After reinstalling Windows 7, wifi does not work. Wi-Fi module is not enabled on your laptop. No settings or connection

Good day.

Then the link “Set up a new connection or network.”

Options for connecting to the Internet appear. If you have an ADSL connection, then select the first item: “Internet Connection”. In the case of 3G “Setting telephone connection" Most often, the first option, we will consider it further.

Another window appears, click on “High-speed (with PPPoE)”. When setting up 3G, there will be a modem selection here.

Enter your Internet login and password. There will be an additional feature for 3G users. “Dial number” field. After entering the data, click “Connect”.

If all drivers are installed, the devices are working and the login is correct, then “The Internet connection is ready for use” will appear.

After this, you can create a shortcut on your desktop to connect to the Internet. In Control Panel, find "Network and Sharing Center" shared access", followed by "Changing adapter settings". Right-click on the newly created connection, select “Create shortcut”.

Router owners

Those who have Internet access through a router do not need to configure anything. Most often, immediately after reinstalling the OS, the Internet connects itself, because all the settings are stored in the router itself. If there is no network, your task is to find drivers for the network. cards or Wi-Fi.

If you have a USB modem

  • The USB modem is connected to the computer in hot mode. This means that you turn on the computer, wait full load OS, and only then insert the USB modem.
  • Wait a little. The operating system notification about new hardware should appear.
  • After this, a window will pop up with the opportunity to install a program for working with a USB modem.

Very often, novice PC users, when reinstalling Windows 7, are faced with the problem of the Internet disappearing on the computer. This may be due either to not knowing what to do in such a situation, or there may be other reasons. The loss of the Internet is manifested, for example, in the fact that it cannot detect WiFi and no matter how the user wants to fix something, the computer does not see the network and, accordingly, is not able to connect to it. In addition, there may not even be an icon indicating that the WiFi module is working. And if you go to the network control center, you will find that there is simply no wireless connection there.

Causes of occurrence

If you go to “Network Sharing Center” - “Change adapter settings” and find that there is no wireless connection, one of the reasons for this is that the driver for the WiFi adapter was not installed on the computer, and therefore it does not work.

There are times when, after reinstalling Windows 7, all the drivers were successfully installed, the computer sees other people’s networks, but cannot detect its own. Then the reason is probably due to channel congestion home network, if you have not one, but several workstations at home.

Ways to solve the problem

Installing the driver for a wireless network

In the first case, when, after reinstallation on the adapter, WiFi was not installed by you or the person who installed the system for you (if he did not find it or you did not provide drivers for the computer), the problem can be solved quite easily and simply so that it starts working.

If you have a disk with drivers for your PC or laptop for a WiFi adapter, then you need to put it in the drive. Then you find required driver and install it following the installation instructions. Usually the driver for a wireless network is called WirelessDrivers, Wirelessnetwork, or something similar. Alternatively, you can also install the driver directly from Device Manager:

After reinstallation, a system reboot is usually required, after which everything will start working successfully.

If you do not know where the driver disk is or you have lost it, you need to find the website of the manufacturer of your laptop or computer and download the necessary driver for the wireless network, specifically for your model and operating system, otherwise compatibility problems may arise. Even if you don’t know the device model or have no idea what driver is needed for your adapter, you need to do the following:

Solving the problem with channel congestion

If you discover a problem with channels after reinstalling Windows 7, you need to remember something that is unlikely to help you solve the problem, namely:

  • restoring the system to an earlier state does not affect the load network channels, especially since after reinstalling Windows 7 the system cannot be restored;
  • removing drivers WiFi adapter with him complete removal and installing a new driver, also does not help with channel load and proper operation networks.

You need to look at the settings of the router in which you should mandatory(in the router settings in the wireless access settings/manual wireless access settings) all data must be checked in the wireless network properties section. “EnableHiddenWireless (SSID broadcast)” checkbox (launch hidden network) – must be removed.

Please note that the enable checkbox automatic selection channel can be turned on. In this case, the default communication channel will be No. 6.

You need to install a special program inSSIDer ( free scanner WiFi).

Wi-Fi not working on your laptop? Then you've come to the right place.

There are quite a few reasons when a laptop cannot connect to a Wi-Fi network. This article will provide an algorithm for solving this problem, taking into account the frequency of possible causes.

If the connection to the wireless network is unsuccessful, the problem may not be in the client device (laptop, netbook, ultrabook, etc.), but in the router settings.

To do this, you need to try to connect to the wireless network using any other device equipped with a Wi-Fi module - another laptop, netbook, tablet, smartphone, etc.

If you were able to connect to the wireless network, the problem is with your computer. If the connection fails, the problem is with the router. Next, we will look at the solution to each of these problems in detail and start with a case where a connection problem occurred with a laptop.

Return to menu

So, based on the diagnostics that we carried out in the previous step, it was determined that the connection problem occurred on one of the client devices of the wireless network.

Next, we need to figure out what state (on/off) the laptop’s wireless adapter is. As a rule, all laptops are equipped with operation indicator lights. wireless module and have a specific key combination to enable it.

Note! A glowing indicator indicates that the adapter is turned on. The absence of backlight indicates that the Wi-Fi adapter is turned off.

Most manufacturers have indicator lights on the front or side of the computer. Less common is the location of indicators near the touchpad or on the monitor body.

On some HP models, the indicator light Wi-Fi status The module can be built into the power button on the keyboard.

For turn on Wi-Fi module uses a key combination that consists of special key Fn and one of system keys from F1 to F12. Look carefully at the system (function) keys and find one of them wifi icon connections.

On some older models, in particular from Acer, you can find a solution for turning on the Wi-Fi module in the form of a two-position switch.

Such a switch is usually located on one of the sides of the laptop or on its front side. Below is a list of keys that can be used to enable/disable the Wi-Fi module at most popular brands laptops.

Acer: Fn+F3

Fujitsu: Fn+F5

Gigabyte: Fn + F2

After hardware enable adapter, connect to the wireless network. If the connection fails, move on to the next step.

Return to menu

In addition to hardware enablement wireless adapter which we were doing in previous paragraph, there is also software enablement, which is performed directly in the operating system installed on the laptop.

To turn on the adapter wireless connection in windows 7, you need to perform the following steps: on the notification panel (near the clock) select the Internet connection status icon “Network and Sharing Center”.

In the left column, select “Change adapter settings.”

In the list of connections, you need to pay attention to the indication of the “Wireless network connection" If the adapter is disabled, it will not be highlighted. To enable it, right-click on the icon and select enable.

The icon color should change.

Now you need to pay attention to the notification panel area. In the first case, the laptop's Wi-Fi adapter is turned on, but there is no network to connect to (usually this is a problem with the router). In the second option, the adapter is turned on and you need to find your network in the list of connections and connect.

After turning on the adapter software, we try to connect to the wireless network. If the connection fails, move on to the next step.

Return to menu

To check availability installed driver you need to right-click on the “My Computer” shortcut, which can be found either in the “Start” menu or on the Desktop, select “Properties” in the context menu, and select the “Device Manager” menu in the left column of the window that opens.

In the window that opens, you need to find the “Network adapters” menu and find the name of the wireless adapter containing part of the name “... Wireless Network Adapter" or "Wireless network adapter...", where instead of "..." there should be the name of your wireless adapter, for example, Atheros, Realtek, Qualcomm.

In our case, this is Atheros Wireless Network Adapter. Right-click on it and select “Properties”. In the menu that opens, you need to make sure that “The device is working normally.”

Important! If you do not find the name of the wireless adapter in the “Network Adapters” menu, you need to install drivers. Drivers can be found on the disk that came with the laptop, or by searching the Internet.return to menu

In the first step of our article, we looked at how to determine with a high degree of probability the possible reason why it is impossible to establish WiFi connection.

Since there are quite a lot of routers, and even more firmware for them will be given in this paragraph general recommendations to fix the problem.

1. Try to reduce the distance between the laptop and the router. Try to ensure that there is direct visibility between the devices and as little interference as possible (walls, partitions, ceilings, microwave ovens, radiotelephone bases, etc.).

2. Make sure that the wireless network indicator on the router is lit.

3. Go to the router settings and make sure that:

Wi-Fi module activated;

SSID broadcast mode is activated;

The MAC address of a laptop that cannot connect is not included in the blacklist.

This concludes the list of possible reasons why it is impossible to connect a laptop to a Wi-Fi network. There are always some nuances that can be discussed in the comments.

Why doesn't Wi-Fi work on my laptop? You can find out by running system diagnostics. You will learn how to do this in the video presented.

Why Wi-Fi may not work on a laptop and how to fix it

Wi-Fi technology very widely used in life modern man, because it allows you to easily and quickly solve problems with connecting to the Internet without using conventional wires. This is especially true when using laptops, with which you can access the Internet in any convenient place thanks to the presence of a built-in Wi-Fi adapter.

That is why the situation when Wi-Fi does not work on a laptop leads to significant inconvenience and even some problems. The reasons why laptop computer Wi-Fi may not work, there are quite a few. It is simply unrealistic to solve the most serious of them on your own without the help of specialists, but there are quite a lot of them that can be eliminated on your own. Let's look at them.

Is the problem with your laptop or router?

A fairly common problem is that the laptop has stopped connecting to WiFi networks, the problem is not with the laptop itself, but with the settings of the router, which distributes the network. Thus, the laptop can be configured correctly, but Wi-Fi still does not turn on precisely because it has nothing to connect to.

To rule out the possibility that the problem is related to this, you should try to connect to the network from any other device that is equipped with a Wi-Fi adapter - from another laptop, smartphone, tablet, etc.

If Wi-Fi does not work from another gadget, then the problem lies in the Wi-Fi router distributing the Internet. If the connection is successful, the problem is in the laptop and before solving it, you first need to determine why Wi-Fi stopped working.

Hardware enable adapter

Based on such diagnostics, it is possible to accurately determine that this problem arose precisely because of the laptop. When Wi-Fi does not work on it, you can try using several methods.

The first one is to check if the wireless adapter on your laptop is enabled. Almost all modern models have indicator lights WiFi work module and for its hardware enablement there is special combinations keys

Typically, a lit indicator indicates that the module is turned on. If the indicator does not light up at all or lights up in red, then Wi-Fi is not working precisely because of the wireless network adapter. It must be turned on.

Most often, such indicators are located directly on the keyboard, side or front panel of the device case. Sometimes they are located on the monitor body or near the touchpad.

To enable the module of such a network, press the key combination Fn and one of the system keys F1-F12. The specific combination depends on the laptop manufacturer. Usually on the desired key the corresponding antenna icon is located. If it is not there, then to turn on Wi-Fi you should try pressing standard for specific model combination: Fn+F3 for Acer; Fn+F2 for Asus, Dell or Gigabyte; Fn+F5 on Fujitsu devices;

Fn+F12 on HP laptops.

After pressing the corresponding keys, we check whether the wireless connection module operation indicator lights up or whether it stops glowing red. After this, you should try to connect to the network again. If this does not help, move on to the next step.

Software enablement

When Wi-Fi stops working and turning it on in hardware does not give positive results, you also need to turn it on in software, which is done directly from the operating system the laptop is running.

To implement software turning on WiFi which has stopped working on Windows 7, 8 or 10, you need to perform the following sequence of actions:

1. On the notification panel, which is located near the clock, select the network connection status icon;

2. From the list that opens, select “Network and Sharing Center” or “Network Settings” depending on the version of the operating system;

3. Next step- "Change adapter settings".

Among the list of all existing connections You need to pay attention to the color of the “Wireless Network Connection” icon. If your WiFi does not work and the wireless adapter is disabled, the connection icon will not be highlighted. In this case, right-click on its icon, from the opened context menu select the “Enable” item. The color of the connection icon should change.

In this case, the wireless network adapter turns on, all you have to do is find the one you need in the list of available wireless networks and connect to it.

If after such Wi-Fi action which has stopped working continues to be inactive, you need to move on to the next method of solving the problem.

Driver installation and update

Quite often, the wireless Wi-Fi connection does not turn on due to the lack of a driver or when it is very outdated. To determine whether the driver is installed, you need to select “Properties” from the context menu of the “My Computer” icon, which is located on the desktop or in the “Start” menu. Next, in the window that opens, select the “Device Manager” command from the menu on the left.

In the new window that opens with a list of connected devices, you need to find the name of the laptop’s wireless network adapter. Usually its name is “Wireless Network Adapter” or “Wireless Network Adapter”, along with which the device manufacturer should be indicated: Realtek, Atheros, Qualcomm or something else.

Having found the desired item and right-clicking on it, select “Properties” from the context menu. In the window that opens, there should be an item “Device is working normally.” But even if there is a mark about normal operation device, this is far from a guarantee that it is installed correct version drivers and Wi-Fi turn on correctly. To check it, in the properties window wireless device go to the “Driver” tab and pay attention to the “Development date” and “Supplier” items.

In the event that the supplier is Microsoft or the date of development of the program is several years behind the current one, go to the official website of the laptop manufacturer and download the latest official version drivers.

The same must be done if among the list installed devices There was no wireless adapter.

If in the list of devices the module wireless communication present but marked in yellow exclamation mark, this means that the device is disconnected, as a result of which the network stopped working. In this case, opening the device properties window, you need to click the “Engage” button.

Another reason why Wi-Fi stopped working on a laptop may be that the energy-saving mode is enabled, which prevents the wireless connection from working. To disable it, you need to do the following: 1. Open Control Panel;

2. Select the “Power Options” icon;

3. In the window that opens, select the “ High performance" or "Balanced".

External obstacles to the signal

It's also worth noting that a broken wireless network can also be the result of more than just laptop problems. The wireless signal depends on some external factors which may weaken it. Ceilings, walls, floors and similar obstacles significantly degrade the signal quality of the access point and laptop.

As is known, the signal quality is personal computer is displayed in the form of several marks - the more there are, the higher the quality of the signal. If the wireless connection level is displayed as 1 or 2 marks, then you don’t have to try to use WiFi - in this case it will not work normally.

In this case, you need to move the router closer to your workplace, move workplace closer to Wi-Fi router or buy a new one, more powerful router.

Other causes of Wi-Fi problems

The causes of problems with the functioning of the wireless network adapter described above are the most common and you can fix them on your own.

It is worth noting that all of these are software solutions to the problem, which can be solved by installing, reinstalling or updating the device driver, as well as performing some operations with the OS.

But often the problem with the operation of the wireless connection module lies in hardware errors. What are these errors? These are problems that are directly related to the board itself, most often due to its physical damage.

To fix such problems, you will need to disassemble the laptop. It is worth noting that such actions can only be performed if you have certain skills in this area. If such skills are missing, it is better to entrust the work to professionals.

One of the most common physical damage is the unconnected antenna wire to the proximity module. This problem occurs with laptops that have been repaired or if their owner independently cleaned the cooling system from dust. IN similar cases Sometimes the antenna is simply forgotten, as a result of which the adapter will not be able to establish a connection even near the signal source. To fix this problem, you just need to connect its antenna to the Wi-Fi module.

Sometimes the reason that Wi-Fi stops working is simple overheating network card. Most often this is the result of the laptop being placed on some kind of soft surface. The thing is that at the bottom of the device there are holes through which cold air enters, cooling all the computer boards. By blocking these holes, the system will overheat, which can lead to failure of certain components.

Another common cause of device overheating is dust, which can prevent cold air from entering the cooling system.

That is why, in order to avoid such problems, it is recommended to clean the laptop from dust at least once every year: in this case, it will be possible to avoid repairing the laptop as a result of overheating of its components.

In the most extreme cases, the wireless adapter may even burn out. In this case, only replacing it with a new one will help. You can determine this problem using the device manager, in which the module will simply no longer be displayed. When you try to install a driver for a wireless network, a message appears stating that the corresponding device is not installed on the system.

If all else fails

If none of the tips above helped, you can use a simple, but often effective solution: restart both the computer and wireless router. Please note that after a reboot, the router turns on for up to 5-10 minutes before it starts distributing the network. Be patient. Also, despite the opinion of many skeptics, sometimes solving problems with wireless network The troubleshooting function found in the Windows operating system helps.

Thus, most of the above have been listed existing solutions problems related to the fact that Wi-Fi stopped working on the laptop. Almost all such methods and recommendations can be used by anyone who is faced with similar problem, since this does not require any special skills. If nothing helps, and the wireless network has not started working, there is only one way out - go for help to a quality service center, where they can solve any problems with your laptop.

If the article did not help solve your problem and Wi-Fi still does not work, write in the comments, I will try to help.

Wi-Fi does not work on the laptop. How to reconnect

Connecting a laptop to a wireless, Wi-Fi, network does not always go smoothly. If you're having problems, check out step by step instructions that will help troubleshoot the problem. We recommend not to ignore this or that action, but to perform everything sequentially, as in the article.

Diagnosing the source of the problem

If your device, a laptop, fails to connect to Wi-Fi networks, the problem may be hidden in incorrect settings router. The first step is to find the source of the malfunction that leads to the connection error. This is what further “treatment” depends on.

To determine the source, connect your iPad, smartphone, computer (any other device) to a Wi-Fi network. If the connection on any of the devices is successful, the conclusions are obvious - the problem lies in the laptop. And if you fail to connect via a wireless network, as in the first option, it means that the router is not configured properly. We will consider both cases separately. So, what to do if the problem is in the laptop?

Hardware enablement of the Wi-Fi module of a laptop

The diagnostics carried out earlier (see step one) revealed the following: if you were able to connect, for example, a tablet or smartphone to the wireless network, then everything is fine with Wi-Fi, and the problem lies in the laptop.

To solve it, the first thing you need to do is check the status of the wireless adapter of the “problem” device.

It may be disabled, and therefore the Wi-Fi network does not work on this device. The adapter is connected a certain set buttons and shows operation using a light indicator. It is important! If the indicator is lit, the wireless module is enabled on the device. And if the light is off, the Wi-Fi adapter is disabled.
The indicator light is traditionally located on the front or side of the laptop. But there are some models of laptop computers that differ in the location of the indicator. For example, it can be located on the monitor (its body) or touchpad. And there is a third group of laptops. They have a light indicator, which shows whether the wireless network module is working or not, located on the power button (that is, built-in). To connect the wireless network module, a specific key combination is required. Any combination begins with the Fn modifier key, to which one of the functional keys is added - F1-F12. If you look closely at the function keys, you will see a wireless, wi-fi, network icon. Acer laptops differ from more modern models in that they turn on the wireless network module using a special two-position switch. If you have a laptop from this company, you will most likely find this switch on the side. In the screenshots below we showed how the Wi-Fi adapter is turned off or turned on on laptops different manufacturers.

Asus: Fn + F3Dell: Fn + F2
Fujitsu: Fn + F5 Gigabyte: Fn + F2
HP: Fn + F12If the wireless network module is working, connect via Wi-Fi network. Are there still problems? So, follow the third step.

Software enablement of laptop Wi-Fi module

The second step we tried to fix the problem was to hardware enable the wireless network adapter. Now we will try to do this programmatically. And this means that our the following actions will be executed in the OS itself, the software that is installed on our laptop computer.

If you have an operating room windows system version seven, follow these steps:

Step one: To enable the Wi-Fi module, go to the “Network and Sharing Center” section (where the time is shown).

Step two: On the left, click on “Change network module parameters”.

Step threeHere you will see a list of connections. The indicator should be lit when connected via a wireless network; if not, the module is disabled. Click on it and turn it on.
If the icon lights up, the Wi-Fi adapter is turned on. Step four: Go to the taskbar (where the clock and other icons are). As you remember, in the second step the problem was that the wireless module was working fine, but there was no network to connect to, which means the router was not configured correctly. The picture shows 2 connection states in the task area of ​​the desktop: the first - no available networks and there is a second one. With the help of the third step you have enabled the Wi-Fi adapter, now you need to find your network and simply connect. The module was successfully enabled using software methods, now try connecting to the Wi-Fi network. Is the problem still there? Follow the next fourth step.

Installing/reinstalling drivers for the Wi-Fi module

Now you need to check if the driver is on the system. In “My Computer”, click on “Properties”, and from there go to “Device Manager”.
A menu window will open. Here you need "Network Modules". You need to find the name of your wireless module. In this name you will see the word Adapter (if the operating system on the laptop is English language) or “Wireless network adapter” (if it is in Russian). For example, the name of the module will be: Qualcomm Wireless Network Adapter. Click on the name of the adapter and in “Properties” see how the device works. It should work fine. Important information! If in “Network adapters” you do not find the name of the wireless module installed on the laptop, it means there are no drivers. Download them from disk or find them on the official website of the manufacturer.

Troubleshooting connection problems in the router

In the first step, if you remember, we recommended that you, if possible, find the exact reason why the wireless network on your laptop does not connect. Depending on this, we proposed methods for eliminating the problem. What to do if the problems lie specifically in the router settings? We cannot consider each individual case, since there are a sufficient number of routers and the software (firmware) installed on them. Therefore, we will limit ourselves only general advice, which will hopefully help you solve the problem with connecting to a wireless, Wi-Fi, network.
  1. Place the router next to the computer.
  2. Check if the wireless network adapter is turned on (if the indicator light is on).
In your router settings, check the following:
  • Is the wireless network module turned on?
  • Is the broadcast channel enabled in the Service Set Identifier?
  • Check if it's blacklisted unique identifier your laptop (its MAC address).
This is the list of problems we have that prevent us from connecting to a wireless network normally. For each case we wrote detailed guide, compliance with which should solve the connection problem. If something doesn’t work out for you, check carefully whether you correctly identified the cause of the malfunction and whether you followed the sequence of actions.

After performing the operating system diagnostics described in this article, you should solve the problem of connecting Wi-Fi on your laptop.

What OS do you have installed?

What to do if Wi-Fi does not work on a laptop running Windows 7

Recently I came across a situation when, suddenly, out of the blue, my relatives started to lose WiFi connection on a laptop. The situation is like in a detective film. During the day, the Internet works great, but in the evening the laptop simply refuses to search for networks and, accordingly, the connection is lost. I’ll say right away that the operating system Windows 7 (x86) SP1 was installed on the laptop.

I just couldn’t understand the pattern. The laptop was plugged in and everything worked great for me. But if not for chance, to this day I would not have been able to find out what the reason was.

While in the room, I had to move the laptop to the kitchen and suddenly problems began. It was enough for me to disconnect the laptop from the power supply, and the Internet disappeared almost immediately. Hmm, a pattern was found, if there is no power from the network, then there is no WiFi, this is already a clue. Suddenly it dawned on me, in the power section there is different profiles power consumption, and at different modes, one or another piece of hardware is turned off. Thought, thought, but the theory needs to be tested.

I go to start - control panel - power section (if you can’t find it, then at the top right there is a type of display of sections, which needs to be changed from the “category” parameter to “large icons”. The power button will be at the very bottom)

In the power supply section, click on the “set up power plan” button (select the mode that is currently active for you).

In the window that opens, look for the section “Wireless network adapter settings” - “power saving mode”

In my case, it was in the “on battery” option that “maximum energy saving” was set. This is where the dog is buried. When the power is switched to the battery, the laptop immediately cuts off the wireless Wi-Fi connection, and as a result the Internet is turned off.

In general, I set both parameters to maximum performance, clicked OK. And literally after a couple of minutes the Internet worked fine, both from the battery and from the network. Problem solved!!!

As a result, I can say that when a problem arises with a laptop or computer, it is imperative to turn on Sherlock Holmes and get to the bottom of the problem logically. It turned out that Wi-Fi Internet does not work, precisely because of the power supply mode. And who would have thought. A bunch of stuff was written on the Internet, but not a single site gave a clear answer. But in the end, logic triumphed!

Wi-Fi does not work on a laptop: the most common problems and their solutions

If you purchased a laptop, you probably expected that you would use it to access the Internet. However, if your wifi does not work on your laptop, then you will not be able to connect to the network wirelessly. Therefore, if such a problem occurs, it is better to know in advance how to behave in order to quickly resolve the problem.

Checking the router

Before you begin to figure out why Wi-Fi is not working, you need to determine the source of the problem. Try connecting to the wireless network through any other device - smartphone, tablet, game console. If a connection is established on another device, then it is the laptop that has stopped working correctly.

If no device connects to the wireless network, then the cause of the problem should be looked for in the router. First, try to shorten the distance and remove all obstacles between the router and the laptop. Check that the wireless indicator on the router is lit. If the light does not light, check Wi-Fi settings::

What should I do if the above steps did not help, and the wireless connection still cannot be established or is slow? Call your provider to check if there are any problems on their end. If the operator reports that everything is fine, reset the router settings to factory settings, and then re-establish the connection, having first updated the router firmware.

Laptop problems

If you are convinced that the router is working normally, but the laptop is not available connections, then you should check whether the wifi module is turned on on the laptop. If the module is turned on, the indicator on the front panel of the laptop should light up. If it doesn't work, try turning on the Wi-Fi module manually using the function keys - for example, Fn+F2. On different models The keyboard shortcut is different; some models have hardware wifi button. Carefully inspect the laptop case and find the button with the image Wi-Fi signal– click on it to turn on the adapter.

If the Fn button does not work, then you can turn on the module using the switch, which is in the parameters wireless connection. On Windows 10, you will need the “Network and Internet” section, which has a “Wi-Fi” tab.

If Windows 7 is installed on the laptop, then this method will not work. In this case you will have to use external keyboard with the Fn button (or on-screen keyboard windows).

Internet settings are reset after reinstalling windows. If problems arise after installing the system, then you definitely need to check the adapter operating parameters. In addition to hardware enablement of the module, it is necessary to activate it in the system. On all versions windows software inclusion is carried out according to one scheme:

If there is no wireless connection or it does not turn on, then you need to check whether the Wi-FI module driver is installed correctly. If the driver is not installed or does not work well, you will not be able to connect to the wireless network.

Checking the Wi-Fi driver

On all laptops, be it Lenovo, HP or any other brand, the Wi-Fi module should appear in the device manager, even if the driver is not installed correctly. To check the wireless module driver, you need to open Device Manager:

  1. Right-click on the “Computer” icon.
  2. Open the Manage tool.
  3. Select "Device Manager" on the left.

In the manager window, you need to open the “Network adapters” section and find the Wi-Fi adapter. There should be no warning signs near it. The properties should indicate that the device is working normally. If everything is installed correctly, but the Internet does not work, you need to try updating the driver.

To avoid compatibility issues, you need to know your laptop model. Armed with this information, go to the manufacturer’s website and in the “Drivers” section download the software Wi-Fi provision adapter.

Other Possible Causes of the Problem

If connection problems occur after cleaning the laptop, then you need to check that the Wi-Fi module is installed in its place. Sometimes users who disassemble a laptop for cleaning for the first time make careless movements - for example, when removing the display, they touch the antenna of the wireless communication module. Therefore, if the problem occurs after cleaning the laptop, you should disassemble the device again and carefully check that the Wi-Fi module is in place and connected properly.

Sometimes it helps reset BIOS. Why suddenly in basic system I/O error appears, it's hard to say. But to exclude this option, go to the “Exit” tab in the BIOS and select “Load Setup Defaults”. Be sure to save your changes by pressing F10 and then "Y".

Another problem is when you cannot connect to the router, although there is a connection. When you try to set up a connection to an access point, the message “Windows could not connect to...” appears.

Typically, the cause of this error is a mismatch between the network parameters in the system and the router. Simply put, the network name or password has been changed in the router settings, and you are trying to connect using the old values. To resolve the problem, you need to remove the access point and update the list of connections.

These are the main reasons why a laptop does not connect to Wi-Fi. If none of the methods help, it makes sense to contact a service center - perhaps the reason incorrect operation Wi-Fi module is a hardware failure that cannot be fixed on your own.

Because of large quantity garbage and various programs, sooner or later, every PC user has to reinstall the operating system.

To do this, you may find the article on how to install Windows useful. Unfortunately, some builds, regardless of version, may not support connected hardware.

After reinstalling Windows, the Internet does not work, what should I do? Many users have to face this problem.

Solving it is not difficult, as practice shows, this is most often due to network card drivers. Each PC component requires installation special programs(drivers), but they may not be in the operating system.

Why doesn't the Internet work when reinstalling Windows?

The first step is to connect the cable to the computer and make sure that the indicator on the network card lights up. Usually it burns green and after connecting the cable, it immediately lights up:

If the light does not light up, your equipment is not working, or there is a problem on the provider's side. You can call the company that provides you with access to world wide web and find out what the problem is.

If the indicator lights up, then the network card is working and the problem is different. This is where the instructions will come in handy. In general, the instructions are not very different from other operating systems. Before configuring Internet settings, you should install drivers.

If you do not want to use programs to install drivers and want to check whether the network card is being used by the computer, you need to go to the properties of the “My Computer” folder. No icon on your desktop? Login to it via “Start”:

When you open the computer properties (on Windows 7), you will notice a link to go to the device manager section:

After that, look for network adapters where your network card should appear. Perhaps she will be on the list unknown devices, in this case, you need to right-click on it and click on the driver update item:

After installing a network card, the Internet may still not work because you did not install necessary settings. To do this, open the control panel (also through Start), select “Network and Internet”, and then go to network connections.

There you will see the connection to the PC, you need to go to properties:

You will have a connection without access, still go to properties, where you will need to select “Internet Protocol 4” and enter the data provided by your provider:

You can check the information with the provider or look at the contract, it should indicate the IP address, gateway, DNS server and other information. You indicate it and just click OK. As a rule, you need to set the information to be received automatically, but each provider has its own working methods.

Now you know why after reinstalling Windows Internet does not work, and you can solve this problem yourself. Most often this is due to drivers, so try updating or installing them.

If problems continue, consider purchasing new card from Aliexpress (there are the most low prices). You can even buy a card with wireless access(via WI-Fi).

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