Individual assignments for schoolchildren, puzzles, etc. About animals and birds

Good afternoon, our curious readers! Puzzles for 1st grade in pictures are very useful to solve not only for children, but also for adults. They help pass the time with an exciting activity, and also develop imagination, ingenuity and logic.

Do you want your student to give his brain a good workout? Practice yourself first. We have selected for you 15 types of entertaining puzzles that will use the student's knowledge in writing, mathematics and other subjects. All puzzles come with answers.

Why are puzzles needed?

Teachers sometimes offer to solve puzzles in class and sometimes assign them to the children at home. In modern textbooks for the first grade, for example, in Goretsky's alphabet, you will find many similar tasks. These unusual puzzles allow you to:

  • increase the student’s interest in perceiving new information;
  • develop flexibility of thinking;
  • look for non-standard solutions;
  • open the mind;
  • relieve unnecessary stress during the study process;
  • add variety to your classes.

You can print interesting encryptions for every taste from the Internet. You can also sit your child down at the computer so he can solve puzzles online.

Basic rules for composing puzzles

Has it ever happened to you that your son or daughter asks you to help solve a puzzle, you eagerly take on it - and cannot solve it? We know why this happens. You should learn the basic rules for composing such tasks.

Upside down picture

If the picture shows an upside-down object, then its name should be inserted backwards into the answer.

For example, the solution to this puzzle looks like this: “KA” + inverted “CAT” = “KA” + “TOK”.

Answer: "Rink".

Using commas

This is one of the most common techniques. The comma in the picture means that a letter needs to be removed from the word. The number of commas always equals the number of characters to be removed.

In this case, commas to the left of the image mean that you need to remove the first letters, and commas to the right of the picture call for discarding the last ones.

Answer: "Boar".

The letter next to the picture

The letter next to the picture will definitely become part of the answer. If it stands before the image, then its place is at the beginning of the word, if after it, then at the end. Such tasks are simple, so it is best to start introducing a first-grader to puzzles with them.

Answer: "Screen".

Strikethrough letter or equal sign

Often a crossed out letter is written next to the picture, and another is indicated next to it. This means that the crossed out letter in the word denoting the depicted object must be replaced with another. Follow the same principle if you see a mathematical equal sign between letters.

Answer: "Cow."

Numbers below the picture

If you see numbers under or above the image, then write the name of the picture and rearrange the letters in the specified order.

Answer: "Strongman."

There are also more complex versions of similar puzzles. If there are fewer numbers written under the image than there are letters in the given word, then from the name we take only those characters whose numbers are indicated in the picture.

Horizontal line

The horizontal line that divides the riddle into upper and lower parts indicates that the preposition “above”, “under” or “on” will appear in the middle of the word.

Answer: "Ditch".

Letters inside the image

A letter or object located inside a symbol or geometric figure means that the preposition “in” will appear in the answer.

Answers: “Crow”, “Harm”.

Drawing after drawing

If the images seem to be hiding one behind the other, then it’s time to use the word “for.”

Answer: Kazan.

A letter consisting of small letters

When small characters are made up of one big one, feel free to use the preposition “from”.

Answer: "Below."


The image of the notes in the puzzle serves as a reason for using their names in the solution. Children who don't know the notes are usually given a hint.

Answer: “Share”, “Beans”.

Symbols holding hands

If the letters are holding hands, then to guess the answer we use the preposition “and” or “s”.

Answer: "Wasp".

Running symbols

When cheerful letters run away from each other or joyfully run towards each other, we use the preposition “to” or “from”.

The answer is “churn.”

Numbers next to letters

If the picture shows letters and numbers next to them, then in the answer we use the name of the number in combination with the indicated symbols.

Answer: "Parking".

Some numbers may be encrypted under different names. For example, the number “1” can sound like “one”, “one” or even “count”.

Answer: “Fork.”

Mathematical operations

In rebuses you can encrypt not only words, but also numbers. For example, to guess these seemingly simple examples, you have to think carefully and use your knowledge of mathematics:

A triangle denotes a number with one digit. Moreover, if you add it 4 times, you get a single-digit number, indicated by a square, and if you add it 5 times, you get a two-digit number, indicated in the figure by a circle and a diamond.


2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 8,

2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 10.

Combined encryption

Offer your student different variations of puzzles more often, and soon he will be able to solve them on his own with ease. Now you can move on to more sophisticated task options. For example, how do you like this option?

Answer: "Oar".

Learning with interest

Well, are you convinced that solving puzzles is a whole science with its own concepts and rules? We hope we were able to help you understand it. How to instill in a child an interest in such a creative way of learning? "Eureka" will give some simple tips:

  • Start with the simplest tasks and gradually move on to more complex ones.
  • Act unobtrusively.
  • Come up with puzzles yourself and involve your child in this activity.
  • Use puzzle solving as a competition with prizes for the winners - for example, at a children's birthday party.
  • Help your child if he cannot complete the task for a long time.
  • Praise him for correct decoding and be gentle if he fails.

We are happy to dispel the myth that studying is difficult and boring. We hope we succeeded! Convey a positive attitude to your young student and share your impressions in the comments to this article. See you soon!

Rebus is a logic game in which you have to guess the answer from a picture. The latter depicts objects, animals and plants, letters and numbers. Their relative position matters. Even for fidgets, puzzles can be a fun activity if presented in a playful way. For example, you can offer to teach your child how to solve spy codes.

And from the simplest picture puzzles for preschool age to relatively complex ones. We assure you: if your child gets carried away and learns to use logical thinking, over time you will learn from him how to solve riddles in pictures.

Puzzles have been invented on a huge variety of topics. The main thing is that every word, letter and object that serves as an answer to the picture is already familiar to the baby.

How to solve puzzles for children with letters in pictures?

If you are interested in puzzles, then most likely you know the benefits of these logic puzzles. They develop memory, intelligence, speed of thinking, the ability to navigate a situation and apply the knowledge already acquired.

To teach a 6-7 year old child how to solve problems correctly, first explain to him the rules. There is no need to insist that he remember everything at once. Most likely, you don’t know them all yourself. It’s better to explain one or two things a day and support them with thematic tasks. The latter can be printed (more convenient for outdoor activities) or shown from the monitor. In subsequent classes, it is also better not to offer too much material. It is important to explain to the child that first he needs to correctly identify and name the object shown in the picture. And only then apply the rules in relation to this word.

So, let's read the basic rules! In particular, we will determine what a comma, a strikethrough, an inverted object and other subtleties mean in pictures.

  • What does a comma mean at the beginning or end of a rebus?
    A comma at the bottom or at the top before the picture means that one letter at the beginning must be dropped from the name of the depicted object. Accordingly, we see two commas - we discard the first two letters. These icons are very common.
  • What does an inverted comma at the beginning or end mean?
    The rules for inverted commas are similar to the rules for regular commas (see previous paragraph).
  • What do the crossed out and added letters mean?
    A crossed out letter in the picture means that it needs to be excluded from the name of the drawn object (and another one must be added, if indicated). Added to the left or right of the picture - you need to add it to the word at the beginning and at the end.
  • What do the numbers in the puzzles mean?
    Numbers can have two meanings. Do they stand above the word? To guess the answer, you need to rearrange the letters from place to place in the indicated order. The name of a number can be part of a word (often “one hundred”, “five” are used). A crossed out number means that the letter with that serial number must be excluded from the word. It should be remembered that some numbers, as well as objects, can have several names (unit - “count”, “one”, “one”).
  • What does the plus sign and the equal sign mean?
    If there is a plus sign between words (symbols), then they need to be added to each other. Sometimes “+” means the preposition “to”; the necessary one is chosen according to the meaning. The equal sign (for example, A=K) indicates that all the letters “A” in the word should be replaced with the letters “K”.
  • Vertical or horizontal line in tasks?
    A horizontal line means “under”, “over”, “above” and “on” at the same time, depending on the context. Used with letters or pictures, when one part is drawn below the line, the other above. Sometimes denotes a fraction (half of something, that is, “half-”).
  • Arrangement of letters in the picture and prepositions
    It is important to look at the relative position of the letters. If they are placed one inside the other, it means that the preposition “in” is added to their names. One letter is drawn after another - meaning the preposition “behind” or “before”.
  • The object in the picture is drawn upside down? To get the answer, you need to read the word backwards. Children 6-7 years old can easily turn short words in their minds. True, the number of such tasks is quite limited.

Most often, puzzles use several rules simultaneously. It is believed that at the age of 6-7 years, children are already familiar with letters and clearly know their names. If a younger student has not yet encountered commas, teaching him a new symbol will not be particularly difficult.

Examples of puzzles in pictures for children 6-7 years old with answers

Children 6-7 years old and younger perceive material much better in connection with some memorable event. Puzzles about animals will be solved with delight if you offer them to your child the next day after visiting the zoo. A first-grader girl who is eager to enroll in a music school will be interested in musical puzzles. And a child, a boy impressed by the planetarium, will like pictures about space.

About animals and birds

When giving children a task about birds or animals, make sure that they have already encountered such animal names and also understand everything that is shown in the picture.

Puzzles about family, about mother

Who is the sweetest for a child, if not mommy! And who does he happily meet every time, except mom and dad? Children will really enjoy recognizing and guessing their grandparents, sisters and other relatives in the encrypted pictures. Print or draw brighter pictures and start having fun while teaching your child at the same time!

About sports, about health

Puzzles about work, health, sports, professions and many others can be used as thematic game aids. Is there a lesson or conversation planned on one of the topics in the graduating group of kindergarten, first grades of school or at home? A riddle in the form of a picture will allow you to learn the material better than an ordinary faceless story. Kids will be interested in the non-standard presentation of the material.

Puzzles based on fairy tales

Fairy tales with familiar characters, modern or classic cartoons are an inexhaustible source of inspiration. If your child is not very interested in logical riddles, you can try to get him interested in guessing his favorite characters. There are many more mysteries on this topic than are given as an example. Knowing your child’s interests and favorite fairy tales, you can create puzzles in the form of applications yourself.

Puzzles for younger students about school supplies

Lyubarskaya Tatyana Ravilevna
Target: improving the thinking apparatus of students through the use of school-themed puzzles.
Tasks: teach children to solve puzzles; develop skills to work in a team.

Puzzles are a game that all children enjoy. This material can be used as a game moment in class and extracurricular activities. Solving puzzles can be accompanied by poetry.

Answer: briefcase

Offended briefcase
The briefcase grumbled offendedly:
- So and so! Slacker!
Where did he go without me?
Today is Monday!

I took the ball and immediately over the threshold,
I was thrown under the bed.
All! We were late for class.
Now we get a two.

It happened that he would throw it on the way, -
I fly anywhere.
But in order not to go to school...
This never happened!

Let this not be my fault, -
I worry too much.
And he ran away - and at least he didn't care.
This is how to serve the boys!

It’s already evening outside the window, -
Everyone wears it somewhere!
The briefcase did not yet know that
That summer has come.
Vera Kapustina

Answer: pen

Handle like a figure skater
Silently glides across the sheet.
Thin-legged artist
It slows down only at points.

Very smooth and graceful
Dances "pa"
Carves so brilliantly
Interesting words.

Word by word, rhyme by rhyme
And a new verse comes out.
Let people read it -
The dance of the hand is for them.

Answer: pencil case

Why did Penal suffer?
The pencil kicked him.
If you were kicked,
Wouldn't you suffer?
Ilyina G.

Answer: paints

Mom bought me paints
Well, I forgot the brush.
Only I don’t get discouraged -
I dip my fingers in paint,
I put them on paper,
I draw the lines deftly.
I wanted to draw a wreath -
The result was an octopus.
I decided to draw a house,
A strange fat gnome came out.
Fingers drew a cat,
Grandfather asked: “Isn’t it an owl?”
No, do you see? - Here's the mustache!
Grandfather nodded - Like a fox.
I understand old people:
They can't see without glasses
Moskalenko V.

Answer: pencil

I am a little pencil.
I wrote a hundred pieces of paper.
And when I started,
It was difficult to fit into the pencil case.
The schoolboy writes. And it grows!
Well, I’m the opposite!
Berestov V.

Answer: ruler

I am a ruler. Directness -
My main trait.
Berestov V.

Answer: eraser

I am an eraser. I am a rubber band
Little grimy back.
But my conscience is clear:
I erased the blot from the sheet!

I hope this development will help you have an interesting time!