How to clean juice from laptop keyboard. Modern means and devices for cleaning the keyboard. Methods for cleaning keys

Over time, dust, animal hair, and debris accumulate on the surface of the buttons and in the spaces between them. In addition to an untidy appearance, such contamination can cause some keys to stick. It is recommended to clean your keyboard regularly to avoid damage.

If you haven't spilled liquid on your laptop, you can clean the surface without disassembling or removing the buttons. This applies to those models that have gaps between the keys; in the case of those that are “recessed” into the case, cleaning the laptop keyboard with your own hands without disconnecting it will not help. To complete the procedure you will need:

  • soft brush (sold in computer stores);
  • medical bulb (to blow out gaps);
  • wet wipes.

Important: you cannot use a wet cloth, this will lead to oxidation of the contacts and failure of the device.

To clean your keyboard you need:

  1. Unplug the device from the outlet and turn it off.
  2. Walk over the surface with a soft brush, carefully cleaning every gap.
  3. Blow out the buttons using a blower (you can use a can of compressed air instead). Another option is a hairdryer with a cold air setting. If used hot, the buttons may become deformed due to temperature. If there is a lot of dirt, you can use a vacuum cleaner.
  4. Next, you need to clean the surface again with a brush.
  5. Wipe each button using a damp cloth. Use them to collect the remaining waste.

Deep cleaning

In some situations, superficial “cleaning” is not enough. A deep cleaning of the laptop keyboard will be required after it has been flooded, there is a tight junction between the case and the keys, when it is not possible to disconnect them. To carry out the procedure you will need to prepare:

  • container with soapy water;
  • flat screwdriver or knife;
  • hair dryer or vacuum cleaner;
  • soft bristle brush;
  • cotton swabs and alcohol.

Cleaning the keyboard is only half the battle; then you need to reassemble it. Therefore, it is recommended to take a photo before starting work. This will help you set the keys correctly. The algorithm for deep cleaning is as follows:

  1. Disconnect the device from the network, remove the battery (required).
  2. Use a brush to clean the connections between the laptop keys.
  3. Blow off any remaining dirt with a vacuum cleaner or hairdryer. It is important that cold air must be supplied so as not to damage the buttons.
  4. If the laptop keys are removable, use a knife or flathead screwdriver to remove them. Carefully pry the button on one side and pull it up. Their fastenings are made of plastic and are very fragile, so it is important not to rush and do everything extremely carefully.
  5. Place everything in a container with water and detergent to remove dirt.
  6. Next, you need to clean the fasteners with cotton swabs soaked in alcohol.
  7. Place the washed buttons on a towel. You can dry it faster using a hairdryer (the air must be cold).
  8. Place the laptop keys in their places according to the photo.

Special means

In specialized computer hardware stores you can find products that will make it easier for you to deal with debris and dust inside your laptop. For example, it is recommended to purchase:

  1. Microfiber cloth. It is made from a special fabric that does not leave streaks, lint or dirt. Ideal for cleaning keys and laptop monitor.
  2. Gel "Lizun" is a special tool for cleaning the keyboard. Helps in cases where the brush cannot reach all the debris. The gel-like substance easily penetrates into all joints and crevices and collects dirt from the most inaccessible places. You just need to roll it out over the keys and remove the debris from the “lime.”
  3. A can of compressed air. Better than any vacuum cleaner, it will blow through cracks and get rid of dirt stuck between the buttons. Recommended for use with gel.

Most laptop owners are quite negligent in cleaning their keyboards. Therefore, no one is surprised for a long time by sticky keys, the space between which is clogged with dust and crumbs.

The result of such sloppiness is always the same - damage to the keyboard or even the entire device. Laptops are primarily at risk, since the keyboard is an integral part of them.

Laptop breakdowns due to dirty keyboard

Many people mistakenly believe that getting rid of dirt is necessary only for aesthetic reasons.

But a clogged housing can cause a number of problems, among which the most common are the following:

  • “sinking” of buttons;
  • keyboard failure;
  • breakdown of internal parts;
  • laptop overheating.

At the same time, careless cleaning can also result in damage to the device. However, this can be easily prevented if you follow the tips below.

How to clean your keys

Most often, specially designed products are used to clean keys. These include cleaning fluids, special wipes and brushes. Wipes are needed for the keys themselves, brushes will help remove dust and dirt between the buttons. Thanks to the listed devices, you can clean the keyboard on your laptop at home not only quickly, but also quite efficiently.

But with the right approach, the surface can be cleaned with improvised means. The best cleaning agent is diluted isopropyl alcohol (regular alcohol can damage the paint on the keys). With its help you can get rid of even stubborn stains.

Advice! Do not overdo it with the cleaning liquid; under no circumstances should it drip onto the contacts between the keys.

A special brush for cleaning a computer can be replaced with a soft paint brush with long bristles. Some also use a knife wrapped in a rag. As for napkins, it is recommended to use any rags made of non-woven material instead.

In addition, the keys should be wiped regularly with soapy water. However, they must not remain wet. They need to be wiped dry as quickly as possible. It is also convenient to clean the surface with cotton swabs.

Video: clean your laptop keyboard

Cleaning from dust and dirt

First you need to figure out what kind of cleaning the mechanism needs - superficial or deep. The first cleans the buttons and the space between them, and the second helps remove dust from the contacts, which can settle on internal devices over time. The more often you carry out superficial cleansing, the less often you will need deep cleansing.

Anyone can perform surface cleaning. First, turn the device over and shake out its contents. A car vacuum cleaner or furniture cleaning device will make the cleaning procedure more effective. They must be used carefully so as not to accidentally tear off the keys.

In this case, you can use a can of compressed air or, as a last resort, a regular hair dryer. Note that the air from the can comes out under strong pressure, which allows you to thoroughly blow out the dust that settles on the contacts. When using the first one, try not to inhale its contents. After completing the procedure, ventilate the room.

Deep cleansing will require a lot of effort. The device will have to be untwisted. The keys can be detached from the body using a table knife or screwdriver. In this case, you need to act with the utmost caution, otherwise you risk damaging the cable connecting the keyboard to the motherboard.

It is equally important to reassemble the keyboard correctly. The main thing here is to place all the keys in the correct position. This will be easier to do if you prepare a photo before the procedure begins. Some buttons may have metal bases, so make sure all parts are seated in the designated slots before installing them.

But remember, if you decide to completely disassemble the mechanism, it is quite possible that later you will not have the opportunity to exchange it under warranty. And in general, computer buttons are not so easy to replace, especially Enter and spacebar.

How to clean a laptop keyboard from spilled liquid

Service center specialists assure that every 3rd laptop breakdown is somehow related to spilled liquid.

To avoid serious problems, you need to act correctly in the first seconds after the incident:

If a lot of liquid has been spilled, it is worth disassembling the product completely or separating the keys. After removing the buttons, wipe the surface of the case first with isopropyl alcohol and then with a dry sponge. In addition, you should be prepared to replace the protective membranes. If the case has been damaged by a drink, you will need a special detergent.

The described procedure does not require special knowledge and skills. But in order to avoid more serious damage, you should consult with service center specialists. They will diagnose the computer and check the serviceability of the contact tracks. When the latter are oxidized, individual parts will need to be replaced.

You need to clean your laptop regularly. This simple procedure is, in fact, a mandatory preventive operation to extend the life of your computer. In addition, immediately after cleaning, you will see that the mechanism begins to work better.

When you see a solid layer of dust, and the apple, hp, acer or asus icons are no longer visible behind the seed husks, serious keyboard cleaning is planned. How to clean it? Your input device requires careful handling. In case of a breakdown, the same model may not be found in stores, or it may be expensive even in comparison with the original purchase price. But cleaning the keyboard in different ways is useful knowledge and invaluable experience. How to properly clean the keyboard and in what cases is this procedure required?

When should you clean your keyboard?

The keyboard requires regular cleaning to prevent problems with the device. Preventive measures of this kind are important to maintain the original appearance and working appearance longer. But there are cases when immediate cleaning is required:

  1. The keys began to stick and sink when pressed. May remain in the same pressing position due to strange stickiness at the edge or base.
  2. For the key to work, you need to press it several times.
  3. The buttons, keyboard, and space between the buttons are “decorated” with stains, dirty layers and stripes.
  4. When pressing the buttons, strange sounds are made (not a soft click, but a creaking or unpleasant squeak).
  5. The naked eye can see that between the keys there is a lot of debris, dust, crumbs, pieces of paper, and the buttons themselves are dirty and sticky.

How to disassemble the keyboard

Cleaning should not only be done on the outer case, but also on the internal one, so even before the question of how to wash the keyboard of a laptop or computer, an additional step is needed. How to disassemble the device? Parsing the device on a laptop and a computer is significantly different. Therefore, we will consider two options for disassembling the keyboard to avoid additional difficulties or damage. You also need to figure out how to safely clean contacts, wash buttons, and work with fasteners.

On a laptop

  1. Before disassembling, take photographs of any keyboard to avoid the situation of “Where was that button?”
  2. Turn off the laptop; the battery must be removed.
  3. Buttons with different functional purposes are attached differently. The mechanisms by which this happens are called microlifts. After removing the plastic part, set it aside along with the mount.
  4. To clean your laptop from dust, start by disassembling the letter keys. When you snap off the plastic button, you will see a pair of fasteners that need to be snapped off with tweezers where the microlift is fixed vertically.
  5. Work with the side fasteners carefully, do not rush, they are very fragile. Removing all microlifts at the same time threatens to break.
  6. Next, go to the buttons that have different microlifts. The PgUp, PgDn keys, cursors, and the letter E button under its plastic button are attached with a black/white fastener. We remove the ears from the hooks (on the left side, top and bottom).
  7. Spacebar and Shift are removed in the same way, but differ in that there are not one latches per button, but two.
  8. The last buttons are: alt, fn, ctrl and win. To remove them, the side ears on the right (top and bottom) are displayed.
  9. Then remove the black stencil. On it, each button corresponds to the desired triangular rubber band.
  10. Under the stencil there is a three-layer base film with contact points. They suffer from short circuits when liquid is spilled on the keyboard. The layers are very thin and fragile, so work with extreme caution so as not to damage the film base.

For computer

  1. We disconnect the keyboard from the computer and take pictures from the outside.
  2. It will be more convenient to work on a table covered with a tablecloth. The keyboard turns over and all the bolts are removed using a Phillips screwdriver. First, unscrew in the center, then along the edges, fold everything separately on a tablecloth or in any convenient container.
  3. We separate the parts of the body. We lift the upper part, remove the keys by prying them up along the edge with a screwdriver. The button will rise up and come off the fastenings.
  4. How to remove the “Space”, Enter, Shift buttons? They are additionally fixed with metal fasteners; more effort is required to remove them from the fixation.
  5. To replace the light diode or cord, remove the bottom of the keyboard, then the control board. You will see a thin film with contacts: you should not touch it.
  6. Having cleaned and replaced everything necessary, the keys are put in their places and secured by pressing a finger until they click. Assemble all the buttons on the top of the keyboard, align them with the bottom, and close all the latches.
  7. Install the previously pulled out bolts into the inverted housing and tighten it halfway so that the housing does not move and all the parts fall exactly into their sockets. Your keyboard will work for a long time, efficiently, and quietly.

How to clean keys

The keyboard is disassembled, the keys are all neatly pulled out, let's start cleaning them. There are many ways to overcome dirt, stickiness and terrible stains on the keys. Each cleaning method differs in the labor intensity, strength, amount of time and money spent on the process. Choose how to thoroughly clean your keyboard according to your discretion and capabilities.

Suitable cleaning materials:

  1. Alcohol wipes. The process is time-consuming, since each key will have to be thoroughly wiped with damp or alcohol wipes. But the result will be as perfect as possible, because you approached every detail individually. Plus, the moisture on the surface of the buttons quickly evaporates after such cleaning, so you don’t have to wait long for drying to finish.
  2. Cleaning with a hairdryer. Blowing air out of an upside-down keyboard using a hair dryer is a very quick and easy process. You can also use a hairdryer to dry any spilled liquid on the keyboard.
  3. Cotton buds. You'll have to tinker, but with a cotton swab you can clean the buttons and the space between the buttons. The main thing is to change cotton swabs often and, if desired, moisten them with diluted isopropyl alcohol (it will not damage the paint, unlike regular alcohol). You can also replace cotton swabs with a brush.
  4. Specialized vacuum cleaner. If you are looking for how to clean a laptop keyboard at home, then for superficial cleaning you will be offered a cleaner specialized for keyboards. Another assistant device is a car vacuum cleaner. It’s easy to buy a special aerosol can with compressed air to blow everything out of the keyboard well.
  5. Slime. A special sticky product helps to effectively clean your laptop from dust or stickiness. Slimes are sold in stores or prepared independently at home. - detailed instructions. The sticky consistency has the ability to clean the most finicky areas and at the same time not completely stick to the device.
  6. Water procedures. Place all the keys in a container, fill them with warm water, and add a little washing powder or detergent. Leave for a couple of hours and dry after cleaning. The main thing is to carefully check all the buttons inside. There should be no moisture or dirt left in them.

How to properly clean your keyboard

When the keyboard has already been disassembled, you need the correct algorithm for further actions:

  1. We wipe the large microcircuit with a damp regular napkin. We go around the green part so as not to harm it.
  2. We are cleaning the buttons from dirt.
  3. The back and front covers are washed with warm water or wiped with napkins.
  4. Be sure to dry all the parts well and assemble our device. If after assembly the keyboard does not work, disassemble it, check everything down to the smallest details and reassemble it.

Video tutorials: how to clean your keyboard at home

Service centers will be happy to clean your device, but isn’t it better to do the useful work yourself? Watch educational tutorial videos on how to clean your keyboard at home. Treatment of dust, spilled liquid on a laptop keyboard, superficially, without removing the keys - you will learn all these nuances by watching an informative master class.

Learn new things, take information literally “first-hand”! Professionals will share their experience with beginners in this matter. The video will reveal the nuances of choosing a method, type of liquid, and “general” cleaning. This way you can easily avoid difficulties and keep your favorite keyboard working well. Choose the method that suits you, and you will succeed the first time!

Cleaning your laptop from dust and spills

How to clean a computer keyboard without removing the keys

The laptop keyboard needs regular cleaning and removal of dirt, dust and crumbs. A clean keyboard improves the appearance of your laptop and increases its lifespan. However, you must be careful when cleaning it to avoid damaging it.

  • small portable vacuum cleaner;
  • a tiny brush and other tools that will be discussed in the article.

Step 1. Turn off your laptop.

This is the first thing you need to do before you start cleaning your keyboard, this will prevent the risk of damaging your laptop. Remove USB devices, mouse, and any drives that may be connected to the laptop.

Step 2. Collection of materials.

To thoroughly clean your keyboard, you will need:

  1. A cup or container large enough to hold all the keys on your keyboard.
  2. Medical alcohol.
  3. Cotton buds.
  4. Dish soap or any other mild detergent.
  5. Paper towels.
  6. Flathead screwdriver.
  7. Towel.

Most of these materials are probably already in your home, but they are very cheap anyway.

Step 3. Turn the laptop upside down, shake it, or lightly tap the back panel to remove any particles that may be hiding between the keys.

Step 4. Clean the buttons.

If necessary, you can remove them, but only if you know how to replant them. First of all, make sure they are removable and easy to change. Then equip yourself with a knife, flathead screwdriver or something similar. Be extra careful when you remove them because the fragile plastic joints break easily.

Keep the thumbtacks in a bowl or some other place where you know they won't get lost. It is better to leave buttons such as enter or spacebar. They are large and much more difficult to attach than letters and numbers. To clean them, add dish soap to warm water and rinse them lightly.

Step 5. Take wet wipes and wipe them first on the touchpad and then on the keyboard area.

You should use a cloth that does not leave lint, such as microfiber cloths specifically made for this purpose. Dip it into the solution:

  • isopropyl alcohol and warm water;
  • dishwashing detergent in warm water;
  • hydrogen peroxide.

Remove excess moisture so it doesn't drip into the laptop and damage it, and wipe down the top, bottom, and edges of the keyboard.

Important! If you are using a special cleaner, spray it on a cloth and then wipe the keyboard with it. Do not spray it directly onto the laptop.

Step 6 It is important that the keyboard is dry before using the laptop, especially if liquid solutions were used during cleaning. Leave the lid open. If you do, place them on the table and dry them.

Video - How to remove and clean a key on a laptop keyboard

Alternative Keyboard Cleaners

The inventive mind of man knows no bounds, and since dirty keyboards are not a rare occurrence, people have come up with many alternative solutions, each with their own characteristics.

Super Clean GYU is a jelly-like mass that tends to slowly spread over the keyboard, collecting dust and crumbs.

It is actually capable of picking up some of the debris from the keyboard, but it will not help get rid of dust and debris that is clogged deep.

Up to 300 rubles per package
Portable keyboard vacuum cleaner with brush. Connects to a computer via USB.

A laptop is a faithful companion for many modern people. They take him to work, to study, and sometimes even on vacation. And it’s not surprising that the keyboard becomes clogged quite quickly, the buttons begin to stick or are practically impossible to press.

  • Are you tired of typing text, missing letters?
  • Are you annoyed by having to press a key multiple times to get it to work?
  • Do you want to restore the keyboard of your favorite laptop to its original condition?

Well, then this article is exactly what you need. We will tell you how to solve the problem quickly and without any special effort.

Why the keyboard becomes unusable: the main reasons

So let's take a closer look at the laptop. The keyboard is its most vulnerable part. And that's why:

  • Apart from the mouse or touchpad, it is the most commonly used;
  • Mechanical pressing of the keys leads to malfunction of some of them;
  • Dust gets clogged between the keys, penetrating the internal parts too;
  • Very often, various liquids are spilled on the keyboard, as well as food crumbs.

All this does not help to extend the life of the gadget. Moreover, improper and careless handling can easily lead to premature failure. That's why we strongly advise against combining meals with working or playing on a laptop computer. Yes, and for the landline too.

So, we figured out the causes of the problem. Now let's see how they can manifest themselves. Here are the main symptoms:

  • The keys stick.
  • Keys are difficult to press.
  • Dirt, stains, and oil traces are visible on the buttons and between them.

All of these are very worrying signs. And the sooner you clean your keyboard, the better, because in the worst cases only professionals can help after completely disassembling the gadget. And sometimes it becomes completely impossible to fix the problem. That is why it is better to independently monitor the condition of the laptop and clean it on time. And now we’ll tell you how to do this.

So, a laptop has a more sensitive keyboard than a regular computer. The fact that it is built into the body and is integral with all other parts makes disassembly very difficult. After all, you risk ruining the entire gadget. Therefore, we will try to do without analysis.

There are several effective ways:

  • Cleaning with compressed air;
  • Cleaning with special wet wipes;
  • Cleaning with a mini vacuum cleaner;
  • Cleaning using a special kit;
  • Disassembling the keyboard.

Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Method one: assistant - compressed air

There is such a device, it is called a “blower”, and it looks like an enlarged pistol that boys play with. When plugged in, it delivers a powerful stream of air. It works well in removing old, already caked dust from system units of desktop computers. In principle, it will also be useful for working with a laptop, but a can of compressed air is even better. It gives a thinner jet, which is important for a small gadget keyboard. Advantages: dry cleaning, not a drop of moisture will get inside, the power is enough to remove even the finest and hard-to-reach dust. Disadvantages: this type of cleaning is not cheap. If the can is heavily soiled, it may not be enough even for one time, and it costs around 500 rubles.

Method two: hold a special napkin or brush in your hands

The industry produces a huge range of related products for computer equipment. Now in any specialized store you can find wipes and brushes designed specifically for cleaning keyboards. The accessory is undoubtedly convenient, but not particularly effective, and here's why. Using a brush, you should carefully and carefully sweep away all the dirt and dust that has accumulated between the buttons. Then wipe this space and the keys themselves with a napkin. Firstly, the process will take a long time. Secondly, you need to be very careful not to damage anything. Thirdly, this is only prevention, but not a complete cleaning. You only remove visible dirt, and quite superficially. However, it is worth using such accessories as preventive measures (approximately every 3 days).

Method three: a mini vacuum cleaner will help you

What hardworking manufacturers will come up with to make the laptop serve its owners for as long as possible. A special vacuum cleaner designed to clean the keyboard is just such an invention. The thing is, of course, interesting. It is designed for one purpose only: to keep your computer's buttons perfectly clean. But is this really so? In general, such a vacuum cleaner is an excellent part for combined cleaning. For example, if it is used in conjunction with brushes or in addition to compressed air. The mini-vacuum cleaner itself copes with the task with about a C grade. If the contamination is not severe, it will remove it. But the power of such a device is not enough to clean debris from under the buttons, so neither the rubber bands nor the contacts will receive proper care. This does not mean that a keyboard vacuum cleaner is an unnecessary purchase. You shouldn’t just count on deep cleaning using it.

Method four: using cleaning kits

A dirty laptop keyboard is a problem so common and widespread that many manufacturers solve it in different ways. In addition to the devices and accessories already described, you can pay attention to special kits designed to effectively clean buttons and the space between them. As a rule, this is the same brush, professional liquid that is safe for complex computer equipment, and napkins. About the same as what was described under number 2, but only everything is in one set and supplemented with a special solution. Again, quite effective with constant use from the moment you purchase the gadget. That is, if after the purchase you periodically and systematically process the keys of the laptop, then you will not need to clean them more seriously for a very long time. Or it won't be needed at all. In other words, the main drawback: the frequency of application of the method.

Method five: disassembly as a last resort

Finally, if the contamination is so severe that none of the described methods help, you will have to disassemble the keyboard. But remember: if you are not confident in your own abilities, it is better to give the equipment to a specialist. Ultimately, handling it incorrectly can lead to irreparable damage.

So, we carefully disassemble the keyboard, while carefully and carefully cleaning each rubber band and treating the contacts. Remember that the laptop in this case must be discharged and de-energized. Use a screwdriver, cleaning products and a disassembly manual (you can find many of these on the Internet).

Whatever method you choose, they all require careful handling of your computer. It is strictly prohibited:

  1. Use aggressive liquids for cleaning that are not intended for complex equipment;
  2. To tear out or pick out the keys, to remove them, you just need to pick up each one with a screwdriver.

Don't forget to take a photo of the keyboard if you are going to disassemble it. This will help you position the buttons correctly later.

With proper care, your laptop will last a very long time. Keep an eye on it and carry out preventive maintenance regularly. Remember: not only the system contents, but also all the hardware must be clean!

Video: Keyboard cleaning slime