Microsoft office package. Ten best office software packages

Microsoft Office 2010 is one of the most popular suite of applications for PCs, smartphones and tablets with many features. Creating text documents, drawing up reports and business plans, developing and printing marketing materials, maintaining an address book, using the functions of a personal assistant and email client - this is not a complete list of the capabilities of the new software release.

The most notable new feature is the Office Backstage view, which in the previous version looked like a separate button with several commands. Now this is a full-fledged tab with functions and various operations. The Office 2010 menu is divided into three columns: on the left there are sections and available operations, on the right: a preview of the file is displayed, and the central one contains additional sub-items of commands from the left column.

All programs included in Office 2010 have completely switched to ribbon management (in the previous release, OneNote and Visio were deprived of this feature).

Microsoft Office 2010 includes:

  1. Word is a word processor with extensive capabilities for creating text documents with graphic illustrations, graphs and diagrams. Provides support for document collaboration, as well as formatting using OfficeArt objects. Enhanced navigation and search functions greatly facilitate software management. You can install it even with the simplest version of the office suite.
  2. Excel is a dynamic tool that allows you to analyze available data, calculate development options, draw up reports and present them in an easy-to-read form. All this is possible thanks to powerful tools and functions and high-quality visualization elements.
  3. PowerPoint is a program for creating slide shows, as well as their portable presentation, which has extensive transition capabilities, support for animation, as well as audio and video files of the highest resolution.
  4. Outlook is an email client with many tools, support for social networks and Web services, which can significantly reduce the amount of time you spend communicating with other users.
  5. Access is a more advanced database application with improved programming logic. The software easily integrates with BDS and Business Data Catalog, and also provides 25 high-quality templates.
  6. Publisher is a desktop publishing system that can be downloaded as part of Office 2010. With simple controls, you can quickly master creating marketing materials. The resulting publication can be sent by mail or printed. The new release features improved document editing and navigation.
  7. InfoPath is software for developing dynamic forms that allow you to distribute and manage data within a single organization.
  8. Visio is a set of tools for working with diagrams, which has many pictures, templates, shapes and tools for automatic drawing.
  9. OneNote is a note-taking application that comes free in 6 of 7 versions of Office 2010. As with all products, there is also a ribbon control and navigation has been significantly improved. Now all entries will be clearly organized.

Microsoft Office 2010 is a suite of office utilities for editing presentations, printing and formatting text, filling out spreadsheets, and much more. Microsoft Office is rightfully considered the most popular program among all software. The office has been a leader for several decades. So, by the way, millions of people around the world managed to download Office 2010 for free for Windows 7. Constant release of updates improves Office more and more and enriches its functionality. Developers listen to user feedback and make changes based on it.

First look atMicrosoft Office 2010

Installing Microsoft Office 2010 should not cause you much difficulty, because the installation process is absolutely standard and does not require powerful system resources. When you open Office 2010 for the first time, you will most likely be slightly surprised: the interface has acquired a completely new look - ribbon. This type of menu has become very popular recently.

Despite the user's level of advancement and the assigned tasks, working with Office 2010 will be simple and effective. Two different versions have been developed for a 32-bit and 64-bit operating system. The creators of the package also provided a choice between several versions of Microsoft Office, depending on where it will be used:

  • "Starting"
  • "For study and home"
  • "For business and home"
  • "Professional"
  • “Standard” and “Professional Plus” (special versions for contract users)

PossibilitiesMicrosoft Office 2010

With Microsoft Office 2010, you will no longer need to search for and install other office programs, because all the necessary tools are already included in the package. Office is able to automate repetitive steps in creating and editing various documents and make even the most difficult work, such as processing tables and databases, easier for you.

Top 5 toolsMicrosoft Office 2010:

  1. Word. A powerful application for processing and formatting any text files, as well as creating a document from scratch.
  2. Excel. A table editor with a huge range of functions, capable of structuring information in tables and processing it in the future.
  3. PowerPoint. An excellent product for presenting any material and supplementing a report with a presentation. Moreover, slides can be filled with a variety of media components.
  4. Visio. A convenient program for creating and designing diagrams based on entered technical and economic data.
  5. Access. Multifunctional utility for preparing and updating databases.

AdvantagesMicrosoft Office 2010

The main advantage of Microsoft Office 2010 is its rich software content, which provides solutions to any office tasks through wide functionality. Office 2010 can be used even on smartphones and tablets, not just on computers. The package is also capable of opening PDF files without the help of third-party applications.


The main disadvantage of Microsoft Office 2010, which users talk about, was the long adaptation to the new menu in the form of a ribbon. This especially affected those who switched from earlier versions directly to Office 2010. However, this is a temporary drawback that quickly disappears.


Nowadays, almost every computer has Microsoft Office installed. It has become simply indispensable, not only for office workers and students, but also for the average user. For those who, for some reason, are not yet using the package, we advise you to download Office 2010 for free for Windows 7 on your device.

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Worin besteht der Unterschied zwischen Office 2010 und Office 365?

Office 365-Pläne umfassen die Premium-Versionen dieser Anwendungen plus weitere Dienste, die über das Internet angeboten werden, darunter der Onlinespeicherdienst OneDrive und Skype-Gesprächsminuten für die private Nutzung. Mit Office 365 erhalten Sie die umfassenden Funktionen einer installierten Office-Version auf PCs, Macs, Tablets (einschließlich iPad® und Android™-Tablet) und Smartphones. Office 365-Pläne sind als Monats- oder Jahresabonnement erhältlich. Weitere Informationen.

Wie kann ich feststellen, ob Office 365 auf meinem Computer ausgeführt werden kann?

Ist für Office 365 ein Internetzugang erforderlich?

Für die Nutzung der Office-Anwendungen wie Word, Excel und PowerPoint ist keine Verbindung mit dem Internet erforderlich, da die Anwendungen vollständig auf Ihrem Computer installiert sind.

Sie benötigen jedoch einen Internetzugang, wenn Sie die aktuelle Version der Office-Suites oder einen der Office 365-Abonnementpläne installieren und aktivieren möchten. Bei Office 365-Plänen wird der Internetzugang auch benötigt, um Ihr Abonnementkonto zu verwalten, z. B. zum Installieren von Office auf anderen PCs oder zum Ändern der Abrechnungsoptionen. Auch für den Zugriff auf Dokumente, die auf OneDrive gespeichert sind, ist ein Internetzugang erforderlich, es sei denn, Sie haben die OneDrive-Desktopanwendung installiert.

Sie sollten darüber hinaus auch regelmäßig die Verbindung zum Internet herstellen, um Ihre Office-Version auf dem neuesten Stand zu halten und die Vorteile der automatischen Upgrades zu nutzen. Wenn Sie sich nicht mindestens alle 31 Tage mit dem Internet verbinden, wechseln Ihre Anwendungen in den Modus mit eingeschränkter Funktionalität, was bedeutet, dass Sie Ihre Dokumente zwar anzeigen oder drucken, jedoch nicht bearbeiten können. Darüber hinaus können Sie in diesem Modus auch keine neuen Dokumente erstellen. Um Ihre Office-Anwendungen wieder zu aktivieren, stellen Sie einfach eine Verbindung mit dem Internet her.

Habe ich mit Office 365 die volle Kontrolle über meine Dokumente?

Ja. Von Ihnen erstellte Dokumente bleiben vollständig in Ihrem Besitz. Sie können die Dokumente online auf OneDrive oder lokal auf Ihrem PC oder Mac speichern.

Wenn Sie Ihr Abonnement kündigen oder das Abonnement abläuft, können Sie weiterhin auf alle Ihre Dateien zugreifen oder diese herunterladen, indem Sie sich direkt mit dem Microsoft-Konto, das Sie zum Einrichten von Office 365 verwendet haben, bei OneDrive anmelden. Sie verlieren allerdings den zusätzlichen Speicher, den Ihr Abonnement beinhaltet. Daher müssen Sie Ihre Dateien an einem anderen Ort speichern oder weiteren OneDrive-Speicher erwerben, wenn Ihr OneDrive-Konto die Größe des kostenlos verfügbaren Speichers überschreitet.

Wann beginnt mein Abonnement?

Wenn Sie ein Abonnement mit automatischer Verlängerung erworben haben, beginnt Ihr Abonnement mit dem Kaufabschluss. Abonnements mit automatischer Verlängerung können Sie auf,, iTunes® und bei einigen Fachhändlern erwerben. Wenn Sie ein Prepaid-Abonnement erworben haben, beginnt Ihr Abonnement, sobald Sie es aktiviert haben und die Seite "Mein Konto" angezeigt wird. Prepaid-Abonnements können Sie im Fachhandel oder über einen Microsoft Support-Mitarbeiter erwerben.

Wie kann ich Office 365 mit den übrigen Mitgliedern meines Haushalts teilen?

Wenn Sie über ein aktives Office 365 Home-Abonnement verfügen, können Sie die Vorteile Ihres Abonnements mit bis zu vier Mitgliedern Ihres Haushalts teilen. Jedes Mitglied des Haushalts, mit dem Sie das Abonnement teilen, kann jede der für Sie verfügbaren Installationen auf einem PC, Mac, iPad, Android-Tablet, Windows-Tablet, iPhone® oder Android-Smartphone nutzen, erhält 1 TB zusätzlichen OneDrive-Speicher und kann die eigenen Installationen unter verwalten.

Um Ihrem Abonnement einen weiteren Nutzer hinzuzufügen, rufen Sie auf, und folgen Sie den Anweisungen auf dem Bildschirm zum Hinzufügen eines Nutzers. Jede Person, die Sie hinzufügen, erhält eine E-Mail mit Anweisungen. Sobald die Einladung akzeptiert und die Schritte in der E-Mail ausgeführt wurden, werden die Informationen der Person, einschließlich der verwendeten Installationen, auf der Seite "Mein Konto" angezeigt. Unter können Sie das Teilen Ihres Abonnements beenden oder ein Gerät entfernen, das von einem der hinzugefügten Nutzer verwendet wird.

Was it "die Cloud"?

Der Begriff "Cloud" ist eine gängige Bezeichnung für webbasierte IT-Dienste, die außerhalb Ihres Haushalts oder Ihres Unternehmens gehostet werden. Wenn Sie cloudbasierte Dienste verwenden, befindet sich die IT-Infrastruktur außerhalb Ihres Standorts (wird nicht lokal gehostet) und wird von einem Drittanbieter (Host) unterhalten und nicht auf einem selbst verwalteten Server bei Ihnen zu Hause oder im Unternehmen (lokal). Im Fall von Office 365 erfolgen Datenspeicherung und -verarbeitung z. B. remote auf Servern, die von Microsoft gehostet und verwaltet werden und auf denen sich auch die Software befindet. Viele Dienste, die Sie tagtäglich verwenden, befinden sich in der Cloud, ob webbasierte E-Mails, Onlinebanking oder Online-Fotoportale. Da sich diese Infrastruktur online oder "in der Cloud" befindet, können Sie von praktisch überall aus darauf zugreifen – mit einem Desktop-PC, einem Mac, einem Tablet, einem Smartphone oder einem anderen Gerät mit Internetzugang.

Office programs are needed on any computer, home or work. Write essays, prepare presentations, calculate the family budget in a table - whatever one may say, you can’t do without standard software. The most popular package is Microsoft Office, but you have to pay for it. But there are other options, absolutely free.

Microsoft Office Online

Platform: web

In fact, Microsoft provides free access to its office suite online through a browser. But not everything: only Word, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote are available. The web version of MS Office requires a Microsoft account (if you have Skype, you most likely have one).

The online version of MS Office, of course, natively supports all Microsoft document formats - docx, xlsx, pptx and their earlier versions (doc, xls, ppt), as well as open formats odt, ods, odp. You can use it purely intuitively, since its interface is similar to new versions of desktop Office. Created documents are saved in the OneDrive cloud. This means that you can work together with them - just give access to the right people via a link.

Documents, however, can be downloaded to a computer in MS Office formats or open formats for offline editing, as well as exported to PDF. The downside is that the online version does not support all the functions of the offline editor (for example, you cannot create a pivot table or an HTML document from a Word file in it). But overall, Microsoft's offer is quite generous.

Google Docs

Platforms: web, Android

Microsoft would never have brought Office online if Google Docs, Slides, and Sheets didn't exist. The world's most popular office collaboration product, integrated with Google Drive, Android operating system and Chrome browser.

To work, you need a Google account (if you have an Android smartphone, you have one). Google Docs perfectly supports all Microsoft office formats, as well as open document formats. The created files are saved in Google Drive, but they can also be exported to your computer - including in HTML, RTF, TXT and EPUB formats. Or edit offline in a browser: to do this you need to install the Chrome browser extension.

The office product has a minimalistic interface, but it’s simply packed with various hidden features - we even . And most importantly, the product is focused on collaboration, and provides a lot of opportunities for collective editing of documents, and in real time.

Apple iWork

Platforms: web, Mac OS, iOS

For fans of Apple devices and software, there is a free alternative to “office”. Apple Pages, Numbers, and Keynote let you work with documents, spreadsheets, and presentations, respectively.

To work with the package, you need MacOS, where it is preinstalled, or an Apple ID to access the iCloud cloud. If you have an iPhone, you have an Apple ID - just go to the iCloud website and enter it. Apple iWork is compatible with Microsoft Office formats and reads them easily. The software package also offers the ability to collaborate with documents, including with PC users (although they will also have to register an Apple ID).

A distinctive feature of this package is the use of proprietary Apple technology features, such as the Apple Pencil on the iPad. In addition, the interface of the Apple office suite is very different from Microsoft Office - for example, in spreadsheets you will see not a table, but a blank sheet. You'll have to get used to this.


Platforms: Windows, Linux, macOS, Android, iOS

The most famous Linux office document editor, developed by volunteers from the Open Document Foundation and pre-installed in the popular Ubuntu distribution, is in fact available for almost all platforms - both desktop and mobile. But it does not have a web version, as well as joint editing capabilities - this is a product for individual work with documents.

But it provides analogues of almost all popular elements of the MS Office package: Writer (Word), Calc (Excel), Impress (PowerPoint), Base (Access), Draw (Visio), as well as the Libre Office Math formula editor, which is equivalent in MS Office No. By default, LibreOffice works with the free OpenDocument formats, but can read MS Office documents and export your work to them.

What a modern user might not like is the old-fashioned editor interface, which evokes Office 2003. The lack of collaboration capabilities is also not very encouraging in 2019. And the saddest thing is the LibreOffice mobile applications, which are only capable of viewing files: they cannot be edited. This can be attributed to development on a voluntary basis, but it is already difficult to compete with such opportunities.


Platforms: web, Windows, Linux, Mac, iOS, Android

The most interesting project OnlyOffice seems to have set itself the goal of embracing the immensity. This is what we think, and OnlyOffice simply decided to create a free office suite that is 100% compatible with the official Microsoft formats: docx, xlsx and pptx. Any file (for example, ODF) that gets into OnlyOffice editors is converted into one of them. At the same time, the software itself is open source; it can even be “forked” on GitHub.

The project is interesting because it is cross-platform. First, documents, presentations, and spreadsheets can be shared through a browser. Secondly, desktop versions have a modern interface, similar to the new MS Office. Thirdly, mobile applications are full-featured editors - not like the previous package.

Both a plus and a minus at the same time: the online version of the office suite, in turn, is a simple electronic document management system - this is a solution for business. You need to register as a representative of the company, and in the future, pay for space in the cloud. The same applies to mobile applications. Only desktop editors are completely open and free.

WPS Office

Platforms: Windows, Linux, Android, iOS

This office suite is familiar to many users of inexpensive Chinese-made phones. The fact is that this is indeed a Chinese copy of Microsoft Office, and quite close to the original. The rule “if there is something good in the West,” works 100% here.

The package includes an editor for documents, tables and presentations, as well as programs for working with PDF, including a converter. Collaboration is not provided - this is also an exclusively individual decision. But synchronization of changes on desktop and mobile devices is available, as in Google Docs.

But at the same time, it is closed - whether to take a closed-source Chinese program on your computer or mobile depends on the level of your paranoia. Although, looking at the list of supported formats, you can close your eyes to this.


Platforms: Windows, Linux, Mac OS

Let's write about this editor out of respect, because it is the first competitor to MS Office on the Linux platform. Now he “lives” under the wing of the Apache Foundation, although how to say he lives - the key developers left the project a long time ago, and its condition has changed little since the late 2000s, when it just “took off”.

The package is intended for installation exclusively on the desktop; collaboration capabilities are not provided. But the set of editors is the same as Libre Office, that is, databases, diagrams, presentations, and mathematics.

OpenOffice works great with ODF formats - that's what it's designed for. Support for Microsoft Office formats is average; the older the format, the better the support. But the interface - welcome to 2003. Moreover, the project is over twenty years old, it is extremely respected, and many continue to use it. Perhaps you are among them?

Microsoft Office 2010 is a professional suite of programs for working with text and graphic materials that allows you to create, edit and share documents. The new version of Microsoft Office has a ribbon interface and the Office Backstage menu, which contains a large number of functions designed to make work easier, and buttons that can be customized to the user’s personal wishes.

If you download and master Microsoft Office, you will immediately feel how your productivity improves, since the list of features is impressive. The interface of Microsoft Office 2010 is clear, because the Russian version is available for each program.

The updated Word has learned to distinguish between foreign languages ​​(there is a mini-translator), can show earlier versions of a file and full information about it. Also received improved search, navigation and editing capabilities for inserted images. OneNote Notebook can sync data with email and recognize not only text, but also voice typing.

In Excel, the visual presentation of tables has changed, there is a function for creating graphs directly in cells (compact), and the filter has been improved for working with large amounts of information. Access can integrate your databases with the Business Data Catalog. New templates have been added to it and convenient database management has been created.

The Power Point editor allows you to work on a group presentation. Inserting videos has become available, and the presentation itself can be published on the Internet via a link. Outlook can serve as a time manager, distributing your to-do list and scheduled meetings through your calendar. The quality of email flow management has improved significantly. Tips appeared in the mail warning about the time of mailing of letters.

Innovations and advantages of Microsoft Office 2010:

  • improved document security;
  • group work in a file;
  • editing images directly in Word or Power Point;
  • remote work with documents;
  • adaptation for Windows (from 8 to XP) on 32 and 64 bit.

By choosing Microsoft Office 2010 free download, you will always have access to documents at hand, even when you are not at your workplace.

Microsoft Office 2010 - free upgrades to Service Pack 2.