the headings will greatly simplify the reading of the document.

How to attach a heading to every printed page in Excel?

Excel has standard tools that allow you to make a repeating table header when printing a document.
But first, let’s decide what type of header we will need to work with; in general, there are two types:

  • Horizontal. The header is located at the top and the body of the table is at the bottom;
  • Vertical. The header is on the left and the body of the table is on the right.

There is only one difference in working with different types of headings - for horizontal ones we will make only the rows motionless, and for vertical ones - columns.
Let's move on to practice and use examples to look at how you can print a header in Excel so that it appears on every sheet.

How to fix a horizontal header?

Let's consider a large table (let's take one so that it probably won't fit on one page) with a horizontal header (rows 1-2 with the name of the table and the designation of the data contained in it), which we subsequently plan to print:

To see how the sheet will look when printed, you can use the preview (on the tab bar File -> Seal, or using Ctrl+F2).

As you can see, on the first sheet the header in the table is located at the top, but on the second it is not there at all, which makes it unclear what kind of data is in which column (for example, by looking only at the second page it is impossible to determine what exactly the data shows):

Now let's move on to setting the sheet printing parameters.
On the tab bar, select a tab Page layout and in the section Page settings press Print headings:

In the pop-up window (you can also customize the output here), we are interested in the block where we can set end-to-end rows and columns.
Name end-to-end precisely implies that these elements will pass through all printed sheets:

Accordingly, if the table header is presented in horizontal form, then in order to make the header motionless when printing the page, we need to set the dockable area as end-to-end rows.

Select the lines to pin (in this case, these are lines 1 and 2, i.e. enter $1:$2 ), and then click the view button to display the changes made:

As you can see, headings also appeared on the second sheet of the table, just like on the first.

Everything is ready, you can send the document for printing.

How to attach a vertical header?

Let's consider another case when the table header is located not horizontally, but vertically (column A with a list of employees):

First, let's check what our table looks like when printed.
Using the preview, we make sure that the heading on the second page is missing:

Let's repeat all the steps from the previous example (when we fixed the rows), but at the last step, instead of end-to-end rows, we will set end-to-end columns.
In this case, we need to fix the first column, so in the field Through columns enter $A:$A. As a result we get:

As we can see in this case, a floating header appeared on each sheet; now the document is also completely ready for printing.

Thank you for your attention!
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In this lesson I will tell you how to attach a header to each Excel page. This may be necessary if you are working with large tables. Usually, when they are printed, documents with a large number of pages are produced, and in order to make it convenient to work with them, it is necessary to save the table header on each sheet.

Excel has a built-in feature to place a header on all pages of a document. Open the table and go to the “Page Layout” tab and click on the “Print Headings” icon.

The Page Setup window opens. Here, on the “Sheet” tab in the “Print on each page” settings block, we need to indicate which rows and/or columns need to be continuous.

Click on the special icon in the “End-to-end rows” field and select the range in the table. You can also select "End-to-end columns". After selecting the rows, press the Enter key to return to the sheet tab.

At the end, click the “Ok” button. Now, if you print the table, the specified header will be on all pages.

It is worth noting that if in the future you have to delete or add new rows in the table, then when printed, the header will be in the same place at the beginning of each sheet.

Today I’ll tell you how to solve the problem when columns in Excel are marked with numbers. The situation may be familiar to many. You open an Excel file and the column labels have numbers instead of letters. The addresses in this case have the unusual spelling R1C1, R1C3, etc.

In this lesson, we'll look at the Excel functions found in the status bar. The status bar in Excel is represented by a strip at the very bottom of the program window, where you can display additional information.

In this lesson I will tell you how to freeze a row or column in Excel. Pinned areas will always be visible on the screen when scrolling vertically or horizontally.

In this lesson I will tell you how to make a drop-down list in Excel. Basically, it is created for one purpose - to limit the possibility of entering data to a certain list. For example, when there is a special cell in the table in which you mark which department this or that employee belongs to. This list is always the same. It is much more convenient to select a department from the list than to enter it manually each time or copy it from other cells.

Long tables with a large number of rows are very inconvenient because you constantly have to scroll up the sheet to see which column of the cell corresponds to the specific name of the header section. Of course, this is very inconvenient, and most importantly, it significantly increases the time spent working with tables. However, Microsoft Excel offers the ability to attach a table header. Let's figure out how to do this.

If the table header is on the top line of the sheet and is simple, that is, it consists of one line, then, in this case, fixing it is quite simple. To do this, go to the “View” tab, click on the “Freeze Areas” button, and select the “Freeze Top Row” item.

Now, when scrolling the tape down, the table header will always be located within the visible screen on the first line.

Securing a complex hat

But this method of attaching a header to a table will not work if the header is complex, that is, it consists of two or more lines. In this case, to secure the header, you need to secure not only the top line, but an area of ​​the table consisting of several lines.

First of all, select the first cell on the left, located under the table header itself.

In the same “View” tab, again click on the “Freeze areas” button, and in the list that opens, select the item with the same name.

After this, the entire area of ​​the sheet located above the selected cell will be frozen, which means the table header will also be frozen.

Securing the header by creating a “smart table”

Often, the header is not located at the very top of the table, but slightly lower, since the name of the table is located on the first lines. In this case, of course, you can pin the entire header area along with the name. But, fixed rows with names will take up space on the screen, that is, they will narrow the visible overview of the table, which not every user will find convenient and rational.

In this case, creating a so-called “smart table” is suitable. In order to use this method, the table header should consist of no more than one line. To create a “smart table”, being in the “Home” tab, select together with the header the entire area of ​​​​values ​​that we intend to include in the table. Next, in the “Styles” tool group, click on the “Format as table” button, and in the list of styles that opens, select the one that you like best.

Next, a dialog box will open. It will indicate the range of cells you previously selected, which will be included in the table. If you selected correctly, then you don’t need to change anything here. But below, you should definitely pay attention that there is a check mark next to the “Table with headers” parameter. If it is not there, then you need to put it in manually, otherwise you won’t be able to attach the hat correctly. After that, click on the “OK” button.

An alternative option is to create a table with a docked header in the Insert tab. To do this, you need to go to the specified tab, select the area of ​​the sheet that will become a “smart table”, and click on the “Table” button located on the left side of the ribbon.

In this case, exactly the same dialog box will open as when using the method described earlier. The actions in this window must be performed exactly the same as in the previous case.

After this, when you scroll down, the table header will move to a panel with letters indicating the address of the columns. Thus, the line where the header is located will not be fixed, but, nevertheless, the header itself will always be in front of the user’s eyes, no matter how far he scrolls down the table.

Attach a header to each page when printing

There are times when a header needs to be attached to each page of a printed document. Then, when printing a table with many rows, there will be no need to identify the columns filled with data by comparing them with the name in the header, which would be located only on the first page.

To attach a header to each page when printing, go to the “Page Layout” tab. In the “Sheet Options” tool block on the ribbon, click on the icon in the form of an inclined arrow, which is located in the lower right corner of this block.

The page settings window opens. You need to go to the “Sheet” tab of this window if you find yourself in another tab. Opposite the “Print continuous lines on each page” option, you need to enter the address of the header area. You can make it a little simpler and click on the button located to the right of the data entry form.

After this, the page options window will collapse. You will need to use your mouse to click on the table header. Then, again click on the button to the right of the entered data.

Having moved back to the page parameters window, click on the “OK” button.

As you can see, visually nothing has changed in the Microsoft Excel editor. In order to check how the document will look when printed, go to the “File” tab. Next, move to the “Print” section. On the right side of the Microsoft Excel window there is an area for previewing the document.

Scrolling down the document, we make sure that the table header is displayed on each page prepared for printing.

As you can see, there are several ways to attach a header to a table. Which of these methods to use depends on the table structure and why you need anchoring. When using a simple header, it is easiest to use the pinning of the top line of the sheet; if the header is multi-level, then you need to pin the area. If there is a table name or other lines above the header, then you can format the range of cells filled with data as a “smart table”. In the case when you plan to print a document, it would be rational to attach a header to each sheet of the document using the through line function. In each case, the decision to use a specific fastening method is made purely individually.

If you have created a large table in Microsoft Word that occupies more than one page, for ease of working with it, you may need to display a header on each page of the document. To do this, you will need to set up automatic transfer of the title (the same header) to subsequent pages.

So, in our document there is a large table that already takes up or will only take up more than one page. Our task is to configure this table in such a way that its header automatically appears in the top row of the table when you go to it. You can read about how to create a table in our article.

Note: To move a table header consisting of two or more rows, you must also select the first row.

1. Place the cursor in the first row of the header (first cell) and select this row or rows that make up the header.

2. Go to the tab "Layout", which is in the main section "Working with tables".

3. In the tools section "Data" select an option.

Ready! With the addition of rows in the table that will carry it to the next page, the header will be automatically added first, followed by new rows.

Automatic wrapping of not the first row of the table header

In some cases, the table header may consist of several rows, but automatic wrapping only needs to be done for one of them. This, for example, could be a line with column numbers located below the line or lines with the main data.

In this case, we first need to split the table, making the row we need a header, which will be transferred to all subsequent pages of the document. Only after this will it be possible to activate the parameter for this line (already the header) "Repeat Header Rows".

1. Place the cursor in the last row of the table located on the first page of the document.

2. In the tab "Layout" ("Working with tables") and in the group "An association" select option "Split table".

3. Copy that line from the “big” main header of the table, which will act as a header on all subsequent pages (in our example, this is the line with the names of the columns).

    Advice: To select a line, use the mouse, moving it from the beginning to the end of the line; to copy, use the keys "CTRL+C".

4. Paste the copied row into the first row of the table on the next page.

    Advice: Use the keys to insert "CTRL+V".

5. Select the new header with the mouse.

6. In the tab "Layout" click on the button "Repeat Header Rows" located in the group "Data".

Ready! Now the main table header, consisting of several lines, will be displayed only on the first page, and the line you added will be automatically transferred to all subsequent pages of the document, starting from the second.

Removing the header on each page

If you need to remove the automatic table header on all pages of the document except the first, do the following:

1. Select all the rows in the table header on the first page of the document and go to the tab "Layout".

2. Click the button "Repeat Header Rows"(group "Data").

3. After this, the header will be displayed only on the first page of the document.

We can finish here, from this article you learned how to make a table header on each page of a Word document.