Computer science 1st year laboratory work word. Laboratory work on computer science "working in Word"

Laboratory work1 . Working in Word


Themes:Setting up the window interfaceWord

Font formatting(setting font parameters)

Exercise 1 on window settings Word.

Target: learn to configure the program window as needed to complete your work.

If you find it difficult to complete any task -
see the description of its implementation in the Computer Science Manual, pp. 18-19.

1. Customizing toolbars and rulers.

Set it up so that Word window reflected 4 toolbars:
at the top of the window - panels Standard, Formatting, Drawing; at the bottom - Forms.

Remove from screen Ruler(take it out later).

Display on panelbuttons - Formula editor, - Page numbers( see page.16 Manuals).

Reply : 1) How many and what toolbars are currently open on your screen?

2) Which panels are present on the screen by default
(since their buttons are often needed for work)?

3) Is it possible to place a separate panel at the bottom, on the side of the window and how to do this?

2. Status bar (at the bottom of the window Word).

Answer: 1) what information is reflected in the status bar of Word, in its left zone, middle and right zone? What specific information does the status bar show here in the picture?

2) How to display the status bar on the screen (if it doesn’t exist) or how to remove it?

3. Turn on the document display mode called Page layout(if it is not enabled). Then turn on the modes one by one: Ordinary,Web -document, Structure And
determine what mode Page layout differs from others.

4. In mode Page layout configure:

a) so that it is displayed around the page text border frame, beyond which the text does not extend;

b) so that this frame is not reflected.

5. Install thesepage settings :
fields – top and bottom 3 cm, left and right 2 cm;
book paper orientation;paper size – 20  27 cm.

6. Install scale display page on screen 50%. Then change to 100%.

7. Typing. First, type a paragraph of text consisting of several lines (to save time, type lines of arbitrary letters, sometimes inserting spaces between the “words”).

Now turn on the mode Non-printing characters , then turn off. At the same time, determine
How will the text look different in this mode?

In mode Non-printing characters in the typed text do:

a) so that the first word remains alone on the 1st line (as a title);

b) so that the 1st word returns to its place - it becomes the first word in the general paragraph.

Reply : 1) what is the mode used for?Non-printing characters ? What does the sign mean in the text?¶ ?

2) is it necessary to press when typing Enter to go to new line?
When and why should you press when typing? Enter ?

3) how to undo an action that you did incorrectly when working in Word?
Is it possible to undo the last 3.5, 10 incorrect actions?

8. Working methods. The same operation V Wordcan be done in 4 ways.
List them and demonstrate them using any one operation as an example.

Task 2: type the text presented in the frame. At the same time, arrange it exactly as shown in our sample.

1. For 1- th word " WORD " set the fontArial , bold, with outline, =16 pt.

2. For the words “sparse” and “dense”, set the sparse and condensed font.

3. Formatting the word “ Brush copy from the wordfont button. Answer: when is it convenient to use this button?

4. Insert a line at the beginning of the text and enter a title - Font formatting .

5. Turn on automatic transfer words.

6. At the end of the work, look at how the text will look on paper after printing.

7. Save the document to your folder under the name" Work 1. doc " .

If you find it difficult to complete any task -
see the description of its implementation in the Computer Science Manual, pp. 19-20.


Developed by: Sidorova L.V. Department of Automation and Technology

Laboratory work No. 1.

"Initial settings word processor Microsoft Word».

Goal of the work : Learn how to customize Word document settings.

Report form : completing the teacher's assignment.

Task No. 1.

  1. Start the word processor with the commandStart→Programs→Microsoft Word.

New Microsoft document Word is created using the menu command File  New , indicating the template. When you press the buttona document is created based on the template New document .

  1. Open new document and enter the line into it: “=rand(6,6)” (no need to enter quotes, press Enter after entering).
  2. Open the Control Panels settings menu (View→Control Panels) and make sure that only two panels are enabled:Standard and Formatting.

On the tab Toolbarspanels are selected for current work, new ones are created, and deleted custom panels tools, restoring (“resetting”) toolbar settings.

Document working modes

The document can be processed in various modes, which correspond to information Technology. The mode for working with a document is set using the menu command View (Table 2).

Table 2.

Modes of working with text documents




Minimum capabilities for working with objects, “rough” typing, highest speed input

Web Document

Web page design

Page layout

Viewing and layout of a printed page, working with headers and footers, columns of text, drawings


Working with structural parts of a document, copying, moving, changing their hierarchy, viewing the document structure, switching to Main Document mode

Document outline

Output of document structure and text; quick transition to the structural part of the document

  1. Select Layout Mode as the document display mode. To do this, use the corresponding button in the lower left corner of the document window (find it using hover) or the commandView→Page Layout.
  2. If the font on the screen looks too small, adjust the display scale with the command View→Scale . You can also use the Scale drop-down list on the Standard toolbar. If the desired scale is not in the list (for example, 125%), enter the desired value directly in the list box and press ENTER.
  3. Select millimeters (Tools→Options→General→Units).
  4. Customize your list quick opening documents. After starting the program, in the File menu you can find a list of several documents that were opened in a word processor in Lately. This is convenient for quick opening the required document. Set the number of documents displayed in this list with a counterTools→Options→General→Remember list of... files.
  5. Disable replacement of the selected fragment when editing text by asking the checkboxTools→Options→Edit→Replace selected fragment. This somewhat reduces labor productivity when editing text, but protects beginners from unwanted mistakes. With a set of experience practical work this checkbox can be checked again.
  6. Enable context-sensitive keyboard layout switching (Tools→Options→Edit→Automatic keyboard change). This function is convenient when editing text. When you place the cursor in English text, the English layout is automatically turned on, and when you place it in text in Russian, the Russian layout is automatically turned on.
  7. Disable "quick" saving of files by clearing the checkboxTools→Options→Saving→Allow quick saving. When saving quickly, it is not the file itself that is saved, but only its changes compared to the previous saved version. This does reduce the time of the save operation, but it slows down other document operations. At the same time, the size of the final file also increases noticeably.
  8. Set up autosave using a counterTools→Options→Saving→Autosave every... minutes. Please keep the following in mind:
  • When autosaving, data is written to special file, which in emergency situations can be used once to recover unsaved data, but only once(!);
  • The autosave function does not eliminate the need to periodically save the file during work and after its completion using the direct Save and Save As commands.
  1. Temporarily disable spell checkers. On the tabTools→Options→SpellingUncheck the Automatically check spelling and Automatically check grammar checkboxes. In the early stages of working with a document, you need to focus on its content, and spell checkers are distracting. When you finish working on a document, you need to reconnect and use these tools.
  2. Temporarily disable AutoCorrect as you type by clearing the checkboxTools→AutoCorrect→AutoCorrect→Replace as you type.
  3. Enable automatic replacement of “straight” quotes with double quotes:Tools→AutoFormat→Replace “straight” quotes with paired ones when entering. In Russian-language texts, direct quotation marks are not used. To prepare English-language texts and program listings, disable this function.
  4. Temporarily disable some automatic formatting tools, such as automatic bulleting and numbering of lists. On the tabTools→AutoCorrect→Autoformat as you typeclear the Apply as you type to bulleted lists and Apply as you type to numbered lists check boxes. After acquiring basic skills in working with texts, reconnect these tools.
  5. Disable automatic placement transfers. In the vast majority of cases, it is not needed in the early stages of working with documents. Hyphenation is disabled by clearing the checkboxTools→Language→Hyphenation→Automatic hyphenation.
  6. Include a confirmation prompt to change the "Normal" template:Tools→Options→Saving→Request to change the “normal” template. The “Normal” template is the basis for all other templates (they are created on its basis and inherit its properties). At regular work with the program, there is no need to change it (if you need to change something in this template, just create a copy of it under a different name and work with it) Enabling this checkbox prevents accidental changes to the template by the user, as well as attempts by macro viruses to save their code V this template(for further reproduction in documents created on its basis).

So! Have you learned how to perform primary settings word processor and learned that they are accessed with the following commands:

Tools > Options;

Service >AutoCorrect;

Tools > Language;

View > Toolbars; »

View > Scale.

Printed document page

To print text documents, set the printed page format using the menu command File  Page settings. This command displays a dialog boxPage settings, containing tabs:

  • Fields – set the size of the margins of the printed page, the type of margins (regular or mirrored - for bound text); header and footer indents at the top and bottom of the printed page;
  • Paper size – sets the format and orientation of the printed page (portrait, landscape);
  • Paper source – specifies the paper feed method for the first and subsequent printed pages;
  • Layout – indicates the difference between headers and footers for even and odd pages, the first page of the document, and the method of aligning text paragraphs (along the top edge, in the center, in height).

A text document consists of sections, the number of which is not limited. The new document contains only one section. A section is created in a document if: 1) the dimensions of the printed page are changed; 2) orientation of the printed page; 3) margin sizes or header and footer indents; 4) the number of columns of text on the page; 5) contents of footers of printed pages; 6) page numbering.

A new document section is created by the menu command Insert  Break indicating the type of break:From next page; On the current page; From even page; From odd page.

Print page parameters can be set for each section or for the entire document.

For additional graphic design printed pages the menu command is used Format  Borders and Shading. On the Page tab dialog box Borders and fill are selected:

  • line type;
  • the size of the margins for the indentation of lines from the text and the edge of the printed sheet;
  • scope: entire document, current section, first or all but the first page.

Menu command Format  Background used only for Web pages and allows you to change the pattern and fill color of the page electronic document. The background of the electronic document is not printed.

At the top or bottom of the printed page of the document are placed: headers and footers - permanent information containing free text, pictures, page numbers, date, time, etc. Headers and footers are created and edited using the menu command View  Header and Footer using toolbar buttons Headers and footers.

To number printed pages, use the menu command Insert  Page numbers . In the dialog box Page numbers text button The format allows:

  • set the initial value of the page number;
  • choose external image page numbers (Roman or Arabic numerals, alphabetic numbering);
  • include in the numbering the document chapter number, etc.

Task No. 2.

  1. Enter the menu File→Page Setupand configure the page parameters on the Margins tab: left – 2 cm; right – 1 cm; top – 1 cm; lower – 0.5 cm.
  2. Next, place the cursor between the second and third paragraphs of text and run the command Insert →Break→New section from next page. Only this command allows you to create various headers and footers.
  3. Repeat step 2 for the fourth and fifth paragraphs.
  4. Now let's set the page numbering. To do this, issue the commandInsert→Page Numbers.
  5. Next, let's move on to the headers and footers. Go to the beginning of the first sheet (CTRL+HOME command), then run the commandView→Header/Footer,The header and footer menu will appear, but the entire document will not be active:

Explore the “Header and Footer” menu items yourself (use the tooltip).

  1. At the top it will be written: “ Page header Section 1". Enter the following phrase in the header and footer field: This is the header and footer for Section #1.
  2. Click the "Go to next" button until the text above the header appears: "Header Section 2." Then press the “Same as previous” button.
  3. In the second header, enter the phrase: This is the header for Section No. 2.
  4. Repeat steps 7-8 for the third header.
  5. Go back to the beginning of the second footer and using the menu items File →Page OptionsSet the paper orientation to landscape.
  6. Set the document display scale to 25% and see what happens ( landscape orientation should only have the pages of the 2nd section, this can be achieved using onlyBreak a section from a new page).
  7. Save the document as “Example_1.doc”

Task No. 3.

  1. Open a new WORD document.
  2. Create a cover page for the laboratory work (on title page there should not be a footer) according to the example, after each phrase put Enter:
  1. Create a footer “Laboratory work No. 1” on the second sheet and add your first and last name to it (if there are two of you at the computer, then both last names).
  2. Next, on the second sheet, create the heading “Lab No. 1” and write, in free form, what you learned by doing the first laboratory work.
  3. Using the menu item FORMAT/BACKGROUND/FILL METHODS, configure the display of the document with a background image
  4. Save the document called Lab_Word in your folder.

All further laboratory work will be added to this file with the appropriate footers.

Control questions.

  1. How to change the display of a page from portrait to landscape?
    to File →Page Options
  2. What document display modes do you know?
  3. How to adjust the document display scale?
    toolbar scale
  4. How can I change the number of documents in the list intended for quick opening?
  5. What is the function for? quick save file?
  6. How do I configure autosave settings?
  7. How to enable automatic replacement of “straight” quotes with double quotes?
  8. How can I change the units of measurement for document settings from centimeters to millimeters?
  9. How to number pages?
  10. How to edit a header and footer?
  11. How to split a document into sections?
  12. How can you connect two sections (find it yourself or use Word help)?

Laboratory work No. 2.

Formatting a Microsoft Word Document

Goal of the work: learn to format Word document.

Report form:

Character and Paragraph Format

Menu command Format  Font allows you to change the font parameters for the characters of the selected fragment and typing new text, namely: font design, style, size, color, effects, character density, offset relative to the line baseline (up, down), animation for viewing the document on the screen (Fig. . 1). Examples of font formats are given in table. 1.

Rice. 1. Font formatting dialog box

Table 1.

Examples of text document font formats

Menu command Format  Paragraph sets the paragraph format parameters of the selected fragment or the current paragraph of a text document, namely: indentation fields, line spacing within a paragraph, spacing between paragraphs of a text document, text alignment in a paragraph, paragraph position on the page (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Paragraph Format Dialog Box

But before formatting a fragment of a document, it must be SELECTED.

Document fragments are selected using the mouse (Table 1) or keys (Table 2). Menu command Edit  Select All or hotkeys Ctrl + (on numeric keypad) 5 or Ctrl+A select the entire text document.

Table 1

Selecting document fragments using the mouse


Selection method


Double left click on a word


Single-click the left mouse button while pressing a key at the same time Ctrl anywhere in the sentence


Triple left-click anywhere in a paragraph

Arbitrary fragment

With the left mouse button pressed, dragging the cursor over the text

Line fragment

With the left mouse button pressed, dragging the cursor to the left of the text

Rectangular (block) fragment

When you press a key Alt and left mouse button dragging the cursor over the text

table 2

Selecting document fragments using keys



Move to the beginning of the line


Move to the end of the line

Move one character left/right

 

Move one word to the left

CTRL + 

Move one word to the right

CTRL + 

Select from insertion point to start of input


Select from insertion point to end of input


Select characters to the left (deselect)


Select characters to the right (deselect)


Select words to the left (deselect)


Select words to the right (deselect)


Operations on document fragments.

1. Copying fragments.

Selected fragment using menu command Edit  Copy copied to the clipboard. Microsoft Word 2000 uses a new clipboard that can store up to 12 tiles for the duration of a session, with a copy of the 13th tile replacing the copy of the 1st tile.

Working with the clipboard is done using the toolbar Clipboard called by the menu command View  Toolbars.

If the toolbar is displayed Clipboard , the selected fragment of the document can be copied to the clipboard using the button Copy . Use the button to clear the clipboardClear clipboard.

2. Moving fragments.

Moving a fragment involves deleting it in the same place and inserting it in another place. Menu command Edit  Cut places the fragment on the clipboard.

3. Inserting fragments.

The clipboard can be pasted into any open text documents any number of times. To insert the last generated buffer, use the menu command Edit  Paste.

To paste a copy of a fragment from the clipboard, the cursor is placed at the insertion location, and on the toolbar Clipboard the buffer button is selected. Button Paste all will ensure the insertion of all fragments at the location of the cursor.

If inserting/moving a selected fragment of a document is carried out within one document at a fairly close distance, you can usegraphic methodcopying or moving.

  1. Select the original fragment of the document.
  2. Place the cursor in the area of ​​the selected document fragment.
  3. Click left button mice. To copy a fragment, additionally press the key Ctrl.
  4. Drag the selection to the insertion location.
  5. Release the left mouse button and key Ctrl.

Task No. 1.

  1. Open your lab document. Create in it new leaf with the appropriate footer.
  2. Enter next text:
  1. Now let's start formatting the entered text. To do this, place the cursor after the word “Invitation” and press the Enter key. Next, separate using Enter keys the remaining sentences are separate from each other (each sentence must begin on a new line).
  2. Highlight the word “Invitation” and press Sfift+F3 (pressing it again will change the case).
  3. Next, without removing the selection, call up the menu Format→Font and select the font – Tahoma, style – bold, size – 20.
  4. Go to the Spacing tab and select Spacing - 5 pt spacing.
  5. On the Animation tab, select Fireworks. And click OK.
  6. In the Formatting panel, find and click the Underline button.
  7. Format further text according to the example yourself.
  1. Now select all the text and bring up the menu Format→Paragraph. Produce following settings: alignment – ​​centered, front spacing – 12 pt., line spacing – one and a half. Next, click OK.
  2. Select “Your Name” and use the button in the formatting bar to align it to the right.
  3. Using the Paragraph menu, set the right indent for your name to 3cm.
  4. This is what your invitation should look like:

Task No. 2.

Create the following text fragments yourself:

  1. Heading 18 pt., bold, centered, single line spacing, red line indented by 1.25 cm. All text 14 pt.

Task No. 3.

  1. Copy the text from the second task twice and select the first copy.
  2. Format text into two columns using the menuFormat→Columns.
  3. Format the second copy into three columns using the “Columns” button on the Standard panel.


Sometimes it is necessary to “rigidly” bind a text fragment to a specific line position so that the position of this fragment does not change when other formatting parameters are changed. For this they use Special symbols tabulations - tabulators. In text Word processor There are 4 types of tabulators:

  • – tabulator with text aligned to the left;
  • – tabulator with text aligned to the center;
  • – tabulator with text aligned to the right;
  • – a tabulator with text alignment based on the integer and fractional separator.

To set the tab stop in a line, select the right type tab stop by clicking the tab stop button located to the left of the horizontal ruler, and then clicking on the horizontal ruler where you want to set the tab stop. After that, when you press the key Tab on the keyboard, the cursor will be automatically placed at the line position where the tabulator is located, and the typed text will be aligned relative to this position in accordance with the selected tabulator type.

To understand tabulation, complete the following task:

Task No. 4.

Menu command Format  Tab provides text formatting in multiple columns. The tab format specified for a paragraph includes:

  • determining the position on the horizontal ruler;
  • choosing how to align text relative to the tab stop;
  • select a placeholder character.

Move to a tab position in the text by pressing the key Tab (Fig. 5).

Rice. 5. Tab dialog box

Task No. 5.

Type the text shown in the figure:

  1. Select menu item Format  Tabulation and Set the tab stop to 7cm, alignment to left, padding to line. Click the Install button.
  2. Next, set the tab stops to 10 cm, the alignment to right, and the padding to none. Click OK.
  3. Enter the text “To the Inspectorate of the Ministry of Railways of Russia No.” and press the key twice Tab.
  4. Then enter the text “Date of payment sent” and go to the next paragraph.
  5. Repeat step 2 and set the tabulator to 16 cm - along the right edge, the placeholder - line.
  6. Enter the text "By" and press the key three times Tab. Enter the remaining text and move to the next line.
  7. Repeat step 2 and set tabs 1 cm - along the left edge without a placeholder and 10 cm - along the left edge, without a placeholder.
  8. Press Tab enter the text “Administrative district of Moscow”, then press the key Tab twice and enter the remaining text.
  9. Select the text of the third paragraph and set the font to 10.
  10. Repeat step 2 and set the tabulator to 7 cm - along the right edge, the placeholder - line.
  11. Enter the text “From” and press the Tab key twice, go to the next paragraph and follow step 10 for the fifth paragraph.
  12. Enter the text “(full name of the entrepreneur, INN)”, set its size to 10 pt., go to the next paragraph and follow step 10 for the sixth paragraph.
  13. Type "phone" and press the Tab key.


There are footnotes (at the bottom of each page) and endnotes (at the end of the document). The footnote contains an icon and explanatory text. To create a footnote:

  • place the cursor behind the word to which the footnote refers;
  • select menu command Box  Footnote ;
  • in the dialog box Footnotes you can select the type and symbol of the footnote, set footnote parameters (position of the footnote in the document, format and starting number footnotes).

The footnote icon is placed in the main window of the text document, and the footnote text is placed in the service window Footnotes.

When you move the cursor to a footnote in the document text, it changes its shape and the footnote text is displayed on the screen in a special window. To edit a footnote, select its icon and double-click the left mouse button. To delete a footnote, after highlighting the footnote icon, press the key Del.

Task No. 6.

  1. Create a regular footnote for the word CHARADES from task 2. Footnote text “This is a regular footnote for the word from task No. 2 from the second laboratory work.”
  2. Create an endnote for the title “Lab #1” for your lab. Footnote text: "This is an endnote."


A theme is a set of unified styles and additional elements document design (drawings, color schemes, markers, lines, graphic objects and so on.). Prepared thematic designs can be viewed both in Microsoft Word and in programs Email, Web page editors.

The dialog box for selecting a theme is called by the command Format  Topic (Fig. 8).

Rice. 8. Theme Format Dialog Box

Themes are associated with style libraries, which are accessed when you click the Style Library button in the Theme dialog box. A list of templates is displayed on the screen, the styles of which can be viewed and applied to the active document.

Menu command Format  Background used to design Web documents and email messages. You can make the background of your document colorful by choosing the appropriate color. For the background of an electronic document, single-color, textured and gradient fillsJPEG format, pattern fills – GIF format.

To design documents to be printed, ensure identification and protect documents from forgery, a document backing is created. The background represents text, drawing, color design, it can be placed under the main text of the document or above the text of the document. Underlays appear on the screen in markup mode and in the printed document.

To insert a printed document backing:

Task No. 7.

Using the Format  Theme menu complete your laboratory work.

Control questions

  1. How can I change font settings for a selection or new text in a document?
  2. How to set paragraph options?
  3. How to install footnotes?
  4. How to format text in multiple columns?
  5. Can columns be of different sizes?
  6. How to design a document with different themes?
  7. How is font animation configured?
  8. How to install tab stops?
  9. How many tabulators do you know?

Laboratory work No. 3.

Creating tables and lists.

Goal of the work: learn how to create tables and various lists in Microsoft Word.

Report form: completed tasks in the file with laboratory work.

Tables in text document

Most documents have a tabular data structure. The Microsoft Word text editor allows you to create standard or drawn tables, as well as place worksheets in a text document spreadsheet Excel.

The following can be entered into table cells: text, numbers, formulas, subtables, graphic objects. A single table cell can be viewed as a “mini-document”, for which the cell is treated as a printed page, for which the indents are set to wall, right, top, bottom. The text in a cell can consist of paragraphs, each of which can have its own format. All technologies for editing and formatting text documents are applicable to the contents of cells.

In some cases, table cells may contain graphic information (Microsoft charts Graph, drawings, pictures, graphic objects, etc.), which is inserted using menu commands:

  • Insert → Object, tab Create from file
  • Insert → Object, Create tab – select an application to create a new graphic object;
  • Insert → Drawing → Pictures– is selected standard picture from the collection Microsoft Office 2000;
  • Insert → Drawing → From File– selecting a graphic format file;
  • Insert → Drawing → AutoShapes- insertion of standard autoshapes located on the panel Drawing ;
  • Insert → Drawing → WordArt Object– inserting text in artistic design;
  • Insert → Drawing → From Scanner or Camera– inserting a file obtained by scanning or digitizing an image;
  • Insert → Drawing → Diagram– creating a diagram in Microsoft program Graph;
  • Edit → Paste(from clipboard).

Standard tables

A standard table has a rectangular structure. The table is created using the menu commandTable → Add Table, the dimension of the table is indicated - the number of rows and columns. The maximum number of table columns is 63, the maximum number of table rows is unlimited.

When you create a table, you can immediately auto-format it. In the menu command dialog boxTable → Add Tablebutton pressed Autoformat , which displays a window of formats for selection. So, you can select all or certain elements style (borders, font, fill, color), apply them to certain lines or table columns.

To move through table cells, use the following keys:

  • Tab or  moving to the right along the cells of a row;
  • Shift + Tab or  movement to the left along the cells of a row;
  • moving up the cells of one column;
  • movement down the cells of one column.

When entering text, the cell can stretch both vertically and horizontally, depending on the specified table properties. New paragraph text in a cell is created by pressing a key Enter.

To insert a tab character in a cell, press the keys Ctrl+Tab.

Many table operations are performed on rows/columns or individual cells. To select cells in table rows/columns, use menu commandsTable → Select row And Table → Select column. This takes into account current location cursor in the table. Selecting table fragments can be done using the mouse:

  • to select all cells of a column, place the cursor over the column;
  • To select all cells in a row, the cursor is placed to the left of the row.

When the pointer arrow appears, you click with the left mouse button, as a result, all cells in a column or row of the table are selected. To select adjacent columns/rows, drag the cursor while holding down the left mouse button.

The initially created standard table structure can be easily changed using menu commands:

  • Table → Add → Table– adding a nested table of a given size to a cell;
  • Table → Add → Columns Left/Columns Right;
  • Table -> Add -> Rows above/rows below;
  • Table -> Add -> Cells.

To continue the table down, the cursor must be in the rightmost cell last line tables. After pressing the key Tab is happening automatic addition table rows whose format matches the format of the previous row ( same number cells, fixed width and height of cells, formats of individual cells).

You can change the number of cells in a row or the number of cells in a column by merging or splitting them. Merging adjacent table cells is done horizontally (in one row) and vertically (in one column) using the menu commandTable → Merge Cells. Reverse action– cell splitting is performed horizontally (adding cells to a row) and vertically (adding cells to a column), performed by a menu commandTable → Split Cells.

When you vertically split a cell into rows, all text remains in the cell on the first row. When you split a cell horizontally into columns, the text is divided into paragraphs. A single cell contains one or more original paragraphs. When you merge cells, the text in each individual cell appears as one or more paragraphs in the resulting cell.

Task No. 1. Creation empty table using the insertion method and then filling it out.

  1. Create a table title "Class Schedule".
  2. Place the cursor on a new line and execute the menu commandTable→Insert→Tablein the window that appears, select 8 columns and 5 rows. (The same action can be performed by clicking the “Add table” button on the Standard panel and highlighting required amount columns and rows)
  3. Select the entire table and execute the menu commandTable→Table properties,in the dialog box that appears, select the buttonBorders and Shading(or context menu and Borders and Shading).
  4. In the dialog box, select the type on the left side of the window Frame , in the middle of the window the line type is double, then in the left part of the window select the type Net and exit the dialog box.
  5. Fill out the resulting table according to the sample.
  1. Place the cursor at the beginning of the first line and execute the menu itemTable→Insert→Rows above.
  2. Select the first and second cells in the first column and, calling the context menu, merge them.
  3. Using a join, make the table look like this:
  1. Fill it out with your schedule.
  2. Explore the menu properties yourselfTable→Autoformat table.
  3. Color the table using this menu or yourself.

A table can be converted into plain text, and vice versa, specially prepared text can be converted into a table.

To convert a table to text:

  1. Select the table fragment to be converted - adjacent rows.
  2. Execute menu commandTable → Convert to text.
  3. Specify the type of cell content separator (special character used):
  • paragraph symbol – each paragraph in the cells becomes a separate paragraph of text;
  • tab character - cells on the same line are separated by a tab character, cells different lines or paragraphs within one cell - with a paragraph symbol;
  • semicolon character - similar to using tab, but the delimiter is semicolon;
  • another character - similar to using a tab, but the delimiter is the specified character.

To convert text to a table, you need to prepare the text using a specific cell separator character, for example, a paragraph character, tab, or others. The following is:

  1. Select a line fragment of text to be converted into a table.
  2. Select menu commandTable → Convert to Table.
  3. Specify the cell separator to use.
  4. Set the number of columns or rows in the table.

Task No. 2. Creating a table by converting text to a table.

  1. Enter the title “Romanov Dynasty in the 19th – 20th centuries.”
  2. ATTENTION: make sure that the lines contain two tab characters and one line feed character. Enter the following text (to see the characters, click the non-printing characters button):
  1. Select all text. Complete menu itemsTable→Convert→Text to Table.
  2. In the window that appears, select automatic selection of column widths based on content.
  3. Tab delimiter.
  4. Format the resulting table as you wish.
  5. Create a copy of the table.
  6. Remove it using the menu commandTable→Delete table.

Sorting table rows

To make it easier to present information, the table rows are sorted. Sequencing.

  1. The cursor is placed in any table cell.
  2. Menu command being executedTable → Sorting.
  3. In the dialog box Sorting specify:
  • composition of sorting keys;
  • sorting direction – ascending or descending.

To do this, the column names are selected and their sorting order in ascending/descending order is determined (Fig. 8). The maximum number of table sorting keys is 3. The result of table sorting is written in place of the original table.

Rice. 8. Setting up table sorting

If the column contains text, sorting in ascending order means a specific order:

  • special characters (!, #, $, % and &);
  • words starting with numbers;
  • words starting with letters.

If the column contains numbers, all characters other than numbers are ignored. If a table column contains dates, the date component separator is taken into account. Sorting involves sequential comparison of characters from left to right.

Task No. 3.

  1. Create a table like this:
  1. Make two copies of the table, numbering them.
  2. Sort the rows of the second table in descending order of salaries.
  3. Sort the rows of the table by position and for the same positions in ascending order of salary.

Calculations in tables

You can perform calculations in Microsoft Word tables. A standard table is a collection of cells whose addresses consist of a column name - a letter of the Latin alphabet and a row number - a number. For example, address A2 matches the cell in the first column and second row, address C10 matches the cell in the third column and the tenth row, etc.

The formula for calculating the result is entered into a table cell using the menu commandTable → Formula. In the dialog box Formula a formula is entered and the number format is specified. The formula in the table cell contains:

  • built-in functions (Table 1);
  • links to table cell addresses;
  • bookmark names;
  • constants;
  • signs of mathematical operations.

Table 1.

Built-in functions for calculations in Microsoft table Word




AND(x, y)

1 (TRUE) if Boolean expressions x and y true, 0 (FALSE) otherwise


1 (TRUE) if expression X valid, or 0 (FALSE) otherwise


Logical constant FALSE – 0


0 (FALSE) if boolean expression X true, or 1 (TRUE) if false

OR(x, y)

0 (FALSE) if both Boolean expressions x and y false, and 1 (TRUE) otherwise

SIGN( x)

Number sign: 1 (ifX> 0) or -1 (ifX


Logical constant TRUE – 1



Absolute value


The integer part of number

MOD(x, y)

Remainder of the divisionXonat


Product of values


MeaningX, rounded to the specified decimal place (at)



Average value


Number of elements


Highest value


Lowest value


Sum of values

Function arguments - numbers, formulas or bookmarks, cell addresses, address ranges of adjacent cells. The range of addresses for adjacent cells is written through outer cells separated by a colon, for example:

  • A1:C2– cell range including cellsA1, A2, C1, C2;
  • 1:1 – all cells of row 1;
  • A:A– all cells of column A.
  • ABOVE – cells of the current column located above the cell;
  • BELOW – cells of the current column located below the cell;
  • RIGHT – cells current line, located to the right of the cell;
  • LEFT – cells of the current row located to the left of the cell.

You can also reference cells from another table. A bookmark is created for the referenced table. The cells of this table are accessed by specifying the bookmark name.

Please remember that a formula in a table is a field that has a field code and a value. To view the field code, press the keysAlt+F9. When changing the values ​​of cells referenced in formulas, you should place the cursor in the table cell using the menu commandTable → Select → Tableselect the entire table, press the keyF9for automatic recalculation of all formulas.

If a cell, for exampleIN 1, contains several paragraphs of numbers, formula of the form=B1or= SUM(Bl)automatically calculates the sum of the numbers of all paragraphs in a cellIN 1. If, along with numbers, a cell contains text before or after the numbers, it is ignored during the calculation.

Task No. 4.

Create a table like this:

Table 2.

Initial data

Product type

Basic salary for production workers

General production expenses

General running costs










  1. Enter formulas into the table cells:
  • cell formulaAT 5(Total): =Sum(Above);
  • cell formulaC2: =C5/B5*B2;
  • cell formulaNW: =С5/В5*ВЗ;
  • cell formulaC4: =C5/B5*B4;
  • cell formulaD2: =D5/B5*B2;
  • cell formulaD3: =D5/B5*B3;
  • cell formulaD4: =D5/B5*B4.
  1. Select a table using a menu commandTable→Select→Table. Create a bookmark for the table. Bookmark name –Table1. Menu command to create a bookmark –Insert → Bookmark.
  2. Create new table in your document. Execute menu commandTable → Add → Table, specify the number of columns –2 , number of lines –5 . Fill in the cells of the table (Table 3).
  1. Enter formulas into cells:
  • cell formulaAT 2: = SUM (Table1 c2:d2)/SUM(Table1 c5:d5)*100. Select number format –0,00% ;
  • cell formulaVZ: = SUM (Table1 c3:d3)/SUM(Table1 c5:d5)*100. Select number format –0,00% ;
  • cell formulaAT 4: = SUM (Table1 c4:d4)/SUM(Table1 c5:d5)*100. Select number format –0,00%;
  • cell formulaAT 5: = SUM(ABOVE)*100. Select number format –0,00%.


Menu commandFormatListserves for constructing enumeration lists. There are bulleted, numbered and multi-level lists.

To change the hierarchy level of an element multi-level list keys are usedCtrl+Alt+to lower andCtrl+Alt+to increase the hierarchy level of a list item or toolbar button Formatting: Increase/Decrease indentation.

Entering the next paragraph after the last element of the list is perceived as its continuation. To interrupt the list, place the cursor at the end of the paragraph of the last element of the list and press the key twiceEnter. To resume numbering, the cursor is positioned at new element list, the menu command is executedFormatList, Continue. ButtonsNumberingAndMarkerstoolbarsFormattingcreate lists with standard settings.

Rice. 3. Multi-level list dialog box

Task No. 5.

Type the text as a sequence of paragraphs and copy it below three times. Convert the first copy into a simple numbered list. Convert the second fragment into a hierarchical list and change it according to the example. Convert the third copy to bulleted list with a star marker.

Control questions.

  1. What methods of creating tables do you know?
  2. How to select a cell, several cells, a row?
  3. How can you split a cell?
  4. How can you connect two cells that are in the same row or column?
  5. How to change row height, column width?
  6. How to change the appearance and thickness of lines of a table, cell, group of cells?
  7. How to add rows to a table?
  8. How to delete rows in a table?
  9. What types of lists do you know?
  10. How to change a marker in a list?

Laboratory work No. 4.

Inserting objects into a Word document.

Purpose of work: learn to insert various objects and symbols in Microsoft Word.

Report form: completed tasks in a file with laboratory work.

Inserting a diagram.

Charts in Microsoft Word are created from tables and inserted into a Microsoft Word document using the menu Insert→Object→Microsoft Graph Chart.

Task No. 1.

  1. Create the following table:
  1. Calculate the “Total” field using the formulas in the TABLE menu.
  2. Select columns with headings January through June.
  3. Select Insert→Object→Microsoft Graph Chart.
  4. First, a histogram (bar chart) will be plotted. Close the table window.
  5. Right-click on the white field of the chart, select the menu item “CHART TYPE” and specify the chart type as PIE and the chart type as VOLUMEROUS.
  6. Now select in context menu item “DIAGRAM PARAMETERS”. On the Titles tab, in the chart title field, enter “REVENUE.”
  7. On the data labels tab, select Category Names and Shares. Click OK.

Task No. 2.

Select the entire table, with the exception of the TOTAL column, and independently build and design the histogram shown in the figure.

Inserting formulas.

The formula editor is designed for typing formulas in Word. The formula editor is inserted in two ways:

  1. Menu Insert → Object in the creation menu, select Microsoft Equation Editor.
  2. Tools→Settings select the “Commands” tab in the “Category” list INSERT, and in the “Commands” list “Formula Editor”. Then drag the button onto the toolbar.

With the formula editor, you can create complex formulas by selecting symbols from the toolbar and entering variables and numbers. When you create formulas, font sizes, spacing, and formats are automatically adjusted to match the rules for writing mathematical expressions. You can change formatting as you work. There is also the ability to override automatic styles.

IN top row The formula editor toolbar contains buttons for inserting more than 150 formulas mathematical symbols, most of which are not available in standard font Symbol. To insert a symbol into a formula, click the button in the top row of the toolbar, and then select a specific symbol from the palette below the button.

In the bottom row of the formula editor toolbar there are buttons for inserting patterns or structures that include symbols such as fractions, radicals, sums, integrals, products, matrices or various parentheses, or corresponding pairs of symbols such as parentheses and square brackets. Many templates contain special fields for entering text and inserting symbols. The formula editor has about 120 templates grouped into palettes. Templates can be nested one inside another to build complex multi-step formulas.

Task No. 3.

Create the following formula:

Complete the following tasks yourself:

Inserting pictures into WORD.

Task 4.

Insert an embedded object into a document – bitmap BMP.


  1. Insert the BMP image into the document:
  • Insert→Drawing→From File;
  • in the Add Picture dialog box, select: from the File type list: Scratch Windows drawing(BMP); in the folder field - the desired folder; in the list of files there is a corresponding picture.

You have created an embedded object. IN in this case, BMP bitmap.

  1. Follow the menu items Insert→Drawing→Pictures in the window that appears, select the picture you like and insert it into the document.

Task 5.

Inserting curly text.

Task 6.

Give names to all pictures and formulas in the laboratory work.


  1. Select the picture by clicking on it once with the mouse.
  2. Complete menu itemsInsert→Link→Title.
  3. In the window that appears, select the caption Picture and click OK.
  4. Hover your mouse over the formula and click right button mice.
  5. In the context menu that appears, select “Name”.
  6. In the “Name” window, select the formula signature and press Enter.
  7. Give names to the remaining formulas from lab 4.

Task 7.

Explore the Drawing toolbar yourself (View→Toolbars→Drawing).

Create a drawing according to the example:

Task 8.

Entering special characters

This exercise will cover several techniques for entering Greek characters. We especially note that these are not all possible techniques for text Microsoft processor Word.

  1. Font replacement. Enter text: The circumference of a circle is 2pR. Select the letter "r". In the Formatting panel, expand the list of fonts and select the Symbol character set. The symbol "p" will be replaced with the symbol "».
  2. Classic approach. Enter the text: The circumference of a circle is 2xR. Select the "x" symbol. Open the Symbol Table program (Start > Programs > Accessories > System Tools > Character Table). In the window of this program, select the Symbol font. Find the symbol in the table field, select it, click on the buttonChooseand on the buttonCopy.Return to the Microsoft Word window and use the keyboard shortcutCTRL+VPaste the copied symbol from the clipboard into the place of the selected one. This technique works in most programs. It is used if it is not known in advance which symbol Latin font matches the required symbol.
  3. Using a style. If a document contains many characters from the Greek alphabet, it makes sense to create a special character style for them. Based on an existing character style, such as Paragraph Body, create a new character style, such as Greek. To do this, open the Style dialog box with the commandFormat > Styleand click on the Create button. In the Create Style dialog box, in the Name box, enter a name for the new style, select Character from the Style drop-down list, and select a base style from the Based on Style list. If it is assumed that further creation similar documents, the created style can be saved in a template by checking the boxAdd to template. After that, click on the buttonFormat, in the menu that opens, selectFontand replace the current font with the Symbol character set. In the future, if you need to enter Greek letters, just select the Greek style in the formatting panel.
  4. Using hot keys.This is the most effective technique. No more fast way entering non-standard characters than entering using pre-assigned keyboard shortcuts. So, for example, we can fix the symbolπ behind the key combination CTRL+ALT+P and use it wherever the need arises.
    Give the command Insert > Symbol - the Symbol dialog box will open. On the list
    Font π . Click the Key button to open the Keyboard Settings dialog box. Make sure that the text cursor is in the New keyboard shortcut field (in such cases it is said thatinput focusbelongs to the New Keyboard Shortcut control). If this is not the case, move the input focus to the desired field by successive clicks TAB keys.
    When the input focus is in the desired field, press the desired key combination, for example CTRL+ALT+P. Pay attention to the entry that appears in the field and click on the button
    Assign. Close open ones dialog boxes and check the operation of this combination. Please note that you can assign multiple key combinations to the same character. If you need to change the assignment, you should use the dialog boxKeyboard settingsselect the assigned combination and click on the buttonDelete. If you need the assigned combination to work in everyone again documents created, it can be saved in current template by selecting the Save changes checkbox.
  5. Using AutoCorrect.Give the commandInsert > Symbol- the Symbol dialog box opens. On the listFontselect Symbol font. In the symbol table, find and select the symbolπ . Click the buttonAutoCorrect- The AutoCorrect dialog box will open. In fieldReplaced byenter the combination to be replaced “.pi.” (Why the “pi” symbols are outlined with dots on both sides, find out for yourself by experimenting with entering the expression 2 π R). In a similar way, you can organize the input of other characters: “.fi.”, “.tau.”, “.xi.” and so on. As you can see, you don’t need to remember anything specifically.

Control questions.

  1. How to insert a picture from a file into a Word document?
  2. How do I change the type of object being inserted: embedded, linked, linked, and embedded?
  3. How to add the Formula Editor button to the toolbar?
  4. What methods of inserting formulas into a Word document do you know?
  5. How to adjust the style and size of characters in a formula?
  6. How can you insert a space into a formula?
  7. How to edit an existing formula?

A.M. Antonova, S.A. Varlamova


by Microsoft Word 2007

Berezniki 2011

Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation Federal Agency for Education

Perm State Technical University Berezniki branch

Department of Process Automation

A.M. Antonova, S.A. Varlamova

Workshop on Microsoft Word 2007

Guidelines for performing laboratory and independent work

for students of all forms of study direction 230100 – “Informatics and Computer Science”

Berezniki 2011

UDC 373.167.1


Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Erypalova M.N.

Antonova A.M., Varlamova S.A.

Workshop on Microsoft Word: guidelines to perform laboratory and independent work. Perm. state technical university Perm, 2011. 100 p.

The basic principles of working in text are considered Microsoft editor Word 2007, all theoretical material divided into 10 laboratory works, each of which has 10 options individual tasks, each lab activity is preceded by a list of the basic tools and skills needed to complete it.

© Perm State Technical University, 2011

Introduction……………………………………………………………. ....................................

Laboratory work 1. First acquaintance with Microsoft Word .............................

Launching Word


Essential elements................................................ ...............screen

1.1.3. Tools................................and their buttons in the Word 2007 window

Closing Word ..................................................... ........................................

1.1.5. Creation and opening................................................... ......document

Saving a document........................................................ ....................

Word Hints .................................................... ................................

Scroll bars................................................... ............................

Entering text........................................................ ........................................

1.2.1. Options for.............................................individual work

Laboratory work 2. ...................................................

Text formatting

2.1. Skills perform laboratory work

Text selection................................................ ...........................

2.2.2. Transferring and copying...................................................content

Working with fonts........................................................ ............................

Working with a paragraph........................................................ ...................................

2.2.5. Creating a bulleted................... and numbered list

Creating a multi-level................................................... .list

Useful elements................................................... ...........................

Tasks................................................. ........................................................

2.3.1. Options for.............................................individual work

Control questions................................................ ...........................

Laboratory work 3. .................................................... ...

Page setup


Themes................................................. ........................................................

Page settings................................................ ........................

Page background........................................................ ....................................

Paragraph................................................. ...................................................

Headers and footers................................................... ....................................

Tasks................................................. ........................................................

3.3.1. Options for individual work.........................................................

Control questions................................................ ...........................

Laboratory work 4.

Tables........................................................ ....................

4.1. Skills required to perform laboratory work..........

Creating a table........................................................ ............................

Modification of the table................................................... ....................

Table design............................................................. .......................

Creating formulas........................................................ ...........................

Tasks................................................. ........................................................

Control questions................................................ ...........................

Laboratory work 5.

Drawing................................................. .............

5.1. Skills required to perform laboratory work..........

5.2.1. Inserting pictures into a text document....................................................

5.2.2. Working with a drawing in a text document....................................................

Creating a drawing................................................... ...........................

Diagrams........................................................ ........................................

Organizational chart................................................... ..........

5.2.6. Lettering in WordArt style.................................................... ...................

Tasks................................................. ........................................................

5.3.1. Options for individual assignments........................................................

Control questions................................................ ...........................

Laboratory work 6.

Formulas........................................................ ...................

6.1. Skills required to perform laboratory work..........

Microsoft Equation 3.0 ................................................... ........................

6.2.2. Creating formulas in Word 2007 .................................................... ..........

Tasks................................................. ........................................................

Control questions................................................ ...........................

Laboratory work 7.

Styles and templates........................................................ .......

7.1. Skills required to perform laboratory work..........

Ready styles........................................................ ...................................

Creating your own styles........................................................ ..........

7.2.3. Using a multi-level list in styles........................

Document viewing modes................................................................... .......

Automatic table of contents................................................... ............

Templates........................................................ ...........................................

Tasks................................................. ........................................................

7.3.1. Options for individual assignments........................................................

Control questions................................................ ...........................

Laboratory work 8.

Collaboration on a document, creation

names of objects and links.................................................. ........................................

8.1. Skills required to perform laboratory work..........

Accounting for corrections................................................... ............................

8.2.2. Inserting and Using Notes................................................................

Names........................................................ ............................................

Place the cursor in the document where

which you want to insert a table with data................................................. ....

button<Список иллюстраций>...........................................................................

inscriptions and you want to include all titles in the list of illustrations, click the button<Параметры>, select the Style checkbox, and then

select "Title" from the list. ........................................................ .........................

Footnotes........................................................ ...............................................

Tasks................................................. ........................................................

Options for individual assignments........................................................

Control questions................................................ ...........................

Laboratory work 9.

Macros........................................................ ...................

Skills required to perform laboratory work..........

Displaying the Developer tab............................................................ .

Recording a Macro................................................... ...................................

Tasks................................................. ........................................................

Control questions................................................ ...........................

Laboratory work 10.

Merger................................................... ....................

Skills required to perform laboratory work..........

10.2.1. Creating a list of recipients........................................................ ..........

10.2.2. Creating a letter template................................................................... ............

Tasks................................................. ...................................................

Control questions................................................ ........................



MS Word is multifunctional program text processing. Along with the typical text editors properties it has a number of characteristics inherent only in desktop publishing systems,

such as PageMaker and Ventura Publisher.

The guidelines are intended for students and first-time users of this powerful and extremely popular editor. Their goal is to show and explain specific example the sequence of actions that must be performed to create a particular document.

In this regard, the proposed work is devoid of a detailed and consistent description of all Word features. All material is divided into nine laboratory works, each of which is devoted to the development of a specific document or type of document and contains the information necessary for this (descriptions of new terms, buttons, menu items, etc.). Additional and missing information can be obtained from the recommended literature, a list of which is given at the end of the work.

For a deeper mastery of the technology of creating and editing documents in MS Word when performing practical tasks It is recommended that you make maximum use of all the concepts and examples described in the relevant topics in these guidelines.

Laboratory work 1. First acquaintance with Microsoft Word

1.1.1. Launching Word

The MS Word text editor can be launched in several ways:

1. From the main menu after pressing the button<Пуск>→ All programs

Microsoft Office → Microsoft Office Word2007 or<Пуск>→Microsoft Office Word2007.

2. If there is a shortcut on the desktop Word, then to call this program you can double-click on this shortcut with the mouse.

3. If you already have it on your computer any Word document, then double click clicking on it with the mouse will also launch Word. In this case, the document itself will be open for editing.

1.1.2. Basic Screen Elements

The Word 2007 test editor window is quite complex (Fig. 1). In its structure, except special buttons, included and standard elements windows - header, size buttons, etc.

In all programs office suite Microsoft Office 2007 uses a ribbon interface. At the top of the window there is a ribbon with tools located on it. The ribbon has several tabs, which can be navigated by clicking on their names. The tab names are placed above the ribbon itself and replace the menu bar, which is actually missing. Each of the ribbon tabs contains tools designed to perform a specific class of tasks:

1. Home - this tab is available by default when you launch Word. It contains the main tools designed to perform basic operations on editing and formatting text.

2. Insertion – intended for inserting various elements into a document: pictures, tables, headers, etc.

3. Page layout– contains tools focused on installation and configuration various parameters page layout: margin layout, color and orientation, indentation, etc.

6. Reviewing – contains reviewing tools: inserting notes, editing text, etc.

7. View – is intended to configure the document viewing mode in the program window.

If you look closely, you can see that all the tools on the ribbon tabs are combined into groups. In the lower right corner of some groups

tools there is an icon, hidden under it additional tools this group.

At the very top of the program window, above the ribbon, there is a panel quick access. By default, this panel contains only three tools.

options: Save, Cancel, Redo. However, you can add other tools to the Quick Access Toolbar. To do this, you need to click on the downward arrow located on the right edge of the panel and select the necessary tools in the drop-down list.

At the bottom of the Word test editor window there is a status bar, which by default contains the following elements:

1. Page: “number” from “numbers” – indicates the number current page and the total number of pages in the document.

2. Word count: “count” – shows the current number of words in the document.

3. The icon indicates that there are spelling or punctuation errors in the document; clicking on it will take you to the first error.

4. “Russian” – shows the language that is in this moment used for spell checking.

5. viewing mode labels: page layout, reading mode, web document, structure, draft - respectively.

Slider – designed to adjust the scale. If you click on numerical value scale, the “Scale” window will open, in which you can specify more precise settings.