Russian operating system for laptop. New Russian operating system for PC. Russian operating systems

Not so long ago, a simply sensational statement appeared in the press. It turns out that soon there will be no “traditional” Windows OS left on all computers of government agencies in our country! Prominent figures promise that a Russian operating system will take its place. The idea is that by the end of this year this same “OS” should begin testing in government institutions.

Optimistic start

The most famous project, which theoretically can lay claim to such a significant role, is Synergy. This system uses the Linux kernel, the decision to develop it was made recently, on August 13, 2014. This was decided by a joint commission (at a meeting of the companies OJSC Russian Railways, Rosatom) and the Russian Federal Nuclear Center from the city of Sarov.

By the way, it is at the Synergy enterprise that it should now be intensively tested. Russian Railways will be required to actively “fine-tune” the OS, subject to its use in user database management systems. Russian Railways has enough of these!

By the way, this whole idea was initiated by Rosatom specialists, since the share of imported software is extremely large, and it was time to move away from such a bad practice long ago. Everyone involved in the development promises that the Russian one will be protected from hacking no worse than the best foreign analogues.

Last straw

Such a quick decision was largely due to the fact that just in August 2014 the next update package for Windows 7 was released. The irony of fate is that it was these updates that led to the failure of thousands of computers around the world, since it contained critical errors. The problem was also aggravated by the situation with malfunctions of Windows RT, Windows 8 and 8.1 systems.

Why is all this needed?

In general, recently only the lazy do not discuss the Russian operating system. However, the discussion is carried out in an ironic manner. Users should not be blamed for their lack of patriotism. Practice shows that in most cases, domestic projects in this area can only offer “not boring wallpaper” yes new topic design of the same Ubuntu.

It is important to understand exactly what requirements a truly promising Russian operating system must meet, and what principles should be embedded in it. Let's try to fantasize and imagine the directions in which its development should go.

"Childhood diseases"

In general, it’s always worth starting with previous experience, even if it’s negative. As we have already said, our country has one. Starting with the ancient “Spectrums”, on which a slightly rethought DOS was installed, ending with relatively recent times, when in some computer clubs a “fundamentally new” BedOS 2 “Tanya” was installed. This epic creation was nothing more than Windows 98 redesigned almost beyond recognition.

All of them were united by one thing: despite new interface, all these operating systems were simply slightly modified products of world-famous software manufacturers.

What challenges do domestic developers face?

In principle, there is nothing new to talk about in this case. If a truly new Russian operating system for PCs is now being developed, then its creators face a huge number of tasks. We list just the main ones:

  • Release of an OS that will perform all its tasks and work on Russian-made servers and workstations.
  • Creation of working and functional virtualization tools for it.
  • The same development of a database management tool, the debugging of which is now assigned to Russian Railways.
  • Creation, development and support of the domestic application development environment.
  • Release of tools that could be used to automate testing.
  • Creation of a domestic “application store”. You give a worthy answer to every AppStore!
  • Release of an OS that can run not only on desktop computers and laptops, but also on mobile devices (smartphones, tablets). This Russian mobile operating system should become a competitor to Android, iOS, and Windows Mobile.
  • Development of design tools that will make it easier to write new applications.
  • Analysis of the business sector of the economy, creation of a specialized cluster of programs specifically for it.
  • Finally, the development of a Russian operating system should include the creation of its own desktop environment (DE).
  • Creation of new tools for installing, deploying and debugging written programs.
  • Availability of the opportunity for painless migration of business and home users from older versions of the OS.
  • Formation training courses, which will tell users about what a Russian operating system for a PC is, its capabilities and prospects.

About users of the new OS

It's no secret that the modern segment of home computers is largely focused on games. In addition, the PC market is distinguished by an incredible variety of computer hardware, as well as the unconditional dominance of the same Windows OS. Since all the concepts and habits of users in this niche are distinguished by deep-rooted conservatism, it is unlikely that they will be changed in any way.

Thus, the new Russian operating system will most likely be focused on government agencies, corporate segments of the economy, and the military-industrial complex.

What requirements must the new OS meet?

  1. Relatively low cost of both the system itself and the hardware that is necessary for its normal functioning.
  2. Availability of “cloud” work on documents. Simply put, the new system should be oriented towards some kind of collaborative development environment, which is especially in demand in an enterprise or government organization.
  3. The system must be scalable. It would be desirable that as the enterprise grows, it could be “tailored” specifically to the needs of a large organization (sort of analogues of the Business and Professional versions).
  4. The speed of processing arrays of information should be as high as possible.
  5. Maximum reliability and security (including against viruses).
  6. The development and development of the OS should be carried out taking into account the latest trends in the hardware market.
  7. Protection from malicious actions. In principle, the Russian operating system Rosa is well protected from this, but it is actually another Linux distribution.
  8. At least a theoretical possibility of use on a home user’s computer (to gradually attract a new audience).
  9. Full compatibility with at least the most common computer hardware and peripherals.

OS development taking into account trends in future hardware development

Recently, processors have crossed the 14 nm threshold, domestic 65 nm Elbruses have appeared, and the imminent release of a new type of capacious memory, ReRam, is reported, which will leave far behind all modern SSDs (NAND) in speed. Simply put, one of the priorities facing manufacturers should be the development of a system that will work on both existing and future hardware. This is a complex matter, and therefore there are quite natural doubts about its success.

Now we will talk about real progress in this area.

About "Chameleons" and other things

In general, modern domestic operating systems have exactly two realistic development paths. And in the first place is the justified interest of the military, for whom secure domestic software is extremely important. The second direction can be described as “patriotic development”. Sometimes projects appear on the Internet, the authors of which regularly announce a Russian-made operating system.

In the latter case, we can call Xameleon OS. If we talk about the technological side of the issue, it is very similar to Mac OS X, since both systems are based on the use of a microkernel. Chameleon uses L4 development, and Mac OS X includes the Mach microkernel. Alas, the domestic “answer” does not yet have even a banal GUI, that is, a graphical interface.

Other candidates

There is also a Russian operating system called Patriot OS. For quite some time now, a fundraiser for its creation has been announced on Boomstarter. The declared amount is 38,500,000 rubles, which in itself causes widespread ridicule on the Internet. The fact is that domestic crowdfunding projects have never reached more than 12 million. Also, if you read the requirements for the new system...

Simply put, the stated amount is clearly not enough. If the Russian operating system “Patriot OS” claims at least 1-2% of the software market in this area, then we need to collect ten times more. However, this money should be enough for at least a preliminary beta version, from which it will be possible to judge the prospects of the project as a whole. But the adequacy of some of the declared characteristics raises deep doubts.

A moment of humor

Thus, the author of the project says that he would like to create a new Patrionet Network, an analogue World Internet, which will be available only to those users on whose computers the Russian Patriot operating system is installed. It is stated that it will be based on “incredibly fast dynamic technologies.” The fact is that even 38 million dollars will not be enough to implement something like this, let alone the domestic currency...

Phantom Perspectives

There is also a Russian operating system called Phantom. Theoretically, it is a development of the Digital Zone company (in fact, it is “homemade” by Dmitry Zavalishin). The latter passionately proves the advantages of its “brainchild” every year at the HighLoad exhibition and other similar events.

In principle, this time the Russian Phantom operating system does not contain anything truly revolutionary or new. The developers really are not lying when they claim that their OS is not a clone of Windows/Unix.

But for some reason they “forget” to tell that “Phantom” is an almost exact copy of the KeyKOS/EROS system. Moreover, this topic was started in the distant 80s of the last century, when the general principles for the development of KeyKOS were laid down.

I think that any of the readers of this article no longer considers the words “Operating system” and “Windows” to be synonymous, because knows at least one or more other systems. For many, this will be Android; for a significant number of people, Windows Phone and iOS are known; slightly fewer people have heard about OS X, FreeBSD and Ubuntu. All these operating systems are developed by Western (mainly American) organizations. At first glance, there is nowhere for a Russian person to cast his gaze... but no. We also have our own masters.

We are already accustomed to the fact that information technologies for Russia are not a subject of creativity, but a subject of passive study. Yes, we know the world-class antivirus from Kaspersky or the currently best text recognizer FineReader, also from a Russian company. Someone will remember Dr.Web. But in the general context, this is, if not a drop, then a small puddle in the sea that makes up our computer horizons. This illusion is wrong, because Not all active participants in the IT community are evaluated, but only those who actively promote themselves through advertising or sales managers. And who ends up outside our horizons? Yes, tens of thousands of domestic developers different levels professionalism and different areas tasks to be solved.

It's no secret that the most important component of any computer (except for the hardware inside the case) is the operating system. But do we have anything domestic to look for here? It turns out there is. Here is a short list of real projects that have been launched and have been working for several years:

I decided to consider the first one (ROSU), because... I think it is most convenient for former users Windows of all the ones I've tried. More precisely: the editorial office “for the people” - Fresh (i.e. “Fresh” ROSA).

The main problem for the user of a new operating system is mastering the new logic of working with a computer (after all, ROSA is not a clone of Windows, but a completely different OS). For example, a person who decides to switch to OS X from Apple will have to resolutely reject the habits of the Windows driver, down to the “hot keys”. Here the Russian operating system has a minimum of problems: the bottom panel In terms of its operating logic, it resembles the usual “Venda” one, and the menu structure (let’s call it “START”) will please you with its simplicity and functionality.

But this is only external “cosmetics”. Inside there are all the tools even a fairly advanced user needs: built-in players for a huge number of formats, a full-fledged office suite(analogous to MS Office), graphics, audio and video editors, email client, two(!) browsers for fans from different camps (Firefox and Chromium), client capable of connecting to ICQ and QIP, recording utilities bootable flash drives and disks. If necessary, we install Skype, TeamViewer and other useful programs through a convenient and concise program installer (most programs are installed and updated through this one tool without the need to update manually).

And even with all the massiveness of the pre-installed set of programs, ROSA manages to load and shut down faster than the products of the Redmond corporation. And the problem of viruses will only bother those who purposefully install them into the system. They cannot appear “suddenly” on the computer.

With all this, the system has many unique features for the Windows user. Just think about the ability to distribute WiFi Internet from your laptop in two clicks or the ability to mock the system with experiments after turning on the “freeze mode”, and then after a reboot see the system in a “pre-frozen” state.

In general, there are many advantages. You need to touch them to understand this. To do this, just load into the full operating system directly from a CD or flash drive, without installing the system (unusual, right?). And if you like it, then install the system and during the installation browse the Internet or write an interesting article.

Another advantage of the Russian OS is the active and accessible Russian-speaking community

Good day, Soldiers! This is an article about my small experiment regarding working in another operating system like Rosa. Although the step is risky, it is really long overdue, like a callus, which can easily be understood as Windows OS.

To put it in one word, I was practically disappointed in her and I think everyone can guess why this is so. Everyone knows how much trouble Windows OS causes during maintenance. These include various glitches, freezes, and incomprehensible errors such as “The instructions have reached the address...”

And if the system understands that you are in a hurry, then, as if alive, it immediately begins to glitch, freeze and become stupid)))

I don’t understand the policy of this company... Why not focus on polishing and optimizing the program code, developing a friendly control panel, intuitive interface and other things that will ultimately merge into a superOS? After all, the result would be stability, reliability, convenience and speed of work! But instead, the “line of versions” is only lengthening: ... XP, 7, 8. I especially liked “Eight”, having launched which I really couldn’t get into “Documents” for about forty minutes! I remember that my eyes were bloodshot with anger - there was a lot of work, and here I was figuring out “where and what”)

What made this phenomenon a little easier was the fact that I was not the only one who had the same problems. They say that old Bill Gates himself swore terribly when, rubbing his hands in anticipation, he launched the Eight for the first time.))))

As we all know, things don't get better over time. Remember the seven and how well it worked. Literally flew! Now, having gorged itself on various updates like a pig of slop, this version is incredibly consuming resources and has become clumsy like a hippopotamus. Then 8, a year later 8.1. I heard that there will be 10. But the problems remain. I’m not saying that the “Eight” was created exclusively for touch monitors, which didn’t exist at that time! I’m surprised how the company didn’t close at all after such tricks, due to a drop in the level of general trust, and therefore lost profits.

It's more than obvious that the company's regular users are simply sneeze-worthy. And where should we go - after all, Windows is installed on almost all computers and a great many games, programs and applications are “written” for it.

The situation reminds me of large companies in the computer games market, which also do not want to look for any new ideas, approaches, etc., but simply rework an existing game, creating some kind of remake, and convince the end user that “... This game is definitely a game for everyone a game! This is what you all dream about and see in your dreams.”

And as soon as the game goes on sale, it immediately becomes clear that this whole thing is just another piece of crap.

Well, you must agree that it is stupid to create a “product” and not take into account the interests of those who will shell out cash for it. Capitalists must understand this: the pursuit of profit and the like. But since the company has been returning the “Start” button for almost two years, then... it’s a long time for us to wait for the ideal Windows. Well, or at least fast and stable)

Apple has the correct policy in this regard. They created their own OS and now with some kind of perverted pleasure they are polishing its code. I heard that the latest version (or update? What do they have there?) has lost as much as one and a half gigs! This is real work! And hence, the stability of the system as a whole, and it requires reinstallation so rarely that such a thing almost turns into an event of world significance”))).

Of course, Windows has plenty of advantages, for example, simplicity, but currently I work in Rosa most of the time.

ROSA Desktop Fresh. Probably the only truly high-quality domestic multi-variant Operating System, which is united by an elegant design and a carefully selected set of application software. Here's a great demo video.

This is a freely distributed Russian operating system developed by the Rosa company, based on Linux and aimed at users of various levels who can appreciate the speed, stability, ease of use and ease of learning the OS. In addition, it is worth noting a wide range of compatible equipment...

1. The very first and very important thing, that is, “everything is included.” That is, the system is absolutely ready to work and there is no need to look for drivers. Install it and use it.

To be honest, I didn’t even understand it at first. And only a few hours later, I noticed that the Internet was there, music was playing, the ports were working, the peripherals were functioning! That's it, yes! The driver problem is gone!

2. Guest mode. A convenient thing, and primarily for those who are afraid to immediately demolish the familiar system and switch to a new one. That is, we first create an installation flash drive and boot through it. The system is not installed, but functions as if from a flash drive in an evaluation version as many times as desired.

3. Convenience . Everyone understands that working with a program in which the devil breaks his leg is not only inconvenient, but simply “infuriatingly terrible”! Read, for example, reviews of the iTunes program, which every iPhone user is very familiar with. The number of swear words per square centimeter of comment is simply amazing, and there are several hundred of them! And I understand these authors perfectly. A terrible and wildly inconvenient program that you can really figure out! I remember the last comment at that time, something like: “Guys, can you imagine? I bought “Android” and just took and dragged the file from the “Desktop” to the phone!” And everyone was like, “Uh-oh, lucky guy!”

True, after Windows in “Rosa” it’s a little unusual to work with “rooms” and “tables”, but you get used to it quite quickly)

4. Friendly interface. Very convenient and thoughtful, by the way. It is very important. Everything is where it should be and is easy to find without any digging in additional instructions. And by the way, there is also a “Start” button, although it’s a little different, when you click on it you get into some kind of desktop, reminiscent of the menus of “Androids” and “iPhones”.

5. Virus resistant. The risk of infecting your computer with some kind of Internet infection is minimal, which means you can view any website without significant fear. And who would even think of writing “malware” to infect one computer out of ten thousand? Although, please note, I still installed an antivirus - I developed the habit of security)

6. Completely free . A very wise move on the part of the developers. Apple, too, now doesn’t charge anything for its operating system. And rightly so, since freebies help spread the word. Of course, you can do it another way, just impose it, as Windows did. Remember: about seven years ago, any computer was not initially equipped with an OS, and the user could stop any version. Now everything is exactly the opposite, and this is a clever marketing ploy by Microsoft, which, having collected statistics, found out that the percentage of Russian users installing alternative operating systems is growing all the time. Now Russian computers have begun to be “replenished,” but you won’t find a normal working seven during the day. The same installation disks with 7 that users have are valued by the users themselves almost worth their weight in gold, since the Vista modification turned out to be a very successful one. It would be better to optimize it, otherwise it would be five million lines of program code!

7. And finally, “ROSA” is RUSSIAN! Which is good news) I admit, the fact that Russia is lagging behind IT technologies bothers me somewhat. But back in the early 60s of the last century, we created computers based on TRINITY CODE! can you imagine this?

No, to create an appropriate institution similar to Stalin’s “sharashka”, to bring in specialists, to isolate them from outside world and develop an operating system with a package of necessary programs. In China, as far as I know, they are very concerned about such a project and spend hundreds of millions on this matter every year.

Yes, as a matter of fact, there was no need to even develop the program, since I am sure that companies like Adobe and the like would immediately release modifications of their products for the new System. And it’s impossible to do otherwise - the Russian market is large and transfers a lot of money to companies for purchasing software. So, we would strain ourselves and modify it. Wouldn't go anywhere, hehe)))

Okay, now some cons.

“Rosa” is based on some abandoned version of Linux, the rights to polish which were transferred to our company. I foresee that many will immediately “take a stand” and begin to ask: “... If this is so, then what kind of Rosa is it, Russian?” But we won’t listen to such “trolls in sailor suits.” They just want to lick their tongues, but those who want to try “Dew” in action after this article should understand one point well.

It is different and you should not look for a complete analogue of Windows in it. Each system is good in its own way and has its own advantages and disadvantages. There is no ideal system yet and one will not be created anytime soon.

Well, if we talk about the shortcomings, then, of course, the system is still somewhat damp, but no more than Windows, which releases modification after modification, but “things are still there.”

So, first: the installer is rather weak. Second: the KDE desktop is quite power-hungry. Next: It seems impossible to install it in parallel with another, as is sometimes done.

Well, the main disadvantage. Recently, the development of Rosa has slowed down significantly, which means that new functions have stopped appearing, and the enterprise itself clearly has a shortage of human resources. True, I heard that they are now working for the defense industry,” since the work there is paid, and this version of the Rosa Desktop system exists exclusively on a charitable basis.

Users are usually interested in two things: “Is it possible to run Photoshop on Rosa?” and “Is it possible to launch the World of Tanks client.” Regarding “World of Tanks”, I’ll say right away: in the demo video posted at the beginning of the article, at the fifteenth second, the label of this client is visible. So, installation is possible, but I don’t know how, since I haven’t played for a long time. Next, regarding the question about Photoshop, since there are a couple of ways to launch it.

First way. By installing Win, and then using the winetricks script, configure Wine to launch Photoshop .

Second way. Use PlayOnLinux, which allows you to run applications under Windows. In theory, so does the aforementioned client.

Google for more details.

Articles a short summary:

The Russian operating system “Rosa Desktop Fresh” is an excellent option both for a basic user and for demonstrating to friends and acquaintances. Of course, there are several other very good developments, for example, based on Elbrus or ReactOS, created almost from scratch by a loner in his apartment, but consider this the first, suitable for you and me, because:

The Rosa operating system is efficient, stable, fast and does not glitch. When I tested it, I installed it on a virtual machine and ran it there. Interesting observation. The laptop itself (I have an HP processor with an intel(R) Core™ i7-3630 2.4 GHz RAM 8 GB) starts to work quieter, although in theory it should scream like a steam locomotive, because the main system is running, plus VirtualBox, and there is another OS in it spinning. But it's the other way around. The matter is unclear, but good).

It is well suited for the average user for ordinary purposes. Surf the Internet, type letters, read books and texts, sit on Odnoklassniki, watch movies, and in high quality. That is, for a user for whom the basic package already includes a set of necessary programs such as a torrent client or “online radio,” this will be more than enough.

For serious, highly specialized work, it is not suitable, but not because “Rosa” is defective, but because of the lack of software necessary for a specialist, for example, “Photoshop” or a full-fledged 3D editor. For example, I myself sometimes like to model something futuristic in the 3D editor Cinema 4D - - and not Blender, which, although you can run it on Rosa, is inconvenient for me! This means that sometimes you will have to use Windows.

Recently, in the highest circles of government there have been frequent calls to switch to Russian software. So I decided to wonder what we could switch to. I immediately rejected operating systems based on Linux, because they are Russian, just like in the INTEL processor. No matter how they try to promote something, it’s still the same Linux with a different shell and it doesn’t matter Rose or anything else.

Well, let's see what I managed to find on the Internet from Russian software.

Software products from Russian manufacturers

Parallels Desktop

Developer: Parallels Holdings, Ltd
Official website:

Parallels Desktop® 12 for Mac is the fastest, easiest and most... effective solution for start Windows applications on Mac without rebooting. Effortlessly switch between Mac and Windows apps, launch Windows apps from the Mac Dock, use familiar Mac gestures in Windows apps, and copy and drag items between apps across operating systems.

With high performance, you can run common Windows applications such as Explorer and Microsoft Office, and even the most resource-intensive graphics applications without any sacrifice in performance. You can even use virtual voice assistant Microsoft Cortana on your Mac.

Cortona VRML client

Developer: ParallelGraphics

Cortona VRML client from ParallelGraphics is the world's most popular VRML browser, designed for viewing a variety of 3D scenes, models and worlds in VRML, a widely used and ISO standard 3D format.

In addition to supporting the full VRML specification, Cortona also supports a number of extensions such as NURBS and Splines, reflection maps, drag-and-drop, Automation Interface, etc. This functionality makes Cortona a powerful and efficient platform for building a variety of online and offline 3D solutions, such as virtual interactive manuals, visualization of processes and procedures, entertainment and educational 3D single-user and multi-user services.

Using advanced algorithms and technologies, Cortona allows you to display the most complex scenes and models in real time while achieving superior image quality. And taking into account the built-in support for DirectX, OpenGL, hardware graphics accelerators, as well as the fact that Cortona is optimized for various Intel processors (starting with Pentium processor from MMX technology to the new Intel Pentium 4), users can be sure that Cortona will make optimal use of available hardware and software resources and achieve maximum performance.

Today, Cortona VRML client, already installed on more than 500 thousand computers around the world, is the de facto standard for viewing VRML scenes and models. Companies that have chosen Cortona include BBC Online, Boeing, Man Roland and many others.

ParallelGraphics also offers versions of Cortona for other platforms: Mac, Mac OS X, Java and Pocket PC.

Additional information about the Cortona VRML client and a free version for personal use can be obtained from the company's website For personal, non-commercial use, Cortona VRML client is distributed free of charge. A commercial license costs from $5 per seat.

1c accounting

“1C: Accounting” - probably the most popular product on the Russian market - is found in almost all answers to the above-mentioned survey. This is a universal mass-use program for accounting automation. Can be used both independently and in conjunction with other products of the 1C:Enterprise 7.7 system (“1C: Trade and Warehouse”, “1C: Salary and Personnel”, “Production + Services + Accounting”, etc.). The standard configuration is a ready-made solution for automating most areas of accounting. The delivery set includes a configuration intended for accounting in self-supporting organizations. For accounting purposes in institutions and organizations on a budget, the separately supplied configuration “For budget organizations” is intended. In addition, “1C: Accounting 7.7” can be used with other specially created configurations.

The program allows you to automate both the maintenance of all sections of accounting (providing flexible options for this, including the use of several charts of accounts simultaneously, multidimensional analytical accounting, complex postings, etc.), and the preparation of any primary documents.

The initial information in “1C: Accounting 7.7” is an operation that reflects a real business transaction in the enterprise. An operation contains one or more accounting entries to reflect the completed business transaction in accounting. Transactions can be entered manually or generated automatically by entered documents. The program can also use standard operations, which make it possible to automate the entry of frequently repeated operations.

"1C: Accounting 7.7" includes a set standard reports allowing the accountant to obtain information for an arbitrary period, in various sections and with the required degree of detail. All generated reports can be printed. The program includes a set of accounting and tax reporting forms, which are updated quarterly and distributed free of charge to registered users.

The standard configuration of "1C:Accounting 7.7" implements the most general schemes accounting and can be used in most organizations. To reflect the accounting specifics of a particular enterprise, the standard configuration can be changed in accordance with accounting requirements.

When legislation and accounting methodology change, updates to the standard 1C: Accounting configuration are released and provided free of charge to registered users. The update mode implemented in the program allows you to load new features without losing data previously entered by the user.

"1C: Accounting 7.7" contains various means for communication with other programs:

  • connection of legal support systems "1C: Garant". Integration of the 1C:Garant system and 1C:Enterprise system programs allows you to select regulatory documents for the account or type of payroll with which the accountant works;
  • the ability to exchange information with Bank Client systems;
  • exchange data with other systems via files in text format or DBF format, as well as based on modern integration tools: OLE, OLE Automation and DDE. Using these tools allows you to control the operation of other programs using the built-in language (for example, generate reports and graphs in Microsoft Excel);
  • gain access to 1C:Accounting 7.7 data from other programs;
  • Insert objects created by other programs into 1C:Accounting 7.7 documents and reports.

ABBYY FineReader 5.0

The world's most accurate system ABBYY recognition FineReader 5.0 is designed for automatically entering documents into a computer using a scanner.

The program is easy to use: you insert a document into the scanner, press the Scan&Read button, and the recognized text appears on the text editor screen. At the same time, the design of the document is completely preserved: the arrangement of text, tables, pictures, text color.

From other systems FineReader recognition 5.0 has the following properties:

  • recognition quality - recognition accuracy in the fifth version of FineReader has improved by 1.5-2 times compared to version 4.0. To date, the FineReader OCR system has received more than 50 awards from reputable international publications;
  • accurate preservation of document design - preservation of design has been improved both by improving the analysis of the document and by more accurately preserving its font design (such features as bold and italics, the distance between words and paragraphs, etc. are preserved);
  • fast publication of documents on the Internet - HTML, PDF formats are supported;
  • 176 recognition languages ​​- spell check function available for 30 of them;
  • call from Microsoft Word;
  • automatic division of double book pages.

FineReader 5.0 Pro is the most popular version in the FineReader line, combining the level professional version with a reasonable price. Provides high quality work in automatic mode, provides ample opportunities for editing the result (convenient built-in editor, the ability to compare with an image, an ergonomic interface of the spell check window, tools for editing blocks).

FineReader 5.0 Office includes additional professional features such as barcode recognition and the creation of new languages. But the main difference is the ability to organize mass input. The version supports network document processing. The Office version includes a form-filling program called Formulator, which allows you to fill out any form, such as an application for a foreign passport, a visa application form, or an registration card, in a few minutes.

PROMT Translation Office 2000

Developer: PROMT company

PROMT Translation Office 2000 is a system for professional work with texts in foreign languages. The product includes 8 programs that effectively solve the problem of translation when working with documents, correspondence and when working on the Internet. The system is already well known to many users, so we will list only its main features:

  • the system is integrated into everything Microsoft applications Office 2000, which allows you to comfortably transfer Word documents and emails into Outlook without leaving the familiar application window;
  • professional linguistic editor PROMT provides a wide range of settings for various specialized texts, being an indispensable tool for translators and linguists;
  • a large English-Russian-English dictionary, which is included in the package, allows you to find a translation of almost any English or Russian word;
  • The WebView browser allows you to easily access information on foreign sites and search the Internet.

Translation Office 2000 was released in April 2000 and has been continuously improved and developed over the past year and a half. Among the most significant changes are the update of the translation engine (to version 1.9) in order to improve the quality of translation, and the acceleration of the mechanism for embedding translation functions into Microsoft Office 2000 applications.

This year it became possible to translate from Spanish into Russian. Thus, the PROMT Translation Office 2000 system now works for five European languages: English, German, French, Italian and Spanish.

Price: $300

Kaspersky Anti-Virus

Developer: Kaspersky Lab

Kaspersky Anti-Virus is a recognized leader in computer information protection technologies. Many functional features of most modern antiviruses were first developed at Kaspersky Lab. A number of large Western anti-virus software manufacturers use the anti-virus core of this product in their products. The exceptional reliability and quality of the program is confirmed by numerous awards and certificates from Russian and foreign computer publications and independent testing laboratories. Kaspersky Lab develops a wide range of software products to ensure information security. The company's product line includes antivirus programs, information integrity monitoring systems and protection systems against external intrusions. Antiviruses are one of the main areas of activity of Kaspersky Lab, on which the company's main efforts are concentrated. The offered range of products is aimed at both home computers and corporate networks of any size. The company's anti-virus solutions provide reliable control over all potential sources of infiltration computer viruses: they are used on workstations, file servers, Web servers, in postal systems, firewalls, pocket computers. Convenient controls give users the opportunity to automate as much as possible antivirus protection computers and corporate networks.

"Kaspersky Anti-Virus" can be purchased in computer stores and showrooms or via the Internet: through the "People's Anti-Virus" marketing program, by credit cards, in online stores, as well as from official partners of the company.

Prices for all products can be found at

Price for products for home users with a one-year subscription: “Kaspersky Anti-Virus Personal” - $50, “Kaspersky Anti-Virus Personal Pro” - $69.

ABBYY Lingvo 7.0

Developer: ABBYY Software House

The powerful professional dictionary ABBYY Lingvo 7.0 is very easy to use. In addition to an extensive vocabulary base, the advantages of Lingvo include a fast and convenient search system, grammatical comments on words, and the ability to create your own dictionaries. In addition, the most common English words in Lingvo are voiced by a native speaker. All this makes Lingvo 7.0 an indispensable assistant not only for translators, but also for language learners.

ABBYY Lingvo 7.0 (English-Russian and Russian-English version) contains more than 1 million 200 thousand dictionary entries in 18 English-Russian and Russian-English dictionaries of general and specialized vocabulary (economic, scientific and technical, polytechnic, computer technology and programming, oil and gas, etc.). In this case, the user can work with any number of necessary dictionaries in all combinations.

Advantages of Lingvo 7.0:

  • high-quality dictionaries with modern vocabulary;
  • online translation using hot keys Ctrl-Ins-Ins;
  • creation of custom dictionaries;
  • free user dictionaries at;
  • comments on words;
    live sound of 5 thousand English words;
  • thoughtful interface; support for drag-and-drop technology; simultaneous work with a large number of dictionaries on a virtual bookshelf.

The price of the English-Russian and Russian-English versions is $12.

Doctor Web

Developer: DialogScience

According to the results of our survey, Doctor Web was in second place, losing in popularity to Kaspersky Anti-Virus. However, DialogScience, as is clear from the press releases distributed by the company, is not at all inclined to dramatize the situation. On the contrary (and this is an indisputable fact), 2001 became the most successful year in the career of Doctor Web - in November the program received the next, already seventh, VB100% award, awarded based on the results of the most authoritative comparative testing of antiviruses, conducted by the independent international magazine Virus Bulletin. Considering that four of the seven awards were received since September 2001, one cannot help but admit that the optimism of DialogueScience employees is not without foundation.

But it’s not just about the awards, of course. Over the past year, the program has been continuously improved, and the product has developed both “in depth” (technologically) and “in breadth” (versions have been released for various operating systems). The latter, by the way, did not go unnoticed by colleagues in the shop - it was Doctor Web for Linux that was chosen by the ASPLinux manufacturers for inclusion in the delivery of the corresponding operating system. A complete listing of all the technological know-how implemented in the program would take up too much space. Let's mention just a few of the most striking ones:

  • a powerful heuristic for detecting viruses that are not included in the virus database (however, the database is sometimes updated several times a day - by releasing so-called hot additions);
  • unique technology for monitoring viral activity, implemented in the resident guard SpIDer Guard;
  • full Windows memory check.

It should also be noted that Doctor Web, filled with a lot of “high technologies,” has not turned into an anti-virus “monster” that frightens viruses by its sheer volume. The developers manage to preserve the face of the program, so beloved by many users: compactness, reliability, performance and external simplicity.

Annual subscription costs $51.

The full price table can be found on the developer’s website.


Developer: Evgeniy Roshal

FAR is a powerful file shell for Windows, one of the best Norton-like file managers. The program interface repeats the traditional interface Norton Commander(the same menu and even launching the program in a DOS window), which makes it easier to launch some older programs developed for DOS. At the same time, FAR has many new functions that make working with the program very convenient.

FAR provides a wide range of commands with files and folders (view, edit, copy, move and rename, create, delete), has a simple user-friendly interface, and provides drag-and-drop functions for copy and move operations. The program works correctly with long names files, allows you to search and view texts in several different Russian encodings, and enter the archives of most popular archivers.

FAR provides convenient access to file archives on the Internet via the FTP protocol. You can pre-configure connection parameters with an FTP server by entering the server address, name and password for access, as well as other parameters (and you can configure any number of such connections), and then connect to the server by simply selecting one of the previously configured connections. The list of FTP servers can have a branching structure, that is, you can create folders inside it and place new connections to FTP servers there or copy existing ones. After connecting, working with the server to transfer files is no different from working with files on your computer: the same functions are available for copying, deleting, creating files and directories on the FTP server.

For convenience, files different types in FAR are displayed in different colors, and it is possible to customize the colors for each group and determine what types of files are included in the group. FAR Manager is a program with open architecture, which allows you to write your own plugins.

You can significantly expand the capabilities of the FAR program and improve usability with the help of add-ons, many of which can be found on the Internet on sites with free software.

You can download the program at:

Prices: single-user license - $25, 5 users - $85.7

The Bat!

The Bat! - a powerful and convenient email client for Windows 95/98/NT from RIT Labs. The program has many unique features and is an example of how a small company can create a product that can compete with the programs of the world's giants.

The Bat! has a small volume (the installation file without the Russian interface takes about 2 MB), supports any number of mailboxes (accounts), supports the POP3/SMTP, APOP, IMAP4, LDAP protocols, provides a wide selection of interface languages ​​with the ability to switch on the fly (17 languages , including almost all Slavic ones). You can view files in HTML format, import data from other email programs, there are built-in viewers graphic files(*.GIF, *.PNG, *.BMP, *.ICO, *.WMF, *.EMF and *.JPEG).

The Bat! has powerful message sorting filters that automate work with correspondence. The program provides a convenient text editor with formatting and automatic spell checking in several languages. Implemented absolutely correct support for all Russian and other Eastern European encodings (koi-8, win-1251, dos-866, etc.).

Additional conveniences are provided by message templates and " quick templates", inserting pre-prepared text, save a lot of time when writing letters.

The Bat! is distributed as shareware, and you can work with the full commercial version of the program for 30 days by downloading version 1.53d from:, and then follow register your copy. Recommended prices for a single copy of the product: student - $15, individual - $20, commercial - $30.


Developer: Top Systems

T-FLEX CAD is one of the best Russian computer-aided design systems for the preparation of design and technological documentation. To create design products (drawings, models, documentation, etc.), Top Systems offers five systems that cover all levels of automation of design work: T-FLEX CAD LT (drawing automation), T-FLEX CAD 2D (design automation), T-FLEX CAD 3D SE (preparation of drawings from 3D models), T-FLEX CAD 3D (three-dimensional modeling), T-FLEX CAD Viewer (free program for viewing and printing 2D T-FLEX CAD drawings) .

The proposed systems allow a flexible approach to equipping workplaces to solve production tasks, taking into account the specifics of work at each workplace and the financial capabilities of the enterprise. The possibility of stage-by-stage software and hardware equipment while maintaining the efficiency of already running programs makes the choice of T-FLEX very attractive. Comprehensive equipment with the proposed systems has the best “functionality/price” indicator.

Powerful parametric tools of the T-FLEX CAD 2D system, which serves for design automation, significantly increase designer productivity.

The economical T-FLEX CAD LT system differs from T-FLEX 2D only in the absence of parameterization tools. The system contains a set of functions sufficient to generate drawings of any complexity. Developed with the latest advances in CAD technology, sketching functions allow you to create non-parametric drawings quickly, easily and efficiently. All functions of drawing design, copying, import-export, working with texts, tables, libraries of texts and 2D elements are supported.

T-FLEX CAD 3D is the first and so far the only Russian system that uses the Parasolid geometric kernel from Unigraphics Solutions, which allows T-FLEX CAD 3D users to model three-dimensional parts and assembly structures of any complexity.

The T-FLEX CAD 3D SE system makes it possible to minimize the cost of preparing drawing documentation for three-dimensional models created in T-FLEX CAD 3D or imported from other systems.

The free T-FLEX CAD Viewer program is designed for viewing and printing two-dimensional drawings made in the T-FLEX CAD system. Users of the T-FLEX CAD system can transfer the design and technological documentation they develop in electronic form to partners working with other programs. T-FLEX CAD Viewer can also be used in technical document management systems to view T-FLEX CAD drawings.

Main features of T-FLEX CAD systems:

Friendly parameterization tools are the basis of advanced T-FLEX CAD technologies. Unlike similar CAD systems, creating parametric models in T-FLEX CAD does not require programming skills, since the designer deals with ordinary variables and functions. T-FLEX CAD's parametric relationships make it easy and natural to animate a design, providing the ability to view the movement of the design created by the designer and kinematic analysis;
optimization is one of the powerful tools of the designer, allowing you to select best parameters products without manual adjustment of geometry. Thanks to the model optimization module, in T-FLEX CAD it is much easier to determine the parameters of bodies of a given volume, mass-inertial characteristics, equilibrium, balancing, etc.;
User dialogue is a new functionality offered today only by T-FLEX. The dialogue is organized visual representation changeable parameters of a unified enterprise part. This makes it easier for any designer to use a parametric design and makes it possible to compactly display the parameters used. Dialogs are convenient for offering products on the Internet, since it is possible to display not only changeable variables that a potential customer can “play with,” but also information from the developer;
assembly models are the key to global design automation. Distinctive feature T-FLEX CAD is the creation of parametric assembly drawings, which can be created both from an individual part to an assembly, and from an assembly to each part, or complexly. Using parametric drawings of individual parts created in T-FLEX CAD 2D, you can connect them into assembly drawings. Changing the parameters of an assembly drawing leads to changes in all its components.
Prices: T-FLEX CAD LT - $499, T-FLEX CAD 2D - $949, ​​T-FLEX CAD 3D SE - $1495, T-FLEX CAD 3D - $2895.


Developer: Evgeniy Roshal

WinRAR is a 32-bit version of the RAR archiver for Windows, a powerful tool for creating and managing archives. There are several versions of RAR for different operating systems, such as DOS, OS/2, Windows (32-bit), UNIX (Linux, BSD, SCO, Sparc and HP-UX) and Be OS.

There are two RAR versions for Windows: a version with a graphical user interface (GUI) - WinRAR.exe and a console version of Rar.exe, running from the command line in text mode.

WinRAR provides full support for RAR and ZIP archives, implements an original highly efficient data compression algorithm and a special multimedia compression algorithm. User-friendly interface supports drag-and-drop technology).

The program includes:

presence of a command line interface;
management of archives of other formats (CAB, ARJ, LZH, TAR, GZ, ACE, UUE);
support for continuous (solid) archives, in which the compression ratio can be 10-50% greater than with conventional methods compression, especially when packing a significant number of small, similar files;
support for multi-volume archives;
creating self-extracting (SFX) regular and multi-volume archives using standard or additional SFX modules;
recovery of physically damaged archives.
There are other additional functions, such as encryption, adding archive comments (with support for ANSI ESC sequences), error logging, etc.

In September of this year, the next version of WinRAR 2.90 appeared.

Prices: single user license - $35, 5 users - $120.

Compass 3D

Developer: ASCON
Developer's website:

The KOMPAS-3D system allows you to implement the classic process of three-dimensional parametric design - from an idea to an associative three-dimensional model, from a model to design documentation.

A key feature of KOMPAS-3D is the use of its own mathematical core and parametric technologies developed by ASCON specialists.

The main components of KOMPAS-3D are a three-dimensional solid modeling system, a universal computer-aided design system KOMPAS-Graph and a specifications design module. All of them are easy to learn, have a Russian-language interface and a help system.

The basic capabilities of the system include functionality that allows you to design a product of any degree of complexity in 3D, and then issue a set of documentation for this product necessary for its manufacture in accordance with current standards (GOST, STP, etc.).

The basic functionality of the product is easily expanded through various applications that complement the functionality of KOMPAS-3D with effective tools for solving specialized engineering problems. The modularity of the system allows the user to determine the set of applications he needs, which provide only the required functionality.

Main features of KOMPAS-3D

  • Creation of three-dimensional associative models of individual parts (including parts formed from sheet material by bending it) and assembly units containing both original and standardized structural elements.
  • Associative views of three-dimensional models are automatically generated: sections, sections, local sections, local views, arrow views, views with a break. Changes in the model lead to changes in the image in the drawing.
  • Standard views are automatically built in a projection relationship. The data in the title block of the drawing (designation, name, weight) is synchronized with the data from the three-dimensional model.
  • Connection of three-dimensional models and drawings with specifications; during design, the specification can be obtained automatically. Changes to the drawing or model will be transferred to the specification, and vice versa.
  • Parametric technology for obtaining a model of standard products based on a previously designed prototype.

Great Encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius 2001

Developer: Cyril and Methodius

BEKM’2001 is the fifth edition of the popular Russian encyclopedia, the content of which has been constantly expanded and updated over the course of five years. Each new version of this universal program contains numerous changes and additions that allow it to always be up-to-date and reliable. Now the volume of textual information included in the “Great Encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius 2001” is 68 book volumes (regular format, 600 pages each).

BEKM’2001 contains:

  • 82 thousand encyclopedic articles;
  • 17,400 illustrations;
  • 640 audio fragments (7 hours of sound);
  • 420 video fragments (5 hours of video);
  • geographical atlas of the world;
  • statistical data on countries of the world;
  • texts of laws Russian Federation;
  • "Chronicle of Humanity" (four scales);
  • animated maps;
  • "Age of Dinosaurs";
  • “Earth Ecosystems” (22 multimedia panoramas);
  • “Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language” by S.I. Ozhegov and N.Yu. Shvedova;
  • “Explanatory Dictionary of Foreign Words” by L.P. Krysin.

BEKM is an extensive source of information on all areas of knowledge: a gigantic volume of data, a meticulously developed encyclopedia structure, a wide range of applications and a unique search engine allow us to talk about the maximum effective application encyclopedias in any field of human activity. Legal users of previous editions of BEKM will be able to exchange their discs for BEKM’2001 for $22. BEKM’2001 is distributed in two versions: 8 CDs and DVD.

Price: $45

Descartes 2.9

Developer: Arsenal

"Descartes 2.9" is a personal finance management system that takes into account all income and expenses (cash, transactions with plastic cards, bank account transactions) and gives a complete picture of your financial situation. The program is not difficult to master and serves as an indispensable tool for managing a personal or family budget.

Program functionality:

  • multi-currency accounts - accounts can be maintained in any currency, and a directory of exchange rates is maintained for each currency;
  • classification, periodization and detailing of transactions - the ability to set your own categories of financial transactions, purposes, recipients and transaction labels;
  • automatic entry of repeating operations at a specified frequency or within a specified period of time;
  • debts and loans - the ability to track transactions to repay debts, receive or issue loans with automatic accounting of interest on these transactions;
  • text and graphic reports - Descartes generates a variety of reports in text or graphically: general balance sheet, dynamics of expenses and income for the period, structure of expenses and income for the period, account statement, breakdown by two arbitrary classifications, date or amount. Generated reports can be printed in text or graphic form and exported to common Microsoft Word and Excel applications;
  • ability to work with multiple databases - this feature is included in the system at the request of users who use this program in business purposes. This is convenient, in particular, for employees of a small enterprise working on a single computer;
  • work with external modules- the “Export” and “Import” items of the “Document” menu are used to exchange data between this and other programs.

A demo version of the product can be downloaded at

Price: $40

Document management system "Euphrates Office"

Developer: Cognitive Technologies:

The Euphrates system is a tool for organizing documents, successfully solving problems associated with organizing documentation support for management. Based on the client-server technology, Euphrates solves the problems of an organization's document flow.

The system provides new opportunities for complex automation office work, including registration, execution control, transfer, search and creation of an electronic archive of documents received from a variety of sources.

Main features of Euphrates Office:

  • automatic document entry (including OCR);
  • registration (automatic full-text indexing of text documents for all words of the text, taking into account Russian morphology; requisite registration of any electronic and paper documents according to any set of details, etc.);
  • search (full-text and detailed search of documents on a request of any complexity using the logical operations “AND”, “OR”, “NOT”;
  • contextual search);
  • export;
  • seal;
  • creation of electronic archives;
  • control and executive discipline;
  • creating reports.

It is possible to install the Euphrates Document Server module, which provides working together users with a single database.

Price: $199 including VAT.

IL-2. Stormtrooper

Developer: 1C: Maddox Games
Publisher: "1C"

Simulator of the legendary “flying tank” from the Great Patriotic War. The level of detail of the vehicle models is recognized as superior to most existing games from the leaders of the Western market. The quality of ground vehicle models is not inferior to the quality of tank simulator models, not to mention flight simulators. This is one of the most high-tech and historically accurate flight simulators in the history of the simulation genre. "IL-2. Stormtrooper" tells the story of the most large-scale battles that took place on the fronts in the period from 1941 to 1945. The game simulates 77 types of aircraft (of which you can fly 31), 86 types of tanks, armored vehicles and cars (both Soviet, American and German), several types of locomotives, platforms with tanks, cars and anti-aircraft guns, passenger and freight cars , Soviet and German howitzers, warships and even submarines!

The game also includes unique editor missions, with which you can create anything you want. You will not be able to change the map itself, but there are practically no restrictions on the placement of objects. All types of aircraft and ground vehicles are available in the editor, each unit can be assigned a route and goals - in general, the scale of the mission depends only on the power of your computer. Especially for those who do not like simulators because of their realism, various difficulty settings are provided.

Price - about 2.8 dollars.

Consultant Plus

Developer: ConsultantPlus

The ConsultantPlus family of legal reference systems includes 18 main software products: databases on federal and regional legislation, international law, judicial practice, databases of consultations on accounting and taxation. Users of the ConsultantPlus systems have access to legal acts of the Soviet period, as well as forms of business documentation.

ConsultantPlus systems are used in practice by managers, accountants, lawyers and other specialists whose work is related to the application and analysis of legislation. Users include large, medium and small enterprises of all forms of ownership and various areas of activity.

All systems are developed using a single software technology and are equipped with the necessary functions for searching for information and working with it. Documents in the database can be found by details (adopting authority, date or time range of adoption, type of document, number), and by subject, and by any words or phrases from the text or title. The texts of the documents are provided with hyperlinks to related (amending, supplementing, etc.) legal acts. The user can print documents from the system, write them to a file, and export them to MS Word for further work.

The ConsultantPlus software shell has been certified by Microsoft for compatibility with Windows operating systems and received the Microsoft logo “Certified for Microsoft Windows - Windows 2000 Professional”.

The ConsultantPlus system includes regular information updates. Standard information update- daily via telecommunications networks or weekly via courier delivery. The systems are supplied, as well as service maintenance, by 300 regional service centers of the ConsultantPlus network in 150 cities of Russia. Service maintenance includes updating information in the system on the user’s computer, free training in working with the system (with the issuance of a personalized certificate), free replacement software versions for new ones, consultations on the operation of systems and technical support.

The cost of supplying a specific system depends on the amount of data included.

As an example, we can cite the cost of supplying and updating the two most common systems: the system under federal legislation ConsultantPlus: VersionProf and systems for information and legal support for accounting departments ConsultantAccountant: VersionProf. Installation of the ConsultantPlus:VersionProf system (34,000 documents, up to 400 new per month) costs 23,802 rubles, updating information - 1,794 rubles. Delivery of the ConsultantAccountant:VersionProf system (11,400 regulatory documents and 31,600 consulting materials, up to 110 new documents and up to 700 consulting materials per month) costs 10,300 rubles. 80 kopecks, updating information - 1,120 rubles. 80 kop. (All data and prices are as of November 2001).

Lexicon 5.1

Developer: Arsenal

"Lexicon 5.1" is a full-featured word processor for Windows 98/Me/NT/2000, developed taking into account the peculiarities of the Russian language, the specifics of document preparation and office work. The program contains a rich set of functions (it makes it possible not only to enter text information, but also to format it in almost any way, it has a convenient and practical interface with flexible configuration tools.

In addition to all the traditional functions of working with text, Lexicon 5.1 has a unique document management system “Archive” - these are document catalogs, systematized according to various criteria, regardless of the direct placement of files with these documents. This version introduced a powerful navigation tool for the first time, allowing the user to see condensed content of all open documents. The program also has a document comparison function with the ability to edit the compared text.

Lexicon 5.1 is equipped with a new system for searching and correcting spelling errors, which automatically checks mixed texts in Russian and English in the background. It is also possible to instantly correct accidentally typed text. English mode keyboard Russian text, and vice versa.

Another one important feature"Lexicon 5.1" - universality. The editor supports file formats MS Word 6-8, RTF, TXT, HTML, DOS versions of the Lexicon. In addition, the program is fully compatible with the document management system Lotus Notes and can be used with it as a basic text editor.

A demo version of the product can be downloaded at:

Database management system LINTER

LINTER is an open relational DBMS with a client-server architecture that uses the SQL query language to access data. Linter implements the international standard ANSI/ISO SQL 92, support of which ensures compatibility with other systems.

The presence of an ODBC 3.x driver allows users to receive data from LINTER by accessing the database of today's most popular applications (Word, Excel, Access). Developers can create various application programs using application development tools such as Delphi, Visual Basic, Power Builder, C/C++, etc.

A JDBC interface has been created for customers who plan to make applications that use the Internet. JDBC LINTER (JDBC 1.2 specification) allows you to write applications in Java and provides access to the database via the Internet.

Linter runs on various operating systems: MS Windows NT/2000; 3.xx/95/98, Linux, FreeBSD, UnixWare, QNX, UNIX System V, SINIX, Sun Solaris, Digital UNIX, USIX, OS/9000, OS/9, QNX, VAX/VMS, OpenVMS, VX Works, HP -UX, Novell NetWare, MS-DOS, OS/2.

LINTER can work both on one computer and on a network - local or global, supporting network protocols: IPX/SPX, TCP/IP, NetBIOS and DECNet.

An important task is data protection and access restriction. In order to prevent leakage of confidential information, LINTER has a powerful security system. At the moment, LINTER is the only DBMS that has received a certificate from the State Technical Commission under the President of the Russian Federation for compliance with the 2nd class of protection against unauthorized access according to SVT.

The basis for the reliability of DBMS Linter's work with data is the system log, or transaction log, which displays all changes made to the data by all users of the system. LINTER implements four transaction modes: Optimistic, Pessimistic, Autocommit, Read-only. Data safety from equipment failures is ensured by an archiving and recovery program, and increased reliability of the information system is ensured by hot backup.

LINTER is a real-time system, so it is used in queuing systems where it is required operational processing events in the outside world and where it is unacceptably long to wait for a transaction to complete when the necessary data is in the possession of another user.

The ability to quickly full-text and XML search in large volumes of information allows you to use the system as a search engine when creating Web servers.

LINTER is constantly being improved and developed. The development team is constantly implementing new and new functions, some of which are unique to this DBMS.


Developer: Informatik

The popular domestic development "ORFO 2002" is a package that checks spelling in six languages: Russian, English, German, French, Spanish and Ukrainian. All languages ​​have a convenient tool for adding new words with all their forms. In addition to Microsoft products, ORFO connects to PageMaker, WordPerfect, WordPro and QuarkXPress, and the same user dictionary is used everywhere. If, for example, you prepare texts in MS Word and then transfer them for layout to PageMaker, then all new words added to the dictionary will automatically go to PageMaker.

For users working in other applications (Notepad, Navigator, Eudora Light, Exchange, etc.) or even in their own own windows, checking using hot keys using ORFO Agent is provided, as well as the Standalone Speller mini-editor with built-in spell checking of typed text or Clipboard content.

For some languages, you can additionally order specialized dictionaries in areas of knowledge such as business, technology, medicine, etc.

The Russian grammar module, unlike MS Word, checks several more difficult cases where errors are common. The Russian module "ORFO" additionally includes: an explanatory dictionary and a grammar reference book, compiling an abstract and a list of keywords, searching and replacing words in all forms, detailed reference system, macro command for arranging all possible hyphens, etc.

The fact that ORFO is used to check spelling in MS Office makes it one of the most common domestic programs.

Prices: “ORFO 2002” basic - $8, “ORFO 2002” professional - $99.

Well, of course, there is software that is developed exclusively for military purposes.

What conclusion can we draw from the above? That the transition to something remotely Russian is not yet possible for us. All software, except military software, was developed for the Windows and Mac OS X operating systems, and was developed for commercial purposes. Therefore, many software products are popular in the foreign market.

If we had hoped for Russian computer development, then we would still be sitting behind the sail and the Spectrum, downloading programs from reels and cassettes. This is what we advise officials to switch to; there is a huge advantage in this - the system is absolutely safe!

3DNews, September 27, 2017

The online publication 3D News Daily Digital Digest (, the first independent Russian publication dedicated to digital technologies, published a review of Russian operating systems, which included AstroSoft’s own development - RTOS MAX.

The policy of import substitution announced by the state has breathed new life into the market for domestically developed software platforms. Over the past few years, it has been replenished with many interesting products - both original and created from scratch, and built on the basis of Open Source solutions.

On the need for accelerated development domestic market Software, ensuring maximum independence from foreign developments in the field of high technology and maintaining information sovereignty were first discussed at the highest level in 2014, when US and EU sanctions sharply increased the risks associated with the use of foreign software in business and government organizations. It was then that the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation became seriously concerned about solving this strategically significant, in the opinion of officials, issue, along with stimulating demand for national products and developing appropriate measures to support domestic developers. As a result, restrictions on the admission of foreign software in state and municipal procurement, as well as rules for the formation and maintenance of unified register Russian programs. All this has had a positive impact on the software market in Russia, which has recently been replenished with many interesting projects and developments. Including in the field of operating systems.


Developer: "AstroSoft"

A real-time operating system (RTOS), written by AstroSoft programmers from scratch, without borrowing anyone else's code, and designed primarily for the Internet of Things and embedded devices. In addition, it is suitable for robotics, medical equipment, smart home and smart city systems, consumer electronics, etc. For the first time, the MAX real-time OS (the abbreviation stands for “multi-agent coherent system”) was demonstrated to a wide audience in January 2017. The platform not only implements all the classic functionality of products of this type, but also has a number of unique capabilities for organizing the interaction of many devices, making it possible to simplify the creation of mechanisms necessary for embedded systems: redundancy, hot-swappable equipment, etc. One of the features of MAX is support for shared memory at the device level. This mechanism ensures automatic synchronization of information between nodes of a distributed system, resistant to failures of individual components. RTOS "MAX" is included in the register of domestic software. In addition, the product is registered with the Federal Service for Intellectual Property (Rospatent) and is currently undergoing certification by the Federal Service for Technical and Export Control (FSTEC of Russia) for the fourth level of control of undeclared capabilities (NDV).

"Alt Linux SPT" is a unified Linux-based distribution for servers, workstations and thin clients with built-in software information protection, which can be used to build automated systems up to class 1B inclusive and information systems personal data (ISPDn) up to class 1K inclusive. The OS allows you to simultaneously store and process confidential data on one personal computer or server, provide multi-user work with restricted access to information, work with virtual machines, and also use centralized authorization tools. The certificate issued by FSTEC of Russia confirms the product’s compliance with the requirements of the following guidelines: “Means computer technology. Protection against unauthorized access to information. Indicators of security against unauthorized access to information” - according to security class 4; "Protection against unauthorized access to information. Part 1. Information security software. Classification according to the level of absence of undeclared capabilities" - according to the 3rd level of control and technical specifications. Technical support users of "Alt Linux SPT" is carried out by the company "Free Software and Technologies" through its partner developer "Basalt SPO".

The Viola platform is a set of enterprise-level Linux distributions that allow you to deploy corporate IT infrastructure of any scale. The platform includes three distributions. This is a universal “Viola Workstation”, which includes an operating system and a set of applications for full-fledged work. The second is the server distribution "Alt Server", which can act as an Active Directory domain controller and contains the most complete set of services and environments for creating a corporate infrastructure (DBMS, mail and web server, authentication tools, work group, virtual machine management and monitoring, and others tools). The third is “Alt Education 8”, focused on everyday use in planning, organizing and conducting the educational process in general, secondary and higher education. In addition, the Basalt SPO product series includes the above-mentioned certified Alt Linux SPT distribution kit and the Simply Linux operating system for home users.

A Russian project to create an ecosystem of software products based on the Linux distribution, designed for complex automation of workplaces and IT infrastructure of organizations and enterprises, including in data centers, on servers and client workstations. The platform is presented in the “OS.Office” and “OS.Server” versions. They differ in the sets of application software included in the distribution kit. The office edition of the product contains the operating system itself, information security tools, a package of programs for working with documents, an email client and a browser. The server version includes an operating system, information security tools, monitoring and system management tools, an email server and a DBMS. Potential users of the platform include federal and regional authorities, local governments, companies with state participation and state corporations. It is expected that the OSi-based ecosystem will in the near future become a full-fledged alternative to Western analogues.

Astra Linux
Developer: NPO "Russian Basic Information Technologies" (RusBITech)

Development of the research and production association "RusBITech", presented in two versions: Astra Linux Common Edition (general purpose) and Astra Linux Special Edition (special purpose). Features of the latest version of the OS: developed means of ensuring information security of processed data, a mechanism for mandatory access control and control of the closedness of the software environment, built-in tools for marking documents, recording events, monitoring data integrity, as well as other components that ensure information protection. According to the developers, Astra Linux Special Edition is the only software platform, certified simultaneously in the certification systems for protective equipment FSTEC information Russia, the FSB, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and allowing information to be processed in automated means from all ministries, departments and other institutions of the Russian Federation limited access, containing information constituting a state secret classified no higher than “top secret”.

The ROSA Linux family of operating systems includes an impressive set of solutions designed for home use (version ROSA Fresh) and application in a corporate environment (ROSA Enterprise Desktop), deployment of infrastructure IT services of the organization (ROSA Enterprise Linux Server), processing of confidential information and personal data (ROSA Kobalt), as well as information constituting state secrets (ROSA Chrome and "Nickel"). The listed products are based on the developments of Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Mandriva and CentOS with the inclusion large quantity additional components - including original ones created by programmers of the scientific and technical center for information technologies "ROSA". In particular, OS distributions for the corporate segment of the market include virtualization tools, software for organizing Reserve copy, tools for building private clouds, as well as centralized management network resources and data storage systems.

Calculate Linux is available in Desktop, Directory Server, Scratch, and Scratch Server editions and is designed with home users and SMBs in mind who prefer to use open source software instead of proprietary solutions. Platform features: full-fledged operation in heterogeneous networks, a mechanism for roaming user profiles, tools for centralized software deployment, ease of administration, the ability to install on portable USB drives and support for binary repositories of Gentoo updates. It is important that the development team is accessible and open to any comments, suggestions and wishes of the user audience, as evidenced by the huge number of ways to get involved in the Calculate Linux community and platform development.

Developer: Sergey Volkov

A certified and secure operating system that allows you to process information in accordance with Federal Law No. 152 “On Personal Data” and implement systems for processing restricted access information that is not related to state secrets. ICLinux includes remote administration tools, has a built-in firewall certified for compliance with the RD ME for security class 3, supports RDP, X-Windows System, SSH, Telnet, VNC, VPN, NX, ICA and other protocols. The platform’s assets also include compatibility with the authentication tools of the Aladdin R.D. company. and a modular architecture that allows you to flexibly customize the operating system to suit customer requirements.

"Alpha OS" (Alfa OS)
Developer: ALFA Vision company

Another Linux clone, equipped with a user interface a la macOS with a set of familiar office applications and filled with deep philosophical meaning. No joke, on the developer’s website in the “About the Company” section, it says: “An operating system is a special phenomenon, a point at which technological, aesthetic and humanitarian concepts converge. A peak that is visible from all sides. For it to shine and become what it should be, a wide variety of meaningful experiences are needed. And we have it." There is so much expression in these words, what a presentation of information! Agree, not everyone can present their product to a wide audience so expressively. Currently, Alpha OS is presented as a desktop version for x86-compatible systems. In the future, ALFA Vision intends to roll out mobile and server editions of the OS to the market, as well as a distribution kit for devices based on ARM processors.

Developer: JSC "MCST"

A software platform developed specifically for computing systems with SPARC and Elbrus architecture. A special feature of the system is the radically redesigned Linux kernel, which has implemented special mechanisms for managing processes, virtual memory, interrupts, signals, synchronization, and support for tagged calculations. “We have done fundamental work to transform the Linux OS into an operating system that supports real-time operation, for which relevant optimizations have been implemented in the kernel. During real-time work, you can set various modes for processing external interrupts, scheduling calculations, exchanges with disk drives, and some others,” explains the MCST company. In addition, a set of tools for protecting information from unauthorized access is built into the core of the Elbrus software platform, which allows you to use the OS to build automated systems that meet the highest information security requirements. The system also includes archiving, task scheduling, software development and other tools.

"Red OS"
Developer: Red Soft company

An operating system based on the Linux kernel, designed to ensure the security of processed data. "Red OS" complies with domestic requirements for information protection, has pre-configured configurations for each hardware architecture, uses GOST 34.11-2012 algorithms ssh protocols and NX, and also supports access control lists. In addition, the OS supports network authentication using plug-in authentication modules (PAM, Pluggable Authentication Modules) and includes a specialized distributed audit subsystem that allows you to monitor critical security events in the corporate network and provides the IT administrator with necessary tools for prompt response to information security incidents.

GosLinux (“GosLinux”)
Developer: Red Soft company

GosLinux OS is created specifically for the needs Federal service bailiffs of the Russian Federation (FSSP of Russia) and is suitable for use in all authorities, state extra-budgetary funds and local governments. The platform is built on the CentOS 6.4 distribution, which includes developments from Red Hat Enterprise Linux. The system is presented in two editions - for servers and workstations, contains a simplified graphical interface and a set of pre-configured information security tools. The OS developer is the Red Soft company, which won the competition in March 2013 for the development, implementation and maintenance of automated information systems of the Federal Bailiff Service of Russia. In 2014, the system received a certificate of conformity from the FSTEC of Russia, confirming that GosLinux has an estimated trust level of OUD3 and complies with the requirements of the governing document of the State Technical Commission of the Russian Federation for the 4th level of control over the absence of undeclared capabilities. The GosLinux OS distribution for government agencies is located in the national fund of algorithms and programs at Currently, the GosLinux platform is being actively deployed in all territorial bodies and divisions of the Federal Bailiff Service of Russia. The OS was also handed over for trial operation to representatives of the authorities of the Nizhny Novgorod, Volgograd and Yaroslavl regions.

A secure general-purpose operating system designed for building stationary and mobile secure automated systems in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Accepted for supply to the RF Armed Forces in 2002. The WSWS is based on the core and Linux components, supplemented by discretionary, mandate and role models for delimiting access to information. The system operates on hardware platforms Intel (x86 and x86_64), SPARC (Elbrus-90micro), MIPS, PowerPC64, SPARC64 and is certified according to the information security requirements of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. The security measures implemented in WSWS make it possible to create automated systems based on the platform that process information that constitutes a state secret and has a secrecy level of “SS” (top secret).

Developer: FSUE "Central Research Institute of Economics, Informatics and Control Systems" ("CSRI EISU", part of the "United Instrument-Making Corporation")

A family of software platforms based on the Linux kernel, which represent an alternative to foreign operating systems currently used in law enforcement agencies, the public sector and defense enterprises. The Zarya desktop operating system is compatible with most traditional office applications and programs. The Zarya-DPC server platform allows you to organize an application server or database server. To build data centers, it offers a standard set of server software, virtualization tools, as well as the ability to work on so-called “big hardware,” including mainframes. For embedded systems operating without human intervention, which must process information in real time, a special OS “Zarya RV” has been developed. The system corresponds to the third class of protection against unauthorized access and the second level of control over the absence of undeclared capabilities. The platform was developed by order of the Russian Ministry of Defense and is expected to be in demand by law enforcement agencies, the defense complex, as well as commercial structures working with state secrets and personal data.

Another software platform for deploying workplaces in the IT infrastructure of an enterprise using inexpensive terminal solutions. The WTware distribution includes services for downloading over the network, tools for working with printers, barcode scanners and other peripheral equipment. COM and USB port redirection is supported, as well as smart card authentication. To connect to the terminal server, the RDP protocol is used, and to quickly resolve issues that arise when setting up the operating system, detailed documentation is included in the distribution kit. WTware is distributed under commercial terms and licensed by the number of workstations. For the Raspberry Pi mini-computer, the developer offers free version OS.

Developer: Kaspersky Lab

A secure operating system designed for use in critical infrastructures and devices. The Kaspersky Lab platform can be used in automated process control systems (APCS), telecommunications equipment, medical devices, cars and other gadgets from the world of the Internet of Things. The OS was created from scratch and, due to its architecture, guarantees high level information security. The basic operating principle of KasperskyOS comes down to the rule “everything that is not permitted is prohibited.” This eliminates the possibility of exploiting both already known vulnerabilities and those that will be discovered in the future. At the same time, all security policies, including prohibitions on performing certain processes and actions, are configured in accordance with the needs of the organization. The platform will be supplied as pre-installed software on various types equipment used in industrial and corporate networks. Currently, Kaspersky Lab's secure OS is embedded in an L3 routing switch developed by Kraftway.

As a conclusion