How to remove a section break in Word. Switching to a new sheet using the “Breaks” function. What is a page break

Good day everyone! We continue to study the Word editor, and today we will talk about how to get rid of page breaks. If it is necessary for each section to begin on a new sheet, use the page break function. It often happens that users create such breaks quite by accident, for example in the form of a black line.

As usual, today we will use several examples to study how to work with page breaks in various editions Microsoft Word. We read and take it into account.

And sometimes, when copying a very large amount of text into another document new paragraph goes to the next page, that is, a gap is formed again. This upsets us; many people do not know how to remove, for example, a black line. Naturally, there is a need to remove these breaks so that the text runs consecutively, in the form that we need at the moment.

How to remove page breaks in Word 2007 in all text at once

So we need to remove the gap between the pages. There are several options, one of which is to use the " Del" To make it more clear where the gap is and how to remove it, we include a hidden non-printable character.

Now place the cursor at the end of the last typed line or on the left side of the break. After this, press the “Delete” key. If the gap was small, then one click is enough and the text will rise, occupying a new paragraph. If it doesn’t work out the first time, it’s okay. Most likely, the last non-printable character is followed by more spaces or repeated paragraphs.

Press until the text rises. This is a very simple option, best suited for small texts. Another option is to use the search tab. Place the cursor on the first character of the typed text and type the key combination “ Ctrl+F

This will open the search-replace tab. Now click in order “Replace”, after that - “More”. Then go to the “Special” tab and then “Page Break”. Here in the “Find” field we enter “^m”. After that, click “Replace All” again. So we quickly found and removed all page breaks in the document.

By the way, the keyboard shortcut " Ctrl+F." (search) allows you to search for any desired character or word in a document, and, if necessary, replace it with the desired one throughout the document. Use this function, for example, to draw up contracts. This way, you can immediately replace the entire document with the desired date and number, the name of the organization, and the initials of the signatories, if signatures are needed on each sheet. Just copy necessary combinations in the "Replace" field.

How to remove a page break from the next one in Word 2010

In Word version 2010, making breaks is just as easy as in earlier or later versions. Because the we're talking about about non-printable characters, they need to be displayed for more comfortable editing. Click the corresponding button on the panel

Once this symbol is displayed, you may see breaks in the document pages.

Now, placing the cursor at the break point using the " Del» you can remove all existing breaks.

Removing a page break after a table in Office Word 2013

Very often you have to deal with gaps when working with tables. If the table does not fit completely on the page, then the entire cell is automatically transferred to the next sheet. That is, it turns out to be a kind of gap.

To remove such a gap, in the “working with tables” tab, find “layout”.

On the left side of the editor we find “Table Properties”^

A window will open in which you need to go to the “String” tab. Here we check the box “Allow lines to wrap to the next page”.

How to remove a page break in a Word 2016 table

It is often necessary to remove a table break when its size exceeds the table size, since the program automatically breaks and moves the table in a completely different way than we need.

We start by placing the cursor in the line where there should not be a break, i.e., where it needs to be disabled. If the table needs to be placed entirely on the page, then select it by pressing Ctrl+A.

Go to the “Working with Tables” section and select the “Layout” tab.

A window will open in which we go to the “String” tab. Here you need to uncheck the “Allow lines to wrap to the next page” checkbox.

Click “OK”. That's it, breaking the table will be impossible. The last example today will be the ill-fated black line, which so irritates many users.

Removing a page break in the form of a black line from a Word 2003 document

Often, when working with documents, you may encounter such a phenomenon as a black stripe (line) appearing among the text. Moreover, it is impossible to remove it with a simple “delete”, just as it is impossible to place the cursor on it. It appears mainly when copying documents from websites. But removing such a feature is not at all difficult.

The first step is to select the entire document. This can be done either with the mouse, holding down right key, or through the “Select All” menu command, or by pressing the key combination CTRL+A. Next, open the “page settings” window, where you need to go to the “paper source” tab, and here we select “borders”.

A new window will open, here in the “Type” section select “No”.

Click "OK". That's it, the strip has disappeared. Good luck in mastering the Word editor!

Working in text editor Microsoft Word, you probably had to create several documents in one file so that each of them had its own formatting, separate from the rest of the parts. For this purpose, there are sections in Word. Having learned to work with them correctly, you will be able to draw up more complex documentation, reports, articles and, in general, use the program more professionally. In this article, we will take a closer look at how to delete sections in Word, and also talk about how to work with them in general. Let's figure it out. Go!

In some cases, you need to split the text into separate parts with different formatting

Before we move on to deleting, let's look at the adding process. First you need to open the header and footer window. This is done double click along the top or bottom area of ​​the sheet, or go to the “Insert” tab and in the “Header and Footers” block, click “ footer", then select "Edit". Now place the cursor at the end of the sheet after which a break will be added. Open the Page Layout tab. In the Page Setup section, click Breaks. In the list that appears, in the “Section Breaks” group, select “Next Page”. All. Ready. In recent Microsoft versions Word in the “Insert” tab has a separate “Page Break” button, which is located at the very beginning of the tool ribbon. In this case, just place the cursor at the end of the sheet and click on this button.

Please note that deleting partitions must be done strictly in in a certain order. Otherwise you risk ruining the entire text file. Before you start deleting, you need to adjust the orientation of the pages of one document in the same way as in the second. The same should be done with headers and footers. To do this, go to editing mode and click on the “Same as in the previous section” button. This button will appear on the “Design” tab in the “Transitions” block. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • Activate the display mode for all characters. In the toolbar, in the “Paragraph” block there is special button. After clicking it, all paragraphs, spaces, etc. will be marked;
  • In your document, find the line “Section Break”;
  • Remove this line.

Breaking a partition is extremely useful feature for convenient document editing. Breaks are easy to insert and remove when the document is small. But what if you have a huge document with a lot of breaks and you need to remove them all? Today we will figure out how to remove section breaks in Word.

Removing breaks manually

Each break is noted in the text special character. But in regular format its text will not be visible. To do this, you need to click on “Display all characters” on the “Home” tab in the “Paragraph” section.

We follow the gap removal algorithm:

  1. We are looking for a gap in the document. It is marked with a symbol as follows:

  1. Remove the gap with the key
  2. Select each gap one at a time by holding “Ctrl”.

  1. Selected? Now just press delete.

Not the best convenient way, because you will have to go through the entire document from beginning to end. You may also accidentally miss a page break.

Such willfulness will modify the text, shifting its component parts. Therefore, take this factor into account and study the text after removing breaks.

How to remove section breaks in Word: automatic method

There is an easier and more convenient way to remove all gaps at once.

  1. On the main tab, find the “Editing” section at the end. Click on the “Replace” button.

  1. In the window that appears, expand additional settings by clicking on the “More” button.

  1. Select the “Section Break” option from the “special” menu at the bottom of the page.
  2. Enter in the “Find” line «^ b» and replace everything.

Done, you have removed all the breaks with a couple of mouse clicks.


You can also use specially designed macros to format text.

  1. Enter the combination on the keyboard « Alt + Feleven". We get to the programming window.
  2. We create our own team by adding a module and inserting the program code.

Sub DeleSectionBreaks()



With Selection.Find

.Text = "^b"

.Replacement.Text = ""

.Forward = True

.Wrap = wdFindContinue

.Format = False

.MatchCase = False

.MatchWholeWord = False

.MatchByte = False

.MatchAllWordForms = False

.MatchSoundsLike = False

.MatchWildcards = False

.MatchFuzzy = False

End With

Selection.Find.Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll

End Sub

  1. Let's run the macro. The command is executed automatically.

You learned how to remove section breaks in Word not only manually, but also using a program, which greatly simplifies working in Word.

How to remove section breaks in Word: we show you clearly

A section break is a non-printing sign that is hidden from the user and indicates to the Word text editor that it needs to end. current section document and move on to a new one. Typically, users insert section breaks when they need to apply different formatting To different parts document.

But, if you have not encountered a section break before, it can create problems for you when editing text. In this article we will talk about how to remove a section break in the Word text editor. The material will be relevant to everyone modern versions Word editor, including Word 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016.

If you need to remove a section break, this is done very simply. First, you need to activate the display of non-printing characters; this will allow you to see breaks as regular characters and make them easier to delete.

If you are using Word 2007, 2010, 2013 or 2016, then you need to go to the “Home” tab and click on the “ Show all characters" In the screenshot below this button is marked with an arrow. You can also enable the display of non-printable characters from the keyboard; for this, use the key combination CTRL+SHIFT+8.

If you are using Word 2003, then the button to enable the display of non-printing characters is simply on the toolbar, next to the page scale. In the screenshot below this button is marked with an arrow.

After enabling this function, all non-printable characters will begin to be shown on the page. Now you need to go to the section break you want to delete and place your cursor in front of it. The screenshot below shows approximately how it should look. Once the cursor is positioned before the section break, simply click on DELETE button on the keyboard and thus delete it.

also in Word documents There may be page breaks. If you need, then this is done in the same way as with a section break.

First you need to enable the display of non-printable characters, then place the cursor before the page break and delete it using the DELETE button.

Using sections you can set certain parameters page layout and formatting (such as line numbering, columns, or footers) for various parts document. For example, the introductory part of a report may be formatted as one column, and the main part as two columns. If there are no section breaks, Word treats the document as one section.

Single column section

Section break, which defines the layout and formatting of the previous section (1)

Section with two columns

Section break, which defines the layout and formatting of the previous section (3)

Each section break determines the layout and formatting of the preceding section break. For example, if you remove a section break, the text before the break receives the formatting that follows the section break. In the above figure, when you remove the first section break (2), the first section has two columns. The last paragraph mark (¶) in a document controls the section layout and formatting of the last section in the document. If a document contains sections, the last paragraph mark determines the layout and formatting of the entire document.

Important: View select item Page layout.

Inserting a Section Break

Types of Section Breaks

Section break


Next page

Start of a new section on the next page.

Current page

Start of a new section on current page. This section break is useful in documents with columns. It allows you to change the number of columns without starting a new page.

Even page

Start a new section on the next even-numbered page. For example, if you insert an Even Page break at the end of page 3, the next section will start on page 4.

Odd page

Start a new section on the next odd-numbered page. For example, if you insert an Odd Page break at the end of page 3, the next section will start on page 5.

Removing a section break

Note: When you remove a section break, Word combines the text before and after it into one section. The new merged section will use the formatting from the second section (the one that followed the break).

Changing the section break type

    Click the section you want to change.

    On the menu Format select item Document and open the tab Layout.

    On the list beginning of section select the section break type.

Important: The procedures described below must be performed in markup mode. If another mode is used, in the menu View select item Page layout.

Inserting a Section Break

Section break type


Co next page

Inserts a section break and starts a new section on the next page.