Practical work processing graphic information

Laboratory and practical work No. 3

Topic: Inserting pictures and other objects into text

Exercise 1.

Build block diagram content basic course computer science according to the following model. Group the elements of the drawing into one object. The table of contents for this diagram is made in WordArt.

All these programs are interconnected


Power Point

MS Office


Key to the task:

  1. Name the diagram in WordArt. Insert/Drawing/WordArt/
  2. Create a drawing based on the sample. Think through your work algorithm in advance.
  3. The image is ready. Each shape is a separate object. For objects to become a single graphic image, they must be combined(Group).
  4. Using the Select Objects arrow, select the entire diagram drawing into a rectangular dotted fragment.
    Please note that selected objects that are included in the fragment have selection markers (empty circles).
  5. Now the text can be combined into a single graphic object.Actions - Group.
  6. Now the entire drawing can be moved around the document.

Task 2.

Complete the drawing

Task 3

Enter the formula:

5 - =

Task 4 (optional)

Invent and design yourself greeting card for Valentine's Day

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Practical work

Topic: "Insert" various objects V Text Document, editing and formatting objects"

Target: learn how to create drawings using MS Word and insert ready-made ones graphic objects; learn how to insert a table into a document, configure appearance and insert data (text, images, numbers, formulas); learn to build diagrams based on existing Word tables, choosing the type of diagram and the method of its design; learn how to create labeled, numbered and multi-level lists

Software used: MS Word, Paint

Literature: lecture notes

Lead time: 2 hours

Work order:

Exercise 1: Create bulleted, numbered and multi-level lists

Execution order:

1. Launch text Word editor. Create new document using the command [File –Create ]

2. Enter the command [ Format - List] - on the tab Marked choose the appearance of the list. For detailed installation list parameters click on the button Change.

3. Type a bulleted, numbered and multi-level list in the same way by selecting the appropriate tabs.

Task 2. Prepare a sample logo (brand name) of the organization according to the sample provided.

Execution order:

Task 3 . Implementation of illustrations from a library of clips and drawings.

Execution order:

1. Insert a finished drawing from MS Clip Gallery into the document ( Insert/Illustrations/Clip or Insert/Object/Microsoft Clip Gallery ).

2. Resize the picture ( Format/Pattern/Size).

3. Adjust the brightness and contrast of the image ( Format/Picture/Picture).

4. Convert a color drawing to black and white ( Format/Picture/Picture/Color).

Task 4 . Exchange graphic objects between different applications.

Execution order:

1. Create a drawing in the Paint graphic editor, save it on disk and paste it into a Word document ( Insert/Illustrations/From file or use the clipboard).

2. Work out various options wrapping text around a picture ( Format/Pattern/Position), to do this, type some text.

4. Quit MS Word.

Task 5. Create a table and build a diagram for it.

Execution order:

    Insert a table into a document using the command ( Table – insert table). Specify the appropriate number of columns (5) and rows (2). Let's fill out and format the table according to the example.





    Select the entire table, run the command ( Format – Borders and Shading) On the tab Border select the appropriate border.

    Select only the first row of the table, run the command ( Format – Borders and Shading) On the tab Fill select the color of the cells.

    Fill in the table with data.

Task 6.1. Create a drawing using MS Word.

For example:

Task 6.2*. Creating drawings using MS Word.

On the toolbar Drawing there are tools for drawing, managing, and formatting all types of graphic objects (changing the thickness, color and type of lines, fill, size, adjusting the shadow and volume, etc.).

Formatting of all types of graphic objects is also available through the menu Format.

There is a possibility automatic creation various standard shapes (lines, basic shapes, curly arrows, flowchart elements, stars and ribbons, callouts) using tools AutoShapes on the toolbar Drawing; replacing one autoshape with another. Shapes drawn with polylines can have a fill.

It seems possible to add text to any graphic object (except lines and polylines): command Add text from the object's context menu. Defined text snaps to an object and moves with it. If linking text to a graphic object is not necessary, use the button Inscription on the toolbar Drawing. This button can be used to add text anywhere on the page, for example to create captions for pictures.

Button Actions opens access to a number of commands for processing vector graphics:

1) Group(combining graphic primitives into one object so that the image is perceived as a single whole when moving and formatting. To simultaneously select several primitives, use the key Shift or select a group of objects with a frame using the tool Selecting objects.

2) Ungroup- dividing a previously grouped image into components for the purpose of further formatting them separately.

3) Order- changing the order of overlapping objects.

4) Net- setting the snap mode to grid nodes, which makes it easy to align objects when drawing.

5) Align/distribute- alignment of selected graphic objects relative to the page or each other.

6) Rotate/flip- rotate graphic objects at an arbitrary angle ( Free rotation); rotation by an angle equal to 90 0 ( Turn left, Turn right); mirror reflection objects ( Flip from left to right, Flip from top to bottom).

7) Text wrapping- character assignment relative position text and graphic object ( Around the frame, Along the contour, Behind the text, Before text, Up and down, Through, Change Wraparound).

8) Start changing nodes- changing the shape of a selected polyline or curve.

Option 1. Option 2.

3. Group graphic primitives so that the image is perceived as a single whole (select the entire image /Actions/Group).

Control questions:

1. Basic tools for creating drawings in MS Word.

2. Basic actions performed on images.

3. Applying inscriptions to drawings.

4. Inserting ready-made illustrations from MS Clip Gallery.

5. Changing the size of graphic objects. Formatting pictures. Interaction of the illustration with the text of the main document.

The work report must contain:

    Number and title of laboratory work

    Goal of the work

    Software used

    Contents of the task

Practical work Processing graphic information, contains 12 tasks on the relevant topic (the work is suitable for 8th grade students studying Bosovaya’s teaching materials).

Task 1. Working with graphic primitives.

For drawing graphic primitive(rectangle, rounded rectangle, ellipse) you need to click on the button with its image on the toolbar, move the mouse pointer to the work area, click left button mouse and, without releasing it, move the mouse pointer diagonally, following the image on the screen. To display a square and circle when using the corresponding tools, hold down the key Shift.

To change the outline width for shapes made with tools Rectangle, Ellipse And Rounded rectangle, you must first activate the tool Line(tab home group Figures) and in its settings menu specify the required width.

1. Launch graphics editor Paint.
2. Set the dimensions of the drawing area: width - 1024 pixels, height - 512 pixels. Home > Images > Resize.
3. Repeat the pattern below using tools Line, Rectangle, Rounded rectangle And Ellipse.

4. Save the result of your work in a personal folder:
in file p1.bmp as 24-bit image;
in file p2.bmp as a 256-color drawing;
in file p3.bmp as 16-color drawing;
in file p4.bmp as a monochrome drawing;
in file p5.jreg;
in file p5.gif.
5. Compare the sizes of the received files and the quality of the images saved in them.

Task 2. Selecting and deleting fragments

1. In a graphic editor, open the file Devices.bmp.

2. Leave only the input devices in the picture, and remove everything unnecessary by first selecting the fragments using the tool Select. Home > Images > Select.
3. Save the drawing in a personal folder under the name Input Devices.

Task 3. Moving fragments


2. Using a tool Selection Select rectangular, transparent fragments one by one and move them so that the fairy-tale characters take on their true appearance.

Task 4. Converting fragments

1. In the Paint graphic editor, open the file Dragonfly.bmp.

2. Select the rectangular fragments one by one ( transparent background), if necessary, rotate them (command To turn menu Images) and move them so that you get an illustration for I. Krylov’s fable “The Dragonfly and the Ant”.
3. Save the result of your work in a personal folder.

Task 5. Construction complex objects and graphic primitives

It is advisable to depict complex objects in parts. Draw each of the primitives separately. Then select them one by one (the Selection, mode Transparent fragment) and drag it to the desired location.

2. Draw one of the following pictures:

3. Save the result of your work in a personal folder under the name My_drawing.

Task 6. Creating labels

1. In the Paint graphic editor, open the file Panel.bmp.
2. Using a tool Text sign the tools of the graphic editor Paint

3. Save the drawing in a personal folder as a file Panel1.bmp.

Task 7. Copying fragments

1. Launch graphic paint editor.
2. Taking as a basis the following sequence action, draw a chessboard.

3. Label the rows and columns of the chessboard.
4. Save the drawing in a personal folder under the name Chess board.

Task 8. Working with multiple files

Download files for work:

1. In the Paint graphic editor, open the Scheme.bmp file.
2. Illustrate the diagram by adding images of the corresponding devices from the files RAM.bmp, Winchester.bmp, Disk.bmp, Floppy Disk.bmp, Flash Drive.bmp. For convenience, open each of these files in a new window. Copy required images to the clipboard and paste it into the desired places in the diagram.

3. Save the result in a personal folder under the name Scheme 1.

Task 9. Getting a screen copy

1. Launch the Paint graphic editor, minimize its window and make a copy of this window (keys Alt+PrintScreen- press simultaneously).
2. Expand the Paint graphic editor window to full screen and place the resulting image in the center work area(tab home, group Clipboard, button Insert), label the main interface elements.
3. Save the result of your work in a personal folder under the name Paint.

Task 10. Creating animation

1. Open the file in the Paint graphic editor Acrobat.bmp.
2. Copy and mirror the existing fragment, combine the two halves and color the resulting acrobat figure. Save the resulting image in your personal folder as a file a1.gif.
3. By copying, moving and deleting individual parts of the image, make changes to the acrobat figurine (for example, depict an acrobat with his arms down). Save the resulting image in your personal folder as a file a2.gif.

4. Go to the website and, following the instructions there, create an animation by repeating two frames multiple times.
5. Save the result of your work in a personal folder.

Task 11. Artistic image processing

1. Launch the Gimp graphics editor.
2. Open the file in the Paint graphic editor mamont.jpg.
3. Apply various filters to the original image so that the result is close to what is shown in the figure below.

4. Save your results in files mamont1.jpg, mamont2.jpg, mamont3.jpg And mamont4.jpg.

Task 12. Scaling raster and vector images

1. In the Paint graphic editor, create the following image:

2. Save your work in a personal folder as a 24-bit graphic (file type).
3. Select any fragment of the picture. Zoom in and out on the selected fragment several times. Observe how scaling operations affect image quality.
4. Create the same drawing in the graphic editor Draw. Save your work in a personal folder as an ODF Drawing (file type).
5. Select any fragment of the picture. Zoom in and out on the selected fragment several times. Observe how scaling operations affect image quality.
6. Finish working with graphic editors.

Laboratory and practical work No.

Subject: “Inserting graphic objects. Printing a document"

Target : - learn to insert pictures, adjust their image, set position and text wrapping;

  • learn how to convert drawings into a background;

  • learn to add a title to a picture and determine its position;

  • learn how to insert curly text into a WordArt object and assign it desired effect;

  • learn to insert autoshapes into text;

  • learn to insert date and time into text ;

  • learn to create footnotes for words;

  • learn to add page numbering and determine its position on the page;

  • learn how to print a document;

  • strengthen the skills of opening and saving a document, preview document
Students must know and be able to:

  • insert pictures and customize their image;

  • add a title to the picture;

  • insert curly text of a WordArt object, autoshapes, date and time;

  • create footnotes for words, add page numbers;

  • print a document
Equipment : - PC, Microsoft Word, pictures folder and Microsoft Clip Gallery folder, network printer, printing paper


task No. 1 min.

task No. 2 min.

task No. 3 min.

task No. 4 min.

task No. 5 min.

task No. 6 min.

task No. 7 min.

task No. 8 min.

task No. 9 min.

task No. 10 min.

task No. 11 min.

task No. 12 min


  1. Launch Microsoft Word. Open the file Example2.doc from the C:\My Documents folder. Insert a picture from the Microsoft Clip Gallery folder into the first paragraph, adjust its image, set the position and text wrapping. Convert the drawing to a background.

  2. Insert a picture from the file into the last paragraph and customize its image, add a title to it.

  3. Embed the picture via the clipboard.

  4. Insert a WordArt object at the end of the document, specifying the text of the proverb. Set the desired effect.

  5. Insert autoshapes into text.

  6. Assignment for independent work:

  7. Insert at the end of the document current date and time.

  8. Insert footnotes for words: prose, word processor, character formatting.

  9. Number the pages in the document.

  10. Print the first page on paper.

  11. Present the results of the work to the teacher.

  12. Turn off computer.

Work technology

Task No. 1

  1. Launch Word and open the file Example2.d from the C:\My Documents folder.

  2. Insert a picture from Microsoft Clip Gallery into the first paragraph. To do this, select the menu command Insert  Picture  Pictures. Using markers on the outline frame of the drawing, reduce its size.

  3. Learn the purpose of the buttons on the Image Adjustment panel (Fig. 1)

Using the Image Adjustment panel tools , change the contrast and brightness of the image.

Task No. 2

  1. Insert a picture from the file into the last paragraph. To do this, specify the insertion location and select the command Insert  Picture  From File from the menu. In the Add Picture dialog box, open the folder, select the file that contains the picture you want, and click the button.

  2. Reduce the size of the picture.

  3. To insert a picture as movable, i.e. insert into graphic layer, which allows you to set its exact position on the page and place it in front or behind text and other objects by clicking on the image right click mouse, open the context menu and select the Format Picture command . On the Position tab of the Picture Format window, select Over Text . On the Wrap tab, set the option for text to wrap the picture around the frame . Close the Picture Format window and view the result of changing picture formatting options.

  4. Select the picture with the mouse and, holding down the left mouse button, drag it to the middle of the line, observing how the text flows around the picture.

  5. Add a title to the picture by selecting the picture and selecting the Caption command from the Insert menu. . This will open the Title dialog box. . In this case, the mouse pointer will change to + . With the left mouse button pressed, stretch the frames to the right size, type the text of the inscription, complete the typing by clicking outside the frame.
The Label Format command, similar to the Picture Format command, is applicable to the Caption object.

To delete an object Inscription select it by clicking on the frame.

Task No. 3

  1. Embed the picture via the clipboard. To do this, we will use the Paint graphic editor, in which the necessary drawing has already been created, or we will create it right now.

  2. Without closing the Word document, launch through the Start button on the taskbar Paint program(StartProgramsAccessoriesPaint graphics editor). The running program window will appear on the screen.

  3. Using the tools provided by the graphic editor Paint, create an illustration that you want to embed in a Word document. Select a fragment of the illustration intended for embedding, for which on the Paint toolbar, click on the button, place the mouse cursor in the left top corner this fragment and, holding down the left mouse button, enclose this fragment with a dashed selection rectangle.

  4. From the Paint editor menu bar, choose EditCopy. The selected area is now on the clipboard.

  5. Return to the Word program window.

  6. Place the text cursor in the place in your Word document where you want to insert the picture. Choose Edit Special insert. The Paste Special dialog box will appear on the screen. From the How To list, select Bitmap VMR (Object). Click the button. As a result, the graphic object prepared in the Paint editor will be inserted into your document.
Task No. 4

Insert a WordArt object at the end of the document, specifying the text of the proverb. Set the desired effect.

Task No. 5

Insert autoshapes into the text: stars, callouts, curly arrows, for which:

  1. In the Insert menu, select the Drawing command , then - the AutoShapes command or click the AutoShapes button on the Drawing toolbar . After this, the AutoShape toolbar will open on the screen (Figure 2) .

  1. Selecting from the panel desired type autoshape, specify the insertion location in the document and set its size.
Task No. 6

Assignment for independent work.

Using the Draw toolbar, draw your computer. On the screen, type the text: “Learning how to insert graphics into a Word document.”

Task No. 7

Insert the current date and time at the end of the document. For this:

  1. In the Insert menu, select Date and Time

  2. choose required format, .

Task No. 8

Insert the usual footnotes for the words: prose, word processors, character formatting.

Task No. 9

Number the pages in the document. For this:

  1. Execute the command Insert  Page numbers .

  2. In the Page Numbers window (Fig. 4), determine the position of the number at the top of the page , alignment Outside , turn off the number display on the first page.

  3. Clicking the button , determine the number format, indicate which number to start page numbering from of this document(Fig. 5). Clicking , close the Page Format window and the Page Numbers window .

^ Task No. 10

Print the first page on paper.

  1. View what the document looks like. To do this, go to the document preview mode before printing by clicking the button on the Standard toolbar... Preview the document, and then close the print preview window.

  2. Print the first page of the document on paper. To print the current document, select File Print from the menu. . In the Print dialog box, in the Pages field, specify the number 2, in the Number of Copies field, set 1, in the Print field, select the option All pages in the range (Fig. 6) and click the button to start printing.

  1. To monitor the printing process, right-click the printer icon in the taskbar and select Open from the context menu . In the printer window, observe the printing status of the document. Close the printer window.
You can cancel printing of the document. To do this, you need to select the document, in the Document menu of the printer window, select Cancel Printing .

^ Task No. 11

Present the results of your work to the teacher.

Task No. 12

To finish work text editor, saving the file under the same name.


Control questions

  1. How to insert a picture from the Microsoft Clip Gallery folder into a document?

  2. How to insert a picture from a file into a document?

  3. How to embed a drawing via the clipboard?

  4. How to scale a drawing? How to change the position of a picture in Word document?

  5. Name three ways to link a picture in a Word document. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each method?

  6. Describe the possibilities Microsoft Drawing Word. Explore and describe all of the Drawing panel icons. What are the names of the objects that we create using this panel?

  7. How to insert the current date and time into a document?

  8. How to create footnotes for words?

  9. How to number pages?

  10. How do the options for printing a document differ: left-clicking on the Print button in the Standard toolbar or starting printing from the File menu with the Print command?

  11. How to insert a WordArt object?

  12. How to create autoshapes?

>> Computer Science: Graphic editor Paint

Practical work on the subject Computer Science 5th grade.

Review of topics: Graphic editor Paint

Practical work

Subject: Creation of graphic objects.

Target: learn to create graphic images and edit them.

Software: OS Windows XP; graphic editor Paint.

Theoretical part:

Computer graphics is the creation and processing of images (drawings, drawings, etc.) using a computer. There are two ways to create object images - raster and vector, respectively, two types computer graphics- raster and vector.

Raster graphics. Images consist of multi-colored dots - pixels (from the English pixel - point), which together form a picture. Raster image resembles a sheet of checkered paper, on which each cell is painted in a different color.

Each raster image has a certain number of points horizontally and vertically. These two numbers characterize the size of the picture. The size of the picture in pixels is written in the following form: number of pixels horizontally * number of pixels (number of rows of pixels) vertically. For example, for the system Windows typical Display screen sizes in pixels: 640x480, 1024x768, 1240x1024. How larger number pixels are contained horizontally and vertically with the same geometric dimensions of the picture, the higher the quality of reproduction of the picture.

In addition to its size, the drawing is characterized by the color of each pixel. Thus, to create or save raster image you must specify its size and color of each pixel.

Vector graphics. The image is constructed using a mathematical description of objects, such as a line, circle, rectangle. Such simple objects are called primitives. With their help, more complex objects are created.

To create primitive objects in vector graphics use simple commands: Draw a line from point A to point B or Draw a circle of radius A with center at point B. Such commands are accepted by output devices to draw objects.

Vector graphics take full advantage of the resolution capabilities of specific device, on which the drawing is displayed. Vector commands simply tell the output device to draw an object of a given size using as many points as possible. In other words, than more points will be able to use the device to create a drawing, the better it will look.

Vector graphics also allow for easy editing separate object in the drawing without affecting its other parts.

The toolbar is the main (but not the only) tool for working with images.


1. Before starting work, read the instructions and theoretical material.
2. Strictly follow the instructions for work.
3. After completing the work, return original appearance desktop.
4. Don't forget to turn off the monitor.

Sample assignment:

Algorithm for completing the task
1. Launch the graphic editor.1. Run the command Start\Programs\Accessories\PAINT.
2. Select a background color.1. Move the mouse pointer to the color palette (colored squares) and right-click on the selected color.
3. Select a drawing color.
1. Move the mouse pointer to the color palette and left-click on the selected color.
4. Draw a line.
1. Left-click on the Line tool on the toolbar.

3. In the work field, click the left mouse button. Without releasing it, stretch the line to the desired length.
4. Release the mouse button.
5. Construct a square.
1. Left-click on the Rectangle tool in the toolbar.
2. Below the toolbar, select the line thickness.
3. Press the Shift key.
4. In the work field, click the left mouse button. Without releasing it, create the outline of a square.
7. Construct a polygon.1. Left-click on the Polygon tool in the toolbar.
2. Below the toolbar, select the line thickness.
3. In the work field, click the left mouse button. Without releasing it, create one side of the polygon.
4. Place the mouse pointer at the next corner of the polygon and click.
5. To complete the polygon, double-click at the last corner point.
8. Build a circle.
1. Left-click on the Ellipse tool in the toolbar.
2. Below the toolbar, select the line thickness.
3. Press the Shift key.
4. In the work field, click the mouse button. Without releasing it, create the outline of a circle.
5. Release the mouse button and the Shift key.

Tasks for independent work:

Level 2:

1. Draw simple images using the toolbar.
2. Change the tools attribute and draw the same images.
3. Save the drawing to disk. Print the drawings.
4. Create a drawing of ice cream.

5. Print your design. Close the program. Submit your report.

Level 3:

1. Draw the shapes using a LINE without lifting your pen.

2. Draw animals.
3. Draw a robot using a RECTANGLE.
4. Draw the umbrella using ELLIPSE and CURVE.
5. Draw and label mathematical figures, fill in the figures.

6. Save your drawings to disk. Print them. Close the program. Submit your report.

Level 4:

To choose from:

1. Make an invitation to a holiday dinner.
2. Create an advertising brochure for the school (lyceum).
3. Develop a sketch of the school’s coat of arms.
4. Create a plan for the school (lyceum) courtyard.
5. Create a label for the disc (floppy disk, cassette, etc.).
6. Complete a seascape.
7. Print your design. Save the drawing to disk. Close the program. Submit your report.

? Control questions:

Level 1:
1. How to launch the editor?
2. How to build a line?
3. How to select an object?

Level 2:
1. How to build a square and a circle?
2. How to change the size of the picture?

Level 3:
1. What methods of copying images do you know?
2. What is the use shift keys when drawing?
3. Specify the use of a grid.

Level 4:
1. How to enter an inscription into a drawing?
2. How to flip and rotate a drawing? How to stretch it?

Nadislav teacher of computer science Irina Oleksandrivna Babenko, gymnasium No. 136, Kiev

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