What is a title and how to write it correctly. Page title - what is it and what should it be? Real examples on WordPress

Hello, friends!

In today's article we will analyze the title tag in all aspects, namely its correct filling, use on pages, as well as key features of working in search engines.

It would be possible to combine this article and make a comprehensive manual on all meta tags (title, description and keywords), but I decided to allocate separate material for each object. I think that this would be more correct. The material will be quite large, but it is worth studying. To be honest, I myself did not expect that I would be able to cook up so much about this tag.

Tasks and specifics of work

The task of this meta tag is very important and at the moment it is one of the determining factors in determining the relevance of a page to a specific search query.

Title is the title tag. Therefore, it is necessary to indicate the title of the page, which determines its content. The title tag should not be confused with the first-level H1 heading, which is used for the title of an article or other type of material. These tags must be different and their significance is also not the same, although there are similar features in their work. For example, both title and H1 should be used once per page.

In addition, these tags have different placements in the html code of the page.

Title is placed only in the site header in the head section between the opening and closing tags

H1 is the title of the article and is written inside the body of the document, that is, the body area.

Here is an example of part of the source code of one of my articles, where I showed how these 2 tags are written in practice.

Title tag: use it correctly

Correct use of the Title tag to improve rankings in search results

  • Line 6 - the title of the page between the opening and closing title tags. It is located in the head section of the page, as it should be;
  • Line 10 - the body tag opens (that is, the body of the document - its contents);
  • Line 12 is the page title in H1 tags, which has a changed appearance compared to the title in title.

The title tag does not appear in the page content, unlike H1. But it displays the page title in the SERP and also in the browser tab when the user is on a particular page.

Now a few words about adding this tag to the pages of your resource.

If you use some kind of CSM system (for example, WordPress), then the title will be added automatically to each page, based on the title that you enter in the page editor. But we get a situation where this heading will be used both as a title and as an H1 heading. There is no way to make them different, which would be more reasonable for competent work. To do this, install various SEO optimization plugins.

By installing one of these plugins, you can make the title tag different from H1, which will allow you to more effectively approach the composition of both tags. Make the title so that you want to click from the search and go to the resource, and make the H1 so that after the transition it forces the visitor to start studying the content. It is very important.

Title in other site elements

In addition to the title function for the page as a whole, this tag can also perform other tasks, namely:

  • add a title to the image;
  • to links.

In these cases, the title will be significant only for search engines and can be seen in the source code of the page. Every link and image should have one. It also serves as a tooltip when you hover over a link or image. In the case of a link, it displays the name of the material to which the transition will take place when you click on it.

The situation is similar with images.

If you take the source code and see how the title tag is added to images and links, below I show 2 options. There will be a link first and then an image.

In addition, the title must be added to all links in the template layout. These are all kinds of links to go to categories and so on.

So, in the first paragraph I touched on almost all the features of the title tag. To understand in more detail the importance of the title and learn how to fill it out as correctly and effectively as possible, I suggest starting to study the following question.

How to fill out title correctly

  • First and most important, the title should reflect the content of the page as clearly as possible. This is important from all sides. Firstly, the title is a very important meta tag, which still greatly influences the site’s position for certain queries in search engines. Therefore, if you want the page for the desired keyword to be high in the search results, then you should give it the correct name, which will clearly display the essence of the information, since this brings up the second point. If the content does not meet the expectations of the visitor who clicked on link from the search results, he will immediately close the article and leave the site. This is a strong signal to search engines that the page is not interesting or does not meet the user's query. The second statement is more accurate in this case. Therefore, try to ensure that the titile title reflects the contents of the document as accurately as possible, or displays it at all;
  • In the title meta title tag, be sure to indicate the keyword by which the page is being promoted, as this increases the relevance of the page to the search query (keyword). Also, the key used in the title of the document has the greatest significance in contrast to other places (article body, H1, description, keywords, etc.). This is one of all meta tags that is currently still significant for the PS and is mandatory, unlike keywords and descriptions. But for the keyword to have maximum weight, try to use it at the very beginning of the title. I already wrote about this in one of my articles, where I provided a graph of the dependence of the weight of the key on its location in the title.

    And Google itself tells us about this:

    Google gives preference and more weight to a keyword if it is at the beginning of the title tag. Therefore, try to place it as close to the beginning as possible.

    As an example, I can give 2 options for titles for a title using the keyword “how to promote a website”:

    1. How to promote a website: 5 secret tricks;
    2. 5 secret tricks on how to promote a website.

    It will be a priority to use the first option, since the key phrase will have more weight in the eyes of search engines and, with a high probability, the page for this query will be ranked higher than with the second option.

    This is also very important from the point of view of how people perceive the title. Keywords are always highlighted in bold in the search. By using the keyword in the title, you will already make the snippet more noticeable and the conversion per click on the link will increase. Using the key at the very beginning will increase the percentage of clicks even more, since reading occurs from left to right and the user’s request in the form of the required key will be thrown first;

  • The third factor for successful completion is the length of the title. Search engines are limited to displaying this tag in the region of 60-70 characters, including spaces. Most often, it is 60 characters that are displayed in the search results. In the source code the entire header will be read, but in the output this is not the case. Only 60 characters, including spaces between words. Therefore, try to compose the title tag so that from these 60 characters the visitor understands the essence of the entire page and wants to go to it.

    In this case, the most effective way is to use the key phrase in the exact occurrence, as we discussed a little higher.

    Another point when using long headings of more than 60-70 characters is that Yandex will be able to display in the search results exactly that part of the heading that contains the user’s request. Even if the words needed for display are among the last 120 characters (for example) of the title.

    For example, if you take a title of 120 characters and specify 2 words “with your own hands” at the end, then Yandex, when the user searches for such a request, will show him exactly the end of the title in the search results with these words, and not its beginning. This is a very good flexible ability of this search engine. Google will not be able to do this and will show the title as it is.

    I tried to find an example of such output, but immediately gave up. I found a striking example in the form of 2 screenshots on the ktonanovenkogo website. Of course, the check was based on a different request, but you should still get the gist.

  • From this we can conclude that long titles also have their place. This will allow the page to rank higher for more queries. But do not forget that we focus on 60 characters using the key at the very beginning;
  • Be sure to start your title for search engines with a capital letter;
  • The title must be readable. If the keyword is not entirely readable (for example, how to grow tomatoes), then it would be logical to rephrase it (how to grow tomatoes). Keep an eye on this point so that at one point your site is not demoted in the search and you do not have to redo the headings for a huge number of pages if the resource already has a lot of time and there is a lot of content on it;
  • You use the question mark in the title only for questions;
  • We try not to use safe words, prepositions and conjunctions. Always closer to the point;
  • The title tag must be different from the H1 heading. You should not write the same heading in H1. Give it a different word form and dilute it with other words;
  • You should not make a title tag like “title | site.ru”. The title should only contain the title of the page, which corresponds specifically to its content. If you have a resource created from simple HTML pages, then there will be no problems, but on WordPress you will have to configure SEO optimization plugins to remove unnecessary parts of the code from the title;
  • Use unique titles for each page. You should not repeat yourself, much less use the same title for several materials;
  • You should not use several keywords in one title. This can greatly harm its readability. You can use a key phrase that will be valid for 2 word forms and can bring traffic in both forms. For example, “How to speed up the indexing of a site by Yandex.” This key phrase has a more frequent form if you remove the word “Yandex”. But with this word, the phrase also has its own traffic. It turns out that within one key we have several keys. Such a phrase can bring more traffic for as many as several requests. This option can be used, but not “How to speed up the indexing of a site or how to speed up the indexing of a Google site.”

Using all the recommendations, your titles will be at a high level, will be liked by search engines and provoke users to click in the search results. Of course, you won’t be able to use all the rules every time, but it’s worth striving for them. In most cases, you can use almost everything.


Well then, friends. A rather large article was published about some kind of tag.

Did you think that there were so many subtle nuances in its use? Write your impressions in the comments, what new things did you learn? Or maybe you can add something else?

In the near future I will publish similar materials regarding the meta tags descriptions (description) and keywords (keywords). There are also some very interesting and subtle moments. I hope that such materials will make your mind clearer in the field of SEO website optimization, and most importantly, will help you promote your resources and make money from them.

All. See you in future articles.

Best regards, Konstantin Khmelev!

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Friends, I hasten to inform you that I have decided to take part in one very cool competition.

I am participating in the Easter Miracle competition. The prize fund is 35,000 rubles! Competition entries are accepted from 04/10/2017 to 04/30/2017. Project organizer: Irina Zaitseva’s blog. Read all the details of the competition here http://irinazaytseva.ru/pasxalnoe-chudo.html

So let's get back to the secrets of optimization. Do you think they even exist? You can find out my answer to this question at the end of the article. But one thing I can tell you right away is that winning the love and reciprocity of search robots is a difficult task.

To do this, you need to comply with a number of technical requirements for the design of the finished article and, at a minimum, create a well-thought-out title.

We will discuss what a title is, for what purpose it is written, how it is designated, and what tag parameters are relevant today.

Title is an important attribute necessary for promoting articles in various search engines. It is visible in the browser tab before opening the resource and in the list generated by the search engine. Hover your cursor over the browser line and there it is - His Majesty's title.

The purpose of the title is to make sure that Internet visitors go to your web resource, that is, to attract their attention, “hook” them, and force them to go to your site. But then they can like, share information with friends, and finally purchase goods and services offered on the pages.

So, what should the title be? How to make sure that they choose yours and go to your article?

He must:

  • arouse the visitor’s interest and encourage them to switch to the resource;
  • convey fully, reliably, but briefly what is contained in the “body” of the article;
  • help increase clicks/transitions;
  • position the site on the first pages when typing queries.

Where is the title?

Before publication on the Internet, the article is placed in an HTML shell. The title tag is an important piece of code and is part of the head tag. When HTML is scanned, the formatted text looks like this:

Buy inexpensive doors

the text itself

To view it in the code, press either the Ctrl+U keys together or right-click “View Code”. So we found him.

Title is a laconic title that briefly outlines its essence. It should not be confused with first, second and third level headings


. In contrast, the title provides more generalized and accurate information.

It should also not be confused with description. I will prepare a detailed article about description, so I won’t dwell on it now. so as not to miss this important material.

Now let's see what our title looks like when entering a query in the Google search engine.

Which of the three options do you like best? Which one is catchy? C'mon, just be honest! I am the third option :)

But seriously, as you can see, Google shows in the search results not the title of the article, but the title. This is the first point. And second: pay attention to its length. The scraps look very ugly and unattractive. Therefore, take this into account when compiling titles.

By the way, you noticed that the main keyword (keyword) that matches the user's query is highlighted in bold formatting.

What does Yandex show us? And it shows the title, not the title.

This is how title search engines work. Therefore, not only the title of the article is important, as many people think, but also the title.

Title design rules

Meta tags such as title are filled in by webmasters simultaneously for both people and search engines according to the following rules:

  • A valid (i.e. “working”) tag must contain the main keyword query. It is at the beginning of the paragraph. The presence of several additional keywords other than those in the headings is allowed.
  • The number of characters and stop words in the title is reduced to a minimum. Search robots “hate” periods and question marks and do not consider prepositions, particles and interjections as meaningful words. The use of dashes, colons and commas is allowed.
  • The title is created in accordance with the norms of the Russian language. The science of how to write it is not taught by specialized programs. This is not a set of keywords. Otherwise, the search engine will perceive the document as “overspam,” and this will lead to a decrease in the blog’s position in the search results.
  • The title conveys the content of the article in a short and concise form.
  • It must be on topic, otherwise you will simply mislead search robots. I think this has absolutely no use for you, so you need to approach thinking through the title seriously.

The title's effect is difficult to predict. Sometimes summaries lead to Internet visitors finding a resource on pages 1-3 of search results. And all this is thanks to the extraordinary talent of the blogger.

  1. SEO specialists recommend starting a title with a key query. The keyword is followed by a colon and then the more common description begins.
  2. Some SEOs add a few extra keywords to the description. Additional keywords of other content become part of the h1 heading.
  3. To obtain maximum effect, the title should be no more than 12 words long.
  4. The main keyword is used in a pure occurrence, without declination or dilution with other parts of speech, as well as punctuation marks.
  5. The key query used in the title should be logical (“how to cook okroshka”, not “how to cook okroshka”).
  6. The title should be chicken, just don't overdo it.
  7. The title must be truthful. Try to write in it only about what is actually in your article, and not just provocative words (“how to cook okroshka: secrets from a chef,” and there is not a word about secrets in the article).
  8. The brand name is included in the title when the pages talk about a popular brand name (an additional incentive to click).
  9. Due to the advent of the WordPress Yoast SEO plugin, templates for titles, keywords and descriptions can be easily rewritten. To change the title tag, just go to the admin panel, find the “All Posts” tab and select the article in which you want to make changes.

Examples of titles

An example of a good title: Types of search queries: full classification

An example of a bad title is rambling, illogical text or a bunch of keywords: Doors, buy, inexpensive, price

Many new bloggers think that the more keywords they put in a title, the higher it will rank in search results. Make no mistake, this is not true!

Filling out a title in the Yoast SEO plugin

In this article I will not tell you where to get and how to install this plugin, since I have already described everything in detail in the article “”. If you don’t have this plugin, then follow the link, read, install and come back :)

So, let's assume you have it installed. We begin work on filling out all the data by clicking the “Edit snippet” button.

I will tell you about filling out other meta data in the next article.

New times dictate their own laws. Now the top will be those projects that are created for people, and not for “soulless” and “insensitive” search engines. Let me remind you that a new algorithm from Yandex Baden-Baden was recently released. For those who don't know yet, read my detailed article.

In conclusion, I want to say that everything is important for website promotion: unique content, absence of spam and correct formatting of page codes in the head tag. You can read a very detailed guide to internal SEO optimization of a website with recommendations.

Here is my answer: there are no secrets!

Now you know what a title is, so take this into account and devote enough time to creating it.

Video for dessert, for those who read the article to the end :)

To receive news from the blog! Share the article with your friends!

Do you pay attention to compiling the title? Do you think it depends on what place an article ranks in search results?

See you again!

Ekaterina Kalmykova was with you

Tag is the most important part of any website's page, so it's worth paying a lot of attention to how you compose it. Creating headlines is like an art and not everyone can create it the right way the first time, this requires knowing some subtleties. By applying these 12 tips for using and optimizing the title tag to your sites, you will avoid a lot of problems in the future.</p> <h2><b>1. The title should reflect the essence of the page.</b></h2> <p>This point relates to usability. It must be remembered that the title is shown in search results in all search engines and is the first thing users pay attention to. From what you put in the tag <title>The click-through rate and, accordingly, the amount of traffic received will depend.</p> <p>The title is also used when describing a page (or site) in some directory of sites, a directory of useful links, social bookmarks and other social services. If it does not reflect the essence of the content, then the page will not receive high-quality targeted traffic. For clarity, compare the following examples:</p> <blockquote> <p><i><span><title>Site's home page
</i><i><span>NIGMA</i> </span><i><span>– intelligent search engine

or internal pages

Test: Are you a real blogger?

2. Include your brand in the title of the pages.

Use your site's name or brand at the beginning or end of the title tag on every page to help users understand where they will go and increase return rates. Some search engine users skim down the search results to find a trusted brand.

Option 1: Search Engine Optimization
Option 2: Search Engine Optimization - Wikipedia
Option 3: Optimization.ru: Search engine optimization and website promotion

3. Use different titles on different pages.

The title tag must be unique on each page, and it must also be unique throughout the search results. To uniqueize the tag within your site, use the names of articles, sections, categories, and so on. If any article is divided into pages, then add text at the end of the title Page 2 of 10 or simply Page 2. To uniqueize page titles throughout the search index, it is convenient to use the brand name in the title. Identical headings can cause duplicate content to appear and, accordingly, some pages to end up in “additional search results”.

4. The title must contain keywords.

The keys should fall into the title naturally; search engines will assign the greatest weight to these words out of all those found in the text. Therefore, when optimizing a page for a certain key phrase, it is worth, first of all, including it in the title. Internal links to a specific page most often contain its title in the anchor, just as with natural external links people anchor the title of the page, so if this tag does not contain keywords, then you are losing a big opportunity to cost-effectively make the page more relevant for a specific key phrase and promote your site for it a little higher in the search results.

5. Don't include too many keywords in the title.

It is necessary to add keys to this tag, but you should know when to stop and find the line between SEO optimization and usability. When adding keywords to a title, make sure it remains readable. You should not put more than 2-3 key phrases in the page title; first of all, leave the title readable and understandable for users. If you have a large number of keywords, create several pages on the site, each of which will be dedicated to 1-2 keywords, this way you will shorten the headings and increase conversion.

Examples of long and short headings:

Download music in mp3 format: dance, club, electronic, download clips of new songs - music portal Muz.ru

MP3collection.ru >> Dance music, electronic club music

6. Don't use safe words in your title.

Search engines do not take into account stop words - those that appear in texts so often that they cannot be meaningful for the search. As a rule, these are pronouns, prepositions and particles. Search engines usually ignore stop words, even if they appear in the query text.

Among the Russian-language stop words we can highlight the following: O, And, or, To, I, Not, before etc. Among English speakers it is a, about, an, as, are, but, be, or, and, for and others.

7. Each word should not be repeated more than twice.

It is better to combine words, insert derivatives of words, etc., focus more on users. When a word appears in a title more than twice, the title becomes long, unreadable and spammy from the point of view of search engines. For example, this header:

Nokia 3410 – phone, case for Nokia 3410, case Nokia 3410 battery for Nokia 3410

not at all usable, its redundancy resembles spam, which strives to remind search engines what the page is about. It is better to use this type in this case:

Nokia 3410 phone – case, housing, battery, accessories

8. Don't use page titles that are too long.

Limit on the number of characters counted in the title tag for google is 70 signs so that the name in the sickle fits into one line. IN Yandex is taken into account in the title no more 15 words, but no more is displayed 80 characters. If your title is more than the maximum value, the search engine will automatically truncate it (google will add an ellipsis at the end).

9. Keep the title length to no more than 8 words.

It is quite difficult to fit more than 8 words into 70-80 characters, however, some still make the title too long. For Google, the number of words taken into account in the link text is eight, for Yandex – 16. Remember that users, when linking to your pages, do not like to change the title by inserting it into the anchor of the link. By focusing only on Yandex and making the title more than 8 words, you lose in Google.

10. Place the most significant keys at the beginning of the title.

This way, even with a long title, you will be sure that the keys will be included in the anchor of internal and external links and will influence the link ranking. If you like long titles, then put the brand at the end, not at the beginning of the tag. Pay attention to how different companies and services make headlines. For example, Wikipedia:

Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia

however, for the inner page:

Federal constitutional law - Wikipedia

11. Use patterns.

A pattern is a template. If you need to place multiple keywords in the title tag, or use multiple modifiers, then use templates like this:

[mod1 keyword] + [mod2 keyword] = [mod1 keyword mod2]

For example, Find a job at home + Work from home via the Internet = Find a job at home via the Internet.

Templates can be different, here are some of them:

KW1, KW2, KW3
KW1, KW2 and KW3
KW1 | KW2 | KW3

However, it is worth remembering that with long keywords you may not fit into the required heading length restrictions.

12. Don't use special characters.

Search engines support a number of special characters that you can place in the title tag. These are the following symbols (not the entire list):

In search results, special characters look something like this:

Previously, other special characters were also supported, which are currently simply ignored. Unsupported characters include ASCII characters and the following HTML entities.

Hello everyone, Anna is with you again! Glad to see you on our blog. It seems to me that it’s time to talk about such an important component of pages and articles as the title. If you have already worked with text, then you have probably come across this concept.

In fact, everyone does title, but not everyone produces something worthwhile. Why? This is a special art, the subtleties of which need to be learned.

Are you still looking at becoming a copywriter? Don't pass by, learn to work with the title right now. Working with SEO titles is one of the responsibilities of a writer. Once you master this skill, you will be a step above your competitors.

Once a regular customer on a text exchange confronted me with a fact: “Write a good title.” As a newbie, it was difficult for me to figure it out. I gave my 100%, but with experience I realized that this was not enough. Until the rules are firmly ingrained in my head, I won’t be able to write high-quality headlines.

In this article I will tell you what titles are, how to write them and why.

Friends, never give up and connect to our knowledge base. You will succeed!

If you have questions while reading the article, ask in the comments. I'll be happy to help.

What is title?

Title is the name of the page, displayed in tabs, browser bookmarks and search results as a link. Its content affects relevance, ranking, and behavioral factors. Together with the description, it favorably presents the page in search results.

We rely on search results. This is where users carefully study the names. We need to attract their attention so that they click on our link in the search results, rather than choosing our competitors.

Title - a paired meta tag without attributes, which is written in the HTML code in a block . To verify this, you can right-click or use the Ctrl + U keyboard shortcut in the browser.

Among a bunch of lines you will see our meta tag . Webmasters and bloggers do not have to write code from scratch. Install your site on the WordPress engine, connect it, configure a special plugin for publishing, and you're done. I can recommend “Yoast Seo”, “Frontend Publishing Pro” and “WP User Frontend”. These are plugins with advanced functionality that are easy to use.</p><p><img src='https://i2.wp.com/iklife.ru/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/kak-otobrazhaetsya-teg-title-v-html-dokumente.png' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><p>Our goal is to create meaningful, readable headings with keys, so that people enjoy reading, and search engines slowly promote the page.</p><p>In fact, many copywriters cope with only one task - either coming up with a beautiful title without keywords, or trying to cram them in as much as possible.</p><p><img src='https://i2.wp.com/iklife.ru/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/kak-vyglyadit-title-v-html-formate.jpg' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><blockquote><p>Titles are not created without a semantic core and a well-thought-out article structure.</p> </blockquote><p>You will become a pro when you can express the essence of the article in 3-5 words of the title, without forgetting the key phrases.</p><h2><span>How to write a title correctly: 11 current rules</span></h2><p>How to prepare to write a title:</p><ol><li>View page metadata for a TOP 10 search query.</li><li>Go through the list of keys again, think about how to enter them naturally.</li> </ol><p>If you make the right title, your page will have a chance to get into Google's quick answers column. The snippet of the website of the “lucky” one who got there is larger in size and is located above the competitive pages. The click-through rate of such projects is off the charts.</p><p>Here's a real example.</p><p><img src='https://i1.wp.com/iklife.ru/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/bystryj-otvet-google.png' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><blockquote><p>To better and faster learn the rules of writing titles, I advise you to write them on stickers and paste them near your desktop.</p> </blockquote><h3><span>We reason logically</span></h3><p>The title is not only an important SEO element, but also the heading. We must not forget that we write for people. We follow grammatical rules and ensure consistency.</p><p>Let’s say we have the key “baby food”, we cannot enter it in the exact entry, otherwise it will turn out to be gibberish. We decline, change places, add a low-frequency request.</p><p><b>Right:</b>“Child nutrition: list of permitted foods.”</p><p><b>Wrong:</b>“What foods can a child eat?”</p><h3><span>Brevity is the soul of wit</span></h3><p>We don’t inflate the title into 2 sentences. The permissible size of headings for Google is 69 characters (12 - 13 words), for Yandex - 70 (14 - 15 words). Everything else is cut off and hidden behind the ellipses. Waste your time and the user will not understand what information he will find on your page.</p><p>This is how long headlines are cut off.</p><p><img src='https://i0.wp.com/iklife.ru/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/primer-nekachestvennogo-seo-zagolovka.png' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><p><b>Wrong:</b>“With my own hands in half an hour. How to sew a pleated skirt” - I found this title in real Google results. There are several errors here: incorrect declension, 2 sentences.</p><p><b>Right:</b>“How to sew a pleated skirt in half an hour with your own hands.”</p><p>The optimal title length is 44 - 63 characters.</p><blockquote><p>After analyzing the search results in Google and Yandex for several queries, I noticed that pages with a title of several sentences were omitted. They are at least on the 3rd - 4th page of the search results.</p> </blockquote><h3><span>Beware of over-optimization</span></h3><p>It is necessary to insert keywords, this is how the search robot evaluates the relevance of the site to the request. But don't overdo it. Add 1 - 3 keys, make sure that the title remains readable.</p><p><b>Wrong:</b>“British cat: character, care, education, photo, what to name.”</p><p><b>Right:</b> we create several headings and pages, write articles separately for each request:</p><p>“How to get along with a British cat: behavioral features.” <br>“What to feed a British kitten?” <br>“How to teach a British kitten to bathe?” <br>“Basics of raising and training British cats.” <br>“Nickname for a British cat: 20 best options.”</p><p>This is a beneficial breakdown, because by making an internal one between these articles, you will increase site traffic, trust and the share of each page.</p><h3>Do not lie</h3><p>Your title is a heading that describes one page, not the entire site. If a visitor likes the content, design or products/services of the site, he will look at other sections. Don't insist on it so vehemently.</p><p>For example, if the page is dedicated to Teddy bears, do not make the title: “Large selection of soft toys.”</p><p>Another serious mistake is to cram everything into one page or indicate something that is not there.</p><p><b>Wrong:</b>“Buy a Teddy bear: history of toys, varieties.”</p><p><b>Right:</b>“Buy a Teddy bear with delivery throughout Russia.”</p><p>If we are entrusted with writing an article about the causes of glaucoma, there is no need to come up with a title: “Causes and treatment of glaucoma.” The visitor will not find the information he needs, and the site will lose trust.</p><h3><span>Be careful with the signs</span></h3><p>Prohibited: periods, exclamation marks, apostrophes, pluses, minuses, equals.</p><p>Allowed: dash, colon, question mark. If necessary, you can put a comma or quotation marks.</p><p>If our title is structured as a question, be sure to put the appropriate punctuation mark.</p><p>Special characters that are supported by search engines:</p><ul><li>& (ampersand),</li><li>© (copyright symbol),</li><li>® (registered trademark),</li><li>™ (trade mark),</li><li>(bold dot),</li><li>§ (paragraph sign),</li><li>£ (English pounds),</li><li>€ (euro sign),</li><li>° (degree sign),</li><li>(") (right-handed double quotes),</li><li>(¼) (simple fraction).</li> </ul><p>This is how it looks in search results.</p><p><img src='https://i1.wp.com/iklife.ru/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/specialnye-simvoly-v-tajtle.png' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><p>I do not recommend using them actively. If installed, monitor the CTR (click-through rate).</p><p>It is necessary to avoid unnecessary characters, but sometimes you have to break the rule in order to get a high-quality, readable and unique SEO title.</p><h3><span>Main key in direct occurrence</span></h3><p>How I want to throw out all my literary talent on the title. Change the form, add phrases and adjectives between the keys. Stop. The main key cannot be diluted or tilted if it can be succinctly inscribed.</p><p>For example, we were given the keyword: “The left side of my head hurts.”</p><p><b>Right:</b>“Why does the left side of my head hurt?”</p><p><b>Wrong:</b>“Why does my head hurt on the left side?”</p><p>The difference is small, but the search results are different.</p><blockquote><p>Try to use the master key at the beginning of the title. Dilute low-frequency, mid-range queries to improve rankings.</p> </blockquote><p>Key phrases like “headache, pressure” will have to be inclined and diluted for naturalness.</p><h3><span>Don't confuse title and H1 heading</span></h3><p>Keywords must be used in each heading. But they cannot be duplicated. They perform different functions.</p><p>Title is displayed in search engines when a user searches for something. For a search robot, it is a source of information that makes it clear whether a page is relevant to a request or not. And the text is visible on the site when a person has already gone to read the article.</p><p>Unlike the H1 header, the title should be:</p><ol><li>Clickable, original, arousing interest. For example, “A way to make money for the lazy,” “Secrets of losing weight,” “You make these mistakes in relationships.”</li><li>With additional keys.</li> </ol><blockquote><p>The H1 heading and the title should have similar features, but be different. If the title tag is “How to cook rice in a slow cooker,” and the H1 is “making fluffy rice,” you will confuse both the search engine and the reader.</p> </blockquote><h3><span>Brands and unique names</span></h3><p>The name of a brand, company, or website should be inserted at the beginning or end of the SEO title. You will be better remembered by the user and increase the return rate.</p><p><img src='https://i1.wp.com/iklife.ru/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/brendirovannye-seo-zagolovki.png' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><p>Popular examples from the Internet:</p><ul><li>“Site Promotion - Wikipedia”,</li><li>“How to learn to write - Odnako.ru”,</li><li>“Japanese courses - Life in Japan”,</li><li>“Psychology of relationships between men and women - Elle.”</li> </ul><blockquote><p>People often skim search results to find a familiar, trustworthy name.</p> </blockquote><h3>Uniqueness</h3><p>The title must be unique on the Internet and not overlap with the pages of your own site. Use each word once in the title, otherwise you will end up with a long, unreadable, spammy line that is of no use.</p><p><b>Wrong:</b>“Acer laptop - buy an Acer laptop with delivery throughout Russia.”</p><p><b>Right:</b>“Buy an Acer laptop with delivery throughout Russia.”</p><h3><span>Be careful with safe words</span></h3><p>The search engine simply does not notice stop words in the title. But you shouldn’t completely abandon them. Why:</p><ol><li>Stop words help make your title unique.</li><li>Stop words affect search results in different ways. For example, for the query “freight transportation and car rental in Moscow,” the rulimcars website is in 3rd place, and if you enter “freight transportation, car rental Moscow,” we will see the same page in 2nd position.</li> </ol><blockquote><p>Stop words are service parts of speech (prepositions, conjunctions, introductory constructions) without meaning. These include: and, and, before, after, however, on, let's say, probably, say, from, yet.</p> </blockquote><p>An overabundance of stop words will make the title unreadable and forced.</p><h3><span>Product page headers in the same style</span></h3><p>There is no need to bother with similar product/service pages. Create an SEO title using a template. It consists of:</p><ul><li>name of product/service;</li><li>thematic words - rent, order, buy;</li><li>region;</li><li>brand name, store name.</li> </ul><p>Example: “Floor-mounted clothes dryers - buy in Moscow at a low price.”</p><h2><span>Formulas for creating the perfect title</span></h2><p>I am for uniqueness and creativity. But when there is not enough time, a creative crisis sets in, and you have to use templates.</p><p>If you need to fit several keys into the title, use one of the formulas:</p><ol><li>[mod1key] + [mod2key] = [mod1keymod2]. For example, make a table of contents + a table of contents for a coursework in Word = make a table of contents for a coursework in Word.</li><li>[mod1key] + [mod2key] + [theme word] = [mod1key mod2theme word]. For example, what to feed a child + feed per year + menu = what to feed a child per year: menu.</li><li>[mod1key] + [mod2key] + [modiff3key] = [mod1modif2keymod3]. For example, how to compose a semantic core + compose correctly + semantic core of a site = how to correctly compose the semantic core of a site.</li> </ol><p>Universal templates:</p><ol><li>Request + region + additional information. For example, cargo transportation in Moscow up to 5 tons.</li><li>Request + region + additional information. For example, belly dancing in Krasnodar is a program for beginners.</li> </ol><p>Make sure that the length of the resulting title is optimal.</p><p>Running out of ideas? Have you read a lot of articles, but still can’t write better headlines? I invite you to visit us. Our graduates are experts who earn from 30,000 rubles as freelancers and do not depend on anyone. Don't believe me? Give up your penny income and come to us to study.</p><h2><span>Making a title from scratch</span></h2><p>We have the main key “sinusitis treatment”. We must complement it, make it interesting.</p><p>We look at Yandex search tips.</p><p><img src='https://i0.wp.com/iklife.ru/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/sozdaem-tajtl-s-podskazkami-poiska-yandeks.png' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><p>We choose what suits us. If this is not enough, we look at the metadata of sites from the TOP 10 upon request.</p><p><img src='https://i0.wp.com/iklife.ru/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/analiz-metadannyh-zaprosa.png' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><p>Suitable for us: “at home”, “at home”, “without puncture”.</p><p>We get several options for the title:</p><ul><li>quick treatment of sinusitis at home without piercing the nose,</li><li>treating sinusitis at home: avoiding punctures.</li> </ul><p>Don't forget to follow the 11 rules for a successful title.</p><h2><span>Is it possible to change the title after indexing?</span></h2><p>If, after indexing by a search engine, you do not get the desired result, you even need to remove the old title. Successful headlines are unlikely to be edited.</p><p><img src='https://i1.wp.com/iklife.ru/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/izmeneniya-tajtla-posle-indeksacii.jpg' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><p>Use different word forms, add new words, analyze competitors' titles. You will not know the result immediately; you will have to wait 1 - 5 months.</p><h2>Conclusion</h2><p>The title is the face of your page. Sometimes it takes longer to create than the entire article. And not in vain, because the user selects a site from search results based on the SEO title.</p><p>You cannot make a title for an article for life. Search engine algorithms are constantly changing, new trends appear, and something becomes outdated. It is necessary to regularly analyze and monitor the relevance of the title.</p><p>If you have any questions, if you want to talk about this topic, feel free to write comments. We'll discuss everything and decide.</p><p>Subscribe to be trendy! We have a lot of up-to-date information about the world of freelancing.</p> <p>About how to correctly compose titles.</p> <p>In this article I will describe in detail the basic principles of title composition and optimization. Here I will answer some recurring questions, show examples from videos and more.</p> <p>In general, this article contains everything you need to know about how to correctly create a title and description for a website.</p> <h2>What is Title?</h2> <p>The Title tag is an HTML element that tells search engines and visitors in the most concise and understandable way what a particular page is about. The title is displayed in: the browser, social networks and search results. Must be unique for each page.</p> <h3>What does it look like?</h3> <p>In the browser</p> <p>In search results</p> <p><img src='https://i0.wp.com/livepage.pro/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/title-1.png' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p><img src='https://i1.wp.com/livepage.pro/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/title-2.png' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h2>Why is it important?</h2> <ul><li>Because a significant number of optimizers do not know how to compose metadata.</li> <li>Metadata is included in the mandatory list of actions that cannot be failed, otherwise all further actions turn into a waste of time.</li> <li>Because it may be a shame in front of other optimizers, to whom dissatisfied clients will go.</li> <li>By simply updating the title you can increase traffic significantly:</li> </ul><h2>General principles</h2> <p>Fundamental truths that consist of only 9 points</p> <ol><li>A lot of title headings are written crookedly and incorrectly.</li> <li>To correctly compose the Title tag, you need to conduct a preliminary analysis.</li> <li>You need to be able to carefully compose a semantic core.</li> <li>You need to be able to analyze the kernel.</li> <li>You need to be able to distinguish the human from the robotic.</li> <li>It is necessary to distribute semantics between pages.</li> <li>You need to have a clear mind.</li> <li>You need to read books.</li> <li>You need to spend time.</li> </ol><p>Don't forget also that the title is just part of the page layout; there is also text with headings. Don't try to add absolutely all queries to it.</p> <p>Remember that titles that are too short may not always be justified. While you can often encounter this situation:</p> <p><img src='https://i0.wp.com/livepage.pro/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/byvajut-sluchai-kogda-google-ne-pokazyvaet-title-i-v-vydache-pokazyvaetsja-zagolovok-stranicy.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>Google, unlike its younger brother, shows only the first part of the title. There are times when Google does not show the title, and then the page title is shown in the results, as well as the brand name.</p> <p>By the way, experimenting with Title helped us.</p> <h2>How to write a title incorrectly</h2> <h3>Compiling titles without collecting the semantic core</h3> <p>In any search results you can find examples of trust sites with incorrectly written titles.</p> <p><img src='https://i0.wp.com/livepage.pro/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/primer-trastovyh-sajtov-u-kotoryh-nepravilno-napisany-title.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p><b>Title</b>: Climate equipment store Klimadom - Climate equipment and air conditioners in Moscow and the Moscow region</p> <p>For this site, it is enough to write the correct title and optimize the page to instantly grow in search results.</p> <p>But the owners tried hard, paid money for the creation, content, and even the functionality of automatically displaying a message about the work schedule after 18-00.</p> <p><i><b>The main mistake of such sites is that titles are written without drawing up the semantic core and structure of the site.</b> </i></p> <p>This is a very common mistake of sites that did not contact, but tried to quickly optimize the page on their own.</p> <h3>Adjectives</h3> <ul><li>For commercial keywords</li> </ul><p>The use of adjectives in the title tag is unjustified. I don't recommend words like <b>best</b>, <b>profitable</b>, <b>most</b>, <b>huge</b>.</p> <ul><li>For information keywords</li> </ul><p>Using adjectives increases CTR. Important! The content of the content must match the adjectives used.</p> <h3>Stop words in title</h3> <p>Do not use pronouns, particles or prepositions in the title. They are not taken into account by search engines.</p> <p>The most popular safe words are: and, or, about, to, i, not, before, etc.</p> <p>Exception: phraseological units “to be or not to be”</p> <p>You need to be careful when using the brand name at the beginning of the title. In rare cases, this option is allowed if the company is very well known offline. But in competitive areas, leaders rarely use this method.</p> <p><img src='https://i1.wp.com/livepage.pro/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/brend-v-nachale-title.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>This is a gross mistake and complete chaos in the head of the person who writes such a description of the page.</p> <p><img src='https://i1.wp.com/livepage.pro/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/ves-perechen-zaprosov-v-title.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>Listing cities when writing the title tag is in most cases an unjustified measure. If a product is sold throughout the country, it will simply be impossible to cover them in a title.</p> <p>In what cases is the use of a city (toponym) justified:</p> <ul><li>If the company operates in one region.</li> <li>If the company operates in several regions or has a representative office or other competitive advantage in these cities.</li> <li>If the content of the page is tailored to the city (ads, etc.).</li> </ul><h3>Uppercase</h3> <p>Do not use UPPER CASE when forming Title. Stand out with content and intelligence.</p> <h3>Templates for title</h3> <p>The use of templates is justified for typical pages. But often, in order to save time, specialists create templates for all pages. In this case, the semantic core and personal approach to optimization are ignored.</p> <p><category name> <brand-name> <product name>Buy in the online store <Brand></p> <h3>A set of errors in one title</h3> <p>Buy bed linen at an affordable price in the Brand online store with delivery to Ekaterinburg, Perm, Chelyabinsk, Tyumen, Ufa, Kurgan, Surgut, Salekhard</p> <p>Many SEOs will miss this title. And they won’t even think about changing it. There is only one good thing about it - Using a keyword at the beginning of the phrase. Everything else is wrong.</p> <h2>Collection of preliminary data</h2> <p>Most of the errors in the compilation of metadata are associated with the use of incorrect preliminary data about the structure and semantic core. Simply put: there is no understanding of what requests are being promoted to a specific page.</p> <p>The sequence of actions is very simple:</p> <ul><li>We create the structure of the site.</li> <li>We break down groups of requests into specific pages.</li> <li>We compose a semantic core.</li> </ul><h3>No titles without structure</h3> <p>After the video, I received several questions about the title, which included the same error. Let's look at one of them:</p> <p><img src='https://i0.wp.com/livepage.pro/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/voprosy-pro-title.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>The application has the following semantics for the page:</p> <p><img src='https://i0.wp.com/livepage.pro/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/semantika-dlja-stranic.jpg' height="154" width="178" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>Here's the answer:</p> <p><img src='https://i0.wp.com/livepage.pro/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/title-dlja-uslug.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>Accordingly, the title was originally as follows:</p> <p><b>Estimation of the cost of an apartment for a mortgage, bank, court.</b></p> <p>Despite the fact that you need to create a separate page Appraisal of the apartment for the court and the title will be like this:</p> <p>Valuation of an apartment for the court. Independent assessment of the cost of an apartment, repairs for the court.</p> <p><b>Rule #1</b>: title can be composed correctly only with a well-formed site structure.</p> <p>Example structure:</p> <p>On a website, such a structure might look like this:</p> <p><img src='https://i1.wp.com/livepage.pro/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/primer-struktury-sajta-na-sajte.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>After the structure, we prepare the semantic core. To use the right words in the title, you must immediately take into account the specified frequency of a specific request.</p> <p>You need to know exactly which phrase is more correct to write in the title - Website promotion or website promotion, apartment renovation or apartment renovation?</p> <p>Indeed, very often optimizers do not check this parameter before compiling metadata:</p> <p><img src='https://i1.wp.com/livepage.pro/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/teg-title-i-semanticheskoe-jadro.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>After working with the semantic core, we get data that we can work with when composing the title:</p> <p><img src='https://i2.wp.com/livepage.pro/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/semanticheskom-jadro-dlja-sostavlenija-tajtla.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h2>How to write a Title correctly</h2> <h3>Analysis Tools</h3> <p>After the preparatory work, you can begin to compose the title for the site pages.</p> <p>To make sure everything is done correctly, we use the following tools:</p> <ol><li>We look at the search results and metadata of competitors.</li> <li>Let's look at the semantic core and refined frequency.</li> </ol><p>When analyzing competitors, we exclude very trusted sites. You shouldn't pay too much attention to the metadata of these sites.</p> <p><img src='https://i0.wp.com/livepage.pro/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/pri-analize-konkurentov-iskljuchaem-ochen-trastovye-sajty.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>In the title of competitors you can find new ideas or queries that for some reason were missed in the semantic core. Very often you can find non-obvious words, synonyms, etc.</p> <p>In addition, correct headings increase the chance of a page being included in the .</p> <h3>title length</h3> <p>The optimal title length varies from 55 to 90 characters.</p> <p>In Yandex results, the number of characters in Title is up to 68, in Google results up to 59 characters.</p> <p>The basic rules are as follows:</p> <ul><li>The main keyword is at the beginning of the title.</li> <li>All words with the highest specified frequency should be placed in the first 55 characters.</li> <li>All other words can be placed in a segment of 55 to 90 characters.</li> </ul><p>I never use a very short title or duplicate it with H1 type headings. An exception may be a blog post, service pages, or news.</p> <h3>Regional requests</h3> <p>If the business is aimed at a local market, the title must use the name of the city (toponym).</p> <p><b>The main rule for regional sites: the toponym must be at the very beginning of the title.</b></p> <p><b>Wrong</b>:<br>Buy an air conditioner. Selling air conditioner in Moscow</p> <p>Do not write the name of the country in the title (in Russia, in Ukraine). In rare cases, when you have a large catalog with regions for the root category, you can do this. In all other cases - no.</p> <p><b>Right</b>:<br>Buy an air conditioner in Moscow. Prices, sale, installation of air conditioners in Moscow.</p> <h3>Symbols</h3> <p>The rule here is very simple and universal:</p> <p><b>You can use symbols that your competitors have in their titles.</b></p> <p>At the moment, the results contain: period, comma, em dash, en dash, colon, like this stick |.</p> <p>In order of priority, I use the following characters: comma, period, dash, colon.</p> <p><b>Rare characters in Title</b></p> <p>Here you need to experiment and monitor whether the CTR increases after their implementation.</p> <p>You can test how a site with symbols in the Title will look in the snippet generator.</p> <h3>Brand in title</h3> <p>The brand name must be used in the title. In most cases it should be used at the end of the tag.</p> <ol><li>Buy a coffee maker in Moscow in the Kofevarkin online store (the best option).</li> <li>Buy a coffee maker in Moscow - Kofevarkin online store.</li> <li>Coffee maker: buy a coffee maker in Moscow (not recommended).</li> </ol><h3>Number of keywords</h3> <h3>Technique: Common Sense</h3> <p><img src='https://i0.wp.com/livepage.pro/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/zdravyj-smysl-pri-sostavlenii-title.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p><b>Title</b>: The largest online store for children's toys cannot be called correct. But due to a number of other factors: content on the site, linking, links to the domain, this site is in the top 3 search results for the request “Toys”.</p> <p>In this situation, the main title can be left untouched. Although it cannot be called ideal.</p> <h3>Title for product cards</h3> <p>A product card in online stores is an example of typical pages for which the creation of titles should be automated.</p> <p>The template usually consists of:</p> <ul><li>product names</li> <li>buy words</li> <li>region</li> <li>online store names</li> </ul><p><b>Example</b></p> <p>Fitness tracker Xiaomi Mi Band 2 buy in Odessa - Citrus</p> <h2>Example of creating a new title</h2> <p>Using the example of the request “Shapewear cutie”</p> <p><img src='https://i1.wp.com/livepage.pro/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/primer-sozdanija-novogo-title-analiz-title-v-vydache.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>Here are the titles currently in search results</p> <p><img src='https://i2.wp.com/livepage.pro/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/primer-sozdanija-novogo-title-spisok-title-v-vydache.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>The 3rd and 4th places in the search results have more or less correct titles.</p> <p>We compose semantics, look at the tips:</p> <p><img src='https://i2.wp.com/livepage.pro/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/primer-sozdanija-novogo-title-semantika-dlja-title.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>Let's check the frequency of requests:</p> <p><img src='https://i2.wp.com/livepage.pro/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/primer-sozdanija-novogo-title-chastota-zaprosov-pri-sostavlenii-title.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>I suggest automating the process using a key collector.</p> <p>As a result, we get the following Title options:</p> <ol><li>Shapewear Milavitsa - catalogue, buy shapewear lingerie Milavitsa in the online store <BrandName></li> <li>Buy shapewear Milavitsa: catalogue, shapewear lingerie Milavitsa in the online store <BrandName></li> </ol><p>Old title: <b>Free programs for house design, review, download program for house planning</b></p> <p><img src='https://i2.wp.com/livepage.pro/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/primer-dorabotki-sushhestvujushhego-title.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>New title: Free programs for house design: review, download a program for creating a 3D project and house layout - Site title</p> <p>It is very important not to forget that the article itself also needs to be improved.</p> <p>An interesting case for improving metadata is presented in the article:</p> <p><img src='https://i0.wp.com/livepage.pro/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/crimea2-670x272.png' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>Studying semantics and adding the year to the title increased traffic by more than 4 times.</p> <h3>conclusions</h3> <p>When composing a title, you must first distribute queries across pages, create a semantic core, and download the specified frequency of queries.</p> <p>The general conclusions are as follows:</p> <ul><li>Correct title = higher CTR in search results than competitors;</li> <li>First, only the most frequent word or phrase;</li> <li>In the first 55 characters, use the most common words;</li> <li>Never create a title in isolation from the semantic core;</li> <li>Always distribute pages wisely depending on key queries;</li> <li>Use separators;</li> <li>Study the title of competitors;</li> <li>Use only high-frequency keywords;</li> <li>Don't forget about the text;</li> <li>Make the title look and read well;</li> <li>Don't make a list of keywords;</li> <li>Don't steal from standards and don't steal at all.</li> </ul><p>By the way, we used this principle when the site grew to 3 million search traffic per month.</p> <p>You can also watch the webinar, in which I talk about some points in more detail:</p> <p><span class="DenIHkdKFA8"></span></p> <p>Well, remember: a good title does not solve all optimization issues, but it is one of the most important markup attributes. Any optimizer must be able to correctly compose a title that combines benefits for search engines and readability for site visitors.</p> <p>Need to improve the Title for your website? consultation with the Livepage team.</p> <script>document.write("<img style='display:none;' src='//counter.yadro.ru/hit;artfast_after?t44.1;r"+ escape(document.referrer)+((typeof(screen)=="undefined")?"": ";s"+screen.width+"*"+screen.height+"*"+(screen.colorDepth? screen.colorDepth:screen.pixelDepth))+";u"+escape(document.URL)+";h"+escape(document.title.substring(0,150))+ ";"+Math.random()+ "border='0' width='1' height='1' loading=lazy loading=lazy>");</script> </div> <div class="comment_box" id="comments"> </div> </div> <div id="sidebar"> <div class="widget widget_nav_menu" id="nav_menu-2"> <div class="menu-mainmenu-container"> <ul id="menu-mainmenu-2" class="menu"> <li class="submenu"><a href="https://viws.ru/en/category/internet/">Internet</a> </li> <li class="submenu"><a 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