Why doesn't the optical mouse work on a laptop? Why the mouse does not work on a laptop: common reasons and ways to eliminate them. Wireless mouse does not work on laptop

Question from a user.


I have a regular USB mouse connected to my laptop. Today it stopped working for no reason. I tried to connect another one - it still doesn’t work (which is strange, other devices connected to the USB port work as expected).

Tell me what to do to restore the functionality of the mouse? Now I’m working with a touchpad, it’s so inconvenient as without hands...

Good day!

In general, the mouse stops working (at all) not so often: usually, the more painful problem is a double click of the left or right mouse button, a “jumping” wheel, or a twitching pointer. However, in this article I will consider all the main reasons and give recommendations for eliminating them. By the way, I do not pretend to be the truth in the first instance (which I am often accused of).

Note: By the way, I noticed that many users cannot work with a keyboard without a mouse (they cannot at all!). Therefore, in this article I will assume that your mouse does not work at 100% (i.e. even the cursor does not move), and I will also give the buttons that need to be pressed on the keyboard to perform all the recommended actions.

By the way, if you have problems with your keyboard, I recommend reading this article:

Why the mouse doesn't work: eliminating the causes

The reasons are listed in order of popularity, and asked in the form of questions. Each has a solution and explanation. By going through them and following the recommendations, you will certainly eliminate the cause and save on the services of a specialist...

1) Have you rebooted your computer/laptop?

No matter how funny and trivial it may be, the first recommendation when a similar problem appears (and many others, by the way) is to try restarting your computer/laptop. It is possible that the error that occurred will be resolved after a reboot.

2) Do the mouse and USB port work?

No matter what company and manufacturer the mouse is (Logitech, A4tech, Oklick, Defender, etc.), sooner or later, any piece of hardware reaches its end of life. By the way, it has a very strong effect on the mouse (not from the best side) computer games: all sorts of shooting games, strategies, etc., in games where this manipulator is actively used.

And so, if the mouse does not work after rebooting the PC, try connecting it to another device: a laptop, another PC, etc. the main task : make sure that everything is in order with the mouse and it is working

If the mouse works on another computer, then the second thing I recommend doing is checking the USB port to which you connect it. For example, connect a flash drive to this port: if it is detected and you can work with it, most likely everything is in order with the port. By the way, it is also recommended to try connecting the mouse to a different USB port.

Note! Many keyboards have additional USB ports, which many users connect to with a mouse. And I must note that often these ports turn out to be “buggy” (therefore, for reliable diagnostics, connect the mouse to the USB port on the back wall of the system unit).

And so, if everything is in order with the mouse and with the USB port, too, we move on (although I should note that if the USB port and the mouse are working, then complete “paralysis” of the mouse is a very rare phenomenon).

3) Is the battery low (if you have a wireless mouse)?

Another very common reason for refusal to work is a dead battery in the mouse. This, of course, applies to wireless mice. Therefore, first, either replace the battery with a new one, or charge it - and try to use it again.

Also pay attention to the battery itself - sometimes it can oxidize and become covered with a white coating (see photo below). If something similar happened, then it is possible that this oxidized battery damaged the contacts inside the mouse itself (and there is nothing else left but to change the mouse for a new one).

4) If you have a PS/2 mouse, have you tried connecting it to a USB port?

If you have a mouse connected to a PS/2 port, try connecting it to a USB port using an adapter (fortunately, they are often included with the mouse itself).

By the way, reverse adapters from USB to PS/2 are also quite popular - if a USB mouse malfunctions, you can connect it to the PS/2 port (by the way, this is also done to save USB ports for more “necessary” things).

5) Does your cursor move, but freezes at times, moves slowly, or trembles?

A more common problem with the mouse is its freezing, when when you open a window (or close it, minimize it), it suddenly freezes and does not move. This happens most often due to:

6) Have you checked your mouse settings?

So, first you need to open control Panel . You can do it like this:

  1. press a combination of buttons Win+R ;
  2. then enter the command in the "Open" line Control and press Enter.

Next, point to the device "Mouse"(USB Control Mouse or similar) and press the button combination Shift+F10(on laptops with a multimedia keyboard - Shift+Fn+F10 buttons). Select in the pop-up window.

  • Mouse movement speed: set to your preference;
  • I recommend checking the box next to the item for increased pointing accuracy;
  • I recommend turning off the pointer track (otherwise the pointer arrow will start to “ripple” in your eyes);
  • the remaining parameters can be left as default.

Important! If you have a laptop, also open the settings of your touchpad - on my device it’s the “ELAN” section (see screenshot above). The fact is that in the touchpad settings there may be checkboxes that disable/enable the USB mouse (for example, if the touchpad is enabled, disable the mouse, or vice versa).

7) Sometimes the mouse turns off (does not move at all), and then works as expected again?

Most often, this “symptom” is observed in two cases:

  1. Perhaps you have a problem with the wire (connector). When everything is fine with it, the mouse works as expected, when the contact disappears, the mouse turns off. A similar problem can be eliminated either by re-soldering and replacing the wire (if you have experience and time), or by replacing the mouse with a new one;
  2. Another option is high CPU load, in the peaks of which even the mouse freezes. There may also be a problem with the hard drive (especially if the cursor freezes when opening any folders or files).

8) Have you tried using the Windows Troubleshooting Wizard?

Many users (for some reason?) underestimate the built-in wizard for finding, diagnosing and troubleshooting problems. In some cases, it will quickly and easily fix the problem. I recommend trying it.

First open the Windows Control Panel (Win+R → Control). Next, use the arrows and the TAB key on your keyboard to open the section: Control Panel\Hardware and Sound\Devices and Printers .

Point to the device "mouse" and press the buttons Shift+F10(analogous to the right mouse button), select the option "Troubleshooting" .

Next, the Diagnostics and Troubleshooting Wizard should launch. In my case, with the mouse disabled, it took about 1 minute. time. The problem has been fixed, see screenshot below (USB devices may have stopped responding // Fixed) .

Diagnostics completed // ☻

9) Is there a crash or driver conflict?

Drivers are the boss of everything! They may also be the reason the mouse refuses to work (for example, they could have been infected by a computer virus, or Windows installed the wrong driver for your “tricky” multimedia mouse by default).

  1. press the keyboard shortcut Win+R(relevant for Windows 7/8/10);
  2. then enter the command devmgmt.msc and press OK.

In task manager, check the tab "Mice and other pointing devices" and tab "Other devices" - are there any devices with a yellow exclamation mark among them (example - ).

If everything is in order, I recommend updating the driver for the mouse: to do this, place the pointer on your mouse (TAB buttons and arrows on the keyboard), then press Shift+F10 and select "update drivers..." . An example in the screenshot below.

By the way, drivers can be searched and updated in auto mode. To do this, I recommend using one of the presented utilities from this article:

By the way, if you have a wireless mouse , then also pay attention to the Bluetooth driver (try reinstalling this driver). Also, check if the Bluetooth adapter is turned on at all.

For example, in Windows 10, to do this, open START/SETTINGS, then the section "Devices" , tab "Bluetooth"- there's a switch on off.

Windows 10 - enable/disable Bluetooth

10) Is your PC/laptop infected with viruses?

Well, the last thing I wanted to dwell on in this article is viruses. Viruses can not only infect and corrupt files, format disks, steal personal information, but also block various devices, corrupt drivers, etc. In view of this, sometimes virus infection causes unstable operation of the mouse...

Here are a couple of tips:

  1. First, scan your computer with a modern antivirus program. I talked about these in this article (by the way, there are also free products) -
  2. secondly, I also recommend using the tips from this article (on removing “invisible” viruses) -

This completes the article about the most popular causes of malfunctions and problems with the mouse.

For additions on the topic, I would be very grateful.

Quite often, a typical user is faced with the problem of a malfunctioning mouse. There may be several reasons for this, and it can be difficult to determine a specific one why the computer does not see the mouse. This article discusses the most common problems and breakdowns that arise with “rodents” of different price categories and technical features. So let's get started!

Why the computer “does not see” the mouse: how to determine the cause and solve the problem

Malfunction of any input device can generally be attributed to one of three reasons:

  • Broken USB port;
  • The device itself is broken (in our case, the mouse);
  • Device drivers are not installed or are not working correctly.

In addition to the above, there may be another reason. For example, in additional software or driver incompatibility. But first, let’s look at these three problems, because almost always they lead to the fact that the computer “does not see” the mouse.

USB port is faulty

Before talking about the failure of the mouse itself, it makes sense to check the USB port to which you connect it. Very often the mouse refuses to work because the port is physically broken. By the way, the same applies to the PS/2 port, which is used to connect older models to personal computers. So, first of all, let's check the connector itself.

Visual inspection of the connector

This is what a working USB port looks like

A working USB connector will work with other USB devices. So first of all, try connecting a flash drive or another mouse to it. If the computer “does not see” them either, then the port is broken or faulty.

First check for physical defects. To do this, carefully inspect the connector. It should look something like the photo above. Mainly check if the white strip is cracked (may be black or blue for USB 3.0). If possible, look deeper. You will see six golden contacts. The absence of any of them also indicates a breakdown.

If the USB port visually appears to be working properly, the reason may lie in the software.

Checking the USB port software connection in Windows and Linux

Since the computer does not “see” the mouse, it makes sense to check whether it “sees” the USB port itself. The easiest way to do this is through the BIOS. To enter the BIOS, you need to press a certain key (Del, F12, etc.) in the first few seconds after turning on the computer. You can usually see a prompt telling you which key to press.

Go to BIOS using the Del key

After entering the BIOS, find the menu item (moving with the arrow keys) “Integrated Peripherals” or “Advanced”. Enter it with the Enter key. On the screen that opens you will see the “USB Configuration” item. Enter it.

Setting up USB in BIOS

The “USB Functions” and “USB Controller” items must have the property. Otherwise, press Enter to switch mode.

Device Manager window

Now let's check the USB port drivers. To do this in Windows, follow the path: Start -> Control Panel -> Hardware and Sound -> Device Manager. In the window that opens, find the “USB Controllers” item and double-click on it. The presence of a question mark next to any of the rows of the list indicates the absence of a driver. This means it needs to be installed. The driver can be located on the disk that came with the motherboard or (for laptops) on the manufacturer’s website. If there are no signs, right-click on each item and select "Update Drivers".

You can check the connection and USB port drivers on Linux with the command “lspci | grep -i usb". Its result will be a list of USB ports, the number of rows of which should correspond to the number of available connectors on the device. For example:

00:03.0 USB Controller: Silicon Integrated Systems USB 1.1 Controller (rev 0f)
00:03.1 USB Controller: Silicon Integrated Systems USB 1.1 Controller (rev 0f)
00:03.3 USB Controller: Silicon Integrated Systems USB 2.0 Controller

So, if none of the above helped or did not occur, then the problem is still in the mouse itself.

Video: installing a USB driver

The mouse itself is broken

If everything is fine with the computer, you need to check the hardware and software of the mouse. Among the main hardware reasons for the malfunction of the input device are:

  • Sensor malfunction;
  • Broken cable or USB adapter;

Sensor malfunction

Very often the cause of a mouse not working is a broken sensor. It is quite easy to determine, but not always. On most modern optical mice, the sensor is illuminated in red. Just turn the mouse over (while it is connected to the computer) and check this fact.

Working sensor

But many manufacturers (especially laser “rodents”) make the sensor invisible, that is, without a characteristic glow. Then it is impossible to manually determine whether the sensor is working. In this case, move on to the next point.

What to do if the cable or USB adapter breaks

If you use a wired mouse, it makes sense to check the wire connecting the device and the computer. Strong bends can cause damage. In addition, check the USB output of the mouse itself (in the same way as you checked the computer’s USB port earlier).

Wireless mouse adapter

If you use a wireless mouse, check its adapter in the same way. If it breaks, the adapter can be replaced with a new one. But only a service center employee can choose the right one. So it's better (and cheaper) to just buy a new mouse.

Problem with the software

If none of the causes of the hardware failure are identified, most likely the problem is in the software. Namely, in the drivers. First of all, if the mouse suddenly fails, restart your computer. Sometimes this helps, but not as often as I would like.

The main problems with driver operation can be classified as follows:

  • The driver is not installed;
  • The driver is not suitable for your device;
  • The driver is out of date;
  • Program conflict.

Driver not installed

Logitech Mouse Driver Window Example

The reason may be obvious, but not always. The fact is that not all manufacturers put a driver disc in the box with the mouse. If you don't have it, go to the official website of the mouse brand and look for the driver there. After installation, you may have a special program for setting up the mouse (as, for example, in the photo). Launch it and follow the internal instructions.

To check whether the mouse driver is installed on Windows, go to Device Manager (the transition process is described above). There, find the item “Mice and other pointing devices.” The absence of question marks indicates that the driver is working correctly. You can immediately update it, as we did earlier for USB ports. To see installed drivers on Linux, enter the command "lspci".

By the way, most manufacturers load a basic driver into the USB adapter or output, so you don't need to worry about installing it. In this context, we are talking more about special driver programs.

Not suitable for your device

If you downloaded the driver yourself, there is a high chance that it simply does not suit your device. In this case, it is better to remove it. If the mouse does not work either with or without a driver, contact support on the manufacturer’s website. They will help you choose the right software.

It is likely that the driver version for your mouse is not compatible with your specific operating system. For example, older programs are not supported on Windows 10, or not all manufacturers produce drivers for Linux-like OSes. You can find out about compatibility on the manufacturer’s website or on the box with the mouse. In this case, only reinstalling the operating system or replacing the mouse will help. Remember that you can return the item to the store up to 14 days after purchase.

Video: installing the driver through the device manager

The driver is out of date

It's unlikely that the old version of the driver suddenly stopped working, but it is still possible. Just find the update on the manufacturer's website or simply reinstall the driver.

Program conflict

This problem quite often causes many programs to not work correctly. Its essence is that some applications may enter into a “conflict” - prevent each other from executing their code. A conflict most often occurs when two programs are similar. For example, if you installed additional software to control or configure your mouse, it may conflict with the main driver. As a result, the mouse stops working altogether.

On Windows, you can easily determine if there is a conflict. To do this, restart your computer in safe mode. Now click “Start” and place the cursor in the “Search programs and files” line. Type "msconfig" and press Enter.

msconfig utility window

On the Services tab, check the box next to the words “Do not display Microsoft services.” Now uncheck all services in the main window. Restart your computer. If the problem is truly a program conflict, your mouse will work in this mode. Go back to "msconfig" and restore all the markings.

Knowing that the problem is a program conflict, you need to try to remove those applications that you installed recently. If you remember at what point the mouse stopped working, there will be no problems at all.

Video: how to determine what is missing in the software

Other problems

If none of the above helps, it is likely that your mouse is simply dirty. If you have been using it for a long time, take it to a service center. It is not recommended to disassemble the mouse yourself, because most of the latest models do not have obvious screws or fastenings.

It is worth noting that if you recently purchased a mouse, there is no need to try to fix it yourself. You can only make the situation worse. While it is under warranty, you have the right to demand assistance from the manufacturer. In addition, the work of a mouse specialist is usually not expensive. So, if in any doubt, it is better to contact the service center.

A computer mouse is a precision instrument. Its operation directly depends on various parameters, including accuracy of use. Any mechanical damage often causes a breakdown, so be careful.

Note that most often problems with the mouse are associated with the software part. Checking the system for viruses, as well as periodically cleaning out unnecessary “garbage” can help avoid malfunctions not only in the operation of the mouse, but also in the entire computer.

Greetings to all!

Not long ago I observed a very interesting (even funny) picture: at work one guy, when his mouse stopped working, stood and didn’t know what to do - he didn’t even know how to turn off the PC... Meanwhile, I’ll tell you, many actions that users do with the mouse - can be done easily and quickly with the keyboard. I will even say more - the speed of work increases significantly!

By the way, I fixed the mouse for him quite quickly - that’s how, in fact, the topic of this article was born. Here I want to give some tips on what you can try to restore the mouse’s functionality...

By the way, I will assume that your mouse does not work at all - i.e. The pointer doesn't even move. Thus, in each step I will provide the buttons that need to be pressed on the keyboard to perform this or that action.

Problem #1 - the mouse pointer does not move at all

This is probably the worst thing that could happen. Since some users simply weren’t prepared for this at all :). Many people don’t even know how to enter the control panel in this case, or start a movie or music. We'll deal with it in order.

1. Checking wires and connectors

The first thing I recommend doing is checking the wires and connectors. Wires are often chewed by pets (cats, for example, love to do this), accidentally bent, etc. Many mice, when you connect them to a computer, begin to glow (the LED lights up inside). Pay attention to this.

Also check the USB port. After you have corrected the wires, try restarting your computer. By the way, some PCs also have ports on the front side of the system unit and on the back - try connecting the mouse to other USB ports.

In general, basic truths that many people neglect...

2. Battery check

This applies to wireless mice. Try either changing the battery or charging it, then check again.

3. Troubleshoot mouse problems using the wizard built into Windows

Windows OS has a special wizard that is designed to find and automatically fix various problems with the mouse. If the mouse's LED lights up after connecting it to the PC, but it still doesn't work, then you need to try using this tool in Windows (before buying a new mouse :)).

1) First, open the execute line: press the buttons simultaneously Win+R(or button Win, if you have Windows 7).

2) In the execute line, write the command Control and press Enter.

3) Next, press the button several times TAB (on the left of the keyboard, next to Caps Lock). You can help yourself arrows . The task here is simple: you need to select the section “ Equipment and sound ". The screenshot below shows what the selected section looks like. After selection - just press the key Enter(this will open this section).

Control panel - equipment and sound.

5) Next using the buttons TAB and arrow highlight the mouse and then press the button combination Shift+F10 . Then you should see a properties window containing the coveted tab “ Troubleshooting "(see screenshot below). Actually, open it!

To open the same menu: select the mouse (TAB button), then press the Shift+F10 buttons.

By the way, after checking there may not be any instructions for you, but your problem will be fixed. Therefore, at the end of the check, click the finish button and restart your PC. Perhaps after a reboot everything will work...

4. Checking and updating the driver

It happens that Windows incorrectly detects the mouse and installs the “wrong driver” (or there was simply a driver conflict. By the way, before the mouse stopped working, did you not install any hardware? Perhaps you already know the answer?!) .

To determine if everything is ok with the driver, you need to open device Manager .

1) Press the buttons Win+R , then enter the command devmgmt.msc(screenshot below) and press Enter.

2) Must open "device Manager" . Pay attention to whether there are yellow exclamation marks next to various types of equipment (especially in front of the mouse).

3) To update the driver: just using arrow and TAB buttons highlight your device, then press the buttons Shift+F10- and select "update drivers"(screen below).

4) Next, select automatic update and wait for Windows to check and install the drivers. By the way, if the update does not help, try removing the device (and the driver along with it), and then installing it again.

You might find my article with the best auto-update programs useful:

5. Testing the mouse on another PC or laptop

The last thing I would recommend if you have a similar problem is to test the mouse on another PC or laptop. If she doesn’t make money there, there’s a high probability that it’s the end for her. No, you can try to get into it with a soldering iron, but what is called “ game - not worth the candle«.

Problem No. 2 - the mouse pointer freezes, moves quickly or slowly, jerkily

It happens that the mouse pointer seems to freeze for a while, and then continues to move (sometimes it just moves jerkily). This can happen for several reasons:

  • : in this case, as a rule, the computer slows down in general, many applications do not open, etc. I described how to deal with CPU load in this article: ;
  • system interrupts“work”, disrupting the stability of the PC (more on this in the link above);
  • problems with hard drive, CD/DVD drive- the computer cannot read the data in any way (I think many have noticed this, especially when you remove the problematic media - and the PC seems to hang down). I think many people will find this link about assessing the condition of their hard drive useful: ;
  • some types of mice“require” special settings: for example, a gaming computer mouse http://price.ua/logitech/logitech_mx_master/catc288m1132289.html - may behave unstable if the checkbox is not unchecked increased pointer accuracy. In addition, you may need to install utilities included on the disk included with the mouse. (it’s better to install them all if problems are observed) . I also recommend going to the mouse settings and checking all the boxes.

How to check mouse settings?

Opening control Panel, then go to the section “ Equipment and sound". Then open the “Mouse” section (screen below).

  • pointer speed: try changing it, often moving the mouse too fast will affect its accuracy;
  • increased accuracy of pointer installation: Check or uncheck the box next to this item and check the mouse. Sometimes, this checkbox is a stumbling block;
  • display mouse trail: If you enable this checkbox, you will see how the mouse movement leaves a trace on the screen. On the one hand, some users will even find it convenient (for example, you can find the pointer faster, or, if you are filming a video of the screen for someone, show how the pointer moves) , on the other hand, many people consider this setting to be the “brakes” of the mouse. In general, try it Turn on, turn off.

Mouse adapter: usb->ps/2

Problem No. 3 - double (triple) click works (or 1 button does not work)

This problem most often appears in an old mouse that has already worked hard. And most often, I must note, this happens with the left mouse button - since the entire main load falls on it (even in games, even when working in Windows OS).

By the way, I already had a note on this topic on my blog, in which I advised how easy it is to get rid of this disease. We were talking about a simple method: swap the left and right buttons on the mouse. This is done quickly, especially if you have ever held a soldering iron in your hands before.

Changing right to left mouse buttons.

If you didn’t, there are two options: ask a neighbor or friend who does something like this; or go to the store for a new one...

By the way, as an option, you can disassemble the mouse button, then take out the copper plate, clean it and bend it. This is described in detail here (though the article is in English, but everything is clear from the pictures): http://www.overclockers.com/mouse-clicking-troubles-diy-repair/


By the way, if your mouse periodically turns on and off (which, by the way, is also not uncommon) - 99% of the problem is in the wire, which periodically comes off and the connection is lost. Try securing it with tape (for example) - this way the mouse will serve you for many more years.

You can also get in with a soldering iron, having first cut off 5-10 cm of the wires in the “right” place (where the bend happened), but I won’t advise this, since for many users this procedure is more complicated than going to the store for a new mouse...

WITH advice about the new mouse. EIf you are a fan of newfangled shooters, strategies, and action games, some modern gaming mouse would suit you. Extra buttons on the mouse body will help increase micro-control in the game and more effectively issue commands and control your characters. In addition, if one button “flies”, you can always transfer the function of one button to another (i.e., reassign the button (I wrote about this above in the article)).

The signal wire of a computer mouse can be a nuisance. For this reason, many users prefer wireless options. Currently, there are two types of connecting mice to computers: radio frequency and via Bluetooth.

Both technologies provide stable communication between the peripheral device and the PC. The only drawback of such connection methods is the need to use a USB connector. RF mice communicate with the motherboard using a USB dongle. Connecting Bluetooth peripherals to a computer is only possible with a special USB adapter. The problems that arise in all wireless mice are similar, as are the methods for eliminating them.

Checking Mouse Functionality

The indicator on the bottom of the working wireless mouse is lit. If it does not light up, you need to double-check whether the device is turned on correctly:

  • the signal receiver fits tightly into the USB connector;
  • the switch on the mouse is set to “ON” or “Power”;
  • the mouse contains working batteries that are inserted correctly;
  • The battery is charged (if the mouse is rechargeable).

When using USB hubs and splitters, you need to make sure that they are in good working order. It happens that too many devices are connected to the USB hub, there is not enough power, which makes it impossible for the wireless mouse to work. Try connecting the mouse without a splitter, and also into a different port. Sometimes the USB connector freezes; in such cases, restarting the computer helps.

Next, you should connect the mouse to another PC to prevent it from breaking. If the functionality of the peripheral device has been confirmed, it is worth checking whether the USB connectors are in order. This can be done by connecting another device: printer, keyboard. Physical damage to ports can only be corrected by service center specialists. You can fix software errors yourself.

Windows Settings

"Device Manager" will help you understand if there are problems with the hardware on your computer. You can open the desired utility by right-clicking on the “My Computer” icon. In the "Device Manager" you need to pay attention to the item "Mice and other pointing devices". If your mouse does not appear or has an exclamation mark next to it, driver installation is required. Most gaming gadgets are programmable, so for them to work correctly you will need special software. You can download it from the official website or install it from the disk that came with the mouse.

You can also check if your USB ports are working in Device Manager. You need to go to the "USB Controllers" tab and check if drivers are required for any of them. If yes, then you should download the software, install it and restart your computer. Having solved the connection problem in this way, you will be able to use the wireless mouse without any problems.

It would be a good idea to check your BIOS settings. After replacing the motherboard or a BIOS failure, the USB ports may be disabled. You can fix the situation like this:

  1. Enter the BIOS using a hotkey (a prompt will appear when you start the computer on a black screen).
  2. Go to the "Advanced" or "Integrated Peripherals" menu.
  3. You need to set the value "Enabled" to the options that are related to USB. Depending on the BIOS version, this may be “USB 2.0 Controller”, “USB Mouse Support” and others.
  4. Press F10 and restart your computer.

If after many manipulations the mouse still does not function, you will have to contact a service center. Either the necessary connection interfaces do not work on the computer, or the mouse is broken. In this case, professional repair or replacement of the device will be required.

Is this your first time encountering the problem of the correct functioning of a computer mouse? Then this article is for you - we want to tell you why the mouse cursor may not move if the mouse itself is working. Its operation can be influenced not only by software factors, but also by hardware ones. And if the mouse has stopped responding, then we will help you revive it - to do this, read the article as carefully as possible and follow the instructions.

It should be mentioned that the correct operation of this input device is expressed in more than one cursor movement. In addition to it, all buttons must be pressed and the scroll wheel must function. And if the mouse is optical, then light should come from the corresponding sensor, confirming that it responds to movements.

Ways to solve the problem with the mouse cursor not moving

There are traditionally several options, so we will look at them in order:
  • In Kaspersky Anti-Virus, open the main window (you can use any antivirus);
  • Click on the “Update” button;

  • On the next screen, click “Update” and wait for the update process to complete;

  • We return to the main screen again and click on the “Check” button;
  • Click on “Run scan”;
  • We wait for the check to complete and reboot the computer.

    As you can see, there is nothing complicated at all. These five extremely simple steps will help you fix the problem with the correct functioning of the mouse if it is not related to it, but to your laptop or computer.

    Finally, I would like to say that you should not despair if the first method does not work - you should immediately try the second, third and further on the list. The mouse cursor may start moving at any stage.