What to do if your acer laptop won't turn on. What to do if the laptop does not turn on. Laptop won't start

Today laptops are serious competition desktop computers, featuring convenient dimensions, weight and the ability to work autonomously. But any laptop, like a computer, tends to break down. There are times when the laptop does not react at all to pressing the power button, or the laptop turns on, but does not work fully. Why doesn't my laptop turn on? and what to do in such cases?

If Laptop won't turn on, reasons may be software or hardware in nature. If the fault is hardware (that is, any component of the laptop is damaged), then when you start the device you will not even see BIOS images, and sometimes the laptop shows no signs of life at all. If Windows seems to load, but then the laptop reboots or freezes, the failure can be either software or software (50/50).

Software malfunctions of the laptop when not turned on:

1. The operating system is clogged

If there is malware, the laptop may freeze not only during operation, but also when turned on. If Laptop takes a long time to turn on Most likely, you need to clean the registries from unnecessary programs and viruses.

2. Errors in the operating system

If Laptop turns on but won't boot to the end, but instead a blue screen of death pops up with a set strange letters System files may be damaged. Depending on the error code, the reasons for its occurrence vary. But often errors appear as a result of incompatibility of programs and drivers with the OS. In most cases, you need to restore or reinstall Windows. But keep in mind that after reinstallation, the information that was on drive C will be deleted. A qualified programmer will help you protect all files from destruction and install a licensed OS.

3. Problems with BIOS

If before the breakdown any operations were performed with the BIOS (settings were changed or flashing was carried out), this may be the cause of the malfunction. In this case, all the indicators are on, the fan is noisy, but Laptop screen won't turn on.

Hardware faults when the laptop does not turn on:

1.Hard drive failure

If your mobile PC has been dropped, overturned frequently, or has been subjected to vibration, it is possible that damaged hard disk. Damage is also possible hard drive as a result of normal wear and tear.

2.Video card artifacts

If Laptop won't turn on and you see black screen or the laptop starts to start, but a distorted picture or multi-colored stripes appear on its monitor, most likely the video card is damaged. If the diagnostics show that the video card is working, then the problem lies in the matrix and will need to be replaced.

3.Power supply malfunction

If Laptop power won't turn on, first check that the battery is connected correctly and is charging. Also check the functionality of the power supply - when you plug the cord into the outlet, the indicator on the power supply should light up.

4.Motherboard malfunction

The most serious breakdown requiring the participation of a professional.

If your laptop turned off and won't turn on, do not try to solve the problem yourself. Any wrong actions can only make the problem worse. And taking a laptop to a service center means exposing the device to shaking on the subway or bus. It’s much easier to call the Compu-Help company and call to your home computer technician. IT engineer will arrive instantly, carry out diagnostics and offer best option solving the problem.

Laptop manufacturers take into account the fact that the devices they supply are high-tech and the likelihood of malfunctions in their operation is quite high. That is why almost all laptops are equipped with simple diagnostic tools for quick search and troubleshooting.

Moreover, in most cases, the user can restore the device’s functionality independently. The most difficult thing is to establish the original cause of the failure. How to determine why the laptop does not turn on and what can be done in this situation?

The laptop does not turn on - find out the reasons

Many modern laptops equipped with a basic input/output system (the exception is Chromebooks, which use a less functional “bootloader”). This is the so-called BIOS; some models use an add-on over it - UEFI (essentially the same BIOS, but with a more convenient and colorful menu). What it is? This is a small firmware that is “hardwired” into the motherboard. Its main purpose is to scan all devices connected to the board and diagnose them.

In most cases, the user can restore the device's functionality independently.

What happens when the user presses the power key? A startup signal is sent to the BIOS. That, in turn, scans all connected equipment (determines the brand and type of processor, the number of installed random access memory, video adapter model, north and south bridge model, tests the operation of the display, the presence of a network interface, keyboard, mouse, touchpad, etc.). If the BIOS does not find any errors, it searches for the bootloader on the hard drive and, if found, transfers control of the device to it. Next, Windows starts to start (or another installed OS - Linux, MacOS, Android, BSD, etc.).

From the above we can conclude:

  • if at startup the user sees the manufacturer’s logo, and then the OS starts loading, then the BIOS has carried out diagnostics and found no faults with the installed hardware;
  • if the OS does not start loading, but a service message is displayed on the display, this indicates either a missing or damaged hard drive, or that the diagnostics have not been completed - one of the components is not working correctly;
  • if there is no response to pressing the power button, the BIOS does not receive a startup signal, which indicates a problem with the power system.

All this allows you to determine the type of problem due to which the laptop does not start. They are conventionally divided into:

  1. Software (system). When an error occurs software glitch and the equipment is working properly.
  2. Hardware. When the error is caused by a malfunction of any equipment connected to the motherboard.

It is by determining the type of error that you should begin diagnosing the breakdown in order to understand why the laptop does not turn on. The simplest rule:

  • if there is a reaction to pressing the power button and the noise of the fans is heard, this is more likely a software failure;
  • if there is no reaction at all to pressing a button (including the lighting of the LED indicators), this is most likely a hardware error.

The user can deal with almost all software errors independently without contacting a service center. With hardware, things are somewhat more complicated, and it is not always possible to do without the help of a qualified specialist.

Diagnosis and elimination of software errors

First of all, it’s worth clarifying that BIOS is also a kind of operating system, although its functionality is quite small. And malfunctions in the operation of this OS also often occur, so its operation should be diagnosed. Also among the most common software errors can be:

  • OS bootloader corruption;
  • damage system files or OS kernel;
  • failure in work software drivers hardware (most often graphics adapter drivers “fail”).

BIOS problems

As a rule, in such cases, the laptop starts and displays a service message about problems. In some cases, the image does not appear at all. The easiest way to eliminate BIOS problems is to reset its settings to factory settings. To do this, you need to find a CR2032 battery on the motherboard and remove it for a few seconds (then be sure to put it back). This turns off power to the volatile CMOS memory, where the BIOS settings are stored outside of the BIOS. In most laptop models, this battery is located immediately under the bottom cover or under the keyboard - information should be clarified in the service documentation (or just watch a video on disassembling a specific laptop model). If reset BIOS settings If the startup problem has not been resolved, you should check the operation of the hard drive and OS.

You need to find a CR2032 battery on the motherboard and remove it for a few seconds

Problems with the graphics accelerator driver

The video adapter driver is responsible for its correct work surrounded by the installed operating system (Windows, Linux, MacOS, etc.). If there is a problem with its operation, the image may simply not be displayed on the display (or it will disappear during the OS loading stage). How can I check if the driver is working? There are two options:

  • connect an external monitor;
  • start the OS in “Safe Mode”.

An external monitor must be connected via a VGA, HDMI or DVI output, depending on the specification of the laptop. The connection must be made with the monitor and laptop turned off, otherwise you can damage both the display and graphics adapter.

Press F8 and select "Safe Mode"

If connecting an external monitor does not bring any results (that is, the image does not appear on it), then you should try starting the OS in “Safe Mode”. For this:

  • When you turn on the laptop, press the F8 key;
  • after a list of boot options appears, select “Safe Mode”.

If we are talking about a laptop with installed Linux, then you need to launch it with the “nomodeset” parameter (enter this line in the GRUB parameters by pressing the “E” key).

As a rule, when booting into “Safe Mode”, the driver built into the OS is used, so the monitor resolution, as well as its color palette, will be “default”.

If the OS loaded successfully in “Safe Mode”, you will need to manually remove installed driver video adapter and install a compatible one (downloading it from the manufacturer’s website or taking it from the disk included with the laptop).

If, when you try to start, an error is displayed about the absence of a bootloader, this indicates a damaged record in the MBR or GPT directory of the hard drive, where information about the installed OS and a short algorithm for launching system files are stored. Most often this happens due to simple wear and tear of the hard drive or damage to system files when the laptop is turned off incorrectly (when the battery was removed during operation or the power adapter was disconnected).

How to fix the problem? The first step is to try to restore the bootloader using the built-in OS tools. But this will require installation disk or a flash drive with Windows. So, to restore the bootloader you will need:

  • when starting the laptop, press the F11 key (in some models - F12, F2, Tab);
  • from the list of devices that appears, select a disk or flash drive with the Windows installer;
  • wait for the installation menu to appear and select “System Restore”.

After this, the installer will try to independently detect a problem with the OS installed on the hard drive and fix it. In case of trivial damage to the MBR or GPT, this helps. If after automatic diagnostics a notification appears that the program was unable to restore Windows boot, this indicates damage not only to the boot loader, but also to system files, the kernel and Windows partition. In such cases, only reinstalling the operating system will help.

To solve the problem you will need an installation disk or flash drive with Windows

It is also worth paying attention to the error about the absence of an OS (Operation System not found) may indicate that the main boot device is not a hard drive, but, for example, a floppy drive or inserted into the port USB flash drive. In order to fix this error required:

  • when starting the laptop, press the F11 key (to access the boot menu);
  • select a hard drive as the boot device (as a rule, this line should contain the designation HDD, SATA or ST).

If the laptop has 2 hard drives(many “gaming” laptops have both an SSD drive and a traditional HDD installed simultaneously), then you should boot from each of them in turn.

Reinstalling the system

This is the most drastic, but at the same time the most reliable option for eliminating software errors in the operating system. You should use it if the bootloader cannot be restored. For this you will need either an installation disk or a flash drive with Windows. Download trial Windows version(with a trial period of 30 days) can be found on the official Microsoft website https://support.microsoft.com/windows. There you will be offered ISO images of installation disks. You should download the appropriate one, and then:

  • or burn the image to a DVD. Any program for burning discs like Ashampoo Burning Studio, Nero, Ultra ISO and similar;
  • or write the image to a flash drive. You will need a flash drive of 8 gigabytes or larger. The easiest way to use Rufus utility. Although it is not recommended by Microsoft, it can itself determine the type of OS being recorded, and it also allows you to select the disk partition type - MBR or GPT. You can download it on the official website https://rufus.akeo.ie. The Russian version of the utility is also available.

Reinstalling the OS will help solve many problems software problems
  • after pressing the power button, press the F11 key;
  • Select the required drive from the list that appears;
  • following the installer's instructions - install the operating system (select “Install” and not “Update”).

If the user has license code installed Windows edition- it can be entered at the installation stage.

Laptop hardware failures

With hardware failures, everything is somewhat more complicated. Most of them cannot be eliminated at home and cannot be done without consulting a qualified specialist. Therefore, it is worth considering only the most banal breakdowns, due to which the laptop may not start, and at the same time the user can fix them independently.

No power

In this case, when you press the power button, there will be no reaction from the device at all. The indicators will not light up and the fans will not start. There are several reasons for this:

  • the battery is not installed, missing or damaged;
  • not connected, power supply is faulty;
  • The contacts of the start button are physically damaged.

To resolve these problems you should:

  1. Check whether the battery is securely inserted (you should simply disconnect it, wipe the contacts with alcohol, and install it back after drying). If possible, check the voltage at the battery terminals. Otherwise, it needs to be replaced; to do this, contact an official service center.
  2. Check the power supply. Most of them have led indicator work. You should check whether the plug is inserted into the socket, the connector into the power supply itself, and the connector into the power socket of the laptop. If there is a suspicion that the unit is faulty (it does not heat up, it has a burning smell), then it should be replaced.

To check contacts physical button you will need to disassemble the case and “ring” it using a multimeter for breaks.

Video card malfunction

A fairly common problem on laptops that are actively used for gaming. The main symptom is the absence of an image on the display, the appearance of graphic artifacts, and the video card displays an error in the device manager (usually error code 43). Troubleshooting is possible using the following methods:

  • replacing the graphics adapter (if it is connected via the MXM port on the motherboard);
  • Resoldering of a working GPU chip.

In any case, you will have to contact the service center. Unfortunately, the cost of such repairs is about 50–75% of the cost of a new laptop, so in most cases it is impractical. It’s a different matter if we are talking about a device under warranty.

Hard drive failure

In this case, the hard drive either does not appear in boot devices, or when you try to install the OS, an error is displayed (due to the presence of damaged sectors). The first step is to remove the hard drive and wipe its contacts with alcohol - quite often the device is not recognized precisely because of the presence of oxides on them. If no reaction follows, then you should replace the hard drive with a compatible one (in most cases, it is 2.5-inch SATA).

Why does my laptop keep shutting down and restarting?

The most common reasons for this:

  • RAM malfunction;
  • overheat motherboard(processor, graphics accelerator, north and/or south bridges, multicontroller);
  • malfunction of the power supply or battery (the current it produces sags in voltage or its current strength is insufficient for normal operation laptop).

RAM diagnostics are carried out using the Memtest program. If no errors are detected and a faulty battery or power supply is excluded, then most likely the cause is overheating. To eliminate it you need to:

  • clean the cooling system from dust;
  • replace the thermal paste on the processor, graphics chip, northern and southern bridges, multicontroller (depending on the laptop configuration);
  • replace all thermal pads installed in the laptop (they are usually installed on memory chips integrated into the motherboard or graphics adapter);
  • Lubricate the cooler with silicone oil.

And to check the current temperature regime laptop components, you can use the AIDA64 program (https://www.aida64.com/downloads - here is a demo version, limited in operating time). Generally normal working temperature for all laptops under load it is within 45 - 80 degrees. If it is higher, then to protect against failure the device simply shuts down. emergency mode. This is why the laptop either turns off or reboots.

Video: how to determine faults if the laptop does not turn on

In summary, there are many reasons why a laptop may not start. The most common ones are discussed above. If you are unable to fix the problem yourself or the user simply does not want to do this, you should contact official service centers. You can find a list of them either at warranty card to the laptop, or on the manufacturer’s website.

IN mobile age few people still use it desktop computers- I am increasingly replacing them with laptops hp pavilion / compaq / probook, asus, acer aspire, lenovo yoga, samsung, dell inspiron, msi, Toshiba, sony vaio, packard bell, dns, emachines, irbis, prestigio, fujitsu, digma, haier, iru, aker, xiaomi, fan, haier, 4good light am500, siemens, ech, alienware, brother, dexp, nek and others.

This is extremely useful devices, but they also sometimes may not turn on. What to do if the laptop does not turn on - the black screen just lights up and that’s it?

It is not uncommon for a laptop to not turn on at all. I have encountered such a defect in laptops asus d541n, k750j, x551m, m50s, k52d, f3, f5r, x751m k50af x52n, k52n, n550, lenovo g500, g50, g505, g700, g580, b570e, g565 v590, samsung r540, 0v5c, r425, r528, np300e5c, rv508, np350, hp pavilion g6, m6, dv6, g62, dv7, g62, g7, 625, g7 2300er, 6715, probook 4730s, omen, bcm943142y, compaq cq58, presario cq56, acer aspire e15, 571g, v3 571g, e531g, v5we2, toshiba l40w, satellite l300, emachines e642g, d620, dell inspiron 15, vostro 15 3558, haier hi133, msi vr330x, cx620, alienware m17x, iru jet 1521, sony sve11 1b11v, lg50s, 4good people am600, dexp athena t132.

Only you should know that there can be many reasons for a laptop not turning on - some of them are trivial and easy to fix, others are related to the graphics card and even replacing the motherboard.

Therefore, in my guide on what to do if the laptop does not turn on - only a black screen, I have collected the most common causes and solutions.

The laptop does not turn on at all - check the power supply

Please note that this could be either old or new laptop. You press the “On” button, wait and... it doesn’t turn on - the device does not respond to our actions, even if we try to turn it on once, twice or 5 times.

Relax and start by eliminating the obvious reasons. A black screen on a laptop may be caused by complete discharge battery

Then you need to connect the power source, only sometimes the laptop does not turn on when working from the network, but this does not mean that it has already reached the end of its life.

You need to carefully check the power supply and socket in laptop computer and even an electrical outlet.

You need to look at the cable to see if it is damaged, worn out, and what condition the plug is in the power socket.

If you have the opportunity, try running it on a different battery or power supply. Using non-original or cheap power supplies can sometimes lead to a short circuit - this is not always the case, but many confirm it.

If the power supply is on fire and the laptop won't turn on, turn it on again, but this time listen to how it reacts.

You need to check if the hard drive and fans are working. It is also worth looking to see if they are burning light diodes(indicators) confirming the launch.

More often than not, when you hear startup sounds and the laptop won't turn on, or to be more precise, you only see a black screen, it is very likely that you will need to replace the video card.

Black screen on laptop and won’t turn on - what to do

As I wrote above, the reasons why laptops do not turn on can be very prosaic, but, unfortunately, this is not always the case.

It happens that a hardware failure will occur - then you will have to take into account significant costs. A black screen on a laptop may be due to this very reason.

If you hear operating sounds when you press the power switch, connect an external monitor (you can modern TV) to the VGA or HDMI socket. This procedure will get you closer to figuring out what is causing you to see only a black screen.

If the image appears on external screen, this means that you do not need to change the video card - it works and interacts correctly with the monitor. In this case, you need to check your operating system settings.

Perhaps the screen was simply turned off and the connection to external monitor has been activated. The contacts in the case that connect the screen to the rest of the computer could also become damaged.

What to do if there is no image on the external monitor connected to the laptop? There are many signs of a video card failure. What to do in this situation?

Laptop won't turn on - replace video card

Malfunction graphics card could be a serious problem. In this situation, it seems to us that the laptop is not working, but in fact it is working but not displaying an image on the screen.

The thought immediately arises of replacing the old card with a new one. The problem is that on most laptops it is impossible to replace the video card yourself.

On many models, especially inexpensive ones, the graphics cards are integrated into the motherboard in the form of a BGA chip.

To replace it then you will not only need a lot of knowledge, but also the appropriate equipment.

More expensive ones have separate graphics cards, but even in this case, replacing this module will not be an easy job.

As a rule, replacing it without special tools borders on a miracle. Then the only option is to use the services of a professional, proven repair service.

Replacing a graphics card is so difficult that you may need to remove the hard drive first. Wi-Fi module and matrix, keyboard and GPU cooling.

As you can see, to get to the video card, you need to disassemble most of the device, and after that you need to put it all back together.

There may be other damage that will lead to your laptop not being able to turn on. Sometimes it is necessary to replace the motherboard.

Laptop turns on and won't boot anymore

The source of this problem may be the BIOS or, more precisely, its settings. Try setting the default settings.

This function in different BIOS may be in different places, but its name usually looks something like this: “default BIOS settings”.

It is also possible that after starting the system you saw the message “Press F1 to continue.”

Typically this problem occurs when the battery installed on the motherboard (not the main battery) shows the wrong time or BIOS settings.

Another problem could be the hard drive. You can tell if it makes a squeaking or crackling noise.

There could also be a problem with the RAM. You may just need to unplug the RAM and clear the contacts.

Laptop won't turn on - keeps restarting or shutting down

Most likely, this is a hardware problem, not always, sometimes reinstalling Windows 10, Windows 7, Windows 8 or Windows 8.1 (depending on which one you use) solves this.

Hardware problem, maybe due to high dust content in the processor. In this case, you may hear loud fan noise and notice a constant reboot.

When you hear the sounds produced by the device, it's better than nothing. Silence may indicate the general and final death of the laptop.

Usually, if it squeals, but does not start, the sounds are produced by the BIOS, and thanks to them you can pinpoint where the problems are. Let's look at the set of sounds in the BIOS Award system. U AMI Bios like.

A short single beep means the system is working correctly. After this, it should continue to start normally.

Two short beeps are an encouraging sign. The system indicates minor faults.

Three beeps - keyboard error. Complex combination from 1 long and 9 short signals indicates that data cannot be read from disk.

Laptop won't turn on - BIOS problems or hardware errors

The mobile computer starts up, the indicators are on, but after 1-2 seconds the device turns off. Most likely, in this case there is a physical failure. Reinstalling Windows will not help here.

Such symptoms indicate that something is wrong with the BIOS and may need to be restored.

If you are sure that the bootloader is not damaged, this indicates a problem with motherboard or microchip.

There are many reasons: incorrect connection faulty device via USB, processor overheating, short circuit and others.

Reasons why the laptop does not turn on

Shocks, falls, and moisture penetration can seriously damage parts; as a result, after such manipulations the laptop does not turn on.

There is one more elementary problem which is the broken power button, fix it to continue using it. A broken power socket will also prevent you from using the device.

Table of the most popular software and hardware failures

Below you will find the most common laptop problems with a description and recommended solution to the problem.

I look at the recording and it turned out to be far from small. If you didn't find help in this article, write in the comments and I will try to provide you with personalized assistance.

The laptop does not turn on, the diodes are on, the fan is humming, the screen is blackDamage to the graphics card, motherboard, RAM, or processor.Self-repair is only replacement of RAM. Other reasons are laptop repairs at a service center.
The laptop does not start, there is noise on the screen (stripes, squares and other “tricks”)Damage to the graphic layout.Reballing or exchange replacement. Laptop repair only at the service center. website.
The laptop won't turn on, you can hear the system startup sounds but the screen is dark/black.Damage to the graphic layout, matrix or signal tape.Replacement or repair (in case graphics system) damaged component. Laptop repair only on the site.
The laptop does not turn on, the indicators are on, the screen is black, sounds: one long - two short.Damage to the graphics card.Reballing or replacing a damaged video card. laptop only on the website.
The laptop does not turn on from the mains, it only works on battery power, and it does not turn on without a battery.Damage to the battery charging system, electrical outlet or fuse. Sometimes a power source with a different polarization or voltage is connected.Replacing the connector or fuse, repairing the charging system.
The laptop does not turn on, the cursor in the corner of the screen blinks.Boot sector damage or physical damage disk.Disk scanning and subsequent hard drive recovery or replacement..
There are stripes on the screen and they change.Damage to the matrix or cable.
The laptop screen is black, but you can see the image against the light.Defective matrix lamp, inverter or inverter power supply.Replacing a fluorescent lamp or inverter. In the event of a power failure of the inverter, it is necessary to have the laptop repaired by a service center.
The device warms up and turns off during operation, often with demanding applications.Laptop overheating is most often caused by a dusty cooling system.Cleaning the cooling system with compressed air.
USB ports, webcam, wi-fi ( wireless card) do not work, sometimes DVD drive disappears.Damage to the bridge controlling the operation peripheral devices. Replacing the bridge with a new one.
The laptop freezes or turns off when certain areas are touched.Damage integrated circuits or microcracks on the motherboard.Reballing or soldering the system, in case of microcracks, replacing the motherboard.
Distorted colors are displayed, such as shades of red, etc.Damaged graphics or matrix lamp.Replace or repair a damaged item.
The laptop does not start, turns on for a few seconds, then turns off or turns on endlessly and writes computer diagnostics.Faulty processor, processor socket, north bridge or short circuit in the power supply.Bridge reballing or replacement.
Without apparent reason The device freezes completely at random moments.Damage to integrated circuits or binary disk/RAM.Cleaning RAM or replacing.
The laptop won't turn on after BIOS updates. Use of the "restoration" procedure if the manufacturer has provided for it.
The laptop does not turn on, is completely dead, does not respond to the Power button and Charger. Damage to the POWER button, damage to the power supply system, damage to the power supply.Start by replacing the power supply.
The screen backlight blinks.Damage to the matrix or inverter/matrix power system.Replacement of damaged element.
The screen turns white at random times.Damage to matrix power supply/graphics.Replace or repair a damaged item. only on the website.
The laptop does not turn on, you hear a ticking soundShort circuit in the power supply / damage to one of the converters.Repair or replace a damaged component.
Noises when turned onDirt between the fan blades, bearing wear.Cleaning the cooling system or replacing the fan.
The laptop does not turn on at all, a message about the corruption of the file “\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\CONFIG\SYSTEM”Damage to the system registry.Perform a system rollback
The laptop does not turn on, only the black cursor in the corner of the screen blinks.File corruption system boot or physical damage to the disk.Thoroughly scan the disk with an administrator prompt using the "chkdsk /r" command.

That's all. I tried to provide the main reasons why the laptop does not turn on toshiba satellite, Irbis, Samsung, Sony Vayo, Dell Inspiron, Acer Aspire, Emachines, Prestige, Del, DNS, Packard Bell and others.

It's impossible to describe everything. I look at the recording and it turned out to be far from small. If you didn't find help in this article, write in the comments and I will try to provide you with personalized assistance.

Laptops have become an integral part of life. modern man. Like other equipment, they sometimes break down. When it stops turning on, you should not panic, but you should find the cause and eliminate it. In most cases, you will be able to restore your computer's functionality.

Causes of malfunction and their solutions

There may be reasons why the laptop does not actually turn on: great amount. Many of them are quite simple and it won’t be difficult to fix them yourself, but with some problems you will have to contact a service center.

Let's look at the main reasons why mobile computer may stop running:

Comment. Very often, when people say that the PC does not turn on at all, they mean that it does not boot
Windows. This is not entirely correct reasoning, but it is popular among ordinary users.

Eating problems

Power-related problems very often lead to a PC that stops starting. Even though the problem seems serious, in most cases it is quite easy to diagnose and fix it at home.

Main problems related to nutrition:

  • incorrect adapter connection;
  • damage to cables and connectors;
  • battery failure;
  • power supply failure;
  • problems in the power circuit.

Often when similar problems The laptop power light is not on. First of all, you should check that the power supply is connected correctly and that it is plugged into the outlet. It is worth noting that even very experienced users may forget to connect the PC to the network. As a result, after the battery is discharged, the device stops starting.

Damage to power cables and connectors can be caused by many reasons, including careless handling or pets chewing the wire. This malfunction can be verified by external inspection.

Another very common problem is related to the battery. In some cases, if it does not work, the PC stops turning on even with the network adapter. Usually, after pressing the power button, even the cooler does not work. Therefore, it is worth trying to run a mobile computer powered by mains power without a battery.

The power supply fails quite often in any device. Without a charger, the laptop battery will run out sooner or later, after which the computer will no longer turn on. It's very easy to check if the network adapter is working. It is enough to connect another charger from a known good computer.

Many power supplies are equipped with an indicator. Even if the light is on, problems with the network adapter cannot be completely ruled out. It is worth noting that there are many power supplies available for laptops. You should only connect adapters that are suitable for a specific model to your computer.

Problems associated with a malfunction in the power circuit are much less common, but they are more serious. In this case, you will not be able to diagnose the problem yourself, much less fix it. You need to contact specialists from the service center.

Hard drive is faulty

The hard drive stores all the information and operating system of the computer. If it malfunctions, the computer can be turned on, but it freezes before the Windows screensavers. In some cases, a message may be displayed about HDD error, for example, information that the disk is not a system one.

In any case, the user still has the opportunity to go to the BIOS SETUP menu. There you can check whether the hard drive is detected and the settings are correct. If the hard drive is visible, then you can start the system with boot disk or flash drive and test it.

Failure of the video card and chipset chips

Laptop components may also fail. The reasons for this may be overheating, damage due to impact, and so on.

Let's look at what parts most often create problems with turning on a PC:

  • south bridge;
  • north bridge;
  • video card.

The behavior of the computer in this case can be very different. If the video card fails, there will be no image, but the fan will work and sometimes Windows will even boot, making a corresponding sound. If one of the bridges fails, the computer may not turn on at all or may stop before loading the OS.

Determine what is the reason in this case It's almost impossible to do it on your own. And trying to repair it at home will most likely only cause harm. Therefore, it is better to use the services of a service center.

Video: Laptop won't turn on. Board diagnostics.

Other reasons

In fact, the malfunction may lie in a number of other problems.

Among which are the following:

  • CPU or memory damage;
  • broken BIOS firmware;
  • overheat;
  • errors in Windows operation.

If your PC beeps when you turn it on, in most cases this indicates overheating or problems with the RAM. If you have a little experience, you can try to find out on your own why this is happening.

To do this, you must first remove the dust. If the problem persists, you can replace the memory modules with known good ones. Broken BIOS firmware may result from incorrect update

. If the user tried to carry out this operation before the problem occurred, then he will have to contact for repair. Errors are also common when. It is very easy to solve this problem yourself by simply going to the SETUP menu and loading the default settings, for example, selecting the Load Setup Defaults option.

Errors in Windows operation can lead to the OS not starting. First of all, you need to find out their cause and try to solve it. In addition, you can try reinstalling the operating system or restoring the one installed from the factory.

Laptop won't turn on at all

Very often the computer does not turn on at all due to power problems. But what to do if the laptop does not turn on, the power button lights up after pressing and nothing further happens. You will have to look for the cause and eliminate it.

Typical actions that cause a laptop to stop turning on:

  • dust cleaning;
  • update;
  • overheat.

If errors were made during the cleaning or updating process, the behavior of the computer may be very different. Including the start may not occur at all. In addition, the system may not turn on due to problems with hard drive and after overheating.

After cleaning

There are situations when, after cleaning, the laptop stops turning on. This may cause the fan to start or make a squeaking sound. On some models, the indicators also begin to flash.

Cleaning a laptop involves disassembling it. The first thing you need to do is disassemble it again and check the connection of all components, as well as the installation of the cooling system. It would be useful to pay attention to the thermal paste and the serviceability of the tubes used for heat removal.

If the RAM modules were removed during the cleaning process, you should try to remove them again, clean the contacts and reinstall them. You also need to check whether the laptop starts with the hard drive and optical drive disconnected.

When re-disassembling, it is worth paying attention to the lid (display) opening sensor. If the assembly is not very careful, it may end up out of place.

If following simple tips does not lead to results and the device still does not work, then you should contact a service center. It is possible that during disassembly the elements were damaged by static electricity or another problem occurred.

After update

Problems may occur during the update. If updates are installed incorrectly, this may result in the computer not turning on.

In this case, the user can set new version BIOS, drivers or patches for the operating system.

The most difficult case is the inability to start the computer after updating the BIOS. This happens when the user tried to interfere with the process, for example, by rebooting or turning off the computer during it, or when using unofficial firmware.

Of course, resetting the settings to standard won't hurt. This can be done by removing the battery for a few minutes or by closing the corresponding jumper on the motherboard.

But as practice shows, this probably won’t help fix the problem. The only way out is to contact a service center for repairs.

In a situation where errors started after installing driver or Windows updates, you can simply roll back to the previous restore point from safe mode, reinstall the operating system, or return to the state it was in when you purchased it, if such a function is available in the model.

Hard drive is faulty Usually when hard drive malfunction

The disk starts, but the system simply freezes at the manufacturer's logo or displays information that the disk is not a system disk or is damaged. If the hard drive is detected in SETUP, then you can independently diagnose it by booting from removable media

and running a specialized utility, for example, Victoria.

If your worst fears are confirmed or the device cannot be detected in the BIOS, you need to check the cable.

As a last resort, you need to replace the hard drive yourself or at a service center.

After overheating

  • Modern computers generate quite a lot of heat during operation. If there is heavy dust or a malfunction of the cooling system, overheating may occur, after which some parts may fail. As a rule, it is impossible to solve the problem yourself; you will have to contact a service center for this.
  • The main parts that can fail as a result of overheating are:
  • CPU;
  • video card;


north and south bridges. Spontaneous shutdowns In some cases, the computer may turn on and even work normally for a while. After which it happens

spontaneous shutdown . There are several main reasons for this. Let's consider

  • overheat;
  • typical problems
  • , which lead to the device turning off without instructions from the user:
  • parts failure;

viruses; software errors; random shutdowns and reboots of mobile PCs, which in the future can lead to device failure. In order to avoid this, it is necessary to regularly remove dust, and also sometimes change the heat-conducting paste.

Part malfunctions very often also occur due to overheating. If there have been no regular cleanings, then the likelihood of this is high. You won't be able to solve this problem on your own. Therefore, you should contact a specialist immediately.

Viruses can lead to incorrect operation system, as a result of which the PC may turn itself off. To solve this, you need to download special utilities from the Doctor Web or Kaspersky Lab website, run full scan and remove threats.

Software errors also often lead to random shutdown laptop. You need to find the reason using the code that appears on the screen at the time of the failure. After this, you should delete the problematic application or try updating to the latest version.

Checking for battery problems is quite simple. You need to take it out, connect the charger and start the laptop. If the glitches disappear, then you need to replace the battery.

Turns on but

In some cases, the PC may turn on, but the download will stop at a certain point. In this case, error messages may appear on the screen. In some cases, Windows does not start; in others, it cannot even initialize.

Fails to initialize

Initialization occurs when the PC starts before Windows starts loading. If the indicators light up, the cooler turns on, but there is no access to hard drive(the corresponding light does not light up), then with a high probability the initialization failed.

Possible reasons why the laptop may not initialize:

  1. malfunction of the processor, memory or video card;
  2. incorrect BIOS firmware;
  3. defects or damage to the south or north bridge.

Regardless of the reason, you will have to take the PC to a service center. Only a specialist if available necessary equipment in this case, he will be able to accurately determine the cause of the problem and eliminate it.

Windows won't start

The inability to start Windows in most cases does not indicate hardware problems. Therefore, you can try to reinstall it, roll back to previous state PC or use recovery tools from the manufacturer.

In hardware, most often the inability to boot the OS is due to problems of hard disk. In this case, it will have to be replaced. You can first try to diagnose special utilities

, booting from removable media.

There are a lot of options for laptop malfunctions. You can diagnose and fix many of them yourself at home, but in case of a serious breakdown you will still have to contact the service center specialists. Often the life of a modern person is simply unthinkable without the use of mobile electronics. Being comfortable in all respects helps us, people, to stay up to date with affairs, influence the dynamics of rapidly developing events and at the same time not limit ourselves in movement. computing device portable type

- laptop. And many are unsettled by a situation that could be described with a single, but such a succinct phrase: “The laptop won’t turn on!” Calm the slight trembling, take a sedative, cast aside all doubts - you can fix everything. And on your own! Without the help of professionals and compassionate care, specialists sometimes unjustifiably inflate the price of repairs. Intrigued? Then let's read!

The magic remedy is diagnosis

You won’t believe it, but 50% of success in electronics repair depends on how correctly you determine the cause of the breakdown. If the laptop does not turn on, it’s time to remember long-forgotten or recent operational issues: falls and shocks, shaking and pressing, as well as unfavorable temperatures. Doubts about the correctness of the settings (during software experiments) also require careful analysis.

Hardware and software malfunctions There is simply no golden mean. Broken display

  • requires replacement, a damaged power cord needs to be restored, and a common “culprit” of the situation called “laptop screen does not turn on” - a closed button to close the screen cover - can completely drive the user crazy who watches the LED indication, hears the rustling of fans and feels "life" of the hard drive. It is also not uncommon for an unlucky user to “crank up” the BIOS in anticipation of miraculous performance from the laptop, or directly in the operating environment switches the video signal output to an external display receiver. All this and much more is divided into two types of faults:
  • Hardware - physical damage to a system component.

Software - incorrectly used settings, software mismatch with the configuration of the computing device.

Now we have reached the climax of this article. Carefully read each individual case presented, and perhaps you will find a reason for the device not turning on that is absolutely similar or vaguely reminiscent of the “symptoms” of your problem. It is worth noting that laptop repair is often truly fraught with mysticism. There is no other way to describe the electromagnetic “whims” of the internal components of the system. Statics actually works wonders! However, let's be realistic and follow the recommendations that explain the actual state of affairs.

So, the first secret: energy

When a laptop won't turn on, the problem is usually a lack of power. First of all, you need to make sure that the adapter with which you are charging is working. accumulator battery device. Active light indication on the power supply, as well as near the corresponding laptop connector (at the time of connection) is often deceptive. Therefore, it is advisable to use a known working adapter to verify the functionality of the “doubtful” electrical converter.

Even if you are sure that your laptop’s battery has the proper charge level, but the computer still shows no signs of life, disconnect the battery. Now connect your device to the external one and press the “Power” button. Nothing happens? Go ahead.

In addition to the above, or Why won't my laptop turn on?

If you are seeing a lot of peripherals connected at the same time, the following scenario might be worth trying:

  • To make it easier for your laptop to start up, disconnect all unnecessary devices - external drives, USB cables and printing devices.
  • If the laptop is equipped with a special mechanical switch that turns on Wi-Fi or the Bluetooth module, deactivate the wireless connection.
  • Restart your computer.

Problem solved - great! No - we continue to look for the “culprit of not turning on” further.

Secret two: mechanical damage

For example, your Asus laptop does not turn on. The specifics of the modification are conditional, since further explanation is relevant for everyone mobile devices. What do we have to do?

  • Pay attention to the integrity of the connector into which the power adapter plug goes. It may have been oxidized or damaged due to intense mechanical stress (insertion/removal).
  • Connect the power supply and, holding down the “Power” button, carefully move the plug to the sides, up/down.
  • Follow the indication.

The reason that the Asus laptop (or any other modification of the laptop) does not turn on may be a completely discharged battery. By the way, a battery “landed in deep zero” (may the reader forgive the jargon used) often requires organizing a non-standard type of charging. Therefore, do not allow your battery to be deeply discharged. A battery that has been idle for a long time can be started using a universal charger.

Secret three: software failure and inability of the device to load the OS

A frequently asked question: “The laptop won’t turn on - what should I do?” may be due to incorrect changes made to the BIOS settings of the computer. If, after the computing device has gone through a short initialization process, you see a dark screen with a blinking cursor, perhaps the following algorithm will help you correct the difficult situation:

  • Enter the BIOS menu. Typically, to access basic settings (when loading the start screen), you just need to press the “F2” or “Delete” key several times. However, it all depends on the version of your BSVV.
  • Once you get to the main firmware menu, activate the “Setup Default” or “Factory Default” item. The name of the section that facilitates a rollback to factory settings may be different.
  • Save changes made and reboot.

In most cases this helps. If the problem “The laptop turns on but does not boot” has not been resolved, proceed to the next step of restoring the device’s functionality.

The fourth secret: the cyclical and endless reboot process

Constant “tumbling” of the system until the Windows logo appears - bad sign. Most likely, you will not be able to avoid hardware repairs. Usually this kind of malfunction is associated with a failed north bridge compact computing device.

  • Swipe visual inspection ventilation grilles. Perhaps you will discover a critical accumulation of dust, which, in turn, will become a kind of proof of the validity of unpleasant assumptions.

The laptop won’t turn on, the screen is black, and at the same time the laptop continues to “live incomprehensibly”, blinking its LED indication ambiguously? Quite often the situation can be corrected.

  • You should resort to a gradual disabling of the basic components of the computer.
  • First, disconnect the drive and try to boot without it.
  • Perhaps the reason lies in the incorrect operation of the RAM - disable the RAM modules.
  • Perhaps the conflict is caused by the hard drive. Remove the drive from the depths of the laptop.

As you know, the absence of a result is also a result! We continue to look for the reason...

Fifth element of graphical malfunction

If your HP laptop does not turn on, it may well be that the device’s video card has failed. Special attention It is worth paying attention to modifying the laptop, which has a discrete graphics module installed. With intensive use this component most susceptible to overheating. The main radiator, the fins of which can be visually seen through the air intake openings, can tell a lot. If the elements of the cooling system are sufficiently contaminated, overheating of the heat-intensive graphics processor is inevitable. Timely detection and a series of subsequent actions can simply be life-saving for a video card that has begun to malfunction.

Some HP laptops (this refers to individual models) are designed in such a way that if a problem arises, “The laptop won’t turn on,” everything is resolved simple removal protective covers and thorough cleaning of contaminated parts.

The sixth secret: visual incidents

Problems with " dark screen" can be resolved. let's consider typical type malfunctions, and in the next section we will figure out how all this can be eliminated.

  • Carefully inspect the matrix for chips and other types of mechanical damage, the same applies to the connecting cable.
  • If the laptop screen does not turn on upon startup, the contacts of the button that is activated when the laptop's display lid is closed may be shorted.
  • Take a closer look, perhaps the matrix displays the image with no backlight.
  • If the user has enabled the video output circuit to an external display device, the main screen will be disabled.

Seven unclassified methods for eliminating video troubles

So, you now know something about the reasons for the situation, which can be described as “HP laptop does not turn on.” However, as mentioned earlier, the article stipulates the universal principles of diagnosis and repair various malfunctions compact computing electronics devices. Therefore, you should not focus your attention on any involvement...

  • Replacing a matrix is ​​a rather difficult task; this process requires appropriate knowledge and, frankly, specialized experience. Therefore, if you are absolutely sure that the screen is physically faulty, contact a service center or an independent laptop repair shop.
  • To make sure that the button of the lid opening/closing mechanism is working, you first need to dismantle top part device frame. Some models this process incredibly labor-intensive, there is a high risk of damaging the plastic casing of the laptop, as well as some internal components of the system.

    A black screen (as the cause of the malfunction) may be the result incorrect settings. Connect your laptop to an external monitor via the appropriate VGA/DVI or HDMI connector. If the image appears, go to settings and switch the video mode to the “default” state.
  • Use function keys, regulating the backlight: “F5+...”. As a rule, such buttons on the keyboard are marked with a corresponding designation.

So now you know what to do if the laptop turns on but the screen does not work. Go ahead.

A few words about other OS troubles

During the process of reinstalling the operating system, the user may encounter some computer misunderstandings:

  • Incorrect marking disk space in the end it may become big problem for the unlucky user.
  • Damage to the boot sector on the hard drive will lead to the situation “The laptop turns on, but does not boot.”
  • A depleted CMOS battery can cause the BIOS settings to keep getting lost. As a rule, during the process of starting the computer, the user will constantly need to press the “F1” key.
  • An incorrectly set boot priority in the BIOS will result in the user being unable to install the OS on the laptop.


Well, we can confidently state that with the main reasons and solutions to the question: “The laptop won’t turn on - what to do?” you, dear reader, have read it. As you understand, before opening the laptop, you need to make sure that this is necessary. A thorough inspection of external structural elements, as well as simple experiments with connecting/disconnecting basic computer components will significantly save your time, and at the same time financial resources. Learn to see, hear and feel electronics. Be patient and believe in the success of the enterprise! And then you can easily find the cause of the problem: “The Acer laptop does not turn on.” Only knowledge and experience can guarantee your competence in solving certain issues related to the repair and operation of portable electronics. All the best to you and success in your endeavors!