Digital set-top box for TV instructions. Connecting a DVB-T2 set-top box to modern and old TV models

Analog television is being replaced by higher quality digital television. Connecting it is no more difficult than the usual analog one that we are all accustomed to. To do this, first of all you will need to purchase a special digital set-top box in DVB-T2 format or a TV with a built-in digital tuner. In addition to the receiver (set-top box), you may need an additional cable and a CAM module. The latter is needed if you plan to view an expanded list of broadcast channels. You can connect the set-top box to the TV yourself without involving a specialist (although when purchasing additional equipment, employees of the selling company will most likely insist that you invite a specialist). To save on calling a specialist, let’s take a closer look at what equipment is needed to install the receiver.


As already mentioned, to watch broadcast TV programs in digital quality you will need a special DVB-T2 set-top box, which is also called a receiver or external tuner. Today, stores offer a fairly large selection of such devices. Most often they are identical, so it’s worth choose a set-top box for digital television based on the functionality and options that you need. For example, if the set-top box will be used as a media player, you need to pay attention to the playback formats, as well as the presence of additional ports (for a flash drive or other drives).

The most expensive are digital set-top boxes with TimeShift and Scheduler functions. They allow you to record a TV show at any time, and you don’t even have to be at home, you can simply set the start and end time of the recording.


In order for the set-top box to work, you will need two types of cables. One is a regular television (coaxial), the second is a special one (HDMI), designed for transmitting a digital signal. Although the second type of cable is also common nowadays. The coaxial cable is intended for connecting the antenna to the set-top box, HDMI is for connecting the set-top box to the TV.

Advice! It is better to purchase a television (coaxial) cable with a copper screen. Unlike cables with an aluminum screen, copper provides better signal transmission quality.


And most importantly, don't forget to purchase an antenna. A digital television signal, like an analogue one, is broadcast in the UHF range at frequencies of 470-860 MHz, and therefore a regular UHF antenna is suitable for receiving it. It can be of two types: indoor or outdoor. The type of device is selected based on the distance from the TV tower. Home (indoor) devices will work well if the repeater is located no further than 15 km from the house. If the TV tower is more than 15 km away, only an external antenna will do.

Advice! If you live outside the city, where the nearest TV tower is clearly more than 15 km away, first of all talk to your neighbors and find out what antenna, with what amplifier they use, and what is the quality of signal reception on their TV.

It is worth noting that some antennas are not equipped with a built-in amplifier, in which case you will have to purchase it separately. To check whether an amplifier is needed at all, and whether it is worth spending extra money on it, you can use an already purchased set-top box. To do this, connect the antenna to the set-top box with cables, and the set-top box to the TV, go to the device settings and find the signal level scale. If an antenna without an amplifier provides reliable reception (the scale level is filled at least 75%), then there is no need to purchase an amplifier. Otherwise, the signal can be considered weak. The image with such a signal will constantly disappear.

Additional ways to connect the set-top box to your TV

As mentioned earlier, you can connect the set-top box to the TV using an HDMI cable. But this connection method is only suitable if the TV is no more than 5-7 years old. Older TV models do not have such inputs. Let's consider additional connection methods.

Connection via RCA cable

TVs were equipped with RCA sockets to work in tandem with video set-top boxes, VCRs and video players.

Before starting work, you must turn off the power to the TV and set-top box. After this, we insert the wires one by one into the sockets located on the back of the receiver. Each wire has its own color coding, so there shouldn’t be any difficulties at this stage. The white and red wires are responsible for the left and right channels of the audio signal, the yellow one (for the video signal) is also connected to the corresponding color socket.

At the next stage, turn on the power and set up TV channels. To do this, select “AV input” in the TV menu.

Connection via antenna (coaxial) cable

This type of connection is more suitable for very old TV models that do not have a video input. In this case, the set-top box is connected via a standard antenna cable. To do this, turn off the power and connect the antenna to the set-top box. After this, you can configure channels.

Important! Not all set-top boxes have the required antenna output, so take this into account when purchasing a receiver.

It is worth noting that this method is not the best, since when connecting via a simple antenna you will not get the desired image and sound quality.

Setting up channels

To watch the standard free package of TV shows included in the first and second multiplexes (each with 10 channels), setup can be done immediately after installing and connecting the set-top box. If you plan to view an extended list of channels that are broadcast in encrypted form, you will need additional equipment to decode them. You will have to buy a CAM module and a special decoding card. In addition, the fee for the selected channel package must be paid to the card balance.

If 20 channels of free digital broadcasting are enough for you, then after connecting the receiver and cable, you need to scan them. Most TV models and set-top boxes perform this function automatically; in some, this must be done manually. In any case, there should not be any difficulties here. In the TV menu, select manual scanning and run it, when finished you will see all the channels included in both multiplexes.

If you decide to use an extended list of channels, for example, from NTV+ or any other provider, you will first have to purchase a CAM module and a card. It must be placed in the conditional access module and then in the CAM device, which is inserted into the TV itself. After this, you can turn on the TV and scan channels manually or automatically.

The cost of additional equipment depends on the selected service provider. Some providers provide only a complete package of equipment, which means that you will not be able to buy only a CAM module and an additional access card. The standard set includes a module and a card, the cost of which can range from 4,000 to 9,000 rubles. Some providers provide equipment for rent, in which case the cost will be much lower.

Advice! For best video playback, it is better to set the frequency to 114,000 kHz.

Connection without a set-top box

If your TV is equipped with a built-in DVB-T2 tuner, then there is no need to buy a set-top box. To connect such a TV, only a decimeter antenna will be enough, which can be immediately connected to the antenna input and start scanning digital channels. In addition, control in this case will be carried out from one remote control, which is much more convenient.

When buying a smart set-top box for a TV or receiving an IPTV from an IPTV provider, many are not only looking for advice on choosing, but also information on how to connect it. Yes, advanced users will object that it’s complicated, but there are people who are far from all these modern gadgets. We will try to tell you in as much detail as possible how to connect a digital TV set-top box to modern and old TVs and monitors. What is needed for the Internet and peripheral devices to work.

The contribution consists of a reduction in the total cost of the decoder, including VAT, less any commercial discount. The amount will be refunded to the seller and the contribution cannot be paid more than once for each customer and cannot exceed the sale price in any case. The discount is applied directly by the reseller upon submission of an application for a television license in the current year, identification document and tax code.

How can I do this now? It is not possible to connect the TV antenna to the decoder, so if it is not possible to connect to a centralized system, you may be better off buying a portable antenna if it is amplified. Some national radio channels are also available on digital terrestrial frequencies, accessible by pressing a key that turns on radio programs.

First of all, we need to figure out what these smart set-top boxes are and what the difference is from digital ones, and then we’ll talk about connection. It is important to distinguish between smart set-top boxes and receivers for receiving a digital signal. Outwardly they may be similar, but in terms of functionality the differences are fundamental.

Smart TV set-top boxes

They are small devices (usually in the form of a box, less often) that are designed to expand the functionality of a regular TV.

To return to the TV, just press the same button again - in most cases. From today until now, channels on digital earth have disappeared. Why? In areas affected by the switchover to digital terrestrial, it may be that broadcasters change settings in their broadcasts. Therefore, it may be that one morning they will disappear from the channels that were seen before the previous evening. The solution is simple: you need to retune the channels. The decoder will repeat the frequency scan and the operation progress will appear on the screen.

During a transition to a digital terrestrial channel, the channel search operation must be performed several times as broadcasters calibrate broadcasts and changes occur frequently. How do you see pay-to-pay programs? To watch paid channels, you need to enable the smart card that you get by paying a subscription. The smart card must be inserted into the slot on the front of the decoder.

Smart consoles boast an operating system (usually Android) and that makes them like mini-computers with all the inherent capabilities (running programs, visiting the Internet, playing games, etc.).

A TV set-top box running Android (less often Windows) makes it possible to turn the most ordinary TV or monitor into a real multimedia center. By connecting such a device, the user will be able to play, visit Internet pages, communicate with friends on social networks and much more. The cost of TV set-top boxes starts at 1,500 rubles (on foreign trading platforms).

Does digital terrestrial broadcasting provide high definition programming? Sometimes a square grid appears on images: is this a decoder problem? No, it's just a small defect due to digital data compression. This is more noticeable in moving images.

Instructions for connecting a digital set-top box

Each of the four main digital transmission systems has certain advantages and disadvantages. The digital terrestrial system is easy to install and does not require major changes to existing installations; Its limits are represented by the complex coverage of some areas of the territory and the impossibility of creating custom palisades.

Digital set-top boxes

Digital receivers (also called IPTV set-top boxes) only allow you to watch digital television, simultaneously improving the quality of the signal. As a rule, they are given by IPTV television providers when concluding a contract. The most popular digital cable television providers in Russia:

  • Rostelecom
  • Beeline TV
  • Home TV from MTS

Despite the difference in functionality, the process of connecting digital set-top boxes and Smart TV is very similar. Read the most complete instructions for connecting your TV to a set-top box.

The satellite system provides better coverage, but you need to set the parabola and miss the signal in case of heavy rain or snow. Is this still relevant? The deduction was no longer updated. Can you see digital terrestrial TV on your computer? If the PC tuner does not have a center antenna input, the signal reception is quite poor. Can you record digital terrestrial programs?

Nothing will happen until the day before the registration date. From the next day, all channels will disappear from the TV. Without this connection there is no possibility of retransmission. To charge the card, you need to buy enough credit, call the phone, saying the card codes and payment codes. After a few minutes the TV will appear and the amount will be updated correctly.

Connecting a TV set-top box: what connectors can there be?

So, before considering the process of connecting a set-top box to a TV, I suggest you familiarize yourself with the connectors that the device may contain. Their variety and quantity directly depends on the specific TV box and its cost. We will look at a typical set of connectors for set-top boxes in the box form factor, since they are the most common today.

Along with the television signal, other data is transmitted and included in the broadcast stream. As the manufacturer releases updates to the digital decoder program that controls the digital terrestrial TV presentation - for example to offer additional features, fix any faults or use new specifications - this data is introduced into the broadcast stream. Some devices allow you to automatically configure this.

You've just taken the "big step" of purchasing a digital terrestrial TV decoder, but the technology is bothering you and you haven't opened the window yet. Read here and don't be afraid. Do not connect the decoder to the jack at this time. Connect the power plug. From now on, it is better not to use the TV remote control.

  • Power port. Almost every TV set-top box has one for connecting a power adapter. As a rule, it is presented in a round shape, so it is impossible to confuse it with others. Some models can use USB, miniUSB or microUSB ports for charging.
  • HDMI Every modern TV set-top box has it, it is necessary for connecting to image output devices (TVs, monitors). The package includes an HDMI cable that is used for connection. The HDMI interface can transmit both video and audio in high quality, which eliminates the need for a bunch of wires.
  • Audio outputs Despite the fact that one HDMI may be enough to connect a set-top box to a TV, manufacturers additionally equip devices with optical and/or coaxial audio outputs. They are necessary, as you might guess, for sound output. The optical output is marked as Optical or SPDIF, coaxial - Coaxial.
  • Card reader. Presented with a slot for installing SD / SDHC memory cards. It is not difficult to find a TV set-top box on the case.
  • USB. Most TV boxes have these ports, as they allow you to connect dozens of additional devices. I think there is no need to explain what USB looks like. The only thing to consider is the USB version. Today, USB 3.0 (blue port) is popular, which demonstrate better data transfer speeds than USB 2.0.
  • LAN The RJ-45 connector is also common. It is necessary to connect a TV set-top box to the Internet via a wire.
  • Analog video and audio. They are becoming increasingly rare given the widespread use of HDMI. Needed to connect a set-top box to old TVs that do not have a digital interface. For connection, a wire with RCA connectors (popularly called “tulips”) is used.

This is what the set of connectors for most smart set-top boxes looks like. As a rule, it is also supplemented by wireless interfaces (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth). They are needed to connect peripherals (mice, keyboards, gamepads), as well as to access the Network via a router.

The decoder will start scanning frequencies and the operation status, TV channels and radio stations will be displayed on the screen. This small drawback is that the various radio stations only accurately define the hierarchy of the main national channels, while some local TVs "fight" for the same number of channels.

In areas where digital terrestrial transition occurs, the channel search operation must be performed frequently, at least once a week, because broadcasters are calibrating broadcasts and changes are on the agenda. The channels can be erased, but this is not recommended because they will appear again the next time you rebuild. This results in the unwanted channel not being erased, but being ignored when changing the channel by pressing the change channel key.

How to connect a set-top box to a modern TV?

Let's start with the simplest problem, which can be solved in a matter of seconds. When we say a modern TV, we mean that it has an HDMI interface. Look for a port marked accordingly on the back or sides of the TV. A set-top box has an HDMI connector on the back. To connect, use an HDMI cable, which is included in the kit. If the manufacturer does not provide this, you will have to purchase it separately. Once the HDMI cable is connected, the power adapter is connected to the TV box.

Connecting cable digital TV

It might be handy to have a list with the main channels you usually see, another per-view list, a list of thematic channels. The screen will appear on the left side with a list of all available channels, and on the right - those added to the new list, which are performed by selecting the desired channel and pressing the color key indicated on the screen.

To find out which list is currently configured, simply change the channel and the letter of your list will appear at the bottom of the screen. Some channels offer a short sketch of the program. These days, analogue TV repeaters are switched off throughout Sardinia, a major breakthrough that breaks into everyday life even for those who know nothing about technology and can be completely free from TV signals that can be downloaded from old devices.

However, you will not immediately see the image on the TV screen from the set-top box. It is necessary to change the display mode in the TV settings to output via HDMI. If there are several ports, then select the number of the one to which the TV Box is connected. That's it, you can turn on the set-top box using the remote control. We'll talk about settings and connecting to the Internet below.

To resume programs, you will need a separate receiver to connect to your old TV or buy a new TV with a built-in decoder. The advantages of digital technology have allowed it to broadcast more programs on a single broadcast channel and have actually multiplied the range of programs available. In fact, the digital TV signal can only be good or non-existent, in this latter case you must organize an external system by an experienced specialist.

Connecting a digital set-top box

There are still LCD TVs and plasma TVs in stores that don't have terrestrial digital decoders: they tend to perform poorly because they are old-fashioned and will soon have to be equipped with an external decoder, with all the complications in the case of cables and connections. The Beijing Olympics, cycling worlds, are already broadcast and all Champions League matches are scheduled for Wednesday. The territory is divided into 16 geographical areas, which more or less correspond to the different regions of Italy.

How to connect a TV set-top box to a monitor?

Initially, all TV Boxes are designed to connect to TVs, but many users want to use the device with monitors. If the monitor is modern (has HDMI), then there should be no problems with the connection. We just do the same steps as for the TV. , when the monitor is outdated, and all it has from connectors are VGA and DVI. In this case, you won't be able to just plug in the cord.

Digital only in the second half of Eastern Piedmont, Lombardy, in the province of Piacenza: digital only in the first half of Emilia-Romagna, Veneto, Friuli-Venezia Giulia and Liguria: digital only in the second half of Tuscany and Umbria: digital only in the first half. Exact dates will be determined within 90 days of expiration. These dates should also be used to prepare subscriptions for the purchase of external decoders and televisions already equipped with an internal decoder. Currently 50 euros are paid in Sardinia and some doubts are associated with these dates. many of the objects are subject to restoration as they are still stationary on the analog signal.

To connect a digital TV set-top box you will need an adapter. The simplest option looks like: HDMI –VGA or HDMI – DVI (see photo above). That is, at one end of the cable we have an HDMI connector, at the other - VGA or DVI. Accordingly, one end is connected to the set-top box, the other to the monitor. True, there is no guarantee that such a design will work. The reason may be either poor-quality wire or HDCP technology (used for copy protection).

If some geographical areas are well covered by digital television signals, others are much less so, for example in Trentino, where a blackout is already set for next year, the digital signal does not extend far beyond the provincial capital and the forces of the mountainous territory to have many small repeaters, sometimes dedicated to one or several in common, and even among different broadcasters the gaps are remarkable.

To watch digital terrestrial TV you don't need to change your TV, but add a decoder, i.e. a set-top box, that is, a box that is connected to the antenna and the other to the TV. This is an object that costs about thirty euros and allows you to multiply the possibilities of links. Finally, if you're planning to buy a new generation TV, don't be fooled by old-fashioned models without decoders. integrated.

A more reliable way is an HDMI to VGA and Audio converter. It is a small device that converts audio and video. You can buy it in almost any online store. On one side, a TV set-top box is connected to it via an HDMI cable, on the other – VGA or DVI. There is also a branch represented by a wire with a 3.5 mm jack for outputting sound to external speakers.

Connecting the receiver to the antenna

And this is the ideal solution for anyone who has decided to change their TV or buy a new one. Currently, there are few available models, but they are inevitably multiplying. The syndicated logo, which decodes, allows only simple programs, pay-per-view programs and interactive services to be seen.

What is “terrestrial digital television”

Although this may seem difficult, it is not. Follow this guide to save time and money by learning how to do it yourself. Before you begin, make sure you have all the necessary components and accessories.

  • Note: This is true for an analog signal.
  • The digital signal may or may not arrive at all.
  • Remember the “snow” on old analog devices?
  • This effect showed poor signal quality.
This is a new transmission system that exploits the potential offered by computer technology and is a technological evolution of the current television system.

There are other connection options, but almost all require the use of a converter. Connecting a TV set-top box in this way will, of course, take some work, but as a result, the old monitor can become like a large smartphone on which you can watch movies and play games.

This service can be received through a regular television antenna. According to recent European legislation, EU countries are transforming their infrastructure for broadcasting television channels, from analogue systems to digital systems. Digital terrestrial television is being introduced in our country and will gradually cover all regions and autonomous provinces, which will be expanded.

What are the advantages of digital terrestrial television over "real" television?

The main advantages of digital terrestrial implementation are:

How you can receive digital terrestrial programs

  • Fewer transmitters with the same number of programs.
  • Low transmission powers.
  • Signals in the service area are often disrupted by interference.
  • Possibility to send paid programs.
The terrestrial digital signal is transmitted exactly like a current analog signal and arrives at the viewer's home through a common television antenna.

How to connect a digital set-top box to an old TV?

Many users are interested in set-top boxes as a way to make an old TV a little smarter, extending its life. But the question arises: how to connect a smart set-top box to an old TV that does not have HDMI? Firstly, you can look for a TV-Box model, which has a set of composite outputs (usually three (maybe two): yellow - video; red and white - sound). Accordingly, you need to find inputs on the TV of the same color (in video / audio). For connection, a 3RCA -3RCA cable is used (three “tulips” at each end). Each “tulip” has its own color, so it’s impossible to get confused. After connecting the set-top box, you need to switch the TV to video output mode (look for the corresponding button on the TV remote control (Video or Source).

Modern TV Boxes with more advanced hardware discard outdated “tulips” and use the AV output. The cable is not always included. In this case, you will have to additionally buy an adapter. As a rule, a 3.5 Jack -3RCA cable is suitable (it has a 3.5 connector at one end (similar to the one used in headphones), and 3 “tulips” at the other end). Jack is connected to the corresponding output on the set-top box (AV), 3RCA - to the TV.

You can also find video signal converters (converters) on sale, for example the HDMI2AV model, which costs approximately 500 rubles. On the one hand, a TV set-top box is connected to it via HDMI, on the other, the signal is output to the TV via a 3RCA -3RCA wire. As you can see, there is room to turn around.

How to connect a set-top box to two TVs?

Often, users want to make several TVs in their home “smart” at once by connecting them to one TV Box. Theoretically this is possible, but it is difficult to predict how this will happen in practice.

Read the instructions for your set-top box carefully! It may simply not support such a connection and fail.

So, we need the digital set-top box itself and two TVs, one must be with HDMI, the second will be connected via RCA. The connection occurs as we discussed above. That is, we connect one TV to the set-top box via an HDMI cable, the second - we use an RCA wire or appropriate adapters. If the system works, then we have several nuances:

  • Both TVs display the same image. You won’t be able to play on one and watch videos on the Internet on the other – the system does not provide for working in this mode.
  • If the set-top box is in one room, and the TVs are in two others, then you will have to constantly run to the Box to switch something.

In what situations can connecting one set-top box to two TVs be useful? For example, when you want it to be possible both in the living room and in the kitchen.

How to access the Internet on a TV set-top box?

Besides the obvious viewing of movies from internal storage and external drives, the TV box can be connected to the Internet, which significantly expands its capabilities. There are two ways to access the Internet. Firstly, we can use a Wi-Fi router, which can be found in every apartment today. How does the connection happen?

  • Go to TV Box settings using the remote control or mouse.
  • We are looking for a Wi-Fi point. The interface is disabled by default. To turn it on, drag the slider to the active state.
  • The search for available Wi-Fi networks will begin. As a rule, this takes a matter of seconds. From the list, select your network to connect to.
  • Enter your password by clicking “OK” at the end.

That’s it, if there are no problems with the router, then you can start downloading applications, surfing the Internet and watching movies online.

Secondly, you can use the interface that many TV Boxes have. Physically, it is represented by an RJ-45 connector or also called LAN (see the connector diagram below again), located on the rear side.

It is to this that the network cable is connected, through which Internet access is provided by the provider, or which is connected to your modem or router.

After the wire is connected, go to the settings of the TV set-top box, where you need to make the slider opposite the item active. As a rule, your smart set-top box will automatically receive the required address on the network and you will have Internet access. If not, open the settings, select Ethernet and enter the necessary data (the same as on your computer, only in the IP address field change the last digit to plus one or minus one)

How to connect peripheral devices to a TV set-top box?

For many users, the remote control is not enough for comfortable operation. Often, Chinese manufacturers offer inconvenient remote controls in the kit, with which you can only flip through desktops and switch videos. Fortunately, all consoles make it possible to connect a mouse, a keyboard, a gamepad, and many other devices. How to connect them to a TV set-top box?

The easiest, but not always convenient way is through USB ports. You can connect the simplest wired mouse or keyboard to them, the main thing is that there are enough connectors. If there are devices with special radio modules, then they can also be used. However, the connection via wireless interfaces looks more interesting. Almost all smart set-top boxes have Wi-Fi, which works great with various peripherals. Many models also receive the widespread Bluetooth.

Connecting peripherals to a TV set-top box via a wireless interface takes place in a few simple steps. We activate the desired interface (Wi-Fi or Bluetooth) on the device and TV Box. From the list of found devices, select the one you need, after which pairing will occur. If you are required to enter a password, use the combinations “0000” or “1234”.

So, you have decided to connect and configure digital terrestrial television for your Smart TV device. This, of course, can be done regardless of what manufacturer of your TV you have - Samsung, LG, Philips or some other. The main thing is that your gadget has a built-in receiver. It is important to note that such a receiver is installed in almost every modern Smart TV. But just in case, you can clarify this either in the instructions or in the store where you purchased the TV (or find information on the Internet).

There is nothing complicated in setting up digital terrestrial television if you strictly follow the instructions

What can the fact that the TV is capable of receiving digital terrestrial television give you? Remember the old TVs, which most often had a screen with a twitching image, on which it was often simply impossible to watch your favorite program - these were analog channels. So, the modern world has overcome this problem with the help of digital TV channels that have high quality image and sound. Agree, in this case it will be much more pleasant to watch movies, TV shows or the same news. In general, only pros and no cons! So let's move on directly to how to connect digital terrestrial television to your TV.

How to set up digital terrestrial television?

Before we begin setting up digital terrestrial television, let's take a look at the preparations. First of all, you will need the antenna itself, which you must first purchase or install (if you have your own). You can also calculate the antenna so that there are no problems with the cable length. And, of course, a TV with support for digital channels. Pay special attention to this, since not all TVs can receive them.

If the answer to these two questions is yes, that is, you have both an antenna and a TV capable of receiving digital channels (it has a special built-in receiver), then you can move on. As for the receiver, carefully read the instructions for using Smart TV. Such information must be indicated therein.

Universal method

The method below is not entirely universal, but rather general. That is, the principle of the sequence of actions will be similar to others, but some menu items or button names will differ. Therefore, you can try your logical and analytical abilities in practice and draw an analogy with your device. If you doubt yourself or don’t want to complicate your life, then simply find the instructions for your TV below (Samsung, LG and Philips are considered). Anyway, let's move on:

  1. We connect the antenna to the TV using a special connector.
  2. Now we pick up the TV remote control and click on “Menu”. This button is usually the largest, and it is located in an accessible and visible place.
  3. Next, we need to find the options or settings where we need automatic mode for them.
  4. If necessary, you can specify the signal source (this is, of course, cable), and then select digital channels. For each positive choice, click OK or “Next”.
  5. Specify that you need a full channel search. A field for filling out data may also appear here. In this case, we indicate the following information (note that if there is a network search for channels, then this data does not need to be specified):
    • For the frequency, use a value equal to 314 MHz.
    • For transmission speed - 6875 KS/s
    • Well, modulation - 256
  6. Click the long-awaited “Start” or “Start” button. All you have to do is wait for the process to complete, after which you can enjoy watching TV channels in higher quality, since your TV will be able to receive digital terrestrial television.

Samsung TVs

  1. As in the previous instructions, first connect the antenna to your Samsung TV.
  2. Using the special button on the remote control, enter the device settings.
  3. In the list that appears, we will need a tab with broadcast (or another name, where the antenna icon is drawn), where there is an “Antenna” item, in it you need to indicate that the connection is made using a cable.
  4. Then open the “Country” menu item. Here we will select “Other”.
  5. Now you should see a window asking you to enter a special PIN code. The default is 0000 if you haven't changed anything yourself.
  6. If the device again asks you to specify the signal source, then without hesitation we select the cable.
  7. Next, set the following search settings: fast mode, automatic network selection. Don't forget to fill in this information:
    • For transmission speed - 6875 KS/s.
    • Well, and modulation - 256.
  8. As they often write on the Internet, “turn on the hatiko mode” - and wait for the process to complete. If completed successfully, you will be able to connect digital channels to your TV.


  1. It's LG Smart TV's turn. Just in case, let's repeat our first step - connecting the antenna to the TV.
  2. Next, open the device settings using the button on the remote control.
  3. We will need to find the country parameters where we should select Finland or Germany.
  4. The next stage is auto-search for channels. It can also be easily found in the menu tab with the antenna drawn.
  5. Next, we will need to indicate what type of connection we have. As you know, this is a cable. Therefore, the choice here is obvious and there is no need to think for a long time.
  6. We find ourselves in special settings, where we indicate data that is already familiar to us (if you have read the previous paragraphs). If not, then look:
    • For the frequency, use a value equal to 314 MHz.
    • Transmission speed - 6875 KS/s.
    • Modulation - 256.
  7. We are waiting for the end of the search for digital channels. If everything went well, then you can please yourself by watching some program in digital quality.

It’s worth mentioning right away about automatic channel updates on LG TVs. Not all models have this feature. If this is the case, then you don’t have to search again - the TV will do everything for you. This setting is adjustable, so it can be turned off in the options if desired.

Philips TVs

As mentioned above, the method is practically no different from the previous ones, except for the names of menu items and some tabs. Let's get started:

  1. Connect the antenna to the TV and go to the “Installation” tab of the configuration menu using the remote control.
  2. A list with parameters will appear in front of you. We need the “Channel Settings” item.
  3. Next, we enter the automatic installation, where the system will notify you about updating the channel list. We are not afraid, but click the “Start” button.
  4. Now you must click on reinstall channels, and then select Germany or Finland as the country.
  5. After these manipulations, you will need to set the connection type to “Cable”.
  6. It's time to set some parameters using the "Settings" item. Here the speed should be 314.
  7. And now, after numerous manipulations with the settings and searching for the necessary menu items, we have reached the finish line: click on “Start” and wait for the process to complete. Upon completion, your fruitful work is declared complete.

How to decode channels?

First of all, please note that if you have set up digital channels according to the method described above, then you should not have any encrypted channels at all. This problem occurs when you have cable television (for example, NTV Plus or Tricolor TV). There you set a special price for watching channels for a certain period of time. When your subscription expires, you are blocked from accessing these digital channels. Then you need to pay for the services and configure the receiver again. If you don’t know how to do this, you can contact specialists specifically for your receiver by phone number or through their website. You can also try to find instructions on the same official website, which describes in detail the entire procedure for resuming viewing.


Digital terrestrial television has a higher display quality compared to analogue channels. You can connect and configure this function very easily on any TV - you don’t need any special knowledge to do this. Let's summarize our instructions as common for most TVs:

  1. We connect the antenna.
  2. In the settings menu we find auto channel search.
  3. Then we configure the connection type “Cable” and, if necessary, set the parameters in the data area (baud rate, frequency and modulation).
  4. Also, if necessary, you need to select a country - most often it is Germany or Finland.
  5. We start searching for channels using the start button in the dialog box.
  6. We wait for the search to complete and move on to the long-awaited viewing!

We hope everything worked out for you, dear friends! We share our stories about setting up digital terrestrial television in the comments.

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Insufficiently advanced analog television is becoming a thing of the past. Digital TV is spreading across the country, and it does its job much better than its predecessor. By and large, connecting digital television will not be difficult. You only need a special one that will receive a signal in DVB-T2 format. And if the TV is already equipped with a built-in receiver, then there is no need to even buy a set-top box.

In addition to the set-top box itself, you will also need a cable and a CAM module. The latter is optional. It will only be needed by those who want to have an expanded list of channels. To connect the receiver to the TV, you do not need to call specialists. You can do everything yourself. However, when buying a set-top box, sellers can persistently impose the services of a specialist. You can safely refuse them, because this article will give detailed instructions for connecting to any type of TV.

Necessary equipment

Before you figure out how to connect the receiver to your TV, you need to take a little closer look at what you need to purchase.

Set-top box receiver

As already written above, to watch TV channels in digital quality you need a set-top box that picks up the DVB-T2 format signal. In stores it can be called differently: receiver, tuner, and so on. Nowadays it is not difficult to find such a thing. Just go to an electronics store. And the assortment there can be very large. You should choose based on the available funds. The cheapest digital set-top box will do just fine. The main thing is that it accepts the format DVB-T2.

Why is it not necessary to buy a more expensive console? The fact is that they will differ only in bells and whistles. The main function of the set-top box is to convert the signal, but usually expensive ones are equipped with various additional capabilities in the form of a USB port or radio. That's all the difference.

It’s worth taking an expensive one only if you want to record programs and watch them later. In this case, you need to look for a receiver with the function TimeShift. And the recording function will appear on the monitor.


The set-top box must be connected to the monitor. For this you need cable. You need to choose two types.

  • The first is a regular television one;
  • The second is HDMI. It is needed for signal transmission. A coaxial cable connects the antenna to the set-top box, HDMI connects the set-top box to the TV.

It is better to choose a regular cable with a copper screen. This will contribute to better signal transmission quality than an aluminum screen.


Naturally, the same cannot be done without an antenna. The broadcast range of digital television is the same as that of analogue. This means that the most ordinary antenna will do. You can buy indoor or outdoor. And the choice depends on the distance from the source of the tower from which the signal is sent. An indoor antenna is suitable only if the house is located no further than 15 kilometers from the TV tower. Otherwise, an external antenna is required, otherwise the picture in the monitor will not be the best.

If you are selecting equipment for your dacha, then first it is better to visit your neighbors and ask about their antenna. This will help you make a better choice. Look at their monitor, if the picture is satisfactory, then you can install the same antenna. This is the most correct option.

It is also worth noting that some antennas have a built-in amplifier signal. If you don't have it, you will have to purchase it separately. An amplifier may not be needed at all. You can check this by connecting the receiver. A scale should appear on the screen. If the level is 75% or higher, then an amplifier is not needed. If there are problems with the signal and cubes appear instead of a clear picture, then you can purchase the cheapest amplifier. He will do the job perfectly. There is no need to spend money on expensive ones; they are only needed for analog television.

Methods for connecting various TV models

The connection diagram through the set-top box is very simple. It doesn’t matter what brand of TV: LG, Samsung... Everything is done according to the same scheme. The wire from the antenna is connected to the receiver set-top box, and cord, which stretches from it, is already connected to the TV. Ready. Connection becomes somewhat more complicated on older TV models.

Connecting the set-top box to older TV models

We have already figured out that to connect the set-top box you will need an HDMI cable. But this can only be done on new TV models. On models that are older than 5–7 years, the necessary input is simply missing. There is no need to worry about this. After all, this problem also has the right solution.

RCA sockets were available on televisions for connecting set-top boxes, VCRs and video players. And they can be used.

First, disconnect the TV from the network and from the receiver. Now we connect the wires to the required connectors on the back of the console. It is difficult to make a mistake here, because there are color markings. You just need to combine everything by color. The white and red wires are responsible for the left and right channels of the audio signal, the yellow (video signal) also needs to be connected to its socket. Now the same thing needs to be done with the TV. After connecting the wires, you can attach the antenna to the receiver. Ready. You can connect the monitor to the network and configure channels.

Connection via antenna (coaxial) cable

This type of connection is suitable for very old TVs. For those that do not have a video input. The set-top box-receiver will be connected via a regular cable. There are no difficulties here, you just need to connect the antenna to the set-top box. The problem may be something else. Not all receivers are equipped with such an antenna output. Therefore, you first need to check with the seller that it is available. And we can’t help but mention that this is not the most reliable connection method. The signal quality may be very weak, resulting in very average picture and sound.

Connection without a set-top box

Well, let's talk about the last type of connection. There are TVs equipped with built-in DVB-T2 tuner. In this case, you do not need to purchase an attachment. To connect you only need a decimeter antenna. It is connected to the antenna input and after that you can immediately start searching for channels. That's all.

Setting up TV channels

If you plan to limit yourself to a standard free broadcast package (about 10 channels), then you can set up the TV immediately after connecting the set-top box-receiver. But if you need an expanded catalog of TV channels, you will need to purchase some more equipment. The fact is that this package of channels comes in encrypted form. And you need a device that can decode them. Such devices are the CAM module and the decoding card. You will need to activate the card by depositing the required amount of money on it.

The cost of additional components will depend on the service provider. Some providers are cunning and sell only a complete TV package of all devices, which will not allow you to purchase just the CAM module and card. Full set equipment can cost 4,000–9,000 rubles.

  • Free TV package. First, let's talk about the first option with a free channel package. In this case, you need to go to the TV settings and just find the “channels” tab, and then click on automatic search. It would be enough. In a few minutes everything will be ready. You can also use a manual search. In this case, you will need to click on the “forward” button after the next channel is found. The search will then continue;
  • Paid TV package. When using an extended channel package, you first need to insert the paid card into the conditional access module, and then into the CAM device, which is then placed into the TV. Now you can proceed to searching for channels. Everything happens the same as in the first option.

That's all, we have examined in detail the question of how to connect digital television. Good luck!

Most countries in Europe, and indeed the whole world, have long switched to digital television broadcasting. However, in our country the transition process has been delayed. Perhaps this is due to the fact that many families still have televisions that do not have digital receiver. But for watching digital channels this is not a problem. After all, there are special set-top boxes for sale for watching digital television, which are very inexpensive, and you can connect them to almost any old or new TV.

What you need to watch digital TV channels

By purchasing a set-top box for digital television, many have no idea how to use it, how to connect it correctly and how to set up TV channels. After all, this type of television signal transmission is just entering our lives. Meanwhile, there is nothing complicated about it. All you need to watch these channels is:

  • TV;
  • console;
  • antenna or other signal source.

Depending on what the signal source will be, you should purchase a set-top box. After all, a digital signal is transmitted in several formats. For satellite television - this is the DVB-S and DVB-S2 format, cable networks - the DVB-C format, for digital terrestrial television DVB-T2. Considering that most satellite and cable operators supply their subscribers with set-top boxes, make the necessary settings themselves, and very often do this even for free during promotions, we will mainly talk about set-top boxes for digital terrestrial television. This is also relevant because 20 digital television channels are broadcast free of charge in many regions.

How to connect a digital set-top box to your TV

The connection diagram for a digital set-top box is quite simple, if both the TV and the set-top box have the appropriate connectors. Most often they act as f-connectors or "tulips" as most people call them. However, better picture quality can be achieved if you use HDMI connectors. But they are only available in new TV models.

But there are old TVs that do not even have an input for “tulips”. But they have SCART connectors. Then you can use this connector to connect the set-top box to the TV. And you don’t need to look for a diagram on how to replace “tulips” with SCART, for this you just need to buy a cable with different connectors or an adapter. Both options are not so difficult to find in our stores.

The situation is more difficult if your TV is very old, CRT, which has no connector at all for additional devices, except for the antenna input. A modulated high-frequency signal enters this input. But here, too, the circuit of any special adapter is not needed. You just need to purchase a modulator that has inputs for RCA connectors.

Setting up a set-top box for digital television

So, we connected a digital set-top box. Now all that remains is to connect it to the signal source and make the necessary settings. If you want to watch digital terrestrial television, then to receive the signal you will need either a home all-wave antenna, or an external antenna with the function of receiving channels in the UHF range.

First, you should find the signal source in the TV menu. If you connected the set-top box via “tulips”, then this is the AV item, and if via HDMI, then select the same item. This should be done using the TV remote control. But we won’t need it anymore, other than turning it on and off. Further, we will carry out all settings and control using the remote control from the set-top box. The channel setup scheme is very simple. All you need for this is:

  • take the remote control and open the menu;
  • select the channel settings item;
  • start auto search;
  • save found channels.

However, things may not always go so smoothly the first time. Sometimes not all channels can be found using auto search. In this case, you will need to carry out manual setting, having previously found out at what frequency digital television packages are broadcast in your region, and set this frequency on the set-top box.

After all channels are working, it is advisable to make sure that you have configured them correctly. For this we need a button INFO on the remote control. Using it, we will check the quality of the signal entering the set-top box. To do this, you need to press this button three times. And we will see information about signal quality, frequency, channel number, etc. If the signal quality is above 60%, then the setup was correct. But this will be information for one package or multiplex. And you can check whether the channels of other multiplexes are found correctly by switching the set-top box to them.

By the way, it happens very often. that the signal is weak due to incorrectly installed antenna. Therefore, it is important to find the right position for it. After all, any obstacle can interfere with the digital signal. You can use an antenna with a booster or try to find the right point for the antenna.

By the way, to use a digital set-top box it is not necessary to connect it to the TV. You can use a DVD player, monitor and speakers.

Is it possible to connect the set-top box to several TVs?

Many apartments these days have multiple televisions. Therefore, when purchasing a receiver, many people wonder whether it can be used on two TVs, and sometimes more. This is not excluded. It is enough to purchase splitter, which will supply a signal to two or more TVs. You can also use different connectors on the console. For example, use an HDMI connector for one TV, and SCART or “tulip” connectors for another.

But this will require long cables. And besides, it will only work on different TVs one channel, which is selected on the receiver. This might be useful when you frequently need to move from one room to another, such as from the living room to the kitchen while cooking, but it won't work when different family members want to watch different channels.

For this case you will have to buy high frequency modulator, from which different channels will work on different TVs from one digital set-top box. But the price of this device is not so cheap; it can be significantly more expensive than the cost of the receiver. Therefore, sometimes it will be more profitable to buy a second console.

Additional features of a digital TV set-top box

When buying digital set-top boxes, many pay attention not only to its direct purpose - watching TV channels in the digital range, but also to the availability of additional features, such as:

  • playing files from a flash drive via a USB connector;
  • functions for recording programs at a given time;
  • TimeShift functions.

Multimedia playback function files from USB drive Many digital set-top boxes are equipped. Those who once had VCRs know what recording at a given time is. You simply set the start and end time of the broadcast of the program, as well as the program on which it will be broadcast, and the set-top box will record it without your participation.

Another convenient feature is TimeShift. It is convenient for those who do not have the opportunity to constantly be in front of the TV during the broadcast. You can stop a TV show at any time and continue watching it exactly from the moment where it was stopped. Simply put, with this function it becomes possible to pause while watching a program.

There are also other additional functions of digital set-top boxes. But still they are not the main ones. Their main function is to watch digital television channels.

So, you want to connect digital television. What needs to be done for this, and what to pay attention to? I will answer all your questions. Let me say right away that we are talking about terrestrial digital TV(set-top box, antenna, air), about cable - this is not here)

How to connect digital TV? It's actually very simple!

I suggest you simple algorithm, following which, you can easily connect and configure 10 or 20 digital channels on your TV. But, since each step has its own nuances, I wrote separate articles on them. Carefully study everything that is written here, and you will be happy - free digital television in your home. All links open in a new window.

So, let's go.

The first three steps when connecting digital TV, or “Where to start”?

  1. Read this short introduction to the topic written by me. This way you will get a rough idea of ​​the issue in general.
  2. Watch it using terrestrial digital TV. Maybe you expected more or something different? If you are not satisfied with what is broadcast there, you can close this site and continue with your business)
  3. Make sure that there is a digital TV nearby that operates in the DVB T2 format, and that you are within the broadcast area of ​​one of them.

If the first three points did not discourage you, then let’s continue. Most likely, further steps will require money, so check the coverage area well and think about whether you are doing all this in vain.

All you need is a TV (I paid for 1100) and (with an amplifier I charged 700 rubles). In total, the issue price is 1,800 rubles, which pays for itself in a year of cable TV subscription. And if you don’t buy an antenna, then that’s great. And the TV may well already have a built-in receiver for connecting digital TV.

Further steps to connect the “digital”

  1. Let's solve the issue with .
  2. We solve the issue with
  3. Having everything you need on hand! (hooray!)
  4. If you have caught more channels than you should (duplicates!), .
  5. If something didn’t work out and we didn’t catch anything, then don’t despair.
  6. If nothing helps, then call or write an email to the local customer support center. I wrote, and they actually answered my questions from there. Well done!

Connecting digital television is not launching a ship into space, and I think that it is available to everyone who has such a desire and very little money)

Here is a short manual with a bunch of pitfalls. I hope you found it helpful.