How to check the temperature of a laptop. Video: measuring the temperature of a computer and laptop processor online. Computer temperature monitoring: dangerous sensor reading

If your computer unexpectedly turns off, freezes, or slows down while performing intensive tasks, the reason may be overheating. Keeping an eye on the chip temperature is also extremely important when you are overclocking your processor. You don't want to cripple the whole car while accelerating, do you?

This is extremely strange, but the Windows operating system does not offer any way to check the temperature of your processor at all. You can certainly dive into the depths of your system's BIOS to find this information, but isn't it too much trouble just to read the sensor? Luckily for us, there are several free programs that will make it easy to obtain this information at any time you need.

How to Check Your CPU Temperature

The fastest and easy way to find out the temperature of your processor - download the utility, which is called exactly that: Core Temp. However, be careful during installation! Like many free programs, this one will also try to install an additional and completely unnecessary software, unless you deselect the appropriate fields during the installation process.

Once installed, the program Core Temp immediately, without any frills, it can tell you everything you need about the current state of the processor, including its average temperature, right at the bottom of the screen. If you need even more details, click the Show hidden icons button. hidden icons) in the notification area located on the right side of your panel Windows tasks. You will see a summary of the temperature readings, listed separately for each core of your processor.

Temperature summary of each processor core provided by the Core Temp application

The Core Temp settings menu helps you adjust exactly what information you want to see in the notification area and how exactly you want to see it. However, even the default configuration allows you to easily determine whether your processor is overheating or whether its operating mode is not causing concern.

It must be said that the Core Temp program is not the only option. You can use HWInfo - a tool for deep system monitoring, providing detailed information about each component of the electronic components of your computer. If you choose to use this program in sensors-only mode, scrolling down to the processor section - that's what it is, not just the processor temperatures in the motherboard data - will take you to detailed temperature summaries and other relevant performance data processor.

Another one popular program to track the status of components system unit- Cam software from NZXT. It has a lot of variety of skills, and its elegant interface is much easier to read without habit than many other monitoring tools.

NZXT program for monitoring the condition of system unit components - Cam software

This program shows all types useful information about your processor, graphic card, random access memory and hard drive. Besides many others useful features, it contains a frames per second counter, which during the game can be called up with hotkeys you specify, moved to different corners of the screen and hidden again, as well as tools for overclocking the processor. Plus, you can use mobile applications Cam to manage your program tabs while you're away from your computer.

But even if this doesn't help much, it's possible that your CPU cooler is simply not capable of handling the amount of heat being generated from the processor. Especially if you're trying to pair a humble "no-name" consumer cooler with a high-powered chip, and doubly so if you're overclocking a CPU. Your next step may be to buy a new processor cooler.

Several good cooler models that may be useful to you

Cooler Master Hyper 212 (about 2,400 rubles) is an excellent, reliable and affordable air cooler. With its larger heatsink and fan, it's a significant step up from the simpler market ones. CPU coolers AMD and Intel.

A step higher in size and price is the Noctua NH-D14 (about 7,500 rubles), one of the most efficient air-cooling coolers ever to hit the market. The only “but” is that given its large size, it will most likely interfere with access to RAM, and it may simply not fit into small cases for system units.

Closed Loop Liquid Solutions (CLC) provide significantly more low temperatures processor with minimal hassle - except for the cost of the cooler itself, which is more expensive than its “air-based” counterparts. The 120mm Corsair H80i v2 (around RUB 6,400) is a superb CLC entry level, but if you plan to overclock your processor, take a better look at its brother, the Corsair H100i v2 cooler (about 7,600 rubles) with a huge 240 mm radiator that can cool the processor even during the most intense overclocking.

From temperature central processor The performance and stability of your computer directly depends. If you notice that the cooling system has become noisier, then first you need to find out the temperature of the CPU. If the readings are too high (above 90 degrees), the test can be dangerous.

If you plan to overclock the CPU and the temperature indicators are normal, then it is better to carry out this test, because you will be able to know approximately how much the temperature will rise after overclocking.

Testing the processor for overheating is carried out only using third party programs, because standard tools Windows systems do not have the necessary functionality.

Before testing, you should become more familiar with the software, because... some of them may give heavy load on the CPU. For example, if your processor is already overclocked and/or the cooling system is not in order, then find an alternative that allows you to test under less severe conditions or completely abandon this procedure.

Method 1: OCCT

OCCT is an excellent software solution for conducting various stress tests of the main components of a computer (including the processor). The interface of this program may seem initially complex, but the most basic objects for the test are in a visible place. The software has been partially translated into Russian and is distributed absolutely free of charge.

This program is not recommended for testing components that have previously been overclocked and/or regularly overheat, because During tests in this software, the temperature can rise up to 100 degrees. In this case, the components may begin to melt and in addition there is a risk of damaging the motherboard.

Instructions for use this decision looks like that:

Method 2: AIDA64

- one of the best software solutions to conduct tests and collect information about computer components. It is distributed for a fee, but has a demo period, during which you can use all the functionality of the program without any restrictions. Fully translated into Russian.

The instructions look like this:

Conducting a CPU overheating test requires some caution and knowledge. current temperature CPU. This test It is recommended to do this before overclocking the processor in order to understand approximately how much the increase will increase. average temperature cores.

Today it is difficult to imagine a person who would not have a computer at home. Moreover we're talking about not only about desktops in the classical sense of the word, but also about laptops, tablets and all-in-one PCs.

Most often in Lately people buy laptops because they can serve as an equivalent replacement for bulky desktops. The problem is that many people have no idea even about the most basic rules care for such equipment. Due to ignorance, it often fails.

What can cause a computer to break down?

Do you know how to find out the temperature of a laptop? It would seem, what does temperature have to do with care? Oddly enough, but the most direct. The more the processor heats up, the worse the cooling system works, the higher and higher the likelihood of the laptop failing. It is overheating (after spilled drinks) that takes honorable second place among the causes of “death” of mobile computers.

In some cases, the manufacturing company's engineers are to blame for simply failing to design normal system heat sink, but much more often the fault lies with the users themselves, who are trying to run the latest gaming hits on a cheap laptop.

Characteristics modern processors(the same Core i3) allow this to be done, but the system is still unable to remove excess heat.

So how to find out the temperature of a laptop? Let's look at a few programs that will help you do this.

Open Hardware Monitor

It's extremely simple, but quite informative. system monitor. The program is completely free and does not require installation. To obtain information about the temperature of your processor, click on its ".exe file" right key mouse, then select “Run as administrator” from the menu that opens.

A rather ascetic main window of the application will open, in which the first two positions will be fixed general temperature system, and below will be indicated the readings of the processor, video card and hard drive.

Here's how to find out your laptop's temperature using this utility. But what to do with the resulting numbers? To help you understand, here are the average statistical data on the maximum permissible heating of components:

  • central processor - from 70 to 80 degrees Celsius;
  • video card (with air cooled) - 80 degrees Celsius maximum;
  • the most “gentle” in this regard - HDD, which should not heat above 60 degrees.

However, the latter does not apply to solid state drives, which are practically not subject to heating.

How can you find out the temperature of a laptop so that the information received is as objective and reliable as possible? To do this you will have to use the simplest method"stress" testing.

Let's start the stress test

First we close the windows third party programs(including browsers), go to Open Hardware Monitor with administrator rights. If the temperature indicators are far from those given in the article, you can start.

Launch something like a game or a heavy program like Photoshop. In principle, half an hour of work is enough, after which you can start again Hardware Monitor. If the indicators are almost very close to the maximum values ​​​​given above, then there is something wrong with the cooling system of your laptop.

How to check the temperature of a laptop functional programs? And do such people exist in the world?


The wonderful application AIDA 64 was developed by Lavalys and was originally known to users under the name Everest. Since checking the temperature of a laptop is often only required once, a month-long trial version will be sufficient for most users.

We think that it is not worth describing the installation in detail, since any user who has at least once dealt with a computer can handle this. This program is launched to determine the temperature of a laptop with administrator rights, so do not forget to confirm the appropriate privileges in the UAC window that appears.

Open the “Computer” tab and look for the “Sensors” item there. Note! The subsequent system scan will take some time, so be patient. The more similar your laptop is to a typewriter, the longer the scan will take.

Explanation of symbols

After this process, a dialog box will appear in front of you, in which the scan results will be presented. Since many of them are presented in the form symbols, it wouldn’t hurt to decipher them:

  • The “CPU” designation indicates the temperature of the central processor;
  • "GP diode" shows temperature GPU on the video card;
  • something like: WS Digital HTS725... indicates the temperature of the hard drive;
  • CPU1/1, CPU2/2 - show the heating of each processor core (if it is multi-core) separately.

By the way, to what extent do the above indicators correspond to the norm? It should be noted that the maximum allowed often varies greatly depending on the manufacturer, so you should look for exact data on its official website. The same goes for the video card.

Speaking on average, then normal temperature laptop temperature on average should not exceed 45-50 degrees. Please note that average computers of this type are not distinguished by brutal performance, and therefore their components most often do not contain particularly powerful parts.

Thus, if your laptop for 13-25 thousand rubles suddenly starts to warm up to 60 degrees Celsius, then this is already a reason to raise the alarm.

Checking laptop temperature without using third-party programs

We don’t always have access to the Internet, and measuring the temperature of a laptop may be required at any time. What to do in this case?

Reboot your computer. At this time, press and hold the button. This action will result in loading not the operating system itself, but the BIOS. Since there are currently dozens of versions of the mentioned software, give specific instructions simply impossible, so let's talk about general procedure actions.

First you should find the “H/W Monitor” item. Go to this line using the arrows on your keyboard, then press Enter. After this, you will see several symbols, with the first number indicating the temperature in Fahrenheit, and the second in Celsius.

In general, the monitor will show something like this: System Temperature 80*F/30*C CPU Temperature 90*F/36*C.

Fan speed

So, we told you how to use a laptop without resorting to the help of any third-party programs. Important! In most cases, the CPU temperature should not exceed 50 degrees Celsius. The only exceptions are single-core processors from AMD of older series, which can become hotter even under normal load.

If you expand the list, you can find out more detailed information about everyone temperature indicators, as well as about the rotation speed of coolers. This data will be in the function section or in a section with a similar name.

In general, it is from normal operation The cooler depends on the temperature of the laptop. The program will only show you general indicators, but you must interpret them yourself. So, low speed rotation of the cooler under heavy loads indicates that its pulley is clogged with dust.

To exit the BIOS, press ESC button, and then - F10. This is where your research ends.

How to know if your laptop is working at its maximum capacity

We talked so much about how to check the temperature of a laptop that we completely forgot to talk about the signs that indicate the need for such a check. It's time to correct this annoying omission!

Firstly, you need to pay attention to the condition of the cooling system in case of heating when watching HD movies, playing games and working with photos.

As a rule, the device’s fan begins to “howl” the bottom panel The laptop almost melts, and the keyboard is uncomfortable to work on, as it gets very hot. In this case, there are clear manifestations of overheating, which can also be expressed in a sharp slowdown in the launch of even the simplest applications.

How to prevent overheating?

Having spent so much time talking about what the laptop temperature should be and how to determine it, it would be ridiculous not to talk about the methods and principles of preventing similar situation. So, what needs to be done to prevent equipment failure due to overheating?

First, clean the external air duct grilles from dust at least once a month. This will ensure that hot air leaves the cooling system without extra effort. Wipe your computer regularly with special cleaning wipes.

Avoid working on your laptop by placing it on a thick, loose blanket. In such conditions, even the most sophisticated cooling system will not cope with its responsibilities. Finally, be sure to change the thermal paste at least once every six months.


Also, don't forget to purchase a can of compressed air: It is extremely convenient to blow out dust, lint and cat hair from the most difficult to reach places on your laptop. In addition, it won’t hurt to “walk” through the manufacturer’s official website. There may be useful tips regarding repair and prevention of breakdowns of your computer model.

In particular, it is on official resources Most often there are cooling system diagrams. If you decide to disassemble it to replace thermal paste, then these materials will provide you with significant support.

Speaking about the heat-conducting paste itself, we could recommend purchasing it only in specialized computer stores. Moreover, you need to purchase exactly those brands that were recommended by the manufacturer of your laptop.

Finally, soberly assess the capabilities of your own equipment: if your computer is equipped with a weak Celeron processor, its design does not provide for it, so you should not run “heavy” applications. This won't end well.

The temperature of a computer, like that of a person, is one of the most important parameters“health”, which must be monitored, and if deviations from the norm are detected, carry out appropriate preventive procedures (In the case of a computer, cleaning from dust and replacing thermal paste).

From this article on the website, you will learn how to find out the temperature of the hottest laptop or processor, video card, how to conduct a simple overheating test under load, and how to interpret the results.

How to find out the temperature of a computer/laptop processor? AIDA64 program.

For control CPU and video card temperatures I use AIDA64 program. You can download the free 30-day version (we have enough functionality) from official website program developers. Or, you can look for cracked AIDA on torrents.

After downloading and launching the program, you will see the main window.

You need to select “Computer” in the menu on the left, then “Sensors”. You will see something like this:

This is on my computer in a lightly loaded state (actually writing this article - the browser is running, the FTP client is running, music is playing from VK.). We are interested in 2 parameters here, namely:

CPU temperature (CPU), and its nuclei. For me it is 35-40 degrees.

Video card temperature (GP diode) = 39 degrees Celsius.

I recently cleaned my computer from dust and changed the thermal paste, so all parameters are normal.

What temperature of the processor and video card is normal operating, and what is critical?

In general, each processor and video chip are different. For getting accurate information I recommend looking for the specification for a specific processor.

From my own experience, I will say that the temperature of the processor on a laptop in a calm state should be kept within 40-60 degrees. And under load it should not exceed 75-80 degrees.

Temperatures above 90 degrees are critical for any processor. At this temperature, irreversible destructive changes begin in the silicon that makes up the processor. Usually, when the temperature reaches 90-100 degrees, the device’s self-preservation instinct kicks in, and the laptop/computer suddenly turns off, saving its life. 🙂

As you understand, resting temperature is not an indicator. The most important thing for you and me is to find out what values ​​the temperature reaches under heavy load(games, heavy programs, watching HD videos).

How to check the computer temperature under load?

I'm glad you don't need to download additional software- You can give maximum load to the processor and video card using the program functionality AIDA. Go to the Service menu - System stability test.

In the window that appears, check the Stress GPU box (To check the video card at the same time) and click Start. After pressing this button, the processor and video card will artificially load at 100% power.

We wait 5-10 minutes, watching how the temperature of your processor and video card rises, and how the fans in your laptop or system unit begin to spin more and more powerfully.

In advanced cases, even one minute is enough to understand that the laptop urgently needs to be cleaned of dust and the thermal paste changed. As we remember, the critical temperature for the processor and video card is 90 degrees. When this temperature is reached, it is better to press the Stop button in the test window so as not to force the device once again.

So, let's see what my computer shows after 7 minutes of testing in AIDA64:

As we can see, my super-quiet Scythe CPU cooler and GD900 thermal paste do an excellent job of keeping the i5-4460 processor temperature from exceeding 58 degrees, which I think is very good.

But the temperature MSI video cards GeForce GTX 760 is a bit high (81 degrees). However, I did not panic ahead of time, but after googling, I came to the conclusion that this temperature for this video card is quite normal. Sometimes it happens.

What else I would like to draw your attention to in this window is the parameter CPU Throttling.

Throttling is when a processor, when overheated, begins to forcibly reduce its power so as not to burn out completely. If during the test the CPU Throttling sign lights up in red and the computer starts to become “stupid,” this also means that it is urgent to clean the cooling system.

How to find out the temperature of the processor and video card [VIDEO]

Especially for those who perceive information better visually - I posted it on my YouTube channel video on how to view PC temperature:

What to do if the processor temperature is too high?

For any electronics, high temperatures are destructive. Overheating greatly reduces the stability and service life of your devices.

So, if during a load test, any component of your computer or laptop heats up above 85-90 degrees, it’s time to clean it from dust and replace the thermal paste.

If on a computer cleaning with minimal care is possible even for a child, on a laptop everything is a little more complicated. If your hands are growing out of nowhere, it’s better not to get into the laptop yourself, but entrust the cleaning to professionals in the nearest service center. For me, for example, the cost of such cleaning is 1500 rubles. This is the price you should be guided by.

In general, this article is more devoted to diagnosing the problem. More details about why your laptop overheats and what to do about it- you can read it on my blog site.

As I said, everything is much simpler on a computer. How to clean your computer from dust so that it turns on after that, I will definitely tell you in one of next articles. Do not miss!

One of the factors affecting the speed of a computer/laptop is the temperature of the processor, video card and other components. The higher the temperature, the slower the computer/laptop will work. If the processor or video card is overheated, it may fail, and long-term work in high heat mode reduces its service life. At critical temperatures The device will turn off spontaneously (overheating protection is triggered). To prevent overheating of the processor, video card and other components of the computer/laptop, it is necessary to periodically monitor the temperature and, if it reaches critical values, take measures to reduce it. How and with what to check the temperatures of the processor and video card and how to reduce the temperature will be described in this article.

There are two ways to check the temperature of the processor, video card and other computer/laptop components:

1 View the temperature in the BIOS;

2 Use third-party programs.

Find out the temperature of the processor and other components in the BIOS.

In order to get into the BIOS when booting a computer or laptop, press the F2 or Del key (the buttons may differ, depending on the motherboard model). Then in the settings you need to find Power menu/Monitor in different versions BIOS will be different. There you will see the temperature of the processor, motherboard, etc.

Let me give you an example of how I looked at the temperature on the motherboard ASUS board in UEFI (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface - a replacement for the obsolete BIOS, used in modern motherboards). Once you are in UEFI, click the "Advanced" button.

After that, go to the “Monitor” tab, you will see the temperature of the processor, motherboard and much more information.

Thus, without installing any programs, you can find out the temperatures of computer/laptop components. The disadvantage of this method is that not all motherboards have this option and it is impossible to view the processor temperature under load (when running “heavy” programs or games).

Find out the temperature of the processor and video card using programs.

Exists a large number of various programs, which will show you online the temperatures of computer/laptop components. In this article I will analyze several such applications and give my assessment of their work.

Find out the temperature of computer/laptop components using the AIDA64 program.

AIDA64 is one of the most popular programs for reviewing and diagnosing a computer/laptop. AIDA64 provides comprehensive information about the composition of the computer: hardware, programs, operating system, network and connected devices, and also shows the temperature of all computer/laptop devices.

Program window showing temperature data from sensors.

It should be said that the program is paid and the trial version (30 days) does not show information about all devices - in my opinion this is the main disadvantage of this program.

Find out the temperature of the processor and video card using the Speccy program.

Speccy is a small utility from the developers the most popular application to clean your computer system garbage CCleaner. When launched, Speccy monitors the computer's hardware and displays information about operating system, characteristics of installed hardware and data from sensors.

Below the program interface.

In my opinion, one of the best programs to determine the temperature of the processor, video card, etc. In addition to information from sensors, it also provides detailed analysis all hardware installed on a computer/laptop. The big advantage is that the program is free.

Find out the temperature of the processor and video card using the CPUID HWMonitor program.

CPUID HWMonitor - a program designed to monitor indicators various components computer/laptop (temperature, fan speed, and voltage).

Below is the interface of this program.

In my opinion perfect solution, for those who are only interested in information about the temperature of all PC components. No unnecessary information only temperature and fan speed, plus minimum and maximum values ​​are shown, in addition, this program is absolutely free.

What should be the temperature of the processor and video card.

Different processor manufacturers set their own temperatures, but generally speaking, the temperature should be between 30-45°C at idle, up to 60-65°C under load, anything higher is considered critical. Let me explain that these are average values, more specific information you need to look on the website of the manufacturer of your processor.

For a video card, the normal temperature is up to 50-55°C at idle, and under load up to 75-80°C. You can find more accurate average values ​​on the website of your video card manufacturer.

What to do if the temperature of the processor or video card is high.

1 Clean your computer/laptop from dust. Make sure that all coolers and ventilation holes free from dust. This is the most common problem overheating of the computer, laptop. To eliminate it, you need to disassemble the computer/laptop and remove all dust that interferes with cooling.

2 Replace thermal paste. Thermal paste is a layer of heat-conducting composition (usually multi-component) between the processor and the heatsink. Over time, this paste dries out and loses its properties, causing the processor and video card to overheat. To replace it, you need to disassemble the computer, remove the old thermal paste from the laptop and apply a new one in a THIN layer. Typically, thermal paste is replaced when cleaning the computer/laptop from dust.

3 Replace the radiatorcooler. You should choose a better quality radiator, cooler for better cooling computer. In addition, it is quite possible that you should additionally install a cooler on the case for better heat removal from the computer.

I hope I helped you determine the temperature of the processor and video card and you were able to reduce it and achieve faster and stable operation computer/laptop.