Why don't I receive messages on my Samsung phone? Why may messages on WhatsApp not be received? Reasons for incorrect operation

Smartphones with the Android operating system delight their owners with a variety of useful functions. At the same time, failures often occur in the system, and simple options mobile phone become inaccessible. Our article will tell you why SMS messages do not arrive on Android and what can be done in such cases.

If you discover this kind of problem, do not panic and file a complaint with the service center. You can fix some problems in the system yourself, for which you need to learn some rules.

What can you do in such situations:

  1. Reboot the system. The reboot procedure can be repeated periodically to prevent such problems. To do this, you need to turn off the phone and, if possible, remove battery for a few minutes. As a rule, after this minor malfunctions are resolved on their own.
  2. Check your memory. Many messages can overload internal storage, after which there is simply nowhere for new SMS to be saved. By deleting unnecessary letters, you will free up space for new notifications.
  3. Check your network settings by calling your mobile operator. If everything is fine with the network, you will need to find another solution.
  4. If letters do not arrive from some specific number, you need to check your “black list”. IN different models a similar option is either displayed as “blocked messages”, but without soundtrack upon receipt, or is not displayed anywhere at all.
  5. The failure may lie in a faulty SIM card, and calls to it may arrive without a hitch, but there will be difficulties with messages. It’s easy to check: just insert a SIM card from another operator (temporarily borrowed from a friend or relative) into your smartphone. If after this you receive SMS messages on your smartphone, it means there is a problem with the connection or a faulty SIM card. The solution is very simple - replace old SIM card by contacting your operator's office with your passport.
  6. In rare cases, the cause may be installed applications. To eliminate system failures, you need to remove such software from the gadget.

Most problems can be solved like this in simple ways, but in some cases it will be necessary professional approach. These include flashing the device, which is not advisable to do yourself. In the case of an incorrect algorithm or incompatible program, the matter is fraught with complete failure of the device.

SMS from number 900 does not arrive on Android

System users electronic payments Sberbank Online often encounters a problem when they do not receive SMS messages confirming the password to enter the site or make a payment. Such notifications are designed to verify the identification of the account owner, and they usually come from the number 900. The service life of the confirmation code is usually no more than 10-15 minutes; after this period, the data must be entered again, so any delays cause inconvenience in using the service .

Common causes of verification code delivery failures:

  • Outdated SIM card.
  • Network interruptions.
  • Downloaded applications.
  • The device operates in WCDMA mode instead of GSM.
  • Technical problems with the payment confirmation system.
  • Memory limits for incoming SMS.
  • Finding a number in the “black list”.
  • Changing a phone number without notifying the bank.
  • Excessively “vigilant” antivirus protection.

Problems can be easily resolved by diagnosing the system and correcting possible defects.

SMS messages do not arrive on Megafon Android phone

In addition to the listed reasons and common smartphone problems, you may also encounter incorrect network operation. In case of problems with mail delivery, it is important for Megafon subscribers to know the procedure for checking the system blocking.

The number may be blocked accidentally, then you need to dial on the screen special combination: *105*156*0# and dial the call. If for some reason (not used for a long time, a large debt has arisen) the number has been blocked, and to open access you need to contact the operator by calling 0500. In this case, you can count on the return of recent messages that were stored in the database for no more than days. Previously sent messages will be lost.

SMS messages from Sberbank do not arrive on Android phone

The reason why SMS messages from Sberbank do not arrive on your Android phone is often due to communication problems on the part of the sender. If your smartphone has the “ Mobile bank", and SMS messages do not arrive or arrive very late, you should definitely contact technical support. It should be noted that such problems not only cause inconvenience, but also threaten the security of your account. If you lose your card, you will not be able to quickly respond to its unauthorized use.

To phone fly

Fly smartphone models rarely suffer from such problems. Typically message delays are related to network settings. In some cases, clearing the cache on the device may be a solution to the problem.

What you need to do for this:

  1. In the settings of your model, find the “Applications” section.
  2. Go to the “SMS/MMS” item.
  3. Click the “Erase data/clear cache” option.

Not all have a built-in data cleaning system. fly models, but if it is available, you can automate the process. To do this, regularly diagnose and clear the cache and other “garbage” on your phone.

For Samsung Galaxy phone

Samsung Galaxy smartphones can now boast good popularity among other models. Along with prestige, such models differ high quality assembly and rare failures. At the same time, the problem of sending and receiving messages for these gadgets is also very relevant.

The device is checked according to the following algorithm:

  • Reboot the phone. After this, it is advisable to check the system functionality again.
  • Turn on on your smartphone safe mode. If SMS arrive, you need to return to normal mode and remove recently installed applications one by one. After each action, check the availability of communication until SMS messages begin to arrive without problems.
  • You can also check the operation of the system with a SIM card from another operator. If in this case everything is in order, then it’s time to change the SIM card.

The radical solution to the problem is to reset the settings to factory settings. This is necessary if, in addition to problems with message delivery, the phone begins to slow down and other malfunctions appear in its operation. Before reinstalling the system, be sure to save your personal data and settings, which will inevitably be lost during the reinstallation process.

Messages do not arrive on Beeline

Operator mobile communications Beeline is less likely than others (in particular MTS) to experience message failures. However, similar problems may arise for users of this service.

  1. Check the notification settings for your number. This can be done in " Personal account» on the company’s website, or when contacting the operator. The services for sending and receiving SMS messages are specified in the default options of your SIM card and the user cannot change them independently.
  2. If there are any problems with your message settings, it’s best to check required parameters manually. To do this, go to the settings section and check that the entered data is correct. The message center number for all subscribers will be +79037011111, in the “message type” section you must set the definition “text”. Another parameter - “Data transmission channel” must be “GSM”. If you change any data in this section, you must return the settings described above, otherwise the problem with message delivery will remain.
  3. If the phone does not accept your messages, it is also worth checking the format of the number entered in phone book. It must have an international designation: + country code, operator code and the subscriber number itself, consisting of 7 digits. If this sequence is violated, “letters” from the sender will not arrive, although the subscriber will be charged for sending SMS.
  4. It should not be ruled out possible problems and network congestion. Such situations most often arise on holidays and weekends, when the majority of subscribers actively use communication services. In this case, all that remains is to wait until the line is unloaded. If such problems with your operator happen very often, perhaps an official complaint sent to the Beeline communication center will help.

The active distribution of all kinds of instant messengers facilitates remote communication, because sending messages in this case is free. At the same time, traditional SMS is also in demand, especially when interacting with various organizations: banks, utility companies and your mobile operator. If on mobile phone SMS messages do not arrive, or delivery is very late, it is necessary to solve this problem. Possible algorithm actions and causes of failures are given in our information.

The Android operating system pleases its users big amount useful applications, fast internet and the opportunity to always be aware of the latest events.

But sometimes even this one modern system a failure occurs, and the phone for some time ceases to cope with its basic functions - receiving and sending SMS messages. Most often, the HTC and Samsung brands are guilty of this. At the bottom of the page, in the comments, you can find different variants solutions to problems from users.

What to do if you stop receiving SMS messages on Android?

The most important thing is not to panic and not to scold operating system what is the light on? Remember - all problems can be solved. Depending on the severity of the problem, there are several solutions:

  1. Reboot your phone (turn it off for a few minutes, then turn it on again). Perhaps he simply had an “overload” from prolonged active use. If this is the only problem, after turning it on it will start working at full capacity.
  2. Make sure that the problem is with the phone and not mobile operator. Sometimes there are network failures and SMS messages all subscribers of the cellular operator cease to receive. Call the support service and find out if there are any this moment some kind of work. Perhaps the problems will be fixed soon.
  3. Check the message archive on your smartphone. If Samsung's incoming SMS have accumulated too many and are full, it simply has nowhere to save the next one. incoming message, and he stops taking them. Delete unnecessary messages and make room for new ones.

If all the previous troubleshooting methods did not help, then the problem is more complex and you need to move on to decisive methods.

Before doing this, save all your contacts, phone numbers and another important information, which is available in your gadget. Otherwise, all data will be lost, maybe even irretrievably.

  • Reset your phone to factory settings, in other words “ ” it. As a result, your device will become “clean”, the same as it was immediately after purchase. And if there were problems with the operating system before, after this radical measure they will disappear.

If even after resetting the settings, SMS still does not arrive on your Android phone, you cannot solve this problem on your own. There is only one way out - to reflash the device, that is, install the operating system again. This should occupy knowledgeable person, so it’s better to give your smartphone to a service center.

It happens that Samsung does not receive SMS from short service numbers - from an operator or bank. What is the reason?

If SMS from Sberbank does not arrive on Android

Most often, the problem here is precisely in the bank’s notification distribution system. SMS about receipt or withdrawal of funds from bank card may arrive a few days later. There is a solution:

  • Check if the Mobile Banking service is activated
  • Contact Sberbank technical support

Probably everyone has ever encountered problems when working with Mail.ru mail. One of the most common mistakes is the inability to receive a letter. There can be several reasons for this error and, most often, the users themselves, through their actions, led to its occurrence. Let's look at what could go wrong and how to fix it.

There may be several reasons why you cannot receive emails. If any error occurs on the Mail.ru website, you will receive a message. If there is no message, then the problem is on your side.

Situation 1: You received a notification, but there is no message

You may have a filter configured that automatically moves all messages that match its settings to "Spam" or deletes them and moves them to "Basket". Check these folders, and if the letters are really there, check the filtering settings.

If the letters are not in the above folders, then perhaps you have selected other sorting options and the mail is sorted not by date from new to old, but by some other criteria. Set default sorting.

Otherwise, if the problem persists, we recommend contacting technical support.

Situation 2: When opening a letter, it automatically redirects to the authorization page

If with similar problem If you encountered it for the first time, then simply clear the cache in your browser settings. Otherwise, go to settings email box to section "Password and safety" and uncheck the box “Session from only one IP address”.

Situation 3: The sender received a message about the impossibility of sending the letter

Ask your friend to email you something and notify you if he receives an error message. Depending on what he sees, there are several ways to solve the problem.

Message "550 message sending for this account is disabled"

This error can be corrected simply by changing the password for the sending mailbox.

The error is related to "Mailbox Full" or "User quota exceeded"

This error appears if Email the recipient of the letter is full. Clean your Mailbox and try sending the message again.

The message text contains "User not found" or "No such user"

If you see this message, this means that the specified recipient address is not registered in the Mail.ru database. Check that your login is entered correctly.

Error "Access to this account is disabled"

This notice indicates that Account With specified address deleted or temporarily blocked. Check again that all entered data is correct.

If you didn’t find your problem here, you can find a more detailed list on the Mail.ru help site

Thus, we have looked at the main reasons why you may not receive messages by mail.ru. We hope we were able to help you. And if you have problems and you can’t cope with them, write in the comments and we will definitely answer.

The phone stopped receiving SMS messages. Recently we received another question letter from our user in the mail, the text of the letter is as follows:

Hello, I have an android samsung smartphone galaxy S, I recently encountered a problem. The phone simply stopped receiving SMS messages. Previously, everything worked fine, the smartphone received and sent SMS without problems, but now it does. Help me solve the problem...

And so in this article I will write several options for solving the problem.

Make sure you have a working SIM card.

If it is not possible to check the SIM in service center, then just call your operator and try to find out from him why the messages are not coming and if he says that the problem is not in the SIM card in your phone, then read the points below.

Check that your SMS center number is correct.

To do this, go to the settings and check the number, for example for the MTS operator this number is: +38050000501. You can find out the number of your SMS center either from the same operator or on the official website of the mobile operator. If you still haven’t been able to recognize it, write about it in the comments to the article and we will help you.

Virus on the phone.

The reason that the phone stopped receiving messages could be a virus. Therefore, you need to check your phone for viruses, I advise you to check it with several, since one may not give any result.

Third party applications.

Often SMS stops coming to your phone after you have installed some third party application. To solve it, you just need to remove it from your smartphone. There are some apps that are not compatible with the messaging apps on your android smartphone. Or the application may simply be loaded with a virus.

Update SMSC.

We go to the dialer and enter the following code there: *#*#4636#*#* , we get to the smartphone testing menu, go down to the very bottom, and opposite the SMSC inscription, click “Update”. After this, your smartphone should receive SMS again.

Hard Reset will solve the problem one hundred percent.

If you have tried all the above options and none of them helped you and messages are no longer accepted. Then just do full reset settings to factory settings via the user menu or . But, before you do a hard reset, do backup copy all information on the device, move the data from the phone to the SIM card and memory card. To avoid losing all the information from the device, if you did reset it but forgot to make a backup copy, then read the article: There is written a method that will help you return some of the lost information.

That’s probably all, I hope this article helped you. You can leave your questions in the comments...

If you have been waiting for an SMS message for a long time, but it still hasn’t arrived, you should think about why the SMS messages are not coming. There can be many reasons: from network congestion to problems with the SIM card or mobile device. Let's look at everything in more detail.

An SMS message may not arrive for various reasons:

  • overload of operator networks;
  • filling up the phone memory;
  • problem with the SIM card or the phone itself;
  • setting a ban on incoming SMS;
  • incorrect settings SMS service on your phone;
  • wrong number, to which the SMS is sent;
  • insufficient funds.

Operator network congestion

During peak hours and holidays, when the network mobile operators especially overloaded, SMS messages may not arrive on time. The only thing that can be advised in this situation is to wait a little, and the SMS will arrive, albeit late.

Filling your phone's memory

Very often the reason for the absence of the necessary SMS is the phone memory is full various information. If you delete several SMS messages or any unnecessary information, all messages will arrive immediately. Many phone owners do not pay attention to this factor.

Problem with the SIM card or the phone itself

If you doubt the health of your mobile device or SIM card, then it is worth checking. Move the SIM card to another phone, and if messages arrive, then there is a problem with the mobile device, if not, there is a problem with the card.

Setting a ban on incoming SMS

Basically a ban on incoming sms installed on corporate numbers. If you have a private number, contact your operator and ask them to remove the ban from your number.

Incorrect SMS service settings on your phone

if you for a long time messages are not coming, check the SMS service settings on your phone. To do this, go to “Settings” and select “Messages”.

Wrong number

In order to receive SMS from friends and family on time, you need to write down the number correctly. There are times when your interlocutor sent you a message, but only one number was wrong. Thus, the message will not arrive.

Insufficient funds

It is worth noting that this problem does not affect the reception of SMS messages. Previously, to do this, the account had to have a certain amount money. Now SMS messages are received regardless of whether there are funds in the account or not.