Programs like notepad. Two reasons power users love Notepad. Setting the display type

IN standard delivery Windows OS includes the simplest text editor NOTEPAD (NOTEPAD). It has minimal tools for entering and editing texts, but it is precisely because of the minimality of these tools that it is preferred in many cases.

The program is launched using the commands Start/Programs/Accessories/Notepad .

Program window NOTEBOOK has a work area and a small menu bar. IN workspace cursor is located - flashing vertical bar. The cursor determines the location where the new character entered will appear. Lower case entered using alphanumeric keys. To enter capital letters When pressing the alphabetic key, you must hold down the key.

If you need to enter many capital letters in a row, it is convenient to press the key. Go to new line carried out by pressing the key. Using the command Editing/Word Wrap You can set automatic transition to a new line when the right border of the window is reached. Then pressing a key will end one paragraph and start a new one. The distance from the left edge is set using the key. Tabulation is also used in cases where it is necessary to arrange text in the form of a table: the key is used to align the columns.

Editing (editing) text is making changes to a document.

NOTEBOOK only works in insert mode. This means that the character entered expands the previously entered characters.

The character to the left of the cursor is deleted with the key, and the character to the right of the cursor is deleted with the key. You can control the cursor movement the following keys:

  • – moves the cursor to the beginning of the current line
  • – moves the cursor to the end of the current line
  • -[→] – forward one word
  • -[←] – back a word
  • - – to the beginning of the document
  • - – to the end of the document
  • – screen page up
  • – one screen page down

The cursor can also be positioned at the desired location by clicking the mouse.

Another opportunity fast travel according to the text - use the command Search/Find . In the dialog box that opens, enter the input line Sample you need to enter the word or phrase you want to find and press the button Find next. The searched word will be highlighted.

NOTEBOOK allows you to work with blocks of text. First, a fragment of text must be selected by dragging the mouse (moving the mouse while holding down the left button) or using a key combination and cursor arrows. The selected fragment is deleted using the key. Copying or moving a fragment can be done using a buffer Windows Exchange:

-[X] – delete a fragment to the buffer -[C] – copy a fragment to the buffer -[V] – paste a fragment from the buffer

These are the “hot” keys for commands from the menu Edit .

Program NOTEBOOK allows you to work with only one document. But you can run it twice and copy blocks of text between two documents opened in different windows.

In a programme NOTEBOOK The same order of saving information is used as in all Windows OS applications. Data is saved as a file. The file must receive a name, address and extension. The file address (folder) is selected by the user. If it does not specify a folder, then the folder that is used by default in this program is used. The name is chosen by the user. The extension usually does not need to be specified: the application “knows” what type the file is and will automatically substitute necessary expansion. NOTEBOOK assigns the extension .txt to files. If the application can save data in several formats, then you need to specify the type of file to be saved.

If the document is being saved for the first time and does not yet have a name, then you need to give the command File/Save As . In the dialog box that opens, select a folder, file type, and enter a name. Then you need to click on the Save button. If the document already has a name and was previously saved, then you can give the command File/Save . The file will be saved under the same name and will overwrite previous file. If you need to save a copy of the file under a new name, then you need to give the command File/Save As and set a new name in the dialog box.


This plugin converts selected text (or ASCII hex string) to ASCII or hex strings of your choice. The format of the generated hex string can be set by changing the options in the section of converter.ini . To do this you will need to restart the Notepad++ editor

With this Notepad++ plugin you can run command line with parameters. Notepad++ even includes instructions on how to create script compilations for each source code file type.

Using this plugin you can solve various complex tasks. For example, you need to use NppExec to compile your C files, run them, and show your data.

Here's how it's done for Perl. That is, it simply adapts to C

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 * Open Notepad * Type F6 to open the execute window * write the following commands: o npp_save< -- Saves the current document o CD $(CURRENT_DIRECTORY) <-- Moves to the current directory o perl.exe -c -w "$(FILE_NAME)" <-- executes the command perl.exe -c -w , example: perl.exe -c -w (-c = compile -w = warnings) * Click on Save * Type a name to save the script (ie Perl Compile) * Go to Menu Plugins -> Nppexec -> advanced options -> Menu Item * In the combobox select the script recently created and click ok -> ok * Restart Notepad * Go to Menu Settings -> Shortcut mappter -> Plugins -> search for the script name * Select the shortcut to use ( ie ctrl + 1), click ok * Verify that you can now run the script created with the shortcut selected.

* Open Notepad * Type F6 to open the execute window * write the following commands: o npp_save< -- Saves the current document o CD $(CURRENT_DIRECTORY) <-- Moves to the current directory o perl.exe -c -w "$(FILE_NAME)" <-- executes the command perl.exe -c -w , example: perl.exe -c -w (-c = compile -w = warnings) * Click on Save * Type a name to save the script (ie Perl Compile) * Go to Menu Plugins -> Nppexec -> advanced options -> Menu Item * In the combobox select the script recently created and click ok -> ok * Restart Notepad * Go to Menu Settings -> Shortcut mappter -> Plugins -> search for the script name * Select the shortcut to use ( ie ctrl + 1), click ok * Verify that you can now run the script created with the shortcut selected.


Useful Notepad++ plugin, with which you can export files to html, rtf formats

Here's how it works. Open the file, go to the “P” tab l Agina" > NppExport > Export to HTML. That is, we export the file to HTML format. The code can be viewed in any browser

An extremely useful plugin. With its help you can work with files directly on the server. The plugin allows you to instantly download files from the server, make changes to them directly in the editor window, and save them, thereby automatically sending the changed file back to the server. It's very convenient, believe me!


With this Notepad++ plugin you will be able to give the ability to edit a file remotely. That is, you can connect yourself, or let your friend connect to your file, and after that you can both edit the file simultaneously.


This plugin is the brain of the text upgrade system Notepad editor++. With this plugin, the user can update, remove or install plugins for Notepad++. Simply open this plugin, select the plugin from the list of available downloads, and install it. Or we just update the plugins. There are a lot of them. I have 10 plugins installed by default, and in the list of available ones I counted 72 plugins for Notepad++!!! Small clarification. In Windows 7, to update, you must run the program as an administrator.


This plugin is designed to check spelling, similar to Word's built-in dictionary. Everything is the same here by analogy. You just need to install ASpell first.

Other useful features of the free text editor Notepad++

1. Syntax highlighting

This may be one of the reasons why I use the free text editor Notepad++. Its capabilities in terms of syntax highlighting are amazing. The number of languages ​​used is enormous. In the latest version of the program there are so many of them that they had to be divided into separate categories, because they simply no longer fit in the window. If you wish, you can create your own rules for syntax highlighting.

For example, let's highlight php code

In addition to the actual highlighting itself, the advantage is that the information is divided into special containers, with the help of which you can study complex code so as not to get confused. IN in this case from the screenshot above, I expanded line 745 (clicked on the “-” minus icon) to view the entire container. Now instead of the minus “-” there is a plus “+”, and learning the code becomes easier and clearer

2. EditorNotepad++ in encodingUTF-8 (withoutBOM)

UTF-8 translated from English means Unicode conversion format. Today this encoding is one of the most popular and used. It provides a Unicode representation that is compatible with 8-bit text encoding.

Now regarding the UTF-8 encoding without BOM, which you may have already heard about. The fact is that WordPress engine(see) works with UTF-8 encoding, but if you use a standard Windows notepad, then when saving files in UTF-8 encoding, this beauty adds invisible characters to PHP files. They are what are called BOM. Therefore, UTF-8 without BOM means that the file does not contain all this joy, i.e. extra invisible characters. This problem can be successfully solved using the free text editor Notepad++, which can convert or save HTML files(see) and PHP (see).

You can convert a file from its original encoding to UTF-8 encoding (without BOM) as follows:

Everything is done simply. Take, for example, a file containing English text, enter Russian letters instead of English ones, then go to the “Encodings” tab, select “Convert to UTF-8 without BOM”, and click on the floppy disk icon. That's it, the file is saved.


The Notepad++ program contains such a useful thing. Suppose I have several files in .txt format, where I store all sorts of necessary information: different html codes, reminders. In general, current work information, and simply frequently used information. Well, for example, I need to find tags for some purpose (no matter what) in my .txt file . In addition to these tags, this file may contain a bunch of other information. And for me to find these tags , I will need to scroll the document up and down until I find it. The end result is a stupid job. And if you need to open this .txt file not once, but several times a day, then in the end it turns out that for some time we are just stupidly wasting time scrolling the document up and down. The problem can be easily solved. We find the line we need and double-click next to its number. And immediately a bookmark will appear opposite it. And then this bookmark can be easily found by pressing F2 on the keyboard.

I have already told you (more than once) about various good text editors for Windows, but today I want to introduce you to another, very simple and lightweight notepad. AkelPad.

Personally, I liked him as multi-window mode work, and the ability to replace Windows notepad. It is to replace it completely, and not just open by association with text documents.

If you are not a programmer or a webmaster, but a mere mortal computer user, then you will like AkelPad for its convenient, lightweight and fast work with text files.

I won’t be smart today... simple program- simple description. Here is the direct link from the official website to download AkelPad...

Installation is simple and without " pitfalls» in the form of advertising modules, etc. ...

As I said above, AkelPad is embedded in the very brain of the system, replacing the usual Windows notepad

Don’t worry, when uninstalled, AkelPad will faithfully collect all its notes and leave the system, while the previous built-in notepad will return to its place...

When you launch AkelPad for the first time, you will see the familiar working window system notepad, but it’s worth setting multi-window mode...

...and you will begin to notice the differences between this text editor and Windows Notepad...

I hope that I will explain how convenient it is to work with several at once open tabs No need for a notepad? It’s not for nothing that tabs are already used in absolutely all browsers, as well as in many computer programs… even V Windows Explorer we implemented them with you, remember?

To open new tab just create a new text document...

And to close a tab, click on it with the RIGHT mouse button and...

By the way, the appearance of the tabs can be slightly changed through “View”...

Another difference from the system notepad is the presence of a decent number of settings, which will appeal to advanced computer users...

AkelPad also supports a whole bunch of combinations hotkeys . You can find a complete list of them by going to the program’s “Help” and “Manual”...

(this is not the entire list - it is much longer)

It should be noted that this notepad supports work with plugins, which can be downloaded from the official website of the program. There is even a plugin for what I previously described improver system buffer Clipboard sharing.

In recent Windows versions Much attention has been paid to improving standard applications. For example, in Windows 7 the Calculator was noticeably improved, Explorer received many new functions, and in Windows 8 the task manager was redesigned. But there is one program that first appeared in Windows 3.0 and has not changed for many, many years. This is Notepad.

This may not be an essential program for most of us, but nevertheless, everyone turns to it from time to time. Editing the code of web pages has long ceased to be the domain of programmers alone. In the end, thousands of managers, marketers, hairdressers and other people who are far from programming have their own websites on WordPress or Joomla, but making changes to the website code manually is a no-brainer.

Those who work with text files in Notepad more or less often may want to look for an alternative editor. After all, search and replace, text selection, undoing actions and many other Notepad functions have long been untenable.

⇡ LopeEdit Lite 5.5

  • Developer: LopeSoft
  • Operating system: Windows
  • Distribution: free (paid version available)
  • Russian interface: yes

If we're talking about When it comes to text editors that are a little more powerful than Notepad, they tend to be apps for programmers with features like syntax highlighting and templates for writing code. And if you are far from programming, then when you encounter such a program, you will want to look for some other one. LopeEdit Lite is a pleasant exception to the rule. Both programmers and non-programmers can easily work with this application.

Yes, it has code highlighting (supports C/C++, Java, JavaScript, Visual Basic, VBScript, XML, HTML, ASP, JSP, SQL, Cobol, C#, CSS, Pascal, Perl and PHP) and a built-in ASCII character table, but if you just want to work with text documents, forget about these features.

A significant part of the LopeEdit Lite window is occupied by the navigator, with which you can find necessary files on the computer. Built-in file manager very convenient: folder navigation is performed at the top, files are selected at the bottom. For quick access To frequently used documents, you can go to the “ tab Recent files" In addition, it is possible to add files to “Favorites”.

The program makes it possible to work with several documents simultaneously, with each file opening in a separate tab. If you have a lot of files open and the tabs don’t fit on the screen, you can use the tools to navigate through them and combine them open files into groups.

The search and replace tools deserve special attention. You can search using regular expressions and using filters by file type. The search can be performed either by open documents, and by files stored in a given folder (with or without subdirectories). Search results are displayed in a separate tab, with each match to the search query displayed along with its string and position in the document. By clicking on one of the search results, you can immediately go to the desired location in the document, and the panel with the matches found will not disappear anywhere. Moreover, search results can be saved as separate file and are opened later in the program. LopeEdit Lite can work with several simultaneously search queries— in each case, the results are shown on a separate panel.

When working with large documents It may be useful to be able to insert a bookmark on a separate line of a file. Besides, current line You can color code, number lines, and view how many characters, lines, and words there are in the document.

Finally, we note that LopeEdit Lite can work without installation, in portable mode. As you can guess from the word Lite in the program name, the developers also offer paid version applications without this prefix. It has a built-in FTP client, a mode for working with columns, the ability to work with an extended clipboard, tools for comparing files and some other features.

⇡ TED Notepad 6.02 beta

  • Developer: Medvedik, Juraj Simlovic
  • Operating system: Windows
  • Distribution: free
  • Russian interface: no

The interface of TED Notepad is practically no different from that of Notepad - you will not find toolbars, sidebars or other “stuff” in the program. But despite the external similarity with standard text Windows editor, this program is very different from it in functionality. It's just that all the tools are hidden behind modest menus and numerous hotkeys, which you, of course, will learn if you choose TED Notepad.

Take the time to explore the menu commands and you will find a lot of interesting things in this simple program. For example, TED Notepad can store up to nine items on its own clipboard. True, text copied in the usual way, is not entered into it - both for copying and pasting you need to use the keyboard shortcuts of this editor.

The search and replace capabilities in the program are also much wider than in Notepad. For example, you can search using regular expressions, quickly move to the next or previous found element using hot keys, enable or disable circular search when, when reaching the end of the document, the program jumps to its beginning.

When editing text, you can also notice many small conveniences. It’s not scary to make a mistake, because the program has multi-level undo and redo actions. You can quickly insert the time, date, file name and path to it, just deleted text, etc. into the text. Selecting text is also much more convenient than in Notepad: to select a word, just click on any character twice, to select a line - three times, and four clicks will select an entire paragraph. The TED Notepad window can display various service data: you can see line numbers, information about the number of characters in each line, and paragraph marks.

TED Notepad keeps a history of files, so you can open files that you recently edited from the Recent Files list. In addition, you can independently compile a list of the fifty most popular files and quickly open them from the program menu.

And perhaps the biggest surprise from TED Notepad is auto-completion. Moreover, this function works completely differently than in most automation applications. Instead of accessing common dictionaries, TED Notepad analyzes only the vocabulary of the current document. Thus, if the same words are constantly found in it, the completion of their input can easily be entrusted to the program. In addition, TED Notepad has an automatic line completion feature that can be useful when working with code.

⇡ AkelPad 4.8.1

  • Developer:
  • Operating system: Windows
  • Distribution: free
  • Russian interface: yes

AkelPad is another text editor, very similar in appearance to Notepad. However, differences can be noticed immediately after opening the file: the program makes links clickable, and also highlights the line on which the cursor is positioned. But, of course, this is not the only thing that distinguishes AkelPad from Notepad.

AkelPad edits files that have a read-only attribute, supports working with several files at the same time, allows you to quickly open those files that you have worked with recently, reopen files (convenient if changes have been made to them in another program), contains advanced search capabilities.

Thus, in the program you can search using regular expressions and ESC sequences, start searching from the beginning of the document or only within the selected fragment. Please note that search settings are remembered even between sessions. That is, if you, for example, always search for case sensitivity, you will not have to select this option every time. And one more nice feature of the editor: it remembers the place where the document was closed, so the next time you open it, the cursor appears exactly where it was last time.

By default, AkelPad does not contain much additional functions, but the program supports the connection free extensions. Thanks to this, you can add everything you need to the editor. Among the available plugins (all of them are free, like the program itself): Coder, intended for programmers (syntax highlighting, block collapsing, autocompletion, color themes), Clipboard for working with the clipboard, Format for text transformation (removing duplicate lines, sorting elements , text encryption), LineBoard for displaying line numbers and adding bookmarks, Sounds for playing sounds while typing, etc.

⇡ Notepad++ 6.3

  • Developer: Don Ho
  • Operating system: Windows
  • Distribution: free
  • Russian interface: yes

Notepad++ is one of those programs that has a very explicit the target audience. One has only to look at the “Syntax” menu, and it immediately becomes clear who it is intended for. Notepad++ supports about fifty programming languages, offering not only code highlighting, but also block folding according to the syntax rules of each of them. The program also implements auto completion words, thanks to which much less time is spent on writing code. Line numbering is enabled here by default.

Notepad++ allows you to work with several documents at the same time, with each one opening in a separate tab. You can split the window into two parts and keep two documents in view at once; you can zoom in on a piece of code using CTRL key and mouse wheel. And not so long ago, the program added the ability to navigate using a document map. Thanks to this mode, you can quickly move between fragments of large files.

One of useful features Notepad++ - identifying files that have been modified. The program periodically checks to see if changes have been made to open files, and then prompts you to reopen them or overwrite the changes.

⇡ Dolphin Text Editor Menu 2.9

  • Developer: Animal Software
  • Operating system: Windows
  • Distribution: Free for non-commercial use
  • Russian interface: no

This program has a very unusual concept. Instead of its own interface for working with text, Dolphin Text Editor Menu offers additional tools for other text editors. The application can be used with almost any program that allows text input, including browsers (if you are used to online office package). Dolphin Text Editor Menu works very simply: you need to select the text that you want to format, then press a predefined key combination to open the menu (by default - Ctrl+Numpad 0) and select the desired command. The selected text will change.

What can Dolphin Text Editor Menu do? Align text right, left and justified, remove formatting, BBCode and HTML tags, concatenate lines, count words, change character case by six different ways(including in random order). And also - remove duplicate lines and spaces, lines starting with certain characters, empty lines, append to words or lines in advance specific text, sort lines according to different criteria, add line breaks after a certain number of characters, etc.

Dolphin Text Editor Menu remembers the last command that was selected by the user, so when using it again, there is no need to waste time on choosing it - just press Enter. In addition, icons for the last six commands that were used are displayed at the top of the menu. The program is smart enough to not appear in some applications (you can list them in the settings). In addition, you can remove from the menu those commands that you never use.


Even the smallest text editor can save a lot of time if it highlights code fragments in different colors, remembers the search parameters used once, and opens the file in the place where it was closed last time. Therefore, even if you edit text files no more than a couple of times a week, the convenience alternative editors should not be neglected. Change for TXT files, PHP and other programs in which they open by default, and you are unlikely to regret it.

The Notepad program is a simple text editor that is designed for creating and editing text files(Text Files). There are many text editors. Notepad differs from them in that it does not have a toolbar, a formatting bar, or a full-fledged status bar.

There is virtually no text formatting in Notepad, and there is also no way to insert pictures and tables. But the Notepad program is quickly mastered. Let's start by asking where the notepad is.

Notepad can be found

  • 1st method: in the Programs (Applications) section – Standard – Notepad,
  • 2nd method: through Search.

Let's see where Notepad is located, specifically for the Windows 10, 8, 7 and XP operating systems.

Where is Notepad in Windows 10

As noted above, Notepad can be searched:

  1. using Search,
  2. in Standard programs.

Search is in the Panel Windows tasks 10, it is hidden under the magnifying glass icon.

Rice. 1. Find Notepad through Search in Windows 10

1 in Fig. 1 – open Search,
2 – in the search bar, type on the keyboard: notepad, press Enter,
3 in Fig. 1 – click on the found Notepad.

The second option to find Notepad is to open Accessories.

Rice. 2. Find Notepad in Standard Windows programs 10

1 in Fig. 2 – click Start,
2 – scroll to the end of the opened programs, click “Standard – WIndows”,
3 in Fig. 2 – in Standard we look for Notepad.

In the video you can see where to find Notepad in Windows 10:

Notepad in Windows 8

1st method through Programs

Open to display all applications. Among them we find the section “Standard - Windows” (number 2 in Fig. 3), in which we select Notepad (number 3 in Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Find Notepad for Windows 8 in Applications – Standard Windows

2nd method via Search

To open the panel containing Search in Windows 8:

  • at touch control– quickly swipe your finger from the right edge of the screen,
  • and when controlling the mouse, in the top right corner we move the mouse from right to left. After this, a small panel will appear, on which the “Search” button will be the very first one at the top.

In the Search line (number 2 in Fig. 4) we type the word Notepad, after which the Notepad program icon will appear on the left (number 3 in Fig. 4):

Rice. 4. Find the Notepad application in Windows 8 via Search

To open it, click on the Notepad icon (number 3 in Fig. 4) and work in Notepad.

Notepad for Windows 7

1st method through Programs

Click on the button. At the end of the list that opens, find the “All programs” link (number 1 in Fig. 5) and click on it.

Rice. 5. Looking for Notepad for Windows 7 via Start – All Programs

Appears big list programs. Using the scroll bar on the right (number 1 in Fig. 5), scroll through this list until the “Standard” folder appears (number 2 in Fig. 6). Click to open this folder.

Rice. 6. Find Standard Programs for Windows 7

The folder will open, after which all that remains is to click on the Notepad link (Fig. 7) and start working with a text editor.

Rice. 7. Looking for Notepad in Standard Programs of Windows 7

2nd method via Search

For Windows 7, the Search option is the simplest, from my point of view.

Click the Start button.

In the Search line (number 2 in Fig. 5) enter the word Notepad, as shown in Fig. 8, number 1. The Notepad program instantly appears at the top (number 2 in Fig. 8), all you have to do is click on it and you can work with the text.

Rice. 8. Looking for Notepad for Windows 7 via Start – Search

Notepad in Windows XP

1st method through Programs

I think this method is the most convenient for. Click the Start button. In the menu that opens, click on the Programs option, then click on Standard, last click– using the Notepad option (Fig. 9).

Rice. 9. Where is Notepad in Windows XP

2nd method via Search

By clicking on the Start button, a menu will appear as in Fig. 7.

Click on the magnifying glass icon that says “Find”, then on “Files and Folders”.

In the “Search Results” window, click on the “Files and Folders” option again.

The “Part of the file name or the entire file name” field will appear, in which we enter the word Notepad and click on the “Find” button.

A search will start, as a result of which a shortcut to the Notepad program should appear, after which you can click on the “Stop” search button. And then click on the found shortcut to the Notepad program.

Two reasons power users love Notepad

Despite the simplicity of Notepad, this editor is often used advanced users, for example, when working with a modem. This is due to the fact that in Notepad you can create, or open and edit files with the following (extensions, formats):

  • .txt
  • .bat,
  • .ini
  • .sys,
  • .wri,
  • .dat.

Another reason why confident users like to use Notepad is that the file created and saved in this program will be “clean”. In other words, such a file will not be loaded with additional code, unlike a file passed through the MS Word text editor.

Many beginners face this problem when creating their first website. They prepare articles for the site in the Word editor, and then copy them directly to their site, along with a bunch of unnecessary stuff, additional code from Word. Therefore, it is better to insert articles onto the site from Notepad, then there will be no unnecessary code.

How to open Windows Accessories

In the operating systems Windows XP, 7, 8 there are standard programs; in Windows 8 they are called “ standard applications" They are built into the operating room Windows system just like pockets are sewn to a dress, that is, they are always there, you just need to find them, open them and use them!

How to find standard programs for Windows is described in detail in this article using Notepad as an example.

On Windows 7 standard programs are:

  • graphic paint editor for creating and editing drawings,
  • text Word editor Pad for text files with complex formatting,
  • Notepad for text files with simple formatting,
  • Run to open a program, folder, document, or website
  • Notes for creating short notes,
  • Sound Recorder to record sound on your PC,
  • for calculations as on a hand calculator,
  • to take screenshots,
  • Command line for executing keyboard commands
  • Math Input Panel,
  • Explorer – displays files and folders on the PC,
  • Utilities folder
  • and etc.