w3bsit3-dns.com android the screen does not turn on after a conversation. Screen remains dark after ending a call

When you hold down during a call Xperia device™ near your ear, the screen turns off to prevent accidental activation of the touch screen. If the screen does not turn on when you move the device away from your ear, the following actions.

    (Workaround) Press the Power button. If the screen does not turn on, press the Power button again.

    Check to see if the protective film that was on the screen when you purchased your Xperia™ device has been removed. It is intended solely to protect the screen during transportation and can be easily removed.

    If you have pasted protective film on the screen, make sure it is for your Xperia™ device model. It is important that the screen protector has holes that line up exactly with the proximity sensor and do not block it. To check the exact position of the proximity sensor for your Xperia models™, see illustrations in the instruction manual.

    Turn off your device, and then turn it on again. This will stop all running applications and free up memory. Sometimes this operation will automatically fix the problem.

  • To reset your device, perform a software restore using the Xperia™ Companion PC app. Please note that restoring the software will erase all data stored on the device. Content saved on external map memory such as photos, videos and music are not deleted.

    Backing up data using a computer

    1. Make sure the Xperia™ Companion app is
    2. Connect your device to your computer using a cable USB Type-C™ .
    3. On your computer: open Xperia app™ Companion if it does not launch automatically. After some time, the computer will detect the device.
    4. Make sure your Xperia™ device's USB connection is set to File Transfer mode Transferring files .
    5. Select Backup on the Xperia™ Companion home screen and follow the instructions.

    Restoring software using Xperia™ Companion

    1. Prepare your username and password account Google™. Depending on your security settings, you may need to enter them to restart your device after restoring the software.
    2. Make sure the Xperia™ Companion app is installed on your PC or Mac computer ®.
    3. Open Xperia™ Companion on your computer, but do not connect your Xperia™ device until prompted in the fifth option in the Xperia™ Companion window.
    4. Select an item Software recovery on the computer screen.
    5. Follow the onscreen instructions to reinstall the software and perform a recovery.

Often users mobile devices Faced with the fact that during a conversation the screen lock does not work, preventing involuntary pressing on the display. The problem in this case lies in the proximity sensor. Reasons incorrect operation There are several of this smartphone element. Now we will figure out how to enable/disable the proximity sensor on Android, or configure it if necessary.

Speech in in this case it's about a little contactless device, which recognizes the approach of any object to the smartphone. As a result correct operation This function will turn off the gadget's display automatically when you bring the phone to your ear. This will prevent accidental pressing touch buttons during a conversation (for example, with your ear, finger or cheek).

In addition, the proximity sensor on Android allows you to significantly save battery power, since when the screen is turned on while communicating with another subscriber, the battery power is intensively consumed.

Enable or disable proximity sensor on Android

Typically, the sensor on the device is active by default. If in your case this is not the case, or this function was somehow disabled by accident, then enabling it will not be difficult. This is done as follows: go to “ Settings", find the section " System applications ", select the item " Telephone»:

Then click " Incoming calls"and transfer to active position slider in the line " Proximity sensor"(on some gadgets you will need to check a box):

Depending on the smartphone model, activating the sensor will look slightly different, for example, by immediately opening the dialing field, we call up the call settings menu or with the “ Settings", or by pressing and holding the hardware options button. And after that, as was written above, in “ Incoming calls"turn on the sensor:

If the question is about how to turn off the proximity sensor, then, accordingly, we go the same way and deactivate the function (uncheck it).

How to set up (calibrate) a proximity sensor

This element is located at the top of the smartphone, usually to the left or right of the front camera lens:

On some models of Android devices it can be considered and with the naked eye, on others it is quite difficult to detect it. If, during a call, you remove the phone from your ear and then bring it closer to front camera finger, then the display, which goes out after that, will tell you the location of the sensor.

It is quite possible that the reason for the incorrect operation of the sensor was simply dust getting on it. In this case, restore normal work functions can be simply cleaned by cleaning the device - turn off the smartphone and blow it with a jet compressed air. Then you need to reboot your gadget and check whether the sensor’s functionality has been restored.

If this manipulation does not bring the desired result, then you can resort to calibrating the sensor, which is performed in several ways.

Using system capabilities

Open " Settings", select the item " Special abilities " (on some devices " Screen"), find the line " Proximity Sensor Calibration»:

Then, we follow the system prompts step by step, and watch the video more clearly:

Through the engineering menu

By using engineering menu you can check the correct operation of the sensor and, if necessary, calibrate it.

To do this, enter the following set of characters in the dialing field: *#*#3646633#*#* Now open the tab " Hardware Testing"(equipment testing) and press the button “ Sensor", select " Light/Proximity Sensor"(light/proximity sensor):

  • Select " PS Data Collection» (proximity sensor data collection);
  • In the next window, select “ Get One Data»;
  • After the number appears " 0 "Put your palm on the proximity sensor on your smartphone and press " Get One Data»;

If as a result we see the figure 255 , this means our sensor is functioning normally.

For settings:

Select " PS Calibration", then " Calibration" After that, without covering the sensor, click on “Calculate min value”. After the message “ Calculate succeed"We bring a sheet of paper to the sensor at a distance of 2-3 centimeters and click on " Calculate Max value", after which we just have to click " Do Calibration"and reboot your smartphone:

Using third party software

If all previous methods did not help normalize the operation of the sensor, you can use the “Proximity Sensor Reset” application (for rooted devices).

Download and install the program from the Play Store. After launch we activate big button « Calibrate Sensor" Now cover the proximity sensor with your hand and press “ Next»:

Next you need to remove your hand and press “ Next", and then " Calibrate" And " Confirm" We grant superuser (ROOT) rights to the system request. After completing the steps, wait for the smartphone to reboot.

Now you know how to turn on/off/configure the proximity sensor on Android. However, if in your case the problem has not been solved, then it is possible that you will need to calibrate the display or reflash the smartphone. In addition, sometimes the sensor may not work correctly due to a hardware failure, then you cannot avoid seeking help from service center.

If the screen on Android does not turn on after a conversation or does not go off during a call when you put it to your ear, then you should look for the cause of the problem in the work. If it breaks down, the device cannot correctly determine its position in space, so the screen does not light up, but the phone works.

This article is suitable for all brands that produce phones on Android 9/8/7/6: Samsung, HTC, Lenovo, LG, Sony, ZTE, Huawei, Meizu, Fly, Alcatel, Xiaomi, Nokia and others. We are not responsible for your actions.

Problems with the screen when making calls on Android

The main function of the proximity sensor is automatic switching on and turning off the backlight during a call. This allows you to save battery power and prevent accidental pressing of your ear or cheek touch screen your gadget.

If your Android device does not turn off during a call, or the screen does not turn on after the call ends, then you should look for the problem in the operation of the sensor. The reasons may be as follows:

  • Poor visibility (covered/covered with protective film or cover).
  • a lack of random access memory.
  • Problems with the firmware.
  • Moisture ingress.
  • Mechanical impact and damage to the cable or other components.

Before you start programmatically To resolve the problem, wipe the screen thoroughly. Special attention Pay attention to the top part, where the proximity sensor is located. If film or glass is glued to the display, then over time they may lose transparency and also interfere with the sensor.

Then check the call settings - perhaps the parameters are set incorrectly and the sensor is simply turned off. This option is not available on all phones, but it’s worth checking.

  1. Open Settings and go to “My Devices” or “Options”.
  2. On the Calls tab, make sure there is a checkmark next to Proximity Sensor.

Also, make sure that the system has enough RAM to run the sensor. Open the list of applications in settings and on the “Running” tab look at how much RAM your phone is using. If you find a shortage, shut down the job. unnecessary applications.

If everything is set correctly in the settings, but the sensor does not work, do backup copy important data and reset Android to factory settings. If the problem persists after a hard reset, you will have to reflash the phone. If none software methods, including flashing, did not eliminate the problem, it is recommended to contact a service center to diagnose hardware faults.

Problems with the screen on Android after sleep mode

Another problem that may arise with the screen is that it does not turn on after sleep mode. It may or may not be black, but the phone works. If you are faced with such a situation, then know that the reasons can also be software or hardware in nature:

  • Lack of RAM.
  • Problems with the firmware.
  • Incorrect work power buttons.
  • Mechanical impact (impact, fall).
  • Moisture getting inside the housing.

If the phone does not turn on but vibrates when incoming call or performing other actions, there is a high probability that the problem can be fixed without contacting a service center. Clear RAM from unnecessary processes, completing unnecessary work in this moment applications. If this does not help, make a backup of your important data and reset the system settings to the factory state.


If a hard reset also does not fix the problem, you will have to flash the device. It is important not to forget to make a backup copy before each serious operation to interfere with Android.

Does your screen turn off during a phone call? Does your phone click during a call? Does the touch sensor not work when you hold the phone to your ear during a conversation? Call it what you want, but there is only one problem and we solve it here!

  1. Why your smartphone started not turning off the screen during a call, there are, as always, many reasons, since it is electronics and whatnot. This is not grandpa's TV or a calculator, but whole computer in your pocket. In addition to the electronics that your smartphone is crammed with, there are also software part responsible for the correct operation of electronics. We will talk about the software part initially, since this is the easiest method to fix this problem which we are talking about in this article. For some unknown reason, some miracles, I’ll call it that, may occur in your Android smartphone. In general, for some reason, your sensor responsible for bringing the phone closer to your ear or head could simply turn off. Let's check if this is true and if everything is in order, let's move on to other methods of correcting this situation with the proximity sensor.
  2. We enable the software option responsible for the proximity sensor.

  3. Very easy to turn on this option and since the system Android different, I mean the name and issue number. Also, the menu may differ, but not critically; if you turn on the logic, you will find the path to this setting, if of course it differs from what is described below:
  4. We go to "Settings" usually indicated by a gear icon. In the settings we find the item "System applications" picture below:
  5. Going to "System Applications" we find the "Phone" item, it is shown as a green square with a handset, in some versions the name may be "Calls", the picture below:
  6. We entered the “Phone” sub-item and found the “Incoming calls” menu item, picture below:
  7. We have reached the final stage where in the “Proximity sensor” item you need to turn it on so that the slider is on the right and lights up with the color provided to it by the menu of your smartphone. I hope that this option will fix your problem with the screen turning off during a conversation, picture below:
  8. Another way to get to the software activation of the proximity sensor.

  9. If the method described above did not help you or you have the wrong phone model, or rather Android systems. In this case, there is another way, such as going to “Calls” and then clicking “settings”, it is, as always, displayed as a gear, the picture below:
  10. When you enter the “Settings” item, there will be another item called “Incoming calls”, this is what you need, the picture is below:
  11. In the “Incoming calls” item we are looking for the treasured switch that may be turned off for you and because of this, an inconvenient situation occurs during a conversation. The name of the switch is “Proximity sensor” which should be turned on, which means it should light up in the color given to it by the menu your smartphone gives.
  12. To everything written above, I can add that if none of the options helped you, but you found where the “proximity sensor” turns on, try turning it off so that the slider goes out and turn it on again. Such manipulations can help in some cases, but it rarely happens, perhaps this is your case.
  13. Programs for software reset and proximity sensor settings.

  14. If it didn’t help you or you have the proximity sensor turned on but the situation did not produce results from the above, it happens that the “Proximity Sensor” menu does not exist at all in some models. Then I can suggest you try to programmatically reset the “proximity sensor” settings and also calibrate it. To do this, go to Google Play and download the utility “Proximity Sensor Reset”, that’s what it’s called. It’s not difficult to figure it out further since this utility is intended only for resetting the “Proximity Sensor” settings and calibrating it. The whole procedure, I’ll call it that, takes place in several steps. Each step you will be told what you need to do, wave your palm in front of the smartphone, close the sensor, and so on. If you have any questions, write in the comments below, I will listen and answer. Below you can go to the store and familiarize yourself with the utility:
  15. Let's consider other reasons that are not software.

  16. The “Proximity Sensor” is located at the very top of the smartphone in order to immediately understand what the user is doing, whether he brings it to his ear or whether the smartphone is turned over (twisted, rotated) whatever you want to call it. Even if the phone is lying on the table, the sensor is aimed at some object and when you pick it up and turn it, the sensor detects this and makes the menu rotate, depending on how you hold the phone, upside down or lengthwise.
  17. If you have applied a protective film to your smartphone.

  18. If you have pasted a protective film on your phone, it may be interfering proper operation sensor Look how smoothly it is glued and does not interfere with the viewing of the sensor. The sensor is located as I wrote at the very top, picture below:
  19. There can be two sensors and one of them is exactly the one you need, and there is also one, it is possible that the camera can work in place of the sensor, we look at the options depending on the smartphone model. We are not postponing the option with film, but are checking it carefully, and we also do not exclude the following options:
  20. Lack of RAM.
  21. Problems with the firmware.
  22. Lack of RAM.

  23. Lack of RAM, which is not to be confused with physical memory, can also be checked in the smartphone settings at:
  24. Settings > applications > running.
  25. At the very bottom, after the running applications on the smartphone are shown, how much “RAM” is used and free, the picture below:
  26. If there is not enough RAM, this can directly affect any operation of the smartphone as a whole and not just the “Proximity Sensor”. By freeing up the memory, it is possible that the sensor will work as expected, if this was the reason.
  27. Problems with the firmware.

  28. It is not uncommon that the “proximity sensor” is prevented from working correctly by incorrect firmware of your smartphone. Over time, bugs begin to appear in the firmware due to clutter. Try cleaning your smartphone using software CCleaner utility, which can be downloaded from Google store, just below the button. Also update it if there are updates, it won’t hurt if it doesn’t help at all and soft reset to factory settings, I wrote about this in the article link below:
  29. Mechanical impact (impact, fall).

  30. Mechanical impact implies such options as dropping a smartphone, hitting it with something (he waved his hand, on the bus he braked sharply and hit the handrail), there are many options for how you can hit a smartphone. As I wrote above, the smartphone has a “Proximity Sensor” and it looks something like this, here you also need to judge by the model, the picture is below:
  31. With this option, the problem can occur as a displacement of the sensor itself or the release of the cable from the slot on the smartphone’s scarf. You are unlikely to be able to fix such a malfunction at home, and there is no point in meddling in a place you have never poked your head into. You don’t know what will await you when you disassemble your smartphone, how to disassemble it correctly, and so on. Of course, you can watch all this on You Tube, but take my word for it that even such specialists who have watched enough videos and more than one then bring their smartphones, and not only with this sensor problem.
  32. Moisture getting inside the housing.

  33. Moisture getting into the inside of a smartphone is also not uncommon, and you also cannot cope with this problem on your own. I will briefly describe what happens to the phone when it is drowned. Over time, the contacts begin to oxidize and poor current conductivity begins or does not pass at all =)))) Actually, with such a problem, call +7 950 002 35 21. Do you have any questions and want to get a qualified and free answer to them? Write what you wanted to know about this article in the comment below and I will answer you within a few minutes.

The situation when the screen does not turn on after iPhone conversation 8, became an unpleasant surprise for iPhone users. More recently, the emergence similar problem was relatively rare and could be solved by installing an update or simply rebooting the smartphone. Now, when iPhone 8 models have actively filled the market, the frequency of requests for this problem has increased greatly, as well as the number of reasons, and therefore solutions. This article will help you understand the problem.

Why the iPhone 8 screen does not turn on:

  • Mechanical damage. This category of reasons includes both the negligence of the owner himself and errors made during the repair. This mechanical damage display, case deformation or moisture ingress. You don't have to drop your phone in water for moisture to cause a black screen. Frequent conversations or using the gadget in high humidity, in the rain, splashing the smartphone several times, and so on is quite enough. This category of reasons includes the installation of low-quality components.
  • Problems with software. Due to the fact that the operating room iPhone system is becoming more and more open to third party developers software, conflicts began to arise more often between the OS itself and installed applications;
  • Battery problems. By forgetting to unplug your iPhone 8 from the mains when charging after it's finished, you wear out the battery more intensively. This is due to an increase in battery temperature, which can also often lead to a black screen.

What can you do if the screen on your iPhone 8 does not turn on:

Due to the variety of reasons why the iPhone 8 screen does not turn on after a call, there is no single tip that will fix your problem 100% of the time. As a solution, we recommend:

  • Make sure that you do not have a beta version of iOS installed on your smartphone. To prevent installation of test versions operating systems We recommend turning it off automatic receipt test builds;
  • control the process iPhone charging and adhere to the manufacturer’s recommendations for using its products in winter;
  • stop using applications built into system programs or be wary of their choices. Add-ons for iMessage, extensions for Safari, additional applications For third party keyboards or other programs can cause problems in the operation of the OS;
  • Simultaneous operation of the “Lift to activate” and “Open with a finger” functions can also lead to failures in iOS. To prevent this, disable one of them in your phone settings;
  • Reset your smartphone to factory settings. Gradual addition of previously used applications from App Store will allow you to determine the program that led to the black screen;
  • take off protective covering(film, glass) or decorative cover.

If the above recommendations did not eliminate the problem, then in order not to aggravate it, we recommend not to take any further actions, aimed at “forcing” the screen to turn on. These attempts may result in your mobile phone will stop calling, will slow down, other problems will arise in its operation, or it will completely fail.