How to install the NVIDIA video card driver without unnecessary components. How to install a driver on a laptop? How to install drivers from disk

Along with the widespread use of personal computers and laptops, a lot of problems have predictably appeared for dummies, especially when reinstalling the operating system. One of these problems is a critical shortage of drivers for important devices. Many novice users do not even think that after reinstalling the operating system, they simply will not be able to go online to download the required driver. Therefore, in this article we will figure out how to install drivers on a laptop or computer from a flash drive.

Using a flash drive when installing drivers simplifies system setup.

The most common problem, as already mentioned, is the lack of drivers on devices that provide Internet access. If you can find drivers for other devices on the network, then there is nothing you can do here, you need to have the necessary software on a flash drive or download it to another computer and from there transfer the data to the “patient”.

To avoid such situations, a competent user always has a set of specific drivers specifically for his machine. This greatly simplifies life and the initial setup of the computer after reinstalling the operating system. According to the law of meanness, most users do not have such a set, so we will first figure out how to do without it, and then collect it bit by bit so that next time we can complete the installation in ten minutes.

There are a great many ways to install drivers, but only the manufacturer’s website can be considered a truly correct and “honest” source of support. Only this way and nothing more.

ATTENTION. By downloading something you don’t know and where you don’t know where, you can screw up the system once or twice.

In any case, we will analyze all the methods, and then you can decide for yourself what is convenient and right for you.

Method one, for the lazy

DriverPack Solution, where would we be without it? This is a collection of the most frequently encountered drivers. All drivers. The newer the version, the more new drivers it contains. The collection is very heavy. At the time of writing, the complete collection weighs about ten gigabytes, although there is also a version with a loader that detects drivers that are missing and downloads only them.

This option is suitable if you still have Internet access on a fresh machine. After launching the program, all drivers that seem necessary to the program are evaluated and installed, this is its main disadvantage. Not all drivers are always installed, and the necessary drivers are not always installed. Therefore, this method can be considered a backup when normal, up-to-date software that will definitely suit your devices is simply not at hand.

So, what do we need to do to use the program:

  • If we don't have internet access. Download the version with all available drivers, put it on a flash drive and run the program on the patient. The installation takes place, after which we finalize the software for the devices that the program missed.
  • If we have access to the network. We take the boot file and the program downloads only the necessary drivers, after which it installs them. Better quality option.

After the program's actions, problems with installing drivers often appear; some devices are displayed as unknown, which makes it very difficult to find the necessary software.

Method two, correct

Correct installation of drivers from a flash drive. Before reinstalling the system, we determine which drivers we need to install in order to gain access to the Internet. The choice of device depends on how exactly you connect to the Internet: via Wi-Fi, PPoE, 3G modem or ADSL. After reinstalling Windows, we install the software, which will allow us to access the Internet, and then we download the software for each device that needs it, after which we copy this entire assembly onto a separate medium and store it until the next demolition of Windows.

So, actually, how to search for drivers? We have two options: go to the manufacturer’s website and download everything you need specifically for our car model, or download software for each specific device by its ID. If everything is clear with the first method, then many may not have heard of the second, let’s figure it out.

We need to get into Device Manager. This is done like this: right-click on “My Computer” and select “Properties”. In the window that appears, pay attention to the left column, where we find the “Device Manager” item. Another window will open, showing all devices currently connected to our system. Devices that require software will be marked with an exclamation point, these are the devices we will be working with.

Right-click on any of them and select “Properties”. Next, go to the “Details” tab and in the drop-down list we find the line “Equipment ID”. The information field will contain several lines with incomprehensible squiggles, which is what we need.

We take one of the IDs, we will use it to search for a driver. We have two options: go to a specialized website or enter a query directly into a search engine. Choose what suits you best. At the time of writing, the website provides services for finding the required driver. Inside the site, we enter our ID into the search bar and perform a search. In the results obtained, click on the “Save” button next to one of the drivers, a new window will open where we need to find a line with a direct link to download the archive. Do not click on the huge “Download” buttons, these are advertising banners.

After we have downloaded the archive, we either unpack it and run the executive file, or use the driver update in the device manager. This is done through the context menu, right-click on any device and select “Update drivers”, search on this computer, specify the path to our archive. This method sometimes fails, then you should start the installation manually by unpacking the archive yourself.

Third method, Windows tools

A large amount of software is stored in Microsoft databases, it would be a shame not to use them. We will enable auto-update for all devices. This method especially often helps when setting up printers and other office devices.

Go to “Devices and Printers”, right-click on any of the groups and select “Device Installation Settings”. In the windows that appear, we allow Windows to automatically search for and install drivers and updates.

If Windows update is disabled, this function will not appear. Immediately after enabling auto-updates, a specific icon will most likely appear in the tray, by clicking on which you can track the success of the search and installation of the driver. In some cases, the driver will be found and installed. But it is not recommended to use this method as the main one.


So, we figured out how to install drivers on a computer or laptop from a flash drive. In fact, a flash drive is only a tool for storing your personal build for a specific machine. All preparation should be done before you are left without the Internet, remember this. We must download everything we need onto the media, and then use it. Alternatively, you can store the necessary drivers on a partition of the disk that you will not format. Then the external drive will not be useful. Be careful to download only clean software, preferably from the manufacturer’s website.

If you have any questions, ask them in the comments!

Hello dear reader! The topic of today's article will be drivers. We will understand the very concept of what a driver is, their purpose, and also learn about how to install the driver.

Let's start with the concept of a driver - this is a special program through which the operating system can control any device. It is necessary for every computer device (both external and internal).

Not all equipment requires installation that requires user intervention. This happens because the operating system has a built-in set of drivers for the most popular devices, when connecting which you only need to wait a while before starting work.

To check whether the driver for a device is installed, you can use the Windows Device Manager. To open it, you need to right-click on “My Computer” and select the “Properties” menu.

If you have Windows 7, then on the left click “Advanced options”, a window will open in which go to the “Hardware” tab and click on the “Device Manager” button.

If you have Windows XP installed, then when you click on “Properties”, a window will open where you need to go to the “Hardware” - “Device Manager” tab.

If there are no items in the list opposite which there are yellow question marks or exclamation marks in a yellow circle, we can assume that all the necessary drivers are installed on the computer. Otherwise, you do not have any driver installed or there is a device conflict.

So, we figured out what a driver is.

Now let's talk about the pressing problem, the lack of the necessary driver on the computer, where you can get it and how to install it.

Driver installation procedure

Driver installation typically occurs through two methods: an executable file (.exe) and an installation information file (.inf).

In the first case, installation comes down to running the file and answering the installer’s questions. The installation program itself will find the device for which the driver is being installed or will report its absence if the wrong file was launched. For most devices, driver installation is not possible unless it is connected to the computer.

With this installation method ( exe) additional components are often installed along with the driver. Sometimes the user is asked if these add-ons are needed, and sometimes they are installed automatically, without notification. These can be various support centers that report the status of the printer and offer to buy consumables or utilities for more detailed configuration of the device.

Additional programs that are installed with drivers play a supporting role, but are not responsible for the performance of the device. Such components can be convenient and useful, or they can get in the way. If, after installing the driver, you find new programs and they do not bring any benefit at all, you can safely remove them.

When installing from a file. inf You must first run the driver update wizard for your specific device. To do this, you need to right-click on the line with an unknown device, and in the manager select the menu item “Update driver” (in Windows XP) or “Update drivers” (in Windows 7).

You can also wait until Windows detects the new device when you boot your computer and starts the installation wizard. In the window that appears, you will need to stop searching for a driver on the Internet and click “Next”.

At the next stage, you can leave the switch on the “Automatic” or “Automatically search for updated drivers” item, in this case you will have to wait quite a long time, so it is better to select the “Install from a specified location” or “Search for a driver on this computer” checkbox.

In this case, you will need to specify the path to the folder in which the file with driver installation information is located. The installation wizard will scan the folder or all removable media and select the appropriate file for the device. If you select “Search on removable media” in Windows XP, the procedure will take a little longer than when specifying a specific folder. With this method, only the driver itself will be installed without any additional components.

During installation, a message may appear stating that “The driver is not digitally signed.” The digital signature of the driver is a guarantee that you are dealing with an original product that has been tested for compatibility with the OS.

“Originality” means that the file has not been modified by anyone except the equipment manufacturer itself. If the file is received from a reliable source (the disk supplied with the equipment or the manufacturer’s official website), then you can agree to install without a signature, otherwise it is advisable to refuse the installation and look for a reliable driver.

There are also often times when Windows displays a message stating that the driver has not been tested for your version of Windows. See below for what the message looks like. If you are sure that the driver you are installing is suitable for your system, then click “Continue Anyway”.

During the driver installation process, the system may issue a security warning, do not worry and click “Install this driver anyway.” See below for what the error looks like.

Where to find drivers

The easiest and most reliable way to find a suitable driver is to use the disk that comes with the equipment. They usually have two installation methods. That is, there are both inf and exe files. In addition, autorun has a convenient menu that is easy to navigate and select the desired component.

After clicking on the menu, the autorun program will launch the required driver file itself. The presence of .inf files also makes it possible to use the Windows Driver Update Wizard, specifying the optical drive as the search location. In such disks, there is a button “Install all”.

This installation source may not work for several simple reasons: the disk was not included with the equipment, it is lost or has become unusable, it is also possible that the disk does not contain drivers for your operating system (for example, the printer was purchased during Windows XP, and you switched to Windows 7).

If there is no disk, you will have to go to the manufacturer’s website. To find the required driver on the website, you need to navigate by the words: “Download”, “Support”, “Driver”.

Once in the desired section, select the device category (video card, sound, etc.), and then the model from the list (or manually enter it in the search field), and the operating system in which the device will operate.

Let me remind you that you can find out the name of the OS in the system properties - “Win” + “Pause Break” or right-click on “My Computer” and select “Properties”.

If we talk about laptops, we should remember that the same model may have different modifications; accordingly, some components may be missing or, on the contrary, added to the kit, a discrete card, for example. Therefore, you don’t need to download everything from the page with drivers for your computer.

There is also another source of drivers, jokingly called a “secret weapon” by experts. This tool received such a loud name because it is capable of installing a driver on almost any modern device and usually installation occurs within 5-10 minutes.

We are talking about the driver installation manager. This is a program that has a large collection of drivers for almost all current devices in one program.

It can be downloaded from the Internet. The most popular, but not the only one of its kind, is the Driver Pack Solution program. After launching, it may ask you to download the latest drivers, then scan the system (this will take some time) and display a message about how many drivers need to be installed and how many need to be updated. After that, you just need to click a button that will start the installation process.

In order to see the list of devices for which the program intends to install drivers, you need to check the “Expert Mode” checkbox on the left side of the window. In this case, you can choose which drivers you want to install and which not.

There is, of course, another way to find a driver - use Google or another search engine and download it from the so-called Vareznik sites. But it is not advisable to use this method, since you can easily run into a malicious program.

The administration of such sites usually disclaims all responsibility for the content posted; in addition, information on them can be added by ordinary users without additional verification.

Of course, there are resources that have been tested over many years from which you can download without fear. Still, you should understand that no one is immune, and even with drivers found on reliable sites, problems can arise.

See you soon!

P.S. I found a video for you where you can see clearly how to install the driver through the device manager.

Surely many people know that the operating system is capable of installing them automatically.

As a rule, this is done as soon as a new device is discovered.

But sometimes there are situations when automatic driver installation is either completely impossible or ends with an error message.

In such cases, you will have to take the matter into your own hands and install everything manually. There are several ways to do this. Let's look at them.

Installing drivers using standard Windows tools

In order to manually install the necessary driver, you need to use a utility called “Device Manager”.

It allows you to configure connected equipment, as well as install and correctly update drivers for various components, for example, a network or sound card, if you need to configure the sound.

By the way, the installation procedure in all cases comes down to a few simple points:

  • Selecting installation method - automatic / manual
  • Specifying the driver storage location

So, the first thing you need to do is go to the “Control Panel”, which is accessible through the “Start” menu or, if the icon was previously displayed, through the “Desktop”.

Before us is a window with a large number of different items. What is it? This list is nothing more than all the elements connected to your computer.

As you can see in the figure below, they are grouped into items. So, “Disk devices” are responsible for all kinds of CD and DVD drives that you have.

“Sound devices,” as you might guess, are responsible for sound output.

But in “Network adapters” the user can find connected network cards, as well as wireless components, if available. Actually, the “Device Manager” itself is an example:

Installing or updating any driver, for example, a sound, network or video card, is quite simple. To do this, you need to select the required device.

In our example, for clarity, this will be a network card. Having selected it, you need to right-click and go to properties.

By clicking on it, select the item “Search and install drivers manually” and indicate the path to the folder where the driver we need is stored. That's it, it's done!

Second manual installation method

If for some reason using the above method seems difficult to some users, then it is possible to use a more simplified management of drivers for a sound card and other devices.

To do this, you need to correctly follow a couple of simple steps.

First you need to launch the Run window, which allows you to access all the functions of the Windows operating system by entering the name of the desired function.

You can find this item either in the same Start menu, or, which is much faster and easier, by pressing the Ctrl-R key combination.

We are interested in the second method called “Installing equipment manually selected from the list”:

Now you need to select the line “Show all devices” - as you might guess, displaying all connected elements, or select the necessary category to display, for example, only audio devices responsible for sound, or a video card.

As a result, as in the method described above, we indicate the storage location of the audio driver, and after installation is complete, we reboot the computer.

Automatic installation and update of drivers using special applications

Sometimes there are cases when it is necessary to install a large number of drivers at once - sound card, video card, network card, etc.

This happens especially often immediately after installing the operating system.

In order to avoid having to install for each device separately, applications have been developed to simplify and also speed up this process.

One of these applications is a utility called, which is quite well known to Russian-speaking users.

Once launched, the application will immediately display devices that require driver installation.

Advice! If you have free time, do not be lazy to download the offline version of DriverPack Solution and copy it to a flash card. If you reinstall Windows, this will allow you to quickly install the necessary drivers even without an Internet connection!

How to use this utility? Quite simple. Having launched it, we will see the message “Found drivers for updating and installation” - but this is not what is needed.

Scroll down and select “Expert Mode”:

After this, we will be taken to a window where all found components will be displayed.

As you can see, everything is quite simple. Well, in the end, as usual, we reboot the PC.

Most users of this utility after the first use were left with a very good first impression.

You can purchase an annual subscription for 635 rubles.

The low cost will pleasantly surprise you, and you will also be pleased by the fact that the license can be used on two computers at once.

This is something you rarely see among other paid programs.

The developer, in addition to the ordered program, provides the opportunity to use three more utilities from Karambis for a whole month for free: a cleaner, a program for automatically searching for updates for all programs and a photo editor.

This way you can test each of the applications, excellent inexpensive analogues to popular paid programs.

The utility will help solve the problem with the video card driver if Windows' automatic search did not help fix the problem, this is especially true when games have consistently poor graphics quality.

If the operating system installed on a PC or laptop begins to work unstable (constant freezes, errors), the manufacturers of this utility offer another solution - the program.

It will fix any problems that have arisen and improve performance several times.

An excellent example is the Carambis Cleaner utility - it was created by the best developers who specialize in programs to improve the performance and update of all system components.

Features and features of the application:

  • Fast program optimization;
  • Convenient user interface;
  • Built-in task scheduler;
  • Quick troubleshooting.

The utility is paid. It can be purchased on the manufacturer’s official website for only 130 rubles (the cost of a monthly subscription).

The program is aimed at working with Windows operating systems; it allows you to quickly identify all their shortcomings and delete system files that have not been used for a long time.

When the system needs scanning, the program will notify you about it.

The user can perform optimization using special keys on the main toolbar of the program.

The free GeForce Experience utility allows you to install drivers for your video card, as well as update them as new versions become available.

Its use is very simple.

After installing the program, it will check for the latest version of the program and offer to install it, all you have to do is agree and wait a couple of minutes, to do this, go to the “Drivers” tab and click the “Download driver” button:

Drivers are special intermediary programs that establish interaction between the operating system and computer hardware. If the driver is outdated or missing, then the PC component for which it is responsible may not work correctly or not work at all. This explains why your computer should always have up-to-date drivers.

The DriverPack service automates the process of installing and updating drivers for Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 and 10. It can save your time and nerves: the entire installation and configuration process fits into a few simple steps.

DriverPack offers different options for downloading drivers. Which one to choose depends on whether the Internet is working or not.

How to install drivers on Windows with an active Internet connection

If the computer on which you want to install drivers is already connected to the Internet, then the procedure will be very simple.

Open the DriverPack Solution website and download the DriverPack Online utility. She herself will find the necessary drivers on the Internet, download them and install them on your .

Temporarily disable your antivirus so that it does not interfere, and run the downloaded file. In the running program, click on “Expert Mode” - the inscription at the bottom of the window.

Open the “Software” tab and uncheck the boxes next to unnecessary applications. If you do not do this, DriverPack Online will install Yandex Browser, Opera and other programs that you may not need along with the drivers.

Go to the "Drivers" tab and click on "Install All".

Wait for the installation to complete and restart your computer. After rebooting, all necessary drivers should be installed.

How to install drivers if there are problems with the Internet

If the computer on which you need to install drivers cannot connect to the Network (which often happens after reinstalling Windows), there is probably a problem with the network hardware drivers. In this case, you can download them separately using a spare PC to copy and install on the main one. After this, the Internet on your computer should work, so you can install the remaining drivers online.

So, go to the DriverPack Solution website using any suitable device and download the DriverPack Network archive. It contains the drivers necessary for the operation of network equipment, and a program for their automatic installation.

Copy the archive to the computer where you want to install new drivers and unzip it. Disable the antivirus and run the DriverPack.exe file that was in the archive.

In the running program window, click on “Expert Mode”.

Once on the “Drivers” tab, click on “Install all”.

Wait for the installation to complete and restart your computer. After the reboot, the Internet should work, and you can install the remaining drivers according to the instructions from the first paragraph of the article.


Often, the correct operation of the operating system depends on the availability of the necessary drivers. But very often there are situations when you install some equipment yourself, for example, connect a printer to a computer, but it does not detect it. The problem is that the system does not have the necessary software, and the user can only find it himself and save it in the OS.

How to install a device driver manually

note! You must understand that it is best to install proven drivers from the official websites of component or peripheral manufacturers.

This process takes several minutes and involves downloading the executable file and running it on the system.

But there are times when you need to connect a device that is not the most modern, or for some reason the first installation option is not possible. In this case, follow the steps below:

1. First you must find suitable drivers to install. Remember that for successful execution you need to unpack the file with the *.inf extension, which is responsible for the entire installation process. Be sure to remember the location where you have this file.

2. The next step is to disable User Account Control so that Windows does not complain about sudden changes in the system.

3. Next, go to Device Manager (Start-Control Panel-Device Manager), where you will immediately see an unrecognized device marked with an exclamation mark, which indicates that the installation was incorrect or the necessary drivers are missing.

4. Right-click on it and select “Update Drivers”.

5. In the new window, select “Browse this computer for driver software.”

In order for the search for the necessary files to also be carried out in our source folder, do not forget to check the box next to the inscription: “Including subfolders”. Specify the path to the desired directory where you copied the installation files.

After restarting, go to Device Manager and check if the exclamation mark has disappeared. If it is not there, congratulations, you did everything correctly and your device should work correctly. If this does not happen, it is recommended to repeat the procedure, but using a different version of the driver.

In addition, I would also like to say that today on the Internet you can find entire collections of drivers (Driver Packs), which implement manual installation and automatic updating. They are especially useful when there is no Internet on the computer, and you need to identify the device.

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