Programs for windows 7 screensavers. Desktop screensavers

Screen saver is a dynamic drawing or pattern that appears on the screen if the user does not perform any actions with the mouse or keyboard for a specified period of time. Screen savers were originally used to protect monitors from phosphor burnout while the computer was idle; this problem is no longer relevant and now screen savers are mainly used to customize a computer or to enhance its security using passwords.

How to open the screen saver settings window

To open a window Screen saver options right-click on the desktop and select from the context menu that appears Personalization

Also, in order to open a window Screen saver options go to the following path:

  Start ➯ Settings ➯ Personalization ➯ Lock screen ➯ Screen saver options

You can open the screen saver settings window using the search. To do this, click on the search icon on the taskbar or press the keyboard shortcut + S, enter screensaver in the search bar and select from the search results Enable or disable the screen saver

Still open the window Screen saver options you can use the Run dialog box, to do this, press the key combination + R, in the window Execute type or copy or paste the command and press the key Enter↵:

As a result of performing any of the above actions, a window will open Screen saver options shown in the image below.

How to enable or disable the screen saver

In order to enable the screensaver, in the drop-down list Screensaver select any available screensaver and click the button OK

To disable the screen saver, in the drop-down list Screensaver select (No), then press the button OK

You can also use the Screen Saver Options dialog box to preview what your screen saver will look like before a specified amount of time has elapsed during which no user activity has occurred. To do this, click the button View. To end viewing the screen saver, simply move your mouse or press any key on your keyboard.

Setting up screen savers

Most standard screen savers do not have customizable settings. When you press the button Options Instead of opening the screen saver settings window, only an informational message appears, indicating that the selected screen saver does not have customizable options.

There are only two screen savers that can be configured using the GUI, this is the screen saver Volumetric text And Photos.

The image below shows the window 3D Text Screensaver Options, in which you can enable the display of the current time or change the standard text to your own, as well as select the font, change the type of rotation and other parameters.

Also shown in the image below is the window Photo screensaver options in which you can choose from which folder to show photos or images, as well as the speed of the slideshow or enable a random order of displaying images. For more information on how to install and configure photos as your screen saver, see ➯

Setting up screen savers in Registry Editor

Before making any changes to the system registry, it is recommended to either export the registry section (subkey) in which the changes will be made.

All standard screen savers can be customized using the system registry editor. Let's look at the settings of some screen savers, including those that can also be configured using the graphical interface (read above in the section Setting up screen savers).

 ● Screen saver Feeds
  All screen saver settings that can be changed use settings like DWORD (32-bit).
To change screen saver settings Ribbons, the following content:


  Description of parameters:
● Parameter value CameraFOV
● Parameter RibbonWidth determines the maximum width of flying ribbons.
● Parameter NumRibbons is responsible for the number of ribbons that fly across the screen.
● Parameter Blur affects the tape trail. When setting the value to 0, the tape mark will not disappear. When set to a higher value, the tapes will rest on each other.
● Parameter values SpanMultiMon
● Parameter AllScreensSame used for computers with multiple monitors. There are only two values ​​available for this parameter. If you set the value of this parameter to 1, then the same configuration file will be used on all monitors and an identical splash screen will be displayed.

 ● Screen saver Geometric Waltz
Geometric Waltz
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


  Description of parameters:
● Parameter value CameraFOV affects the camera's approach; the higher the parameter value, the closer the tapes are displayed.
● Parameter LineWidth defines the maximum width of the line trace.
● Parameter NumLines is responsible for the number of lines that fly across the screen.
● Parameter values SpanMultiMon Only affects users with multiple monitors. Setting this to 1 allows the screensaver to move between the two monitors.

The result of making changes to the system registry is shown in the screenshots below.

 ● Screen saver Soap bubbles
  To change screen saver settings Bubble create and apply a registry file with the following content:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


  Description of parameters:
● Using the parameter ShowShadows You can specify whether a shadow will be displayed under the bubbles. If you set the value to 0, there will be no shadow, and if you set the value to 1, a shadow will be displayed under the bubbles.
● Parameter ShowBubbles determines the screen color. There are also only two values ​​available for this parameter. If you set the value to 0, the bubbles will move on a blank screen, and if the value is 1, then the user's desktop will be visible when the splash screen appears.
● Parameter TurbulenceForce affects the color of the bubbles, and when set to 0, the color of the bubbles becomes black. To set the desired color, you need to experiment with this parameter. For example, in order for all the bubbles to shimmer in different colors, you can specify the value 499602da or 1234567898 in the decimal system.
● The parameter determines the average speed at which bubbles move across the screen TurbulenceSpeed. The parameter values ​​can vary from 0 to 10, that is, the minimum speed is set to 0, and the maximum speed is set to 10.
● Parameter values SpanMultiMon Only affects users with multiple monitors. Setting this to 1 allows the screensaver to move between the two monitors.
● Using the parameter Sphere Density You can specify the exact number of bubbles that will move across the screen. In order to find a certain amount, you need to experiment. For example, to have only 4 bubbles move across the screen, enter the value 3d278480 or 1026000000 in decimal. The maximum value in the decimal system is 2100000000.
● Using the parameter TurbulenceNumOctaves You can specify the rate at which the color of the bubble changes. Values ​​available for this parameter range from 1 to 255. The higher the value of the parameter, the faster the color of the bubble will change. And, accordingly, if you set the value to 1, the colors will practically not change.
● Parameter Radius is responsible for the size of the bubble. Just like with the TurbulenceForce and SphereDensity parameters, you need to experiment a little to specify the size you need. The maximum value of the parameter is 435a6e80 or 1130000000 in the decimal system.

The result of making changes to the system registry is shown in the screenshots below.

 ● Screen saver 3D text
  To change screen saver settings Volumetric text create and apply a registry file with the following content:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

"FontFace"="Times New Roman"

  Description of parameters:
● Parameter AllScreensSame used for computers with multiple monitors. There are only two values ​​available for this parameter. If you set the value of this parameter to 1, then the same configuration file will be used on all monitors and an identical splash screen will be displayed.
● Using the parameter SurfaceType You can select the text surface style. To set the Solid Color style, the value should be 00000000. To set the Texture Painting style, set the value to 00000002, and for the Reflection style, set the value to 00000001.
● You can display highlights using the Specular. There are only two values ​​available for this parameter. If you set the value of this parameter to 1, the highlights will be displayed.
●Using the parameter SurfaceColor You can specify the color of the text displayed on the screen. For example, if you specify a parameter value of 0040ff00, bright green text will be displayed.
● In a string parameter CustomEnvironment indicates the path to the image with reflection for the surface style of volumetric text in the format *.bmp.
● In a string parameter CustomTexture indicates the path to the image with the texture for the surface style of the volumetric text in the format *.bmp.
● Parameter UseCustomColor Another color. There are only two values ​​available for this parameter. If you set the value of this parameter to 1, then the color is taken from the SurfaceColor parameter.
● Parameter UseCustomTexture responsible for whether the checkbox is checked Select texture. There are only two values ​​available for this parameter. If you set the value of this parameter to 1, then the reflection is taken from the CustomTexture parameter.
● Parameter UseCustomEnvironment responsible for whether the checkbox is checked Select reflection. There are only two values ​​available for this parameter. If you set the value of this parameter to 1, then the reflection is taken from the CustomEnvironment parameter.
● The text resolution level is selected using the parameter MeshQuality. This parameter can have 10 values. Namely: 00000064, 000000c8, 0000012c, 00000190, 000001f4, 00000258, 000002bc, 00000320, 00000384 and 000003e8.
● Parameter Size is responsible for the size of the displayed text. Available values ​​are from 1 to 0a (10 in decimal).
● Parameter RotationSpeed is responsible for the speed of text rotation. Available values ​​are from 1 to 14 (20 in decimal).
● Using the parameter RotationStyle You can specify the type of text rotation. There are 5 types of rotation – No, Torsion, Swing, Waves And Coups. To specify the type of rotation No, set the parameter value to 00000000. For type Torsion - 00000001, Swing - 00000002, Waves- 00000003, and to set the type Coups, the value should be 00000004
● Using a string parameter DisplayString You can set the text that will be displayed during the screen saver.
● Parameter DisplayTime is responsible for displaying the current time instead of text. There are only two values ​​available for this parameter. If you set the value of this parameter to 1, the current time will be displayed during the splash screen.
● Using the parameter FontWeight, you can specify whether the text style will be regular or bold. In order for the text style to be normal, specify the value equal to 00000190, and if you need to make the text with a bold style, specify the parameter value 000002bc.
● Parameter FontItalic is responsible for italic text. In order for the text style to be normal, set the value to 01000000, and for italic style - 010000ff.
● Using a string parameter FontFace You can specify the font for the displayed text.

The result of making changes to the system registry is shown in the screenshots below.

Other screen saver settings

Using the system registry editor, you can also completely disable the screen saver, select the specified screen saver, and also prohibit its modification, set the screen saver timeout, and specify password protection.

Disabling the screensaver
  Using this registry setting, you can prevent screensavers from running. To do this, create and apply a registry file with the following content:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


After applying the registry file, in the dialog box Screen saver options chapter Screensaver will become unavailable. As a result, you will not be able to change the screen saver settings.

Prevent changing the screensaver
  Using this registry setting, you can prevent screensavers from being changed. Additionally, the setting prevents you from using Control Panel and Personalization to add, customize, or change the screen saver on your computer. However, starting the screensaver is not prohibited.
  For this setup, create and apply a registry file with the following content:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


After applying the registry file, when you try to open a window Screen saver options using any of the methods described at the beginning of the article, you will receive a message Your system administrator has disabled the screen customization option in Control Panel.

Applying the specified screen saver
  When using this registry file, only the screen saver that was specified in the registry file is used. Additionally, this makes the screen saver drop-down list in the Screen Saver Options dialog box in the personalization control panels unavailable. In order for the registry file to be applied correctly, you must enter the name of the screensaver file, including the extension SCR. If the screensaver file is not in the directory %Systemroot%\System32, you must enter the full path to the file.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


Screen saver timeout
  Using the system registry, you can also determine the time of user inactivity, after which the screen saver starts. This setting can be set to an inactivity time value ranging from 1 second to 86400 seconds (24 hours). In the following example, the time is set to 60 minutes:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


Protect your screensaver with a password
You can also set a password protection for your screen saver. When using the following registry setting, all screensavers are password protected.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


Screensavers for your computer desktop. Download the screensaver to your desktop for free. Beautiful and high-quality HD desktop backgrounds. Desktop wallpapers are beautiful photographs or drawings in high quality. Wide-format pictures are popular now; they allow you to create a unique theme thanks to the high resolution of the computer monitor. In most cases, to create a pleasant atmosphere on the screen, it is important to wisely select desktop wallpapers from high-quality pictures. We present selected pictures and high-resolution photos. In April I came across a website with a lot of photos or desktop wallpapers. You can download pictures for free... Today you can’t live without wallpaper, because no matter how you try to decorate your desktop, you can’t do without pictures. Now I download it myself and tell others. We often get tired and need a change of scenery, because changing the type of activity is a vacation in itself. Since then I have been using it myself and recommending it to others. And thanks to a huge number of wallpapers in the highest quality, you can show your creativity and choose a unique desktop background from our wallpapers.

Download the screensaver to your desktop

Do you think it's worth being upset about the lack of a beautiful interface? Where download desktop wallpapers? The answer is simple - everything you need for your screen resolution is here. We know how to improve and qualitatively transform the display using a theme or background in the form of a photo. Yes, wallpaper can greatly decorate your computer and help you make your work on it very entertaining and useful! After all, no one will read this anyway, but everyone who visits this project will be able to download the wallpaper for free. The pattern on the desktop is of great importance, because it is what creates a pleasant little thing called design. Yes, from us you can download desktop screensavers for free of any resolution without restrictions and without SMS.

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But the desktop is about “care” and uniqueness. No matter how hard you try, pictures and images can decorate and diversify your everyday life. Yes, it is thanks to our backgrounds that you can truly relax and feel completely rested. But changing the wallpaper regularly for free for the screen will help you relax and feel at your best! I saw a portal with a lot of pictures or desktop backgrounds. You can download them for free! From that moment on, I download it myself and tell my friends? High quality desktop photos. I advise... I advise... It has become an integral part of our time at the computer. We often feel the need to diversify and decorate our PC with wallpaper. But sometimes choosing suitable screensavers is not so easy, because there are a huge number of portals with wallpapers, and some of the quality is not very good.

Desktop screensavers download for free

Processing and creating photos is a complex matter, and it’s easier to update your desktop background by downloading it from here! But I strongly disagree with this! Most people think that there is no need to change new wallpapers, because everything looks good as it is... Free images can definitely help you to be at your best and experience pleasure when working on your computer. Well, judge for yourself: the working day is a lot of bustle and then suddenly the same picture! So I've made your life easier Desktop wallpaper Isn't it boring? So, if you change the wallpaper on your desktop, then life will become more pleasant. In most cases, I recommend using programs for automatically changing wallpaper, since in this case the photo will change as a screensaver. Why is all this necessary? Yes, you thought that I was crazy and writing all sorts of nonsense here... Yes, that’s true)))
Yes, because desktop wallpapers in one archive can rarely be downloaded openly and without registration! But not all wallpapers are suitable? Well, if not, then I can’t help you, because everyone can download images for free, and showing creative ingenuity where the image is and downloading them without SMS is no longer so easy. Why? Well, yes... this is exactly what should prompt you to choose decorations for your desktop more pickily. Icons and screensavers can significantly diversify the design theme, but skillfully selected pictures for the desktop can do half the job. After all, you must admit that no matter how hard I try to help you with this, I still won’t get any return! If you really want to photograph bright and mesmerizing pictures and backgrounds, then this site will help you. Do you agree?

In this material we want to present the most beautiful and pleasing to the eye screensavers for Windows 10, which can delight you with their originality and appearance in those moments when your PC is inactive for a long time.

At one time, screensavers were very popular and could be found on almost every Windows design site. Today the fashion for them has largely passed. This is due to the elementary lack of necessity, which disappeared a long time ago with the advent of modern monitors.

Therefore, this selection has rather aesthetic and nostalgic purposes: perhaps some of the users, like us, will be pleased to see/remember something beautiful, since some screensavers are a real work of art. By the way, despite the title, screensavers should work in any version of Windows, although we tested screensavers for Windows 10.

Alas, most, despite their advanced age by computer standards, will one way or another ask you to register, but all of them have trial versions that offer many features and for free.

How to change the screensaver in Windows 10?

First, let’s clarify one important point: in the “Personalization” interface in Windows 10, unlike previous versions of the OS, there is no section with screensavers itself, which is why it may even seem that this function has been cut out from the system. But that's not true.

Using the built-in taskbar search, start typing "screensaver" or "change screensaver" and you will see the following result:

Clicking on it will open a window that is familiar from previous versions of Windows, where you can enable, change the Windows 10 screen saver or change its settings:

One more detail: we marked the link with an arrow in the screenshot above. You may need to walk through it to increase the time after which the system automatically turns off the display. The default is 10 minutes.

If for some reason you may need a screen saver for a long time, then the interval for turning off the display will have to be increased, fortunately this can be done in just a couple of clicks:

Mechanical Clock – screensaver with a mechanical clock

We will start our short review with one very famous screensaver, which you could well see on various working devices in computer stores. This is Mechanical Clock - a clock screensaver with amazing attention to detail, simulating a clock mechanism that always displays the exact time.

This screen saver, like most screensavers for Windows 10 in our review, is far from new, but the highly detailed, literally magical picture still looks attractive to this day.

An unusual effect is created by the smooth movement of all, even the most distant elements in this mechanism.

The sound part also did not disappoint: in addition to the usual “tick-tock”, the live clock strikes every 60 minutes. This, as well as the effect volume level, can be adjusted in the parameters.

By the way, this, like some other screensavers in the review, can also be used as animated wallpaper on the Windows desktop.

Christmas Evening – New Year's screensaver

Christmas Evening is a very cute screensaver for Windows 10 on the theme of Christmas and New Year. The picture shows us a cozy corner where in the center of the table there is a miniature clock, stylized as a snow-covered house, which is surrounded by gifts, New Year's toys, candles and other decorations.

On the street, which is visible through the windows of the room, it is snowing, there is a decorated fir tree with blinking garlands, and passers-by are walking, wrapped in warm scarves. Since the graphics of this screensaver are very good, there is even a slider in the settings to weaken it, which will be useful for the weakest Windows 10 computers.

In turn, the audio series contains well-known New Year and Christmas themes, accompanied by the neat sound of a ticking clock. This screen saver can also be used for your desktop.

Helios Screensaver - soap bubbles in Windows

If you don’t need fancy, “heavy” screensavers like those above and below, then pay attention to a screen saver called Helios. It is free, weighs less than 300 kb, and is similar in style to the animations built into previous versions of Windows. It just looks a little more interesting.

When launched, elegant soap bubbles begin to form smoothly against a dark background, with many beautiful particles. Some, changing shape and size, slowly flow into others and vice versa, and the camera sometimes looks deep into this action.

Helios slows down and speeds up, unobtrusively changing the perspective and viewing angle. The effect of iridescent color on the bubbles themselves looks very unusual, making the screensaver more attractive.

Note that Helios, unlike other participants in the review, must be manually placed in the Windows\System32 folder. This is where screensavers are stored in Windows 10. Helios may also noticeably freeze if you do not have the graphics drivers installed/updated.

Marine Aquarium – aquarium screensaver for Windows 10

One of the most attractive types of computer screensavers is, of course, live aquariums with swimming fish. They are represented in our selection by the third version of Marine Aquarium - one of the most famous virtual 3D aquariums.

In the free version (enter “testfish” in the window that appears), alas, only six types of fish are available to the user. More than twenty more will open only after paid registration. In addition to the usual inhabitants of the aquarium, starfish and a moray eel living in the cave will also be available there.

The aquarium camera is not static: it smoothly moves left and right, in addition, it can be moved using the corresponding keys on the keyboard. In the settings you can adjust the music volume, bubbles, frame rate, total number and specific fish, as well as background colors. Here's the video of the intro:

In addition, you can select a playlist of your music, and replace the developer’s logo with a digital or analog clock.

Dream Aquarium – another live aquarium with swimming fish

Another stunningly beautiful aquarium screensaver for your screen. This virtual world also offers several different landscapes to choose from. By default they alternate, but you can choose one if you wish.

Settings are opened by pressing Enter directly in the splash screen itself. Here you can add and remove aquarium inhabitants. There are 26 fish to choose from, plus the ability to create your own fish with a unique coloring, and there's also a cute fiddler crab.

The remaining settings allow you to adjust the aquarium lighting, air bubbles and fish feeding. A noteworthy option is that it attaches the camera to the general view of the aquarium or dynamically moves it behind the fish. I was amused by the ability to set your own image as the background of the screensaver. So we made the title picture for this text.

Icy Christmas Screensaver – ice on the computer screen

Another type of screensaver is different in that it adds all sorts of effects to your desktop when nothing happens to it for a long time. There are many such screensavers, but, unfortunately, since most of them were made quite a long time ago, some are simply incompatible with Windows 10.

Fortunately, this does not apply to Icy Christmas, which freezes your screen. An ice crust gradually begins to appear from each corner, which slowly covers the entire space. Despite its simplicity, the screensaver has a lot of parameters: the appearance of the ice can be customized in detail, it is even possible to specify the direction of the light rays.

By default, the Windows 10 screen saver works with the desktop, but in the settings you can instead set an image or a set of images (for example, photos) that will be covered with ice while the computer is idle.

Watery Desktop 3D – rain on your desktop

This screensaver also affects your desktop in Windows 10, only it does not freeze, but floods it with rain or even submerges it under water. The effects - raindrops and waves, we note, are made very high quality. Obviously, for this reason, the options even have the ability to weaken their visual performance.

Initially, the screensaver launches a random action, but you can choose something specific. You can choose from light or heavy rain, three types of waves and storm. You can also adjust the strength of the water vibrations themselves. We repeat, everything looks very realistic, take a look for yourself:

The Lost Watch – watch under water

The Lost Watch is one of the most beautiful screensavers in our review, not only in terms of graphics, but also in general the idea itself. Here is the cutest pocket watch with a chain that ended up under water. Droplets of water fall from above, and tree leaves slowly float by.

The watch, despite its original location, always shows the exact time. They even have a working second hand. The current date and day of the week are also displayed.

In the settings, you can specify the volume level, lower the quality of graphics for not the most powerful computers, select your own composition for background music and set a screensaver on the Windows 10 desktop. A particularly interesting option: you can add a miniature pendant under the clock, where the photo you have chosen will be displayed.

In the settings, in addition to the standard options for volume level and graphics quality, it is possible to select the type of fireplace. There is a choice of stone, traditional brick and a special Victorian style fireplace (pictured above). Of course, you can put your own music and use it on your desktop.

Photo! 3D Album – unusual slideshows

The final participant in our review is not even a screensaver, but a full-fledged creative application, the result of which, among other things, can be used as a screensaver. Photo! 3D Album offers several virtual locations - galleries, parks, beaches, where stands can display various paintings in neat frames.

These pictures can be images from your computer, be it any drawings or photographs. You can fit them at your discretion into the free frames that are hung around the locations. For convenience, there are options that “adjust” the picture so that it looks better in the frame.

Once everything is ready, you can launch any of the virtual worlds to which you added your images. Agree, this is many times more interesting than a regular slide show.

By default, the program “walks” there itself, looking at your illustrations, but by pressing F1 you will transfer control into your hands. This will almost resemble a computer game, where WSAD is used for movement, Shift for acceleration, etc. If you use Photo! 3D Album as a screensaver, then in its parameters you will see several additional options.


As we already noted at the beginning, traditional screensavers are practically a thing of the past today, since they do not have specific functions, and on modern portable devices, when the user is inactive, it is more reasonable to simply turn off the screen rather than waste the battery on a screensaver, especially if the latter itself also consumes a lot of resources.

On desktop PCs, where screen savers came to us, there are no such restrictions. However, screensavers still disappear, which is clearly seen in Windows 10, where screensaver settings are not even included in the main personalization options.

On the other hand, during the popularity of screensavers, several such good and creative works were made that users cannot forget about them to this day. We showed ten such memorable screen savers in this material. We hope you enjoyed it.

Screen savers - Programs of the House of the Sun, installed as a screen saver on your computer. Download and enjoy original screensavers.

Dust Saver

The unique Screensaver "Dust Saver" includes about a dozen other screen savers. It will cover your monitor with high quality dust or condensation in no time. There are also other types of coverage to choose from: holes, scratches or everyone’s favorite windows with the inscription “The program has completed...”.
Interesting screensaver, good screensaver program.
Download Dust Saver screen saver!

Download Screen Savers: Dust Saver


Screen saver "ACROPOLIS (Ruins)". Interesting screensaver. High image quality.
ACROPOLIS. The developers take a serious approach to this screensaver.
Download ACROPOLIS screen saver!

Download Screen Savers: Acropolis


Screensaver "Money" - 500 ruble bills fly across the screen to a fragment of the famous composition "Money" by Pink Floyd.
It’s free, but from time to time the developer’s logo gets in, but for a little money you can either turn it off or substitute your own.
Screen saver "500" is not bad overall!
Download screen saver MONEY!

Download Screen Savers: Money


SCREEN SAVERS. SCREENSPAPERS. Screen saver "Hellfire" is a fairly neat, beautiful screensaver. The bright effects of burning fire at the bottom of the screen are successfully complemented by individual flashes of flares. The desktop panel does not disappear completely after launching the screen saver, but with its outlines it introduces a mysterious mystical plot into the overall picture.
Download HELLFIRE Screen Saver!

Download Screen Savers: Hellfire

Text clock

SCREENSPAPERS. SCREEN SAVERS. TEXT CLOCK. The Text Clock screen saver displays the time in text format. (For example: “Twenty-one hours forty-nine minutes.”) Download Screen Savers. Text clock.

Download Screen Savers: Text Clock

Slideshow screen saver

SCREENSPAPERS. SCREEN SAVERS. SCREEN SAVER SLIDESHOW. wzLn screenSaver Screen saver. Shows a slideshow of images in the specified folder with a crossfade and rotation effect. Lots of settings. Download Screen Savers. Slideshow screen saver.

Download Screen Savers: Slideshow Screen Saver

Free screen saver

SCREENSPAPERS. SCREEN SAVERS. FREE SCREEN SAVER. River under bridge v.1.0 A small river surrounded by dense vegetation, the sound of the river, the singing of various birds. There is an installer and an uninstaller. OC Win 98/ME/2000/XP/Vista Download Screen Savers. Free screen saver.

Download Screen Savers: Free Screen Saver

Star fireworks

SCREENSPAPERS. SCREEN SAVERS. STAR FIREWORKS. Stars Firework 2009. Screen saver for Windows XP and Windows Vista. Uses hardware graphics accelerators with OpenGL support. Displays star fireworks. Download Screen Savers. Star fireworks.

Download Screen Savers: Star Fireworks

Useful screen saver

SCREENSPAPERS. SCREEN SAVERS. USEFUL SCREEN SAVER. LOGOFF NOW! 1.0 Freeware. A simple but very useful program. A screen saver, when activated, LOGOFF (/ends the session, without switching off/) the user from the system, saving all his settings. Copy it to the WinXP folder and set it up as a screen saver. Download Screen Savers. Useful screen saver.

Download Screen Savers: Useful screen saver

Relaxation of the eyes

SCREENSPAPERS. SCREEN SAVERS. RELAXING THE EYES. "Relaxation" - program for relaxing the eyes 1.1. The harmful effects of computer display screens on vision leads to the fact that the eyes become tired, begin to turn red and watery after several hours of sitting in front of the monitor. Regular and prolonged computer vigil sharply worsened vision. There are many programs to help you relax your eyesight. I liked the program from the demo programs of the old Borland C+ (when it had not yet acquired the second plus). This program is an improved repetition of that demo (many good new things are well forgotten old ones). The program has a number of settings that make it slightly better than its ancestor. Download Screen Savers. Relaxation of the eyes.

Download Screen Savers: Eye Relaxation

Screensavers or screensavers will decorate your desktop and give it a unique style. You can download screensavers in one click and completely free.

With the advent of the latest operating systems, in particular Windows, so-called screensavers began to be used on computers and other computing devices. Screensaver or screen saver, screensaver - all these are the same name. The name Screensaver comes from the extension of the executable file.scr. Initially, screensavers were used to increase the life of the monitor and they were quite primitive with minimal graphics quality.

Over time, the screensavers acquired a more modern and beautiful look. Complex video files could already be used as display in the screensaver, and the quality of the graphics itself increased significantly.

Our website contains a large collection of screensavers for the Windows desktop. There are many beautiful and interesting screensavers here, which are carefully selected and sorted. Download screensavers for your desktop, you can do it with us for free and very quickly. All screensavers have been tested for functionality and the presence of viruses.

Screensavers for Windows will decorate your desktop and give you a good mood throughout the day. All screensavers on the site look good with beautiful pictures, as well as with various Windows elements, such as gadgets, Windows 7 and Windows XP themes, screenshots, icons and live wallpapers and a 3D desktop. As already mentioned, all the screensavers for Windows on our site are of excellent quality, beautiful and stylish. In order to install a screensaver you do not need to have much knowledge. Installing and configuring the splash screen (screensaver) is described in the section – Installing Windows elements.