How to do editing in word. Editing and formatting options in Word

First, I will briefly write point by point what will be in this material:

  1. Changing the font and its size;
  2. Applying bold, italics, and underlining to text;
  3. Text alignment;
  4. Adding bullets, numbering and multi-level lists;
  5. Line spacing;
  6. Using the Ruler to change the boundaries of text.

Select the text, or part of it. In the “Home” menu, “Font” section, select the appropriate font. Then we find “Font size” next to it and select the size we need or enter it manually.

2) Applying bold, italics and underlining in Word.

Select the text, or part of it. In the “Home” menu, “Font” section, we find three icons: bold, italic or underline. We choose what we need. You can apply multiple highlights to the same text.

Select the text, or part of it. In the “Home” menu, in the “Paragraph” section, we find four “Text Alignment” icons: left, centered, right and justified. We apply what is needed.

4) Putting down markers, numbering and multi-level lists.

The following functions are used to create a list:

  • marker,
  • multi-level list.

Before typing, in the “Home” menu, “Paragraph” section, at the top we find 3 icons. Choose one of the three. Every new paragraph will start from a new marker, either from the next digit, or from a new level. To complete the list, when going to next line, press “Backspace”. The list will end.

Select the text, or part of it. In the “Home” menu, “Paragraph” section, click on the “Line Spacing” icon and select one of the standard ones. You can set the desired spacing yourself through “Other line spacing options.”

In the “Before” and “After” columns you can set the spacing between paragraphs. In “Line Interval” we select the type of interval, in “Value” we set the required number. Click “OK” and get the result.

Go to the “View” menu, “Show or Hide” section and check the box next to “Ruler”. Rulers with divisions appear at the top and left of the relative sheet. Using the top one, you can change the left or right border of the text or a separate paragraph. The left ruler helps set the text border at the top and bottom.

Let's consider - editing a specific paragraph.
Place the cursor at the beginning of the paragraph. We make a red line using the upper “triangle”, and with the lower left and right we move the boundaries of the paragraph text.

This article outlines the basics of working with text, don’t be lazy and train your skills, and work with each item for a significant (sufficient) time to consolidate the result.

Almost every text you type in a MS Word document must be edited and formatted properly. The only exception is if you are printing something for yourself. And even then, it’s more pleasant to look at a well-written text in which important parts are highlighted.

Editing a document printed in Word means changing words, text fragments, correcting errors, that is, changing the content. Formatting will help you divide the text into paragraphs, align it on the sheet, set the right type and size for letters, make lists in the text, tables, etc., that is, make it easy to understand.

For various documents, in various organizations, correctly formatted text is a mandatory requirement. These can be legal papers, company reports, abstracts or laboratory papers, coursework or diplomas.

It is editing and formatting that will be discussed in this article.

Editing documents in Word

Editing text includes several stages. We'll start with character editing. To do this, use the “Backspace” or “Delete” keys. “Backspace” deletes the character located to the left of the cursor, “Delete” - to the right. You can select a word, symbol or number by double-clicking on it with the mouse. Next, either type another word, or press one of specified buttons to remove it.

Now let's edit paragraphs. If you want a sentence in the text to begin with a new paragraph, place the cursor before the first word in this sentence and press "Enter". To combine two paragraphs, place the cursor after last word first sentence and click "Delete".

To edit text fragments, select it with the mouse: place the cursor at the beginning of the fragment, click left button mouse and, without releasing it, move the cursor to the end of the fragment. There is another way to select text: place the cursor at the beginning desired text, hold down the Shift key and place the cursor at the end of the text you want to select.

The selected fragment can be deleted by pressing the "Backspace" or "Delete" key. You can also click on it with the left mouse button and, without releasing it, move the fragment to the desired part of the document.

If you need to drag a piece into another Word document, open two documents so that both are visible on the screen. Then, using your mouse, drag the text into the second document.

To work with a fragment of text, you can also use hotkeys. Select the text, press “Ctrl+C” to copy, or “Ctrl+X” to cut. Then place the cursor in another part of the document and press “Ctrl + V” - paste.

If you need cancel last action , click on the “Cancel input” button on the panel quick access. There is also a button in the form of a floppy disk, click on it to save the document. You can cancel by pressing the key combination “Ctrl+Z”.

If you need insert Special symbols into the text of the document, go to the “Insert” tab and click on the “Symbol” button, select "Other symbols".

In the next window, in the "Font" field, select "(special characters)", look for the one you want to insert into the document, select it with the mouse and click “Insert”. The character will be added to the place in the document where the cursor was placed. You can also go to the tab « Special characters» . Then close the window.

For example, the word “computer” is often repeated in a document, but you want the word “laptop” to be used instead. In order not to delete a hundred times, and not to write the same thing, we will use the replace function in the document. You can read how to make a replacement in Word by following the link. Window "Find and Replace" called by the key combination “Ctrl+H”.

An important point is also spell check in the document. Spelling mistakes are underlined in the text with a red wavy line, grammatical ones - green.

Go to the tab "Review" and click on the “Spelling” button.

For grammatical errors Word will suggest possible words for replacement, for spelling ones, and an explanation of the error will be written in the window.

When the spelling check in the document is completed, a corresponding dialog box will appear, click on the “OK” button in it.

It is more convenient to edit with non-printable characters enabled. They show the end of a paragraph, tabs, page breaks, and more. You can turn them on by clicking on the button "Show all characters" on the "Home" tab. At first it will be unusual, but over time, this will greatly simplify working with documents.

Formatting documents in Word

Now let's make the edited text easier to read. So that another person, looking at it, can catch important words, data and other information.

Go to the Home tab. Here you will find a large number of various instruments. In the “Font” group, you can select the required font and letter size, highlight text in bold or italics, underline or strikethrough, insert subscript, superscript. Can be customized various parameters animation for text, choose a background or letter color for it.

In the “Paragraph” group there are buttons for creating various types list and to align text on a sheet. Here you can select the background for the paragraph, configure line spacing and spacing between paragraphs. Read about how to adjust spacing in Word by following the link.

The Insert tab allows you to make a table in Word and make a hyperlink in Word. In the "Header and Footer" group, click on the button "Page number", you can number pages in a Word document.

On the tab "Page layout" you can change the orientation of the document pages, split the text into columns, or add hyphens.

In some groups, there is a small arrow at the bottom right; clicking on it will open a dialog box with additional parameters.

Program Microsoft product Word is a fairly versatile application with many different functions. PC users who work with documents and texts will have no doubt about this. However, in the process of work, each of us, at least once, has encountered various problems and difficulties on the way to achieving the goal in this product.

Let's try to figure out the problem of editing a Word document. Often, mentioned problems occur when you downloaded a document from global network and try to make changes to it. There are situations when a document is intended to be read only. It is possible to correct the situation quite quickly in the case where a so-called “conditional” ban on editing is established. In this case, the application does not require you to enter a password to unlock the ban.

First of all, you need to open the desired document and try to make edits to it. If you do not see a window requiring you to enter a password, then the nature of the lock can be determined using the "Information" menu. Disabling this type of blocking is quite simple. You need to go to the "Restrict Editing" menu on the "Home" tab in the document Microsoft Word.

After going to specified menu, you need to select the “Disable protection” function in the dialog box that opens, and then uncheck the “Allow only specified method editing the document." After successfully completing the steps described above, you will have access to formatting and editing your chosen Word document.

A little more difficult to deal with is the situation in which the document creator has protected his creation with a password. But we will still try to understand this issue. First of all, let's launch Microsoft editor Word. Unlike the previous version of the problem, in in this case, you need to open a blank document. Next action will go to the "Insert" tab on the taskbar.

We are interested in inserting text directly from password-protected document. To do this, select the “Insert” tab and the “Text from file” function.

In order for the desired text from a password-protected document to appear in the document we open, we need to specify the path to it and select the “Insert” function. Thus, we gain access to the text and the ability to further edit it. Of course, don’t forget to save the document you’re working with! Happy editing!

Good day, dear visitors website! Let's sort it out today specific example editing a Word document. This example will help you understand the basic document settings that will suit 60% of users. In the following articles, of course, we will consider the entire set of settings.

So, which ones exactly? Word document settings will be needed when creating most documents? I suggest looking at them with an example - this will give a more complete understanding of the effect of these settings.

Editing a Word Document

An example of a specific setting could be a given layout of some thesis with the following margin parameters: left - 30 mm, right - 10 mm, top / bottom margin - 20 mm; page orientation - portrait, columns - 1, sheet size - A4, alignment - width, paragraph indent - 1.25 cm, line spacing - 1.5 lines, font - Times New Roman, size - 14.

All these parameters can be easily set from several tabs top menu Word. The first one is the Page Layout tab. We create or open an existing document, then we immediately need to determine the orientation of the page and the size of its margins. These parameters are configured on the top tab Word menu entitled " Page layout".

(click to enlarge)

As soon as you go to this tab, you will see a subtab " Page settings", where you can specify the margins of the document (indents from the edges of the sheet), page orientation (portrait or landscape), paper size (A4, A3, etc.), as well as many other settings. If the interface of this sub-tab is inconvenient for you, then You can click on the image of the arrow with a corner located at the bottom, opposite the inscription “Page Options” - After this, a dialog box will open in which you can also carry out advanced page settings.

Remember, any tabs that have an arrow icon with a corner inside them allow you to click on this icon to get into the advanced settings of any parameter. Also pay attention! By setting parameters in a blank (empty) document, you guarantee that they will be applied to all future document text, but if you are editing already typed text, then before starting the settings, you must select it with the key combination Ctrl + A or other key combinations. In general, it is worth remembering that many text changes only work when the text is selected.

Let's start setting the margins and page orientation:

(click to enlarge)

The page size and number of columns can be specified directly in the subtab. Click "Ok" and move on.

Settings are made from the same tab in the top menu " Page layout"only now we use the subtab" Paragraph".
Here is an example of unformatted text:

(click to enlarge)

Now we adjust the paragraph and line spacing. Personally, I prefer to make all the settings from the advanced mode, so select the text and click on the arrow with a corner. In the dialog box that pops up, install necessary settings, for example, "alignment" - width; "indent" - first line - indented by 1.25 cm; "spacing" - line spacing - 1.5 lines, then click "OK".

(click to enlarge)

What will we see in the document now?

(click to enlarge)

This is what our text became. Paragraphs have been indented from the left margin, alignment has appeared and lines are spaced from each other at a given distance. Everything is extremely simple.

It's time to set the size we need, the font type, its color and, if necessary, the style. This is what the text will look like before setting the font:

(click to enlarge)

To start setting up, go to the top menu tab " home", select the entire text or the area that we want to design and click the arrow at the bottom with a corner opposite the word " Font". Before us is a dialog box in which there are quite a lot of settings regarding your text; I will not go into detail, because all the settings are described in clear language, besides, you can choose any one and look at the result. Now let's configure it the way we need:

(click to enlarge)

In this figure, I deviated somewhat from the stated parameters by including italic style and modification “with shadow”, but this is only a representative example, you choose the specific settings yourself. And here is the result after the settings:

(click to enlarge)

Settings that were applied: font - Times New Roman; typeface - italics; size - 14; modification - with shadow. You may have noticed that paragraph settings are also displayed in the " tab home" - this is done for greater convenience when working, as well as to increase the mobility of the most frequently used settings.

Using Word Styles

I also recommend using the subtab " Styles", located in the "Home" tab. With the help of styles, you can quickly change the design of any part of the text, as well as the entire text at once.

Let's check out the styles in action. For example, select the first paragraph, click the “Express Styles” button and simply move the mouse over the proposed styles, while simultaneously observing how the design of the selected part of the text changes. If you click the now familiar arrow with a corner, the existing styles will be displayed as a list in a separate dialog box, which is somewhat more convenient standard version.
Using the "Change styles" button, you can select a set of styles (there are quite a lot of them) that suits you, you can select a range of colors that will be used in the styles, and you can also set the font for a specific style.

Users who frequently work at Microsoft Word time From time to time they may encounter certain problems. We have already talked about the solution to many of them, but we are still far from considering and finding a solution to each of them.

This article will talk about the problems that arise when trying to open a “foreign” file, that is, one that was not created by you or was downloaded from the Internet. In many cases, such files are readable but not editable, for two reasons.

The first reason is the limited functionality mode (compatibility issue). It turns on when you try to open a document created in more old version Word than the one used on a specific computer. The second reason is the inability to edit the document due to the fact that it is protected.

About solving the compatibility problem ( limited functionality) we have already told you before (link below). If this is your case, our instructions will help you open such a document for editing. In this article we will look at the second reason and answer the question of why the Word document cannot be edited, and we will also tell you how to fix it.

Prohibition on editing

IN Word document, which cannot be edited, almost all elements of the quick access panel are inactive in all tabs. Such a document can be viewed, you can search it by content, but when you try to change something in it, a notification appears "Limit Editing".

If the editing ban is set to “formal”, that is, the document is not password protected, then you can try to disable such a ban. Otherwise, only the user who installed it or the group administrator (if the file was created on the local network) can open the editing feature.

Note: Notification "Document Protection" also appears in the file details.

Note: "Document Protection" installed in the tab "Review", intended for checking, comparing, making corrections and collaboration over the documents.

1. In the window "Limit Editing" click the button "Disable protection".

2. In the section "Editing restrictions" uncheck "Allow only the specified method for editing the document" or select required parameter in the drop-down menu of the button located below this item.

3. All elements in all tabs on the Quick Access Toolbar will become active, therefore, the document can be edited.

4. Close the panel "Limit Editing", enter necessary changes to the document and save it by selecting from the menu "File" team "Save as". Specify the file name and the path to the folder to save it.

Let us repeat, removing editing protection is only possible if the document you are working with is not password protected and is not protected by a third-party user under his account. If we're talking about about cases when a password is set on a file or the ability to edit it, without knowing it, make changes, or even you won’t be able to open it at all Text Document impossible.

Note: Material on how to remove password protection from Word file expected on our website soon.

If you yourself want to protect a document by limiting the ability to edit it, or even completely prohibit it from being opened by third-party users, we recommend reading our material on this topic.

Removing the editing ban in document properties

It also happens that editing protection is set not in Microsoft Word itself, but in the file properties. Often, removing such a restriction is much easier. Before you begin the steps described below, make sure that you have administrator rights on your computer.

1. Go to the folder with the file that you cannot edit.

2. Open the properties of this document (right click - "Properties").

3. Go to the tab "Safety".

4. Press the button "Change".

5. In the lower window in the column "Allow" check the box next to the item "Full access".

6. Click "Apply" then click "OK".

7. Open the document, make the necessary changes, save it.

Note: This method, like the previous one, does not work for files protected by a password or by third-party users.

That’s all, now you know the answer to the question of why a Word document cannot be edited and how, in some cases, you can still get access to editing such documents.