How to assign the sleep button on the keyboard. HP and Compaq Desktop PCs - Troubleshooting Sleep Problems in Windows Vista

Instead of turning off the computer's power every time, you can simply switch it to sleep mode by clicking the corresponding button. How to activate sleep mode, how to disable it, what problems an ordinary user may encounter when working with it - I will try to provide answers to all these questions to the dear reader in this material.

How to enable sleep mode in Windows 10

To put the computer into sleep mode, click the “Start” button and in the menu that appears, right-click on the power button in the lower left corner, after which you should select the “Sleep mode” option from the drop-down menu.

After this, the screen will go dark, but the computer itself will not turn off. To return the system to working condition, press any key on the keyboard or lightly move the mouse.

How to turn off sleep mode in Windows 10

To disable sleep mode, we will use, as usual, the new “Options” menu, available in the start menu. Another way to open it is the combination “Win ​​+ I”. In the parameters, select the “System” subsection, and then the “Sleep and power” category.

It is in this sector of the menu that you can flexibly debug the activation of sleep mode both when the laptop is powered by battery or from the network.

Additional customization options are available just below, in the “Related Settings” section, where we can debug the behavior of the PC when closing the lid or pressing the shutdown key. Read more about this in the next section.

Setting sleep mode in the control panel

By going to the power settings menu using the method described above, or by opening the control panel and selecting the “Power Options” section in it, you will also have the opportunity to disable sleep mode and debug its operation, more subtly and in detail than in the previously described method .

Opposite the power supply scheme you are currently using, click the “Scheme Debugging” control. In the window that appears, you can set the timer for activating the sleep state both when powered by a battery and again from the mains. Moreover, you can turn off the sleep state altogether by selecting context menu"Never" option.

To access detailed settings sleep mode, just use the “Change additional power settings” item at the bottom of the form. In this category you can set auxiliary options that allow you to:

  • set the sleep mode activation period (if set value 0 sleep will be completely disabled);
  • activate or deactivate hybrid mode sleep (in fact, this is one of the options for sleep mode, when memory data is saved to the HDD drive in the event of an unexpected power outage);
  • activate sleep recovery mode timers - as a rule, you don’t need to touch these parameters at all, except for those cases in which you have difficulties with randomly activating the PC’s power immediately after turning it off (if this is your computer, then you need to disable the timers ).

Finally, another rather important section that is worth paying attention to is the Cover and Power Buttons category. Here you can set the default behavior of the PC when closing the lid (meaning the laptop lid) and the action of the power key (by default it is set to “Sleep”).

If necessary, as an addition, you have the right to set settings for turning off drives in the event of inactivity of the PC (in the category " HDD"), as well as settings for deactivating the PC or lowering the display brightness (in the "Screen" category).

Common problems when working with sleep mode

1. So, sleep mode is turned off, the screen is also turned off, but after a short period of time the display still deactivates and nothing happens. This problem occurs most often among users. Go to the control panel, then the “Personalization and Design” section, subcategory “Changing the screensaver”.

Disable it, since this is what you see every time in the situation described above.

2. The computer does not wake up from sleep mode - either a black screen is displayed, or there is simply no response to button presses, although the indication itself (if any) shows that sleep mode is on. The most likely explanation for this PC behavior is an error in the video card driver installed on the laptop or desktop PC by the operating system itself. To resolve this situation, remove all drivers using Display utility Driver Uninstaller and then install them again from the official website. Important Note: if you have a laptop with integrated Intel graphics, most likely, you will have to take the final version of the driver from the laptop manufacturer’s resource, suitable for Win 7 or 8, and install it in compatibility mode.

3. The power of a laptop or desktop PC is immediately activated as a result of entering sleep mode or turning off the device. This behavior has often been observed by the author on Lenovo products (although it can occur on other brands as well). To resolve the problem, disable wake timers in the secondary power settings in the control panel (see the second section of this article for how to get there).

These are all the problems that users often encounter when working with sleep mode. I hope that you will never encounter any of the troubles described above, and if the need nevertheless arises to seek a solution to the situation, then you will be able to do so easily and naturally, which is what I wish for you.

Instead of constantly shutting down your PC when you're done using it, you can instead easily go to hibernate windows 10 using a specific button. How to enable sleep mode, how to deactivate it, what difficulties an ordinary user may encounter when interacting with sleep-mode - we are going to provide answers to all the above questions in this instruction.

How to activate sleep-mode in Windows 10?

To put the computer into sleep mode, use the start button “Start”: hold it down and click in the menu that appears right key mouse on the power icon, and after that, select the “Sleep mode” category in the pop-up menu.

As a result of this elementary manipulation, the computer display will go dark, but the PC itself will not be turned off. To return the operating system to working status again, press any button on the keyboard or move the mouse cursor on the screen.

How to disable sleep mode in Windows 10?

To disable sleep-mode, you should, as always, resort to the new Settings menu, available in the Start menu. Instead of this, a more familiar method, you can use the “Win ​​+ I” button combination. In the new menu, select the “System” subcategory, and then select the “Power and Sleep Mode” section.

In the above section of the menu, you can configure the activation of sleep-mode when recharging the laptop both from the network and from the battery.

Additional configuration options can be accessed slightly further down, in the Advanced Power Options category. Here we can configure the functioning of the laptop as a result of closing the lid or pressing the power button. You can learn more about these options in the subsections presented below.

Customizing sleep-mode in the control panel

By getting into the power supply settings menu through the guidance specified in the previous section, or using a more familiar method (this is to open the control panel and stop in the “Power Options” section), you will also get the ability to disable sleep mode in Windows 10 and debug its operation, and more flexible and accurate than in the description of the above methodology.

Near the one you are involved in currently time with the power supply scheme, click the “Configure power supply scheme” control. In the window that will appear in front of you, you will have the right to set the time interval for activating the sleep status both when powered from the network and from the battery. In addition, you will also have the opportunity to complete shutdown sleep by selecting the “Never” option in the context menu.

To gain access to detailed sleep-mode parameters, you should resort to the “Edit” control Extra options power" in the lower area active window. In this category you will have the opportunity to configure additional options, providing:

— setting the sleep-mode activation period (if the value is set to “0,” sleep will be completely disabled);

— activation and deactivation of the hybrid sleep-mode (in fact, this is one of the sleep state techniques when information about memory registers is saved to the disk drive in the event that the device’s power is suddenly turned off);

- activation of recovery mode timers after a sleepy state - usually, these settings do not need to be touched at all, not taking into account those situations when you have difficulties with variably turning on the power supply mode to the computer after it has been deactivated (if you have exactly such problems, All timers should definitely be deactivated).

Well, another significant category that you should not bypass to configure Windows 10 sleep mode is the “Power Buttons and Lid” section. Here you have the right to set the default functions of the computer when closing the lid (meaning the laptop lid) and the behavior of the power key (the default value is the “Sleep” option).

If necessary, in the form auxiliary option there is a configuration for deactivating drives if the PC is inactive (in the “Hard Drive” subsection), as well as customizing the device to turn off or minimize the screen brightness (in the “Screen” subsection).

The main difficulties encountered when interacting with sleep-mode

1. Well, Windows 10 sleep mode is deactivated, the display is also turned off, but after a short time interval the screen still turns off and no action occurs. This problem, as a rule, happens to users most often. Open the control panel, then go to the “Design and Personalization” section, “Changing the Screen Saver” subsection.

2. The device does not exit sleep mode– in this case, either a black display is shown, or there is no reaction to button presses, however, the indication itself indicates that the sleep state is activated. The most obvious way to fix this problem is to reinstall standard driver video adapter, Windows installed 10 by default to the personalized one offered by the device manufacturer. For removing outdated version drivers, use the utility Display Driver Uninstaller, and when the uninstallation is complete, download personalized drivers from the manufacturer's website. Attention: if the situation described above occurred on a laptop with an integrated graphics chipset, you will most likely need Final version libraries from the website of the PC manufacturer itself. If the version for “ten” is not here, take a build suitable for Win 7 or Win 8 and install it in compatibility-mode.

3. Nutrition desktop computer or laptop resumes immediately after going to sleep or turning off the device. This functionality was often observed by our editors on Lenovo devices (however, similar behavior is likely on other trademarks). To resolve the problem described above, deactivate the recovery timers in the additional voltage supply parameters in the control panel (to get there, use the right mouse button at start).

These are all the difficulties that the Windows 10 sleep mode can push a user into. We hope that the sleep state on your PC will continue to work stably and without complaints, and if any manual intervention is needed, you will be able to use it quickly and easily , which is what our instructions will help you with.

What's happened sleep mode in Windows 10? Sleep mode is a special form of computer operation in which energy consumption is noticeably reduced.

When you go into sleep mode, all your information about running programs and open documents will be saved in the computer’s memory, and when you exit sleep mode, all programs will be in active mode.

When you press the power button for the first time, the computer, which was previously in standby mode, will wake up from sleep mode within a few seconds and the user can continue working with the computer in normal mode.

Close to the concept of “sleep mode” is the concept of “”. What's the difference? In short, hibernation is a deeper form of hibernation; when entering hibernation, all information about open applications and programs are saved on the hard drive and the computer turns off, saving even more energy.

It is important to know that the transition time from hibernation to normal mode noticeably higher than the time it takes to “return” from sleep mode to normal mode.

How to set up sleep mode in Windows 10?

Sleep mode is very useful for laptop owners, since power consumption is most critical for them. When turned on laptop costs a lot more time than if you put it in sleep mode.

Let's now take a closer look at how to configure power and sleep mode in Windows 10 on your personal computer or laptop. It can be done different ways, let's look at the simplest one - using the standard interface.

The "tens" interface was designed to make access to the main functions of the operating system quick and comfortable.

To change the power mode we must get into the interface Windows settings 10. To do this, you can go to “Start” -> “Settings” or press the key combination Win + I. In the window that opens, select and click “System” -> “Power and sleep mode”.

We find the “Sleep” item and set the configuration we need, everything is simple and intuitive here, for example, I always set the screen to turn off, when on battery power - 10 minutes, and on mains power for 30 minutes, this simple function allows you to extend the life of the monitor (screen).

If you look below, you'll notice Related Settings > Advanced Power Options.

What it is? By clicking on this line, a window will appear that is responsible for more detailed settings different modes power supply, which takes into account such parameters as monitor brightness, dimming time, turning off the screen and going into sleep mode (if you have a laptop, you can set two types of time - one for mains power, the other for battery power).

To do this, click on the blue highlighted line “Setting the power supply scheme”. By clicking, you will be taken to the following window:

If you have an inquisitive mind, you can customize your diet in even more detail. To do this, in the “Configure power plan” window, select “Change additional power settings”.

In the window that opens, you can most in detail change the power settings for the current scheme.

For example, you need disable sleep mode in Windows 10. To do this, you need to find the “Sleep after” item and set the value to “Never”. Please note that some options may not be available if you are logged into the computer without administrator rights.

Sometimes there are problems with going into sleep mode. The most common problemsleep mode is disabled, but the computer anyway after some time turns off the screen. What should I do? To do this you need to go to the parameters screen saver and disable the screensaver.

To do this, you need to click the magnifying glass icon and write the word “Screensavers”, select the item - Enable or disable the screen saver.

In the next window, in the item - Screensaver, it is important to select the item - “NO”.

Now your computer or laptop will not go into sleep mode for no reason...

The purpose of this material is to introduce the reader to power and sleep mode in Windows 10. The text is accompanied by screenshots so that even the most inexperienced user The PC could configure its own computer, I hope you managed to figure it out.

Sincerely, Vladislav Nikitin.

Most PC users are well aware that turning on or off a computer can take quite a long time. Sleep mode will help improve the situation a little; hot temperatures will allow you to turn it on. Windows keys 10 or other operating system.

Several ways to put your PC to sleep

1.Power button

If you don't like turning off your computer, you can reassign the action of the computer's power button. To do this, go to “Control Panel”, open “Power Options”, click “Set up power plan”, then “Change advanced power settings”. Find the "Power buttons and cover" setting and change the button action to "Sleep".

2. Using the keyboard

Unfortunately, Windows operating systems do not provide a key combination to send the computer to sleep, Linux distributions have the ability to configure a combination of buttons to enter sleep mode. But the problem can be solved by sequentially pressing several combinations. Minimize all current windows by clicking Windows+M. Next, press the hotkeys Alt+F4, a dialog box will appear allowing you to select “sleep mode” using the cursor and the Enter key.

3. Special keyboard shortcut using a Bat file

IN Windows system There is a clever feature to assign a keyboard shortcut to open a shortcut. But first let's create batch file to send the computer to sleep. To do this, create a file in the root of drive C, for example “shutdown.bat”. And write just one line:
rundll32.exe Powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState
Now create a shortcut and go to the shortcut properties. On the “Shortcut” tab, set in the “Shortcut” field a keyboard shortcut that is convenient for you, for example “ Ctrl+Alt+S».

4. By mouse

To manually put your computer to sleep using GUI You will need to go to the “start” menu, “turn off the computer”, after which you need to select the “sleep mode” item. To turn the computer back on, it is not at all necessary to go to the system unit; pressing any button or key combination on the input devices (keyboard and mouse) will wake up the PC.

In general, sleep mode is a very good technology that allows you to save a lot of time turning on the computer and launching programs. Therefore, its use is recommended to almost all users, since it is incredibly simple to use and does not require you to have any specific knowledge.

What is "sleep mode"?

A special function of the operating system that allows you to stop the computer without completely turning it off or closing running programs. This allows you to literally turn on your computer again in a couple of seconds and continue working, as a result of which you do not have to wait long for the system to boot.
Ways to use this functionality

Most multimedia keyboards have hotkeys that allow you to activate a sleeping keyboard. windows mode 7, 8 or even 10. With them you don’t even have to configure anything, because everything is already configured in the keyboard drivers.

In operating systems windows families There is the possibility of advanced sleep settings. To do this, you need to go to the system parameters using the key combination “Win ​​+ I”. In the settings, you need to go to the “system” tab and select the “Power and sleep” menu item.

In it you can configure the computer's inactivity time (when no one is working on it), during which the backlight on the monitor will turn off and the system will go to sleep.

In most cases, the computer itself will be able to go into sleep mode if it is not used for a certain period of time. Although in in this case There may be certain exceptions.

In what cases may the “automatic sleep” function not work?

Automatic sleep mode may not work if you are running any heavy programs or other tasks on your PC (watching movies or listening to music, working computer games, video editing and similar actions).

Also, automatic sleep mode may not work due to problems with the drivers of any devices or malfunctions with the keyboard, mouse, touchpad and other input devices.

The last problem in which automatic computer sleep may not work is errors in programs or operating system. Low-quality software, viruses and other malicious software can heavily load the system, which is why it simply cannot go to sleep.

Sleep modethe best way turn off your computer because it is temporarily unnecessary and after a while instantly restore your work session. In this state, the device switches to minimal energy consumption: only the RAM and the processor function responsible for its operation. Which is what it actually does possible preservation and session recovery.

To put the computer to sleep in the menu "Start" Windows has a corresponding option. And on laptops, this mode is also turned on by default when the lid is closed. How to “put to sleep” a computer using hot keys? So that this process can be quickly carried out every time you need to be distracted for a while. And do not pull the lid of the laptop every time if you are working with one.

1. Keyboard hardware capabilities

It is not recommended to close or open the laptop lid unnecessarily. This will accelerate the wear of the device matrix cable and screen mounting hinges. Therefore, many manufacturers provide a combination with an auxiliary key to put you to sleep Fn. This is usually Fn + F1 or Fn + F7. In fact, these hotkeys are preferable to use on laptops. If combinations with Fn, you need to install native drivers - with DVD-disk from the delivery kit or from the manufacturer’s official web resource.

For assembly PC you can purchase a keyboard with additional function keys, including the sleep key.

2. Setting the “Power” button to sleep

If purchasing for PC new keyboard not considered in the near future, sleep mode can be configured for the hardware power button "Power" system unit. On laptops, the power button is usually set to sleep mode by default. If this is not the case and the device is pressed "Power" turns off, goes into hibernation or simply turns off the display, in Windows environment all this can be reconfigured.

Let's go to control Panel.

Here we need a section.

And, in fact, we select what we want to happen when pressed "Power". Save the changes.

3. Sleep hotkeys

Windows does not natively provide hotkeys for sleep mode. But they can be implemented through customization quick call program shortcuts. To do this, you need to create a shortcut accordingly system function falling asleep.

On the desktop we create new shortcut.

We specify as an object:

C:\Windows\System32\rundll32.exe PowrProf.dll,SetSuspendState

We give it a name, it can be arbitrary. Click "Ready".

A new object has appeared on the worker, go to its properties. Go to the tab "Label". By the way, those who find it convenient to use the sleep button on their desktop can customize an icon for it.