The network adapter is visible. How to connect a network adapter

Question: The laptop does not see the network adapter

Laptop DNS-0169860, Windows 8. After rebooting, I stopped seeing the LAN adapter, and Wi-Fi works fine. Before that reboot, I didn’t install anything, I just watched videos on YouTube. Reinstalling the driver does not help. Neither old nor new version. The LAN adapter is not shown in the device manager, and when installing the drivers, they give an error that the device was not found. Can you tell me what's the matter?

Added after 1 hour 21 minutes
UPD: When you turned on showing hidden devices, the adapter was displayed in the manager, however, it said “This device is not currently connected to the computer. (Code 45).”

Answer: Throw off the settings in the bios setup, if it doesn’t help, then there’s probably a problem with the hardware, it should also be visible there in the boot menu if it’s alive.

Question: Can't see the network adapter

Guys, Hello!!!
I do not know what to do! Today, after rebooting Windows, a red cross appeared on the connection network! I thought maybe the cable had come loose, but the cable was fine, I checked it - it works! I go further, go to the device manager, in the network adapter tab, avast! Firewal (I don’t remember what else), I deleted it without understanding what it was, I moved on, rebooted Windows, looked at the BIOS, nothing was revealed, there was still no connection! Then I removed the network adapter from the manager, rebooted the system, updated the devices in the task manager, nothing appeared in the network adapter, this tab simply no longer exists!!! Moreover, at the back of the system unit, the green LED used to blink, as I understand it, this was when it was working, but now everything is completely silent, nothing lights up! I tried installing drivers from the motherboard!! Nothing! No sense! I roughly understand that I need to install firewood, but I can’t imagine where to find it????
System 7 64-bit!
Guys, I beg you, help!! My brain is already exploding!!


Message from kilbuz

where can I find them?

On the website of the motherboard manufacturer it is known

Question: The network adapter fell asleep and cannot wake up

Introduction (maybe not related to the problem, but you never know)
Let me start with the fact that there were problems in the system with the Visual C++ libraries, which I seemed to have solved, but after that, during the game, a visual artifact crashed onto the entire screen and everything froze, the system did not respond, there were blue stripes across the entire screen. I rebooted, after which the system stopped loading (black screen after loading Windows). I tried to rearrange the video card driver, but it didn’t work. In the end, I decided to reinstall Windows because it was already boiling over, problems began to appear more and more often.

The essence of the problem.
I installed a new clean Windows 7 maximum x64 system. I copied all the necessary data from the Windows old folder and successfully erased it. Then I tried to install the network driver in order to gain access to the network and install all the other drivers. The driver was not installed. Instead, he gave me this: "the realtek network controller was not found if deep sleep mode is enabled please plug the cable"
I went online to solve the problem, but nothing I found helped.
What did you do:

  • tried other drivers and driver analysis programs (the latter did not see the network adapter at all)
  • in the BIOS I set the standard settings, enabled and disabled the realtek network output (and it is in the BIOS)
  • disconnected the computer from the network and removed the RAM all night so that the motherboard would completely turn off
The device never woke up. I don’t know what to do anymore, how to wake him up, I have no idea and I’m already completely desperate. Please help, has anyone encountered this problem?
motherboard asus m5a99x evo r2.0 realtek

Now I took out the RAM again and left it for the whole day, because they write that different motherboards need different times to turn off


Message from kloskon

I just don’t understand why this adapter is visible in the BIOS

Because it is flashed in the BIOS. My motherboard has an LPT port in the BIOS, but the motherboard doesn’t have one at all.

Question: Windows 7 does not see the network adapter!

Hello everyone, can anyone help me with this problem:
Today I installed windows 7 (licensed) from a disk, I had windows 10 (it’s just been a month already). The installation went smoothly, but my computer is not connected to the Internet. I went to the “Network and Sharing Center” -> “change adapter settings” and it was empty!! I decided to go to the device manager, but there is no “Network adapters” tab there. I don't understand what's wrong. Before this everything was fine.

Motherboard: Gigabyte Z77P-D3


Message from MrTwangy

Everything worked!

Who would doubt that
Good luck

Question: Windows 7. The network adapter has disappeared

The problem is this

Answer: Sharik,

In Device Manager, remove the network adapter. Then scan there to new devices. It should help, if it doesn't help, download the drivers.

Question: Windows 7 - network adapter disappeared

I apologize right away, if there is such a topic or a similar one, it’s not convenient to scroll through the phone, it gets wikiped all the time...
The problem is this
Yesterday I reinstalled Windows from 7 to 7, now the Acer laptop does not find the network adapter, but it sees bluetooth, I tried turning it on in the BIOS and turning it off did not work. What should I do if the adapter is dead?

Answer: I saw the network adapter in the device manager after I wiggled the connector a little

Question: The computer does not see the Wireless adapter

The other day I assembled a computer, turned it on and installed Windows 8.1 via BIOS. But there is no Internet, there is a cross, what should I do?
I turned on Lan in the BIOS, there is a network adapter in the task manager, but there is no wireless one. I downloaded all the drivers for the motherboard, video card, network adapter, but nothing helps. I watched the whole video. How can I make my computer see the wireless adapter?
Network adapter: Realtek RTL8168-8111 Family PCI-E Gigabit

Screen 1-
Screen 2-

Answer: Well, at the docks I didn't find that there was a Wi-Fi adapter on board. The description talks about support for MSI M-Cloud technology, which allows you to create something like your own home cloud - but this is just a software solution. To implement it, the dockets directly state that you must have a wireless network module installed:

You must have an active network connection and an installed Wi-Fi moudle to
enable Soft AP.

So, alas, you need to purchase a wireless card separately.

PS: And install the rest of the uninstalled devices.

Question: Network adapter drivers fail, freezes and crashes from games

At first I thought it was viruses... I cleaned all the viruses. And again these freezes in games and crashes... and yesterday, after turning on the system unit, the network adapter drivers fell off. I had to do a system rollback... This morning when I turned it on. the same thing... The network adapter drivers have failed.
motherboard MSI ZH77A G41. Sometimes the system reboots... in the last few days the PC has rebooted 3 times. And about a week ago... when I turned on the PC, I was immediately thrown into the BIOS. Games freeze, dark screen and crash. I suspect that something is wrong with the motherboard... What do you think?

Added after 39 minutes
Network drivers fall off every time you restart your PC...

Answer: I accidentally went to a phishing site... in the search engine they made the same logo with the official site. Well, without reading the description of the link, I clicked on the picture. The antivirus program was disabled... well, seeing that the site was not the same. He immediately left... well, he didn’t attach any importance to it. A few hours later, while watching a video... I notice that the video card is loading at 100%. Well, I rebooted the PC...downloaded other web pages, etc. it detected 2 malicious files and deleted them. Afterwards I noticed freezes in games with crashes. And again, percent. It started loading 100% when idle after quitting games... I had to reboot. In GTA5 online, the video card drivers crashed and were restored... Afterwards I tested the video card in a furmark... 68 fps, the temperature did not rise above 80c. Afterwards I was advised to download Malwarebytes Anti-Malware... well, I scanned the system with it and viruses came out again. Well, I deleted them as I was advised on a special website. but every time there were new viruses... Afterwards, Kaspersky scanned the system and it cured... Some files were quarantined... some were deleted. Well, crashes from games have not stopped... and system reboots and network drivers have started to fail. In any games and at any settings, the loading of the video card jumps like a sewing machine. The asus r9 290x dc2 video card never warmed up above 80c. I checked it on another system... everything is fine. And yet... about a week ago or a little more... suddenly, when I turned on the PC, I was immediately thrown into the BIOS... I did not reinstall the system after the viruses.

Question: Drivers for the network adapter do not work

One fine day (today) I noticed that the Internet was not working. There is no option in the parameters of this modem, and it’s completely kaput.
I decided to reinstall the driver on the network adapter, but the problem did not solve. The computer advises installing them from the Support Center, but it does not work without the Internet. This driver is needed for the M5A78L-M motherboard from Asus, called Qualcomm Atheros AR8171/8175 PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet Controller (NDIS 6.20) #2. I install from the disk that was in the box when I purchased it. Before this, I sat at the computer for 3 days after reinstalling Windows normally.
What to do, tell me?
Connection via an Ethernet cable, which is connected from a modem (the model of which, unfortunately, I cannot say now), to the TP-Link TL-WR740N Wi-Fi router, the menu of which I also cannot enter in the browser.
In ipconfige there is nothing at all other than IP protocol settings for Windows.

Answer: try removing the adapter from device manager, along with all drivers, and installing it again

Question: The computer does not see the network server

After several machinations in search of errors in the DNS, the computer does not see the network server. Urgently

Answer: That is, reboot the computer again?

Added after 9 minutes
Microsoft Windows
(c) 2009 Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved.


Exchange of packages with with 32 bytes of data:
Response from number of bytes=32 time=5ms TTL=55

Response from number of bytes=32 time=4ms TTL=55
Response from number of bytes=32 time=4ms TTL=55

Ping statistics for
Packets: sent = 4, received = 4, lost = 0
(0% loss)
Approximate round trip time in ms:
Minimum = 4ms, Maximum = 5ms, Average = 4ms

╤хЁтхЁ: UnKnown

Addresses: 2a02:6b8::3


Untrustworthy answer:
Addresses: 2a02:6b8::3
This is all?
By the way, a network server does not mean “network server”, but a home server, which should be visible in Explorer, but is not.
And in the assistant everything is ok

Probably many people are familiar with the situation when it becomes necessary to connect a computer to the Internet using a network cable or via Wi-Fi, and it turns out that the connection does not work because there is no network adapter in the device manager. And here it doesn’t even matter whether you have a laptop or a regular PC. Windows 10, Windows 7, 8, or even Windows XP are installed on it. As a result, we simply will not be able to connect to the Internet. Very often people encounter this problem after relocating Windows. Below in the article I will try to explain why this happens, what network adapters should be in the device manager and what to do if they are not there.

Let's first figure out what network adapters are. Apart from Bluetooth (we are unlikely to connect to the Internet through it), then there are two left:

  1. Wireless network adapter – also known as Wi-Fi. It’s easy to guess that it is responsible for connecting to the Internet via Wi-Fi. As a rule, it is built into every laptop and is not initially found in desktop computers. But you can buy it in addition.
  2. Network card, or Ethernet adapter (LAN) - it is used to connect via a network cable. Available on all PCs ( LAN port on the motherboard, or a separate card). LAN is also available on almost all laptops. Except ultrabooks. USB-LAN adapters are used there.

In the screenshot below you can see what these network adapters look like in Device Manager. Please note that depending on the manufacturer of the laptop, PC, or adapters, they may be called differently. There may also be many other adapters, such as WAN Miniport.

To open the device manager, you can use the search in Windows 10, open it through properties in "My Computer", or press the Win+R key combination and execute the command mmc devmgmt.msc.

As practice shows, the adapter (or both) is mostly missing for three reasons:

  1. The adapter is simply not in your device. As I wrote above, PCs usually do not have a built-in Wi-Fi module. And accordingly, it cannot be displayed in the device manager. But you can always buy such an adapter and install it. You can read the article: . Or the same network card may not be in the laptop.
  2. The driver for Wi-Fi or Ethernet adapter is not installed. This is the most popular reason. In this case, there should be unknown devices in the device manager (if the adapter is physically present). On the "Other devices" tab. This also includes BIOS settings. In some cases, the WLAN or LAN adapter may be disabled in the BIOS settings.
  3. The adapter is simply broken. It is not uncommon for network cards to burn out on desktop computers. And Wi-Fi modules on laptops fail. You can always buy a network card (USB or PCI) and install it in your PC. The wireless module can also be changed. It is possible for both PC and laptop. And here's another article on the topic: .

Let's look at each adapter in more detail.

What to do if there is no Wi-Fi adapter in Device Manager?

Almost always, the name of a wireless adapter contains the following words: Wireless, WLAN, Wireless Network Adapter, 802.11. They look something like this:

As you can see, I have two of them. One is built into the laptop, and the second is connected via USB. The one next to which there is an arrow icon is disabled.

If you don’t have such adapters, but you know for sure that your laptop (or PC) has a Wi-Fi module, then check the “Other devices” section (in the same device manager).

Basically, network adapters appear there as . And then you need to install the driver on them. Or immediately download the WLAN drivers for your laptop model and start the installation. I have already written more than one article on this topic:

  • And separate instructions for laptops and .

But do not forget that the module may simply fail. It is clear that it will not be identified in the system.

If there is no network card (LAN)

There are much fewer problems with network cards. If only because Windows almost always automatically installs a driver for Ethernet adapters. Unless in Windows XP you have to install the driver manually. But this is no longer very relevant now.

As for the drivers for these adapters, I wrote about them in the article: .

This is what the network card looks like in Device Manager (of course, your name may be different):

If it is not there, but physically it is on your computer, then most likely it is broken. By tradition, we check the “Other devices” tab. If there are no unknown devices there, the card will probably have to be replaced. Or buy a USB Ethernet adapter.

To briefly summarize this article, it goes like this:

  1. Check to see if you have the required network adapter on your computer.
  2. Let's make sure that the problem is not in the drivers.
  3. If all else fails, we take the computer to be repaired, or change the necessary adapter ourselves. It should be noted that at home it is very problematic to determine the reason for the lack of an adapter and find a breakdown.

It turned out to be a complex article, and a little confusing. This is because this problem is very controversial. There are many different things that vary greatly depending on the device, manufacturer, settings, etc.

As always, I look forward to your messages in the comments. Just one request, please write on the topic of the article.

Through a computer, which is especially bad if all activities are closely related to its disposal. Let's figure out how to fix problems if the card has not failed, but problems have arisen in its functioning.

Typically, LAN equipment problems are resolved through settings

External damage

There are two types of cards by location: external and internal. If the device is installed separately, check whether it is tightly inserted into the slot and whether the Internet cable is well placed in the socket. The problem probably lies in damaged contacts inside the connector or the cable itself from the provider is damaged.

In a situation where the adapter is damaged, you need to replace the port or purchase a new part. If everything is fine on the outside, this means that the problems are related to incorrect settings.

Map settings

The computer does not see the network card? Go to Device Manager, select the Network adapters section from the list. Now, in the context menu, click “Update equipment configuration” so that the system finds the device and adds it to the list.

After this, we will find out whether the adapter is installed correctly - if there is a yellow exclamation mark on the icon with the name, this means that the drivers are not functioning correctly or are not suitable for the device. Fix this by doing the following:

  • Open the properties of the specified part, the “Driver” tab.
  • Activate the “Rollback” function so that the system begins to recycle the previous version of configurations.

If the situation has not changed, you need to update the drivers - to do this, use the button with the same name located in the properties menu. Using automatic search, the computer will find the files on its own, but if they are not there, download and install them manually.

Does your network card not work even though it is connected correctly? When there is still no signal from the provider, it is advisable to check the connection parameters.

Do the following:

  • Open Control Panel, Network and Internet section, select Network and Sharing Center.
  • If you see that there is a red cross on the connection diagram, click on it, after which the system will analyze the parameters to identify problems.
  • Follow the diagnostic instructions to help your computer resolve network connectivity issues.

If after the above steps you still cannot connect to the World Wide Web and are sure that the provider’s cable is working, most likely the adapter has failed. All that remains is to replace it and install a new part on the electronic computer, which will allow you to freely use the Internet.

Question: The laptop does not see the network adapter

Laptop DNS-0169860, Windows 8. After rebooting, I stopped seeing the LAN adapter, and Wi-Fi works fine. Before that reboot, I didn’t install anything, I just watched videos on YouTube. Reinstalling the driver does not help. Neither old nor new version. The LAN adapter is not shown in the device manager, and when installing the drivers, they give an error that the device was not found. Can you tell me what's the matter?

Added after 1 hour 21 minutes
UPD: When you turned on showing hidden devices, the adapter was displayed in the manager, however, it said “This device is not currently connected to the computer. (Code 45).”

Answer: Throw off the settings in the bios setup, if it doesn’t help, then there’s probably a problem with the hardware, it should also be visible there in the boot menu if it’s alive.

Question: Can't see the network adapter

Guys, Hello!!!
I do not know what to do! Today, after rebooting Windows, a red cross appeared on the connection network! I thought maybe the cable had come loose, but the cable was fine, I checked it - it works! I go further, go to the device manager, in the network adapter tab, avast! Firewal (I don’t remember what else), I deleted it without understanding what it was, I moved on, rebooted Windows, looked at the BIOS, nothing was revealed, there was still no connection! Then I removed the network adapter from the manager, rebooted the system, updated the devices in the task manager, nothing appeared in the network adapter, this tab simply no longer exists!!! Moreover, at the back of the system unit, the green LED used to blink, as I understand it, this was when it was working, but now everything is completely silent, nothing lights up! I tried installing drivers from the motherboard!! Nothing! No sense! I roughly understand that I need to install firewood, but I can’t imagine where to find it????
System 7 64-bit!
Guys, I beg you, help!! My brain is already exploding!!


Message from kilbuz

where can I find them?

On the website of the motherboard manufacturer it is known

Question: The network adapter fell asleep and cannot wake up

Introduction (maybe not related to the problem, but you never know)
Let me start with the fact that there were problems in the system with the Visual C++ libraries, which I seemed to have solved, but after that, during the game, a visual artifact crashed onto the entire screen and everything froze, the system did not respond, there were blue stripes across the entire screen. I rebooted, after which the system stopped loading (black screen after loading Windows). I tried to rearrange the video card driver, but it didn’t work. In the end, I decided to reinstall Windows because it was already boiling over, problems began to appear more and more often.

The essence of the problem.
I installed a new clean Windows 7 maximum x64 system. I copied all the necessary data from the Windows old folder and successfully erased it. Then I tried to install the network driver in order to gain access to the network and install all the other drivers. The driver was not installed. Instead, he gave me this: "the realtek network controller was not found if deep sleep mode is enabled please plug the cable"
I went online to solve the problem, but nothing I found helped.
What did you do:

  • tried other drivers and driver analysis programs (the latter did not see the network adapter at all)
  • in the BIOS I set the standard settings, enabled and disabled the realtek network output (and it is in the BIOS)
  • disconnected the computer from the network and removed the RAM all night so that the motherboard would completely turn off
The device never woke up. I don’t know what to do anymore, how to wake him up, I have no idea and I’m already completely desperate. Please help, has anyone encountered this problem?
motherboard asus m5a99x evo r2.0 realtek

Now I took out the RAM again and left it for the whole day, because they write that different motherboards need different times to turn off


Message from kloskon

I just don’t understand why this adapter is visible in the BIOS

Because it is flashed in the BIOS. My motherboard has an LPT port in the BIOS, but the motherboard doesn’t have one at all.

Question: Windows 7 does not see the network adapter!

Hello everyone, can anyone help me with this problem:
Today I installed windows 7 (licensed) from a disk, I had windows 10 (it’s just been a month already). The installation went smoothly, but my computer is not connected to the Internet. I went to the “Network and Sharing Center” -> “change adapter settings” and it was empty!! I decided to go to the device manager, but there is no “Network adapters” tab there. I don't understand what's wrong. Before this everything was fine.

Motherboard: Gigabyte Z77P-D3


Message from MrTwangy

Everything worked!

Who would doubt that
Good luck

Question: Windows 7. The network adapter has disappeared

The problem is this

Answer: Sharik,

In Device Manager, remove the network adapter. Then scan there to new devices. It should help, if it doesn't help, download the drivers.

Question: Windows 7 - network adapter disappeared

I apologize right away, if there is such a topic or a similar one, it’s not convenient to scroll through the phone, it gets wikiped all the time...
The problem is this
Yesterday I reinstalled Windows from 7 to 7, now the Acer laptop does not find the network adapter, but it sees bluetooth, I tried turning it on in the BIOS and turning it off did not work. What should I do if the adapter is dead?

Answer: I saw the network adapter in the device manager after I wiggled the connector a little

Question: Wi-fi adapter. The laptop stopped finding the adapter.

The laptop stopped finding the Wi-Fi adapter, the bluetooth also doesn’t work.. I can’t even figure out if it’s turned on at all.. sometimes the bluetooth icon appears.. and devices.. but still nothing works.
Asus N53SV laptop, already installed drivers, still nothing helps

Answer: try
1) control panel - power supply - current power plan settings - change additional power settings - wireless network adapter settings - power saving mode - maximum performance
2) Control Panel\Network and Internet\Network Connections
PCM over wireless network connection - properties - configure - power management
Allow the device to be turned off to save power - must be turned off

Take a screenshot so you can see all the properties
3)Control Panel\Network and Internet\Network Connections
RMB via wireless network connection - properties - configure - additional

So play with the driver, try older versions

Question: The computer does not see the Wireless adapter

The other day I assembled a computer, turned it on and installed Windows 8.1 via BIOS. But there is no Internet, there is a cross, what should I do?
I turned on Lan in the BIOS, there is a network adapter in the task manager, but there is no wireless one. I downloaded all the drivers for the motherboard, video card, network adapter, but nothing helps. I watched the whole video. How can I make my computer see the wireless adapter?
Network adapter: Realtek RTL8168-8111 Family PCI-E Gigabit

Screen 1-
Screen 2-

Answer: Well, at the docks I didn't find that there was a Wi-Fi adapter on board. The description talks about support for MSI M-Cloud technology, which allows you to create something like your own home cloud - but this is just a software solution. To implement it, the dockets directly state that you must have a wireless network module installed:

You must have an active network connection and an installed Wi-Fi moudle to
enable Soft AP.

So, alas, you need to purchase a wireless card separately.

PS: And install the rest of the uninstalled devices.

Question: Network adapter

Lenovo Z570 laptop. It costs windows 10.
The network adapter worked for a long time without interruption. Never had any problems with him. But this morning for some reason it stopped connecting to the router. When I try to connect, it takes a long time to connect, but to no avail. The driver was reinstalled. No sense. When connected to the router with a cable, everything works well. Tell me, what could it be.
(if there are any mistakes, I apologize, I wrote from my phone)

Answer: Very strange. I just turned on my laptop. It connected to wifi and works fine. If there are any problems, I'll write them down.

Question: Network adapter drivers fail, freezes and crashes from games

At first I thought it was viruses... I cleaned all the viruses. And again these freezes in games and crashes... and yesterday, after turning on the system unit, the network adapter drivers fell off. I had to do a system rollback... This morning when I turned it on. the same thing... The network adapter drivers have failed.
motherboard MSI ZH77A G41. Sometimes the system reboots... in the last few days the PC has rebooted 3 times. And about a week ago... when I turned on the PC, I was immediately thrown into the BIOS. Games freeze, dark screen and crash. I suspect that something is wrong with the motherboard... What do you think?

Added after 39 minutes
Network drivers fall off every time you restart your PC...

Answer: I accidentally went to a phishing site... in the search engine they made the same logo with the official site. Well, without reading the description of the link, I clicked on the picture. The antivirus program was disabled... well, seeing that the site was not the same. He immediately left... well, he didn’t attach any importance to it. A few hours later, while watching a video... I notice that the video card is loading at 100%. Well, I rebooted the PC...downloaded other web pages, etc. it detected 2 malicious files and deleted them. Afterwards I noticed freezes in games with crashes. And again, percent. It started loading 100% when idle after quitting games... I had to reboot. In GTA5 online, the video card drivers crashed and were restored... Afterwards I tested the video card in a furmark... 68 fps, the temperature did not rise above 80c. Afterwards I was advised to download Malwarebytes Anti-Malware... well, I scanned the system with it and viruses came out again. Well, I deleted them as I was advised on a special website. but every time there were new viruses... Afterwards, Kaspersky scanned the system and it cured... Some files were quarantined... some were deleted. Well, crashes from games have not stopped... and system reboots and network drivers have started to fail. In any games and at any settings, the loading of the video card jumps like a sewing machine. The asus r9 290x dc2 video card never warmed up above 80c. I checked it on another system... everything is fine. And yet... about a week ago or a little more... suddenly, when I turned on the PC, I was immediately thrown into the BIOS... I did not reinstall the system after the viruses.

A network adapter (also called a network card) is a device without which it is impossible to establish a connection to the World Wide Web. In some cases, disabling it and re-enabling it helps solve communication problems. Many network cards can be connected to a computer, with different network connections. However, the average user often does not need this. This article is intended for Windows 7 owners, but will be useful for almost every Win-line operating system.

To enable the network adapter in Win 7, click the “Start” button, find the “Computer” item on the right, right-click on it, bringing up the context menu. In it, select the “Properties” line by clicking on it once.

If an exclamation mark is visible on the network card icon, it means that you need to install, reinstall or update its drivers. All this can be done right there in the “Device Manager” through the context menu, or manually by searching for drivers on official websites. If your OS is not Russified, the Manager window may look like this:

We deal with drivers through the context menu. Right-click on the name of the network adapter, click “Update drivers” or “Properties” if the first point does not produce results. In “Properties”, select the “Drivers” tab and use one of the preferred items – “Information”, “Disable”, “Update”, “Delete”. It happens that after installing a new driver, the device works worse or does not work at all. Then the “Roll Back” button will come in handy, returning us to the previous working driver.

If Device Manager does not see the network card, it may simply not be in the system unit (for example, it was purchased recently and has not yet been connected to the network). If you have previously successfully accessed the network, simply check to see if the contact at the connection to the slot on the motherboard has come loose. Also check the integrity of the network cable and its correct connection. This is what a standard budget computer network card looks like:

There can be many reasons for a lack of network connection; they are not limited to a faulty network card. If after reading this guide you still have questions, ask them in the comments or contact the technical support of your Internet provider.