Where are the fonts in photoshop cs5. Solving the main problems. Scriptina Family – Latin vintage font for images, captions

In this lesson we will analyze in detail and clearly see.

Let me tell you right away, there are several ways How to load fonts into Photoshop, they are all simple and very fast. Therefore, in this article I decided to talk about several ways to load fonts into Photoshop, so that you can get acquainted with each and learn each method, and then you yourself will choose which option is more convenient for you.

Before we start loading fonts into Photoshop, let's get acquainted with its concept. Font for Photoshop- this is a file containing a description of a set of alphabetic, service, all-graphic and numeric characters used to display text. The most common font files have the following file extension formats: . TTF, .OTF, .FON, .FNT.

Clue: After you complete the font download operations, the fonts automatically appear in Photoshop, Microsoft Word and other programs of the Windows operating system.

Now, let's move from theory to practice. I offer you 3 ways how to load fonts into Photoshop. Let's assume that you have already downloaded some font from the Internet and are going to upload it to Photoshop. Let's start with the method that I always use myself.

1. Method:

Loading fonts through the menu Start.

This method is convenient if you need to quickly download many fonts at once. So, in order for us to download the font, go to the menu Start/Control Panel/Appearance and Personalization/Fonts(see screenshots below) . A folder with fonts will open, in it you will see a list of already existing fonts, put our font in this folder and it will automatically appear in Photoshop. If Photoshop is open at this moment, you need to restart it.

Step 1:

Go to the menu Start, then in Control Panel as shown in the screenshot

Step 2:

Selecting a menu Design and personalization

Step 3:

Go to the folder Fonts

Step 4:

A folder will open in front of you with the fonts you already have, here you can transfer your downloaded fonts

You can also type the word “Font” in the search menu, it will instantly give you results in which you will see the “Fonts” folder.

2. Method:

We download fonts through the standard installer of the downloaded font.

This method is convenient if you need to quickly download one font. Open our font file double click left mouse button. In the window that appears at the top, click the install button. After this action, the font will be automatically installed in the right place and will become available in Photoshop.

Press the button Install

Now let's look and analyze the third method How to load a font into Photoshop.

3. Method:

Download fonts via system folder Windows.

In order to download fonts this way we need to go to Local disk(C:)/Windows/Fonts. The same folder with fonts as in the first method will open in front of you.

Attention! All 3 methods are shown on the Windows 7 operating system; if you have a different operating system, then there is nothing critical about it; it looks the same on all OSes.

Greetings, friends, to my blog. In this small, but nevertheless extremely useful article, I want to tell you about the process of adding various fonts to Photoshop. Just a few days ago, I ordered covers for video tutorials, which will gradually be attached to each significant article on the blog (so you can now subscribe to my channel, it will be interesting). So, along with the cover design in psd format (format Adobe programs Photoshop), I was sent 2 files with fonts that are used in this template. First of all, I opened the design itself, but the program displayed a warning message that the specified fonts were missing in the picture, and they would be replaced by others. This, of course, did not suit me, and I began to look for ways to correct this error. First of all, I remembered the two files that came with the drawing.

But I had no idea what to do with them. Therefore, I had to look necessary information, and now I want to share with you the most effective and quick ways adding fonts in Photoshop.

Why do you need to add new fonts at all, you ask me, because there are quite a lot of them in standard set?

I agree, but not entirely. For example, you came to a cool website where you really liked a certain font, and you would like to use it on your website. But it is simply not included in your standard set. It is for this reason that you need to know how to add a font to Photoshop and use it in your tasks.

Photoshop program works with the following types fonts: TrueType or OpenType.

So, before we move on to ways to add fonts, I want to share with you a list of resources where there are thousands of different font options:






All of them are completely free and available for download. Therefore, choose any font you like and happily use it for its intended purpose.

Well, now, let's look at how to add a font to Photoshop in a few minutes.

Method No. 1. Open the downloaded archive and extract the file with the .ttf extension from there (there may be several such files - bold, italic, etc.).

Attention! The font has a strictly .ttf resolution and only this is used in this work.

Copy this font or fonts and paste it into the Fonts folder along the path:


Method No. 2. Click Start - Control Panel - Appearance and Personalization

and select the Fonts folder at the very bottom of the window (for Windows 7).

For Windows XP this path will be like this:

Start - Control Panel - Fonts

A window will appear in which you simply need to paste the previously copied fonts.

Adding new fonts is necessary under account Administrator (take care of this in advance).

This completes the installation of fonts. If the font could not be installed using the above methods, then double-click on separate font and click the Install button.

In cases where you have Photoshop running, you need to restart it for the new added fonts to appear.

By the way, when you add new fonts, they are displayed not only in Photoshop, but also in many others (universal processes).

Well, at the very end. Save all fonts you download to separate folder, which is not located on drive C, then in case Windows reinstallation, you don’t have to search for these fonts again, but simply copy them and paste them into the Fonts folder.

All friends, now you know how to add a font to Photoshop, so that in the future you can use this function yourself. And if you have any problems while reading the article, then just watch the video in which I described the whole process in detail.

I will say goodbye to you, until we meet again. Bye!

Best regards, Alexander Melnichuk

Using Adobe Photoshop, you can add text to any image composition you're working on. However, without good set fonts, the text may not be as visually dynamic as you would like.

It's worth noting that Photoshop doesn't have its own process for installing fonts, which is another process to learn. Instead, adding a new font to Photoshop requires you to install them on your computer. Thus, Photoshop application uses all the fonts that are installed on your computer/laptop.

What is Photoshop and where is it used?

Adobe Photoshop is one of the best programs for image management, which can be used for many purposes. A huge number of photo studios use this application to add shine to a photograph or image. Thus, not a single photograph in a glossy magazine is published without processing in Photoshop.

In addition, web designers, 3D architects, artists, and developers use Photoshop. advertising banners and advertisements. The popularity and comprehensiveness of use of the program is based on the presence of a wide, flexible functionality, huge amount various filters, fonts and other features.

How to install fonts in Photoshop CS5, CS6, CC on Windows?

Installing fonts on Windows 7, 8.1 and 10 for Photoshop programs CS5, CS6, CC happens as follows:

  • Download a set of fonts or a font file.
  • Once the font has been downloaded, find it and then right click on it and select "Install". Before installing a font, be sure to close Photoshop so that the font appears in the list.
  • Then a window will pop up notifying you that the font has been installed. Typically the font is installed within 20-30 seconds.

  • After installation is complete, the font is ready to use in Photoshop. As you can see in the image below, our installed font has appeared in the list.

How to install fonts in Photoshop CS5, CS6, CC on Mac?

When creating and editing images, you may want to use a font that looks nicer than the standard ones. There are many websites that provide free fonts, some of the most popular are , , and others.

Before the font installation process, let's list the font formats recognized by Mac OS X:

  • .otf (OpenType)
  • .ttf (TrueType)
  • .ttc (TrueType Collection)
  • .dfont
  • Type 1 (Postscript)

Now let's move on to the installation process, which is different for each operating system. So here you go step by step guide on installing fonts in Photoshop if you are using Mac OS:

  • Close everything open applications related to Adobe, it is especially important to close the Photoshop application. This is necessary to ensure that the font file is installed on your Mac and also imported into the font list in Photoshop.
  • the font you want to use in Photoshop. In our case, we load the font Albertus Bold Regular.

  • After the font has been downloaded, extract it from the archive. To do this, simply double-click on the archive; if you cannot extract the font file, then use the font management utility.
  • Now you need to install the font. Mac OS 10.3 and later comes with a built-in utility that makes installation easy, but if your Mac device has a lower version, you will have to install the font(s) manually. Both methods are listed below:

Manually installing fonts on Mac (OS Version 10.2 and below)

Mac OS X allows you to install fonts in different folders. They will be located in the following directories:

  • Users/Username/Library/Fonts– Folder that contains fonts for specific user. So if you want the fonts to be available only to you, then use this directory to download fonts.
  • Library/Fonts– A folder containing fonts for all users who use the computer. You can access it by logging in with administrator rights.
  • Network/Library/Fonts– Fonts installed in this folder will be available to sharing within the network.
  • System folder/Fonts. Fonts must be installed in this folder if you are using Mac OS 9 or lower.

As soon as you select the directory into which the font will be moved, you just have to click the button "Install font."

Automatically install fonts on Mac (OS Version 10.3 and higher)

Automatic installation on fresh Mac versions The OS is relatively simpler than manual installation. All you have to do in this case is open the function "Fonts" In chapter "Programs".

  • Once the font panel opens, in the left pane, click "Users". All built-in fonts will appear with preview in the right panel. Drag fonts from the window to the panel "Font". Then double click on the font and select "Install font" in the lower right corner.

  • Once you install a font on your Mac, it is automatically available to all applications running on OS X. Desktop applications require Adobe Type Manager (ATM), but Photoshop does not. To view downloaded fonts in Photoshop, open the program. To access your fonts, click on the large icon that says "T" on the left toolbar. Fonts will appear in horizontal panel above the window. Scroll down on various parameters font and you will definitely find the downloaded font.

Beautiful fonts for Photoshop: examples for photographs, signatures, images

Today, the Internet is replete with billions of different, and at the same time free fonts for Photoshop. In this regard, it is very difficult to determine which font looks presentable and beautiful for a postcard or photograph. Therefore, below we have listed the most beautiful fonts for Photoshop, which are only available in 2018.

1. Painter – vintage, presentable font for design projects

Font_Painter.rar - Downloaded 295 times - 52 KB

2. Scriptina Family – Latin vintage font for images, signatures

Font_ScriptinaFamily.rar - Downloaded 232 times - 45 KB

3. Sweet Sensations – font for children’s comics and magazines

Font_SweetSensations.rar - Downloaded 233 times - 17 KB

4. A Sensible Armadillo – oriental font with small serifs for photographs

Font_ASensibleArmadillo.rar - Downloaded 1 time - 40 KB

5. Birds of Paradise – similar to the font used in Angry Birds

Font_BirdsofParadise.rar - Downloaded 215 times - 41 KB

6. Blessed Day – vintage font for studio photos, captions

Another important point. Font activation by FontExpert can be performed while Photoshop is running, and the font activated by FontExpert will appear in Photoshop without restarting the program itself.

Some program features:

● View fonts
FontExpert 2009 displays typefaces installed fonts, and also allows you to browse through folders and preview fonts located on your hard drive, on network devices, on CD or DVD discs or floppy disks. You can view the font as text formatted in the selected font, as a character table, or as a sample font. You can choose the font size, style and color.

● Font search
The program can search for fonts on local drives, CDs or DVDs, and connected network devices. Found fonts can be placed in a special list for further work. The program can detect duplicate fonts, corrupted and incomplete fonts.

● Font management
The fonts shown in the various program windows are easy to manage. You can sort, filter, view, copy, move, delete font files, install and deactivate fonts, create links to fonts, and add them to font groups. The program can manage fonts found in standard Windows folders Fonts and Psfonts (used by Adobe Type Manager), so remove fonts from them standard folders optional (which some font management programs require).

● Font cataloging
Fonts can be placed into sets (groups), and then entire sets of fonts can be installed or deactivated. A font group is a regular folder on disk and can contain either the font itself or a shortcut that links to a font located in another folder local disk computer or network device. You can add fonts or links to fonts to a window with font groups by dragging them from other program windows or from Windows Explorer.
● Font printing
FontExpert 2009 can print selected fonts. Fonts can be printed as a character table, a set of strings different sizes or the names of the selected fonts, both installed and not yet installed. The print page can be customized, you can choose the header and footer format, for example, add the name of your campaign.

● View font properties
The program displays detailed information about the selected font, including the font designer, copyright, TrueType tables, number of kerning pairs, Panose characteristics, Windows metrics and other parameters.

● Export fonts to Web Album

● Detect and resolve font problems
With FontExpert you can easily detect font problems, resolve font name conflicts, remove entries for non-existent fonts and optimize Windows.

● Additions to the Windows shell
The program adds to the Explorer context menu Windows commands Open, Print and Install from FontExpert for .ttf and .otf files. For these file types, a properties page is also added with details about the font file. FontExpert expands Windows shell font management tools so you can easily install or print the font displayed Windows Explorer in their folders.

Lesson topic: how to install fonts in Photoshop. The lesson is based on the CS6 version, but it can be applied to CS5 and other versions.

To add fonts to the editor, you need to have them on your computer. Just download them from any site that provides this option. But be careful when choosing - not all fonts support the Cyrillic alphabet, that is, the Russian alphabet.

In order for fonts to be displayed correctly in Adobe Photoshop, you should select them with the extension .ttf (TrueType) or .otf (OpenType), of which the first is the most common.

Methods for installing fonts

Fonts are installed in the system folder of the computer, sometimes in the program itself. There is conflicting information about where it is best to add them. Some argue that you should not add it to the system folder, as it becomes full and all editors with text support will become slow. Others believe that you should not overload Photoshop new settings to make it work faster. Both are right - both the editor and the OS become heavier with a large volume of files. To prevent this from happening, you can use special programs. Let everyone choose the best option for themselves.

In any case, the archive downloaded from the Internet must first be unzipped.

Native font installer

The method works flawlessly in Windows systems and Vista.

Option 1. Open the file with the font - at the top there is an Install button. Click it - the font goes to the system folder and becomes available to all text editors.

If the button is inactive, then this font already exists in the folder.

Option 2. Without opening the file, select it and right-click to call up the context menu. In it, select the Install command. It will download to the system folder.

These methods are good when you need to insert 1 – 3 fonts. If there are more of them, it is better to use other methods.

To the OS system folder

In the XP system, go to Start → Control Panel → Fonts. In the window that opens: Menu → File → Install font. It becomes possible to find the required file on your computer. We find and install.

In OS Windows library fonts is located in the Fonts folder, which can be accessed in two ways. Along the way:

  1. Start → Control Panel → Appearance and Personalization → Fonts.
  2. My computer → Drive C → Windows →Fonts.

If your computer is running MAC OS, you should look for the Fonts folder in the Library directory.

On Linux systems, a folder with the same name is located one level lower - in the share directory in the usr folder. The path will be like this: /usr/share/fonts.

The folder was found. Open it and insert the fonts.

By dragging. Next to the Fonts folder, open the folder with fonts. Select the desired file or several, hold it with the mouse and drag it to Fonts.

Copying. We highlight necessary files, copy them using the Ctrl+C keys or click on the selection with the right mouse and context menu select Copy. You can also select the Cut command if you do not intend to leave these fonts in this folder.

Then go to the Fonts folder, right-click on the white field between the files (not on the file!), select the Paste command.

How to Install Fonts in Photoshop Editor

You can insert files of other formats into Photoshop itself, not just TrueType.

You can use the copying method described above, with the difference that you need to paste them into the system folder of the editor itself. It is located along the path: drive C → Program Files→ Common Files → Adobe → Fonts. They will work in Photoshop, but will remain unavailable for other programs.

Tip: after installation, the fonts will appear in Photoshop immediately. If this does not happen, restart the editor.

Using manager programs

There are various programs that make it easy to activate a large number of fonts of different, even non-standard formats, and deactivate when they are no longer needed.

The main advantage is that they do not create a load on any operating system, nor on Photoshop. Here are the names of some of them:

  • Adobe Type Manager;
  • Hpfonts;
  • Adobe Type Manager Deluxe;
  • Fonts Expert.
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