How to write on a new line in Odnoklassniki. How to go to new line

As you know, by default, one cell of an Excel sheet contains one row with numbers, text or other data. But what if you need to move text within one cell to another line? This task can be accomplished using some of the program's features. Let's figure out how to make a line feed in a cell in Excel.

Some users try to move text inside a cell by pressing a button on the keyboard Enter. But by doing this they only achieve that the cursor moves to the next line of the sheet. We will consider transfer options within the cell, both very simple and more complex.

Method 1: Using the Keyboard

The easiest way to move to another line is to place the cursor in front of the segment that needs to be moved, and then type a key combination on the keyboard Alt+Enter.

Unlike using only one button Enter, using this method, exactly the desired result will be achieved.

Method 2: Formatting

If the user is not tasked with moving strictly defined words to a new line, but only needs to fit them within one cell without going beyond its boundaries, then you can use the formatting tool.

After this, if the data extends beyond the boundaries of the cell, it will automatically expand in height and the words will begin to wrap. Sometimes you have to expand the boundaries manually.

To avoid formatting each individual element in this way, you can select an entire area at once. The disadvantage of this option is that the transfer is performed only if the words do not fit within the boundaries, and the division is carried out automatically without taking into account the user’s wishes.

Method 3: Using a Formula

You can also carry out transfer within a cell using formulas. This option is especially relevant if the content is output using functions, but it can be used in ordinary cases.

The main disadvantage of this method is the fact that it is more difficult to implement than previous options.

In general, the user must decide for himself which of the proposed methods is best to use in a particular case. If you only want all the characters to fit within the boundaries of the cell, then simply format it as necessary, or it is best to format the entire range. If you want to transfer specific words, then type the appropriate key combination, as described in the description of the first method. The third option is recommended to be used only when data is pulled from other ranges using a formula. In other cases, the use of this method is irrational, since there are much simpler options for solving the problem.

Today we will tell you about VKontakte hotkeys. If the VKontakte website is compared with the Facebook website, then VKontakte does not have such hotkeys that allow you to like and repost posts. But on VKontakte there are keys that allow you to speed up communication on the wall and in chats, as well as conveniently listen to audio recordings.

There is another option for moving a line - the Enter key, and sending a comment - a combination of the Ctrl and Enter keys. By the way, you can do it using hotkeys.

You have the opportunity to select a key combination that is convenient for you. To select hotkeys in Contact, you need to hover your mouse over the “Send” button under the comment. A new window with sending settings will open in front of you. Here you can select either the first or second key set option. To do this, move the mouse cursor over the option you like and click with the left mouse button.

How to control audio recordings using keys?

Audio recordings are one of the most popular sections of VKontakte. Few people know that it is now possible to control the audio player using multimedia hot keys on the keyboard. Today we will tell you what hot keys exist on the VKontakte social network. There is nothing complicated about controlling the player.

Hot buttons for audio player

Key Can be used to play audio or pause the track currently playing. Using the key You can play the previous audio recording using the key – the next one. If you press the key , you will completely stop playing the audio track. After you stop it, you will not be able to play it again using VK hotkeys. If you want to start playing the same audio recording again, you will need to click on the “Play” button on VKontakte.

You can use VKontakte hotkeys if the audio player is open in the background tab, but your VKontakte page must also be open in the main tab. But the keys only work when you are using a browser that is based on Chromium.

Those who are users of the X operating system can use the VK Player Controller application, through which the user can listen, pause, stop and switch audio recordings using the F7–F9 media keys. Users of the X operating system simultaneously have access to the current playlist from the status. Now you know what hot keys exist on VKontakte, and you can easily use them!

With constant typing, when one line ends, the cursor mechanically moves to the next one. In order to go to a new line exactly in the place that the user determines, you need to use a key or a key combination prepared for this.


1. In most programs designed for entering and editing text, the Enter key is used to move to the next line. If you need to go down one line, press the indicated key once, if by two (three, ten) - continue pressing the key until you go down to the desired line.

2. The serial number of the line in the Microsoft Office Word editor can be seen in the status bar, which is located under the work area. Right-click on it and select the “Line Number” item in the context menu with the left mouse button in order to track document statistics.

3. An ordinary line break does not invariably indicate the introduction of a new paragraph, because the paragraph is usually indented. To mark a paragraph, press the Space key several times or set the necessary parameters in the settings. To do this, select the desired piece of text and right-click on it.

4. In the context menu, select “Paragraph” and a new dialog box will open. In it, go to the “Indents and Spacing” tab and set the “Indent” value in the “First Line” field in the “Indent” group. If necessary, set your indent width and click OK. The dialog box will close mechanically and the settings will be applied to the selected text fragment.

5. To move to a new line in other applications, you sometimes need to use a keyboard shortcut. The Enter key remains the core key; the Ctrl, Shift or Alt keys can be used as an additional one. So, for example, a simple single press of the Enter key in Microsoft Office Excel will cause the cursor to move to the next cell. To continue entering text from a new line in one cell, use the Alt and Enter combination.

6. In ICQ and QIP applications, everything depends on the selected settings. Sending a message can be done by pressing the Enter key, then to move to a new line use the combination of Ctrl and Enter. If sending text, on the contrary, is displayed on the designated keys, then the transition to a new line will be carried out by pressing the Enter key once.

Video on the topic

Not every user knows how to move a VKontakte line. Moreover, many do not even realize that such a social network function exists. The question of how to transfer text on Vkontakte often causes a number of difficulties for users. However, there are several ways to do this quickly and easily.

How to move a line in a VKontakte message

This is the most common problem that people face while sending messages. Sometimes a line break is simply necessary and the user, out of habit, presses the Enter key to move to a new line. But in this case, the message is sent instantly. To prevent this from happening, you must use the Enter + Shift key combination. This command will move the cursor to a new line.

You can do it differently. To do this, you need to hover the cursor over the “Submit” button in dialog box mode. It is located to the right of the input field and is an icon in the form of a paper airplane. After this, a pop-up window will appear in which you can change the keyboard shortcuts for shortcuts. By changing the parameter, a line break in a VKontakte message will be carried out using the Enter key.

How to move a VKontakte line in status

Moving a VKontakte line in a status will be a little more difficult than in a message. In order for everything to work out, you need to follow a few simple steps:

  1. Open your VKontakte page;
  2. In the field for entering status, write any two words or letters;
  3. Copy and paste the following code   in between;
  4. Make sure there are spaces between the code and the words;
  5. Click save and refresh the page;
  6. You will see that the code itself has disappeared, replaced by empty space;
  7. Select and copy it;
  8. Now erase all the characters from the line and write the status you like;
  9. Where necessary, paste in the empty space you copied earlier. Do this as many times as necessary;
  10. Click the save button. As a result, you will see that you have a status in several lines.

The simple methods discussed in this article allow you to move the VKontakte line in the text without much effort. This is very useful when sending large messages, especially those that use poems. And moving a line in the contact status will make the page more original.

If you know other working ways to move a line to VK easily and simply, write in the comments