How to synchronize time. The time on the computer is lost. What to do? NET TIME Command Syntax

Although a computer is a precision machine, its clock (like any other) can be slow or fast. To prevent such incidents, time synchronization using the Windows Time service is necessary.

According to a given schedule, the OS checks the clock with the server specified in the settings. If the values ​​are not equal, the system adjusts the indicators. Initially, the configuration already contains several addresses.

How to synchronize time on a computer

For one-time synchronization, you need to do the following: Left click on the Windows clock.

The "Change date and time settings" button will open the settings window. Next, you need to go to the “Internet Time” tab. It will display the server address specified in the settings and the last date of synchronization.

By clicking on "Change settings", you can update the time.

Automation function

To synchronize your computer's time with the Internet automatically, just check the only box in the last window. If it is impossible to connect to the north or an error occurs when updating the time, then you can select one of the additional servers, fortunately the OS provides a choice of as many as 5, or find and enter it in the “server” line.

Be careful, the last selected server will remain in the default settings, the operating system will work with it and will automatically synchronize the time on the computer with the Internet.

Command Line Tools

It is not always convenient to use graphical system configuration tools. For example, if the window is overloaded with text: the eyes try to find the right button, but everything merges into one monotonous image. And entering a couple of commands is faster than frequently moving the mouse cursor from one corner of the window to another.

To synchronize the time on your computer with the Internet using the command line, open the Start menu and select Run, or simply press Win + R on your keyboard. In the line of the window that opens, write cmd, and then press Enter. This will take you to the command line, the following command will update the time on the local computer with the server installed by default:

  • w32tm/resync.

To configure the server that the system will use to synchronize the time on the local computer with the Internet, run the commands:

  • w32tm /config /manualpeerlist:[server for synchronization] /syncfromflags:manual /reliable:yes (this command sets the server whose time will be used for updates);
  • w32tm /config /update (message to the time service that the settings have changed);
  • net stop w32time && net start w32time (service restart).

- is it too difficult?

Windows is an OS whose functionality can be expanded with additional applications. If you experience difficulties setting up the time update, then you can use the simplest option - download a program that will take many steps on its own and require minimal intervention. Moreover, such programs allow you to synchronize time with greater accuracy than standard system tools. They can often take into account delays in receiving and sending packets and obtain server addresses from lists on the Internet.

Undocumented settings

By default, the period with which Windows, after setting it up, will synchronize the time on the computer with the Internet is a week. Sometimes this interval needs to be reduced, but the built-in tools do not allow the necessary configuration. The registry will help.

To launch the registry, type regedit in the Run window and press Enter. Go to the HKEYLM branch, in it you need to expand the SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\W32Time\TimeProviders\NtpClient directory. Find the SpecialPollInterval parameter. It will already contain the value 604800. It is in this number of seconds that one week passes. If you change this number to 3600, the synchronization time will be one hour.

It is not recommended to enter values ​​less than an hour and more than a day in this column. Small values ​​will significantly increase Internet traffic. In addition, if you try to synchronize the time every few seconds, the server will block your IP. Larger values ​​will not achieve maximum system clock accuracy. After making the changes, enter the characters net stop w32time && net start w32time into the command line.

The local network

If you have several computers at home or in an office connected via a local network, you can use one as an accurate time server. Synchronization with the time of a PC connected to a local network is carried out in the same way as with servers on the Internet. But first you will have to run an NTP server on the computer, whose time will be used by other network participants.

To do this, open the registry and edit the HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\services\W32Time\TimeProviders\NtpServer section. In it, the Enabled key needs to be set to 1, then restart the Windows time service from the command line by typing net stop w32time, and after execution - net start w32time.

Remember that the PC is now used by other network users as a reference, do not forget to check its performance from time to time. You can check whether the server is turned on with the w32tm /query /configuration command. An Enabled value of 1 indicates that everything is fine with the server.

Don’t forget to synchronize the time on your computer with the Internet, because now if the clock runs ahead or is too behind on it, this will affect all users.

Many computer and laptop users very often complain that the time on their devices is constantly lost, so it has to be corrected periodically. Moreover, as practice shows, almost all of us face this problem sooner or later. Why is this happening? How to deal with this problem? We will tell you about all this right now.

Changeover between winter and summer time

Just a few years ago in our country, every autumn and spring we moved the clock hands back or forward one hour, respectively. However, then the government decided to cancel the transitions. But the Windows operating system, be it XP, Vista or 7, still automatically moves the clock hands!

On the Date and Time tab, select Change Time Zone....

In the window that opens, uncheck the box that says “Automatic switch to daylight saving time and back.” For more details, see the screenshot:

Synchronization with the server

There is a problem of a different nature. By default, operating systems are updated, which also affects the current time. In other words, as soon as you go online, the system automatically synchronizes with the server and automatically updates the time for your time zone. And since not all servers yet know that in Russia the clock hands no longer change, such a mess occurs.

The solution is very simple. Click on the clock again, click on “Change date and time settings...”, then select the “Internet Time” tab.

Click Change Settings. Uncheck the box next to “Synchronize with an Internet time server” and click OK. That's it, synchronization is now completely disabled.

Battery on motherboard

If you used the two methods described above, but it did not help you at all, then the problem most likely lies in the battery on the motherboard. Many will be surprised - a battery? Which one is this? In fact, this is a very important element of any computer or laptop.

This battery is necessary so that the system can store data on system settings, because otherwise, every time the PC is turned on, this data would be lost and then new settings would need to be created each time. Of course, this is incredibly inconvenient. The battery is very helpful in this regard, and its service life can be calculated in decades, although it usually lasts 5-8 years.

It is installed on the motherboard and it is very easy to find it yourself - just look at the board. Replacing it is also easy, but remember that this must be done strictly with the power of your PC turned off. This battery can be purchased at any store that sells computer components; it is inexpensive. After replacing, you should completely get rid of the problem.

Motherboard problem

Even if after replacing the battery the time continues to reset, then perhaps one of the elements of the motherboard has died. It is very difficult to figure out this problem on your own, since apart from “temporary difficulties” there are no problems, so we recommend taking the motherboard to a service center for diagnostics.

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01:42 pm - Time synchronization in Windows XP

Maybe someone will find it useful.

What to do if the exact time is not set on the computer (automatically or at all)? And what are we even talking about?

Right-click on the clock in the taskbar and select the menu item Setting the date and time(the computer user must have Administrator rights). The settings window will open on the tab date and time. Here the date and time can be set manually; if the deviation from reality is large (more than a few minutes), it is better to do this, even if you intend to do automatic tuning, because if the initial deviation is large, the automatic procedure will not work (remember to check and set the date too!)

Go to bookmark Timezone and check if your belt is selected correctly.

Go to bookmark Internet time. Check the box if it is missing Synchronize time on the Internet, then click on the button Update now. After a few seconds or a couple of minutes, a message indicating the success or failure of synchronization will appear in the window.

If the synchronization was successful, this means that in the future your computer, now automatically, will set the exact time - once a week. If you're happy with this, you don't have to read any further; if synchronization does not work or you are not satisfied with the weekly interval, read on.

What could be the reasons for the lack of synchronization and what to do about it?

1. In the field (drop-down list) Server to the left of the button Update now An inoperative/invalid time server was specified. Most often this is the server. Expand the list and select another server (usually the list consists of two items and the second is Press the button again.

2. Check if you are connected to the Internet. It is necessary that the firewall and router allow UPP packets to pass on port 123 (ie NTP protocol). The usual settings for the Windows firewall and “consumer” routers are exactly like this; if the Internet provider or system administrator of the organization where the computer is located filters traffic, ask “to open UDP port 123.”

3. It may turn out that all the servers on the list are inoperative. Unfortunately, the list of servers cannot be edited using simple means, but read below for information on how to do this.

How to edit the list of servers, connection order and check interval?

Attention - The procedure for editing the Windows registry is described below. Do not change other registry settings other than those described; damage to the registry can lead to Windows not working!

1. Open Registry Editor: button Start, Further Execute, type regedit and press the key Enter.

2. On the left side of the window, in the registry settings tree, select

3. In the right part of the window, click on the parameter name (number 1 or 2 in the left column) and edit the address of the exact time server - set a valid address instead of a non-working one (addresses can be easily found through Google - query “precise time server” or “ntp server”) .

3. If necessary, also edit the parameter (default), which specifies the default server number (1 or 2) (this setting can also be changed without Registry Editor, as described above).

4. Now go to the section

5. Here we may be interested in the parameter SpecialPollInterval. It contains the interval between attempts to check the exact time, in seconds. By default, this is a week (do the math yourself - a ton of seconds). If this interval does not suit you (for example, the clock is not very accurate and runs away in a week, or the computer is often disconnected from the Internet, and the week can stretch for many weeks), the parameter can be edited. Click on its name in the left column.

Flip the switch Number system to position Decimal(if, of course, you need it) and enter the required number in the field Meaning, press OK. You should not set values ​​less than half an hour (1800).

6. Close the Registry Editor window.


A question in passing. When you double-click for a while, the message “Insufficient rights to change the system time” pops up. In the administrator account. I feel like something is changing somewhere in the local security policy, but I don’t know where exactly.

The Windows clock is located in the lower right corner of the screen on the taskbar next to the “ ” button, the language bar, and other elements and opens by pressing the left button on them. In order for the system clock to show accurately, it is necessary.

Synchronization occurs with the Internet server and your PC's time is automatically updated. By default, updates occur every 7 days while the Internet is connected. In the article we will look at how to enable synchronization, how to speed up time updating with the server, and what program you can use.

How to enable and configure time synchronization on Windows 7, 8

Note: Internet time synchronization is enabled by default in Windows.

To get started, you will need to select small or large icons in the viewing area. Next in the list, click “date and time”.

This will open the date and time options. You can also call them by left-clicking in the date and time display area and select the corresponding link (shown in the screenshot).

In the window, go to the “Internet time” section; here you can see information about the current synchronization with the name of the server (if it is enabled). By default, Internet synchronization is performed with a Microsoft server called To change settings, click “change settings” and “yes” (if User Account Control is enabled).

In the Internet time settings, the option “ synchronize with time server" Select one of the pre-installed servers or define your own (the list of servers can be found here Next, click “update now” to synchronize the time on your computer with the Internet. If synchronization is successful, you will see a notification in the same window.

To synchronize time via the Internet, you can use various utilities such as:

  1. Atomic Clock Sync
  2. NetTime
  3. SP TimeSync
  4. Other

All aspects of synchronization are configured through the programs, and the update request interval is reduced. Using standard methods, you can also synchronize the time on your computer with the Internet more quickly and more often; read on to find out how to do this.

How to reduce the time update interval from the Internet

There may be a situation where the time is constantly lost due to problems with the system clock, even if you have time synchronization enabled on your computer. The solution to the problem is to edit the NTP client to speed up the update period. Depending on the OS version you will need:

In the registry, go to the NtpClient section (the full path is shown in the picture below). On the right side of the editor, double-click the SpecialPollInterval parameter. Next, in the number system area, select "decimal" and the value field will contain the number 604800, which represents 7 days in seconds.

For example, if you want to synchronize the time on your computer with the Internet every day, then enter the value 86400, which is calculated using the formula 60 seconds * 60 minutes * 24 hours * 1 day. Set your number of seconds and click OK.

Note: Do not set the value less than 14400 seconds (4 hours), otherwise your computer's IP address may be blocked by the time server.

You can also speed up syncing manually, but getting to the "update now" button is a lot of steps. In this case, you can use cmd. To do this, you need to , 8 as administrator, and then enter the command below and press enter.

Note: the command will work if time synchronization via the Internet is enabled.

To speed up the process even further, copy the synchronization command into it. Next, place the file on your desktop or pin it to the taskbar and run it as administrator.

Preventing problems during synchronization

It is not always possible to set the exact time through synchronization with the Internet. You may encounter the following problems and solutions:

  1. Make sure that the time zone, date and time are manually set correctly on your computer, otherwise you will have trouble trying to synchronize your computer clock with an Internet time server.
  2. Windows gets its initial time from the BIOS, so make sure the time and date are set correctly in the CMOS BIOS.
  3. Check the CMOS battery on the motherboard. If it is weak, then your clock may run slower, losing or resetting time. If so, then you simply need to replace the CMOS battery.
  4. If your computer does not keep accurate time even after enabling synchronization and changing time servers, read above about changing the update interval.

As you can see, synchronize time on your computer with the Internet in Windows 7, 8 for accurate display is not difficult. Everything can be done using standard Windows steps. The programs will only reduce the cost of your time, for example, they will reduce the synchronization time in two clicks.

    Modern operating systems of the Windows family provide the ability to automatically synchronize the local computer clock with the readings of a time server on the Internet via the NTP protocol ( N etwork T ime P rotocol). In particular, the task scheduler provides for the standard task of time synchronization with an external source SynchronizeTime, which may have different settings in different versions of Windows OS.

In Windows 7, the task SynchronizeTime starts the Windows Time service according to a schedule:

As you can see, the task runs at 1 am on Sundays every week, when most computers are turned off. But the setting Options- checkbox Run a task immediately if a scheduled run is missed for most cases, this means that the task actually runs the first time you turn on the computer on Monday (or other days of the week). Taking into account the meager traffic required for time synchronization via the NTP protocol and the meager consumption of computer resources, such a task could be performed, for example, every time the user logs in to the system by changing the properties of the “Start task” trigger:

Unlike Windows 7, Windows 8-10 already has 2 tasks that perform synchronization: SynchronizeTime And ForceSynchronizeTime. The first performs the same functions as discussed above and can be configured to run in the same way, ensuring synchronization when the user logs in.

Actions performed by a task SynchronizeTime can be viewed on the tab Actions.

As you can see, the task launches the system services management utility sc.exe, which runs Windows Time Service(W32Time). When the time service starts, the local computer clock is synchronized with the NTP server defined by the service settings (by default - Settings can be changed with a command or by changing parameters in the registry key

In the key \Config there are parameters MaxNegPhaseCorrection And MaxPosPhaseCorrection specifying the maximum negative and positive deviation of the clock readings at which synchronization can be performed. Default value - 54000 (in seconds), i.e. 15 hours, which is the reason why the clock cannot be synchronized by the standard SynchronizeTime scheduler task, for example, when the date changes (deviation by more than 15 hours). Therefore, for reliable synchronization, regardless of the current readings of the computer’s hardware clock, it is advisable to increase the absolute value of the parameters MaxNegPhaseCorrection And MaxPosPhaseCorrection, or even set them to the maximum value for the DWORD type – 0xffffffff or 4294967295.

After changing the parameters like this MaxNegPhaseCorrection And MaxPosPhaseCorrection in the system registry, clock synchronization with the NTP server will be performed at any date and time values ​​on the local computer.

If desired, you can change the name of the NTP server with which synchronization will be performed (connect Parameters NTPServer parameter) either by editing the registry, or using the w32tm command, in a command prompt run as an administrator:

w32tm /config /syncfromflags:manual / /update- change the time service configuration to use an NTP server and apply the changes made.