Windows 10 emergency mode. Entering “Safe Mode” via BIOS

When you have problems with your Windows computer, one of the first troubleshooting steps is to boot into Windows Safe Mode. Safe mode is a simple, stripped-down version of the operating system, loading only the most important files and drivers. In safe mode, you can fix a number of errors with drivers and cure your computer of viruses that prevent the system from starting up stably. If earlier you could enter the familiar Windows 7 using the F8 button when you start the computer, then Windows 10, 8 no longer have this function, but there is a trick that will help you return the F8 button to enter safe mode when you turn on your computer with Windows 10 In this guide, we’ll look at how to enter and launch Safe Mode in Windows 10 from the desktop and return the usual F8 button to always enter through it, and we’ll look at how to disable Safe Mode to avoid cyclic booting.

The easy ways are at the bottom, provided you can boot into your desktop.

How to start Safe Mode when booting Windows 10

If the Windows 10 system does not boot to the start screen and you need to enter or start safe mode when turning on Windows 10 through the “BIOS”, as for example before in Windows 7, with the F8 key, then you will need to get into the Windows 10 recovery environment using other methods. which are described below. It can be created on another working computer or while yours was still working.

If you can boot to your desktop, then launch Command Prompt as an administrator and proceed to step 3.

Step 1. When you have started from the installation flash drive, go to the installation point and click on the link below " System Restore".

Step 2. You will be taken to the advanced settings of windows 10. Next, go to Troubleshooting > Advanced settings > Command line.

Step 3. Enter the following code into the command line (you can copy it in its entirety, you can enter each command via Enter):

bcdedit /set (default) bootmenupolicy legacy

Step 4. You can now start in safe mode using the key F8 in Windows 10, press the button F8 continuously during system boot until a menu with download methods appears. If you want to go back to how it was, then enter instead of legacy > standard. There will be the following type of command bcdedit /set (default) bootmenupolicy standard .

These methods will help you call up additional Windows 10 menu options and trigger a recovery environment without an installation flash drive:

  1. Press the restart button on the computer itself many times in a row to trigger an error and bring up the process diagnostic menu.
  2. Turn on the computer, wait until it boots as much as possible before the error occurs. Next, press and hold the power button on your computer to turn it off completely. Repeat the procedure 3 times, by the 4th time you should see a recovery menu.
  3. If all else fails, then follow Step 1.

How to add Safe Mode to the OS boot selection menu

Windows 10 now has additional startup options. This will look the same as if you have multiple versions of the OS installed on your computer. If you often use safe mode, then setting up the menu when choosing an OS will be very excellent and convenient. In the picture below I have configured some settings for myself. Let's look at this method.

Before performing this method, read it from the beginning to the end and you will understand the meaning.

Step 1. There will be three commands for the three menus created. Maybe you don’t need three, but only need one menu with safe mode. Launch Command Prompt as Administrator and enter the following commands of your choice.

  1. bcdedit /copy (current) /d "Safe Mode"- Let's create a safe mode boot.
  2. bcdedit /copy (current) /d "PSU with network"- Let's create a safe mode boot with a network (Internet access).
  3. bcdedit /copy (current) /d "BP CMD"- Let's create a safe mode boot with the command line.

Step 3. The system configuration will open, go to the "" tab. We will see the list that was specified via the command line above. Let's customize each menu.

1) . Select "safe mode" from the list at the top and click on the checkmark at the bottom and select " Minimum". Next, check the "" box and click apply. You can also set a menu timer, for example, after 10 seconds it will automatically load just Windows 10. This way the boot menu will appear in safe mode.

2) . Select "PSU with network" from the list and select "Network" from the bottom and check the " Make these boot options permanent". Click apply and this way we can load safe mode with the network, i.e. with the ability to access the Internet.

3) . Highlight "BP CMD", below select " Another shell"and check the box" Make these boot options permanent". Click apply and OK.

How to enter Safe Mode in Windows 10

Step 1. Hold down the buttons windows + X, select and hold the left button Shift before entering diagnostic parameters.

Step 2. You will be taken to the windows 10 recovery environment. In this environment, you can reset settings, restore the system, and much more. In the recovery environment, click on Troubleshooting.

Click the button Reboot.

Click on your keyboard F4 to begin the procedure of starting Windows 10 in safe mode.

How to enter safe mode in Windows 7

Method 1. Windows 7 starts when you press a button F8. Once you have turned on or restarted your computer, press the F8 button at 1 second intervals. The method will also work with Windows XP. After calling up the additional settings menu, select the download option.

Hi all! In the last article we learned how. In today's article, we will learn how to enter Windows 10 safe mode if the system does not boot due to any errors.

Friends, as a result of what usually our operating system stops loading? That's right, because of damaged system files and critical drivers, but most often Windows does not boot due to programs and drivers we have installed that are not designed to work in our operating system. I'll explain in a little more detail.

How to enter Windows 10 safe mode if the operating system won't boot

Recently, one person contacted me; he successfully updated his Windows 7 to Windows 10, but after the update, the drivers for his video card and TV tuner were lost. I updated the drivers for the video card, but with the TV tuner it turned out to be more and more difficult; on the official website of the device, drivers were posted only for Windows 7, there were not even drivers for Windows 8.1. The support told me that there are no 100% working drivers for Win 10 yet, but there are beta drivers and they are suitable for some and not for others.

I downloaded and installed the drivers along with the software on the TV tuner, without even creating a restore point just in case. The driver installed and asked to reboot, after the reboot blue death (blue screen) appeared on the monitor, several reboots led to the same effect - the system boot ended with a blue screen.

What happened. The blue screen of death is Windows’ protective reaction to incorrectly working code, that is, the system was automatically protected by a blue screen from a malfunctioning TV tuner driver. To remove the incorrect driver, I decided to use safe mode.

  • Note: everything would be easier if I had installed the driver before installing .

We all know that safe mode is specially designed to fix various operating system problems. In Safe Mode, Windows 10 starts with a minimal set of processes that are Microsoft-owned and can be trusted. Therefore, we can use safe mode to remove incorrectly working drivers or programs that lead to Windows boot failure or unstable operation.

All this is clear, but how to enter safe mode if Win 10 does not boot!?

In the initial system installation window, click keyboard shortcut Shift + F10.

A command line window will open, enter the command (suitable for any computer, including laptops with the UEFI interface enabled and the Secure Boot option):

bcdedit /set (globalsettings) advancedoptions true

The command will make a change to the boot store configuration file (BCD).

The operation was completed successfully.

Reboot your computer and the Special Boot Options window will open.

Press the key F4 or 4 to enter safe mode, you can also use other special modes used when troubleshooting Windows 10.

If you want to enter the operating system in the usual way, then press Enter on your keyboard.

Here we are in Windows 10 safe mode.

We remove an incorrect driver or program in the usual way.

Typically, drivers are installed into the operating system along with the software.

Open the Computer window and click Uninstall or change a program.

Find the name of the software that is not working properly and click Remove.

If you installed the driver manually without an installer, uninstall it directly in Device Manager - right-click on it and select Uninstall.

If you want to prevent the Special Boot Options window from appearing when loading, then Boot from the Windows 10 bootable USB flash drive into the recovery environment, launch the command line, enter the command:

bcdedit /deletevalue (globalsettings) advancedoptions

This command will undo previously made changes to the boot store configuration file (BCD).

For insurance, before work, you can do.

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If you've started using Windows 10, you may have noticed that Safe Mode won't turn on, meaning the "old methods" of booting into Safe Mode no longer work. By this I mean, pressing the safe mode keys F8 or Shift + F8 while windows is loading. These buttons no longer work in normal cases because the Windows 10 boot procedure has changed and become faster than ever before. But this does not mean that Windows 10 does not have a safe mode, to get to it you must follow other methods. Let's take a closer look and see how you can boot into Safe Mode in Windows 10.

Quickly jump to the desired item

Safe Mode in Windows 10

Safe Mode makes it easier to diagnose, allowing you to figure out what's wrong. When you enter safe mode in Windows 10, the operating system loads a minimal interface, only the basic services and drivers necessary for its operation; in this mode, you can easily remove a program or driver that is causing the system to crash.

Figure 1 - Desktop in Safe Mode

2 Ways to Boot into Safe Mode in Windows 10

1. Using the system configuration program (Msconfig.exe)

One of the easiest ways to boot Windows 10 into Safe Mode is to use the System Configuration tool.

The fastest way to launch System Setup in Windows 10 is to open the Run window. To do this, simultaneously press the keys on the keyboard +R. Then type MSCONFIG in the text box and press the Enter key or the OK button.

Figure 2 - Execute window

You can also open system configuration tools using Cortana. In the search field from the taskbar, enter the query “system configuration”, and then select the application that appears in the search results.

Figure 3 - Launching "system configuration" through Cortana

In the system configuration window, go to the "Boot" tab and check the box next to "Safe Mode" as shown in Figure 4 with arrows. Then click on the "OK" button

Figure 4 - System configuration

Windows will inform you that you must restart your computer for the changes to take effect. Select "Exit without restarting" if you have open applications or unsaved documents.

2. Using the combination Shift + reboot

Another equally complicated way to boot Windows 10 in safe mode is to use the Shift + Restart combination.

  • Open the Start menu and click on Shut Down
  • Hold down the Shift key on your keyboard and select reboot from the drop-down list

Figure 5 - Shift + reboot combinations

Please note that this method can also be used on the Windows 10 login screen. The steps are the same, hold down the Shift key and click on the “reboot” item.

Figure 6 - Shift + Restart combinations on the login screen

After Windows 10 reboots, you should see a blue screen with action options, as in Figure 7 below, we need to select Diagnostics

Figure 8 - Additional parameters

Then select "Download Options"

Figure 10 - Reboot

After the reboot, a menu will open in which you can select the desired boot mode using the F1-F9 keys, or press the F4 key directly to immediately load the safe mode. If you did everything correctly, windows will boot into safe mode as in Figure 1

Figure 11 - Boot menu

How to get into safe mode if Windows 10 won't boot

How to get into safe mode? If Windows gives an error after updating or a blue screen appears? In this case, the methods described above will be useless. Next we will look at several options for how to do this.

Using Windows Boot Interrupt

If you cannot get to the desktop and start safe mode using the methods described above, you can do not the safest or recommended way, this interrupts the Windows boot process several times, to do this, while the computer is booting, press the Restart button (restart); if you have a laptop, just hold down the power button. As a result, after several times, Windows will load a blue screen with download options. Then follow the instructions described above (under boot options into safe mode)

Launching safe mode using the installation flash drive

As you already understood from the title, you will need an installation flash drive or disk with Windows 10. If you don’t have it, then skip this point and read on.

And so, to start booting your computer from the installation flash drive, you need to set your flash drive as the boot device in the BIOS. In most cases, you can simply press F12 before booting your computer and select a boot method. If not, look for instructions specifically for your Bios.

After you have booted from the installation flash drive, you will see a window like in Figure 12 below. Just click next

Figure 12 - Window with selection of language parameters

After which you will see a window with an “Install” button. As in the picture below. Here you need to click on the “System Restore” link, which is located at the bottom of the window on the left side. Click on this link

Figure 13 - Window with the “Install” button

Next, a menu will open on a blue background, as described above (in the boot options in safe mode), select “Diagnostics” > “Advanced options” and “Command line”

Figure 14 - Command line

This will open the command line application. as shown in Figure 14 above. Next we enter the command:

bcdedit /set (globalsettings) advancedoptions true

And press the Enter key. Then close the command line and select the menu item on the blue screen “Continue”. As a result, the computer should restart. And now we boot the computer not with a bootable USB flash drive, but in normal mode. If everything is done correctly, the boot options menu should appear on the screen.

It is important that after you enter this command, the boot options will be displayed every time you turn on the computer so that disable loading safe mode(boot options) you need to repeat the steps above again but use the following command:

bcdedit /deletevalue (globalsettings) advancedoptions

Starting Safe Mode by Creating a Windows 10 System Repair Disk

For this method you need the following: A working computer with Windows 10 and a flash drive (minimum 512 MB). And so we launch the “Create a recovery disk” application. To do this, you can use the “Cortana” search bar as described above, enter in the search field, then launch the application that appears. Then follow the instructions of the Disk Creation Wizard as shown in Figure 15 below (click next)

Figure 15 - Creating a recovery disk

After you have created a system recovery disk, use it as a boot device (set your disk as the first boot device in the BIOS)

Figure 16 - Booting from a system recovery disk

On the first screen you will be asked to select a keyboard layout, select “Russian”. Then follow the instructions described above (in paragraph

“Safe Mode” implies a limited boot of Windows, for example, starting without network drivers. In this mode you can try to fix problems. You can also work fully in some programs, but downloading or installing anything on your computer in safe mode is strictly not recommended, as this can lead to serious failures.

“Safe Mode” is needed solely to solve problems within the system, so it is not suitable for constant work with the OS (editing any documents, etc.). “Safe Mode” is a simplified version of the OS with everything you need. It does not have to be launched from the BIOS; for example, if you are working on the system and notice any problems with it, you can try to log in using "Command line". In this case, you do not need to restart your computer.

If you cannot enter the operating system or have already exited it, then it is better to actually try to enter through the BIOS, as this will be safer.

Method 1: Boot Keyboard Combination

This method is the simplest and most proven. To do this, you will need to restart your computer and, before the operating system starts loading, press the key F8 or combination Shift+F8. Then a menu should appear asking you to select an OS boot option. In addition to the usual one, you can choose several types of safe mode.

Sometimes a shortcut key combination may not work because it is disabled by the system itself. In some cases, it can be connected, but to do this you will need to log in to the system normally.

Use the following step-by-step instructions:

It is worth remembering that some motherboards and BIOS versions do not support entering Safe Mode using key combinations during boot (although this is very rare).

Method 2: Boot disk

This method is much more complicated than the previous one, but it guarantees results. To complete this, you will need Windows Installer media. First you need to insert the USB flash drive and restart the computer.

If after a reboot the Windows Setup Wizard does not appear, it means you need to distribute boot priorities in the BIOS.

In today's article, we'll look at how to enter Windows 10 safe mode if the laptop/computer is working properly or the operating system does not start for some reason. The fact is that the usual way of calling a window with choosing an option to launch the operating system has become irrelevant. It has been replaced by several methods that allow you to turn on your PC in safe mode.

Windows 10 Safe Mode, called Safe Mode, is a diagnostic boot mode of the operating system designed to find and solve many problems in the operating system in order to return it to a working state. This mode is used in cases where the computer refuses to start in normal mode, from the last known good configuration, or it is impossible to perform any action due to the use of target files and drivers of Windows 10 itself.

When the PC boots into Safe Mode, only the components necessary for starting and operating the operating system, such as drivers, system services, Explorer, and the OS kernel, are placed in RAM. Application software and drivers for peripheral devices that are not needed for computer operation are not loaded.

Safe mode is useful for removing viruses, fixing errors with drivers that have arisen due to their imperfection or incomplete compatibility, eliminating the cause of blue screens and freezes, uninstalling programs, restoring the system, activating an administrator account, etc.

Using the operating system configuration menu

The option to boot the computer into safe mode, familiar from the 7, is to use the system configuration utility.

1. Launch the command interpreter, represented by a dialog box called “Run”, which is launched using “Win ​​+ R”.

2. Enter the “msconfig” system command, which launches the utility for configuring the launch of Windows 10.

By the way, the command can be launched through the Windows 10 search bar.

3. In the window that appears, activate the second “Boot” tab and select the operating system that should be launched in diagnostic mode.

4. Check the box below the form with the list of OSes for the “Safe Mode” option.

  • “Minimal” - classic safe mode with a minimum of system components and Windows Explorer;
  • “Other shell” is the new name for the configuration, which was called “Command Line Support”;
  • “Network” - with the launch of network drivers in order to use the network connection.

6. Click “Apply” to confirm your intentions and click “OK” to close the window.

7. Using the “Start” menu or another convenient option for shutting down the computer, reboot it.

8. After we launch the system configuration window, and on the “Boot” tab, uncheck the previously checked box in order to return the computer startup to normal mode.

Special launch options

Another method that allows you to start Windows 10 in safe mode if it starts. As in the previous version, all actions consist of performing simple operations.

1. Open the “Settings” window using the search bar, the “Win ​​+ R” combination, or the “Start” button.

2. Click on the title of the “Update, Security” section, where we go to the “Recovery” subsection.

3. Find the item “Special options...” and click on the “Restart now” button.

4. After the equipment self-test, a screen of additional computer startup options will appear, where we select the “Diagnostics” option.

5. Then click on “Additional options”, “Boot options” and click “Restart”.

6. In the startup options menu, select the desired computer startup mode using the F4 - F6 keys.

In order to launch “Special options” in the case when the “ten” does not load, but the lock screen is displayed, while holding down the “Shift” button, select the “Restart” option after clicking on the button to turn off the computer.

Using the boot device to invoke safe mode

Don't know how to enable safe mode on Windows 10 when it won't start at all? Read the current section to the end.

The only thing you need to run Ten in diagnostic mode is bootable media with operating system installation files. An OS recovery disk is also suitable, but it is available to a limited number of users.

1. Start from a bootable USB flash drive using the Boot Menu of your BIOS.

2. Press the “Shift+F10” keys to launch the command line or click on “System Restore” in the window with the “Install” button, where we call “Diagnostics”, go to additional parameters, call the command line.

3. Using the command line, run the command: “bcdedit /set (default) safeboot minimal” to launch the classic debugging mode, and then replacing “minimal” with “network”, we boot into diagnostic mode with the launch of network drivers.

4. Close the command line window and reboot.

5. After solving the problems, reboot the OS, launch the command line as before, and enter and execute: “bcdedit /deletevalue (default) safeboot” to turn off safe mode.

Last method

This method will display a window where you can select one of the advanced Safe Mode options. Moreover, it is applicable to any operating system installed on a PC.

  • Call the command line by booting from the installation flash drive.
  • Enter a long command: “bcdedit /set (globalsettings) advancedoptions true”.
  • After a notification appears about its successful completion, reboot, closing the command line.

After the computer restarts, a window will appear with a list of advanced OS boot options.

Next, to deactivate this method of turning on the computer, you need to run: bcdedit /deletevalue (globalsettings) advancedoptions. The command is entered into the command line, called with administrator privileges.

We return the menu called by the “F8” key

If you want to know how to enter Windows 10 safe mode using the classic method - the “F8” key, read the lines below.

Returning the call to the window with a list of methods for starting a computer is done by editing the “tens” launch configuration file.

1. Launch the command row with the privileges of an administrator account.

2. Execute “bcdedit /deletevalue (current) bootmenupolicy”.

3. After the text “Operation Complete” appears, restart the computer.

4. After self-testing the hardware shell, press “F8” until we see the familiar window with an expanded list of options for launching “dozens”.

To cancel calling the extended list of PC startup options, use the command “bcdedit /set (current) bootmenupolicy standard”.

Choose the appropriate option and fix errors in the functioning of Windows 10 without having to reinstall it.